Home Countries of Europe What's in the Slav. Slav

What's in the Slav. Slav

Slavyanka is an urban-type settlement located in Primorye. A lot of people travel every year. The ecology and unique nature of the area, the abundance of wonderful fish and animals attract tourists. If you visit one of the places in Primorye, you can successfully hunt or fish, as well as enjoy the majestic views of nature. The village of Slavyanka is very attractive for tourists. There are river lagoons of Baklan Bay and Boysman Bay, they can be found south of Slavyanka. Recreation centers are located right on the shores of wonderful bays. In August, the water warms up well and is optimal for swimming at 25–28 °C. You can find the Naezdnik Bay to the north of Slavyanka, and the Bruce Peninsula to the east of the village.

Rest in Slavyanka

How beautiful is Primorsky Krai! It is here that you can observe such beauty that is not found anywhere else in the world. If you come to the village of Slavyanka, you can see the unique vegetation. It is in this place that the northern and southern types of vegetation meet. From the presented abundance of magnificent plants, travelers will feel dizzy, what they see will shock them. They will take a lot of impressions and memories home with them. In Slavyanka there are plants listed in the Red Book. In no case should you tear them, you can only admire them. There are very few such plants left on earth. In Slavyanka you can find many endemics. If desired, travelers can visit the Far Eastern Marine Reserve and Kedrovaya Pad, a famous reserve.

Rest in Slavyanka in the summer of 2019

Summer holidays in Slavyanka are very attractive. Summer here is long and humid. In August, the air temperature is kept at around 23°C. As for the beach season, it starts in early July and lasts until mid-September. Those who come to Slavyanka at this time will be able to swim in the cool pleasant water, soak up the clean beach. There are quite a lot of sights in the village, among them there are monuments. There is a historical museum that travelers should visit. The fact is that the history of the village is very interesting, the materials presented in the museum will surely interest and fascinate tourists. Rest in Slavyanka will surely succeed, as there are enough objects of the tourism industry, many recreation centers of different price categories and comfort, wonderful sandy beaches and clear sea.

Slavic History and geography Based May 1861 First mention Former names before - Tulamu
before - post Slavic
PGT with 1943 Center height 4 m Timezone UTC+10 Population Population ↘ 11,890 people (2019) Nationalities Russians, Ukrainians, Mordovians Digital IDs Telephone +7 42331 Postcode 692701 OKATO OKTMO Media files at Wikimedia Commons

Since 2012, sea communication with Vladivostok has been carried out only during the summer navigation period by a 60-seat boat "Lotos" of the private company LLC "Tanira" (former ferry crossing Vladivostok - Slavyanka). Communication with the regional center of Vladivostok is now predominantly by road.

In the village there is a freight railway station Blucher, connected with the line Baranovsky - Khasan. Passenger rail service only from Bamburovo station (train Ussuriysk - Khasan).

Story [ | ]

In 1860, the captain of the 1st rank I.F. Likhachev, even before the end of official negotiations with the rulers of the Qing Empire, the post of Novgorod (now Posyet) was self-righteously founded, in which lieutenant P.N. Nazimov and his subordinates were landed. In July of the same year, after the end of negotiations, the posts of Vladivostok and Novgorodsky were officially founded under the command of Staff Captain I.F. Cherkavsky. In May 1861, from the Novgorod post, I.F. Cherkavsky sent 7 soldiers of the 3rd company of the 4th East Siberian linear battalion to build a station in Tulamu Bay to maintain land and sea communications between the posts of Novgorod and Vladivostok. The delivery of soldiers and cargo was carried out by the clipper "Rider", after which the northern bay of the Slavic Gulf is named.

On January 4, 1926, the Slavyansk village council was formed, Slavyanka became the center of the newly formed Posyetsky district, in 1927 he attached the attached lands to Slavyanka - this is the Rider, the village of Mostovoy, the Nerpa and the Merry Polyana.

The name "Veselaya Polyana" was given because of the Latvians, the main inhabitants of the Veselaya Polyana. They loved to have fun and, missing their homeland, arranged at the foot of the hills of Love (popularly - Dunkin's navel) celebrations of the traditional Ligo holiday (Ivan Kupala Day) - fun festivities with bonfires, round dances, songs. All the inhabitants of Slavyanka then flocked to them for festivities.

In 1960, the fur-breeding state farm "Slavyansky" was organized, the main direction of which was the preparation of mink skins and sika deer antlers. Its products were exported. The animal sovkhoz was repeatedly encouraged by pennants of the RK CPSU, certificates of honor, passing Banners.

In the late 1960s, PSMO-8 was organized, which played a big role in the construction of Slavyanka (in particular, residential buildings, schools, kindergartens were built), and in the 1970s it took part in the construction of shipyard facilities.

Slavyanka got its development in the 70s of the 20th century, when the construction of a ship repair plant on the basis of floating workshops began, according to a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 4, 1965. For its construction, a directorate was created and a general contractor was appointed - the Dalmorgidrostroy trust from Nakhodka. F. D. Karamushko was appointed director of the plant, N. P. Tolkushev was appointed chief technologist, and G. V. Shchegolev was appointed chief mechanic. By this time, the first builders had already arrived in Slavyanka.

By 1970, the floating workshops had already been reorganized into a ship repair plant, and the newly commissioned capacities were transferred to the balance of the plant. In parallel, the management of the plant took up the improvement of the village, the creation of household, trade and service enterprises. On November 4, the Kamenets-Podolsky ocean steamer was put into the floating dock of the plant. This event was an important milestone for ship repairers.

In October 1971, Slavyanka again became the center of the district.

In 1972, a shipbuilding section appeared, the plant received an order for the serial construction of self-propelled barges of the Vostok type. By the 1990s, the factory complex was already capable of repairing more than 30 types of ships, including linear icebreakers. For 20 years of work, the plant's staff has been awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, 14 times the challenge Red Banner of the Trade Union of the Sea and River Fleet. The plant itself won prizes in the socialist competition among related enterprises more than 26 times.

Since January 1, 2006, in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation", is the center of the Slavic urban settlement and the Khasansky municipal district.

Climate [ | ]

  • The average annual air temperature is 6.8 degrees
  • Relative humidity - 63.2%
  • Average wind speed - 4.8 m/s

The climate of Slavyanka, as well as the entire Southern Primorye, is pronounced monsoonal. It is characterized by almost snowless sunny winters and warm, humid summers.

Climate of Slavyanka (for the period 1983−2007)
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, °C 7,0 8,4 13,6 24,3 27,0 30,7 30,6 32,6 28,7 23,3 17,6 9,3 32,6
Average maximum, °C −6,3 −3,2 2,5 9,6 14,7 18,7 21,9 23,3 19,7 13,3 4,7 −2,8 9,8
Average temperature, °C −8,5 −6 −0,1 6,5 11,4 15,6 19,2 20,7 17,1 10,4 1,7 −6,1 6,8
Average minimum, °C −12,6 −9,1 −2,9 3,2 8,2 12,7 16,7 18,3 14,4 7,7 −0,9 −9,1 4,0
Absolute minimum, °C −24 −23,5 −15,8 −3,3 −0,1 5,1 8,9 12,3 5,6 −3,2 −16,3 −21 −24
Precipitation rate, mm 28 22 30 41 72 104 150 131 97 49 42 30 796
Source: Meteostatistics of Primorsky Krai

Population [ | ]

1897 1907 1915 1926 1959 1970 1979
999 ↗ 1908 ↘ 300 ↗ 622 ↗ 3514 ↗ 6437 ↗ 11 475
1989 1993 2002 2005 2006 2009 2010
↗ 17 325 ↗ 18 000 ↘ 15 045 ↘ 14 727 ↘ 14 597 ↘ 14 372 ↘ 14 036
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
↘ 14 021 ↘ 13 613 ↘ 13 303 ↘ 12 913 ↘ 12 675 ↘ 12 518 ↘ 12 314
2018 2019
↘ 12 108 ↘ 11 890

At the moment, most of the economic segment is represented by the service sector, a variety of shopping centers, salons, shops, etc.

Among the large and stable organizations, Almega Holding can be singled out, which is represented by a wide range of retailers: food, household appliances and electronics, and furniture. Network of pharmacies. Export of municipal solid waste, production of bakery and confectionery products. Capital construction. Agriculture, natural resources, foreign economic activity. One of the last enterprises included in the holding was Slavyanskaya Pizza, which is a fast food restaurant and cafe.

Another large enterprise is Avtoservis LLC, which operates in the provision of services for the repair of vehicles and the provision of auto parts, as well as in the provision of food retail and restaurant business.

Among the manufacturing enterprises, it should be noted CJSC APK Slavyansky-2000, which is engaged in the manufacture of canned fish and seafood, the processing of raw materials supplied by the customer, the manufacture and packaging of frozen seafood, the manufacture of dried fish and seafood, and the storage of frozen products.

LLC Stevedoring Company "Slavyansky Timber Terminal" is a representative of an established business that provides services for the transportation of goods across the territory of the Far East region, Russia as a whole and in international traffic (export-import) of sawn timber, roundwood, wood chips, automotive equipment, cement, transshipment cargo in the port (stevedoring services).

Attractions[ | ]

Rest [ | ]

To the south of the village of Slavyanka there are sandy beaches and river lagoons of Baklan Bay and Boysman Bay. The water temperature in July-August reaches 25-28 °C. On the shores of the bays there are places of summer recreation for the Far East. To the north of the village is Naezdnik Bay, to the east is the Bruce Peninsula.

From the beginning of the Bryus Peninsula to the Nerpa Peninsula, in the southern part of the Baklan Bay, there is a recreational zone "Cape Bruce - Cape Nerpa", with its center in the Manchzhurka municipal beach. The central part of the recreational area is rapidly being built up with recreation centers, the largest of which is the year-round base "Hotel complex" Warm Sea "" with two hotel buildings, located on the Bruce Peninsula.

In the central part, in the immediate vicinity of the Manchurian municipal beach, there are about a dozen bases, the largest is the Elena base, also with year-round buildings.

The valley of the Poyma River - south of the built-up area - is a landscape monument (lagoon-estuary complex) with dunes, floodplain lakes and river oxbows (historical name Adimi). The zone of estuaries of the rivers Adimi (Floodplain) and Lake Ryazanovskoye is the territory of the very first discovered Neolithic cultures of "shell heaps" - the Boysman culture, of Austronesian origin (about 3 millennium BC). The territory of Adimi today is distinguished by a very high biological productivity.

The islands of Antipenko and Sibiryakov are a tourist attraction in the area of ​​Slavyanka. Here, a herd of spotted seals (seed seals, seals) grazes on the kekur Kolonna, which breeds on the nearby protected islands of Rimsky-Korsakov (Far Eastern Marine Reserve).

G. Polyakov

You beckon with your lights
And I'm proud of your fate.
Very recent years
There was only a small fort here.
After all, you are not compressed by hills,
On the contrary, you stand on them,
Built with meaning over the years -
You are looking straight at the bay.
You are beautiful in the radiance of the clear,
Beautiful also in the moonlight
But even in the fog you are wonderful
Like a ship on the wave
In the distance the lights of the factory are burning,
We enter the bay, as if in a bucket,
And you are alarmed and proud
Maternally waiting for me
Here is the starting point
Everything is clearly visible in the distance,
All your shores, moorings,
And a white dome on the mountain.
You are my pain and my joy
My eternal pier, my parking lot,
As a son, I always strive for you,
My love, my Slavyanka.

The history of the creation of the village of Slavyanka

The formation of the village of Slavyanka is associated with the development of the coast of southern Primorye by Russians in the 50-60s of the last century. Driven by political goals, the Russian government sought to gain a foothold in the Far East. As a result of lengthy negotiations with the Chinese government in 1858, 1860. Aigun, Tianjin and Beijing treaties were signed, which established the state border between the two powers in Primorye - Russia and China. The border ran along the river. Ussuri across the lake. Khanka and to the sea along the rivers Suifun and Tumen-Ula.

Until the 50s 18th century there was no exact information about the coast of southern Primorye in Russia and Europe. On a Chinese map published in Russia in 1759 depicting Primorye, the outlines of coasts, bays and rivers were schematically indicated. In 1854, the officers of the Pallada Frigate surveyed the coast from the Korean border to Cape Gamow. A map and description of "the eastern coast of the peninsula of Korea, Posyet Bay, etc." was compiled and published in 1857.

In the second half of the 50s. sea ​​and land expeditions are sent one after another to a distant unexplored land. They explored the coast of Primorye, collected information that later made it possible to draw up maps. Another result of these expeditions was the foundation of Russian military posts in the Southern Primorye, which laid the foundation for the future cities and towns of the region.

One of them is the Ussuri expedition of K.F. Budugossky, following in 1859 from the Ussuri and Sungach rivers and Lake. Khanka to the east and south to the Gulf of Posyet, for the first time raised the Russian flag on the shore of one of the bays of this bay. The bay was given the name of the Expedition. In 1860, Admiral Likhachev's naval expedition founded the Novgorodsky post in Posyet Bay.

Then, in 1860, on the shores of the Golden Horn Bay, Russian sailors founded the Vladivostok post. These two events were the reason for the emergence in the following year, 1861, of a settlement on the shores of the Slavic Gulf, which was repeatedly visited by participants in the first Russian expeditions in Primorye. Memoirs, diaries, reports of the participants of these expeditions have been preserved, where we find his description.

In June 1859, the main part of the Ussuri expedition visited Slavyansky Bay. “... we made our way through the deaf part to the mouth of Mongo-gay and went out by sea to Slavyansky Bay,” recalls A.F., a member of the expedition. Usoltsev. - We headed along the coast, avoiding its large bends. From the mouth of the Mongo-gay to the harbor of Bruce, a low-lying coast spreads, pitted with bays, swamps, lakes, in some places a strong rocky place stands out with a surf of seaweed and other algae, far from the outskirts the valley is crossed by hills and small rivers, then with meadow glades and woodlands , then with marshy swamps. Near the mouth of Mongo-gay, on the very shore of the bay, we met only one solitary fanza with a meager garden. The coast is deserted and inhospitable. Near Bruce Bay, the coastal mountains are high and treeless. This bay extended into the mainland with a wide and long sleeve, the coasts on both sides advanced as sheer headlands.

In many places, kekurs of white stone protrude, seeming from afar to be a vessel with sails.

“During one summer of 1859,” says the report of the Ussuri expedition to the headquarters of the land and naval forces of Eastern Siberia, “the same expedition made the following surveys ... along the river. Shufani (Suyfun) to Slavyansky Bay, and from there in a direct direction to Posyet Bay.

In 1860, after visiting the newly founded Novgorod post and proceeding to Vladivostok, Rear Admiral P.V. Kazakevich. On the "America" ​​was the writer S.V. Maksimov, who left travel notes, which contain an interesting description of the Slavic Gulf: “... In the morning we weighed anchor and the next day were in Mey. (Vladivostok). On the way there, I also managed to make a trip along the so-called Slavyanskaya Bay, but I did not happen to come across particularly sharp impressions. We saw a small waterfall, a brisk stream broke through a dense granite rock at the top and murmured along it, spreading foam on the sea water at the foot and throwing large splashes. We met two yurts of natives, bought chickens from them, but they did not sell us pigs and bulls. Near one yurt, they saw how the manzes were drying fish, cuttlefish, sea spiders and crabs (crayfish), laying out and hanging them both in the sun.

The information about the Slavyansky Bay obtained during this trip was useful to Admiral Kazakevich when in 1862 he advised Captain Cherkavsky, head of the Novgorod post: delivered to you on the first warship or on the schooner Purga.

But already in the summer of 1860, immediately after the foundation of the Novgorod post, on the shores of the Slavic Bay, timber was being harvested, which was necessary for household buildings. There was no good timber in the vicinity of the Novgorod harbor. Then it was decided to search along the coast. In July 1860, the commander of the Griden corvette, left to represent the Russian fleet in Primorye and to help the builders of the first posts, Lieutenant G.Kh. Egersheld found a forest in the Slavic Bay.

From July 24 to August 1, 1860, the corvette was in Bruce harbor, as evidenced by an entry in the ship's log. The sailors were engaged in the preparation of firewood, taking turns in two teams, led by ensigns Kolchak and Kazakov.

315 logs were tied into rafts and towed to Novgorod harbor. In addition to logging, the team replenished fresh water supplies, which “brought 240 buckets from the shore” and made an attempt to find coal, for which they “made explosions with 30 pounds of gunpowder and burned three scorching candles.”

The sailors who visited the Slavic Gulf in those years noted many of its advantages. In the report of the commander of the clipper "Oprichnik" "On sailing in the Far Eastern seas in 1885" there is an entry about the Slavic Gulf: "On September 18, because of the wind, I entered the Slavic Gulf and anchored in Tulamu Bay. … Slavyansky Bay lies on the western shore of the Peter the Great Bay, juts out into the mainland for 6 miles to the NSS, its depth is constantly changing from 15 fathoms at the entrance to 5 fathoms in the depths of the bay. The anchorage is at a depth of 7 to 10 sazhens with silt and clay on the ground protected from all winds ... the shores ...: high, hilly, covered with grass and forests, rocky capes protrude into the sea. The left bank behind the rough Tulamu is an almost sheer cliff, covered with a small but dense forest, only the eastern shore of the bay, where the high road goes, is low, there is an abundance of fresh water in the streams that fall into the sea, and it is convenient to pour it. In the collection “Picturesque Russia” for 1897 we read: “Ignoring the small bays of the Western coast of the Amur Bay, such as Peschanaya, Manchzhur, etc., let’s move on to the Slavyansky Bay, which is convenient for anchoring not only in the main basin, but also in bays adjacent to it."

This bay was known even before sailors visited it. In 1855 it was marked on English nautical charts under the name "Port Bruce". At that time, the sailors called the port "a good bay, as if intended by nature itself, so that a port was arranged in it." The Bruce Peninsula was also described by English sailors from the warships Winchester and Barracuda. The name of the bay and the peninsula may have been due to the English admiral Bruce. We already meet the new name of the Slavyansky Bay in the documents of the Ussuri expedition in 1859 and in the first hydrographic records of 1860, but in the ship's logs of the early 1860s of the last century, the former one is often used in different versions: port of Bruce, harbor of Bruce, Bruce Bay .

The first detailed description of the Slavic Bay was made by the hydrographic expedition of Lieutenant Colonel V.M. Babkin in 1862, which is noted in the report to the commander of the Siberian flotilla: “I have the honor to present to Your Excellency about the work carried out under my command in 1862 and 1863. marine survey of the Peter the Great Bay, a report consisting of a log of hydrographic works and a Mercator map with nine plans belonging to: the Eastern Bosphorus and bays: Harbor, Golden Horn, Diomede, Ulysses, Patroclus, Ajax, Paris, Novik, Rynda, Slavyansky Bay, Novgorodskaya, Expeditions, Rogue.

The Slavic Gulf was also attractive due to its intermediate position between Vladivostok and the Novgorod post and fully met the tasks set in 1860 for the hydrographic expedition by the commander of the Pacific squadron, Rear Admiral A.A. Popov: “Since until now we have settled only in the bays of Novgorodskaya and Vladivostok, I consider it especially important that the path to these harbors, as well as between them, as necessary for ships sent to these harbors, be explored with the same accuracy which the safety of navigation requires, especially in these places, so often covered with fogs.

In the spring of 1861, when the first navigation opened, a post was established in the Slavic Bay, as evidenced by the analysis of some documents.

"Rear Admiral Kazakevich

Head of the post at the Novgorod Bay, Captain Cherkavsky

I reported to Your Excellency that, due to the impossibility of continuing the breaking of coal in the Novgorodsky post, lay this work in the Amur Bay at the mouth of the Suifun, for which, having reinforced the Vladivostok detachment with 27 people and transferring the management of coal breaking to the jurisdiction of the head of the post, Lieutenant Burachka, and with departure from I will send the post of flour and other cargo delivered from Kronstadt to build a station on the way to Slavyansky Bay for communication with the Vladivostok post, while in the port of Novgorod the rest of the people (50 people) I intend to carry out the orders of Your Excellency.

The station was built in one of the bays of the Slavic Bay. The bay was named Slavyanskaya, and the newly created post received the same name. Subsequently, the name changed several times, and the settlement that grew out of this military post was called Slavyanka.

Thus, the first inhabitants of the post were 7 soldiers of the 4th linear battalion sent from the Novgorod harbor, who were there under the command of Captain Cherkavsky.

In May 1861, the clipper "Rider", which made regular flights between Novgorod harbor and the Vladivostok post, delivered cargo to a new post, as evidenced by an entry in the ship's log:

“May 24 days, 1861. At ½ 8 o'clock, provisions for army soldiers were brought on a clipper ship from the Novgorod post to be transported to Slavyanskaya Bay.

On the 26th day of May 1861, she was at anchor in Slavyanskaya Bay from midnight. At three o'clock they sent a boat with provisions and things to the Post and handed them over to the shore.

At the beginning of 4 o'clock they began to breed couples to go to the port of Novik.

On May 24, 1861, at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, having approached the Slavic Bay, they anchored.

On the 30th day of May 1861 ... We weighed anchor to sail to the Novgorod Bay.

The new post, like other first Russian military settlements in Primorye, carried out the task of protecting Russia's possessions in the Pacific Ocean. But the main purpose of the Slavic post - to be a link between the two main Russian ports in the southern Primorye - Vladivostok and Novgorod, has been preserved for many years and is confirmed by documents. In particular ... in the letter “On the preparation of a list of points on the coast of the Eastern Ocean in need of establishing military posts”, sent by the command of the troops of the Primorsky Region to the commander of the ports of the Eastern Ocean, it is said: “In the types of land communication along the coast and to monitor the actions of industrialists on it, it was desirable would have military posts at the following points: ... in the bay of Slavyanka intermediate, in the Gulf of Posyet a border port, and coal mining has begun.

The place where the first buildings of the Slavic post appeared is unknown, but its description has been preserved in the memoirs of E.S. Burachka, referring to the winter of 1862: “On the 13th in the morning they came to the Slavic machine, located on the southern shore of the southern bay. Near it, two stacks of hay were still visible from a distance, behind which two roofs of houses were guessed. The soldiers were unspeakably delighted with the arrivals and tried to treat them to the best that they had - red fish. The machine turned out to be mail from Posyet to Vladivostok in the name of Cherkavsky.

Mail was transported through the Slavyansky post, cattle were driven over the ice in winter and goods were transported from the Novgorod post to Vladivostok and back.

In the future, the post, while maintaining the meaning of “intermediate”, expanded and by the beginning of the 90s it already looked like this: “The Slavyanka tract with a postal station and the barracks of one company of the 7th battalion, lodging in the Novokievsky tract, having a telegraph station and a caretaker of the Quartermaster Grocery Stores, serves as a transfer point for passengers and cargo heading west. There is the small trade of Albers and the Ren cellar. There are no peasants.

The expansion of the Slavic post was a consequence of the process of development of the Primorsky Territory. Vladivostok, the Posiet post were built, settlers arrived in the region, new settlements arose. The number of goods and mail transported through Slavyanka increased.

The population of Slavyanka was still predominantly military, due to its role as an intermediate point, and the construction being carried out here at the end of the last century met the needs of the military: in 1891, “a stone barracks for the 7th East Siberian rifle battalion was built in the Slavyanka tract.”

1895: “... in the Slavyanka tract: for the Primorsky equestrian division, a one-story stone building occupied by a kitchen, a bakery, the same building occupied by a storehouse and a room for a commissary wagon train, one covered and one uncovered stable, a storeroom for oats, a forge.”

In 1897, the lands on which Slavyanka was located were transferred to the Naval Department “due to the presentation of the squadron chief in the Pacific Ocean about the need to give Slavyansky Bay the significance of a military raid for the needs of our squadron with the construction of an advanced military station there.” These were lands "from Cape Bruce to a place in the southern part of the Slavic Gulf, where the military department is building barracks for one battalion and hundreds of Cossacks," in the amount of 1245 acres.

The civilian population of Slavyanka, at first, was predominantly Korean. This is quite understandable. In the 1960s, a stream of migrants pouring in from Korea, fleeing hunger and the severity of the state regime, settled near military posts, where they could find protection and feed themselves. Since the military population of Slavyanka was not engaged in cultivating the land, the Koreans who settled here traded products from their land plots, were engaged in sea fishing and carting.

The note of the official of the Resettlement Administration P. Bardakov dated August 1, 1909 gives the following description of Slavyanka: “The composition of the population of Slavyanka is no less diverse than in Barabash, but here it is much stronger ... the predominance of the yellow element over white is noticeable. The nationality of the inhabitants of the tract does not at all justify its name, and if there were no troops here, it would be very difficult to decide who actually owns this corner, Russians or yellow-faced people who built their houses on the Russian model. The interests of the inhabitants of Slavyanka, - the document testifies, "were connected with the regiment: "even here almost no one has their own bread, everyone prefers to buy it from the soldiers who supply it to the entire tract."

Settlements like Slavyanka were called tracts. “Some settlements of the South Ussuriysk district, such as, for example, Posyet, Novokievskoye, Slavyanka, Barabash, Razdolnoye,” we read in the “Overview of the Primorsky Region” for 1899, “do not have the character of villages and the population in them is close to urban in its type ".

Such settlements, “which, by the occupation of the population and by its composition, are more urban than peasant settlements” were called tracts.

This kind of settlements, - testifies to another document, - include, for example, the so-called "tracts" existing in the Ussuri Territory: Novokievsky, Posyet, Slavyanka, Barabash ... Their emergence was the result of the deployment of military units outside the settlements of the region on special, designated for military department places.

Life in such settlements evolved in an urban fashion.

"... the existence of ... shops, warehouses, shops, craft establishments, etc. brings them closer to the urban type of population."

The first Russian civilian settlers in Slavyanka were retired soldiers, “who laid the first stone of the current tract. Over time, quite a lot of newcomers settled in them, shops, workshops arose, ... stone houses, quarters grew, life began to boil.

According to the results of the first general population census in 1897, 906 permanent residents lived in the Slavyanka tract, of which 865 were men and 41 were women (civilians are meant by permanent).

Slavyanka was a fairly large settlement. In 1907, 1908 people lived in it. There was a post and telegraph department, which was serviced by three officials, a military infirmary with 26 beds, a parochial school, a church, and even a savings bank with nine depositors.

The postal route connecting the village of Razdolnoye and the Posyet tract passed through Slavyanka, located between two postal stations - Cherkesskaya and Ryazanovskaya. Twice a week, ships making regular passenger flights between Vladivostok and Posyet called.

In the first years of Soviet power (1925), Slavyanka looked like this:

“... Located on the territory of 48 sq. verst. There are no collective farms. Individuals - 136, of which: wealthy - 5, middle peasants - 11, poor peasants - 20.

Ways of communication with VIK and PEC - by sea, with VIK (in Barabash) - tract.

Communication in addition to the indicated means of communication with all the above bodies is carried out through the post and telegraph office, available in the village. Slavyanka, and in rare cases by means of a telephone that is there.

In Slavyanka there was a district village council, uniting 4 settlements:

The village of Slavyanka - 447 souls of inhabitants,

Village Veselaia Polyana - 140,

Mostovaya village - 67,

Uemoisky site - 11.

By nationality, the population is broken down:

Russians - 240,

Koreans (Russian subjects) - 170,

Koreans (foreign nationals) - 22,

Chinese - 45,

Estonians - 106,

Latvians - 27,

Germans, Tatars, etc. - 55.

Total - 665.

In Slavyanka there was a school with 2 teachers, a feldsher station, a reading room, a private shop and a cooperative consisting of 189 people. "In 1924 there were 5 private shops, 4 of them closed."

The postal and telegraph branch of Slavyanka has already served 20 settlements, but the telephone was used only 12 times in 11 months.

"The peasantry in general, and chiefly in Slavyanka, lives on odd jobs from vegetable gardens."

In 1926, the first commercial fishing artel "Veselaya Polyana" was organized in Slavyanka, later merged with the fishing artel in the Naezdnik Bay into the fishing collective farm "Rybak". At the same time, the Slavyanka fish processing plant was organized.

The rapid development of the village takes place in the 60s. In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 210 of 07.12.1963 and No. 2 of 04.10.1965, the construction of the largest shipyard in Primorye began. From this moment begins a new period in the history of Slavyanka. By this time, the construction of a railway line from the Bamburovo station to the Blucher station was completed, construction enterprises and a fur farm appeared.

Along with the construction of the plant, housing construction was widely developed. The development of microdistricts is carried out in a complex manner, each microdistrict includes consumer services for the population, a cultural institution, schools, and children's complexes.

In 1973, Slavyanka became a regional center.

On the territory of the village council there are construction organizations, a fish factory, a fishing collective farm, a fur-breeding state farm, institutions, a life, the population is served by two trading organizations, a bus service has been established with all the settlements of the village council.

During the tenth five-year plan, more than 35 million rubles of capital investments were disbursed in the village of Slavyanka and about 40 million rubles of fixed assets were put into operation. Housing construction is proceeding on a broad front; more than 71,000 sq. m. m. of housing, the construction of the administrative building of the House of Soviets, a cinema for 600 seats, a vocational school has been completed, the construction of the second stage of the Slavyansk ship repair plant is underway, the construction of a regional communication center has been completed, 4 kindergartens for 600 seats have been introduced, the House of culture of ship repairers.

The Slavyansky ship repair plant, although young compared to other ship repair plants in the region, is also gaining momentum. The volume of gross output during the years of the 9th five-year plan increased 15.1 times. The further development of the industrial production of the Slavyansk ship repair plant will be received over the 10 years of the five-year plan, as it is envisaged an increase in the volume of gross output by almost 1.8 times, of which mechanical engineering by 80%, and ship repair by 16%.

In the future, the village of Slavyanka will present a satellite of the city of Vladivostok. According to the master plan, the development of the village is provided mainly by five-story houses with some interspersed with high-rise buildings, and taking into account the local possibilities for individual construction, estate development is also provided.

The center of the village will have a large network of public and cultural buildings. The construction of a sports complex as part of the future city park and stadium will begin. In addition, small sports grounds will be created in the development area, each residential microdistrict will include the necessary conditions for the population.

The future city is supposed to have a meat-packing plant, a bakery, a dairy plant, a soft drinks factory and a construction base;

The volume of work of maritime transport in servicing the external relations of the city has significantly increased, and the construction of a sea station is also planned.

The project provides for bringing the area of ​​green spaces of the future city to 40 hectares. And complete improvement of the street and road network (device of improved pavements and sidewalks). Sanitary protection zones between industrial enterprises and residential areas will be created in accordance with the current codes.

The village council directs socio-cultural development on its territory, approves plans for improvement work, organizes the purchase of surplus agricultural products from the population, carries out work among the population to maintain a good sanitary condition of settlements, organizes socialist competition for the title of "Best village, street, house" .

More than 80 bodies of public amateur activity of the population have been created on the territory of the Council. In recent years, the activity of voluntary people's squads, house and street committees, and comrades' courts has increased significantly. The work of these bodies is constantly under control.

The Village Council directs the work of enterprises of trade, culture, public education, health care through the executive committee and standing committees of the Council. The Executive Committee is constantly improving organizational and mass work with deputies and the population.

Now many of those who want to live in St. Petersburg, when asked in which district they would prefer to have an apartment, answer: "In the village of Shushary, in Slavyanka." This is a modern, comfortable, beautiful, new district of the suburbs of St. Petersburg.

Not so long ago

Some two or three decades ago, between Leningrad and the city of Pushkin, there was a very small village of Shushary. For the most part, workers of the state farm of the same name lived in it. The settlement had its own school, kindergarten, hotel and cultural center with a swimming pool. Nearby was another state farm - "Lensovetovsky". Time passes, Leningrad, which became St. Petersburg in 1991, is growing, because so many people strive to live in the Northern capital - Russia. And on January 6, 2006, by the Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg, a decision was made to create a new residential microdistrict Slavyanka in Shushary. It is not far from the city of Pushkin and Lensovetovsky. So the southern suburb of the metropolis began to actively develop, which received the address: St. Petersburg, Shushary, Slavyanka.

New buildings

For the development of the new district, 220 hectares of land were provided, which have already been fully developed. The village of Shushary, Slavyanka in particular, has become one of the large-scale construction projects to create a comfortable residential area, with planned infrastructure. More than 1.5 million m 2 of residential space has already been built on the territory of the new residential area, most of which was purchased by the Ministry of Defense for the implementation of the Housing for Servicemen project. But Slavyanka is not just a sleeping area, but a real city, because there are 3 schools, 7 preschool educational institutions in the microdistrict. There is a shopping and entertainment center and a lot of shops of various subjects. Map "Slavyanka and Shushary"suggested below. But since the microdistrict is constantly being built, its infrastructure is improving.

For children

There are a lot of children in the village of Shushary in Slavyanka, because the metropolis offers more opportunities for young, enterprising people to realize themselves, and therefore young people tend to move closer to St. Petersburg. The Slavyanka residential area is the best match for the preferences of families with children. Each of this new has its own school. In total there are three of them, as already mentioned. There are already 7 kindergartens for young children. Both schools and kindergartens have landscaped areas that meet modern safety requirements. Of the medical institutions for children in the microdistrict, there is a children's outpatient clinic. A children's clinic and a hospital assigned to the microdistrict are located in the city of Pushkin.

For adults

The residential area of ​​Shushary in Slavyanka is actively developing. New apartments are constantly being offered for purchase both on the basis of certificates issued to military personnel and ordinary citizens. Housing can be purchased with a mortgage. The Baltros group of companies, which develops the Slavyanka residential area, guarantees the quality of each apartment. The official real estate agency of this modern suburb of St. Petersburg bears the same name as the Baltros construction company. Those who are thinking about buying their own housing near the northern capital often decide to explore this residential area near Pushkin.

All the necessary infrastructure for a decent, comfortable life has been created here: walking distance to St. Petersburg and its most beautiful suburb - the city of Pushkin, many shops, including a shopping and entertainment center, schools, kindergartens, playgrounds in the courtyards of residential complexes, an outpatient clinic for children and an outpatient clinic for adults, pharmacies. The plan provides for the construction of its own district polyclinic. What is important for the modern, mobile population of the suburbs of the metropolis - each yard has its own parking lot. As the developer guarantees, there will be enough space in the residential area for all the cars of the residents of the Slavyanka area, and there are both ground, courtyard and multi-level parking lots. For many of those who decide to live in Slavyanka, it becomes important that other disembodied Heavenly Forces, built on donations from parishioners, are also open on the territory of the residential area.

How to get to Slavyanka

An unusual, new, large-scale residential area in the village of Shushary in Slavyanka, near St. Petersburg. But how to get to it if there is a desire to buy an apartment there or just to see how this suburb is equipped? The geographical location of Slavyanka is near the city of Pushkin, between Moscow and Kolpino highways. Therefore, it is very easy to get to Slavyanka by your own vehicle. Buses run from public transport to Slavyanka - from Pushkin and Shushar. Therefore, when arriving in St. Petersburg and planning to visit the Slavyanka residential area, you must first get to the village of Shushary or to the city of Pushkin, for example, by commuter train from the Vitebsky railway station, and then transfer to one of the buses or fixed-route taxis that go to Slavyanka .

Slavyanka is a new residential area near St. Petersburg. Surrounded by the most beautiful protected areas of Pushkin and Pavlovsk and next to the metropolis - is this not the most convenient place for the life of a modern person? That is why housing in Slavyanka is in demand both among those who buy it and those who rent it.

A country Russia
Subject of the federation Primorsky Krai
Municipal area Khasansky district
PGT with 1943
Based 1861
Postcode 692701
Timezone UTC+11
car code 25, 125
Former names before 1889 - post Slavic
Center height 4 m
Population ▼ 14,292 people (2010)
Coordinates Coordinates: 42°51′00″ s. sh. 131°23′00″ E  / 42.85° N sh. 131.383333° E (G) (O) (I) 42°51′00″ s. sh. 131°23′00″ E  / 42.85° N sh. 131.383333° E d. (G) (O) (I)
Telephone code +7 42331
OKATO code 05 248 551

Slavyanka is an urban-type settlement in the south of Primorsky Krai, the administrative center of Khasansky District and Slavyansky Urban Settlement.


  • Monument to Major General V.S. Kholod. East square of the central square.
  • Memorial "Memory". 1938, 1941, 1945. Northern square of the central square.
  • Mass grave of 5 sailors of the armored cruiser "Bogatyr" of the Vladivostok detachment of ships. 1904 Cape Bruce area, 9 km from the village.
  • Monument to the soldiers of the 390th Marine Regiment who died in Chechnya.
  • Monument in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Marine Corps Regiment (BMP on a stone pedestal).
  • Monument in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Marine Corps Regiment (armored personnel carrier on a stone pedestal).
  • Memorial tank MS-1 (T-18). 1930-1938 years. North-western part of the facade of the Khasan Regional Museum of Local Lore.
  • Lighthouse Busse. 1911 9 km east of the village on Cape Bruce.
  • Monument to the memory of A. G. Garchenko. 1945
  • Memorial sign "Slavyanka", at the entrance to the village.
  • The grave of the head of the frontier post "Slavyanka-Sukhoputnaya" P. N. Potrakov. 1929 The top of the hill of Love.


In the village there is a seaport, a shipyard, a fish factory.

Geographical position

Slavyanka is located on the shore of the bay of the same name of the Slavyansky Bay, the inner bay of Peter the Great. It consists of four main districts: Staraya Slavyanka, Novaya Slavyanka and the separate settlements of Nerpa and Rybak. The average height above sea level of the central part of the village is 4 m, the maximum is 177 m.

The distance to Vladivostok by road is 199 km, by sea - about 50 km. There is a railway station Blucher connected to the Ussuriysk - Khasan line.

The village is connected by regular bus routes with Vladivostok, Ussuriysk and other settlements of the region, as well as the border Chinese city of Hunchun. There are year-round ferry flights to Vladivostok, and a comet goes in the summer. There is no passenger rail service.


The population according to the 2002 census was 15,045 people, of which 48.3% are men and 51.7% are women. On January 1, 2009, the population was estimated at 14,372. 1993 - 18,000, 2002 - 15,045, 2005 - 14,727, 2006 - 14,597, 2009 - 14,372, 2010 - 14,292.

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