Home international passport The Internet as a tool for promoting services for the hospitality industry. Internet marketing of hotels, restaurants, cafes, clubs and tourism

The Internet as a tool for promoting services for the hospitality industry. Internet marketing of hotels, restaurants, cafes, clubs and tourism

The Yandex algorithm “Minusinsk” and the Google filter “Penguin” continue to hunt them and, apparently, this is just the beginning. But if the end of the era of stock exchange links is not far off, then how to promote a hotel website now?

It's time to think not only about the interests of the hotel, but also about the needs of the guests. After all, what brings them to your website is the desire to learn more about you. The extent to which you cope with this task will influence the client’s decision: he will choose you or, alas, your competitor.

Find out what is useful for your site:

More useful content - higher site position

So what does a modern audience need from your hotel website? Let her enjoy useful content. We often find that hoteliers underestimate the power of text on their website. Indeed, their texts often do not bring a positive effect in promotion. This is because they are boring and not relevant.

However, using the example of hotels cooperating with TravelLine, we see that truly useful content increases the ranking of sites in search results. The chain is like this:

  1. The hotel adds good content to its website and updates it regularly.
  2. The hotel website ranks high in search engines.
  3. The number of readers is increasing, and there are more and more views of articles.

Agree, useful content really works. The main thing is to choose the appropriate sections and topics of articles on your website. Let's determine together what will be useful for both the site and visitors. And for examples, let’s turn to the experience of some of our clients who already know what their guests want to read.

Announce special offers

Your hotel probably has promotions that you run for guests. Don’t be silent about them, add a special section to the site. Let its main page contain a short description of all current special offers. And you can “revive” the announcement with the help of photographs that are close to the meaning of the action.

For example, the Riviera Hotel in Khabarovsk briefly and clearly tells website visitors about its special offers. Where appropriate, a “Book with promotion” button is attached:

The Moscow Zvezdnaya Hotel has taken an even more effective path. In addition to announcing all active special offers, she created a separate page for each of them. Conditions and validity periods of the special offer - here is everything that can interest the guest. All he has to do is click on the “Book a room” button:

Please note that in both cases we added a booking form to the promotion descriptions page. It should be here in case the visitor suddenly does not notice the button - and this happens.

"The holiday comes to us"

We've sorted out the separate page for special offers, but you remember that you need to add new content regularly? Therefore, create and describe new promotions, for example, on the occasion of upcoming official holidays. Usually these are non-school days, non-working days and therefore are a time for short trips to other cities. The services of your hotel during such a period will be very useful for many if you have prepared an attractive offer.

Thus, the Nikolaevsky Posad art hotel in Suzdal invites guests to Russia Day, not forgetting to tell about the history of the holiday:

But what if your competitors also use holiday specials and “take away” a lot of your customers? Attract attention to yourself with interesting competitions and be sure to post information about them on social networks. Here, content containing a reference to something free always sells with a bang. Through a chain reaction, many people will learn about you.

This is how the Moscow hotel chain Maxima Hotels operates. In honor of Russia Day, a page describing the photo competition appeared on her website. Participants had to subscribe to communities of the same name on Facebook, Instagram or VKontakte and post an author’s photograph of their favorite place or attraction on their page with the hashtag #maxima_konkurs. And people joined Maxima Hotels groups, and sent their photos, and competed for “likes” under them. In general, we did everything to win four days of free accommodation in a suite for two.

If you are ready for such expenses, then you can come up with the terms of the competition now. Just then don’t forget to write on the website about the results of the competition. Moreover, this will also refresh your content:

Event in the city - guest at the hotel

Do you want to be trendy? Then tune in to event tourism. Try to highlight events that will take place in your city on the hotel website. This could be some major festival, the arrival of a celebrity, any celebration.

For example, the Budapest Hotel in Moscow advertised on its website the celebration of Maslenitsa on the Kuznetsky Bridge, not forgetting to mention its advantageous location: “The Budapest Hotel is within walking distance from Red Square, so you can continue the celebration of Broad Maslenitsa with folk festivities on the main square of the country."

Nearby attractions

If your hotel is also conveniently located, then not writing about it is a real crime. Create a “Sights” section.

There is a separate page for this on the official website of the Izmailovo tourist hotel complexes (Gamma, Delta). What is interesting about their approach? From here you can learn in detail about each nearby attraction. History, opening hours, contact details, map, photo gallery - information for every taste:

Events at the hotel

You can also announce all events that take place at your hotel on the website. Post such content in the “News” or “Events” section.

A good example is on the website of hotels and hostels “Friends” (we warn you that these are not our clients). Apartment parties, film screenings, master classes, and quizzes are held here. Guests can leave comments under each event announcement. By the way, this is a very convenient technique for maintaining feedback with guests.

Write about all the services (even the most original) that your hotel can offer. For example, the 17-story Grand Hotel Kazan has an observation deck. And on her website she invites residents and guests of Kazan to look at the city from above. While guests come to the site for a tour, photo and video shooting, and even marriage registration, the hotel receives additional income.

You don’t think that a hotel website can’t be filled with interesting content, do you? In addition to the topics listed above, you also have guest reviews and notes about celebrities who have visited the hotel. We didn’t say anything at all about the fact that the content should be literate and understandable. Because you understand this without us.

We will tell you how to add the necessary sections to the site or write useful content for it. Leave a request for site maintenance, and you will have a much more reliable (than spam links) tool for website promotion.

Internet marketing of hotels, restaurants, cafes, clubs and tourism. Hotel promotion on social networks

Hotel promotion on social networks - Hotel promotion through social networks

August 27, 2014, 10:06 pm

Social networks help shape the image of any hotel nowadays.

First of all, users understand that if a hotel has shortcomings, the guests will definitely complain about it in the hotel community on one of the social networks. By the way, unscrupulous vacation spots often do not use social networks, fearing that a lot of negativity will be written there, but in fact, a user can post a post, for example, on his wall and simply accompany it with a hashtag with the name of the hotel, thereby creating a kind of anchor for users who are looking for a review about this hotel. Therefore, it is better to have your own representation in all common social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram).

Now let's figure it out - how to promote hotel services on social networks?

To do this, there are many marketing methods and tools on social networks that allow you to interact exclusively with the target audience.

  • Creating an official community is where you need to start your presence on social networks. Proper design and optimization of the community will help attract the first participants without much investment.
  • Advertising seeding - this method will provide recognition to your hotel and help build it as a brand.
  • Targeted advertising is an integral part of promoting a hotel on social networks, because... allows you to attract an audience that is most suitable for the guests of your hotel. There are many ways here - from “attacking” members of competitor communities to people who travel frequently or are interested in specific brands.

It is worth noting that illiterate management of communities and the wrong strategy can only worsen the hotel’s image, so it is necessary to trust promotion on social networks only to professionals.

The cost of hotel promotion starts from 30,000 rubles.


The hotel industry is embracing social media

Today, almost every hotel and hotel, in order to attract customers and make a profit, has its own website, where it provides online booking services, and also places its advertising on booking sites. However, recently a new trend has appeared in the hotel business - to promote your “property” using social networks. The head of the famous advertising agency Marketing Horeca, Armen Kalajyan, will help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of this type of advertising and how to use it effectively.

The use of Internet resources to attract customers mainly occurs in two ways: through commercial booking sites, such as the most popular European service booking.com, and through search or classified advertising.

Another way to promote your property on the Internet is to use the international website Trip Advisor. On this resource, travelers from different countries share their reviews and impressions about holidays at various resorts, visiting attractions, staying in hotels and inns, and the quality of service in restaurants and cafes. The site compiles ratings of hotels and inns, so many hoteliers use Trip Advisor to get objective information about their establishment.

Let's first figure out how advertising a property through a booking site and search advertising differs from promoting it through social networks. The first option uses simple advertising techniques. The hotel posts a text describing its room capacity, amenities and additional services, as well as the possibility of providing discounts. Now we just hope that colorful photographs and well-written text will attract the attention of guests and they will book a room by clicking on the official link.

However, there are two problems here. The first is that most hoteliers use this method of promoting a property, and therefore it is almost impossible to predict which establishment a potential client will choose. The second problem is that it is difficult for a person who wants to book a room to make a choice among a huge number of monotonous offers. As a result, he has to place a reservation at the first hotel he likes or focus on an establishment that has many positive reviews. However, do not forget that a review is the subjective opinion of one client.

Placing photographs, descriptions and price lists on booking sites depersonalizes hotels. There is no way to emphasize the individuality of the establishment or tell its story. For a person who goes on a trip, everything is important: the area, the sights, and, of course, the hotel in which he will stay. Of course, the location of the establishment, the view from the window, and affordability matter. But vacationers are interested in staying in a place that is surrounded by legends or located in an unusual building.

An example is the Tchaikovsky Hotel, located in a quiet area of ​​the city of Kaliningrad. There are no famous attractions or developed infrastructure nearby. The cost of living in the establishment is quite high, but the hotel does not suffer from the lack of guests.

A well-created image of the establishment allows a hotelier to conduct business successfully. The fact is that guests are offered accommodation in a building from the early 20th century, built in a modernist style and decorated with various decorative elements. In addition, the mansion is a cultural heritage site of local significance.

Another hotel from the provincial outback, located in a picturesque place in the city of Plesa, Ivanovo region, decided to attract attention by playing on the Russian person’s love for everything unusual. The establishment has the simple name “Private Visit”. Thanks to a couple of laudatory articles on the pages of well-known online publications, the hotel has no end to those who want to relax here or simply taste delicious and mouth-watering pies and European cuisine in the restaurant.

“Private Visit” positions itself as a guest house consisting of several wooden houses. Moreover, these are not new buildings. Guests have a unique opportunity to relax in a real Russian hut of the 19th century, where all modern amenities are present, including Internet and television.

Skillful use of Facebook helped the owner of the CoffeeHostel hotel make his establishment one of the most popular in Nizhny Novgorod. Moreover, the only advantages of this hotel were low prices and location in the historical part of the city. Unfortunately, the hostel ceased to exist at the end of last year due to the opening of an entertainment venue next door.

The originality and uniqueness of a hotel is very difficult to reflect on room booking services and completely impossible in search advertising. One can, of course, argue that now each establishment has acquired a personal website where you can describe all its advantages and advantages. However, the next problem arises here – site traffic. To increase the number of visitors, you will have to spend a lot of money and time.

It is no coincidence that the hotel business and, first of all, small hotels that do not have the funds to advertise in the print press and on television, have begun to actively explore popular social networks, where they can tell a multimillion-dollar audience in detail about the image of their establishment. Let's look at the main advantages of promoting a hotel through social networks:

  • a huge number of users who view the news feed every day and share interesting posts on their page;
  • You can constantly update news about the hotel, tell interesting facts about its location, nearby attractions, additional services and discounts for regular customers. Agree that it is unrealistic to implement this on a booking site.
  • a constant increase in the number of subscribers to your page, and, accordingly, an increase in the number of potential clients.

Only competent use of social networks will help achieve the benefits described above. Let's look at errors in working with your page using the example of the Heliopark Hotels&Resorts hotel chain. They post mainly posts covering future promotions and upcoming events. Here are a few of them: an offer to spend New Year's holidays at their hotel; advertising a new hotel; discounts on weekend tours and more.

However, such advertisements are of little interest to social network users. It is unlikely that out of 1000 subscribers to the Heliopark Hotels&Resorts page there will be 10 who will be interested in such offers. As the analysis of this page shows, its subscribers are practically not interested in the posts published here.

The situation is different with one hotel near Moscow, the name of which, at the request of the owner, we do not indicate. The room rates here are almost the same as at Heliopark Hotels&Resorts. However, the number of subscribers to the page of a hotel near Moscow is constantly growing, and posts in the group are of great interest. We will talk about how this establishment uses Facebook in the next article.

06/20/2016 Similar news: Findings and successes in developing opportunities for direct online booking of hotel services for clients. Examples from famous brands (Marriott, Ritz-Carlton, Hilton, Starwood and others) / Restaurateurs and the crisis: recipes for success


Hotel promotion on social networks

If you are already thinking about promoting your services on social networks, then when planning advertising budgets you will need to separate account management strategies into two options for interacting with clients, which cannot be mixed together. New clients do not know you yet and will treat you very, very carefully, and regular clients will expect additional, but not intrusive, attention from you and reinforce their loyalty to you in the future in order to remain your clients in the future.

Marketing research shows that loyal repeat customers bring up to 70% of profits more than one-time transactions. In this regard, it may be more profitable for you to spend more effort, time and advertising budgets on communication channels with regular customers, and not on those channels that are aimed at finding new customers, which, of course, should not be forgotten either.

Perhaps you won’t succeed right away, most likely you won’t succeed right away, the next day after you start promoting the hotel’s pages on social networks you won’t have a flurry of calls and requests - this is NORMAL! There is no need to dramatize and worry, just know that your competitors are already doing this, and the industry of promoting services on social networks is gaining momentum and for good reason, because maintaining pages on social networks is not the most difficult advertising channel and not the most expensive advertising channel, but if you endure a set of basic rules for promotion on social networks, then you will achieve success.

I have a very detailed description on my website about running a business on Instagram and why Instagram is needed.

Mobile devices

Let's start with your website, ask - why? The answer is simple: on the website, the client can view information on all your services and room inventory in a structured form and book a room; on social networks, the client will not be able to do this. Social networks in this regard are used as advertising channels in order to interest your new customers and attract them to the site, as well as to inform old customers about promotions and discounts and also attract them to your site, to that page. where the user can obtain more detailed information about the declared event/discount.

So, your website! First of all, you need to ensure that your website is adapted for viewing on mobile devices - phones and tablets. Your website should have a convenient and understandable site navigation menu, a phone number and any alternative form of feedback should always be visible. The user should immediately receive a clear and convenient way of communication if he has any questions. Today, the share of mobile device traffic is already close to 50%! Therefore, any user who comes to your website from social networks should not experience difficulties just because he became interested in your hotel using a mobile phone and not a desktop computer.

Communication messengers

Now advanced users actively use all kinds of instant messengers, sending photos, files, contacts, ranging from standard social network messaging systems - Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, to WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, Telegram. All these applications can run both on mobile phones and on a regular computer running Windows or Mac OS. At the reception you should have a computer or phone with all these systems that you have stated on your website or on the social network from which the user came to your website. It is important to speak with the user in the same language and on a channel accessible to him!

Various companies conduct research and compile ratings of instant messengers in order to identify leaders. For the fall of 2016, according to the MoneyMan company, the rating looks the same as in the graph above. In your case, the picture may be different, but to understand this you need to try all possible channels, or at least the most popular of them, occupying a share of at least 10-20%.

The next prerequisite should be a convenient and understandable room booking system that works in all browsers and on any devices, without registration and SMS. We have already discussed the problem of adapting the design to different types of devices above; it will be very disappointing if a user goes to your website and cannot use the service - book a room; most likely, in 4 out of 5 options the user will not look for how to contact you, he will simply leave to competitors!

Responsible for social networks

From the website we now move directly to social networks. So, anyone can run your page! This is both a true statement and at the same time a false one. Indeed, even your hotel employee can successfully maintain a page, but only if he is an active user of this network and is familiar with it, as well as with the psychology of user behavior on this network. The false statement that only cats, dogs and funny monkeys are published on social networks can play a cruel joke on you. On the official account of a hotel or inn, any inappropriate publication can only harm your business; unfair competition very actively and skillfully uses such reasons to undermine your reputation. Mistakes are not forgiven and it may even end in the fact that your mistake, skillfully picked up by your competitors, can lead to a whole series of malicious jokes directed at you, ridicule with caricatures and outright mockery. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the general rules of publishing on a social network and monitor all the negativity that appears about you on the Internet.

The most winning content for hotels and inns is publishing beautiful photos of your attractions around the hotel, interiors and other photos with winning angles and colorful colors. It is possible that someone simply dreamed of visiting such places that will be published on your page or will really like the design of your rooms and then this client will be yours! Believe me, even if everything is not as chic as in this photo, having worked with hotels for many years, I can say with confidence that there is always something that can be filmed and served like that - everyone will simply be jealous!

How to deal with negativity

The most common and widespread negative thing about a hotel is dissatisfied customers! Unsatisfied customers, even if they have a bad character or are downright inadequate, are a problem for any business. It is clear that these are frayed nerves, wasted time and lost profits, but this is also in the future - tireless generators of negativity everywhere. Yes, they are full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm to teach you how to live and do business correctly. If you were unable to nip out the negativity in the bud and soften the situation, then it would be better for you to have your own official pages on social networks. Do you know why? First of all, the negativity will be splashed out on your official pages and this is the best thing that can happen in such a situation, you can work with this negativity, unlike in those cases when the negativity is published on sites that are not under your control.

So, you are faced with negativity, what to do? First of all, you need to calmly and politely answer on behalf of the hotel manager that you will definitely sort out the problem if the client describes the situation in more detail to you personally by e-mail, and in the meantime, conduct an internal investigation and find out all the details of the current situation, perhaps your staff was the cause of this problem. If the client is adequate, then he will happily express his opinion in the mail about the culprit, let off steam and it will be enough for him to apologize in order to resolve the conflict.

If in front of you is a quarrelsome person or a quarrelsome woman making a mountain out of a molehill, everything is just beginning and you understand that the person does not want to make contact in order to solve the problem peacefully through negotiations, then we move on to plan “B”. In this case, you should have “hotel lawyers” prepared - accounts of living people who will enter into correspondence and begin to defend the hotel, describing counter-situations when they stayed with you and everything was at the highest level. These could be your friends, relatives, or accounts of non-existent persons that you registered in advance and manage them yourself. The task is to reduce all the fuss with slight irony to a logical conclusion and promise on behalf of the “hotel lawyers” that in a month or two they will definitely stay with you while passing through. People even with the worst character get tired of such battles and the conflict eventually fizzles out.

Immediately after the conflict is over, as soon as the client is exhausted, defuse the situation on your page with fresh photographs, for example, food from the menu of your bar, restaurant with an invitation to the chef for any far-fetched reason to visit your establishment that evening on the occasion of the birthday of his distant relatives in Italy and sip a glass of red wine with a delicious marbled beef steak with creamy mushroom sauce.

Order promotion


Hotel promotion on social networks: secrets from the guru

Conducting SMM campaigns for hotels has certain specifics. Methods that are effective for other areas of business may not affect the success of the campaign and may even be counterproductive. At the same time, technologies such as engaging subscribers in dialogue and encouraging them to share their impressions of the hotel are extremely effective and useful for promoting the hotel.

This article focuses on using Facebook as an SMM platform.

What is SMM?

Calling SMM or promotion in social networks a marketing tool is not entirely correct. SMM is not marketing in its pure form; rather, it is an effective channel of communication with society. Social networks are not used to sell products, the purpose of SMM is to establish contact with clients and potential clients and further communicate with them. Social networks are a means of communication with people and interaction with them, while marketing is aimed only at conveying an advertising message to customers. SMM is a method of promotion that involves two-way communication: the promoted hotel not only provides information about itself, but also receives feedback from customers.

How to measure ROI (return on investment) of an SMM campaign?

To measure the ROI of an SMM campaign, you don’t need to have superpowers. If you want to know how many bookings you have received from Facebook, insert a tracker on your website that will show all the conversions.

You need to understand how many times a customer turned to social media during their booking journey and how data gleaned from social media contributed to the booking process.

It is important to consider that the ROI of social media campaigns will be different from the ROI of traditional marketing campaigns. The ROI of SMM campaigns is more extended in time and is measured not only by the number of bookings.

The ROI metric of an SMM campaign is an increase in people's awareness of your hotel, an increase in the number of search queries mentioning your hotel, reposts and likes on social networks.

Measuring the direct ROI of word of mouth is problematic, and hence it is difficult to calculate the exact ROI of an SMM campaign, which can be called word of mouth on steroids. The real metric for a hotel's ROI is the number of guests who share information about the hotel with their friends. Why? Because word of mouth is the largest source of direct bookings for a hotel, and social media is a way to influence this.

My hotel page is subscribed to by foreigners who will never visit the hotel. What to do?

Don't restrict your guests, open the doors and let them in! On social networks, it is not as easy to control the demographics of the audience as when running an advertising campaign. Let residents of other countries like your hotel page: before you know it, your subscribers will include 100 more people from this region. This does not mean that the campaign does not work, this is what is called word of mouth.

A mistake when promoting is to try to limit SMM campaigns and target them only to potential guests. Don't do this, let the campaign develop naturally.

If your page absolutely does not attract the attention of potential guests from the desired region, then you need to reconsider the messages and posts you post.

Can any hotel conduct an SMM campaign?

There is a principle: people only want the best or the cheapest, and they are not at all interested in what is in the middle. Therefore, if your hotel is not the best or the cheapest, you should abandon the idea of ​​running an SMM campaign.

However, you should not give in to despondency prematurely. You can be the best or the cheapest in many subcategories. For example, your hotel may be the best in the area or the cheapest on the street.

It is important that your unique offer must be real, because it will determine how to conduct an SMM campaign.

Should I outsource the SMM campaign to third parties?

Of course, it is ideal to conduct SMM campaigns “from the inside”, having a full-time employee for these purposes. Unfortunately, this is not feasible for most independent hotels due to financial issues. Hiring a young specialist who positions himself as a guru in SMM will also not be a way out.

If you can afford to work with someone who has good experience in PR, SMM and customer relationship management, you should definitely bring this person inside the corporation and hire him on staff. If this option is not available to you, rely on third-party professionals. Remember - real professionals visit the hotels they work with and are in constant dialogue with the customer.

Do luxury hotels need SMM campaigns?

Yes! - answers the eminent blogger Guillaume Thévenot, who blogs about hotels, marketing and social networks. More than any other type of hotel, luxury hotels need social media promotion. Why? Yes, simply because SMM brings a dream into the world.

Perhaps 50% of your subscribers do not earn enough to rent a room in your hotel for at least a day. Give them the opportunity to touch their dream, tell them about your hotel and how good they will be in it. Your campaign will make their dream a little more real. And who knows, maybe your hotel will be chosen for an unforgettable weekend. Many of the most successful social media campaigns are for luxury hotels.

Examples of successful hotel SMM campaigns

For dessert, here are a few examples of the most successful SMM campaigns in the hotel industry.

MGM Grand, Las Vegas: http://www.facebook.com/MGMGrand

Well organized page, a lot of varied content about a large hotel.

Seven Hotel, Paris: http://www.facebook.com/sevenhotelparis

Lots of interaction with users, intensive exchange of impressions about their stay at the hotel.

The Hoxton Hotel, London: http://www.facebook.com/TheHoxtonHotel

One of the few individual hotels that attract attention with special offers.

Hotel de l'Abbaye, Paris: http://www.facebook.com/hotelabbaye

A classic luxury hotel whose page keeps its followers up to date with what's going on inside and outside the hotel.

Hotel W, Barcelona: http://www.facebook.com/wbarcelonahotel

A great example of how activity on a hotel page is generated through the sharing of opinions.

Hotel Ares Eiffel, Paris: http://www.facebook.com/hotelareseiffel

Exquisite hotel of the highest category, great involvement of guests in discussions.


Hotel promotion on VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram

call Mon-Fri 10:00 - 19:00

How does social media benefit hotels and holiday homes? Unlike OTAs, for example, Booking.com, with the help of a social network, a hotel can collect and increase its own large base of potential guests. And not just collect a base of future clients, but also constantly contact them for free or very cheap. For example, the cost of one contact is usually in the range of 0.5-0.30 kopecks for a “cold” audience, and even less for a “warmed up” and loyal one.

On social networks it is very easy to find young mothers who are looking for vacation options with a 5-year-old baby. It is possible to find business owners and managers who love fishing or ATV adventures. It’s easy to get in touch with event organizers and event managers, lovers of skiing or horseback riding, residents of Barvikha or Butovo. You just need to be able to detect them, interest them and turn them into guests. This is the secret of SMM.

This is the difference in our approach. For us, SMM of hotels and resorts is not just posting (posting) photos and announcements on VKontakte or Facebook, as most hotels do. Each hotel should have its own special program for social networks, tailored to a specific profile of the target audience.

Marketing a hotel and resort on social networks is a solution to specific practical problems. And for each task there must be its own approach and its own set of tools. Especially for you, we have developed the SMM program "Personal Concierge", which adapts to a) your goals, b) your target audience and c) your budget.

What problems can we solve for you using social networks?

You can select one, several or all promotion tasks at once. We will draw up a work plan depending on your choice. Working “from task” is the most effective way to promote a resort or hotel on social networks. What is most important to you?

Promotion of a new hotel from scratch. Growing fame and attracting the first guests.

Increasing the popularity of the operating hotel, attracting new guests.

Creation and promotion of a new image, rebranding in social networks.

Promotion of individual services. For example, weddings, children's parties, B2B.

Expanding the target audience. For example, you want to attract young people.

Increase in return percentage. You want guests to come more often.

Need advice or help choosing a goal?

Call +7 499 394-27-13 Mon-Fri 10:00 - 19:00. Free assistance from a marketer with 15 years of experience.

Or fill out this form.

Example 1. Boring-official or entertaining garbage.

Who should you not follow as an example? How not to promote hotels and what some hotels abuse on social networks.

Endless photos of poor quality from events, minimal information about events. The other extreme is banal posts “Good morning” and “I wish I could go on vacation,” photographs with cats and expensive cars that have nothing to do with the hotel.

Just 4 reasons (there are more) why hotels and resorts are not benefiting from social media:

  1. Very small target audience coverage. Simply put, insignificant traffic to a page on social networks. You can post at least 3 posts a day, but if several people read them, there is no benefit from this. We monitor hotel pages in Russia on social networks. We have now studied the pages of about 150 establishments. Almost 80% of them work in vain because their posts are simply not seen.
  2. Low level of audience loyalty. In short, visitors to the hotel page do not react in any way: they do not like, do not comment, do not go to the site and do not leave requests. Cause? The pages are uninteresting and do not provoke a reaction from the audience. Again, work in vain, for no one. We often see that an establishment’s page has more than 10 thousand subscribers and 1-5 likes per post. It's a waste of time on social media.
  3. Insignificant traffic to the website or hotel page on OTA from social networks. When the audience does not go to the website to learn more about the place, see the interiors, make a reservation, we can confidently say that the work is being done in vain. Social networks can and should become a source of loyal audience.
  4. Few real subscribers. We monitor dozens of pages, but we notice that among the 5,000 - 10,000 - 20,000 subscribers there are many “bots” and non-target audiences. In pursuit of numbers, the establishment is losing real guests.

Yalta Intourist

Hotel and Club Voda

What is included in the work under the SMM "Personal Concierge" program?

You receive comprehensive promotion of a hotel or resort on social networks: 10 All Inclusive points

Who is the Personal Concierge program NOT for?

  1. We will develop a promotion strategy:
  2. We create and design pages on social networks.
  3. We create and edit content. We format posts correctly.
  4. We set up and analyze statistics of pages and website traffic.
  5. We study competitors and compare achieved results.
  6. We attract only targeted subscribers without bots or exchanges.
  7. We communicate with the audience and conduct competitions, surveys and other interactive activities.
  8. We conduct advertising campaigns on social networks.
  9. We advise you on SMM and Internet marketing.
  10. We regularly report on our work and results.
  1. For small standard hotels for short overnight stays only. For example, motels.
  2. For establishments that have serious problems with the quality of rooms or service. If guests are chronically unhappy and constantly write bad reviews, social networks will not help.
  3. For hotels that seriously believe that any student can do social media marketing for 3 rubles. After all, it’s “so simple”: make pictures 20 times a day - that’s all the work ;)
  • Do you want to ask what is the procedure for promotion?
  • How can social networks help your hotel or vacation spot?
  • How much does the job cost?

Call +7 499 394-27-13 Mon-Fri 10:00 - 19:00

Or you can fill out this form. We respond within a day.

Hello! I am Armen Kalajyan, head of the specialized marketing agency Marketing HoReCa. I have been working in marketing and PR since 2002. My first client was the large holding company Metalloinvest, where I was responsible for working with the media, promoting mining and processing plants, a well-known chain of pharmacies and a historic hotel in the center of Moscow. Since then, I have managed projects for over a hundred clients, including 18 hotels.

I love to travel and have visited 49 countries. I have stayed in hotels of almost all levels: from boutique to youth hostels.

Therefore, I am familiar with hotels not only as a marketer, but also as a “power user”. Unlike ordinary SMM managers and freelancers, I know the world of hotels and travel well, not from magazines, but personally. You could say I know the market from both sides of the “barricades”. I believe that it will be easier for us to find a common language.

Services and examples


Hotel positioning on social networks

call Mon-Fri 10:00 - 19:00

Everyone knows the marketing axiom: every company must have a unique selling proposition (USP). “We’re just like everyone else” is a bad market entry strategy. As they say, it’s a bleed from the nose, but a grain of uniqueness needs to be found or invented. What makes us special? How do you stand out from your competitors? This is called market positioning.

Good to keep in mind.

8 sec. - the average attention span of a modern person. Goldfish - the dumbest fish in your aquarium - have a concentration duration of 9 seconds.

In 2000, the average person was able to concentrate on one thing for as long as 12 seconds. This is evidenced by a study conducted by Microsoft in 2000 and 2016.

What has changed since then? The “mobile revolution” occurred and social networks appeared.

On the Internet, and social networks in particular, people spend very little time absorbing information. Therefore, the company has only a few seconds to grab attention and convince a person to visit the hotel or its page on Facebook\VKontakte.

When a hotel has a clear and unambiguous positioning (“feature”, uniqueness, specialization), it is easier to hold people’s attention.

Example of positioning of a real hotel. How not to do it.

There is a small (less than 40 rooms) but very beautiful hotel in the Moscow region. We cannot reveal its name. It is located next to a famous historical and architectural monument. There are ancient churches and monasteries nearby.

The hotel has many advantages:

Impressive building, great for photographs,

Proximity to historical sites,

A beautiful restaurant with several rooms,

Children's room and even a zoo,


Renting everything: from equipment to horses for walking,


Large tent for weddings,

Periodically, concerts,

Everything you need for a complete weekend getaway. The audience is the widest: from young people to grandmothers and grandchildren. What mistake will this hotel make when launching SMM? The error is very simple and very common:

2. Then he starts posting mixed posts about a little bit of everything:

1. here are our interiors and rooms,

2. a children's party has passed,

3. here is a photo of a dish from a restaurant,

4. and this is a wedding that took place on Saturday,

5. then special offers and announcements for the holidays,

6. And these are our guests walking around the territory and so on.

Almost all hotels do this. Remember the 8 second rule? When a potential guest visits a hotel’s page or sees the establishment’s posts in their news feed, they don’t get a complete picture. What's the "trick"? Where is the uniqueness?

No one ever reads the pages of hotels (and other companies, unless it's Apple) from cover to cover to understand and understand better. Everyone looks at 2-3 posts at best.

Example of positioning of a real hotel. As we do.

Instead of posting randomly about a little bit of everything, we build a strong marketing foundation from the beginning. Hotel, country leisure complex or small hotel - we start with positioning. Of all the great qualities of a place, we choose 1-2 that will become central to our campaign.

Let's return to the hotel in the Moscow region. What's interesting and unique here?

We met with the director of the hotel, studied the website, thought and eventually came to the conclusion: the main “tricks” are the rich history of the country that surrounds the hotel at arm’s length. This is an estate, a park, monasteries and temples. This is real, almost untouched Russian nature. This is the spirit of Russia, the center of Russian history and culture.

1. The hotel opens a page called “Hotel-Club LLC” (the name is conditional, in fact, it is slightly different).

2. We are starting to post on topics:

1. history of the place,

2. famous people who were here

3. what to see and where to go,

4. exhibitions and church holidays,

5. archival photographs and paintings,

6. recreation and conditions for people aged 30-45 years,

7. relaxing holiday surrounded by native Russian nature,

8. opportunities for outdoor recreation: skiing, walking, horseback riding.

When a hotel has a positioning, it means it has an understanding of which audience it needs to communicate with. In our example, these are women 30-50 years old who love nature and forests, are interested in the history and culture of Russia, are most likely believers, love to go to churches, and prefer a relaxing holiday in the fresh air. This is a completely different audience than young people with their ATVs or caring mothers with small noisy children.

Positioning is a marketing tool that will allow your hotel to stand out from competitors and capture the attention of your target audience for more than 8 seconds. This is a way to find and gather a core target audience around the hotel, a real club of interests. It is also a money and time saving tool. Instead of casting your net wide in case someone gets caught, you concentrate on the most important and most promising audience.

“What about mothers with children, middle-aged men, young couples?” - you ask. They're not going anywhere! By gathering a core target audience around the hotel, you will then attract others. Women who love the local nature and history will tell their friends about the hotel, they will come with their husbands and children, smart young people who are not indifferent to nature and history will also come along.

Please! Fill out all fields so that we can study your site and ask clarifying questions.

Or call to ask your questions +7 499 394-27-13 Mon-Fri 10:00 - 19:00 Free consultation with a marketer with 15 years of experience.

HOW TO BENEFIT FROM SOCIAL NETWORKS? WHERE TO START? Fill out the form and receive an offer + description of the work plan

Services and examples


Social networks as a promotion tool. Opinion of Maxim Gerasimov, Borodino Hotel

Maxim Gerasimov, sales and marketing director of the Borodino Hotel, answers key questions: what to do? what to choose? how to decide?

The effectiveness of promotion on social networks causes a lot of controversy. You can come across completely opposite opinions, starting with “This doesn’t work at all!”, and ending with “There is nothing better and more effective.” At the moment, it seems to me that the truth is somewhere in the middle, at least that is what my experience tells me.

I am a supporter of the idea that if you do something, you need to do it well and understand all the intricacies of the process. Maybe that’s why, when social networks began to gain popularity in Russia, the first attempts at advertising and promotion began to appear, I became interested in this issue and began experimenting on various platforms.

Each of us has our own preferences. This applies equally to your favorite clothing brands and to social networks. There are people who prefer to be on vkontakte, there are fans of odnoklassniks, facebook, linkedin, twitter, instagram. The number of social networks is growing before our eyes. One project becomes successful, another goes into oblivion. Questions arise: what to do? what to choose? how to decide?

Based on my experience, I can say: if you want to promote a hotel or any other product on a social network, you need to become an active user of the network you have chosen, plunge into it, put yourself in the user’s shoes and see what tools are available on these platforms to promote the product. As practice shows, effective promotion is possible when you know the audience and know how to influence it. If your target audience is not on one of the social networks, then does it make sense to spend energy and time promoting on this platform? I think no.

I am a supporter of the widest possible promotion on the Internet, including on social networks, therefore I believe that the hotel should be represented on all major social platforms. Who determines which site to make the main one and which not? You decide. You see the audience, you know the product and you represent your customer. This is the principle by which you choose sites.

For the Borodino Hotel I chose: facebook, vkontakte, twitter, linkedin, foursquare, instagram. But everyone’s promotion strategy and goals are different.

Consider facebook. In my opinion, the Facebook audience is exactly those people who make up our target audience (the active business community aged 25 to 40).

The vkontakte audience is clearly a younger community, but it also contains potential consumers of our hotel’s services.

Linkedin is a social network of a completely different level, a network of business contacts. Here business comes first, so for the hotel this is the most relevant platform for promotion. The question is that in Russia it is only gaining momentum, but the growth rate is very impressive; I think that soon it will be difficult to imagine a modern business person without a Linkedin profile.

Twitter, Foursquare and Instagram - why together? For me, at the moment, this is a somewhat uncharted space, a territory for experimentation, there is definitely an audience here that our hotel needs, but we need to understand what and how influences the users of these platforms? One thing is clear - the presence of a profile, page and information about the hotel on these social networks is simply necessary.

You will say that I did not mention other social networks. And you’ll be right, there are a lot of them on the market today. Ideally, you need to be present everywhere (Google+, Odnoklassniki, LiveJournal, LiveInternet, Moi Mir, Professionals.ru, Moi Krug, Small World, Ya.ru, YouTube, etc.), it certainly won’t make things worse. The only question is resources and methods of promotion: if you have created a profile/page/account on a social network, it should be live, regularly updated and not create the impression of an abandoned house. A page on a social network is your face, and it’s better not to have any face than to have a scary and lifeless one.

Work on social networks should harmoniously reflect the work of the hotel. Ideas, promotions, special offers, surveys, articles, photographs and videos - all this should convey the spirit of the hotel. Any user of a social network is your potential client, and it is very important that the hotel meets his expectations formed after visiting the page.

Key points to consider:

1) Interaction between the hotel website and social media accounts. You have to decide: do they live separately or is the social network page created to attract traffic to the site?

2) Interaction of hotel staff with social network users. Your employees who have contact with hotel guests should be aware of all promotions and offers taking place on the Internet. Otherwise, the guest will have a feeling of deception if suddenly at the reception or in a restaurant the guest is denied the promised discount or free coffee for a like or comment.

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Tools for promoting hotel services using social networks

Social networks are now one of the most powerful means of communication for millions of people.
One of the main trends in the development of the Internet in recent years is a significant increase in the popularity of social networks.
For Russia, the peak year was 2007, when newly emerging Russian networks increased their audience to several million people.
At the current stage, social networks act as a telecommunications tool in public relations, opening up as a wide platform for carrying out effective PR activities in various areas, including in the hotel business.

List of used literature

I. Special literature:
1. Khalilov D., Marketing in social networks. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2016
2. Rosen E., Anatomy of word of mouth marketing. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2015
3. Kotler F., Fundamentals of Marketing. Short course. "Williams", 2016
4. Internet marketing in 55 minutes. Ingate, 2015
5. SMM without problems. Ingate, 2017
6. Promotion on social networks. Figures, trends, recommendations. Ingate, 2017
7. Brymer R. Fundamentals of management in the hospitality industry / R. Brymer. - M.: Agent Press, 2016. - 331 p.
8. Brashnov, D.G. Economics of the hotel business / D.G. Brashnov. - M.: Flinta, 2016. - 350 p.
9. Vesnin, V.R. Practical personnel management: a manual on personnel work. / V.R. Vesnin - M.: Yurist, 2015. - 64 p.
10. Ekhina, M.A. Organization and service in the city hotels./ M.A. Ekhina. - Academy, 2015. - 208 p.
11. Korneev, N.V. Hotel service technology / N.V. Korneev, Yu.V. Korneeva, I.A. Emelina. -Academy, 2016. - 272 p.
12. Lapina, A.Yu. Organization and technology of hotel services./ A.Yu Lapina, I.Yu Lyapina. - Academy, 2015 - 208 p.
13. Lesnik, A.L. Organization of hotel business management: textbook / A.L. Lesnik, A.V. Chernyshov. - M.: Publishing house "Alpina", 2015. - 315 p.
14. Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism: Textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2015. - 160 p.
15. Lapina V.G. Usenko N.V. Current problems of tourism development: MU for completing tests for students of specialty 230500 “Socio-cultural service and tourism.” - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2016. - 24 p.
16. Lyapina I.Yu. Organization and technology of hotel services: Textbook. - M.: ProfObrIzdat, 2016. - 310 p.

II. Remote access sources
17. http://mykonspekts.ru - Information site.
18. www.newhouse.ru - Reference and information portal.
19. http://www.bib.convdocs.org - Online library.
20. http://1aya.ru - Online library.
21. www.prohotel.ru - Website about the hotel business.
22. http://www.siliconrus.com/
23. http://vk.com/smmpub
24. http://compress.ru/ - Prospects for social networks
25. https://www.kempinski.com/ - Official website of the Kempinski Hotel Baltschug

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