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Seven wonders of Ukraine. Amazing natural attractions

The 7 most beautiful sights of Ukraine, the most valuable historical and cultural monuments of Ukraine were determined during a large-scale competition with the same name “7 Wonders of Ukraine”

The campaign started in May 2007. Regional organizing committees submitted various objects to the competition (about 1,000 objects in total). From these thousand, an expert council consisting of hundreds of people (culturologists, historians, tourism business specialists) selected a list of first 100, and then 21 objects for Internet voting. The final results of the competition were announced on August 21, 2007. The selection of “Seven Wonders of Ukraine” was carried out taking into account Internet voting and the opinion of an expert council of hundreds of people: cultural experts, historians, and tourism business specialists. 77 thousand people took part in the Internet voting.

Winners of the competition “7 wonders of Ukraine” become:

Kamenets-Podolsk Fortress

Khotyn fortress

During the 5th-10th centuries, the Khotyn fortress was used by the chronicled Tivertsi tribe, and looked like a typical cape settlement. The construction of the stone fortifications of Khotyn is usually associated with the Galician-Volyn principality and with the name of Danila Galitsky. Archaeological excavations have revealed the stone walls of a 13th-century castle, the remains of a white-stone temple, and traces of residential development. The castle occupied the northern part of the castle hill, approximately a third of the modern length of the citadel. To the south of the castle there was a fortified settlement surrounded by ramparts and wooden walls. It underwent the greatest restructuring in the 2nd half of the 15th century, being part of the Moldavian principality. The castle has been significantly expanded to the south, and the level of the courtyard has been raised. The castle courtyard was divided into two parts: the northern courtyard was used by the command, the southern courtyard was used by the garrison. Between the two parts of the castle courtyard is the commandant's palace, the walls of which are lined with a decorative “checkerboard” pattern of red brick and white stone blocks, and the window openings are decorated with late Gothic stone frames. In 1538, Khotyn Castle was captured by Polish troops; during the assault, the southern part of the wall was blown up by mines. Under the Moldavian ruler Peter Raresh in 1541-1546, the destroyed part was rebuilt, the wall was moved even further to the south, and an entrance tower was built in the middle of the new wall. In May 1600, after the troops of the ruler of Wallachia and Transylvania, Michael the Brave, captured Suceava, the ruler of Moldova, Jeremiah Movila, with his family (uncle of the future Kiev Metropolitan Peter Mogila), with his entourage and the former ruler of Transylvania Sigismund Batory (nephew of the Polish king Stefan Batory) found refuge in the Khotyn fortress, which at that time was under Polish rule. Since 1711, the Turks began large-scale work to create an external defense line, with a total area of ​​22 hectares. The new fortifications were built from a stone-scarred rampart with a battle terrace, a wide and deep ditch and a stone counter-scarp. Barracks, warehouses, and a mosque were built on the territory of the new fortress.

Do you want to see something unusual and amazing? To do this, it is not necessary to save money for an excursion tour of the oldest states of Europe. Many interesting sights and unique natural sites are located much closer. We bring to your attention the list of “7 Wonders of Ukraine” - this is something that you should definitely see with your own eyes.

Amazing sights

In recent years, Ukraine has been losing its reputation as a country rich in sights of various cultures and historical periods. To attract public attention to historical and architectural monuments and maintain the interest of tourists, the “7 Wonders of Ukraine” campaign was held. palaces and other unique objects from all over the country were considered as nominees. A total of 138 attractions were considered in the competition. The monuments were assessed by experts in the field of culture, history, architecture and tourism. 21 objects were selected to participate in the finals; seven of the most interesting attractions were identified through online voting.

7 wonders of Ukraine: photos and description

The first place in the list of the most-most attractions of the country is occupied by the historical and architectural reserve “Kamenets”. This is a unique territory with a total area of ​​121 hectares. Of greatest interest is the Old Fortress, built back in the twelfth century. It has 11 towers, each of which has a unique history and name. Also in the reserve you can see the Old Town, the New Castle, the Castle Bridge, and the Smotricha Canyon.

The second position in the list of “7 Wonders of Ukraine” is occupied by the famous Orthodox shrine - the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The founding date of this unique complex is considered to be 1051. This is the first center for the spread of Christianity in Kievan Rus. Today the site is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The third object among the most significant attractions of Ukraine is the Khotyn Fortress. The city of Khotyn was founded in the tenth century AD by Prince Vladimir. Since the settlement was considered strategic in the Galiko-Volyn principality, a stone rather than a wooden fortress was erected to protect it. The building has survived to this day, and it was here that many famous historical films were filmed. These are such films as “The Three Musketeers”, “Arrows of Robin Hood”, “Zakhar Berkut” and many others.

List of Ukrainian miracles: continued

The fourth attraction among the most interesting in all of Ukraine is this miracle. This miracle is located near the city of Uman. At the request of his wife Sofia, her husband, the famous tycoon Stanislav Pototsky, created a unique complex in 1796, and solemnly presented his beloved with an angel on her day.

“7 Wonders of Ukraine” - a list that would be incomplete without mentioning St. Sophia Cathedral. This shrine is considered the main one in all of Eastern Europe. The date of construction, according to the Tale of Bygone Years, is 1037. The object is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List; today it is the center of the Kyiv Metropolis.

Chersonesos Tauride is an ancient Greek city-state, built more than 2500 years ago, located today on the territory of modern Sevastopol. The ancient ruins rise picturesquely against the backdrop of the sea; this attraction is definitely worth a visit.

The last of the 7 wonders of Ukraine, but no less interesting than all the previous ones, is this. We are talking about the largest stretch of land on the Dnieper, isolated on all sides by water. Interestingly, here in a relatively small area you can see all types of natural landscapes of the country. Khortytsia is also notable for the fact that one of the first Zaporozhye Sichs was founded on it.

Amazing natural attractions

Ukraine is a country rich not only in historical architectural sights, but also in interesting natural sites. After the publication of the results of the “7 Wonders” competition, the public expressed the opinion that many protected areas and miraculous monuments were undeservedly forgotten against the backdrop of ancient palaces and castles. Many bloggers in the country began to personally write about unique objects and natural attractions that, in their opinion, deserve to become “the very best.” Why argue, because all this is invaluable information for Ukrainians who don’t know what to do on the weekend, and tourists from other countries planning excursions during their vacation.

Canyons and lakes

On the territory of Ukraine you can see a variety of natural landscapes and attractions. In the informal list of the most interesting miraculous monuments in the country, the Bukovina Canyon ranks first. Rocks, lakes, an abundance of vegetation - this place is ideal for a quiet, contemplative holiday and interesting photo sessions. Another interesting attraction of Ukraine is Blue Lake. This object is located in the Transcarpathian region, near the Sinyak mountain range. It is believed that the lake is not only a beautiful natural object, but also a real natural health resort. According to many, the blue waters of this reservoir are healing.

Active volcano and magic tree

There is one of the most unusual attractions, included in the list of “Seven Natural Wonders of Ukraine”. This is a unique colony apple tree. At first glance, it may seem that in front of you is a garden consisting of trees that are not quite regular in shape. However, in fact, this is one apple tree, the branches of which, touching the ground, take root and turn into new trunks. There is a legend according to which the tree was planted by a gardener. Ukraine also has its own active volcano, it is called “Starunya”. You shouldn’t be afraid of it, since mud erupts instead of lava, but you should definitely look at this miracle with your own eyes. In the vicinity of the unique object, the remains of a mammoth were found; according to legends, the treasures of Oleksa Dovbush are kept in the volcano itself.

Waterfall and basalt pillars

Among the 7 natural wonders of Ukraine there is also a truly unusual magical zone. This is Birch Lake, which is popularly called Black and Enchanted. The water in it is always cold, and even the most advanced technology is unable to determine the exact depth of the reservoir. People believe that the lake has no bottom, the scientists' version is more prosaic - the bottom is double, the first is false, made of moss and spruce needles. In the Rivne region, between the villages of Basaltove and Novy Berestovets, you can see miraculous basalt pillars, the outlines of which resemble traditional American landscapes. The final ones on the unofficial list of “7 Wonders of Ukraine” are the Dzhurinsky waterfall and the ruins of the ancient city of Chervonograd. These attractions are located very close, in the Ternopil region, and you can explore them in one trip.

Seven wonders of Ukraine “Seven Wonders of Ukraine” - seven historical and cultural monuments of Ukraine, determined by the all-Ukrainian competition of the same name. The action started in May 2007 on the initiative of Ukrainian politician N. Tomenko. Regional organizing committees submitted various objects to the competition. About a thousand objects were selected. From these thousand, an expert council consisting of hundreds of people (culturologists, historians, tourism business specialists) selected a list of first 100, and then 21 objects for Internet voting. The final results of the competition were announced on August 21, 2007. Voting began on July 7, 2007. Due to attempts to falsify the results, voting was stopped. The selection of “Seven Wonders of Ukraine” was carried out taking into account Internet voting and the opinion of an expert council of hundreds of people: cultural experts, historians, and tourism business specialists. 77 thousand people took part in the Internet voting. They are: 1. Kamenets-Podolsk Fortress Kamenets-Podolsky is one of the oldest cities in Ukraine. Thanks to the unique combination of historical, architectural, urban heritage, and the landscape of the canyon of the Smotrich River, the “Old Town (Kamenets-Podolsky)” was declared a state historical and architectural reserve. The number of architectural monuments of the 11th-19th centuries totals about 200 buildings and structures. The powerful defensive fortifications of the “Old Town”, the fortress and the fortress bridge, and the combination of religious buildings of different religions leave a unique impression. Considering the rich architectural and historical heritage of the “Old Town”, the National Commission of Ukraine for UNESCO in May 1994 recommended that it be included as a candidate in the register of world cultural heritage. The greatest value is the almost completely preserved historical center without any inclusions of 20th century architecture. The main city attraction is the ancient fortress, the first buildings of which date back to the 11th-12th centuries, and the main fortifications to the 16th-17th centuries. The defensive fortifications in Kamenets-Podolsk are considered an excellent example of the best fortifications in Eastern Europe. 2. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is one of the first monasteries to be founded in Rus'. Founded in 1051 under Yaroslav the Wise monk Anthony, originally from Lyubech. The co-founder of the Pechersk Monastery was one of Anthony’s first students, Theodosius. Prince Svyatoslav II Yaroslavich gave the monastery a plateau above the caves, where beautiful stone churches decorated with paintings, cells, fortress towers and other buildings later grew. The names of the chronicler Nestor (author of “The Tale of Bygone Years”) and the artist Alypius are associated with the monastery. From 1592 to 1688 he was a stauropegian of the Patriarch of Constantinople; since 1688, the monastery received the status of a lavra and became the “royal and patriarchal stavropegion of Moscow”; in 1786 the monastery was subordinated to the Kyiv metropolitan, who became its holy archimandrite. In the Lavra rest the incorruptible relics of the saints of God in the Near and Far Caves; Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd, Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin and others were buried. Currently, the lower Lavra is under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), and the upper Lavra is under the jurisdiction of the national Kiev-Pechersk historical and cultural reserve. 3. Park Sofievka
National Dendrological Park "Sofievka" is a park, a research institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, located in the northern part of the city of Uman, Cherkasy region, on the banks of the Kamenka River. These days it is a vacation spot. About 500 thousand people visit it annually. Area - 179.2 hectares. “Sofievka” is a monument of the landscape type of world gardening art of the late 18th - first half of the 19th centuries. It is home to over 3,323 taxa (species, forms, varieties, cultivars) of local and exotic trees and bushes, among them: swamp cypress, Weymouth pine, tulip tree, plane tree, ginkgo, spruce and many others. The park staff published a catalog of plants, which contains 1994 taxa, of which 1220 are tree and shrub species and 774 herbaceous plants, including 25 taxa of hazel, 24 of beeches, 41 of spruces, 100 of lianas, 320 of roses, 57 of rhododendrons , 376 - ground cover and 98 - flowering plants. In 2007, the park's plant collection included 2,103 woody and 1,212 herbaceous taxa. In 1985, minor planet No. 2259 was named “Sofievka” in honor of the Uman park. 4. Sofia Kyiv
Hagia Sophia Cathedral - was built in the 11th century in the center of Kyiv by order of Yaroslav the Wise. At the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, it was externally rebuilt in the Ukrainian Baroque style. Inside the Cathedral, many ancient frescoes and mosaics have been preserved, including the famous mosaic of Our Lady of Oranta. St. Sophia Cathedral became the first architectural monument included in the UNESCO World Heritage List on the territory of Ukraine. 5. Chersonesos

Chersonese Tauride, or simply Chersonese: “peninsula”; in Byzantine times - Kherson, in the Genoese period - Sarsona, in Russian chronicles - Korsun) - a polis founded by the ancient Greeks on the Heraclean Peninsula on the southwestern coast of Crimea. Nowadays the Khersones settlement is located on the territory of the Gagarinsky district of Sevastopol. For two thousand years, Chersonesos was a major political, economic and cultural center of the Northern Black Sea region. 6. Khortytsia
Khortytsia is the largest island on the Dnieper, located near the city of Zaporozhye below the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station, a unique natural and historical complex. Stretched from northwest to southeast, length 12.5 km, width on average 2.5 km. In its relatively small territory (only two thousand five hundred and sixty hectares) samples of almost all types of landscapes characteristic of the south of Ukraine fit. The formation of the island is associated with tectonic (that is, caused by vibrations of the earth’s crust) processes of the Quaternary period, as a result of which the Ukrainian crystalline shield split. The geological basis of the island is Precambrian rocks about 2.5 billion years old, primarily granites, covered with a layer of younger sedimentary rocks. In the northern part of Khortytsia, cliffs 40-50 m high rise above the shore, falling to the south. 7. Khotyn Fortress
Khotyn Fortress is a fortress of the 10th-18th centuries, located in the city of Khotyn, Ukraine. During the 5th-10th centuries, the fortification was used by the chronicle Tivertsi tribe, and looked like a typical cape settlement. The construction of the stone fortifications of Khotyn is usually associated with the Galician-Volyn principality and with the name of Danila Galitsky. Archaeological excavations (B. Timoshchuk, 1961-67) revealed the stone walls of a 13th-century castle, the remains of a white-stone temple, and traces of residential buildings. The castle occupied the northern part of the castle hill, approximately a third of the modern length of the citadel. To the south of the castle there was a fortified settlement surrounded by ramparts and wooden walls. It underwent the greatest restructuring in the 2nd half of the 15th century, being part of the Moldavian principality. Also, three objects received an additional nomination. Some monuments were also given special nominations:

1. Livadia Palace - a monument to modern history

The Great Livadia Palace - the former summer residence of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II - is an outstanding monument of architectural art, one of the main attractions of Yalta. The palace was built in 1911 on the site of an old one that had fallen into disrepair, according to the design of the talented Yalta architect N.P. Krasnova. In addition to the Grand Palace, the Livadia palace complex includes the suite building, the palace of the minister of the court, the palace church, and the Forentine courtyard. Of particular interest is the White Hall of the palace, where meetings of the Crimean Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain were held in February 1945. Around the palace there is a magnificent ancient park, founded in the 30s of the 19th century. 2. Ostrog - a spiritual monument.
Ostrog is a city in the Rivne region, the center of the Ostrog district. The city is located 14 km from the Ostrog railway station. The city is home to the Ostroh Academy National University. In the city there are: a local history museum, a state historical and cultural reserve, the ruins of a castle with the Epiphany Church, fragments of city fortifications. Not far from the castle there is a square - here in 1978 a small stele was installed dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the Ostroh Academy. It was here that the famous publications of Ivan Fedorov were published - “ABC”, Ostorzh Bible. 3. The Pysanka Museum in Kolomyia is a monument to modern Ukraine.
The museum was built in 2000 in the city of Kolomiya. The central part of the museum has the shape of a pysanka, 14 meters high. The architectural structure in the shape of the world's largest painted egg has become the hallmark of Colomia. The grand opening of the museum took place on September 23, 2000, during the X International Hutsul Festival. The concept of the museum’s exhibition was developed by director Yaroslava Tkachuk, and brought to life by Kolomiysk artists Vasily Andrushko and Miroslav Yasinsky. The uniqueness of the museum is not only that it is made in the shape of an egg, the height of which is 14 meters, the diameter is 10. The room is made entirely of colored glass, the total area of ​​​​the stained glass window is more than 600 square meters. The museum's exposition displays the ornamental, compositional, and coloristic richness of folk polychrome graphics. Now the museum’s collection contains more than 6,000 Easter eggs, provided from the vast majority of regions of Ukraine (Ternopil, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Cherkassy, ​​Kirovograd, Odessa), as well as from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Sweden, the USA, Canada, France and India. Some exhibits were made at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The managers of the winning nominated projects received a statuette made of green marble, brushed steel and golden mirror acrylic as a reward.

Regional organizing committees selected about 1,000 sites of national significance, and then a group of experts compiled a list of 100 monuments and, after heated discussions, reduced it to 21 monuments.

The results of the vote, in which 77,000 people took part, were summed up on July 7, 2007. The title of “miracle” was awarded to the Kamenets-Podolsk Fortress, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Sofiyivka Park, St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, the city of Chersonesus, the island of Khortytsia and the Khotyn Fortress.

Kamenets-Podolsk Fortress

On a rocky island bordered by the canyon of the Smotrich River, rises the ancient city of Kamenets-Podolsky. Founded in the 11th century, Kamenets became a major trading center, rivaling Lviv and Kiev. From the 11th to the 19th centuries, the city developed a unique urban ensemble consisting of 200 buildings and religious structures. A special place among them is occupied by the Kamenets-Podolsk fortress - a wonderful example of fortification architecture. Since 1434, Kamenets-Podolsky became a strategic point of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, “the extreme bastion of Christianity.” There is a legend about the Turkish Sultan, who, appreciating the power of the stone fortifications and his inability to take control of the city, asked the locals: “Who built this harsh stronghold?” They answered him: “The Lord himself.” Then the Sultan exclaimed: “If God built it, then let him conquer it himself!” No one could conquer the fortress, and only in 1672 did Turkish troops, led by Sultan Mohammed IV, capture the city after a three-week siege. For 27 years the Ottomans ruled in Kamenets, but in 1699 the castle again returned to the possession of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and during its collapse, it went to Russia.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

In the 1000-year history of the Orthodox Church, only five Russian monasteries have been awarded the highest title of “Laurel”. One of them is the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, founded in 1051 by Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk. Prince Svyatoslav II Yaroslavich gave the monastery a mountain above the caves. On this plateau grew cells and stone churches, decorated with frescoes and mosaics made by Tsaregrad painters. The Kiev-Pechersk Monastery became one of the cult centers of Ancient Rus'. Old Russian painters lived and worked here, including Nestor, one of the authors of The Tale of Bygone Years. Caves (in Old Russian - pechery) served as a refuge for monks, and then as a cemetery. The incorruptible relics of saints rest in the catacombs, and myrrh-streaming heads are kept in glass vessels - skulls exuding oil, or myrrh, giving a miracle of healing.

Sofievka Park

In 1796, the Ukrainian magnate Potocki created a magnificent park in a treeless area and presented it to his beloved Greek wife Sophia for her name day in May 1802. The park is home to swamp cypresses, spruces, eastern white pines, hazel and beech trees, tulip trees and plane trees, rhododendrons and roses. The trees are entwined with the stems of vines, and along the alleys, in the shadow of centuries-old crowns, there are statues of ancient philosophers and gods. According to the architect’s plan, the sculptures, combined with the surrounding landscapes, embody scenes from Homer’s poems “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey.” Guests can take a boat ride on the underground Acheron River or take a horse-drawn carriage ride through the park.

Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral

Hagia Sophia was built in the 11th century on the exact spot where Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise defeated the pagan Pechenegs. The cathedral hosted ceremonies for the ascension of princes to the Kiev throne, receptions for ambassadors, and the Kiev veche gathered at the temple walls. The first library in Rus' functioned at the St. Sophia Cathedral. The interior is decorated with Byzantine frescoes and mosaics, the palette of which includes 177 shades. Under the arch of the high place there is a mosaic image of Our Lady Oranta (from Latin orans - praying). The Virgin Mary is depicted in full height with her hands raised in prayer. The image was given the epithet “Unbreakable Wall”: according to legend, as long as the Kiev Oranta stands, Kyiv will stand.

Chersonese Tauride

Before the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Within the boundaries of Sevastopol there are the ruins of Chersonesus - the former Greek metropolis (VI century BC). Chersonese has preserved basilica columns, an agora square and an ancient theater - the only one in the CIS. Ancient Greek comedies, dramas and tragedies are still performed on its stage. Prince Vladimir, who spread Christianity in Rus', was baptized in this city. Many tourists are familiar with the famous Chersonese bell - it was filmed in one of the episodes of the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”. After the Crimean War, the bell went to France, where it served as a church chime in Notre Dame Cathedral. The bell was returned to its homeland in 1913 by Consul Louis Gue “as a sign of alliance and friendship” between Russia and France.

Khortytsya Island

Within the city of Zaporozhye, on the Dnieper River, there is Khortytsia - the largest island on the Dnieper. It was here that the first Zaporozhye Sich - the Cossack republic - was born in the 16th century. On Khortytsia, the remains of defensive structures of the Cossacks and fortifications from the Russian-Turkish War of 1735 - 1739 have been preserved. Modern reconstruction on the island recreates the fortification system of the Zaporozhye Sich: horse patrols of the Cossacks (bekets) guarded the borders from the Tatars. To shelter the Beckets, raduts were built - watchtowers. They were placed along the banks of the Dnieper, at a distance of 15 km from each other, so that from one tower one could see the other. There were also tar barrels that were set on fire when the enemy approached, sending a smoke signal.

Khotyn fortress

Most of us prefer to spend our holidays abroad, choosing exotic corners of the planet or visiting the legendary capitals of European countries.

However, in our country there are places of stunning beauty where foreign tourists willingly come for a dose of inspiration, positive emotions and unforgettable photographs. The ranking of our own 7 wonders of the world was compiled through a survey and subsequent voting, in which 77 thousand people took part. So, we study and choose travel routes.

Kamenets-Podolsk Fortress

Kamenets-Podolsky has long been rightfully considered a unique city with the most ancient and interesting architecture. More than 200 buildings, which are over 1000 years old, are stunning architectural monuments. The most fascinating of them is the ancient fortress. Some of its buildings date back to the 11th century, and the main fortifications were built back in the 16th century. Not without pride, we note that this particular fortress is considered one of the world's best examples of fortifications in Europe.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Majestic and amazing, this attraction does not need any special introduction. Its history dates back to 1051, when it was founded by the monk Anthony of Lyubech during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. A temple with golden domes of bewitching beauty is one of the main decorations of our capital, the indisputable pride of Ukraine and an invaluable religious and cultural monument of our history.

Sofievka Park

Founded in 1796. According to the architect's idea, this park was supposed to become the embodiment in nature of illustrations to parts of the poems “Iliad” and “Odyssey”. An original and stunning park is located near the natural river Kamenka, in the city of Uman in the Cherkasy region. Time seems to stop there and you don’t want to leave it. Many beautiful artificial reservoirs: swimming pools, ponds, waterfalls, locks, cascades. There is even an underground river Acheron, “Grotto of Fear and Doubt”, “Grotto of Venus”, pavilions, cozy gazebos and sculptures. When you enter it, you seem to be transported back to the times of the myths and legends of Ancient Greece.

Saint Sophia Cathedral

One of the greatest rulers of Rus', Yaroslav the Wise, had a hand in this wonderful creation of architecture, since it was on his order that this unique cathedral in the Baroque style was erected. The play of light and sun glare in a variety of beautiful ancient mosaics, silence and tranquility creates an indescribable feeling and leaves the best emotions after visiting this beautiful place! By the way, this monument became the first of the Ukrainian historical and architectural treasures included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Chersonese Tauride

You can enjoy the beauty of ancient Greek architecture without leaving Ukraine. The ancient settlement of Chersonese, founded by the ancient Greeks, is located in the Gagarinsky district of the city of Sevastopol. The ruins of buildings that are more than 2000 years old keep the secrets of past centuries.

Khortytsya Island

It was included in the rating not only due to its natural uniqueness, but because of its enormous historical significance. The island of the Cossack heroes who once lived on it. Every Ukrainian should definitely visit this stunning and unforgettable island to feel the breath of freedom, history and time.

Khotyn fortress

The majestic history of this structure begins in the 5th century, when the fortress was used by the chronicle tribes of the Tiverts. Stone fortifications were built already under Prince Danil of Galitsky. Subsequently, the castle was rebuilt several times, and in its lifetime it has seen a huge number of historical events. Nowadays, it is a delightful and bewitching medieval castle, the walls of which are filled with the breath of history of ancient years.

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