Home Countries of Europe What to visit around Krakow. One day in Krakow

What to visit around Krakow. One day in Krakow

Krakow reviews of our trip, September 2014

  • Prices in Krakow

  • Krakow souvenirs what to buy

  • Krakow attractions route map

  • Krakow useful links travel preparation

Krakow: majestic and cozy, intelligent and friendly. Even in the old city, we were able to touch the everyday life of the townspeople: a little measured and unhurried. Krakow left the warmest impressions and the desire to visit it again, for example, at Christmas.

NB Interestingly, this head does not evoke warm emotions among the citizens of Krakow, but it has become a meeting place and a tourist attraction :)

Some boring info: money, currency, prices in Krakow
Currency: złoty.
How to pay where to change money
You can change at gas stations, there is no normal commission rate. Can change partially, ie. 100 euro bill - 50 change, 50 - ask for euro change - no problem :)
Comfortable: pay with a card and withdraw some zlotys from an ATM.
Zloty needed for: toilet, bagels, other goodies in street tents. It is simply impossible to get past them.
In souvenir shops, cafes (even the smallest ones), shops, you can easily pay with a card.

Prices in Krakow

  • Magic bagel (bought on the street and eaten on the go - just enough to get to the next "car" with bagels))): PLN 1.5

  • Water - PLN 1.5-2

  • Raspberries (taken in season, very tasty in September) 7.5 PLN / 800 grams

  • Polish cheese at the fair (suluguni) - a small cake (60 grams) - 2 zł.

  • Bottled beer PLN 3.5 (in shops)

  • Toilet: PLN 1-1.5

Prices in cafe-restaurants Krakow:

One of the most expensive restaurants in the tourist area - in Jewish quarter Kazimierz (Kazimierz), opposite the old Synagogue - Szeroka street. It will offer Polish, European and European cuisine. Dish from PLN 25 and above. Near the restaurants there are barkers and menus with prices.
On the side, not central streets, you can find more affordable prices, in particular, we came across a cafe at the intersection Berka Joselewicza and Sw Sebastiana. It is self-service, but very cozy, tasty and friendly. There is a dish of the day (17 PLN) - this is a full-fledged main course, soups, drinks (no alcohol). First: it is important to try the Polish soup zhurek (they say Russian speakers call it “zhorik”).
Impressions of Polish cuisine: fatty, hearty, salty.
Complement from the Poles: we were in the season of apples: everywhere there were fragrant baskets with apples “for no reason”J

Average prices in Krakow cafe lunch dinner

  • On average, a dish costs PLN 10-20 (meat), a side dish costs PLN 7-18.

  • Side dish + meat 20-30 PLN

  • Drink (coffee, beer, juice) PLN 7-15

  • Additionally, nothing is entered on the check (in any case, we did not encounter)

In addition to Polish cuisine in Krakow, you can find restaurants: Georgian, Ukrainian, Italian, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish cuisine.

What language is useful in Poland?
Polish. Ukrainian. English.
If you speak Ukrainian, you can speak everywhere, they will understand you, and you will understand (Poles will not speak quickly and there will be no difficulties)
If you speak Russian, then English is better :). The older generation speaks Russian, for young people English is closer.

Souvenirs: what to bring from Krakow
Market Square in Krakow called Rynek Glowny: malls Cloth rows (Sukiennice). It's nice to walk along the malls, but souvenirs are expensive here. Of course, you can pay by card. Business card of Krakow: amber. There are also many items made of silver, fur (wool), wood, leather (bags, belts). We really liked the fair next door- Maly Rynek. Here you can buy suluguni cheese, bread, beer, honey, honey soap, glass souvenirs, amber, silver, sheepskin and linen products, leather products.

  • magnet from 7 to 30 PLN

  • Amber from PLN 15(very inexpensive unpretentious) up to 200-300 zł for solid jewelry with silver.

What else souvenirs can be bought in Poland Krakow:

  • Salt and cosmetics with salt, Zaja cosmetics

  • Herbapol syrups (in supermarkets and some liquor stores)

  • Amol tincture (in Krakow it is considered "from all diseases")

  • Polish beer Zywiec, Warka, Tyske piwo, Okocim

  • Chocolate

  • minced meat sausages

  • Sliwowica tincture

Attention! On the souvenir rows don't like photographers. They may even ask you to remove the photo.

The best souvenirs are experiences, a must in Krakow

  • try the cheese

  • buy amber

  • Going into a pastry shop is just sweet works of art, very tasty and sincere

  • Look into a shop of old Polish drinks: authentic and warming :)

What to see in Krakow in 1 day
Krakow is full of sights and if you have little time (1-2 days) it's a must to explore the old town. On the Web you can find a lot of general advice on what to see and where to go in Krakow.
,You can take a tour or walk on your own. We want to share a simple walking route Krakow in 1 day
Let me tell you, we came to Krakow with the clear intention of going around the entire old city. And it turned out to be elementary. Small, cozy, with winding streets, embankments and a mysterious Jewish quarter Kazimierz where life seems to stop...
planning walking tour in Krakow worth considering:

  • There are a lot of cyclists and they like to ride fast. It is no coincidence that injuries from collisions with cyclists are the most common case for seeking help from insurance. Be careful!

  • The names of the streets match those you will find on the maps - it is very easy to walk around the old Krakow.

  • If you plan to walk only in the old city, you will not need transport.

  • Cars can enter the old city only until 11 o’clock (to bring goods to cafes and shops). Therefore, in the morning it will be difficult to take beautiful photos without trucks, but then - as much as you like :)

So our route
The time of our walk-excursion: from 9 am to 18 pm.
Start: near the Barbican and the monument to the Battle of Grunwald, We go through the gates of the old city and go through Florianskaya street to the city.

main square Glowny Market(here Cloth rows, Eros head, Basilica Mariacka, City Hall.

Then we go down to the river, we pass the Cathedral of Dominics and Francis, at this intersection there is Office de tourisme - you can take maps, we continue to go down.

Let's go to the street Ulica Kanonicza-oldest street Krakow and follow it to Wawel.

There are cafes here where you can eat. Then, we went to the embankment and walked along it to the Jewish quarter Kazimierz. Here the street is wide- synagogues and Jewish restaurants. Then they returned to the Old City and for another hour and a half wandered the streets and bought souvenirs.

I am attaching the map. If you get tired: shorten his route at the expense of Kazimierz or a detailed trip to Wawel Castle. Personally, we missed the Wawel tour, but walked around Kazimierez to our heart's content.

Excursions in Krakow are free, and most importantly, fun and interesting:

But don't worry, you won't get lost. All paths in the forest are marked and there are signs. Otherwise, this is an ideal option for a trip to nature for the whole day: the forest is full of equipped parking lots, and the steep paths will be an excellent workout for outdoor enthusiasts.

How to get there : by buses No. 102 and 134.

10. Historical Museum of Krakow

Where else to get acquainted with the history of Krakow, if not in the historical museum? In the Krakow Historical Museum, on Rynek Główny Street 35, you will find out what life was like in medieval Krakow, see old city maps, decorations and clothes of the townspeople of those times, as well as household items and much more.

Working hours : The museum is open daily from 10:00 to 19:00.
Address: Rynek Główny, 35, Old Town (near the Barbican).

Those who wish to fully plunge into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages are invited to an excursion where you will get acquainted with the rich history of the city, as well as find out the answers to your questions.

The Vistula is the longest and deepest river in Poland, flowing through most of the major cities in this country. The river is very beautiful, and besides, it is of great economic importance.

The Vistula has a length of more than a thousand kilometers, and the total area of ​​​​its basin is almost 200 thousand square kilometers. The river crosses Poland from south to north, originating at the Baranya Mountain and flowing into the Baltic Sea. Large cities such as Krakow, Warsaw, Plock and Gdansk are located on the Vistula.

The speed of the Vistula is about 5 kilometers per hour, and the depth varies greatly from mouth to source.

Also on the river is the largest Polish hydroelectric power station - the Wrocławek hydroelectric power station. In general, the Vistula occupies a prominent place among the largest European rivers, and in addition, it is one of the significant natural wealth of Poland.

Jagiellonian University

Founded on May 12, 1364 by Casimir III, the Jagiellonian University is to this day one of the oldest in Europe and the largest institution of higher education in Poland.

To date, the university has 15 faculties that provide training in 46 areas.

Since the university has a long history, in its lifetime it has seen many students who later became outstanding people. Among them - Pope John Paul II, Jan III Sobieski - King of Poland and many others.

However, the Jagiellonian University is famous not only for the quality of its education, but also for its stunning architecture. After the reconstruction, the university building received its current red-brick Gothic façade, steep roofs and closed crenellated pediments. Passing through the courtyard, the visitor enters the museum halls, striking in their richness and decoration.

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Mary's Church

The main shrine of Krakow is St. Mary's Church, or the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The temple was built in the 13th century in the Gothic style. In the 18th century, the interior of the church was rebuilt in the Baroque style.

Every hour on a high signal tower a trumpeter plays an old melody that has become the call sign of the Polish radio. The melody sounds in all directions of the world in turn. This tradition dates back to the 15th century, when a trumpeter, at the cost of his life, warned the city of an enemy approaching the walls.

In 2001, after a long break, the tower was opened to the public.

The church has two entrances and two parts: the rear part with the entrance through the square is for worshipers, and on the right there is a paid entrance for those who come to admire the ancient architecture and decoration. Of particular interest is the three-leaved altar of St. Mary's Church. Its height is over 12 meters, and its width is about 11 meters. This altar in Poland is the most significant work of wooden sculpture made in the late Gothic style. Behind the altar there are ancient stained-glass windows, and the walls of the church are painted by famous Venetian artists.

In the evenings, free organ music concerts are held here.

The town hall tower is the only surviving part of the city hall, built in the early 14th century and dismantled in the 19th century.

The building of the town hall, built of brick and stone, was intended for the work of the Gchorodsky Council and included a place for the city treasury, a court and even a prison, which was located in the basements of the building.

After reconstruction in 1960, the tower was transferred to the Historical Museum, the exposition of which is dedicated to the history of the city authorities.

The entrance staircase is decorated with stone lions brought from the Morstin Palace in Plavovice, while on the second floor there are late Gothic portals and stone mascarons from the 14th century. In addition to the museum tour, you can visit the former treasury of the town hall, the Mascaron satirical theater and cafes located in ancient cellars.

Czartoryski Museum

The museum was founded in 1878 as a continuation of the first art museum in Poland, founded in 1796 by Princess Isabella Czartoryska on the squares of the Czartoryski residence in Puławy. Relics of a patriotic nature occupied the “Temple of the Sibyl” (a small rotunda in the park), opened to the public in 1801.

old theater

The Old Theater in Krakow lives up to its name. This is one of the first theaters in Poland, which was officially opened in 1781. Today, the Old Theater operates four stages in the city center.

The initiator of the opening of the theater was Matthew Witkowski, who was given an entertainment permit by the authorities at the price of PLN 50 per month. Witkowski became the first director of the theatre. The theater has a very rich history. During the occupation, the Germans completely painted over the beautiful ornaments, changed the color of the walls, and turned the theater into a concert hall. But recently, three halls of the building have been restored, and soon the turn of the last hall will come. In 1991, the Old Theater was given the status of a national theater.

It is very difficult to get tickets here, it even happens that a month before the start of the performance, the seats are already booked. The most famous and professional actors and directors in Poland work here. But the most important thing is that for all these years the quality of the performances has been preserved. Even after one such spectacle, the viewer will have enough emotions and memories for a long time.

Are you curious to know how well you know the sights of Krakow? .

Wawel Castle

Wawel Castle is a symbol of Poland and holds a special place of honor in the heart of any Polish citizen.

The castle is made in the Gothic style and rises at an altitude of 228 meters above sea level. It consists of several cathedral complexes, of which the most famous are the Royal Castle and the Cathedral of St. Stanislaus and Wenceslas.

The castle has a rich history, which is shared with tourists through the expositions located inside the castle. Here you can visit the chambers of the Polish kings, the treasury, the Throne Room and the Armory.

Wawel is especially remarkable for tourists because there is a tradition to bury Polish monarchs here.

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More attractions in Krakow

The former Polish capital and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, which, by the way, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, the city of Krakow annually receives hundreds of thousands of tourists. Belarusians are not rare guests of the city. In this article, we will talk about the most famous places in Krakow that you must see while traveling.

Krakow was once the capital of the Republic of Poland. There is an opinion that it is one of the most beautiful places in Europe. Since it appeared in ancient times, Krakow is famous for its history. Tourists often come to it, because there are many attractions that are worth seeing.

Picturesque places, ancient architecture fascinate tourists. I want to come here again and again to feel the historical atmosphere.

Market Square

The first place to visit is the market square. Although sales are in full swing here, there is still something to see. At one time the market place was much smaller. Over time, it was expanded, the population became larger, and, accordingly, the number of stalls increased.

On the market square you can buy any product at your discretion. It is noteworthy in that its dimensions are included in the list of one of the largest squares in Europe. Plus, there are many fascinating buildings and establishments around the market that are worth seeing.

Wawel Castle

It is considered a symbol of Poland. The castle is an architectural complex that is visited by tourists from all over the world. In front of the main entrance are the Heraldry Gates. They are distinguished by their sophistication.

In front of the main entrance to the castle there is a bronze monument dedicated to the national Polish hero. It was he who organized the uprising back in 1794. The hero's name was Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

Cathedral on Wawel

In the courtyard there is a temple in memory of the holy martyrs Svyatoslav and Wenceslas. It is periodically restored and today it contains several styles. These are Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance.

In the courtyard you can see many interesting and ancient buildings that have been preserved since 975. As you can see, Wawel Castle must be visited at least once in a lifetime.

The interior of the cathedral is distinguished by sophistication and luxury. Here is the mausoleum of St. Stanislaus and many other beautiful sights that you must see.

Palace of the Bishops

Since 1944 John Paul II lived in this building. He became archbishop in 1978, when he was elected by the Pope. The building itself looks outdated, although it is periodically restored, and near the entrance there is a monument to John, which is surrounded by bushes of amazing beauty and to this day they do not forget to take care of it.

The palace houses a museum. In it you can see the legacy of the Pope. There are various expositions, old paintings and several sculptures. It was all given as a gift.


There is a wonderful Jewish district in Krakow called Kazimierz. This quarter has its own culture, religion and architecture. Kazimierz is the highlight of Krakow. It turns out, as it were, a different civilization in one city.

When a tourist enters this quarter, the change of religion is immediately felt. There are no more Catholic cathedrals here, but synagogues. Tourists will be interested to see this unique and original area.


Krakow is famous not only for ancient architecture. There are also many beautiful picturesque parks in the city. There is an opinion that Planty is the most beautiful, vibrant place to relax. When you walk along the path, the aroma is amazing. Birds sing, deciduous trees seem to call to listen to the sounds of nature.

Not only friends, but also residents of the country come to Planty to rest. After all, it is worth seeing beautiful landscapes, breathing clean air. You can come here at any time of the year, as it is beautiful in any weather.

St. Mary's Cathedral

This is the main holy place in Krakow. Even in the XIV century. started to raise. True, its construction was completed only after half a century. The cathedral has two large towers that look like royalty. One of them has a golden crown and a high spire on top. There is a helmet on the other tower.

The interior of the cathedral delights not only tourists, but also the inhabitants of the country. After all, the building looks like an old castle. Paintings, sculptures and stained-glass windows make you visit this attraction again and again.

town hall tower

Every city has a town hall and Krakow is no exception. Once upon a time, the rulers of the city sat in it. Now there is no town hall, and only the tower remains, which has become one of the most beautiful sights of the city.

Near the entrance to the building sit two huge lions made of stone. If you go to the second floor, then you can see a lot of artifacts. They once belonged to the government of Poland. Now it is only antiques, which are of great value to the citizens of the country.

But in the basement there is a treasury and a theater. Their guides advise to visit first. After all, what you see cannot be described in words, it is so breathtaking from beauty.

Bastion Barbican

This is the cultural and historical value of the country. The Bastion is a must visit for every tourist. This building stands in memory of a fortified defensive structure. After all, it was from him that they shot at the enemy and defended the city. The barbican is the symbol of Krakow, and it is he who is painted on the coat of arms of the city of Krakow.

Any citizen can visit the Barbican. Inside, tourists will see expositions and learn a bit of history from them. A tourist must visit here, since such an attraction will not be seen anywhere else.

Who doesn't love shopping? Of course, tourists will be happy to go shopping and buy a few souvenirs. So, the Krakow Gallery is what visitors need. There are a lot of shops (more than 100) of well-known brands in Europe. Moreover, if you take into account constant discounts, and not just seasonal ones, you can profitably buy both a souvenir and a more expensive thing in the form of clothes.

There are so many cafes and restaurants here that the guests of the city never dreamed of. Therefore, walking through the shops, you can safely go to any cafe you like and have a bite to eat. The prices are quite acceptable. There are also several studios and even a cinema. As you can see, a lot of interesting things in one place.

The gallery differs from other well-known stores in that there are many sellers who are fluent in Russian. This is a nice bonus for tourists. Near the gallery there are many squares and the central square, where you can take a break from shopping and unwind.

What to see in Krakow in one day

It's nice to know that Krakow is a rather small city and you can see the main sights in one day. Moreover, this applies to those people who are passing through the city.

You need to start from the center of Krakow. Here are collected the most interesting and fascinating places. For example, Stare Miasto and Market Square. Here you can linger a little and buy something interesting for yourself as a keepsake.

On the square there is St. Mary's Church, a trip there will not take much time. Then you can visit the Jagiellonian University. After it, you should definitely visit the museum, which is called Czartoryski.

A little further than the market square is the National Museum, which keeps the history of the city. There are 11 halls and almost 1000 antiques and art objects. You can spend a lot of time here, so it's best to see the most famous and fascinating antiques.

You can also visit the Bishops' Palace and see the beauty of the Florian Gate. Not far from the castle is the district of Kazimierz. This is an interesting place, as you immediately find yourself in a different religion and culture. It feels like a completely different country is located in this area, and not Poland. Moreover, here the citizens also lead a different life, which is very different from the Polish one.

The Krakow Meadow is a beautiful and large area, but once there was the most ordinary pasture. Here you can relax after a trip and have a snack. Citizens walk here, especially in the evenings. After all, the air in this place is special and a friendly, calm atmosphere is felt.

Plus, there are many restaurants in Krakow where prices are reasonable. Therefore, after an exhausting hard day, you can just go and relax, even if you drink a cup of tea.

What to see around Krakow

If you have seen everything interesting in the city, then you can go to other beautiful places. For example, in the State Museum, which is called Auschwitz-Birkenau. It is located in the western part of Krakow, where to go about 60 km.

This museum is also called the death camp. Once upon a time, more than 2 million citizens were killed here. Not every tourist dares to come here. Unless he does not know the true name of the museum.

Salt mines "Velichka" - underground corridors, or rather labyrinths, where there are many sculptures, and they are made of rock salt. Tourists can walk no more than 2 km. But even this is enough to get tired.

Near Krakow there is an architectural and park area, where monasteries and a national park are located. It is very beautiful here and you can just relax and unwind. Because the air and nature are wonderful.

The Niedzica Fortress is another attraction, but it is far from Krakow. Approximately 100 km. Here you can take wonderful pictures not only against the backdrop of the fortress, but also in nature.

You can also go to the park called Tatra. It is located in the southern part of Krakow. Here you can see a real mountain peak, caves, glacial lakes of birch and fir forests.

The reserve is also located near Krakow. It is also called Babiegur Park. There are deciduous and coniferous forests, as well as many species of birds (more than 100). Also, tourists will be able to see wild animals that do not rush at people, but go about their business. And many species of mammals live in these parts. Citizens who visit the reserve will never forget this amazing and beautiful world.

Any place can be reached both by bus and by train. The difference in ticket prices. Moreover, the transport runs only according to the schedule. If you miss it, you can wait a long time for your transport.

Since bus and railway stations are open around the clock, you can buy tickets in advance for both directions. Then citizens can have a specific time.

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Welcome to lucky city! If Warsaw suffered greatly during the Second World War, then Krakow managed to preserve the architectural and cultural heritage of bygone eras. Perhaps that is why the Poles themselves say that the facts, the past and the future of the country can be found in Warsaw, only the soul of Poland lives in Krakow.

Basic walk through the Old Town

Small in area, the Old Town contains an incredible amount of architectural masterpieces and cultural values. The ideal starting point for the route is the Basilica of St. Florian, the patron saint of Krakow.

If you don’t have much time, you can walk along Florianska Street (Fłoriańska), linger on the Main Square (Gluvny Market) and along Grodzka Street, walk to Wawel Hill, where the Royal Castle is located, the Cathedral of St. Stanislaus and Wenceslas (by value it for the Poles as the Kremlin for the Russians).

Walking along this route, you will see all the brightest.

What to pay special attention to? We tell.

Dungeons of the Main Square (Podziemia)

Can you imagine - dungeons open to the public, and even on the main square?!

In 2010, a special multimedia space was created in the archaeological park, which is located at a depth of 4 meters. It shows recreated scenes from the life of Krakow from different times. This, as well as various sounds and installations, perfectly complement the main exposition of the dungeons - several hundred different archaeological finds.

The exhibition is really done at a very modern and high level and will be of interest to both adults and children.

Try to reserve tickets via the Internet in advance (on the official website: www.bilety.podziemiarynku.com) They are redeemed already on the spot at the box office. The cost of a full ticket is 19 zł, a reduced ticket is 16. On Tuesdays, admission is free.

Working hours
– from April to October: Wednesday-Sunday: 10.00 – 22.00, Monday: 10.00 – 20.00, Tuesday: 10.00 – 16.00.
— from November to March: Wednesday-Monday: 10.00-20.00, Tuesday: 10.00-16.00.

Fountain Crystal

Walking through the dungeon, in one of the halls you will find yourself, as it were, under a pyramid-fountain, which is located on the square. Take a look at it and when you find yourself on the surface. If you can say about the fountain that it has a difficult fate, then this is just the case. The fact is that even at the stage of creation, it was criticized by well-known architects, and after construction was completed in 2010, local residents nicknamed the fountain “The Louvre for the Poor”, and the jury of the Archi-Shop competition awarded it the title of “worst project of the year”.

Although if you do not know the whole story, you can even calmly admire the fountain.

Cloth stalls (Trading stalls)

Already from the 13th century, under the painted vaults, there was a brisk trade in provisions, overseas fabrics and other household items.

Today, souvenir shops with slightly overpriced prices are mainly located here. But wandering here is definitely worth it - after all, the Cloth Halls are considered one of the most beautiful shopping arcades in Europe. In addition, even if you do not plan to buy anything special, this is a great place to do photo hunting and bring a lot of things from here in the memory of your camera.

St. Mary's Church

Here it is, the pearl of the square! The interior of the church is quite different from our usual ideas about religious buildings. The paintings are made in an unusually rich, bright range.

Founded in the 13th century, it has been rebuilt several times and has features of the Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque styles.

You can enter the cathedral itself for free, but if the tower has already completed repairs, we recommend that you climb up to look at the old city from a height. The ticket price is 15 full and 10 reduced (reductions only up to 18 years).

Royal (Wawel) Castle

Inside the castle there is a museum displaying valuable paintings and furniture from bygone centuries.

In total, it has 5 permanent exhibitions, each of which requires a separate ticket. We assume that it will be interesting for you to choose one of the three:
A) Royal reception rooms (in Polish - Reprezentacyjne Komnaty Królewskie),
b) Private quarters (Prywatne Apartamenty Królewskie),
V) Treasury and armory (Skarbiec Koronny i Zbrojownia ).

For each exhibition it is worth laying at least 1-2 hours.

Here is the schedule and ticket prices:

Cathedral of Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslas

Built in the 14th century, the walls of the cathedral saw the coronation of most of the Polish kings, and the remains of the most significant of them are still here. Among them are the heroes Tadeusz Kosciuszko, Jozef Pilsudski, Jozef Poniatowski, Queen Jadwiga, Stefan Batory, Jan Sobieski, August the Strong. The poets Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Slovacki, as well as President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, who tragically died in 2010 in a plane crash near Smolensk, are also buried here.

Read more about – if you are going to Krakow, then Wieliczka is definitely worth planning!

Aviation Museum

This is the largest aviation museum in Poland. It is located on one of the old airfields. There are more than 150 types of aircraft, helicopters and gliders. Some of the exhibits exist in a single copy. All the exhibits are in excellent condition, because the museum staff are real fans of their work.

Working hours: from May to September - Tuesday - Sunday - 9.00-17.00, closed on Monday.
Ticket price: 15 and 7 zł. On Tuesdays admission is free.
Arrival: from the Dworzec Główny stop: tram 4 or 10 to the Muzeum Lotnictwa stop (about 10 minutes drive).

Schindler's Factory Museum

A museum that is quite difficult to visit, but has extraordinary historical significance. Factory manager Oskar Schindler, unlike other entrepreneurs, employed more than 1,000 Jews during World War II and subsequently saved their lives by preventing them from being sent to a concentration camp. The story of this hero is known to us from the novel by Thomas Keneally and its adaptation by S. Spielberg "Schindler's List".

Working hours:
From April to October: Monday 10.00-16.00 (first Monday of the month - until 14.00), Tuesday-Sunday 09.00-20.00.
From November to March: Monday 10.00-14.00, Tuesday-Sunday 10.00-18.00.
Ticket price: PLN 21 (full), PLN 16 (preferential). On Mondays admission is free.
Arrival: by tram number 3 or 24 from the Dworzec Główny stop to Plac Bohaterów Getta (8 minutes drive).

Jewish Quarter Kazimierz

Now it is a district of artistic cafes and cozy architecture. This is a great place to have a bite to eat.

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