Home Migration registration What does the word transfer mean? What is a hotel transfer? VIP transfer also provides additional services.

What does the word transfer mean? What is a hotel transfer? VIP transfer also provides additional services.

Imagine that you finally got out to another country for a vacation there. After leaving the airport, you involuntarily start thinking about how not to get lost. It is especially difficult when you have problems with the local language. This problem is solved with the help of a service provided by many modern travel agencies. This service is called transfer.

The essence of this service is that at the airport of arrival a person with a sign with your data (first name, last name) will already be waiting for you. This person will escort you to a prearranged car and take you to your hotel. Agree, very convenient. This option certainly will not allow you to get lost in an unfamiliar city. You won't have to regret the money spent on the transfer. Of course, the transfer will cost more than, for example, a taxi or metro, but we do not travel that often.

By the way, about the financial side of the service. In addition to direct delivery to the hotel, for an additional fee, a glass of champagne, for example, or flowers at the exit of the aircraft, can be offered in the cabin of the car.

It should be noted that the high cost of a transfer is not a reason to give up comfort. There is a less expensive alternative to a personal transfer - a group transfer. Most often, this service is free, as it is included in the cost of the finished tour. The essence is the same. You will still be met by guides, but they will take you not to the car, but to the bus, where you will have to wait for the rest of the tourists. This group will be taken to the hotel.

Of course, in this case, the trip will be delayed a little. Indeed, as practice shows, it is not easy to quickly collect a large number of people. Someone will definitely go away for a smoke, another will want to go to the toilet, the third will go for souvenirs. Usually a half-hour delay is considered a good indicator. In addition, it may happen that not all fellow travelers go to the same hotel. Therefore, you may have to make several stops on the way to your destination.

If, for any reason, neither a personal nor a group transfer is suitable, you can go to the hotel by taxi. Let's face it, it's not cheap. Sometimes if the hotel is far from the airport, the cost of a taxi is not inferior to the price of an individual transfer. A significant drawback of the approach is that you will have to look for a taxi yourself. You will also need to explain to the driver where to go. Problems can arise without proper knowledge of a foreign language. Metro is one of the best options. The subway is inexpensive and takes relatively little time. Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the crush and pickpockets operating everywhere.

Thus, the transfer is one continuous convenience. And the more expensive it is, the more comfortable the trip will be. Before ordering any transfer, check its cost, the services included in the package, for example, the availability of air conditioning in the bus. Of course, they don’t save on vacation, but be careful not to give extra money for something you don’t get.

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“Transfer” or “move” - this is what the translation of, relatively new in Russian everyday life, the English word “transfer” means. The word transfer itself has many uses and is used in various fields.

Bankers and accountants call this money transfer. A transfer in sports (football) is the transfer of a player from one team to another. There is a transfer of technologies, a transfer of a certificate, and even one of the methods of applying an image to textiles is called a transfer. However, despite all the charm of learning something new and interesting, we will not go deep and memorize all the meanings of this wide-ranging neologism. Today's article is about tourist transfer and we will talk about transfer services in the field of tourism.

So, in addition to all of the above, the word transfer is widely used in passenger and freight transportation and in tourism is the name of one of the popular tourist services - a transfer service.

What is a tourist transfer?

Meeting a tourist or a group of tourists at the point of arrival (station, airport, seaport, etc.) and their safe escort to the place of stay (hotel, inn, sanatorium or any other place) - this is the most that neither is, transfer.

Transfer services, more often, are already included in the price of the tour, especially if you have purchased a standard package tour. The representative of the hotel you are going to will definitely meet you at the airport and will definitely wait, even if the flight is late, because he has already been paid for it. And so that you do not get lost, the guide, company representative or just the driver who meets you, usually holds a sign with the name of the hotel you are going to. In the case of a private transfer, your name will be on the sign.

If you have ever vacationed on the Black Sea coast of Russia or in the Crimea, you most likely have come across the fact that many small representatives of the tourism business, or, more simply, private traders, rent out their housing. This includes the private sector, mini hotels and guest houses, and even ordinary apartments. At the same time, the owners of the desired square meters are ready to meet you free of charge at the train or at the airport and accompany you to them, if only you would stay with them. And this is also a kind of transfer, a free transfer service that bears fruit - you, as a paying client.

Types of tourist transfer

Transfer services are divided into three main types:

  • Group transfer
  • Private transfer
  • Vip-transfer

Group transfer

The group transfer service is the most economical and most inconvenient way to get to your holiday destination. You, of course, will be met and escorted to the bus, but besides you, there will be several dozens of the same tourists on the bus who also need to go. All these fellow travelers may be from different hotels and you will be very lucky if yours is among the first. Of course, riding a bus along an unknown route of a foreign country is also interesting, but only if it is not too long.

Private transfer

Tour booking- the most important and crucial moment, during which you independently determine the most necessary and useful services for you, including the conditions for an individual transfer. An individual transfer is very convenient in cases where you carry a lot of luggage, when you travel with children, or simply do not want to waste your time and nerves.

You can order a high-class car, child car seats, air conditioning and a refrigerator. At the stage of booking the service, you will be provided with all the additional options for your comfort. This service is much more expensive than a group transfer, but the most important thing is that you do not wait for anyone and do not depend on anyone.

VIP transfer

This is the fastest, most pleasant and, unfortunately, the most expensive option to get to the hotel, immediately after arrival. As in the previous option, you negotiate the terms of this transport service in advance. Here, you can choose a car class, order a Russian-speaking driver and, most interestingly, find out his name.

At the airport, you will not need to scour the crowd of people who meet you and look for a sign with your name. A well-groomed driver of a prestigious foreign car will find you himself, because this is a VIP, and you paid for it.

In addition to this accompaniment option, you can order a bouquet of flowers at a meeting, a glass of an elite drink (or a couple of glasses ...), musical accompaniment during the trip and much more.

Transfer and taxi: what is the difference

Many people think that taxis and transfer services are one and the same and the difference is only in money. In fact, contrary to popular belief, these are two completely different transport services that perform the same job and relate to this job in different ways. Let's take a look at what's different transfer booking from ordering a taxi.


  1. When ordering a taxi, you do not know about the car that will come to you. The dispatcher will send the nearest vehicle to you. You do not know about the driver and his professional experience, and he does not know anything about you.
  2. The taxi driver, most likely, will choose not the shortest and most convenient route, but the more expensive one, because this is his money. You won't even guess about it.
  3. The taxi you ordered can be intercepted by more efficient tourists, and you will have to call the dispatcher again, explain something and wait again.
  4. And finally, the taxi driver can simply refuse to transport you and take other tourists, because he does not owe you anything. And during the peak season, train stations and airports always have a choice.


  1. When booking a transfer, you already know exactly how much the delivery costs. There will be no unexpected surprise for you and extra money will not be taken from you.
  2. You will be provided with exactly the vehicle that you ordered in advance.
  3. The driver knows about you, he came just for you and will not leave without you.
  4. They will help you with your luggage: they will inform you, load it into the car, and also open the door for you.
  5. You will reach the shortest and fastest way, and your driver will not wind around the blocks - it is not profitable for him.
  6. In serious companies offering transfer services, all drivers are subject to special control and requirements, because each driver of a transfer company is its main representative, the face of the company. They are excellent drivers, polite and stress-resistant.

Well, now you know what a transfer is, what transfer services are and how they differ from a taxi. After reading this short article, you can draw one unequivocal conclusion: a transfer is a convenient and very useful service, especially for those who have little travel experience. Getting from point "a" to point "b" quickly and comfortably is very pleasant, but expensive, and the more comfort you want to get, the more you will have to pay for it.

On our site you can find the most popular travel online stores and portals, where you can book a hotel, a tour online, buy any ticket anywhere in the world or purchase goods necessary for travel for tourism and recreation.

With regards to the meaning of the term "transfer" sharpened a huge number of discussions. Indeed, what does this term mean? Opinions are sometimes so radically different that an uninitiated person can get confused about what a transfer is. There are a number of generally incomprehensible terms. For example, the transfer factor. What it is? But you will learn the meaning of this complex term. But nothing, because we will now analyze the main meanings of this term in more detail. Therefore, make yourself comfortable and imagine everything written here in colors.

So you get an unforgettable pleasure from the article, and the information will be remembered much better. This text is a mini-encyclopedia. It is not necessary to read it in its entirety. However, for general education, this will do. In general, we will not pull. Let's get started.

A little about polysemantic words

The very concept that we are now considering belongs to the category of polysemantic words. But at the same time there are a number of significant differences from homonyms - parts of speech that have the same sound, but different meanings. And how, interestingly, can they differentiate? Yes, very simple. The fact is that polysemantic words are a series to which a common word can be applied. That is, you can abstract from certain meanings and pick up one concept that will simultaneously characterize all the words from the series.

In the case of the question of what a transfer is, this problem is solved very simply: all meanings are somehow connected with the concept of transfer. This connection can be either direct or indirect. But it doesn't really matter. Also, a significant difference between polysemantic terms and homonyms is that the latter do not create single-root words.

Homonyms are characterized by similarity in only one form, while in the case of polysemantic words, similarity in all forms is characteristic. That is, the latter have a common semantics, while the former have their own. Simply put, homonyms are such individualists who resemble each other, but at the same time are fundamentally different. But polysemantic words are intended for a specific purpose, with which they cope with a bang.

Transfer in psychology

Psychology is a very interesting science. There are really many reasons for this. A person believes that if he is well versed in theory, then he will be able to communicate with people in practice. Oh, how naive. However, it is not so much about the naivety and interestingness of psychology as a science, but about the importance of such a concept as "transfer" in it. What is this abstruse word?

It was proposed by the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud, who made a major breakthrough in this science. Although his theory was controversial, it stimulated the creation of a huge number of other concepts that turned people's ideas about themselves and other people upside down. One of the key concepts in Freud's theory is transfer. This is when the client transfers his past experience to the psychoanalyst, thereby treating the latter with a certain prejudice. If a similar problem occurs with a specialist in relation to someone who pays money for a consultation, then this is called countertransference.

At first, Freud considered this to be a negative phenomenon and carefully recommended the elimination of all behavioral responses corresponding to transference. But then Freud began to think that the phenomenon of transference might even be useful. And it was incredible. After all, it is the transference that helps a person to reveal his previous experience, and the psychoanalyst opens up incredible opportunities for analyzing repressed memories expressed in the transference.

In tourism

Often a person who has just arrived in a country finds himself in a stupor. He sees all these landscapes for the first time, and he must definitely come somewhere. But how can this be done? Only a few people can really quickly navigate in an unfamiliar environment and find their way to the hotel on their own.

In this case, travel companies have specially trained agents whose task is to accompany each client who is confused upon arrival in the city. This service is most often free and belongs to the service and prestige of a travel company. And since tickets to some points are quite expensive, often the cost of the transfer is already included in the ticket. So you can not worry about your safety in an unfamiliar city.

transfer factor

We figured out some of the meanings of what a transfer is. And it was easy enough to understand. But now we need to stretch our brains a little. But there is nothing terrible, just medicine is initially more difficult than psychology. Stop. In general, what kind of medicine? And everything is simple. Transfer factor is a purely medical concept. Okay, it's also related to biochemistry. But that's a completely different story.

Transfer factor - what is it? It is a special protein that ensures the full functioning of the immune system of our body. That is why you need to eat a lot of meat, because it is thanks to proteins that we get the substances necessary for our health. And if the lack of vitamins is easy to understand, then a lack of proteins can cause a large number of diseases.

Transfer factor is a protein that increases the body's resistance to bacteria. When some antigen enters (an enemy for the body, or if the latter considers it as such), then our immune system tries to develop as many transfer factors as possible, the purpose of which is to remove a certain violator of the internal order in the work of our organs. However, now the latest data from medicine and biochemistry indicate that the body is too complex to attribute its functioning to some kind of transfer factors. And immunity is much more complicated than we used to think.

Otherwise, why can't we still cure the same allergy? We can't even determine why the body perceives harmless apple juice as a chemical weapon. And whether there is a transfer factor in general or not - this is not a conversation for us. We're just getting a general education. So let's move on to other meanings of this term.

What is a hotel transfer

Many people love to travel. And we figured out what a transfer in tourism is. A slightly related topic is the hotel. But the meaning is somewhat different. Yes, the term still means "transfer". But at the same time there is something that distinguishes it from all the others. Of course, the transfer factor in terms of the original meaning of this term is still in the lead. But let's see how this word differs in this area.

First of all, you need to understand what a hotel transfer is. This is a service. In fact, this is a regular taxi within the framework of this organization. That's what a transfer is. In a hotel, this concept boils down to transporting a person to the place that he wishes for a certain amount of money. True, it will be somewhat more expensive than a taxi. Although it all depends on the city and road conditions. Sometimes a taxi is more expensive than a transfer, and sometimes vice versa.

Airport transfer

Have you traveled on the subway? Of course yes? It is familiar to you that you need to get off on one line and change to another when traveling on an underground mode of transport. So, in the air there is also such a need. It concerns economy class tickets. In this case, a person, for example, takes off in the USA, then lands, for example, in England, and then flies from there to Moscow. All this is very conditional. But at the airport, a transfer is the same as a transfer in the subway. Only in the air and without clearly marked lines. As it turned out, the question of what is a transfer at the airport is quite simple.

Football transfers

Here, a transfer is the transfer of a football player from one club to another. For example, there is one Messi who, as if nothing had happened, plays in his Barcelona. But then the transfer window opened and he was bought out, for example, by the owners of Spartak. In turn, special tables display all the movements of players from team to team. And bookmakers accept bets from players. That's what a transfer is in football.

Domain Transfer

If you have your own website, then you need to know what a domain transfer is. This is his transfer from one registrar to another. For example, you have a site with a huge number of visits. And then the registrar says: "Pay more." What will you do? Why don't you leave the site?


We figured out what transfer is in a huge number of areas of human life. This topic, however, is elusive. For example, it would be possible to describe in more detail what a domain transfer is. There is a lot of interesting information there. But we have already learned a lot. For example, what is a transfer in tourism.

In football, in addition to the game, there is also a second side, which concerns the financial issue. True fans follow not only the results of matches, but also the transitions of their favorite football players. The transfer of a player from one club to another is called a transfer. What is a transfer?

Football transfer, as I said, is the transfer of a player from one club to another. During the transition, the player signs a contract with the new club, which indicates the salary data, bonuses and, of course, the transfer amount. Sometimes the amount is not paid, this happens in cases where the player's contract with his previous club has expired, and he goes on a free transfer.

As any football fan knows, Sports magazines and the world wide web sites are always posting information about possible transitions. Transfer is an important part of any footballer's career. If you ask a player about what a transfer is for him, he will answer that this is one of the most important parts of his professional life. After all, it is during this period that it is decided with whom and where he will realize himself as a football player.

Very often, transfers are accompanied by loud scandals, since transfers often occur due to conflicts between players within the team and conflicts with the coach or club management. Such moments, of course, spoil football as a game, but develop it as an advertising business.

The transfer of the player is handled directly by his agent, who solves all financial and legal issues. There are cases when a relative of a certain football player acts as an agent.

Players can be bought and sold by clubs at specific times of the year as designated by UEFA. During the year, two windows are opened for transfers. The first period begins in early July and lasts until the end of August - this time is commonly called the summer transfer window. There is also a winter transfer window during which players are allowed to transfer from 1 to 31 January. There are separate similar periods in the domestic championships, when the clubs of one country can make transfers of players from one team to another at the time agreed by the football federation.

In transfers, as in individual games, there are records. The biggest price for a footballer was offered by the football club Real (Madrid) - 94 million euros. That is how much the Spanish club gave for the famous and talented player, who then still defended the colors of the English club Manchester United - Cristiano Ronaldo. This transfer record has not been broken until today, although there were many offers that even doubled it.

UEFA plans to impose a limit on transfers. Such a proposal is argued by the fact that football should be returned as a game, because now it is more popular as a business. What is transfer now? Fans are no longer interested in the transfer of a football player, but in the amount, which, in turn, gives rise to numerous discussions.

When planning a trip abroad, one should not forget about such an important aspect of a comfortable stay as transport. Arriving in a foreign country, tourists face a language barrier, so traveling from the airport to a hotel or resort can turn into a problem. A transfer will help you get rid of the hassle - the driver will meet you upon arrival and take you to the right place. Read what a transfer is in our article.

This practice has long ceased to be something supernatural for domestic travelers. Thanks to the development of tourism infrastructure and information technology, dozens of specialized services can be found on the Internet. They offer assistance in finding and booking. Many sites have specialized for years in providing quality and cost-effective travel services for self-travelers. They develop their own database of contacts - a list of professional drivers. Such a catalog helps to choose an affordable transfer in any city in the world. To decide if this option is right for you, it is worth considering in detail the key aspects.

What is a transfer: description of the service

studying, what is transfer, do not confuse the services of private drivers and the transfer, which is included in the package offer from the tour operator. Practice proves that it is much more profitable to search for the best option on your own. Prices from hotels and travel agencies, as a rule, are initially overpriced. The price of such a transfer "by default" can be an unpleasant surprise when calculating the cost of a tour.
In addition, such an offer implies only 2 trips - from the airport to the hotel and back. If a tourist wants to go out of town or organize a small sightseeing tour, he will have to resolve the issue already on the spot. Without knowledge of a foreign language, this is very problematic.
Consider the types of transfer that provide the opportunity to flexibly plan your route and travel as comfortably as possible:

  • an individual transfer is the most popular option, which involves renting a personal car with a driver for one tourist, family or group of travelers (a separate route is negotiated, the driver will be waiting for the client during stops, Russian-speaking support);
  • group or general - a trip by minibus as part of a group, the route is drawn up so that the interests of travelers who are unfamiliar to each other coincide (the most affordable cost, the best option for long trips, excursions, business meetings, organizing festive events or conferences);
  • VIP-category - a service with an increased level of service quality, for organizing negotiations, meeting business partners, celebrations (executive class cars, comfortable lounge, drinks, additional options).

Why book a transfer

studying, what is transfer in tourism, many believe that this is an irrational waste of money and, rather, an element of luxury than a necessity. This opinion has not been true for a long time. Today, the cost of a transfer is comparable to the price of the services of local drivers, and if you use such a convenient search service as excursiana.com, you can choose a cheaper option.

Many of our compatriots live in Italy and other European countries, who provide professional services to accompany Russian-speaking tourists. Communication with the driver in your native language is not the only advantage of ordering a transfer:

  • avoiding communication with local taxi drivers, inexperienced tourists can save on a trip (notorious speculators usually work near the airport, who deliberately inflate fares or do not use a meter);
  • choosing an escort on a proven profile site, you can ensure the maximum level of security;
  • a private car and an experienced driver save time and nerves, a tourist does not need to study the public transport schedule, and he will definitely not be late for his flight;
  • it is possible to discuss the route or change it during the trip by visiting attractions, shopping centers or other objects of interest (you can even get advice on this issue from the driver);
  • to solve individual problems, you can order the appropriate type of vehicle (minibus, minivan or station wagon with a spacious luggage compartment, executive class car, car with a seat for transporting a child).

This is just a short list of possibilities, the details of the trip can always be discussed with the driver.

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