Home Migration registration Types of tourism and recreation. Geography of tourism for the purpose of recreation and entertainment (Russia and foreign countries) Work in this recreation sector remains an important and very interesting block for us, obtaining visas, booking flights, accommodation, transfers, insurance

Types of tourism and recreation. Geography of tourism for the purpose of recreation and entertainment (Russia and foreign countries) Work in this recreation sector remains an important and very interesting block for us, obtaining visas, booking flights, accommodation, transfers, insurance

The division in tourism into types and types was adopted to simplify the classification of basic documents, laws and definitions that help organize events at a high, including safe level: booking, payment, confirmation and execution of services for people's recreation.

The main thing in tourism is considered to be the division of domestic and international tourism.

1. Domestic tourism represents migration flows of people within the country of permanent residence for tourism purposes. According to some estimates, tourism accounts for 80-90% of all tourist trips, and the total expenditure on domestic tourism is 5-10 times higher than the expenditure of tourists on international travel.

Considering the difficult situation in our country lately, our company is ready to organize a vacation for you in Russia; this year, more than 50% of our regular clients chose a vacation in our country over going abroad!

2. International tourism covers travel of persons traveling for tourism purposes outside their country of residence. For them, crossing the state border involves certain formalities: issuing foreign passports and visas, going through customs procedures, currency and medical control.

Work in this leisure sector remains an important and very interesting block for us; obtaining visas, booking flights, accommodation, transfers, travel insurance will be organized at the most positive level!

The main goals of tourism are: entertaining (attractive), recreational and educational. The second most important are health and medical, followed by professional and business, guest, etc.

Travel for the purpose of entertainment and recreation forms the basis of international tourist exchange. They account for about 70% of world tourism. They combine recreational, educational, and amateur sports trips.

The goals of tourism for our team have long been a serious and beloved challenge; we wish, love and are ready to constantly learn, improve and discover new routes and vacation spots for you to fulfill these goals!

1. Recreational tourism

Tourism for recreational purposes is the most widespread form for a number of countries. Tourist trips to Spain and Italy. France, Austria, Hungary, Cyprus, etc. primarily have this very goal. Recreational tourism is characterized by the duration of the trip, a small number of cities included in the route, and the widespread use of air transport and, above all, charter flights.

Trips for recreational purposes are very diverse and can include entertainment programs (theater, cinema, festivals, etc.), hobby activities (hunting, music and art), ethnic trips related to the study of the national culture of the host country.

Recreational tourism includes various types of tourism for the purpose of relaxation, sightseeing (Excursions), sports (Skiing, Diving, Fishing), hiking (Activity & Adventure), exotic holidays (Exotic Travel), themed trips (Theme Trips, based around cultural themes in arts, history, archaeology, etc.).

2. Medical and health tourism

A type of tourism undertaken for health or medicinal purposes. Resorts provide tourists with complexes of medical and health procedures, massage services, etc.

Some companies are ready to compensate this type of vacation for their employees at work; we have experience in preparing health-improving vacations and the necessary documents for compensating tourists at their place of work.

3. Ski tourism

A type of sports tourism that involves recreation and skiing along the plains and foothills. Ski tourism requires special training of participants and increased attention from organizers. Type of active recreation; active and targeted types of physical training and exercises, training, we are ready to offer you recreation options taking into account your wishes and physical capabilities both in Russia and abroad.

4. Marine tourism

Water travel on regular passenger or special cruise lines. Full service is provided on board the ship.

5. Wedding tourism

A type of tourism designed for newlyweds. One of the undoubted advantages of wedding tourism is that a romantic trip will become part of the ceremony itself, and after the celebration there will be no need to waste time packing suitcases and flying.

6. Educational (excursion) tourism

This type of tourism includes travel and trips for educational purposes. An excursion as a form of knowledge and a form of leisure serves the function of broadening one’s horizons and intellect. One of the types of educational trips is car tourism. Compared to traveling by other means of transport, traveling by car and bus provides tourists with a much greater educational opportunity.

If you haven’t found your vacation category from the ones listed above, write or call us, we are sure that we can satisfy you in your desire for a vacation and organize a tour in such a way that you will return to our company more than once for the next tour!

Tourist travel for recreation and entertainment is the most widespread among other types. This direction of tourism is characterized by 3 features (according to Aleksandrova A.Yu., 2001):

1. Intraregional trips prevail over interregional ones.

Their ratio is 82: 18. In Europe, intraregional tourist flows account for up to 90% of all departures, in America and the Asia-Pacific macroregion - up to 75%.

2. Meridional orientation of tourist flows. Tourists from northern countries mainly relax on the shores of warm seas; there is an expansion of oncoming flows from south to north.

3. The exchange of tourists between former metropolises and colonies has developed. This is facilitated by strong traditional ties, the absence of a language barrier, and simplified tourist formalities.

Europe is the largest market for leisure and entertainment tourism. This is where the main tourist flows are formed and sent here. The intraregional nature of tourism is more pronounced than the interregional one. Intensive intra-European exchange is facilitated by:

A large number of countries in a relatively small area;

Close economic, cultural and ethnic ties between states;

Developed network of ground transport communications;

Simplified tourist formalities;

A wide variety of natural recreational and cultural-historical attractions;

Developed tourist infrastructure.

The United States plays an important role in interregional tourist exchange (7%). 3.5% of tourists travel from the Asia-Pacific macroregion to Europe, and 1.6% from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. Among the regions on the European continent, the most visited is Western Europe - 34.4%, followed by Southern Europe - 29.4%, Central and Eastern Europe - 21.9%.

The most visited countries for leisure and entertainment tourism are France, Spain and Italy. They account for over 80 million arrivals for the swimming and beach season.

The geography of outbound tourism, recreation and entertainment in Europe is similar to the spatial picture of inbound tourism. The only difference is that the role of Africa, the Middle East and South Asia is increasing in interregional exchange.

Germany is considered the most traveled nation not only in Europe, but also in the world. Every year Germans make over 80 million tourist trips.

The American macroregion ranks second in the world in terms of arrivals. Of the 4 regions of America, the most visited is the North American region (70%), the number of tourists in South America is rapidly increasing (14.4%).

In America, the vast majority of tourist flows are concentrated within the region. Exchanges between the USA, Canada and Mexico are especially intense. Thus, over 20 million tourists from the United States visit Mexico annually, and over 15 million people visit Canada. Every year, Americans take over 1 billion trips, primarily for recreation and entertainment, as well as visiting relatives and friends. The routes of most of them lie within the country.

The main destination for interregional exchange for Americans is the European continent (22% of visits). Among other directions, the rapidly growing flow to the Asia-Pacific macroregion stands out. The most attractive countries for Americans are China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore.

In the Asia-Pacific macroregion, tourism is still very young. The main tourist flows are directed to East Asia (57%). The countries of Southeast Asia are preferred by 1/3 of the tourists in the macroregion, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia and Taiwan are the most popular tourist destinations.

The economic breakthrough of these countries has led to a sharp development of the leisure and entertainment industry. These territories attract tourists with their beach holiday opportunities and exotic surroundings. Japan attracts visitors with its entertainment industry. Japan plays a leading role in outbound tourism (up to 30 million trips for entertainment and shopping).

Organization of tourism business: technology for creating tourism products Mishina Larisa Aleksandrovna

1.3. Travel as active recreation and health improvement

Social society is structured in such a way that almost every adult is engaged in work. Of course, it is beneficial for any employer for its employee to have good health, because working capacity directly depends on the state of health.

In paragraph 5 of Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, states that every person has the right to rest. A citizen working under an employment contract is guaranteed the working hours, weekends and holidays, and paid annual leave established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

According to Art. 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employee must be granted annual basic paid leave of 28 calendar days.

Rest is a process involving the restoration of physical and mental performance. The process of rest occurs under conditions of cessation of the activity that caused fatigue. Rest is a prerequisite for maintaining and strengthening health; it helps restore physical and spiritual strength, and therefore makes a person active and efficient.

There are two types of rest - active and passive.

Under passive rest refers to the cessation of the activity that caused fatigue and further physical rest of the body.

Leisure- this is the cessation of tiring activity and switching the body’s activity to another type of activity.

Tourism is one of the types of active recreation.

It should be noted that each person makes his own decision as to what type of recreation is suitable for him. The main criteria when choosing one method or another are: the needs and interests of a person, his physical characteristics and financial capabilities.

For example, in Western countries, where the standard of living of most people is much higher than in Russia, a common type of vacation is a weekend tour. In Russia, a person plans a tourist trip in advance and, as a rule, after waiting for a vacation and saving money, he goes on a trip for an average of 7-12 days.

As a result of a tourist trip, a person receives a complex of positive emotions, which leads to restoration of strength. Thus, tourism fully meets the main purpose of recreation and, therefore, is its type.

According to the definition, tourism– these are trips for recreational, medical and health-improving, educational, physical education and sports, professional and business, religious and other purposes.

Recreational tourism is a special type of tourism, the main goal of which is to restore human strength through travel. The consequence of this type of rest is to relieve fatigue, increase efficiency, improve a person’s overall well-being and mood.

Recreational tourism is based on the use of recreation and tourism resources for restoration purposes. These include not only natural, but also anthropogenic objects. Recreational resources are divided into natural-recreational and cultural-historical.

TO natural and recreational resources include the coasts of various bodies of water, forests, mountains, etc.

Cultural and historical sights– these are various historical monuments, works of art, archeology and architectural structures.

If the classification is based on the nature of human use of recreational resources, then four types of resources can be distinguished:

1) recreational and therapeutic (mineral waters, mud springs);

2) recreational and recreational (swimming and beach areas, coniferous forests);

3) recreational and sports (ski resorts);

4) recreational and educational (various historical monuments, theme parks).

Since the personality of each person is individual, and the recovery of each person occurs through the use of various resources, it is necessary to understand that the recreational tourism program should include recreation, various entertainment and educational activities and other activities that can satisfy the needs of vacationers. As a rule, this type of tourism is characterized by the use of air travel and a small number of visited places.

Medical and health tourism is a type of tourism aimed at treatment and recovery. Here, an individual approach to each client is required, depending on the state of health and the needs of a particular person for a specific method of treatment and recovery. As a rule, this is a fairly long vacation (on average 24-28 days), carried out mainly in resorts, sanatoriums, and rest homes. This type of tourism is characterized by the use of air transportation and the presence of a tourist in one place of stay with possible excursion trips.

Medical and health tourism is based on natural and recreational resources. These include: climate, mineral waters, mud springs, sea water, etc. In the places of the above resources, sanatoriums and resorts are located, where the recovery and treatment of tourists takes place with the help of climatotherapy (climate treatment), balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters), peloid therapy ( mud therapy), etc.

Tourism for leisure purposes It is distinguished by a wide variety of tourist resources used, methods of transportation, duration and number of places of stay. Leisure travel programs are varied and include a variety of entertainment and leisure activities.

Tourism as a vacation is divided into active and passive. This division is based on the means of transportation used and the activity of the tourist during the travel process.

Let's consider all existing groups.

1. The first group are tourists who prefer a relaxing holiday. Such people are driven by the desire to move away from everyday worries and difficulties, to relax in a calm environment. As a rule, they do not like large crowds of people, use means of fast transportation (air travel) and prefer one vacation spot (resort, recreation center).

2. The second group is tourists who prefer active recreation and vivid impressions. These are active and enterprising people seeking variety and entertainment.

3. The third group is tourists who prefer active recreation. These people want to be in harmony with nature, prefer to be in the fresh air and give themselves some exercise (volleyball, fishing).

4. The fourth group is tourists who prefer sports recreation. These are tourists for whom sport is a hobby. Such people tend to go to places of various amateur sports competitions and love exercise and movement.

5. The fifth group are tourists who prefer adventure. These are solo tourists who love adventure tourism, risk and the opportunity to test themselves.

6. The sixth group are tourists who prefer educational activities. For this type of tourists, the main thing is to improve their level of education. They are driven by the desire to see for themselves what they once heard or read about; they are interested in historical monuments and other cultural attractions.

Active tourism is intensive human activity during recreation, for example, entertainment, sports activities. Such tourism includes various tours related to visiting exotic places, hunting, fishing, etc.

Passive tourism is a human activity during recreation that does not require strong physical exertion. Passive tourism tour programs are more focused on physical recreation and educational activities. Such tours can be designed for couples with children or retirees.

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Tourist travel for recreation and entertainment is the most widespread among other types. This direction of tourism is characterized by 3 features (according to Aleksandrova A.Yu., 2001):

1. Intraregional trips prevail over interregional ones.

Their ratio is 82: 18. In Europe, intraregional tourist flows account for up to 90% of all departures, in America and the Asia-Pacific macroregion - up to 75%.

2. Meridional orientation of tourist flows. Tourists from northern countries mainly relax on the shores of warm seas; there is an expansion of oncoming flows from south to north.

3. The exchange of tourists between former metropolises and colonies has developed. This is facilitated by strong traditional ties, the absence of a language barrier, and simplified tourist formalities.

Europe is the largest market for leisure and entertainment tourism. This is where the main tourist flows are formed and sent here. The intraregional nature of tourism is more pronounced than the interregional one. Intensive intra-European exchange is facilitated by:

A large number of countries in a relatively small area;

Close economic, cultural and ethnic ties between states;

Developed network of ground transport communications;

Simplified tourist formalities;

A wide variety of natural recreational and cultural-historical attractions;

Developed tourist infrastructure.

The United States plays an important role in interregional tourist exchange (7%). 3.5% of tourists travel from the Asia-Pacific macroregion to Europe, and 1.6% from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. Among the regions on the European continent, the most visited is Western Europe - 34.4%, followed by Southern Europe - 29.4%, Central and Eastern Europe - 21.9%.

The most visited countries for leisure and entertainment tourism are France, Spain and Italy. They account for over 80 million arrivals for the swimming and beach season.

The geography of outbound tourism, recreation and entertainment in Europe is similar to the spatial picture of inbound tourism. The only difference is that the role of Africa, the Middle East and South Asia is increasing in interregional exchange.

Germany is considered the most traveled nation not only in Europe, but also in the world. Every year Germans make over 80 million tourist trips.

The American macroregion ranks second in the world in terms of arrivals. Of the 4 regions of America, the most visited is the North American region (70%), the number of tourists in South America is rapidly increasing (14.4%).

In America, the vast majority of tourist flows are concentrated within the region. Exchanges between the USA, Canada and Mexico are especially intense. Thus, over 20 million tourists from the United States visit Mexico annually, and over 15 million people visit Canada. Every year, Americans take over 1 billion trips, primarily for recreation and entertainment, as well as visiting relatives and friends. The routes of most of them lie within the country.

The main destination for interregional exchange for Americans is the European continent (22% of visits). Among other directions, the rapidly growing flow to the Asia-Pacific macroregion stands out. The most attractive countries for Americans are China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore.

In the Asia-Pacific macroregion, tourism is still very young. The main tourist flows are directed to East Asia (57%). The countries of Southeast Asia are preferred by 1/3 of the tourists in the macroregion, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia and Taiwan are the most popular tourist destinations.

The economic breakthrough of these countries has led to a sharp development of the leisure and entertainment industry. These territories attract tourists with their beach holiday opportunities and exotic surroundings. Japan attracts visitors with its entertainment industry. Japan plays a leading role in outbound tourism (up to 30 million trips for entertainment and shopping).

In Africa, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco stand out in the market for beach, bathing and sightseeing tourism.

The Middle East plays a secondary role in this direction.

Control questions:

1. Characteristic features of tourism, recreation and entertainment.

2. What factors contribute to the development of intra-European exchange?

3. Name the most visited countries in Europe and the most traveled nation in the world.

4. What are the features of the development of tourism for the purpose of recreation and entertainment in the American macroregion?

5. Describe the main flows of tourist travel for the purpose of recreation and entertainment in the Asia-Pacific macroregion.

End of work -

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Tourist flows for the purpose of recreation and entertainment are the most massive and determine the geographical structure of international tourism. They originate in the countries of Europe, North America, and the Asia-Pacific region and at the same time gravitate towards them.
A feature of tourism for the purpose of recreation and entertainment is that intraregional trips, mainly to neighboring countries, prevail over interregional ones. In Europe, intraregional tourist flows account for about 90% of all departures, in America and the Asia-Pacific region - almost 75%. Only the structure of outbound tourism in South Asia is dominated by interregional trips.
According to UNWTO forecasts, in the near future the ratio of intra- and interregional tourist flows in the world will change somewhat: tourist exchange between regions will develop more intensively than within regions. Relatively high rates of increase in the number of tourist departures from the Asia-Pacific region to Europe and America are predicted to largely determine the overall picture. As a result, the share of interregional tourist trips will increase (up to 24%), and the share of intraregional trips will correspondingly decrease (up to 76%).
Another feature of international tourism for the purpose of recreation and entertainment is manifested in the meridional direction of tourist flows: tourists from northern countries willingly relax on the coast of warm seas. Americans and Canadians are the main visitors to Caribbean resorts. In Europe, bathing and beach tourism is concentrated in the Mediterranean. Norwegians, Danes, Finns, Swedes, and Irish spend their holidays here.
Recently, oncoming tourist flows from south to north have been noticeably increasing, mainly to the resorts of Northern Europe and the Scandinavian countries, which is explained by the state of the environment and the gentle sun.
In Finland and Sweden, as the number of overnight stays by tourists from Germany, one of the main tourism markets for the Nordic countries, falls, the number of overnight stays by tourists from Spain is increasing. Iceland, the least explored country in northern Europe by tourists, is also facing intense competition for the international travel market. To attract visitors, she introduced 40 new itineraries in 1996, including whale watching trips. The number of tourists wanting to see these huge marine animals in natural conditions is increasing rapidly.
The exchange of tourists between the former metropolises and their colonies is developing, facilitated by the absence of a language barrier and traditionally strong ties, primarily in the economic and cultural spheres. The British and Dutch, the Spanish and the Portuguese show interest in the historical past and present of the former colonies. The Portuguese save money in order to see Brazil, and Brazilians try to visit Portugal at least once in their lives, since for many of them this country is their historical homeland. In 1996, every third European who set foot on the African continent was French. Most of them chose holidays in Morocco and Tunisia. This feature of the spatial distribution of tourist flows is manifested not only in Africa. Twice as many tourists from England arrive in South Asia as from other European countries, and these tourist flows are mainly directed to the former British colonies - India and Sri Lanka.

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