Home Migration registration The resort infrastructure is a “lifeline” in the off-season. Infrastructure in a hotel project: balance of functions Hotel infrastructure

The resort infrastructure is a “lifeline” in the off-season. Infrastructure in a hotel project: balance of functions Hotel infrastructure

Traditionally, there are two seasons on the Black Sea coast:
high season - from June to September;
low season (off-season) – from October to May.

According to 2011 data, the average annual occupancy of all accommodation facilities on the Black Sea coast was at 59%. During the high season, 4-5 star facilities are usually 70-80% occupied. In the off-season, the average occupancy of such facilities along the coast is 30-35%.

The main difference between the occupancy of facilities with and without infrastructure occurs in the off-season. Many hotels that do not have infrastructure close during the low season. Therefore, hotel market specialists distinguish two large categories of objects:
Seasonal (working period from May to October)

The average annual occupancy of year-round facilities is at the level of 50%, seasonal - at the level of 30%. Market experts note that the relatively high occupancy of hotels operating all year round is formed due to social and, as a rule, budget orders.

Vouchers to quality facilities (sanatoriums, boarding houses, large hotel complexes), especially those located on the first line, are purchased in advance. Ultimately, during the high season, almost all objects on the Black Sea coast are “packed” to capacity. In this case, the availability of infrastructure affects, first of all, the speed of sales of hotel rooms.


If in the high season almost all hotels on the coast are full, then in the off-season they have to enter into fierce competition for their clients. The most popular ways to attract tourists are discounts on accommodation and the inclusion of a set of additional services in the package. It is obvious that in the off-season, in the absence of summer entertainment, tourists place higher demands on the internal infrastructure of hotels. The most popular queries are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 The most popular requirements of tourists for accommodation facilities on the Black Sea coast.

The first basic element of infrastructure for Russian resorts is food. Most hotels (even small ones) have their own cafes or mini-canteens that serve a custom menu. In large boarding houses or hotels, in addition to the main restaurant, there are usually other cafes, lobbies, and restaurants (where show programs and discos are also held). It is worth noting that in summer it is easier for tourists to solve the problem of food, since at this time there are many cafes and restaurants operating at the resorts. In the low season, this issue is approached more selectively, so having an organized food system will be an advantage for the hotel and will help attract customers.

Next in the popularity ranking are swimming pools and water entertainment complexes. In mini-hotels on the coast, the use of a swimming pool (usually open, small in size, due to the lack of a large territory) is often added to the minimum set of services. In hotels with developed infrastructure, tourists are offered a choice of both an indoor water complex and an open one with several water slides, usually including a children's pool. Along with this, almost all large complexes have spas and medical centers. At the same time, sometimes small hotels that operate in the off-season offer vacationers the use of spas, medical and other services on the basis of large boarding houses, if they are located nearby.

The infrastructure for children's entertainment occupies a special place. The supply and demand for services for children are highly seasonal and usually depend on school holidays. In summer it is three months, in autumn and spring – a week, in winter – two. The high season for children's tourism is in the summer, when supply and demand are equally high.
Almost every hotel provides additional services or entertainment for children. Mini-hotels often have small playgrounds or rooms; a less common service is a children's menu. Large resort complexes are often family-oriented, so they offer young tourists a variety of entertainment: children's playgrounds, water slides, children's rooms, and babysitting services. Some boarding houses host creative workshops, host various thematic game programs, vocal and choreography master classes, quest games, sports competitions and other entertainment.

For example, in the year-round boarding house "Aqualoo" in Sochi, in the summer the All-Russian chess competition "White Lady" is held, and in recent years - the Russian chess championships among children 10-18 years old. In Anapa, the Open Film Festival of the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia “Kinoshok” is held annually at the Fairy-2 boarding house. The program includes the KinoBabyShok children's feature and animated film competition. Note that such events not only affect the current occupancy, but are a contribution to the future, since after 10-15 years, grown-up children will happily return to these boarding houses. Therefore, the larger the complex, the more attention should be paid to the infrastructure of children's entertainment.
After children's infrastructure, business services are the most popular. The main demand occurs in the off-season. Most often they are presented in hotels with developed infrastructure and include: a conference room, a meeting room, a congress hall, as well as all the necessary technical equipment for holding business events.

Business services are followed by sports infrastructure, which is mandatory in every large sanatorium and resort complex. In the off-season, the emphasis is on the services of fitness centers and gyms, and in the high season, outdoor tennis courts, volleyball, football and other sports grounds, and the services of wellness centers are popular. In addition, the expansion of the sports infrastructure can be used in the off-season to attract professional athletes and clubs, as the complex becomes convenient for organizing sports camps.

The above services are basic and are most often found in hotels on the Black Sea coast. Less often in large complexes you can find your own cinemas, summer stage, bowling alley or ice skating rink.


Let's take a closer look at how the presence of certain infrastructure elements can affect the average annual occupancy of hotels. As an initial indicator, let's take the average annual occupancy of hotels on the Black Sea coast without infrastructure, which is about 28%. This indicator was calculated by experts, based on the fact that most hotels without infrastructure operate from May to October.

Table 2 How the availability of infrastructure can affect the average annual occupancy of accommodation facilities on the Black Sea coast.

Source: GVA Sawyer, experts who participated in the survey.

Table 2 shows the average indicators of infrastructure elements that can increase the occupancy of accommodation facilities. Based on these data, the average annual hotel occupancy level can increase to 60-65%.
At the same time, hotel industry experts surveyed note that for each individual facility, indicators may be different, depending on its location, positioning, as well as the time of year, which affects the popularity of certain services.
For example, business services are in demand in hotels, as a rule, in the autumn and spring periods and can help increase occupancy in some cases by 10-15%. At the same time, the impact of a particular infrastructure facility will be different for different target audiences, experts note.

A number of large resort complexes on the Black Sea coast with developed infrastructure have an average annual occupancy of 60%. These include the Aqualoo boarding house, where the only year-round water park operates in the Kuban. In addition, the boarding house has its own medical facilities and business infrastructure. There are several periods when the load is at a high level. Firstly, in the summer during the high season - 98%. Secondly, in the winter during school holidays and New Year holidays (January-December) - 70%. In the off-season, the average annual occupancy is at 45%. At this time, a large number of vacationers come for treatment, and the presence of a water park encourages tourists to take the whole family on vacation.

Many other accommodation facilities have also found their niche and have high occupancy levels in the off-season (see Table 3). For example, in the resort complex “Nadezhda. SPA&Sea Paradise" hosts a ballroom dancing cup, beauty contests are held at the Kempinski Grand Hotel Gelendzhik, the annual congress of cosmetologists of Russia, the Beauty New exhibition-congress, and the All-Russian Agrochemical Forum are held at the Primorye Hotel in Gelendzhik. Medical forums and seminars are held at the Krasnaya Talka sanatorium.
However, hotels that do not have their own infrastructure can also count on off-season occupancy, but only if the hotel is located near an object or area that is attractive to the target audience. An example would be a hotel
"Henry I", located in Dagomys. The village has two football fields, thanks to which in the off-season there is a flow of athletes who check into the hotel. There is convenient road infrastructure near the hotel, which attracts groups of cyclists. At the same time, the absence of an aqua-thermal zone in the hotel (planned to be commissioned at the end of 2012) significantly reduces the attractiveness of the hotel. According to the calculations of the owners, the Undersun group of companies, its presence will increase occupancy in the off-season by 10-25%.

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The key aspects of management in hotel enterprises include infrastructure management as a system for ensuring their functioning.
Objects of infrastructure services include material, technical and labor resources involved in the process of providing hotel services. Material and technical resources include buildings, structures, engineering systems, equipment, raw materials and energy resources, vehicles, etc., creating material conditions for the implementation of all types of activities of hotel enterprises.
The relevance of hotel infrastructure management is associated with the importance of such factors as:
¦¦¦ significant dependence on the results of the functioning of hotel enterprises, in particular the quality of the services provided
their services, on the level of infrastructure support for their production activities; ¦¦¦ large, and often decisive, share of expenses for
infrastructure in the total costs of hotel enterprises; ¦¦¦ the need to determine a policy for updating or restoring engineering systems and equipment of hotels in order to improve the quality of service as part of the strategy to ensure their competitiveness, etc. The set of functions for managing the infrastructure of hotel enterprises reflects the following types of activities:
Activities related to material objects.
Management of repair work.
Maintenance management of engineering infrastructure.
Maintenance of the power supply system.
Maintenance of the water supply system.
Maintenance of elevators, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting systems.
Cleaning management.
Information network management.
Waste disposal management.
Management of maintenance of parking lots and surrounding areas.
Personnel related activities.
Planning and creation of the interior of premises.
Organization of the workplace.
Organization of medical care and recreation for personnel.
Activities to reduce the operating costs of the organization.
Office of Energy Supply.
Water and heat supply metering system.
System for reducing energy costs.
Comprehensive automation of energy metering.
Property management.
The features of hotel enterprises, in particular resort hotels, determined by their purpose or specificity, are correspondingly reflected in the formation and functioning of the system of infrastructure support for hotel activities.
An important area of ​​activity of hotel enterprises in conditions that require appropriate infrastructure support is the development and widespread use of modern information technologies. The information system is designed to provide a full technological cycle of hotel production activities, starting from initial transactions with the consumer to receiving the full range of hotel services. Along with this, this system is designed to provide services and departments of hotel enterprises with relevant information and provides its resources for carrying out relevant operations at each workplace.
The characteristics of infrastructure service facilities and the requirements for their individual elements, which affect the category of hotels within their classification, are contained in the relevant regulatory documents (“Certification of tourist services and hotel services”).
One of the main factors for increasing the efficiency of hotel enterprises is reducing costs in primary and service industries. This can be facilitated by the involvement of third-party organizations to perform certain functions of infrastructure support, associated with the concept of “outsourcing”. However, when choosing a service option (by own infrastructure units or third-party business entities), the cost minimization criterion must be combined with established requirements for the guarantee of receiving infrastructure services, quality of service and other characteristics that determine the level of efficiency of infrastructure support for hotel activities.

Tourist accommodation infrastructure. The hotel industry as a type of economic activity includes the provision of hotel services and the organization of short-term accommodation for a fee in hotels, campsites, motels, school and student dormitories, guest houses, etc. This activity also includes restaurant services.

It is accepted in international practice Standard classification of tourist accommodation facilities, developed by WTO experts (Table 6.1.). In Russia, based on the above classification, the State Standard “Accommodation Facilities” was developed, which came into force in 1999.

Table 6.1.

Standard classification of tourist accommodation facilities



Collective accommodation facilities for tourists

Hotels and similar accommodation facilities


    Similar establishments



    Health facilities

    Labor and rest camps

    Public means of transport

    Congress centers

Other collective


    Dwellings intended for recreation


Individual accommodation facilities for tourists

Individual accommodation facilities

    Own dwellings

    Rooms for rent

    Rented dwellings

    Accommodation with relatives and friends

According to the WTO definition, hotel- this is a collective accommodation facility, consisting of a certain number of rooms, having a single management, providing a set of services (minimum - making beds, cleaning the room and bathroom) and grouped into classes and categories in accordance with the services provided and equipment of the rooms.

By service level hotels are divided into several types, with the common main service being the provision of accommodation, and all others in one way or another contribute to improving the quality of this main service and can be provided in one set or another.

Luxury hotel : 100-400 numbers; city ​​center; high-level service by well-trained staff who fulfill the various wishes of clients; the price is very high; consumer - heads of large organizations, high-level professionals, participants in high-level conferences; Elite conditions, expensive interior decoration.

High class hotel : large size – 400-2000 rooms; within the city; a wide range of services provided by trained staff; price is above average; consumer – businessmen, individual tourists, conference participants; expensive furniture and equipment, large hall, restaurants.

Mid-range hotel : seeks to make maximum use of modern technology and reduce operating costs and therefore prices, including through labor reduction and through automation. Prices are at the average level for the region or slightly above average.

Aparthotel : 100-400 numbers; most often self-service; the price depends on the time of placement; consumer – businessmen and family tourists staying for a long time; conditions are similar to a fully furnished apartment.

Economy hotel : hotel with limited services; 10-150 rooms; outskirts or middle part of the city; limited number of staff; the price is low, 25-30% below the regional average, which is why they are in demand; consumers - thrifty tourists who do not need full board; conditions - modern, well-equipped rooms, but, as a rule, meals are not provided in these hotels.

According to the Russian standard, a hotel is classified as a temporary accommodation establishment with a capacity of at least 10 rooms. The category of hotels is indicated by the symbol * (star). The number of stars increases in accordance with the improvement in the quality of service and hotel equipment. For hotels, categories range from one to five stars, for motels - from one to four stars. The classification of accommodation services and terminology presented in Russian regulations and the Standard International Classification of Tourism Activities (SICTA), adopted by Eurostat and the WTO, differ significantly.

In different countries of the world, various symbols are used to indicate the categories of hotels and other accommodation facilities - from stars in France and Russia to crowns in England. Attempts to introduce a unified international classification of hotels have so far been unsuccessful.

Depending on the size and types of residential and office premises, equipment of enterprises, level of comfort of rooms and public premises, services provided and other factors, classification of hotels by category. Payment for rooms and other services is established depending on the capacity. There are about 30 hotel classifications in foreign countries. They can be divided into two groups:

"European" system , based on the French national classification, common in most countries (the rank is established by assigning a certain number of stars - from one to five);

"points" or Indian system , which is based on the assessment of the hotel by an expert commission.

The number of stars in a European hotel corresponds to a certain term in the American version of the classification.

Hotels are divided into three categories: upper class (luxury) – 4-5 stars; tourist class (medium) – 2-3 stars; economy class - 1-2 stars. Almost all classifications evaluate the following basic parameters of a hotel: characteristics of the room stock: room area, availability of utilities in the rooms and on the floors, room comfort; equipment and interior design; information support, including communications; availability of an elevator; characteristics of public premises; presence and characteristics of food establishments; providing the possibility of additional consumer services and others; characteristics of the building, access roads, infrastructure development, development of the surrounding area.

There are large and small hotels. The WTO recommends that a small hotel be considered a hotel with up to 30 rooms. Another point of view is that a small hotel is a hotel that can be serviced and managed by members of the same family. Most small hotels are, as a rule, independent hotels that are not part of hotel chains.

Yu. F. Volkov 68 identifies a number of classification criteria by which different types of hotels are distinguished. We present this classification of hotels below with significant abbreviations and amendments for the author’s perception.

By location on the territory In a certain area, hotels are divided into: located in the city (in the center, on the outskirts); located in rural areas (including high mountains). By location The following types of hotels can also be distinguished: hotels in the city center; roadside, as a rule, low-rise with open parking lots; hotels in the outskirts of the city and at airports; floating hotels are floating vessels equipped as hotels for the accommodation and recreation of tourists near the shore of the sea, river or lake.

Room capacity. The hotel's capacity is determined by the number of permanent beds. The classification of hotels by capacity varies in different countries. For example, in Switzerland and Austria, hotels with less than 100 beds are considered small, 100-200 beds - medium, more than 200 beds - large; in the Czech Republic up to 120 places - small, up to 500 places - medium, over 500 places - large; in the USA, up to 100 rooms are small, up to 500 rooms are medium, and over 500 are large.

In our country there is no official classification of hotels according to their capacity, and therefore their grouping is proposed: up to 150 beds (no more than 100 rooms) - small capacity hotels, from 150 to 400 beds (up to 300 rooms) - medium capacity, more than 400 beds (over 300 rooms) – large capacity. The world's hotel rooms are mainly located in small and medium-sized hotels.

By price level, established for the basic paid services provided in the room stock, hotels are divided into: budget (25-$35); economic ($35-55); medium ($55-95); first-class ($95-195); apart-hotels ($65-125); luxury hotels ($125-525 and above).

By length of stay of clientele hotels are distinguished: for long-stay clients; for a short stay. By duration of operation During the year, hotels are divided into: operating all year round; working seasonally (summer, winter). By way of providing food For clients staying in hotels, they are divided into: providing full board; providing breakfast only; not offering food (as a rule, due to the absence of a restaurant or other enterprise).

Number of storeys. World practice shows that hotels are built from 1-2 to 40 floors or more. The most common number of floors for newly built hotels: in Russia – 5-16 floors; in the Czech Republic - 8-14 floors; in Hungary in small towns - 4-5 floors, in larger cities and resorts - 6-11 floors; in Germany – 8-10 floors; in the UK - 10-15 floors. Hotel buildings by number of floors are divided into the following groups: low-rise (1-2 floors); medium-rise (3-5 floors); high number of floors (6-9 floors); multi-storey (first category - 10-16 floors; second category - 17-25 floors; third category - 26-40 floors); high-rise buildings (more than 40 floors).

Comfort level hotels are determined by the technical equipment, composition and quality of the room stock, and the range of services provided. Classification of hotels by level of comfort is available in most countries. There are currently two main directions in the approach to this classification abroad. One gives preference to the so-called “static” characteristics, that is, a firmly established percentage of rooms with a bathroom and toilet, a certain ratio between the capacity of hotels and the number of service personnel, etc.

Another direction gives preference to “dynamic” factors, that is, service. Its proponents believe that rigid ratios in accommodation facilities without adequate levels of service do not provide a true picture of the actual quality standard of the hotel. This area includes the classification of hotels in Switzerland.

By level, range and cost of services hotels are divided into several types: cheap hotels or hotels with limited services that offer a minimum of services (the presence of catering establishments at such hotels is not necessary); luxury hotels are built according to individual projects, are distinguished by high-quality furniture, well-equipped premises and, as a rule, are staffed with a larger number of service personnel in relation to the number of rooms in them. Hotels can also be classified according to form of ownership, highlighting municipal, state, private and rented hotels.

Tourist food infrastructure. Meals are not a mandatory service as part of the tourism product and may not be provided during the implementation of the tour. The works of RMAT scientists provide a generalized classification of tourist catering establishments, which we present below 69:

    By type of enterprise: restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, snack bars, factory kitchens.

    By type of property: own and rented.

    By location: as part of a tourist hotel complex; as part of hotels; as part of other accommodation facilities; autonomous.

    By service method: served by waiters; self-service; mixed service.

    By class: “luxury”; "higher"; "first"; "out of category."

    By assortment: wide selection of dishes; set meals; national cuisine; exotic dishes.

    By service mode: breakfast; half board; full board; buffet (buffet); special food (dietary, vegetarian, etc.); baby food.

Let us now consider the main types of catering establishments used in the practice of organizing tourist travel 70.

Restaurant– a public catering establishment, usually with a varied, wide range of complexly prepared dishes, snacks, confectionery, wine and vodka products, fruits, mineral water, juices, ice cream, desserts. Restaurants widely practice making custom-made dishes, snacks, as well as specialty and national dishes included in the menu. In terms of the number of seats, there are both very small restaurants (10-15 seats) and large ones (500 or more seats). Often in restaurants, a high level of service is combined with the organization of recreation for visitors. The restaurants cater for family celebrations, formal evenings, receptions, conferences, and theme nights.

Cafeteria- an enterprise whose assortment of drinks necessarily includes several types of coffee, as well as alcoholic drinks such as rum, liqueur, cognac, which are served with coffee. Most often the service is provided “a la carte”. In the cafeteria, hot and cold drinks, bakery and simple culinary products in a limited assortment are prepared and sold for on-site consumption. The menu includes hot and cold drinks, baked goods, and hot dishes. The menu must include a wide selection of mineral water, juices, alcoholic drinks, and fruits. Service is provided by a waiter.

Cafe distinguished as follows. Cafe-patisserie– an enterprise that sells, in addition to coffee, a wide range (up to 15 items or more) of confectionery products. Visitors are offered the latest newspapers and magazines. Such establishments usually do not offer hot food. Ice cream parlor- an enterprise whose assortment includes many types of ice cream, hot drinks, fruit and berry juices, mineral water, alcohol (cognac, rum, liqueur, champagne). Both service with the help of a waiter and self-service are possible. As a rule, cafe windows display confectionery products that you can choose yourself. This is used when a cafe has a large range of confectionery products.

Dining room– a catering establishment that prepares and sells products mainly of its own production. Canteens are usually organized in first-class hotels, sometimes at resorts, in enterprises, and in educational institutions. These are quite large food establishments in terms of capacity. Meals for tourists in canteens are often organized, for example, when they visit some industrial enterprises. Set menus may be available. A cyclical menu is often used, as well as a full diet: breakfast, lunch, dinner; appetizers are offered buffet style, and one main course can be selected from the serving table.

Pizzeria is an enterprise specializing in the preparation and sale of pizza for on-site consumption. Italian pizza has become so widespread that numerous pizzerias where tourists can eat inexpensively have begun to open all over the world. A pizzeria can be organized according to the principle of a restaurant, that is, with waiter service and individual preparation of a dish, or according to the self-service type, when the entire assortment is presented for distribution. The assortment includes several types of pizza, mineral water, juices, and wine.

Buffet, the main purpose of which is to quickly serve visitors who can receive cold appetizers, sandwiches, hot and chilled drinks, bakery and confectionery products. The buffet also sells hot, easy-to-prepare dishes (cutlets, sausages). Similar buffets are organized both in hotels and at gas stations on highways.

Coffee shop, or coffee house– a food service establishment with a limited assortment, specializing mainly in the preparation of coffee. The coffee shop offers a large selection of coffee, tea, as well as pastries and confectionery. Alcoholic drinks are not excluded. Baked goods and confectionery products can be prepared on site or ordered from a supplier. Sometimes simple dishes can be prepared, such as sandwiches and sandwiches.

Bars available all over the world. These are specialized fast service enterprises designed to sell a wide range of mixed drinks. The bar can sell confectionery, and sometimes even snacks and hot dishes. The main purpose of the bar is to give guests the opportunity to relax in a cozy atmosphere, listen to music or watch a football match. Bars can be located both in the city center and on the coast, if we are talking about a resort. Depending on the assortment, bars are divided into pubs(famous English pubs), wine, and cocktail lounges And cocktail bars, varying in size and variety of equipment. As a rule, tourists like to visit bars. In some countries, for example in the UK, visiting bars may be included in the tourist program.

Fast food establishments are becoming more and more popular in the world. Tourists visit them both individually and as part of tour groups during organized group trips. The assortment is usually limited to a few dishes: cold dishes, hot dishes, sandwiches, drinks, ice cream, etc. Such enterprises use self-service with a free choice of dishes from a serving counter. These enterprises have a high throughput and are located in busy areas along the route of intense consumer flows.

The most famous Fast Foods are McDonald's, Burger King, specializing in hamburgers; Pizza Hut, specializing in pizza. In France, this is Fnac, which offers a large assortment of vegetable salads, desserts (fruit and confectionery ) and a limited assortment of main dishes (meat and fish). In Germany, this is “Nordsee” - fish and seafood dishes, vegetable salads, and juices are offered.

Catering. According to the definition of R. A. Brymer, catering– This is service most often outside the premises of food establishments. In Eastern European countries it corresponds to comprehensive services. There are indoor catering, outdoor catering, individual catering, traveling catering, and retail sales. Catering includes the sale of soft drinks and sandwiches at the sports arena, as well as the sale of cigarettes, cookies, packaged juices and carbonated drinks through vending machines.

Since the 2000s, in Russia, as well as in a number of Western countries, the number of companies engaged in the service sector has increased and is now continuing to increase. According to official Russian statistics, in recent years the number of hotels in the Russian Federation has increased by a third. In most of Russia, there is consistently a noticeable shortage of business and luxury hotels. There are also few budget hotels now, and the level of service is traditionally low.

Classification of hotels in Russia

Large hotels, hotels and hostels are always classified according to an international system of established standards - according to the number of stars the establishment has. In Russia, such a gradation is also relevant. In some of the eastern countries there is a different system - points. In Russia, hotels are assigned stars based on the number of points they accumulate, in accordance with approved standards:

  • Without stars - assumes minimal functionality - a bed, hot water, heating and one toilet, with a room area of ​​9 m².
  • One star is an inexpensive accommodation option with extremely modest service and cleaning.
  • Two stars - low-budget category, provides daily cleaning.
  • Three stars is a mid-price hotel, rooms are cleaned daily and include a separate bathroom, TV and personal refrigerator, there are additional services, laundry, gym, single and double rooms.
  • Four stars - here the requirements are similar to three-star ones, but linen is changed daily, there is air conditioning and personal care products for body and hair for every day, the cost of such rooms is higher, but the service is much better.
  • Five-star luxury rooms mean designer design, exclusive services, large room area, premium interior and restaurant.

Advantages and disadvantages of the hotel business

Among the advantages are:

  • high demand for services;
  • liquidity of the business and the ability to quickly sell it if necessary;
  • government support at all levels of small business;
  • good source of profit;
  • expansion of the number of services offered.

Among the serious shortcomings that hinder the opening of hotels are the following aspects:

  • uneven profit generation, lack of sales at the end of the tourist season;
  • large initial costs for renting premises, hiring staff and implementing a business plan;
  • serious shortage of qualified personnel at the initial stage;
  • bureaucratic problems with collecting papers and high taxes.

The hotel business scares off many entrepreneurs at the initial stage because of the high cost, as well as the need to obtain initial investments, but those who have invested and started running a hotel business have a stable high income.

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