Home Help for a tourist Nuku Hiva Island – ancient reptilian statues. The mysterious island of Nuku Hiva Nuku Hiva French Polynesia

Nuku Hiva Island – ancient reptilian statues. The mysterious island of Nuku Hiva Nuku Hiva French Polynesia

In the South Pacific Ocean there is an archipelago of volcanic origin - the Marquesas Islands, the largest island of which is Nuku Hiva - the “Majestic Island”.

In the very center of Nuku Hiva is the sacred valley of Temehea Tohuana, where there are outlandish Tiki statues - stone sculptures depicting deities worshiped by the ancient Polynesians. It would seem that there is nothing unusual, since stone idols have been found in other places on the Earth.

Photo: Rita Willaert/flickr

But what makes these idols special is their strange appearance. It seems that the sculptors posed for alien creatures, the same as we imagine aliens to be, based on individual facts of meetings with guests from deep space that allegedly occurred with our contemporaries. But how did the ancient aborigines of the island of Nuku Hiva know about them?

It is unlikely that this is the fruit of the sculptor’s wild imagination. Perhaps the ancient inhabitants of Nuku Hiva saw these strange big-eyed creatures, who apparently had some kind of magical power over the inhabitants, since they recognized them as their deities and worshiped them.

Archaeologists have determined that the first people settled on the island of Nuku Hiva in the first century AD. Their main occupation was stone processing; they also built stone houses, which is not surprising for an island of volcanic origin, which has a lot of building material. Most of the structures that have come down to us date back to the 11th-14th centuries; at the same time, the world-famous stone Tiki idols were created.

Photo: Tran Quility/flickr

The largest statue is almost 2.5 meters high. Tiki differ from each other, each of them is the personification of a specific deity and, according to the Polynesians, contains the magical power of this god. One idol helps in war, another protects against troubles and misfortunes, the third gives a large harvest, and so on.

Scientists have different opinions about the originals from which the Tiki statues were carved, however, almost everyone agrees that they depict some kind of aliens and there is nothing human in them.

Some researchers believe that Tiki idols were sculpted by two completely different groups of aliens. According to ufologists, reptilians, the most ancient people in the entire Universe, “posed” for some sculptures. This is a very highly developed civilization with evil inhabitants capable of commanding people.

Photo: Rita Willaert/flickr

Other Tiki statues were carved from other aliens - “gray aliens”. Their appearance is more human-like, although their body is frail, their arms are thin, their heads are large with a nose, mouth and huge “inhuman” eyes.

Moreover, ufologists believe that some repeating features found on all Tiki sculptures indicate that the masters saw with their own eyes those from whom the statues were made.

It is believed that a race of reptilians appeared on Nuku Hiva earlier, winning the worship of people and becoming deities for them. The humanoids then created the "gray aliens" - an inferior race of slaves. And all these are just assumptions, fantasies and conjectures. But there is always hope that the mystery of the Tiki sculptures on the island of Nuku Hiva will be solved.

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DK2AMM, DL6JGN, GM4FDM, PA3EWP will be active from Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands (IOTA OC-027) 3 - 15 March 2016 as TX7EU.
They will operate on the bands 40 - 10m CW, SSB, RTTY.
Address for QSL direct:
Ernö Ogonovszky, Am Steinbruch 4, 09123 Chemnitz, Germany.

News TX7EU March 3, 2016

The team arrived on the island of Nuku Hiva. They installed the first antenna. Activity is scheduled to begin on March 4, 2016.

Nuku Hiva Island

Any historian or traveler immediately associates the name Nuku-Hiva with something mysterious, or rather even supernatural. And everything about Nuku Hiva is unusual: from the origin of the island and its attractions to the modern stories associated with it.

Hatiheu Bay, Nuku Hiva Island, Marquesas Islands. Photo by Steve Berardi.

The base of the island is a real masterpiece

The island of Nuku Hiva is two huge ancient volcanoes, as if nested into each other by some Master. This giant “matryoshka” formed two vast basins with strikingly beautiful basalt slopes. One of the basins surrounds the capital of the island, and the crater of the extinct volcano itself has turned into a deep bay with mountain peaks of impressive size on the shore.

The cliffs, plunging into the waters of the vast Pacific Ocean, cause mute delight in everyone who admires this unearthly beauty that came to us from ancient times. It’s not for nothing that the island used to be called “Majestic” - this can be felt in every piece of the island’s landscapes.

Nuku Hiva Island, Marquesas Islands. Photo by Rita Willaert.

Residents of the island with eccentric preferences

The population of the small piece of land, initially small (the Aborigines lived here already in 150 AD), grew to approximately 100 thousand people by the 18th century, and then began to gradually decrease. The reason for this was wars between representatives of different tribes, as well as various infections and viruses brought to the island by Europeans, and to which the islanders had no immunity (up to a thousand people could die during the epidemic). Well, the Chinese opium brought to Nuku Hiva at the end of the 19th century completely “restored order” to the demography: in the 30s of the 20th century, only a little more than five thousand people lived here. Now the population of the island has increased slightly and has about 2 thousand inhabitants.

But what is unnatural is not such jumps in population, but the wild custom, or the terrible need of the aborigines to... eat their own kind.

Until now, it is difficult to draw a correct conclusion about the reasons for such an exotic “product” included in the diet of the islanders. Perhaps the dense population of a small piece of land with the presence of mainly plant food on it and, as a consequence, a lack of protein. Apparently, such a number of people could not meet the need for protein with fish or livestock, which was also not particularly possible to breed in sufficient quantities.

But there is another version of the cause of cannibalism: sacrifice rituals. The inhabitants of Nuku-Hiva thus appeased the deities they believed in and feared their wrath, and the men of the tribe, having eaten the defeated enemy, appropriated his power and strength for themselves. The skulls of eaten people were carefully stored for the same purpose.

One could attribute this to manifestations of wild ancient customs, if not for one extraordinary circumstance.

More recently, in 2011, in pursuit of extreme adventure, a 40-year-old German came to the island with his companion to hunt goats. Taking a local guide with him, he went to the mountains, and after some time the islander returned and told the hunter’s girlfriend that he was wounded and remained in the mountains. When the woman decided to go to the rescue of her friend, the guide tied her up and did not let her go anywhere. When the German woman managed to free herself, she reported the incident to the police. The search led the police to an extinguished fire, in which were the remains of a person with all the signs of a cannibal meal. And the would-be guide simply ran away from the island.

Apparently, cannibals are never former...

True, there is another, older, but more optimistic story. This is the story of the navigator Melville, who once escaped from his ship and secretly landed on Nuku Hiva. The aborigines not only did not eat the sailor - they accepted him as a friend. Later, having become a writer, he described the story of his stay in the society of the islanders in the book “Typee”. There is even a monument on the island in memory of the sailor.

So the tastes and preferences of cannibals are unclear and it’s worth delving into them. Moreover, there are more interesting mysteries on Nuku Hawa.

Hikoqua, Nuku Hiva Island, Marquesas Islands. Photo by Rita Willaert.

Statues without analogues or monuments to the other world

Unique statues of tiki idols, analogues of which do not exist anywhere in the world, are the main mystery of the island. No one knows who is carved in stone and the history of which creatures is captured in these sculptures.

Outlandish figures of two types, very often carved in groups (or families?), suggest that it was here that aliens stayed, and maybe even lived, about whom earthlings have so much debate.

Huge, wide-set, round eyes, similar to portholes, a flattened large nose and stretched full lips do not make a very pleasant impression and evoke a certain feeling of uncertainty and fear.

The largest tiki sculpture is 2.5 meters high. No idol repeats another. Their number and diversity eloquently testify to the religion and culture of the island, which is completely incomprehensible to us.

At one time, Christian missionaries tried to bring elements of their faith into the lives of the islanders. Nuku Hiva even has a small Catholic church, the Catholic Cathedral of Notre Dame, built from colorful and varied stones, and a statue of the Virgin Mary on a mountain peak above the bay. But Christianity spread with difficulty and was accepted with reluctance. Local beliefs and views are deeply ingrained in the minds of the residents. Many of them are convinced that each tiki idol carries a different power: help in battles, salvation from various troubles, growth of crops, and others. What kind of God is this?

But no one knows for sure what tics carry within them, just as it is not known how they appeared on the island.

Only one thing can be said with complete confidence: our planet is filled with wonders and mysteries, and it is unknown when the secret of the idols of the mysterious island of Nuku Hiva will be unraveled.

Some places on our planet contain secrets of ancient civilizations that amaze scientists from all over the world. For example, on the island of Nuku Hiva there is an inexplicable mystery - ancient statues of certain creatures that ufologists compare with reptilians. Analogues of these statues could not be found anywhere else. In appearance, they resemble certain creatures that vaguely resemble an alien, or a person in a spacesuit.

A little background

The island has the shape of a quadrangle with an area of ​​330 square meters. kilometers. Its length is equal to 30 kilometers, and its width is 15 km. This island was recognized as the largest in the entire Marquesas archipelago of French Polynesia. It was previously called Madison Island.

If you translate the current name of the island, you get “Great Island”. Perhaps this name is really justified, since this corner of the planet may contain clues to the universal mysteries that have been of interest to scientists for many decades. The island itself is very picturesque: it is full of lush greenery, among which you can see hills in the form of rocks and mountains. It is washed by warm ocean waters rich in fish. In addition, there are two main natural attractions on the island of Nuku Hiva - extinct volcanoes, surrounded by sharp rocks. The crater of one of the volcanoes was flooded with water in ancient times. This phenomenon is rarely seen anywhere, which is why tourists often come to Nuku Hiva. Despite the island's profitability, it remains sparsely populated. The number of its permanent residents has never exceeded 2 thousand.

Nuku Hiva interest of archaeologists

In the mid-twentieth century, massive archaeological excavations were carried out on the territory of Nuku Hiva. The results of these excavations helped determine that indigenous people had lived there since 150 BC. The first people to settle there were the inhabitants of the neighboring island of Samoa. Subsequently, the population of Nuku Hiva developed and increased. His main activity was pottery and stone processing.

The first stone houses appeared on Nuku Hiva quite early - in 1100 AD. In addition to them, there were stone statues and sculptures. The Americans periodically tried to capture the island, but they failed, since the residents of Nuku Hiva had excellent military skills.

Since 1842, Nuku Hiva has belonged to France. This year, the French tried to build a Catholic cathedral there and introduce their religion into the settlements there. They failed to do this: Catholics took root very poorly, they were constantly expelled by local residents. Since then, the population of the island began to decrease until it reached its current population.

Legends about the origin of Nuku Hiva

Local residents often told those interested in an interesting legend about the origin of their island. The legend said that the main god Ono once boasted to his wife that he would be able to build an excellent house in just a day. To do this, Ono collected the necessary amount of earth and stone, from which he built the islands. Each island corresponded to the purpose of a certain room in the house. The island of Nuku Hiva was supposed to serve as the roof of the house of the god Ono.

Where did the reptilian statues come from on the island?

On the territory of Nuku Hiva there is a small settlement of Temehea Tohua, near which scientists once found unique statues. Researchers have suggested that these statues were images of the deities of Nuku Hiva. They were built in the 11th-14th centuries, but despite this, they were preserved in excellent condition.

The creatures depicted as statues on the island of Nuku Hiva have a very unusual appearance: a humanoid silhouette, a large head with huge eyes, short limbs, a disproportionate body. When you look at them, you get the impression that their creators were looking at extraterrestrial beings while working. Almost all the idols were depicted in the same clothes, similar to modern astronaut spacesuits. Scientists still continue to puzzle over who created these statues and what he wanted to show. What is known is that there is nothing human in these idol statues.

Ufologists compared the statues of the island of Nuku Hiva with reptilians - mythical aliens

Some researchers have said that the Nuku Hiva statues depict reptilian aliens, which are often talked about by UFO and paranormal enthusiasts. Perhaps the first inhabitants of the above island actually met with aliens, whom they could consider gods, which is why they wanted to immortalize them in stone.

The height of the largest masterpiece of Nuku Hiva is equal to two and a half meters. Each statue is unique - each depicts a separate creature, different in appearance from the others. The general external features of all the statues are the same. Local residents call these creatures "tikas", worship them and believe that they can fulfill wishes if you treat them with respect. Each idol has its purpose. Some help in love affairs, another heals the sick, a third helps fight enemy tribes, and so on.

Ufologists believe that on the island of Nuku Hiva there are images of various types of alien deities. For example, some statues represent reptilians - the powerful ancient sinister creatures in the Universe. They supposedly at one time preferred to control people, considered them an underdeveloped race and forced them to worship themselves.

Another type of idol, according to ufologists, depicts “gray aliens” - the most famous ones, which are distinguished by a large head and eyes, as well as small limbs and body, and short stature.

Thus, it can be assumed that alien creatures that were seen by local residents once really flew to the island of Nuku Hiva. Perhaps they taught the wild natives the basics of survival, and therefore became gods. It should be noted in advance that all this is only the assumptions of the researchers. It is very difficult to say whether a person will ever be able to unravel the secrets of the island of Nuku Hiva.

2 January 2014, 16:59

There are a great many mysterious places and amazing ancient monuments on Earth, but most of them still remain mysterious and unexplored.

One of these places is a village called Temehea Tohua, which is located on the island of Nuku Hiva. It is noteworthy that it is the largest atoll in French Polynesia in the Marquesas archipelago.

This stunning island is home to some of the strangest and most mysterious statues in the world. These statues mostly resemble aliens from deep space or parallel worlds, but who do they really represent? Perhaps these statues are nothing more than a figment of the artist’s extremely developed imagination, or maybe the ancient inhabitants of these lands tried to capture unknown creatures that once visited our planet?

At first glance, it may seem that these are just large statues. However, upon closer examination, interesting details are revealed: large eyes, huge elongated heads, strikingly different body sizes of individual statues, and other features that make you wonder: Who or what inspired the sculptor to carve such inhuman features?

Some researchers claim that these statues depict the ancient alien race of reptilians.

It is interesting that many of the statues are depicted in family groups, women often with children.

And these, apparently, are the males of these creatures:

Reptilians have often been at the center of conspiracy theorist debates, in which they were credited with the ability to manipulate people and control their behavior. It is believed that the reptilians are a very evil, and, nevertheless, the most highly developed alien civilization in our galaxy. Could the Temehea Tohua statues represent some reptilian species? If this is so, then it is quite possible that reptilians were revered as gods by local tribes in those distant times.

Who the statues on the island of Temehea Tohua actually depict may forever remain a mystery, but it is more than obvious that these statues have nothing in common with the human form.

Also, nothing is known about who and when created these statues.
Historians believe that the first inhabitants of Nuku Hiva appeared about two thousand years ago; they were immigrants from the island of Samoa, who later also settled in Tahiti, Hawaii and New Zealand. But what it really was like is still a question. It is unlikely that these islands were always uninhabited before the beginning of our era.

But it also seems to me that these mysterious reptilian statues are very similar to the Japanese Dogu figurines. Currently, more than 3,000 such figurines have been found, depicting certain creatures reminiscent of modern astronauts. It is worth noting that some of the figurines are 10,000 years old.

In many places on our planet, archaeologists find unusual artifacts that do not reveal the mysteries of history, but only increase their number. One of these artifacts is the outlandish statues of the island of Nuku Hiva, which have no analogues on Earth.

Looking at them, you involuntarily think about what kind of wild imagination could create these mysterious creatures. Or perhaps alien reptilians who once visited the island served as models for ancient sculptures?

The quadrangular island of Nuku Hiva (formerly Madison) is an atoll with an area of ​​330 square kilometers, its length is 30 kilometers and its width is 15 kilometers. It is the largest island of the Marquesas archipelago of French Polynesia.

Nuku Hiva literally means “Majestic Island”, and this is quite justified. The nature here is incredibly beautiful. Lush greenery coexists with mountainous heights; in the warm ocean waters, a diverse, colorful underwater world stuns the imagination of even the most experienced traveler.

This natural picture is complemented by two extinct volcanoes surrounded by pointed rocks. The crater of one of them filled with water, something like this can rarely be seen. Plus, there are no natural disasters or rainy seasons. Absolutely heaven on earth. We can say that Nuku Hiva is a sparsely populated island. Just over 2 thousand residents live here permanently.


In the middle of the last century, American archaeologists conducted excavations on the island. Based on them, it was established that the first inhabitants appeared here back in 150 AD. e. They arrived from the island of Samoa, then they gradually colonized New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Tahiti and Hawaii.

The population was mainly engaged in pottery and stone processing. That is why the island already had stone houses, famous tiki sculptures and other structures on the island in 1100.

Centuries passed, the population of the island grew at a tremendous pace. By the time the first Europeans appeared on Nuku Hiva, about 100 thousand inhabitants lived on this small piece of land in the middle of the ocean. During the existence of Nuku Hiva, there were attempts to capture the island by the Americans, but they were unsuccessful.

In 1842, the island began to belong to France, at the same time the construction of the Catholic Cathedral began. But, even despite the constant visits of missionaries, Christianity took root here with difficulty. In addition, the population of the island gradually decreased. Intertribal wars claimed many lives. In addition, Europeans brought here diseases to which the natives had no immunity.

Thus, in 1863, about 1 thousand people died as a result of a smallpox epidemic. Peruvian slave traders replenished the supply of slaves here, and in 1883, opium brought by the Chinese finally “solved” the demographic problem. And in 1934, only about 600 people remained on the island.

Like any other people, the local population has a legend about the origin of Nuku Hiva. According to her, the god Ono boasted to his wife that he would build a house in just one day. To do this, he collected all the earth and created islands from it, each of which corresponded to a specific part of the house. Nuku Hiva in this design was the roof. Ono collected the remains of the land into a heap - thus creating the island of Ua-Huka, now located east of Nuku Hiva.


Since such a small piece of land was densely populated, the problem of food was perhaps the most important. Mostly the aborigines ate plant foods: breadfruit, bananas, cassava, etc. It is clear that protein was always in short supply. Even the fish that could be caught in ocean waters were not enough to feed so many mouths. Not to mention pigs and chickens; even dogs were not disdained here.

This may be why, according to scientists, many local tribes practiced cannibalism. More often to replenish protein in the diet than for ritual ceremonies. But the latter cannot be discounted either. The inhabitants of the island appeased the sea deity Ika, bringing him human sacrifices.

The unfortunate person was caught on a hook like a fish, and then he was tied up and hung on a tree above the altar. They didn’t touch the victim for a while, and then they started beating him on the head with a baton until his brains were knocked out.

And some scientists believe that eating their own kind was necessary only for women and childrenfor food. The men of the tribe thus appropriated the strength of the defeated enemy. For the same purpose, they collected the skulls of people they had eaten.


It would seem that there is nothing special in Nuku Hiva: beautiful nature, exotic local customs - everything is like on other Polynesian islands. Only on this island there is the village of Temehea Tohua, next to which there are several unique sculptures that have no analogues in the world.

Presumably the sculptures are stone deities of the ancient Polynesians, dating back to the 11th-14th centuries. Actually, are there not enough stone idols on Earth? Only tiki idols, as they are called, are special. They all have a strange appearance. It seems that the ancient sculptors carved clearly not earthly inhabitants from stone. The creatures immortalized in stone had bodies with bulging bellies, large oblong heads, on which huge eyes stood out.

And they were dressed in clothes very similar to spacesuits. Scientists have not yet been able to figure out what it is: the figment of the imagination of a crazy sculptor or the impression of an encounter with alien creatures. But even the most skeptical researchers are sure that there is nothing human in these statues.

Meanwhile, the tics are very reminiscent of the descriptions of guests from deep space that our contemporaries met. It turns out that the residents of Nuku Hiva saw them too? And they didn’t just see, but fell under their power if they were revered as deities and worshiped. The largest statue is 2.5 meters in height. Not a single sculpture repeats another; each depicts a specific deity. Local residents are still convinced that tiki carry the power of the depicted god. One helps in military affairs, the second saves from trouble, the third contributes to a rich harvest, etc.

Those who subscribe to the alien theory believe that different groups of aliens served as models for tiki. Some sculptures look like reptilians - the most ancient and evil, according to ufologists, creatures in the Universe. By the way, their civilization reached a high level of development, and its representatives could easily control people. This is about the worship of tiki.

Another group of sculptures, according to the same ufologists, depicts "gray aliens". They vaguely resemble a person with a frail body, thin arms and a huge head. Only the disproportionately large eyes and mouths give them away as alien creatures.

It is believed that reptilians first appeared on the island. They were able to enslave people, force them to worship, become deities for them. And then they created "gray aliens", using those as slaves. That is why the sculptures are so different from each other. But all these are just assumptions, fantasies and conjectures. And who knows whether humanity will ever be able to unravel the mystery of the idols of the island of Nuku Hiva.

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