Home Help for tourists Mirabelle Palace and Gardens. Castle, Sacher, Mirabelle and other reasons to love Salzburg

Mirabelle Palace and Gardens. Castle, Sacher, Mirabelle and other reasons to love Salzburg

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    In the historical center of the Austrian city of Salzburg stands one of its most important attractions - the Mirabell Palace, surrounded by marvelous gardens and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

    Construction of the building began back in 1606, and the history surrounding this event is filled with romance. Wolf Dietrich von Reitenau, who served as Archbishop of Salzburg at that time, fell in love with the beautiful girl Salome Alt with all his heart and, despite all the prohibitions of the church, did not give up his love. Moreover, the archbishop did not hide his relationship and his affection, they lived together openly, and it was for Salome that Raitenau ordered the construction of this fabulous palace, which initially bore the name Altenau in her honor. Their lives were spent here, and their 15 children were born here. Here they were very happy - until the archbishop was imprisoned in the fortress and died there, and his cousin Marcus Sittikus von Hohenem ascended to his place, expelling Salome from the palace and declaring it the residence of the Salzburg archbishops.

    To put his brother's "shameful" past behind him, Honham renamed the palace, which has since been called Mirabell Palace. Over the course of two centuries, its owners changed, and each one contributed to the appearance of the palace and its design.

    At the beginning of the 19th century, a fire broke out in the Mirabell Palace, which destroyed it almost to the ground. In 1820, the palace underwent a major restoration, thanks to which it was possible to preserve the main staircase, decorated with figures of angels, by Georg Raphael Donner, which survived the fire; The Marble Hall, which in our time has become one of the most famous and revered places in the world for a wedding ceremony; and the church at the palace. However, many elements of the building and interior items were lost forever, as was the baroque appearance of the palace itself.

    The gardens surrounding the Mirabell Palace are especially beautiful. On the territory there is an amazingly beautiful fountain, decorated with a sculpture of Susanna, whose face and figure are very similar to Salome. There are also majestic stone lions, beautiful flower beds of unusual shape, a garden theater surrounded by hedges - the Austrians are very proud of all this beauty.

    Mirabell Palace has been the property of the city since 1868, and in 1948 it became the official residence of the mayor of Salzburg. Today, the magistrate and the office of the burgomaster are located on the territory of the palace; various concerts, congresses and award ceremonies are held on its premises.

    The city of Mozart, music festivals, the most famous Austrian cake and unusual museums.

    Salzburg looks like a fairy-tale kingdom from a Disney cartoon - a castle rises on the mountain, horse-drawn carts pass through the streets, and local residents dressed in national costumes themselves look like fairy-tale characters.

    This is the first large Austrian city that I visited after the New Year and I must say that in terms of elegance, grace and architecture Salzburg is not inferior to Vienna, and even surpasses it in the beauty of landscapes (the city is surrounded by mountains).

    View from the castle tower, Salzburg

    Report about our weekend in Salzburg turned into a list of things to visit and try here. So, Salzburg attractions, architectural and more:

    Salzburg City Castle(Hohensalzburg)

    Salzburg Castle- a unique place. This is the best observation deck in the city, a historical museum, a concentration of restaurants and a real castle with towers with one face. Hohensalzburg located on the top of a hill and can be seen from almost anywhere in the city center.

    Salzburg Castle

    You can climb to the castle either on foot or by cable car - the carriage rises in 1 minute, if not less.

    The ticket office is located at the foot, next to the funicular station. The ticket can be either Basic or Standard, the latter differs in that in addition to the museum and the tower you can go inside the castle, to the chambers of the former rulers of the city, and the first implies only the museum and the tower. We chose Basic because we simply wouldn’t have time to go to the chambers.

    The museum, which is rare for museums, turned out to be quite interesting - there were halls with the history of weapons and uniforms of the Austrian army, with the history of Salzburg and the construction of the castle, a torture chamber, an installation of important battles for the townspeople and pictures of the life of local residents (I really liked the kitchenette of the Austrian peasants of the past - reproduced with so many details, it’s not really a museum, but an exhibition in Ikea of ​​the 18th century).

    The main thing worth climbing to the castle for is the view that opens over the city from its observation tower. Literally a view of the entire city and even the surrounding area and the Alps in the distance.

    Cost of visiting Salzburg Castle(Basik ticket) - 12 euros per person.

    Mozart places in Salzburg

    Salzburg- the birthplace of the most famous and beloved Austrian, so everything here is dedicated to him: Mozart Square, the Mozart Hotel, Mozart House Museum, Mozart candies. In general, approximately 60% are somehow related to this composer.

    There are even several Mozart houses in the city - the one in which the composer was born and the one in which the family moved when Amadeus was 16 years old.

    Museum "Mozart's Birth House" located at Geitreidegasse 9 and there are many cute and touching exhibits related to the early childhood of the genius - his first violin and clavichord, children's and family portraits, letters.

    Second Museum "Mozart's House of Life" located on Makartplatz 8, next to the conservatory (guess whose name).

    Mirabell Park - the most flourishing attraction of Salzburg

    Judging by the number of people in Mirabell Park- This is a favorite vacation spot for residents Salzburg and it’s clear why - green labyrinths, flower beds with intricate patterns, fountains, elegant statues, Mirabell Palace.

    It is especially beautiful here in early May, when wisteria blooms - hedges of it stretch for several tens of meters. We almost missed this time - the flowers had already dried up and lost their color, but it was clear that just 2 weeks ago there was a kingdom of lilac tenderness and a paradise for photographers.

    Blooming wisteria in Mirabell Park (c) Pixabay

    And at the entrance to Mirabell Park There are shopping tents where you can buy a glass of wine. When buying wine, you leave a deposit for the glass (usually 2-3 euros) and go to the park with it. I don’t know if this was a one-time event (some kind of wine festival... it’s very strange that it’s in the spring), but a large number of people sitting with beautiful wine glasses (not plastic cups) along fountains and alleys under the rays of the rising sun are the most appropriate a spectacle for a relaxed Sunday evening.

    The most delicious attraction in Salzburg

    Not only music lovers, but also sweet tooths from all over the world come to this city.

    Reason one - Mozart candies or Mozartkugel. It's just a confectionery symphony - chocolate on the outside, marzipan on the inside and a classic round shape. These “balls” were invented in Salzburg in 1890 and since then they have become a national treasure of Austria.

    Try Mozartkugel at Salzburg The best place is at the Fürst confectionery; according to local reviews, they are the best here.

    Reason two - Sacher cake. IN Salzburg, like in Vienna, there is the Sacher Hotel, whose restaurant serves the famous chocolate cake made according to a classic recipe.

    Reason three - "Salzburg knockerln", another dessert that has become a classic Austrian delicacy. Roughly speaking, a nockerln is a soufflé with a filling; traditionally it has a three-headed shape (because 3 mountains surround Salzburg) and sprinkled with powdered sugar on top (symbolizing snow on mountain peaks).

    Beer Museum in Salzburg

    Yes, yes, all so sophisticated Salzburg with his love for art, has another love - for beer! The epicenter of Austrian love for this drink is located in Salzburg at Bräuhausstraße 9, in the largest private brewery in the country – "Shtigel". This is a whole world of beer - an exhibition with a film about beer on the big screen, a tour of the working brewery and observation of the process, a beer museum and, of course, tasting. In general, for connoisseurs and not only, this is the most fun Salzburg Museum recommended for visiting.

    Entrance fees and opening hours can be found at the breweries.

    Old town of Salzburg

    As in many European cities, the central part Salzburg, the most cozy and atmospheric place in the city. It is here, in these narrow streets, through which the aroma of freshly baked buns and pretzels wafts, that the breath of a bygone imperial era is felt.

    Residence Square - the very center of Salzburg

    The very center of the city is Residenzplatz, where the Salzburg Cathedral, on the other side of the cathedral is Kapitelplatz with an unusual statue of “The Man on the Golden Ball” (according to one version, this is a monument to the confectioner who invented the Mozart candy; in fact, it is the candy that symbolizes the golden ball).

    Between these squares and the embankment of the Salzach River there is a web of streets with cafes and shops - the streets of the old, central part of the city, the most favorite place in any city, but in Salzburg they are especially romantic, bright and, it feels like they are pre-holiday.

    The embankment of the Salzach River can also be called one of Salzburg attractions– a very beautiful view opens from it to the opposite bank, the old fortress wall, the Capuchin monastery and low, bright green mountains in the distance, shrouded in the almost transparent haze of a spring evening.

    Some practical information:

    Where to stay in Salzburg

    The city is touristy, so hotels, especially in the center, are very luxury and very expensive. There are many chain stores, such as Sheraton and Radisson, but if you want something more economical and in the center, then you can choose these options:

    – the hotel has three stars, and it is located in the very center of the city, near Mirabell Park.

    – located in a historical building from the 15th century with an adjoining garden.

    - a modern, relatively not very expensive chain hotel, but it has a very significant plus - a view of the castle and fortress. It’s very romantic, waking up in a room with such a view charges you with positivity and faith in a fairy tale for the whole next day.


    If you are determined to run around all the museums of Salzburg in a short period of time, climb the castle, take a boat ride on the river and often travel by public transport, then it is wise to purchase, which for 119 euros spent on it (for 48 hours) allows you to use all this for free. But before that, decide where you want to go; if the set of places is small, buying individual tickets will be cheaper.

    The palace was built, surrounded by an incredibly beautiful garden and given to his beloved - Salome Alt. At first the palace received a name - Alteno, in honor of Salome. Whether it was true love or a fleeting feeling - who knows. But the result of this sinful union was the appearance of 15 children, of which 10 survived safely, a beautiful palace and a luxurious garden.

    It was under the archbishop that Salzburg began to turn from an ordinary medieval backwater into a masterpiece of baroque architecture - the reason for this is love or impeccable taste, backed up by a fair amount of money, is not so important for us.

    At the end of his life, the archbishop was thrown into prison, where he died. His inconsolable ghost still wanders around Hohensalzburg...

    And Salome was kicked out of her palace. Her further fate is unknown...

    After the death of Wolf Reitenau, little remained unchanged in Mirabel. The palace was home to archbishops who came and went through the history of Satzbulrg. Each new owner tried to change Mirabelle, according to his taste. Luckily, their tastes were excellent!

    One of Raitenau's successors, Prince Marcus Sittikus, renamed the palace Mirabel, which translated from Spanish means “beautiful view” (there is a version that the palace was named after the Mirabell plum variety, which grew in abundance in this garden, but in my opinion, this Not at all romantic!). Obviously it was all about the beautiful view of the Alps. I did not have a chance to admire the beauty of the Alps from Salzburg - heavy wet clouds tightly wrapped the mountains from indiscreet glances.

    100 years after Sitticus, Archbishop Franz von Harrach decides to completely reconstruct Mirabelle. His innovations were destroyed by a fire in 1818, in which unique frescoes were destroyed. Only the Marble Hall and the marble staircase survived.

    This is the same famous Marble Hall where Mozart himself played music. Today, the hall is considered one of the best halls in the world for marriage, and applications for the ceremony must be submitted very early - there are many applicants.

    It was after this fire that Mirabel acquired its modern appearance, which has survived to this day.

    Mirabel is also famous for its gardens, which are not inferior in beauty to those of Versailles and just a little short of those of Peterhof. Due to its compactness, conciseness and uniqueness, the garden is considered the best park in Austria.

    Going to Mirabell Gardens in November, I had some doubts about the correctness of our steps. But having reasoned that comparing the autumn picture with previously seen summer photographs would help recreate all the beauty of Mirabelle, we decided to take a risk!

    What struck me was that the gardeners were working in the garden, planting colorful pansies...

    Mirabell Palace and Park are an absolute gem of Salzburg. All the laws of landscape architecture are observed here. There is a special corner in the park - the Garden of Gnomes. This is truly a wonderful collection of human characters!

    Mirabell Palace and its owners

    The snow-white Mirabell Palace (Schloss Mirabell) in (Salzburg) was built by order of Prince-Bishop Wolf Dietrich von Reitenau. He built this magnificent architectural and park ensemble behind the city wall in 1606. The palace was intended for the archbishop's secret lover. Her name was Salome Alt, and the original name of the building was Altenau.

    In 1612, the archbishop was removed from office, and the palace passed to his nephew Marcus Sittikus von Hohenems. Raitenau's successor renamed it Mirabell Palace, which means “very beautiful” in Italian.

    In the 18th century, by order of the new Archbishop Franz von Harrach, the building underwent significant changes. The architect Johann Lucas Hildebrandt worked on the project. The characteristic features of the Baroque style began to be traced in the architecture of the palace, and a courtyard appeared.

    The fire of 1818 caused significant damage to the building. After the restoration of the palace, the unique Baroque appearance was lost. Only the Marble Hall and the grand staircase, richly decorated with angels and cherubs, have survived from the original interiors. (The figures on the stairs were made by the sculptor Raphael Donner.) Many elements were lost forever: figurines and vases disappeared; decorative cornices and towers adorning the façade. The style of the building after restoration began to resemble neoclassical. The modern appearance of the palace is the fruit of the work of Peter de Nobel.

    Since 1868, Mirabell Palace has been considered the property of the city of Salzburg - the city authorities bought it for 50 thousand guilders. Since 1948, the mayor's residence has been located here. Currently, the Mirabell Palace houses the Salzburg magistrate and the mayor's office. It also hosts Salzburg Palace concerts, congresses and awards ceremonies.

    The palace, its garden and surrounding buildings are an architectural monument protected by UNESCO.

    Marble Hall

    The marble hall of the palace used to be the ceremonial hall of the prince-archbishops. Leopold Mozart and his children Nannerl and Wolfgang Amadeus played music here. Today it has become a hall for romantic weddings with worldwide fame. Young couples come from all over the world to say their cherished words of agreement here. A wedding at Mirabell Palace lasts 15 minutes. The newlyweds return on foot. There is no parking on site; you can only get to the palace gates.

    Palace Park

    The Baroque decorative park of Mirabell was created during the reign of Prince-Archbishop Johann Ernst von Thun, around 1690. The park is optically oriented towards Hohensalzburg and the Cathedral. Its alleys are decorated with sculptures on mythological themes, stone lions and fountains. Fischer von Erlach was responsible for the construction of the palace park in the 17th century.

    Park attractions:

    • the Pegasus fountain, installed in 1913, by Caspar Gras from Innsbruck;
    • A large fountain, around which there are 4 sculptural compositions, symbolizing water, fire, earth and air. Work by Ottavio Mosto, 1690;
    • The summer theater, bordered by hedges, is one of the oldest in Europe;
    • Garden of gnomes with unusual sculptures of little people;
    • The Rose Garden is located along the southern wall of Mirabell;
    • The greenhouse is today used as a palm house.

    Scenes of the famous Hollywood musical film “The Sound of Music” were filmed in Mirabell Park.

    How to get there?

    Go to the Salzburg Mülln-Altstadt stop.

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    The most attractive castle in Salzburg is rightfully considered the Mirabell Palace, surrounded by fabulous gardens. You'll find it on the north side of the Salzach River, which bisects the city, and just on that side of the river is the Old Town.

    Myths and facts

    Originally built as a luxurious private estate, Mirabell Palace has been the property of the city since 1866. Now there is the residence of the city burgomaster.

    Mirabell was built in 1606 at the request of Prince Wolf Dietrich von Retheno. As they say, the residence, which was originally named Alteno, was intended for the prince's mistress Salome Alt. She bore him 15 children, but only 10 of them survived.

    Not much remained the same in Mirabell after Reteno's death. His successor, Prince Marcus Sittikus, began by changing the name of the estate. The new name - Mirabelle - means "beautiful view". Sittikus was probably referring to the magnificent view of the nearby Alps. About 100 years after Sittikus, another prince, Archbishop Franz Anton von Harrach, decided to completely reconstruct Mirabell. He enlisted the help of the architect Lucas von Hildebrandt. But most of the buildings were destroyed during a fire in 1818. The impeccable frescoes painted by the artists Gaetano Fanta and Johann Michael Rottmayr were burned in the fire. Only the Marble Hall and the marble staircase of the palace survived. After the fire, the court architect from , Peter de Nobile, gave the building its current neo-classical appearance. But throughout the palace and in the gardens various evidence of the Baroque can still be found, such as the Donnerstig staircase and the Marble Hall.

    What to see

    The most famous attraction of Mirabell is, of course, its beautiful gardens, recognized as the best example of European gardening art, not inferior to gardens in France. In the garden conservatory you will find the Baroque Museum. An interesting feature is the dwarf garden with 28 funny figures.

    These days, concerts and wedding ceremonies are often held here. The castle's marble hall is the most enviable and, perhaps, the most expensive place for wedding ceremonies in all of Austria. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who grew up in Salzburg, once played his works here.

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