Home Migration registration How early is it to book tours? What is early booking tours? What is early booking and who benefits from it?

How early is it to book tours? What is early booking tours? What is early booking and who benefits from it?

When winter reigns outside and a summer vacation with hot sun and alluring beaches seems somewhere in the sky-high distance... It is at this time that travel agencies begin to announce a promotion called “early booking” and offer summer tours on very attractive terms.

Many tourists who were hoping to slowly take a closer look and ask the price of offers for the upcoming season, or even grab luck by the tail in the form of last-minute travel packages, find themselves at a loss. What to do: book a tour in advance or wait until the last minute?

In order to make the right choice, you must first understand what, exactly, early booking is and what pros and cons it has? Read our material and you will find out in what situations it is more profitable to use this service.

So, early booking tours- this is a specially developed system in which a travel agency books you a place in a hotel before the start of the so-called. "high season" in the country where you want to go. At the same time, you receive a significant discount on the tour.

For example, you are planning to relax in Turkey, where the high season begins in May. This means that in order to receive a discount on this promotion, you must book and pay for the tour before the beginning of May, even if your trip takes place in October. In the early booking rules, the tour operator clearly indicates all its conditions: the start and end date of the promotion, within what period full payment must be made, the amount of the discount and penalties for subsequent cancellation of the tour.

The size of early booking discounts depends on the tour operator and the country you are planning to visit. Usually the discount is about 15%, sometimes it reaches 30% and even 50%. We are talking about a discount that is provided for accommodation as part of a tour package. The question arises, how is such a reduction in cost possible?

The fact is that it is more convenient for hoteliers to plan the occupancy of rooms in advance and receive money for them, which is necessary for the normal operation of the hotel. It is more profitable for them to give a significant discount to tour operators for early bookings and distribute the entire block of seats than to solve the problem of unfilled rooms during the peak season, losing even more significant amounts on “last minute” rooms. When booking early, it is easier to analyze which countries the bulk of tourists will come from, which means which menu to choose, which animators to invite for the summer season, etc.

The early booking service is also beneficial because by using it, you don’t have to worry about currency exchange rate fluctuations (as a rule, the rate rises throughout the high season). Once you have paid for the tour, any changes in the foreign exchange market no longer affect the cost of the tour. No additional payments will need to be made in the event of an increase in prices for hotels and air travel.

Another great advantage of early booking is the freedom to choose a suitable hotel and room. Travel agencies offer tourists a huge selection of hotels of different categories. And each hotel, in addition to the generally accepted objective parameters (star rating, type of food, area, additional infrastructure, etc.), has one very important subjective characteristic, which tourists are often guided by when choosing a tour. This is the popularity of the hotel, which is based on a reasonable price-quality ratio, on such important “little things” as the friendliness of the staff, the quality of food in the restaurant, and the attractiveness of the animation programs.

The most popular hotels are those that have the best price among equal in quality or the best quality among equal in price. They are in demand among tourists from all countries where similar promotions also take place. Such hotels are the first to be sold out, and by the middle of the season there are usually no vacancies in them (as managers say, the hotel becomes “stopped”). Therefore, the likelihood of purchasing a tour to a decent hotel at a good price shortly before departure is practically zero (not counting random last-minute offers that arise in the event of someone’s refusal, etc.). This is why experienced tourists use early booking services.

During the early booking period, a travel agency has much more opportunities to choose the optimal conditions for each specific tourist: not only a convenient flight and the best hotel, but also the most successful room. Indeed, in many hotels, not every room has a balcony overlooking the sea or pool. When booking in advance, you get an advantage in choosing a room upon check-in (except in cases where an additional fee is charged for such a service), since all wishes of tourists are considered at the hotel in the order in which booking requests are received.

By the way, this is why early booking is especially convenient for families with two or more children, because hotels usually have a limited number of spacious rooms.

You must understand that all the advantages of early booking are balanced by the rather strict conditions of this promotion. When purchasing a tour, you must immediately pay 100% of its cost. If for some reason you later cancel the paid tour, the tour operator will charge a fine ranging from 50% to, often, 100% of the cost of the tour. After the end of the promotion, changes in the last name, travel dates, number of people, room category in bookings are, as a rule, not permitted. Although, when choosing a tour, you should carefully read the contract and discuss all possible nuances with a company specialist. All changes are made according to the tariffs in effect on the day of the changes.

Thus, early booking services are beneficial:

  • Families with children. It is no secret that a children's holiday requires a good hotel with baby food, swimming pools, playgrounds, animation, mini clubs and increased requirements for cleanliness and comfort. And everyone understands that these are not the cheapest hotels. When booking early, you will save from 20 to 40% of the seasonal cost, and you can also choose a hotel where children stay for free or receive large discounts on accommodation.
  • For those who prefer good expensive hotels, because... When booking early, the discount goes specifically to the hotel; the savings will be maximum on good hotels.
  • For those who need a holiday in a specific hotel. If you book a hotel in advance, when the hotel is not yet full, there is a guarantee of confirmation up to a specific room.
  • For those who are planning a vacation with a large group. Again, early booking is a guarantee of a sufficient number of rooms in a certain (especially small) hotel.
  • .For those who plan their vacation at times of peak demand (high season, popular holidays, during school holidays, etc.).

Now a little about last-minute tours as an alternative to early booking. Closer to the departure date, last-minute tours appear, sometimes with very attractive prices, which imply a quick decision and departure in the coming days. There are several reasons for the appearance of such tours: a tourist’s refusal of a trip, a failure in the reservation system (when rooms that were considered sold out long ago appear), etc.

When hotels that are overpriced relative to the declared quality remain on sale, last-minute tours seem especially attractive. But you need to understand that you will still have to choose from what is left, and often it will not be what you would like. And if you have planned your summer vacation for July-August, it is better not to count on last-minute tours at all. This period is the most popular among vacationers, and demand here exceeds supply.

In addition, it is not a fact that the price for a hot tour will be lower than what you would pay if you booked early. After all, it is often simply impossible to predict what prices will be in the high season, what the cost of last-minute tours will be and whether there will be any at all.

Therefore, it makes sense to count on last-minute tours only in the following cases:

  • if you absolutely do not care when to fly;
  • if you are more attracted by the low price than the optimal price-quality ratio (for example, if you are not going to spend a lot of time on the hotel premises, you plan to attend many excursions, discos, etc.);
  • if you only need air tickets, since often air tickets as part of a last-minute tour are cheaper than when purchasing tickets separately.

If you are a supporter of thoughtful decisions and are used to planning your vacation in advance, you should not buy tours in a hurry. After all, what your vacation will be like depends largely on the hotel you choose. By using the early booking service, you can not only significantly save your budget, but also choose the best accommodation option.

If you have decided on a hotel and are sure that you will be provided with a vacation on time, you can safely use this service. No wonder it is so popular in the world now. According to statistics, ¾ of European tourists resort to early booking. In our country, the popularity of this service is also growing every year. You too will appreciate all its advantages!

30 words about early booking:

If there is no time to read. On a specific example. Early booking is when you buy September in February for 149,000 rubles, in May - 170,000, and in August - 195,000 rubles. Approximately in such proportions, the price of the tour increases closer to the date of departure.

And now more about what an early booking is, what subtleties a tourist needs to know, how to understand whether it is worth buying a tour in advance, or leaving the purchase for the last hour.

What is an early booking promotion?

Early booking promotions are seasonal offers of tour operators. This is when the same tours that you can buy in the summer, it makes sense to buy in advance, but (!) At a better price.

Who sets the prices and rules of the game? - Travel agency?

Tour operators themselves determine prices and time limits. For example, a special offer is valid from February to March, or from January to April. What will be the price for it - the tour operator also decides.

The practice is as follows - such promotions of early booking are held 2 times a year: in spring and autumn. In the spring, you can buy a tour with an early booking promotion for the summer, and at the end of the summer, winter offers begin to operate.

Which countries are the most popular and what are the benefits of early booking promotions?

In terms of early booking promotions for the summer, the most popular are Spain, Turkey, as well as southern Europe, where tourists are used to a good and comfortable annual vacation.

In our example, which we talked about at the beginning of the article, you can clearly see what the price for the Canary Islands was in the spring (according to the early booking promotion), and what it became towards the end of the summer.

This is a tangible benefit. You pay less, only in advance. Usually 20-30 percent. And 3-4 months before departure.

The same thing happens with New Year's tours.

Buy a tour for the new year in August, and you will see that in October-November (provided that they are not sold out by this time - yes!) It will cost at least 1.5 times more. Those. no longer 60,000, but 90,000 rubles (figures are given for example). As we can see, there is a benefit of up to 20-30% when buying a tour with an early booking promotion!

  • The favorable price of the tour with the early booking promotion is the first advantage

Let's talk about this one more thing. It often happens that you are looking for a tour shortly before departure, but the necessary offers, hotels, rooms are no longer available. Has it happened? And what is left for the tourist? Choose from what is, what is left at the moment. And this choice is not always happy, agree? I wanted to go to 4-ku - you go to 3-ku. Dreamed of a sea view, got a city view. So, what a miracle! When buying a tour for an early booking promotion, you have an absolutely clean sheet in front of you - almost all hotels and dates are free. And the earlier you deal with the issue of booking, the wider the choice.

  • A wide range of offers is the second advantage

So, on the plus side, everything is clear. Convenient, profitable, in advance, profit! Now for the cons. And they are. Wellcome, now we will find out what subtleties a tourist needs to know when purchasing such a tour.

What do tourists need to know about early booking features?

The most important feature of early booking (!) is the order of payment for the tour. For some tour operators, it can be set even within 3 days after the confirmation of the tour. For many offers, the payment deadline ends on the last date of the month. For example April 30th. Those. it may look like this: the tour for September must be 100% paid before April 30th.

How can I find out how to pay?

When you contact a travel agency, the travel agent selects an early booking tour for you. Then he clarifies the payment procedure for the special offer that you liked. Then he informs you of this payment procedure. And you already decide whether it is convenient for you to pay this way or not. Can you deposit 50% in a couple of days, and another 50% (let's say) in two weeks, or can't you?

  • Payment terms are important

Who sets the payment procedure?

The payment procedure, as we already know, is set by the tour operator. Each offer may have its own order, and it is better for you to check this question with a travel agency employee at the time of buying the tour. In this case, you will be able to plan your payments and pay for the tour on time.

  • You need to know the procedure for paying for the tour for the early booking promotion

What else matters? And that's not a plus...

Be sure to remember and write it down in your notebook if you don’t remember ... It’s not so easy to refuse a tour purchased with an early booking promotion. And it happens! Booked but can't go. But what to do if you bought a tour, but you can’t go? If you cancel the tour (most likely), you will need to pay a fine that the tour operator will set for canceling the tour, or find other tourists (replacement) and change the data of the tourists.

  • Difficulties in canceling a tour purchased with an early booking promotion

These 2 features of buying a tour with early booking promotions that you just learned about are perhaps the most important. It is better to think about this in advance. You never know - the vacation will have to be canceled or unforeseen things will appear ...

Perhaps you would like to know about current promotions, countries, resorts and prices. Our staff will be happy to help you with this matter. All you need to do is just call our office or leave a request.

How popular are early booking promotions with tourists?

Popular. Quite. Who knows exactly the dates of his vacation, who has planned the budget, who has calculated that it is convenient and profitable, he buys in advance. There are more and more people like this. This means that favorable prices are not a scam. And people really felt and saw real benefits from such a purchase. Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to buy such a tour. Why? First of all, this applies to those whose vacation (dates of vacation) is determined shortly before departure.

  • If you do not know the specific dates of your vacation, then it is unlikely that you will be able to buy a tour with an early booking promotion.

What is the result?

  • There are such promotions of early booking, it is convenient to buy a tour with them
  • There are pros and cons. Of the pros - the price and choice, of the minuses - payment and cancellation
  • In winter we buy for summer, in summer for winter
  • To buy or not to buy - the choice is yours

To buy or not to buy - that is the question?

To buy a tour with an early booking promotion or not to buy - it's your decision! Weigh all the pros and cons. Evaluate the benefits of offers. Right now you can ask our staff what offers for early booking promotions are currently in effect. Just leave a request for a specific country, dates, time period, and we will definitely find you a great offer at a bargain price.

  • Looking for a great deal at a bargain price?

+ Free bonus for our clients: reference materials

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Here’s how it goes for others, but personally, back in October I get the feeling of a new year, and since January 10 I’ve already been living in the summer. And the most important entertainment of the last months of winter is organizing a summer vacation. I painstakingly go through hotels, read reviews, check the map. Someone will say - she’s crazy, looking for a hotel in January, when there are at least 5 more months before the vacation! But I will answer you - I like my vacation to be carefully planned, and the risks of missing terrain and housing are minimized. But there is another undoubted advantage - early booking, which I will talk about today.

Early booking has become especially popular in the last few years. This service will not be of interest to those whose lives are unpredictable and mobile, but it will be beneficial for those who have exact vacation dates.

So. What is early booking? What are the pros and cons of this promotion, and what pitfalls you may encounter.

Early booking is booking a tour long before the start of your intended vacation date (at least 21 days in advance). But the end date of early booking must be checked with tour operators. Just a couple of years ago, the opening of this promotion in Russia took place no earlier than March. At the moment, many hotels can already be booked in January. And, as a rule, early booking ends in April.

Advantages of early bookingI

The main advantage is, of course, saving money. So, if you book early, you can get a discount from 10 to 40% of the tour cost.

Many hotels already in January give huge discounts to operators (up to 70%), who, in turn, also offer tours at a big discount.

Closer to the season, hotel prices creep up, fuel surcharges increase, and, as a result, the cost of air tickets increases. But, having purchased a tour back in February, you don’t have to worry about price increases at all.

The second advantage is that you buy a tour to the exact hotel you have chosen. As a rule, the best hotel deals are taken out in February-March. Therefore, if you buy a ticket just before your trip, you risk not getting into a hotel with good reviews. There are a number of so-called deficit hotels.

Undoubtedly, someone will object and say that we are going on vacation not to a hotel, but to the sea, but you must agree that no one will want to walk 1.5 km to the sea in the sun, or swim among the cobblestones. Families with children choose hotels especially carefully, because food (if you are going all-inclusive), access to the sea, cleanliness, animation, and the presence of a mini-club are very important here. Therefore, in this case, early booking is a great way to get into a hotel that is in short supply.

Which destinations are most attractive for early booking?

Experts recommend booking tours in advance for the hot season - July, August and even September. The most popular destinations where early booking will be especially beneficial are Turkey, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Tunisia. This is due, first of all, to the large influx of tourists to these countries, when the best hotels are sold out even before the start of the season.

Disadvantages of early booking

Undoubtedly, early booking also has its disadvantages. And this, first of all, is the risk associated with the impossibility of departure. A lot can happen in six months - a job change, job loss, other family circumstances. In this case, you lose almost all your money. The fine can range from 50 to 90% of the cost of the trip. And depending on the contract, the seller may have the right not to return anything to you at all.

Do not rely on insurance against travel cancellation, because it only applies to hospitalization, death of a close relative, summons to court, conscription into the army and refusal of a visa. Moreover, if you are traveling with your whole family, and a relative on your side dies, then your other half and child have nothing to do with the insured event. Therefore, it probably makes sense to take out travel recognizance insurance only if you have doubts about obtaining visas.

Another disadvantage of early booking is that you will no longer be able to change your last name, departure date, or timing. That is, theoretically this can be done, but most likely the operator will recalculate the cost of the tour. Very often, for any changes, the hotel issues a fine, which you will also have to pay.

Thus, by choosing early booking, you get: a significant discount; confidence that your vacation will not be overshadowed by insufficiently comfortable accommodation; peace of mind from the thought that everything has already been done and there is still time to think through routes, excursions, find information about car rental and the best establishments in the area in which you will be vacationing. What about the risks? They are not so great as to give up such significant advantages.

Publication date:

Outside the window is bad weather and cold, and in our thoughts we are already in the coming summer, we are planning how and where we will spend our vacation. Down with dreams! It's time to move on to action, because VELL announces the start of the action " Early booking". Just now early booking for summer 2019 gives you the opportunity to purchase a tour to one of the most popular destinations with the maximum benefit for you.

Early bookings for summer 2019 are now open!

Promotion " Early booking» is held in conjunction with hotels that offer discounts, subject to the purchase of a tour in a limited period before the start of the summer season (late winter - early spring). Today, flexible payment terms and tempting low prices await tourists at early booking tours 2019 to Greece and Turkey, Austria, Andorra, Bulgaria, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Italy, Cyprus, Cuba, Mauritius, Maldives, Mexico, UAE, Thailand, Vietnam!

Conditions of the promotion "Early booking":

  • Direct discounts from hotels up to 35%.
  • The probability of 99.9% confirmation of scarce hotels that are in demand during the season.
  • When booking, the cost of the entire package is fixed in advance, without additional overpayments.

It turns out that early booking is an opportunity to pre-book a ticket to popular hotels at a bargain price. The cost of the tour on our website is indicated already taking into account the discount. A confirmed application cannot be changed. Full payment must be made before the end of the Early Booking 2019 promotion for the hotel you have chosen. As part of the promotion, early booking of tours 2019 for groups of 15 people or more is not allowed.

If, after the end of the early booking promotion for summer 2019, changes are made to the tour, then its cost is recalculated at the price current on the date of the changes.

What are the advantages of the "Early Booking" promotion?

Organization of a successful holiday has its own nuances. When planning a vacation, each of us thinks about every little thing, because even a trifle can derail an ideal trip. That is why we carefully study the reviews of tourists about tour operators, hotels and air carriers. We choose only those who have earned a high rating and positive reviews from vacationers. And we treat the cultural and entertainment program during the trip with the same responsibility as we do with packing a suitcase, buying sunscreen and necessary medicines on the road. Each of us wants the rest to be at the highest level.

As part of the "RB" campaign, a tourist gets the opportunity to purchase a tour even before the start of the tourist season, a few months before the planned trip. Why are tour operators and hotels going for it? Early booking for 2019 allows them to protect themselves from unforeseen situations and economic unrest, and ensure occupancy before the start of the season.

By making a small discount, hotels gain confidence that during the season they will not lack guests. And this is important in the tourism business. Not relying on unexpected tourists who spontaneously gathered on vacation, the tour operator also reduces prices for formed tours. Together - hotel and tour operator discounts give from 5% to 50%. At the same time, the final amount of the benefit depends on the time of booking, the chosen destination and the hotel.

Another advantage of early booking of tours in 2019 is a wide selection of hotels. In winter, almost all of them are free. It is no secret that the best hotel rooms are booked and sold out first. So the action "Early booking" gives you a chance at an affordable price in the high season to relax in the best hotel in the resort. Without prejudice to the family budget, you can choose a higher level, star rating or category of the hotel, increase the duration of your stay.

The choice is yours:

A 14-night stay with Early Booking or a 10-night stay but no additional discounts. A hotel that you heard about from friends, read in a magazine, saw in a movie, or a hotel offered to you only because there are rooms available…

But early booking 2019 means more than just nice discounts and a wide selection of hotels. Airlines also make every effort to promote this action. Thus, early booking of tours in 2019 allows tourists to choose a flight with their favorite air carrier, flights departing at a time convenient for them. It is an early departure for vacation and a late return home that are available for booking as part of the RB promotion.

In addition, if you intend to cancel a charter flight, then early booking 2019 will allow you to choose tickets for a regular flight. It is to “choose”, and not to agree to the remaining options, as is the case when buying “hot tours”.

"RB" is suitable for those who are serious about making decisions. The ability to plan a trip in advance gives you the chance to prepare for it comprehensively. Thus, early booking of tours in 2019 gives you time to get to know tour operators and their offers, choose a hotel and draw up a cultural and entertainment program, get to know your holiday destination and the routes of the offered excursions.

The confidence gained by vacationers along with Early Booking tours is especially relevant for those who go on vacation with children. For those who cannot make a mistake in a hotel, airline or tour operator, for whom every day spent by the children by the sea is important, and every ruble saved for the family budget is important.

Early booking for summer 2019 frees you from the need to adjust holiday and vacation dates to each other, and browse “hot offers” around the clock in the hope of finding the best deal.

Are you interested in early booking 2019, but your vacation does not fall in the summer months? Do not get upset and flip through this page. RB gives you the opportunity to travel with discounts all the time. So, in February, early booking for summer 2019 means a holiday at Turkish resorts in July, and in August, early booking 2019 presents an opportunity to see December Thailand or New Year’s Andorra.

When does early booking start for summer 2019?

Often, in one form or another, by phone, by mail, in person, tourists ask us similar questions:

  1. When does early booking start?
  2. when does early booking for tours start;
  3. when does early booking start for summer 2019;

Or they ask managers in travel agencies and tour sales offices even like this :)

  • when does early booking of tours for summer 2019 begin;
  • early booking of tours for summer 2019 when it starts;
  • when does early booking for summer tours start?;
  • early booking of tours for the summer when it starts;

As the saying goes, the options are endless. Happy to explain. Each of us seeks to purchase goods or services not only of decent quality, but also at the best possible price. In tourism, this can be done if you try to plan your vacation in advance and book a tour not in the last days and weeks before departure during the peak season, when there is a shortage of good rooms and a meager choice of options in hotels, and cheap flights from air carriers have simply not been available for a long time! Advance planning and RB tours for the SUMMER 2019 season will help you save up to 50% of your trip budget.

RB traditionally begins in November-December. You can save at least 35% of the cost of the tour! If you want to plan your vacation in advance down to the smallest detail, including the beach, hotel and room with all amenities, then early booking of tours for summer 2019 is a service that is ideal for you.

Early booking for next summer starts in autumn

For example, in the travel agencies of our network, from November 1, 2018, the early booking season for the summer of 2019 was opened. The earliest and most advantageous offers in your favorite hotels, on popular, famous, rare and exotic destinations are already available on the website and in the offices of our travel agencies. to the whole world! Tours for Summer 2019 can be booked profitably in advance with savings now! Hotels in the mainland resorts of Greece and on the islands of Rhodes, Zakynthos, Crete, Kos and Corfu, the best hotels of 4 * and 5 * stars on the All Inclusive system in Turkey in Antalya and Marmaris, Bodrum, Side and Alanya, as well as luxury hotels in Tunisia in Hammamet, Djerba, Sousse and Monastir are waiting for you!

The “Early Booking 2019” promotion is open, start searching for tours, offers from all leading tour operators are presented on the website and are waiting for you..

When does early booking end 2019?

This question is also a big "headache" for most tourists. And we receive such questions in dozens of variations from customers every day:

  1. when does the early booking end
  2. When does early booking for tours 2019 end?
  3. When does early booking of tours for 2019 end?
  4. early booking of tours for 2019 when does it end

There is also a whole group of questions from tourists on this topic, where the seasons are mentioned, for example, summer or hotels and tour operators:

  • When does early booking end in 2019?
  • When does early booking of hotels end?
  • When does the early booking for summer tours end?
  • When does early booking of tours for summer 2019 end?
  • When does the promotion for early bookings with tour operators end?

Here it is important to decide which RB is of interest to the client. For example, there is a RB in winter or autumn for the next summer season, the next summer. Such early booking usually lasts until the end of March, depending on the tour operator. As a rule, 50% of the cost of the tour must be paid immediately, and the balance - one month before the start of the tour. Recalculation of the balance is based on the exchange rate at the time of payment. You can find a detailed description of this promotion on the websites of the largest tour operators.

DISCOUNTS up to 50% are not a marketing trick, but a real opportunity to save a lot when choosing from a wide variety of hotels and rooms in Spain, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Italy, Montenegro, Turkey, Greece.

The "Early Booking" promotion is an opportunity to choose any dates for your vacation. With early booking, you can also choose the best hotels in those countries and resorts where going on vacation in the summer months among Russians is not as common as in the above countries. But if you wish, in the summer of 2019 you can also visit the resorts of Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam by booking them in advance now, in the fall of 2018.

When organizing a holiday under the early booking scheme 2019, a flexible payment system is possible: an advance payment of 50% will be the initial cost, which must be paid within 5 days after confirmation of the application and fifty percent - paid according to the terms of the contract, 21 days before departure on the tour.

Tell your friends, relatives and acquaintances about the benefits of the promotion “Early booking from travel agencies of our network! Experienced tourists have long known about this regular promotion and appreciate the opportunity to choose a tour in advance on the most attractive conditions!

Early booking traditionally starts in February-March, and sometimes already in January you can book a hotel for the summer. Save up to 35% of the cost of the tour! If you are a fan of planning your vacation in advance to the smallest detail, including the beach, hotel and room with all amenities, then early booking is a service that is ideal for you.

In today's article, you will find out which resorts are better to buy a tour now, what are the advantages of early booking, where it is better to go on a last-minute tour, and all the "pitfalls" of this system.

Which destinations will rise in price by the summer?

Read also:

Don't know what to choose? In a nutshell, Mexico is the most expensive, but the service here is excellent, and the Dominican Republic is about the same level. You can see the price of visas and fees here. Also, if you had a US visa, you can get an electronic entry permit for Mexico, which is issued free of charge instead of a visa. All resorts are year-round, but the sea is a little warmer on the shores of the Caribbean.

What will happen to Asia?

There is no need to book Asian destinations in advance. In addition, the “off season” begins in May - there will not be so many people who want to relax in or in, respectively, and prices will drop. However, this cannot be guaranteed either. Sometimes it is better to overpay, but fix your vacation in Asia in advance.

As for the weather in summer, we do not recommend going to Sri Lanka - strong waves, similarly in Vietnam, except for Nha Trang. And stories about summer rains in Thailand, India and Bali are greatly exaggerated - the climate is changing, now showers are less frequent and not so plentiful. And from the beginning of March, direct flights to Hainan Island in China begin to run, where you can relax all year round.

Advantages of early booking:

  • You are guaranteed to book a place in a scarce hotel - for example, with facilities for children, good animation, excellent value for money.
  • You save up to 35% of the cost of the tour, and up to 80% on the best hotels on the most popular dates!
  • You will not be affected by overbooking and relocation to the nearest free hotel.

For those whose life is unpredictable, and plans change at lightning speed, early booking will not work. It will be impossible to change the date of departure, to cancel an already paid tour without fines - too. Before buying a tour, check if the hotel is suitable for children.

Where are our customers already booking tours?


Early booking usually lasts until the end of April-May, depending on the tour operator. You can now pay 50% of the cost of the tour, and the rest - before the end of the booking. Recalculation of the balance is based on the exchange rate at the time of payment. If you notice a sharp drop in the dollar, you can immediately pay for the tour and win a small difference.

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