Home flights Where to run in Kyiv: Trukhanov Island. Trukhanov Island, Kyiv Where is Trukhanov Island

Where to run in Kyiv: Trukhanov Island. Trukhanov Island, Kyiv Where is Trukhanov Island

Kuprin called Trukhanov Island "Trukhashka"
Trukhanov Island. It would seem that there are no special mysteries in this name. The area was constantly subject to floods, so there was an abundance of dust here after each flood. This process can still be observed today. The name of the island became so firmly established in the everyday vocabulary of Kiev residents that other options were simply inappropriate.

According to one version, its name comes from the name of the Polovtsian Khan Tugorkan. At the end of the 11th century, the summer residence of his daughter, who was the wife of the Kyiv prince Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich, was allegedly located here. And even earlier, during the times of Kievan Rus, there was a settlement called Olzhishi on Trukhanov, which belonged to the famous princess Olga. Since the beginning of the 16th century, the island has become the subject of constant territorial disputes between the Pustynno-Nikolsky Monastery and the Kyiv magistrate. In 1534, the Kiev governor Andrei Nimirich granted it to the above-mentioned monastery, and in addition - fisheries on the Chertoraya River. But more than a hundred years passed, and the island was again returned to the city, in whose possession it remained until the mid-nineteenth century and was used mainly for making hay. After the construction of a steam mill and ship repair shops on its territory in 1856, a settlement arose, which was nicknamed Trukhanov Island. In 1920-1930 About 4 thousand people lived here, it had its own church, there were about 20 streets and alleys... And in 1943, the Germans burned the settlement - during the defense of Kyiv from the advancing Soviet army. Apparently, for the sake of providing a strategically important overview.

In Kyiv, under the slogan “Down with shame!” organized “naked” demonstrations on Khreshchatyk and tried to abolish swimsuits for beachgoers.

Almost 90 years ago, the city built its first beach on Trukhanov Island.

The construction of Trukhanov Island began in the mid-19th century. In the 80s, in connection with the opening of the 1st and 2nd associations of the Dnieper Shipping Company on the island, the first working villages appeared here. At the same time, shipyards, a yacht club and a park called “Hermitage” opened on the island. In 1895, a telephone line was installed at the dacha of shipping magnate Margolin. The city council gave official permission to settle the island in 1907. At that time, 130 self-settlers already lived on Trukhanov Island and worked at the local shipyard. Settlement occurred at a fairly rapid pace. The main market square (Zaporozhskaya) was built on the island, and the first streets with geographical names were laid: Poltavskaya, Dneprovskaya and Konotopskaya. In 1909, a school-college appeared on Trukhanov Island. It was built with funds allocated by Margolin. In 1910, the stone Church of St. Elizabeth located here was consecrated, built in honor of Elizaveta Trepova, the Governor-General of Kyiv, who assisted in its construction. During the Second World War, the settlement was destroyed, after which the island became a holiday destination.

Currently, on Trukhanov Island there are large beaches, including Central and Dovbychka, as well as Chertoroy, various sports facilities, water stations, restaurants and cafes, holiday homes and many green spaces. In the north of the island, everyone can visit the People's Friendship Park and the Bobrovnya Nature Reserve.

Trukhanov Island was included in the list of landscape reserves of local importance. This decision was made at a meeting of the Kyiv City Council on Thursday, May 16.

“The territory of Trukhanov Island and Mezhmostnoy Island with an approximate area of ​​27.44 hectares has been declared a landscape reserve of local significance,” the decision says.

Trukhanov Island- an island on the Dnieper, located opposite the historical center of Kiev between the main channel and the Dnieper branch Chertoroi.

The island is divided almost in half by the Starik Bays (now Matveevsky Bay ) and the Old Woman.

The area of ​​Trukhanov Island is about 450 hectares, it is connected to the right bank of the Dnieper by a pedestrian bridge.

It is believed that the name of Trukhanov Island comes from the name of the Polovtsian Khan Tugorkhan, since at the end of the 11th century the residence of his daughter, the wife of the Kyiv prince Svyatopolk, was located on it. During the times of Kievan Rus, there was also a settlement of Olzhishi on Trukhanov Island, owned by Princess Olga. In 1534 the island came into the possession of the Pustynno-Nikolsky Monastery. But more than a hundred years passed, and the island was again returned to the city, in whose possession it remained until the mid-nineteenth century and was used mainly for making hay. After the construction of a steam mill and ship repair shops on its territory in 1856, a settlement arose, which was nicknamed Trukhanov Island.

In the middle of the 19th century, the first buildings appeared on it, and in the second half of the 19th century, the First and then the Second Department of the Shipping Company with workshops, a yacht club, the Hermitage Park and the Bosphorus restaurant were located on the island.

Hermitage Park was popular thanks to the café theater that existed there. At that time it was one of the most popular places among the Kyiv nobility.

Also on the island there was the summer premises of the Kyiv yacht club, workshops of local shipping companies (in the Old Man's Bay) and several dachas. In 1898, in honor of the opening of the yacht club, Emperor Nicholas II visited Trukhanov.

In 1920-1930 About 4 thousand people lived here, it had its own church - St. Catherine's, and there were about 20 streets and alleys.

It was believed that Trukhanov Island was located within the glorious Podol, this is exactly what the “Companion to the City of Kyiv” previously wrote under the publication of Boguslavsky. The beautiful island, located opposite the city piers and separated from the left bank of the Dnieper by the Chertorsem branch, beckoned the people of Kiev into its open spaces. In the middle of the island there was Lake Dolob, on the shores of which it was believed that " In the old days, the princes of Kyiv and Chernigov with their squads gathered for meetings among themselves on national issues and for negotiations on war and peace with the nomadic people, the Polovtsians".

In 1943, the settlement was burned by the Germans during the defense of Kyiv from the advancing Soviet army. Perhaps for the sake of providing strategically important visibility.

After numerous historical ups and downs, the island began to be actively refined in the late 1940s. Tens of thousands of trees and bushes were planted and beaches were improved. Large Kyiv factories and sports societies opened water sports centers here - with summer plywood houses, rental of boats, scooters, yachts.

Until 1957, until the Park Bridge was built between Naberezhny Highway and Trukhanov Island, crossing the Dnieper to the left bank bases and sandy beaches was a big inconvenience. Therefore, the city authorities launched boats, popularly nicknamed “bast shoes” for their characteristic shape. On Sundays, the busiest street in Podol was the street of Heroes of Trypillia - it was the street that led to the ferry pier. After standing in a long line, the residents of Kiev crossed to the island, where warm velvety sand, branches of weeping willows, generous sun and gentle water awaited them. From here there was a beautiful view of forested steep slopes, golden domes of churches and the Dnieper expanse.

Of the famous writers, Kuprin speaks most affectionately about the island, calling it “a rotter.” The Ukrainian poetess Lina Kostenko also wrote about Trukhanov Island:

“I heard in a month with a golden ear

terrible legends about princes and khans,

and having spilled the old fisherman Trukhan...

Trukhaniv island, Tugorkhaniv island..."

Now Trukhanov Island is one of the most popular summer vacation spots among Kiev residents, especially among young people.

Today there are large beaches (including Central, Dovbychka), water stations, sports facilities, restaurants, holiday homes and many green spaces.

At the extreme southern tip of Trukhanov Island there is the most famous Kiev nudist beach. You can get to it in two ways: by land, walking from the Pedestrian Bridge to the end of Trukhanov Island, or by water, crossing for a small fee on a motor boat from the beach on Dolobetsky Island in Hydropark.

In Matveevsky Bay there are sports centers for rowing, canoeing and kayaking. The bay is called this way because it was once owned by the rector of Kyiv University Matveev.

An artificial drainage channel was created to train canoe and kayak athletes. A very beautiful place!

And, of course, the pedestrian bridge, which is long overdue for repair or even reconstruction.

How to get there:

The nearest metro station is Poshtovaya Ploshchad. From there you need to walk along the embankment to the nearest bridge, which will turn out to be a pedestrian bridge.

For those with a car, access to Trukhanov Island from the Moscow Bridge.

The center of Kyiv, nature, clean air and 4 km of perfect asphalt - this is Trukhanov Island from Parkovy to Moskovsky Bridge. A convenient place for speed training and as part of long runs. Popular with runners, cyclists, triathletes and rollerbladers.


Trukhanov is located on the Dnieper directly opposite the historical center of Kyiv, the island area is about 450 hectares. A bit reminiscent of Margaret Island on the Danube in Budapest. The Hungarians turned Margate into a park for recreation and sports with bike paths, tennis courts, swimming pools and thermal baths - it turned out great. Our island is no less picturesque, but rather neglected.

From the beginning of the 20th century until the Second World War, Trukhanov was inhabited; it had a central market square and several streets. During the war, the settlement was destroyed, and after it Trukhanov became a recreational area with beaches and holiday homes.

You can get to the island from Podol through the Parkovy (Pedestrian) Bridge, from Obolon, Petrovka or Troeshchina - through the Moscow Bridge. Formally, there is a pedestrian zone, cars are prohibited from entering. Realistically, as usual, our rules are not for everyone, so there are cars, but not many.

You can leave your car in Podol near Poshtovaya Square or in the parking lot at the entrance to Peoples' Friendship Park if you drive in from the Moscow Bridge.

Route options

The bridge can also be accessed from Vladimirsky Descent, along the stairs that lead to the Magdeburg Law Column.

I usually run across the Park Bridge, along the island to the Moscow Bridge and back. If you start at Naberezhno-Khreshchatyskaya, it turns out to be about 10 km.

Another option is a circular route: from Trukhanov to Moskovsky Bridge and back to Podol along Naberezhno-Rybalskaya (also about 10 km). However, this option is only suitable for early mornings on weekends. The rest of the time, a fair amount of exhaust gases are guaranteed on the Moscow Bridge and Naberezhno-Rybalskaya.

A jog on Trukhanov Island can be combined with the following routes:


The island has an excellent asphalt road; there are cars, but only occasionally. There is practically no relief, apart from very smooth rolls.

In the mornings it is deserted and beautiful, only sports-minded citizens meet (my weakness is beautiful cyclists on highways 😉). However, at other times of the day there are few people on the island, with the exception of the area near the Park Bridge on summer weekends.

The tasty clean air is especially good in the part of the island where pine trees grow. There are a lot of trees, there is shade almost everywhere.

About scary moments: near the bridges (Pedestrian, unfinished Podolsko-Voskresensky and Moskovsky) there is a possibility. Although I haven't seen them lately. Near the Park Bridge there are several Gendeliks - dubious cafes, as well as dilapidated buildings. There is no lighting. You shouldn’t run there in the evenings or in the dark, but in the morning it’s quite calm, no suspicious people have been spotted.

There are places in the capital that I have never reached. Well, my acquaintances and friends are surprised when I say that I have never walked along the Dnieper Islands (Friendship of Peoples Park, Hydropark, Trukhanov Island) or along the bridges across the Dnieper. Although I have heard a lot about these islands of untouched nature. In particular, about Trukhanov Island and the Pedestrian Bridge. Well, of course, there are no trolleybuses or buses there. It's a long way to go. Getting there is inconvenient. "Accordion" places. But the fact that there are beaches and cafes there is not very interesting. And secluded places can be found in other places in Kyiv. Well then...

1. Abandoned cafe-rotunda.

I would never have visited Trukhanov Island if it weren’t for the Podolsky Bridge. I planned to take a photo of him from the island. But I didn’t plan to make a photo report about Trukhanov Island. It turned out the other way around.

But I visited a new area.

Everything we do is done for the benefit of the people. Place for rest and walks, center. Until 2011, you could take a tram from Podol... And then the tram was removed, and the buses were removed. But Poshtovaya Square was never completed.

2. So on foot, along the former tram line.

3. Pedestrian bridge. I watched from afar so many times. Let's take a closer look.

4. “Slaughtered” place. Although it’s beautiful, I don’t argue.
It would have been possible to admire it if it weren’t for the weather...


6. Embankment highway after rain.
By the way, I got caught in the rain. We had to wait under the Pedestrian Bridge.

7. It’s probably drizzling behind the Metro bridge.

8. River station. It will be reconstructed along with Poshtovaya Square.

9. Panorama of Podol.

10. Hem in a different color treatment:)

11. New Rybalsky Bridge.

Now let's look at the other side.

12. Dnieper and Hydropark Island.

13. Panorama of the Dnieper towards the Metro bridge.

14. Mega poster on the shore of Trukhanov Island. What advertisers can’t think of!

15. Bank on the left side of the bridge. People fish, sunbathe and swim. And he doesn’t suspect that in 20 minutes everyone will be covered in rain.

Well, why not show the right bank of the Dnieper?

16. Arch of Friendship of Peoples.

17. Vladimirskaya Gorka.

18. Naberezhnoe highway. Behind the Dnieper hills you can see the Dynamo stadium named after. Lobanovsky.
Well, there's a rain cloud on top.

19. Trukhanov Island. The road for cars across the Pedestrian Bridge is blocked. At least something good.

20. Cable car station.

21. Monument to Swedish football fans who attended the 2012 European Football Championship in Kyiv. They appeased the Swedes (the Ukrainian team won the match.).
For some reason behind the fence. Therefore, this is the only way to take a photo.

22. Monument to the deceased tourist.

23. Abandoned cafe. Then he took refuge in it from the rain.

24. The bridge bridge is crowded. A bunch of gendelyks. So there is somewhere to hang out :)

25. View in the opposite direction. Deeper into the island.
There is litter near the trash cans. Considering that this is the center of Kyiv, and even a park area, it somehow turns out ugly.

But there are monuments!

26. Monument to the residents of the village destroyed during the Great Patriotic War.

27. Not even a monument - a memorial.

28. Spring. Beautiful. The main thing is not to look at the sky. Another cloud is approaching from above. This time it's already stormy.

29. An abandoned cafe of an unusual shape.

30. As expected, upset. But you can get through if you want.

31. It would be possible to wait in an abandoned place, but there is already someone there.

32. And around there are blooming chestnut trees, cars and heaps of garbage.

33. Some kind of house.

I'm going back. But for now I’m thinking: should I continue to see the island, wait out the approaching rain, or return home?
We finally decided to go to the bridge (I wasn’t walking alone). But I didn’t take many photos—the sky was overcast and there was no time left to be distracted by taking photos.

37. As soon as we arrived back, a heavy downpour began. We had to wait under an abandoned cafe.
It is clear that further walk was in jeopardy. So, after waiting out the rain, I went home.
Well at least the umbrella was useful.

P.S.: What can I say about Trukhanov Island? A cult place for Kiev residents. Basically, an oasis in the middle of a metropolis, but... A bunch of cafes, littered (it looks like they don’t take out the garbage), abandoned and unkempt. You need to take into account that the island is large, and there is no other transport other than a walking bus.

Trukhanov Island is one of the most famous corners of Kyiv. It has recently attracted special attention due to the fact that the camp of Swedish football fans who came to EURO 2012 was located here. This island is located on the Dnieper, just opposite the historical center of the capital, between the Desenka branch of the Dnieper and the main channel. The total area of ​​Trukhanov Island is approximately 450 hectares; it is connected to the right bank of the Dnieper by a pedestrian bridge.

Trukhanov Island received its name thanks to the Polovtsian Khan Tugorkhan (known from chronicles and epics as Tugarin the Serpent), since here in the 11th century the residence of his daughter, the former wife of the Kiev prince Svyatopolk II, was located. Previously, on the same island there was a settlement of Olzhishchi, which belonged to the famous Princess Olga. In the 16th century, the island was taken over by the Pustynno-Nikolsky Monastery, but at the end of the next century it was returned to the city.

Trukhanov Island began to be repopulated in the 19th century, when the first buildings appeared here, and later workers’ settlements. However, it was officially allowed to settle here only in 1907, when more than a hundred self-settlers already lived on the island. At that time, there was a yacht club, shipyards, and the Hermitage Park; later the Church of St. Elizabeth was erected and consecrated. After the end of World War II, during which all buildings here were destroyed, Trukhanov Island became a vacation spot for Kiev residents.

Today, on Trukhanov Island there are the largest Kyiv beaches (including Dovbychka beach and Central beach), sports facilities, water stations, holiday homes, restaurants, as well as numerous green spaces. In the north of Trukhanov Island there are the Bobrovnya Nature Reserve and the Peoples' Friendship Park.

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