Home Countries of Europe Chuvash big business: how local "kings" and Russian oligarchs divided the region, leaving him chocolates. Ivan Motorin is the richest official in Chuvashia The richest people in Chuvashia vg

Chuvash big business: how local "kings" and Russian oligarchs divided the region, leaving him chocolates. Ivan Motorin is the richest official in Chuvashia The richest people in Chuvashia vg

Top-10: The richest people in Chuvashia

In March 2007, the first attempt was made to rank the richest residents of Chuvashia. When preparing the rating, open data from companies, the Central Bank, the Federal Service for Financial Markets, tax reporting, analytical reports from leading investment companies and banks, and anonymous expert assessments were used. The authors do not guarantee the absolute correctness of the estimates.

1) Leonid Lebedev (Sintez Group) - 10.8 billion rubles
Member of the Federation Council from the State Council of Chuvashia. Leonid Leonidovich conducts his commercial activities outside of Chuvashia. Part of the profit received from the work of the Sintez group is sent home to Chuvashia, which is well reflected in the budget of the Republic.

2) Vladimir Ermolaev (TTK "Beryozka") - 2.9 billion rubles
The brightest businessman of Chuvashia. If you describe everything that belongs to him and his family, you get a huge list.
Recently, Vladimir Fedorovich has been re-profiling his business, directing the released funds to goose breeding and construction. This promises new fabulous profits.

3) Semyon Mlodik (Concern "Tractor Plants") - 2.6 billion rubles
General Director of the Tractor Plants Concern, which includes the Aggregate and Tractor Plants. Semyon Gennadievich does not stop at mechanical engineering. He owns a chain of restaurants ("Miya", "Molly Mellon", "Memphis", "Malva"), the names of each of which begins with the first letter of his last name.

4) Alexander Cherkunov (Otdelfinstroy) - 2.2 billion rubles
Alexander Sergeevich is the director of Otdelfinstroy LLC, the largest construction company in Chuvashia, which owns the best construction sites in the city. In 2006, the cost of housing in Cheboksary more than doubled, and developers' profits also increased 2.5-3.0 times. Thanks to this, the owners of construction companies have turned from the once modest entrepreneurs into the richest people in Chuvashia.

5) Igor Roshchin (Doriss Group) - 1.9 billion rubles
Igor Valentinovich is the general director of OAO "Doriss", which is also one of the largest construction companies. Unlike Otdelfinstroy, they diversify their business. The Doriss group is engaged in the construction of roads, residential buildings, owns a network of filling stations, a number of computer companies and many others.

6) Oleg Meshkov (Company "Bouquet of Chuvashia") - 1.8 billion rubles
General Director of "Bouquet of Chuvashia". Oleg Vadimovich's interests are not limited to beer production. "Bouquet of Chuvashia" owns a network of supermarkets "Sakharok", a network of cafes and restaurants, several large land plots. The company has a well-established sales network - beer "BuketaChuvashii" is sold not only throughout the republic, but also in Russia as a whole.
In 2006, Buket Chuvashiya successfully repelled a raider attack, which indicates the high stability of the enterprise.

7) Alexander Delman (VolgaOilService) - 1.6 billion rubles
If 95% of Chuvashnefteprodukt was sold to the Tatneft company, then Volga Oil Service remained the only large filling station network, and Alexander Ivanovich remained the largest oil tycoon in Chuvashia.
The sale of gasoline, although the main, but not the only activity of Delman. He is rumored to be planning the construction of the first private railway that will connect Cheboksary with Nizhny Novgorod. Alexander Delman has already purchased and repaired a section of the railway near the village of Gremyachevo.

8) Nikolai Gerasimov (Mega Mall, MTV Center) - 1.6 billion rubles
Nikolai Mikhailovich is perhaps the fastest-growing businessman in Chuvashia. Being the owner of the MTV Center, he purchased the KhBK building for only 60 million rubles, and two years later the most successful shopping center Cheboksary was located in its place, attracting dozens of the largest retail chains. Nikolai Gerasimovna stops there. The expansion of the Mega Mall has already begun, the Galaktika entertainment center is being built. Business is expanding non-stop in all directions.

9) Vladimir Ischin (Rosinka Group) - 1.4 billion rubles
Vladimir Alexandrovich, who started his business with several self-service stores, is now the owner and manager of a huge network of more than 40 stores in Cheboksary, Novocheboksarsk and the regions of Chuvashia. On March 1, the Beryozka supermarket chain came under his control.
Along with trading activities, Vladimir Ischin develops a network of trendy bars "Tupizza", and at the beginning of the year he opened an elite restaurant "Palitra" on the bay, equal in price to the Italian restaurant "Mia" Semena Mlodika.

10) Stanislav Lyapunov (ZEiM) - 1.2 billion rubles
Vladimir Iosifovich - Member of the Board of Directors of the Cheboksary "Zavod Electronics and Mechanics"). On September 13, 2006, he ceased to be the general director, but still is the owner of a large block of shares in the enterprise.

The 2015 declaration campaign is in full swing in Chuvashia. Citizens who are required to report income must hurry to submit information to the tax service before April 30. So far, 29.2 thousand declarations have been submitted. More than 1,000 individuals declared incomes of over one million rubles. Three of them earned almost 100 million rubles each. But this is not the limit. Millionaires will still declare themselves, predict the Federal Tax Service for Chuvashia.

According to preliminary data, as of March 1, 1,001 taxpayers declared their incomes over 1 million rubles (excluding expenses and deductions). In particular, 991 people earned from 1 million to 10 million rubles, ten people earned from 10 million to 100 million, which is two times more than in the same period last year, Svetlana Aristova, deputy head of the Federal Tax Service for Chuvashia, said at a briefing. .
To the question of “SCH”, on what this year the richest residents of the republic earned their millions, Aristova explained:
- Mainly for the sale of property. In isolated cases on the sale of securities. Last year, among the millionaires were mainly representatives of the wholesale trade.

On March 27-28 and April 24-25, the tax authorities will hold open days for individuals, where you can get advice

It is curious that in the top ten large millionaires there are entirely new names. The “old ones” will probably declare themselves by the end of April and show higher incomes, the tax service suggested. Last year, for example, according to the results of the declaration campaign in Chuvashia, 3,901 millionaires identified themselves.
Recall that the Tax Code defines two categories of taxpayers - individuals. In the first, those who are required to submit a declaration: these are citizens who have received income from renting apartments, garages, transport, from the sale of real estate and other property owned for less than three years, persons who have received income abroad, winnings in lotteries, individual entrepreneurs, private lawyers, notaries, tutors, housekeepers, trainers and others. They must report income by April 30th. Otherwise, they may be held liable. At best, they are fined 1,000 rubles, at worst, they will be subjected to a full tax audit.
The second category includes those who have the right to file a declaration in order to receive tax deductions (social or property). They can exercise this right throughout the year.

In 2014, in Chuvashia, taxpayers submitted 98.4 thousand personal income tax declarations, which is 8.3 percent. more than in 2013. The amount of tax payable to the budget amounted to 202.1 million rubles (in 2013 - 100.1 million).

The dynamics of growth in applications for tax deductions is increasing from year to year, the Federal Tax Service for Chuvashia noted. As of March 1, the growth was 40 percent. compared to the same period last year. And this means that our citizens are ready to "run" once again, just not to overpay taxes.
The most demanded deduction in the republic is the property deduction. As of March 1, 19,700 people applied for him.
The dynamics shows that in recent times our citizens have actually purchased more housing. Housing interest is understandable: due to fluctuations in the exchange rate, people tried with might and main to invest their money savings in real estate.
But for a social deduction (for treatment and education), taxpayers apply less frequently. As of March 1, 7200 applications have been submitted.
During the briefing, the tax authorities unexpectedly made a nod to the taxpayers. According to Aristova, the people of Chuvashia are among the most conscientious tax payers in the country. Last year, for example, 93 percent declared their income. citizens from the list of potential declarants.

In third place was a newcomer - an individual entrepreneur Vladislav Grigoriev with a result of 20 million 284 thousand rubles. He was elected only in September last year, so we do not know his income for 2016.

Retained fourth place Valery Antonov, director of Chuvashgossnab LLC. He increased his income by 40.5%, declaring 12 million 262 thousand rubles.

Ranked in fifth place Valery Pavlov, General Director of Etker LLC. His income increased by 2.17 times, reaching the level of 7 million 83 thousand rubles.

Last year's TOP-5 participants ( Vladimir Radin, "Your windows", and Alexander Andreev, "Yurat") could not get into the number of the most-most. But they are nearby and next year they can return to the first lines.

In addition to the richest, we traditionally talk about the poorest, those whose official annual income is in the range of 100-200 thousand rubles. Is it possible to live on 8-12 thousand rubles a month? As you can see, it is possible - Cheboksary deputies show this by their own example.

From an individual entrepreneur Rafisa Yakushova Looks like things didn't go well. The year before last, he earned 1.9 million rubles, this year - only 151 thousand rubles.

Kirill Semenov also rolls downhill. In 2015, he declared 757 thousand rubles, in 2016 - 196 thousand rubles, in 2017 - 131 thousand rubles.

Chief Lawyer of the Care Fund Anton Kovalev, as well as the director of Pobeda LLC Viktor Shmakov, indicated 96 thousand rubles. as other income. They have zero income from their main job.

However, the most difficult life in the world Eduard Petrov. His income for 2017 amounted to 64 thousand rubles. (approximately 5.3 thousand rubles / month).

But you can be happy for an individual entrepreneur Ilyas Kalmykov, which indicated an income of 596 thousand rubles. Also TOP 5 poor left Sergey Muraviev, whose income increased by 44.5 times (!) - from 96 thousand in 2016 to 4 million 276 thousand rubles. last year.

Crawled out the bottom of the rankings and Alexey Nikitin, General Director of Ecoservice LLC. But he did not go far: he again has little - 58.5 thousand from his main place of work and 96 thousand in the form of other income. Total - 154.5 thousand rubles. This is less than last year (179 thousand rubles). The spouse, who earned 460 thousand rubles, helps to feed the family (two sons and a daughter).

By the way, in the list of deputies there is Irina Klementieva. She has no income from her main place of work, but there is other income in the form of 434 thousand rubles. At the same time, the declaration does not contain data on the spouse’s earnings (in 2016, the husband of the ex-head of the city reported about 330 thousand rubles, Klementyeva herself - about 1.3 million rubles).

The current mayor Evgeny Kadyshev declared 2 million 320 thousand rubles. at the main place of work (vice-rector of the Chuvash State University) and 406 thousand rubles. other income.

The richest officials

The richest female official, according to the declarations, was Finance Minister Svetlana Enilina. She received almost three million rubles in 2016. The head of the Central Election Commission of the republic, Alexander Tsvetkov, received more - 3.5 million rubles. It should be noted that the salary of the chairman of the CEC increased by 800 thousand rubles a year compared to last year. Almost the same as the head of the Central Election Commission received in 2016, the head of the administration of the head of the republic, Yuri Yegorovich. His annual salary increased by 300 thousand rubles compared to last year. The head of the region, Mikhail Ignatiev, received more than 3.7 million rubles in 2016, in addition, his other income amounted to about 424 thousand rubles. Well, perhaps the richest official in Chuvashia can be called the chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic, Ivan Motorin. His total income for the year amounted to more than 4.3 million rubles. Compared to last year, Mikhail Ignatiev's annual salary increased by 260 thousand rubles, and Ivan Motorin's - by 464 thousand rubles.

Salaries from 800 thousand rubles

From 800,000 rubles to just over a million rubles a year were received by the new Ombudsman for Children's Rights Elena Saparkina, the heads of the Ministry of Construction, Gostekhnadzor, the State Tariff Service and the State Housing Inspectorate.

Help MK

According to data published by Chuvashstat, over the past year, the number of citizens receiving wages below the subsistence level has increased by 12,000 people. 232.2 people live below the poverty line in the republic. In the Volga Federal District, Chuvashia is in second place after Mari El in terms of the lowest salaries.

Rich and poor

Interestingly, the incomes of city deputies vary greatly. Some received about 96,000 rubles in declarations for the year, others - 70 million rubles. The richest deputy of Cheboksary can be called Vladislav Krieger. In 2016, he received a little over 71 million rubles. The second place in terms of income in the City Assembly of Deputies can be given to Yuri Borisov, who received 47.5 million rubles according to declarations, and in third place is Vladimir Radin and his annual income of 10.7 million rubles. The poorest deputies in the republic can be considered those whose annual income according to declarations amounted to only 96 thousand rubles. Three deputies of the ChGSD live on a salary of 8,000 rubles - these are Ilyas Kalmykov, Anton Kovalev and Sergey Muravyov.

By the way

According to official information, Aleksey Ladykov, head of the Cheboksary city administration, received more than 1.3 million rubles in 2016, while his wife received 4.4 million in a year. The head of the city, Irina Klimentyeva, who was deprived of her salary when she was appointed to a post last year, received a little more than 1.2 million rubles a year.

12:54 - REGNUM

United Russia members earn the most in the State Council of Chuvashia, the poorest are members of the opposition. This is evidenced by information on income and property at the end of 2017, the correspondent reports. IA REGNUM with a link to the document.

Income of the leadership of the State Council

speaker income Valeria Filimonova grew by more than 1 million rubles (or 36.8%), reaching about 4.06 million rubles. The income of the wife increased almost four times - up to 1.5 million rubles. The chairman of the parliament, judging by the declaration, owns only non-residential premises, the spouse owns a land plot, a house, an apartment, and a non-residential premises is in shared ownership.

More than doubled, from 1.076 million to 2.313 million rubles, the income of the vice speaker increased Alexandra Fedotova who took up this salary position last year. He is the owner of a land plot, a house, an apartment and a foreign car Mazda 6, in shared ownership - another land plot.

Another vice speaker, Albina Egorova, declared 2.76 million rubles, which is almost 500 thousand rubles (or 21%) more than it was in 2016. The property still has three land plots, a residential building and a car of a domestic manufacturer.

These parliamentarians are members of the United Russia party.

Deputies on payroll

Head of the Economic Policy Committee Sergey Pavlov(United Russia faction) earned 4.17 million rubles last year, which is 1.77 times more than in 2016. He owns two land plots, an apartment, a house, a garage, and two more land plots in shared ownership.

Head of the Social Policy Committee Vyacheslav Rafinov(United Russia faction) indicated 3.43 million rubles of income, an increase compared to 2016 amounted to 23.1% (or more than 640 thousand rubles). He owns two land plots, a house, an apartment, a foreign car Huundai Solaris, a land plot, a house and an apartment are in shared ownership.

Members of the opposition parties received posts in parliament as deputy heads of committees. Leader of the Just Russia faction Igor Molyakov, who received a salary position in November 2017, indicated 283 thousand rubles of income, while at the end of 2016 he earned 1.054 million rubles. He owns a land plot, a house, an apartment and a VAZ-21 099.

Member of the LDPR faction Konstantin Stepanov indicated 985 thousand rubles of income, which is 3.5 times more than in 2016. The property has two apartments.

The most impressive financial enrichment belongs to a member of the Communist Party faction Grigory Danilov: if in 2016 he earned 100.9 thousand rubles, then in 2017 - 1.414 million rubles, that is, earnings increased by more than 14 times. He is the owner of two land plots, a foreign car "Kia Rio", in shared ownership - an apartment.

Income of another member of the Communist Party faction, Alexandra Andreeva, increased from 130.5 thousand to 289 thousand rubles. According to the declaration, he has no real estate, but he has several vehicles: a VAZ-2114, a cargo tractor and a heavy-duty semi-trailer.

The richest deputies

United Russia became the richest deputy of the State Council of Chuvashia Andrey Uglov, which is headed by JSC "Scientific and production complex "Elara" named after G.A. Ilyenko. He declared about 38.7 million rubles, which is almost three times higher than in 2016. At the same time, his wife's income fell 9.2 times - to 3.7 million rubles. From the property of the deputy - only a car: he changed the Porshe Cayenne GTS to the Porshe Panamera, and, apparently, sold the BMW X5M. But in the property of the spouse, in addition to the existing plot, apartment and house, there was a Porshe, a land plot, an apartment, a garage and a bathhouse.

2.7 times increased income of the director of JSC "House of life "Orion", a member of the faction "United Russia" Vladimir Mikhailov and exceeded 30.4 million rubles. The income of his wife decreased by 4 times and amounted to 3.1 million rubles. A family couple can also be called one of the richest in real estate: a deputy, for example, owns eight land plots, in shared ownership - four land plots, two residential buildings, two rooms, his wife - two land plots, two apartments, three non-residential premises .

The top three of the richest parliamentarians is closed by the head of the Communist Party faction Yuri Shlepnev, head of JSC "Cheboksary Pilot Plant "Energozapchast". His income increased by 19%, exceeding 20.2 million rubles. The income of his wife has not changed significantly - 1.43 million rubles. The deputy owns four land plots, four non-residential premises and an apartment, five cars, a truck, a trailer, a motorboat, and three pontoons. Recall that in the previous convocation, Shlepnev was a member of the LDPR faction, and this year he became a defendant in a criminal case, which was subsequently closed.

The richest deputy wives

The richest is the wife of the former vice-speaker, now the general director of Cheboksary Distillery LLC Oleg Meshkov(United Russia faction), which earned over 41.4 million rubles - twice as much as it was in 2016. The parliamentarian himself became impoverished: he declared a little more than 6 million rubles, while in 2016 it was 21.88 million rubles. It should be noted that the deputy owns four land plots, a house, four apartments, three non-residential buildings, three warehouses, a garage, an access road, two objects of unfinished construction, a refrigerator building, an aerial platform, nine trucks, a bus, two vans and four trailers.

Income of the wife of the head physician of the Federal Center for Traumatology increased by 7.6 times - up to 7.57 million rubles Nikolai Nikolaev(Faction "United Russia").

Andrey Uglov's wife is also in the top three with 3.7 million rubles of income, which is 9.2 times less compared to the previous period. In fourth position is the wife of Vladimir Mikhailov with 3.069 million rubles of income, which is four times less than in 2016.


Revenue for 2017

Spouse's income

1 Uglov Andrey38 674 597,64 3 703 862,24
2016: 13,853,527.112016: 34,134,544.40
2 Mikhailov Vladimir30 412 015,26 3 069 456,67
2016: 11,137,059.802016: 12,115,588.45
3 Shlepnev Yuri20 224 286,74 1 431 520,5 8
2016: 16,986,353.972016: 1,455,800.16
4 Kurchatkin Nikolay19 180 378,06 103 616,47
2016: 21,117,038.842016: 808,352.72
5 Ivanov Valery17 833 497,57 189 877
2016: 16,071,797.832016:182,574
6 Ugaslov Nikolay16 956 139,61 134 986,43
2016: 14,268,024.872016: 135,423.64
7 Badaeva Elena12 714 495,55
2016: 14,327,441.73
8 Mikheev Sergey11 679 208,71 1 794 983,48
2016: 8,940,681.162016: 1,126,460.36
9 Nikolaev Nikolai11 293 207,27 7 575 766,74
2016: 4,408,530.352016: 995,039.67
10 Murygin Alexey10 071 034,15 -
11 Miftahutdinov Kiyametdin8 595 394,99 240 517,04
12 Meshkov Oleg6 002 303,38 41 404 437,93
13 Pavlov Valery4 853 285,37 1 332 552,86
14 Pavlov Sergey4 169 401,71 386 500,6
15 Filimonov Valery4 058 799,26 1 498 318,13
16 Yakovlev Vladimir3 716 080,11 278 954,68
17 Rafinov Vyacheslav3 430 661,66 195 702,74
18 Delman Oleg2 953 441,99 779 556,40
19 Talanov Oleg2 938 210,69 79 139,64
20 Melnikov Sergey2 825 870,78 519 774,71
21 Egorova Albina2 762 865,04 179 538,21
22 Timofeev Vladimir2 484 496,41 1 810 355,95
23 Fedotov Alexander2 313 282,21
24 Semenov Sergey2 235 992,4 1 238 000
25 Arsyutov Dmitry2 164 131,27 439 793,42
26 Aleksandrov Andrey2 130 873,87 -
27 Kislov Yuri1 925 407,18 267 060,72
28 Popov Yuri1 749 228,54 1 165 282,00
29 Nikolaeva Elena1 161 716,56 1 209 543,13
30 Ermolaev Kirill1 601 435 480 000
31 Ivanov Vitaly1 490 809,21 6 382,88
32 Danilov Grigory1 413 751,52 67 962,97
33 Zorin Yuri1 440 000 1 485 000
34 Isaeva Inna1 416 386,24 737 515,98
35 Stepanov Konstantin985 110,7
36 Lukin Leonid772 416,29
37 Andreev Alexander288 950,14
38 Molyakov Igor283 073,27 97 640
39 Belobaev Sergey234 320,99
40 Kalyaev Roman193 289 446 000
41 Solovyov Vyacheslav139 989 -

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