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Presentation of "Mycenae and Troy". Presentation on "Mycenae and Troy" Presentation on the topic of Mycenae and Troy

Equipment: multimedia presentation, map of Ancient Greece.

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce students to the Mycenaean culture of Ancient Greece, lead to an understanding of the causes of the Trojan War.
  • continue to develop skills based on documentary sources and the text of documents to characterize events and their participants.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Updating students’ knowledge on the topic “Greeks and Cretans.”

    Work on the map:

    • Show the state of Ancient Greece on the map.
    • Show and name the parts of ancient Greece.
    • Show us the largest island of Ancient Greece.
    • Show the seas that washed the shores of Ancient Greece.

    Presentation, Slide No. 1. “Fill in the missing words.”

  3. Transition to studying a new topic.
    So, we continue to study the history of the civilization of Ancient Greece. One of the signs of the civilized development of people is the presence of cities. Look at the map, what symbol is shown on the city map? Name them. Prove that Greece can be called a country of cities. Find the city-state of Mycenae.
  4. Slide number 2. The topic of our lesson today is called “Mycenae and Troy”.
  5. Slide number 3. "Lesson Objectives"
  6. Slide number 4. Plan for studying the lesson topic.
  7. Slide number 5. "Ruins of the city of Mycenae."
    The ruins of the ancient city of Mycenae were discovered by archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann. This is how they will appear before us if we go on a trip to Ancient Greece. “The next point is Mycenae, for them I would sacrifice all other monuments,” describes the archaeologist, director of the Hermitage B.B., describing his trip to Greece. Piotrovsky. “Suddenly, the acropolis opened up in front of us on the left, the Cyclopean walls were clearly visible... Suddenly we found ourselves in front of the Lion Gate. They are monumental and majestic. Two rearing lionesses in front of a Minoan-type column made of dark stone (the head was probably in the front) were attached, recesses for fastenings".
  8. Slide number 6. Let's read the text. For how many years did the city of Mycenae dominate the history of Ancient Greece?

option 1

1.Most of Greece is covered by:

a) steep steep mountains b) fertile plains

c) huge deserts

2. What feat did the hero Theseus accomplish:

a) got three golden apples from a country at the end of the world

b) cleared the stables of King Augeas in one day

c) killed the Minotaur

3. In the second millennium BC. Greek tribes lived:

a) on the islands of the Aegean Sea b) on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea c) in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula d) in the western part of the Asia Minor Peninsula

4. Builder of the Labyrinth on the island of Crete, the master who made the wings with which he escaped from captivity:

a) Daedalus b) Icarus c) Aegeus

5. What was the name of the legendary king of Crete?

a) Minos b) Minotaur c) Theseus

6. What seas is the territory of Greece washed by:

Test on the topic “Greeks and Cretans”

Option 2

1. Where is Greece:

a) in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula b) in the western part of Asia

c) in Eastern Africa

2. Which island is the myth of Daedalus and Icarus associated with:

a) with o. Solus b) with o. Ithaca c) with about. Crete

3. A monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man, who lived in the Cretan Labyrinth:

a) Gorgon Medusa b) Cerberus c) Minotaur

4. The daughter of King Minos, who gave Theseus a sword and a ball of thread, was called:

a) Ariadna; b) Semiramis; c) Elena the Beautiful.

5. According to legend, the origin of the name “Aegean Sea” is associated with the name of the king:

a) Athens; b) Mycenae; c) Crete; d) Pylos.

6.What seas is the territory of Greece washed by:

a) Ionian b) Red c) Aegean.

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“During the excavations of Mycenae, archaeologists discovered the acropolis”

During the excavations of Mycenae, archaeologists discovered an acropolis on which there was a royal palace, houses of the nobility, some tombs with golden masks of the buried, as well as hundreds of clay tablets with inscriptions - lists of slaves, artisan carpenters, tanners, potters, and goldsmiths. In addition, shells and helmets with horns were found.

During the excavations of Mycenae, archaeologists discovered an acropolis on which there was a royal palace, houses of the nobility, some tombs with golden masks of the buried, as well as hundreds of clay tablets with inscriptions - lists of slaves, artisan carpenters, tanners, potters, and goldsmiths. In addition, shells and helmets with horns were found.

During the excavations of Mycenae, archaeologists discovered an acropolis on which there was a royal palace, houses of the nobility, some tombs with golden masks of the buried, as well as hundreds of clay tablets with inscriptions - lists of slaves, artisan carpenters, tanners, potters, and goldsmiths. In addition, shells and helmets with horns were found.

During the excavations of Mycenae, archaeologists discovered an acropolis on which there was a royal palace, houses of the nobility, some tombs with golden masks of the buried, as well as hundreds of clay tablets with inscriptions - lists of slaves, artisan carpenters, tanners, potters, and goldsmiths. In addition, shells and helmets with horns were found.

During the excavations of Mycenae, archaeologists discovered an acropolis on which there was a royal palace, houses of the nobility, some tombs with golden masks of the buried, as well as hundreds of clay tablets with inscriptions - lists of slaves, artisan carpenters, tanners, potters, and goldsmiths. In addition, shells and helmets with horns were found.

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"Mycenae and Troy"

Presentation for the lesson

in 5th grade on the topic:

"Mycenae and Troy"


  • Show the Aegean Sea and remember how the Greeks explained its name?
  • Tell us how the nature of Greece differs from the nature of Egypt?
  • What activities did she favor?
  • Why did the settlements in Ancient Crete not have defensive walls?

  • Take a test on the topic: “ Greeks and Cretans ».
  • Check the completed test
  • Rate: 6 – “5”
  • 5-4 – “4”
  • 3- "3"
  • less than 3 – “2”



The city of Troy, the capital of the Trojan kingdom, was located on eastern shore of the Aegean Sea - on the Asia Minor Peninsula

The city of Mycenae, the most powerful of the ancient cities, was located in Southern Greece

Why do you think Mycenae and Troy are united by one theme?




1 . Open your textbook, paragraph 25.

2. Read the first 3 paragraphs in the first paragraph yourself and tell us what Mycenae was like.

3. Start your answer with the words “As I approach the city, I see...”



1. Imagine yourself in the place of archaeologists who saw this city for the first time. Study the documents given to you in pairs and answer the question: What was the city like?

2. Look at the map p. 115 of the textbook and prove that Mycenae has a good geographical location.

Prove also that there are negative sides.


What forced the inhabitants of Mycenae and other Greek cities, unlike the inhabitants of Crete, to erect powerful defensive walls?


"The most beautiful"


  • Name the reason for the war
  • told in myth?
  • How did the expression come about?
  • "apple of discord"?
  • What does it mean?

"Apple of discord"


From sources we know that

in 1200 BC flared up

war between the Greeks

Exercise: read paragraph 2, p. 122textbook and determine the cause of the Trojan War.

How does the cause of war in myth differ from the political cause of war set out in the textbook?


From sources we know that

in 1200 BC flared up

war between the Greeks

(including Mycenaeans) and Trojans.

Exercise: Determine what happened first: the death of Troy or the capture of the Assyrian capital of Nineveh?


Find out the causes of the Trojan War.


Be taken aback by the picture p.124






template source:

Olifirova Tatyana Ivanovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

Secondary school No. 14, Severodonetsk

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Slides captions:

MYCENE AND TROY Ancient Greece

Lesson plan 1. Mycenae 2. Trojan War 3. The myth of the beginning of the Trojan War

1. Mycenae In the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. The city of Mycenae became one of the most powerful. The city's fortress was made of huge stone slabs. The Greeks thought it was built by the Cyclopes.

1.Mycenae Look at the map? Was Mycenae in an advantageous position? Why? ? What was good about this situation and what was bad? Mycenae

2. Trojan War In 1200 BC. A war began between the Greeks and the Trojan kingdom for the coast of Asia Minor. The Greeks destroyed Troy, but were soon invaded by northern tribes and Mycenae fell into decline.

2. Trojan War According to legend, after several years of siege, the Greeks resorted to cunning. They built a wooden horse, hid the warriors there, and left it at the fortress gates.

3. The myth about the beginning of the Trojan War The Trojan War gave rise to several myths - “Trojan Horse”, “Achilles’ Heel”, but the most famous was the myth about the beginning of the war

3. Myth about the beginning of the Trojan War The leader of the Greeks was King Mycenae-Aga-memnon. Archaeologists associate this name with a huge number of finds at the site of destroyed Troy and in Mycenae. Golden mask of Agamemnon.

3. The myth about the beginning of the Trojan War. The Tomb of Agamemnon. In this treasury, a huge number of finds dating back to the period of the Trojan War were discovered.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Mycenae and Troy" - a history lesson in 5th grade using the Rivin-Dyachenko method.

lesson plan on the history of Ancient Greece in grade 5 “Mycenae and Troy” using interactive technology using Rivin Dyachenko’s method for a class that is not very large. If necessary, you can add...

Mycenae and Troy

Lesson objectives: to introduce students to the Mycenaean culture of Ancient Greece, to lead to an understanding of the causes of the Trojan War. to continue the formation of skills based on documentary sources and the text of documents...

What seas is Greece washed by?

A. Mediterranean and Red;

B. Ionian and Aegean;

B. Black and Mediterranean.

Name the largest island that was part of Greece.

What is the name of the hero who defeated the Minotaur?

A. Perseus;

What was the name of the girl who helped you get out of the maze?

A. Artemis;

V. Andromeda.

Who created the labyrinth for the Minotaur?

B. Perseus;

On which island in the 15th century BC? did an earthquake occur that led to the destruction of the Cretan kingdom?

1. In strong-walled Mycenae.

The most powerful of the ancient Greek cities - Mycenae - was located in southern Greece on a rocky hill.

The entrance to the fortress, made of huge stone blocks, passed through Lion Gate.

During excavations of royal palaces in ancient Greek cities, hundreds of clay tablets with inscriptions were found. These inscriptions have been read. They contain lists of female slaves, rowers on ships, and artisans who worked for the king. Many inscriptions talk about preparations for war. The Mycenaean kings, greedy for other people's wealth, undertook long-distance predatory campaigns.



Dagger from the royal


2. Trojan War.

Following Crete, the Greeks began to populate other islands of the Aegean Sea. They sought to strengthen themselves on its eastern shores - on the Asia Minor peninsula. The enemy of the Greeks here was Trojan kingdom .

Near 1200 BC e. According to legend, the united army of the Greek cities came out against him. The siege of the capital of the kingdom of Troy ended with its fall. The Greeks sacked and burned Troy. The remains of the burned city were discovered by archaeologists many centuries later.

The Greeks failed to take advantage of the victory. Warlike tribes invaded Greece from the north, devastated the south of the country, and destroyed Mycenae and other cities. The population hid in the mountains and moved to the islands of the Aegean Sea and Asia Minor. There was a decline in the economy, and writing was forgotten.

Among the newcomers were Greek tribes related to those who lived in Greece before their invasion. They settled in deserted lands.

3. The myth about the beginning of the Trojan War.

One day the gods arranged a luxurious feast. The goddess of quarrels and discord was not called upon him. However, she appeared uninvited and quietly threw a golden apple among the feasters with the inscription: “To the most beautiful.” Three goddesses argued over an apple.

There was one Hera- the eldest of the goddesses (the Greeks portrayed her as a beautiful and stately woman).

The other one is a warrior Athena. Despite her menacing appearance, she was just as attractive.

Third - Aphrodite, the eternally young goddess of beauty and love. Each of the goddesses believed that the apple was destined for her.

Was there a horse?

According to Homer's descriptions, the Trojan Horse was about 3 meters wide and 7.6 meters high. Built as described today, the model weighed approximately two tons and could accommodate no more than twenty men of average build.

In order to drag this structure, forty people would have been needed and the preparatory work would have taken several days, so the warriors hiding in the horse would have had a hard time at all.


  • § 25
  • write down what the expression “apple of discord” means
  • (use a dictionary)
  • prepare a report about Homer;


Ancient Greece

Lesson Plan

  • 1.Mycenae
  • 2.Trojan War


In the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. Mycenae became one of the most powerful

The city fortress was made of huge stone slabs.

The Greeks thought it was built by the Cyclops.


View the map

? Was Mycenae in an advantageous position? ? Why ?

? What was good and what was bad about this situation ?


2.Trojan War

In 1200 BC. A war began between the Greeks and the Trojan kingdom for the coast of Asia Minor.

The Greeks destroyed Troy, but were soon invaded by northern tribes and Mycenae fell into decline.

2.Trojan War

According to legend, after several years of siege, the Greeks resorted to cunning.

They built a wooden horse, hid the warriors there, and left it at the fortress gates.

3. Myth about the beginning of the Trojan War

The Trojan War gave rise to several myths -

“Trojan Horse”, “Achilles’ Heel”, but the most famous was the myth about the beginning of the war

3. Myth about the beginning of the Trojan War

The leader of the Greeks was the king of Mycenae-Aga-memnon.

Archaeologists associate this name with a huge number of finds at the site of destroyed Troy and in Mycenae.

Golden mask of Agamemnon.

3. Myth about the beginning of the Trojan War

Tomb of Agamemnon. In this treasury, a huge number of finds dating back to the period of the Trojan War were discovered.

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