Home Flights Federal resort Arshan. Arshan, Buryatia Ski resort Arshan

Federal resort Arshan. Arshan, Buryatia Ski resort Arshan

Arshan is a village in Buryatia where there is no Soviet power. Only here they will sell you mushrooms and let you look at the moon through a telescope as a bonus. Today we are in Arshan, a village whose symbol is a goat.

The luckiest people in Arshan are the residents of houses on the main street. Any shack here turns into a supermarket.
Here's a boutique hut. The boy is flashing glasses and women's hats.

Some build kiosks right in the fence; these are considered oligarchs.

But no matter how far from the main street Arshanets lives, during the high tourist season he will definitely go to Broadway...

Show yourself...

Your car...

Or children)) Prices in June were from 400 rubles and above. It's probably much more expensive now.

There are also many cafes with shaurmakur and chalagach. I don't know what it is.

In general, the local Arbat

There is a lot of trade, Arshan has the longest market on the planet, you get tired while walking. They sell the same thing, weed, empty bottles and fidget spinners. The market starts from the central park.

But there are very exotic tents, I saw them at least once. I think he's Nepalese. He sold robes from a concentration camp.

Bottles here are worth their weight in gold. A plastic bottle is the currency of Arshan. They take them in batches. Woe to you if you come to Arshan without an empty bottle! Market traders will swarm you like flies! - Buy a bottle, buy a bottle! - tanned Arshan children will jump around you.

That’s why we trolled Arshan with a bottle of Essentuki, which greatly offended the Tunka bottle mafia.

Sign of Arshan. If you see ribbons, it means there is a source nearby.

There are a lot of ribbons in Arshan.

And here is the man tortured by Narzan Arshan! We saw him!

Every tourist in Arshan considers it his duty to stand on the suspension bridge. The bridge, to put it mildly, is not very good, it’s clear that they did it quickly and roughly.

View of Kyngyrgu with pipes. There are many pipes in the river. They go up and down without any order. A little further upstream the river seems to be fuller, but then the pipes are flooded.

Some kind of wedding installation, right next to it there is an unambiguous arch. I didn’t understand what these faces mean and how they help the newlyweds, but it was done well.

Scoop everywhere)

I recently wrote that in 2014, an attack struck Arshan. The mudflow flooded the village and significantly spoiled the landscape. They allocated large millions, rounded up the Uzbeks, cleaned them up, patched them up and erected several statues!

In general, small architectural forms are nothing like that, there is something to keep your eye on.

They also seem to have built a bridge. No one knows where the remaining millions went. Or rather, they know but don’t say. Everything is clearly in the hands of one person. As I already wrote at the beginning of the post, there is no Soviet power in Arshen. During our entire stay, we did not see a single policeman there.

We met in the park fregat_vt, he works part-time in Tunka for the overlord.

And instead of the beauties of Arshan, mountains and girls, for some reason he films muscular Kyrgyz people.

Andrey and I weren’t interested in this, of course, and we got stuck on the tourists.

In the central part of the park there is a kind of frontal place, there are three bears and benches around Veles.

Local Veles, surrounded by bears, is sad and thoughtful.

Well, what is it like to look at this all day long?

The next morning we still walked around the market. There are no sellers yet))

It’s easy to transport yourself back to the late eighties here. I remember something like this even stood in the city center.

The market ends almost at the foot of the mountains, abutting such a Stalinist Empire style structure. I recognized him immediately; in the family archive there is a photograph of my grandmother with her little father on these stairs.

And this is the symbol of Arshan. The mountain goat with which everyone takes pictures, although everyone takes pictures of him incorrectly.

We found the perfect shooting location! Arshansky color.

Oh, here’s something else I wanted to show. I came across such a gas van. Works to disperse tourists and on wood.

But in Arshan it’s normal, beautiful (if you leave the village) and mountains! We went to the Kyngyrgi waterfalls. True, it was two days before the first! But more about that next time!

To be continued...

Trip organizer

The resort village of Arshan is a mountain climatic resort located in Buryatia at the foot of Tunkinskiye Goltsy, the easternmost ridge of the Sayan Mountains. Translated from the Buryat language, “arshaan” means a healing spring, and it is the healing power of the water in the local spring, coupled with the picturesque unique landscapes, that this land is famous for.

Road to Arshan

Arshan is only 210 kilometers from Irkutsk; we covered this distance by car in about three hours. Despite the prevailing opinion about Russian roads, the condition of the federal highways M55 (on which we covered 110 kilometers to the southernmost point of Lake Baikal - the village of Kultuk) and M333 (another 100 kilometers towards Mongolia) is close to ideal condition.

It’s worth telling about the road separately; for those who like to watch uniquely beautiful landscapes from a car window, this is an ideal place. The road to Kultuk passes through rocky terrain and is framed by real Siberian coniferous and larch forest. The further from Irkutsk, the weaker the influence of the city is felt, the brighter and cleaner the water in the rivers. At the entrance to Kultuk, the road rises up, and at the very top a breathtaking view opens up - the southern coast of the serene, endless Baikal. The sky here is so bright that on a cloudless day it is impossible to draw a horizon line between it and the water surface in the distance. Seagulls fly low, serious, menacing trains rush along the Trans-Siberian Railway, the local population sells fish and small souvenirs, and in season you can try delicious Baikal strawberries.

But Kultuk is only a transit point for the traveler; then the road runs through the steppes and valleys of Buryatia. Once you drive just a couple of kilometers across the Buryat land, the landscape changes dramatically. Calm, always red, cows and healthy bulls graze on endless fields, horses with foals roam freely, and in the sky every now and then another falcon, whose wingspan can reach a meter, circles over the steppes, looking for prey. Mountains loom ahead, never getting closer and mesmerizing with their grandeur. It was to these mountains – Tunkinsky Goltsy – that our path lay.

Arshan village

Arshan is a small village where all the local residents live mainly at the expense of tourists, and therefore they are all extremely friendly and entertain visitors to the village with everything they can. A great joy for me was a month-old baby goat of the most amusing appearance, which its enterprising owner brought to the main tourist site to be photographed as a souvenir.

The choice of accommodation in Arshan is quite large; you can find both budget and more expensive options. There are two sanatoriums where you can buy a ticket and undergo full treatment with healing Arshan water, several hotels, as well as a large number of locals who are ready to rent out a house for any amount of time. We settled on the third option, having more than experienced all the cordiality of the Buryat soul.

In the village itself there is nowhere for a tourist to wander: a park, several cafes, restaurants, where you should definitely try the famous Buryat poses, a Buddhist monastery - Khoymorsky Datsan, several monuments that are not very clear to visitors. At the foot of the mountains, on the way to the famous healing springs, there is a large souvenir market where you can buy almost everything: from pine nuts and unique herbs that are collected in the Tunka valley, to Chinese souvenirs that are of no value.

For me, as a tourist, the mountains were a revelation. Despite the huge number of tourists, there is a place to retire, wander alone along forest paths, and unexpectedly stumble upon a gaping chipmunk. The village is crossed by a mountain river with a complex Buryat name - Kynkarga; it flows along a geological fault in the mountains and forms 12 waterfalls on its way. The main hiking trail leads to the first waterfall, about six meters high. To get to it, you must first climb up the mountain and then go down the steep stairs. The path is laid along the gorge, and the view when you stand on the edge of a cliff at an altitude of about 100 meters, and the mountain river seething below your feet, is blood-chilling. At this moment you really understand why these places are considered sacred. There is no room left in the head for vain thoughts, the greatness and superiority of the mountains, their strength and the energy of the water that they splash out at the foot, give strength, fill with light from within and allow you to forget about everything, completely absorb.

Arshan mineral water has very valuable healing properties and is famous throughout the country. It is saturated with carbon dioxide, silicon, magnesium and iron, heals diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes metabolism, has a complex effect on the human body, competent treatment with this water can have a stronger effect than medication. The peculiarity of this water is that the natural springs have three temperatures - 8 degrees, 22-23 and 43 degrees. The water does not need to be heated; you can take a hot shower under healing streams here at any time of the year.

Arshan is an amazing place for a traveler seeking harmony with the external and internal world, who wants to take a break from everyday problems and enjoy the unique beauty of nature.

Rural settlement

rural settlement "Arshan"

Coordinates Population National composition

Buryats, Russians

Timezone Vehicle code OKATO code



Arshan. View of the Sayan Mountains and Peak of Love.

Main street of Arshan village

The Arshan resort includes two sanatoriums: “Sayan” and “Arshan” of the sanatorium and resort association of trade unions “Baikalkurort”. The sanatoriums are located in the Tunka Valley at the foot of the monumental Sayan mountains with snow-capped peaks, on the picturesque mountain river Kyngarga, which has over 12 waterfalls. Of undoubted interest for vacationers is the Koimorsky Datsan, a Buddhist temple operating on the territory of the resort.

The main natural healing factors are carbon dioxide, low-mineralized, siliceous sulfate-hydrocarbonate-magnesium-calcium weakly acidic thermal waters and sulfide silt mud, which highly effectively treat diseases of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, urinary and endocrine systems, and metabolism. The mineral waters of the Arshan resort have a wide range of temperatures: from cold (11-13 °C) to hot (45 °C). According to the chemical composition, the mineral waters of Arshan, according to the classification of V. A. Alexandrov, belong to the 1st class, being carbon dioxide with a high gas content.

Complex sanatorium-resort treatment uses drinking Arshan mineral water, balneotherapy (baths, healing showers, irrigation), climate therapy, diet therapy, physiotherapy, paraffin-ozokerite therapy, therapeutic exercises, massage, inhalations, halotherapy and modern diagnostic methods.

Volcanoes in the vicinity of Arshan

The water is used for bathing and drinking, and bottled. Treatment of patients with diseases of the digestive system, circulatory system, and metabolic disorders. Sanatorium, clinic, bathroom building, rest homes. Season - all year round.

Chief physician of the Arshan resort Vladimir Ivanovich Songolov.

A half-hour walk from the village is one of the large waterfalls on the Kyngarga River. There are more than 20 breathing volcanoes in the vicinity of Arshan. They last erupted in the Mesozoic era, but due to the presence of hot springs they are not considered completely extinct. Nearby are the mineral springs of Suburga and Papiy Arshan.


The climate is sharply continental. Winters are long and cold, summers are short and moderately warm. Precipitation is 595 mm per year (maximum in summer). Medicinal products: mineral water from one of the springs.

Climate of Arshan
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Average maximum, °C −17 −15 −3 8 16 23 25 22 15 6 −7 −14 5
Average minimum, °C −28 −25 −18 −6 1 8 12 10 2 −6 −18 −23 −7
Precipitation rate

Many beautiful holiday destinations are now available to tourists from all over the world. There are many of them in Eastern Siberia. The Republic of Buryatia is ideal for tourism. The purest mountain air and healing mineral springs attract vacationers all year round. One of the most visited places in Buryatia is Arshan. This resort annually welcomes about 100 thousand vacationers. They are attracted here not only by the beautiful mountain landscapes, but also by the healing mineral waters, which have long been famous for their medicinal properties.

Resort Description

Arshan is located in the Eastern Sayan Mountains at an altitude of about 900 meters above sea level.

The mineral springs, which have long been known to local residents for their healing properties, are now surrounded by hotels and resorts. In the village of Arshan you can also rent a house from local residents. But most often tourists stay in one of the Sayans. In addition, the resort has almost 20 hotels. Therefore, more than 800 people can live there at the same time. Many people go to Arshan not for treatment, but simply to relax, to relax away from the hustle and bustle of the world. But this resort is not for those who like comfort. Arshan offers an inexpensive vacation, but there is also a cafe, a gym, a swimming pool, and a disco. And the combination of magnificent mountain scenery, clean air and friendly service gives vacationers a good mood and a desire to return here again.

History of origin

The healing properties of this place became known to outsiders more than a hundred years ago. An interesting legend is associated with the discovery of mineral springs: “One hunter wounded a wapiti and chased it for a long time. Soon he saw the animal approach the spring and begin to drink. Then he entered a nearby lake and after a while came out noticeably refreshed. The hunter was very surprised. and decided to try the amazing water myself." This is how it became known about the healing springs of the Tunka Valley. Since the end of the 19th century, it has been visited by many researchers. And already at the beginning of the 20th century, about 50 huts in the village were rented out, and wooden log houses were built around many springs. But the resort began to be actively developed only in Soviet times. A sanatorium was built here, new wells were drilled. Now the village is one of the most visited resorts in Eastern Siberia.

Tunka Valley

What attracts tourists to Arshan? This resort is one of the sunniest in the world. Although it does not offer good weather, there are many holidaymakers all year round. This resort area is a little toned down. This can be explained by the proximity of Lake Baikal and the fact that the village is surrounded by mountains. Summer at the resort is short and cool, at this time there are very few cloudy days and rain. Winter is cold and long, but despite this, tourists still go to Arshan. Unlike the settlements surrounding the resort, it is windless and sunny almost all year round. And the best time to relax is June. At this time, the Arshan resort turns into a blooming paradise (photo in the article).

Natural attractions of Arshan

1. The Kyngyrga River flows right next to the Arshan sanatorium. It is famous not only for its clean, clear water. Its bed is covered with Archean marble. There are also 12 of the largest waterfalls in Siberia, the highest of which is 6 meters. This beautiful place is classified as a natural monument of federal significance.

2. On the bank of the river on the way to the waterfall there is a sacred grove in which there are healing springs. All the trees in it are tied to the top with ribbons. Most tourists follow the ancient custom of giving thanks before and after treatment.

3. The Arshan resort is also famous for its beautiful mountain scenery. The Sayan Mountains are represented here by an amazing ridge called Tunkinskie Goltsy. Their peaks extend to a height of more than three thousand meters. One of the most picturesque is Peak of Love. From a height of two and a half kilometers there is a magnificent view of the Tunka Valley.

4. Right on the territory of the resort there is another amazing natural phenomenon - a 500-year-old larch tree more than 20 meters high.

Holidays at the Arshan resort

Every year it becomes more and more popular to come to Arshan. A holiday here is not only about enjoying the beauty of the Sayan Mountains, but also about treatment. Visitors are greeted by two sanatoriums - "Arshan" and "Sayany". They are not very big, but they have everything for a good rest. Sanatoriums accept adults and children for treatment. It offers four dietary meals a day, comfortable rooms, a swimming pool, a gym, a cinema and concert hall and a children's playroom.

The resort also features a library, hairdresser and beauty salon. In addition to sanatoriums, you can relax in one of 20 hotels or in private guest houses in the village of Arshan. The resort can accommodate more than 800 people at a time. And everyone will enjoy the holiday. In addition to the benefits of civilization and entertainment, Arshan offers to enjoy magnificent scenery: the taiga approaches right to the village, the water in the mountain river is so clean that its bottom can be seen, and there are special paths for hiking in the forest.

Excursion program

In addition to treatment and recreational activities, the Arshan resort offers many excursions. Buryatia is famous for its beautiful natural views and other attractions. With the help of guides you can get acquainted with such amazing places:

Khoymorsky datsan is a functioning Buddhist temple.

Extinct volcanoes are the remains of volcanic activity that took place in ancient times.

The Bowl of Virgins is located three kilometers from the village on the Bukhote River. Its water is clear and is believed to bestow energy and beauty. Therefore, since ancient times it has been customary for the bride to bathe in it before the wedding.

The Ahaliki Hills are famous for the fact that traces of ancient man have been found there, as well as the bones of prehistoric animals.

Located at an altitude of almost 2000 meters above sea level. It is called dead because there are no fish or other living organisms in it.

You can also go on a one-day tour to Lake Baikal - the cleanest and deepest in Russia.

Some places can be visited on foot, others will have to be reached by transport. Pedestrian routes are quite popular among tourists, because the paths in the vicinity of the resort are well-maintained, and a walk gives a charge of vivacity and good mood.

Sanatorium treatment

Tunkinsky resort Arshan offers treatment for many diseases:

Digestive and metabolic disorders;

Diseases of the endocrine system;

Diseases of the respiratory and circulatory system;

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The healing factors are the mountain air of the resort, mineral waters for external use and silt healing mud, as well as medicinal drinking waters, because of which the Arshan resort appeared. Treatment is also carried out with the help of physiotherapy: balneotherapy, mud therapy, inhalations, aromatherapy, massage, ozone therapy and many others. The resort specializes in diseases of the digestive system, providing diet therapy, intestinal cleansing, tubing and gastric irrigation. Much attention is also paid to psychotherapeutic methods of influence. The sanatoriums employ experienced doctors and have a serious diagnostic base. But the main treatment is still carried out with the help of famous healing mineral springs, for which people go to Arshan. The resort arose only because of them.

Mineral waters of Arshan

The healing springs have long been famous among the local population. The composition of Arshan mineral water is close to the Caucasian Narzan. It is useful for chronic gastritis and other diseases of the digestive tract. There are several springs in Arshan: there are both hot and cold. Some of them have been preserved in their original form, others exist in the form of wells, the water from which flows directly into the bathroom of the sanatorium. The eye spring, rich in iron, is revered. A sacred grove formed around him, each tree in which was tied to the top with colored ribbons as a sign of gratitude for the healing. The composition of the mineral waters of Arshan is slightly acidic, highly carbonated, sulfate-hydrocarbonate and silicon. The low-mineralized karst springs of Suburg and Papiy Arshan are very famous. There are waters rich in carbon dioxide and used externally in the form of baths. A feature of almost all the wells at the resort is that they were re-drilled, since this water aggressively affects steel pipes, destroying them.

Arshan Resort: holiday reviews

Getting to the resort is easy - a paved and comfortable road goes all the way to the village. There are buses and minibuses. You can get there from Irkutsk or Ulan-Ude in a few hours.

Therefore, Arshan is a favorite vacation spot for residents of the region. People also travel there from other parts of the country. The resort amazes tourists with the beauty of nature, clean air and the healing power of water. Reviews about the holiday are mostly positive. Among the disadvantages, tourists sometimes note the distance from civilization, some lack of amenities, a small amount of entertainment and difficulties in passing mountain trails. But everyone is unanimously inclined to believe that Arshan helped them heal, relax and gain strength. In addition, the extraordinary beauty of the surrounding area is noted. Almost all vacationers recommend visiting the Arshan resort.

Rural settlement

rural settlement "Arshan"

Coordinates Population National composition

Buryats, Russians

Timezone Vehicle code OKATO code



Arshan. View of the Sayan Mountains and Peak of Love.

Main street of Arshan village

The Arshan resort includes two sanatoriums: “Sayan” and “Arshan” of the sanatorium and resort association of trade unions “Baikalkurort”. The sanatoriums are located in the Tunka Valley at the foot of the monumental Sayan mountains with snow-capped peaks, on the picturesque mountain river Kyngarga, which has over 12 waterfalls. Of undoubted interest for vacationers is the Koimorsky Datsan, a Buddhist temple operating on the territory of the resort.

The main natural healing factors are carbon dioxide, low-mineralized, siliceous sulfate-hydrocarbonate-magnesium-calcium weakly acidic thermal waters and sulfide silt mud, which highly effectively treat diseases of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, urinary and endocrine systems, and metabolism. The mineral waters of the Arshan resort have a wide range of temperatures: from cold (11-13 °C) to hot (45 °C). According to the chemical composition, the mineral waters of Arshan, according to the classification of V. A. Alexandrov, belong to the 1st class, being carbon dioxide with a high gas content.

Complex sanatorium-resort treatment uses drinking Arshan mineral water, balneotherapy (baths, healing showers, irrigation), climate therapy, diet therapy, physiotherapy, paraffin-ozokerite therapy, therapeutic exercises, massage, inhalations, halotherapy and modern diagnostic methods.

Volcanoes in the vicinity of Arshan

The water is used for bathing and drinking, and bottled. Treatment of patients with diseases of the digestive system, circulatory system, and metabolic disorders. Sanatorium, clinic, bathroom building, rest homes. Season - all year round.

Chief physician of the Arshan resort Vladimir Ivanovich Songolov.

A half-hour walk from the village is one of the large waterfalls on the Kyngarga River. There are more than 20 breathing volcanoes in the vicinity of Arshan. They last erupted in the Mesozoic era, but due to the presence of hot springs they are not considered completely extinct. Nearby are the mineral springs of Suburga and Papiy Arshan.


The climate is sharply continental. Winters are long and cold, summers are short and moderately warm. Precipitation is 595 mm per year (maximum in summer). Medicinal products: mineral water from one of the springs.

Climate of Arshan
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Average maximum, °C −17 −15 −3 8 16 23 25 22 15 6 −7 −14 5
Average minimum, °C −28 −25 −18 −6 1 8 12 10 2 −6 −18 −23 −7
Precipitation rate

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