Home Emigration I can't register for Pegasus Fly. Pegasus Fly Airlines: reviews, fleet

I can't register for Pegasus Fly. Pegasus Fly Airlines: reviews, fleet

The history of Pegas Fly airline begins in 2013, when there was a complete reorganization of the company and a change of owners. The headquarters is located in the city of Krasnoyarsk, on the territory of Yemelyanovo airport. There are also branches in Moscow and Khabarovsk. The young airline is improving every year - developing new international routes, expanding its air fleet and taking care of the comfort of Pegasus Fly passengers.

Online check-in for a flight is a popular and convenient service for tourists, which allows them to save time when flying on the routes of this air carrier.

The legal name of the Pegasus Fly company is “Icarus”. The main directions of flights are charter and regular passenger flights. Departures are carried out from most major cities of Russia; since 2016, regular routes have been operated to Simferopol and Sochi.

Some of the flights are carried out for the travel company Pegas Touristik, which organizes charter flights to many beach destinations.

Stages of online check-in for a Pegasus Fly flight

How to check in for a Pegasus Fly flight online? For the first time, it is recommended to carefully follow the instructions so as not to get confused, and only then the registration process will not be particularly difficult.

Online check-in for Pegas Fly flights is available for passengers who have purchased an electronic ticket from Pegas Fly and are flying from the following cities:

After purchasing and paying for a ticket using a bank card, save the itinerary receipt; it contains the ticket number - it will be needed in the future for registration.

24 hours before the departure of your flight, go to pegasfly.com in the online check-in section. Please read all the rules carefully and check the box to confirm your agreement to the terms. After which the system will transfer you to the “passenger search” stage. To check-in for a flight, enter your last name as it appears on your receipt, flight number, date and ticket number (consists of 13 digits). If everything is indicated correctly, then the tourist moves on to the next section.

Note! Before the ticket number, enter 000 for charter flights (flight number consists of 4 digits), 216 for scheduled flights (flight number begins with “8”) and 770 for scheduled flights (flight number consists of 3 digits).
Changes have occurred; the ticket number is now entered as is (13 digits).

During registration you can. You will see a diagram of the aircraft cabin, where free seats will be marked, choose the one you like, confirm your choice and register.

The final stage of online check-in for Pegasus Fly using an electronic ticket is receiving a boarding pass. You should definitely save and print it, as the document must be presented at the airport upon boarding. If it was not possible to print the ticket, the passenger should contact the check-in counter at the airport.

Registration rules for Pegasus Fly online

On the official website of the Pegasus Fly airline, in the online check-in section for a flight, you should familiarize yourself with the list of items that are prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft and the rules of conduct for passengers during the flight. It is also recommended to find out in advance, since if it exceeds the established standards for weight and dimensions, then it will have to be paid according to the tariff.

You can register on the website one day before departure; registration closes an hour before the departure of the aircraft. This procedure allows the tourist to arrive later than usual, but keep in mind that boarding ends 20 minutes before departure. Therefore, leave plenty of time, because before boarding, flight passengers must undergo security control and customs inspection for international routes.

Electronic check-in for Icarus airline flights is not available for the following categories:

  • When traveling with animals;
  • If you need to accompany a disabled person;
  • For a group flight of 9 people or more;
  • Service required - accompanying a minor without parents;
  • When it is necessary to register a seat for a passenger with a child under 2 years old.

A huge advantage of online registration is time saving and convenience. Having access to the Internet, you can go through the procedure from home and choose an empty seat yourself. After which the passenger does not need to stand in line at the check-in counter at the airport. The disadvantage of electronic registration is the lack of a guarantee of reservation of a place, as well as a limitation for some citizens.

The Russian airline Ikar appeared in 1993. The company received new development in 2013, engaging in international passenger transportation. At the same time, it received the commercial name Pegas Fly Airlines. The Yemelyanovo base airfield is located in Krasnoyarsk.

All year round, Pegasus Fly airline operates regular flights from Moscow to St. Petersburg, Magadan and other major cities of Russia, to the Far East and Republic of Crimea.


Pegas fly airline has a fleet of eight airliners. The company's fleet includes 5 Boeing 767-300 aircraft and three Boeing 737-800 aircraft.

Boeing 767 300er

Boeing 737-800

Boeing 737-800- this is an improved, more elongated modification of the 737-700.

The average age of aircraft is 15 years.

Passenger capacity - 189 people.

The first aircraft for service was built in 1998.

Business Class

These are the most comfortable places, as they are located far from bathrooms and technical units. The distance between the seats is 105 cm, each passenger has his own personal space to relax.

Economy class

These seats in the cabin will not provide passengers with the same comfort as in business class; the distance between the seats is 57 centimeters. Passengers in this cabin can expect a simple level of comfort during their flight.

Passengers who choose window seats while watching nature from the window on a day flight. These places are also suitable for people who like to sleep. The only negative is access to the salon. To leave the seat, the passenger will have to disturb his neighbors.

If passengers have an aisle seat, they can easily ascend without disturbing their row neighbors. These conditions are good for passengers with small children. The only inconvenience of these places is that clients are forced to constantly watch the movement of staff and other people.

Ikar Airlines invites passengers to take care of themselves in advance. The official website of the airline gives tourists all the necessary information. Potential passengers can view aircraft departure schedules, seat locations and book seats in advance.

Information about the company for passengers:

Address: Russia, city. Krasnoyarsk, Zhelyabova street, building 6/2
Year founded: 1993
Main airport: Yemelyanovo
Official website: pegasfly
Phone: 873912008070
Email: [email protected]

Choose a seat in the cabin that is convenient for you;
the backrest of the seat should recline well;
give preference to places away from bathrooms, kitchen areas and technical units.

A passenger who books tickets online in advance with Icarus Airlines on the official website will save time and money!

The Aviabit information system, operating at Ikar aviation, builds a transparent and effective enterprise management system, allows you to optimize all processes, significantly reducing costs. It includes convenient workplaces, the ability to work remotely, Internet applications, and reports.

A potential passenger can book a ticket on the official website of the Pegas Fly airline, without leaving home, in a calm environment. In addition, he will not have to rush to the start of check-in at the airport. The client, having visited the official website, will register at home without a queue in the Ikara Aviabit system.

Online check-in

Ikar Airlines provides the following advantages when online registration:

The client checks in for the flight from home;
Registration begins one day before the start of the flight;
The client handles the boarding pass himself.

When checking in online on the official Icarus website, if a passenger has luggage or hand luggage, he must go to the counter to receive a baggage and hand luggage check-in tag.

Only the following passengers must check in at the counter:
group trip;
accompanying persons of disabled people;
a child's trip without parents, etc.;
the need for a baby bassinet for babies under 2 years old.

The passenger must present his boarding pass at the airport. The client has two options: receive it himself or pick it up at the check-in counter at the departure airport.

Fly with Ikar Airlines! The seats on the plane provide all passengers with a comfortable flight.

Pegas Fly Company is a well-known Russian carrier that operates regular flights and charters to many destinations. The central office is located in Krasnoyarsk (Emelyanovo airport). The airline works with the tour operator Pegas Touristik, so most of the flights are carried out by order of this company. How to check in for flights? What are the features of completing this procedure online? We will also consider the Pegasus Fly charter schedule.

Registration for Pegasus Fly charter

Registration for Pegasus Fly charter is underway:

  • For 2 hours for domestic flights.
  • In 3 hours for international flights.

Online check-in is available for departure from many Russian cities, including Arkhangelsk, Irkutsk, Tyumen, Ufa, Perm and others.

Check-in for regular flights is carried out at Sheremetyevo Airport (terminal D). There are special counters numbered 93 and 99 for this. To clarify the departure time, you must pay attention to the inscriptions on the receipt - the local time is always indicated.

Terms and benefits of online registration for a Pegasus Fly charter

To complete online registration for a Pegasus Fly charter, three conditions must be met - availability of an electronic ticket, departure is carried out from the city specified in the list of the air carrier. In addition, the company's client must not transport animals with him.

The advantages of online registration include::

  • The ability to perform all procedures in your favorite chair or at your desk.
  • A chance to choose the most comfortable seat in the cabin.
  • The ability to print your boarding pass and save time.

Please note that online check-in for a Pegasus Fly charter (as well as for a regular flight) starts 24 hours before and must be completed an hour before departure. If you need to check in hand luggage or baggage, you need to go to a special counter.

Online charter registration is not available in the following cases::

  • The child travels without parents (accompanied service).
  • Transportation by a group (from nine people).
  • The need to provide a seat for a client with a baby under 2 years old or a cradle.

To board, the passenger must have a boarding pass - you can print it yourself or receive it directly at the departure airport. This must be done no later than 40 minutes. It is worth considering the need to pre-register your luggage.

When completing online check-in for a charter or regular Pegasus Fly flight, you are allowed to change your seating position in the aircraft cabin. To do this, click on the button with the selected location, define a new location in the cabin and save the data. If you were unable to change your ticket online, you can do it directly at the airport, at a special counter.

If check-in takes place at the airport, security checks, passport checks, and customs clearance are required. These nuances must be taken into account, because boarding of passengers on board the airliner ends 20 minutes before departure.

To register for a charter or regular flight online, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods and behavior on board in advance.

Pegasus Fly charter schedule (including to Phuket)

When searching for a ticket, there are a number of other points to consider:

  • In the surname column, you must indicate data without capital letters, in one font.
  • The e-ticket number will have 13 digits.
  • If you are studying the Pegasus Fly charter schedule, pay attention to the number of numbers (there should be four). Enter 0000 before the ticket number.
  • If the flight is regular, the number contains three digits, and before the ticket number you should indicate 216 or 770. Regular flights can also be recognized by the first digit 8.

The exact schedule of Pegasus Fly charters can be found on the official website of the airport. For example, from Emelyanovo there are flights to Antalya, Phuket, Sochi, Tunisia and other cities. Charter to Phuket is carried out from Novosibirsk and from other cities.

For regular passengers of Pegasus Fly airline, check-in for a flight is a matter of a few minutes, because they know the carrier’s conditions and quickly and wisely make the right choice. How can I register? How does Pegay Fly online check-in differ from the usual procedure, and what airline requirements do you need to remember? Let's consider these features in detail.

"Outdated" version of electronic registration

Since the end of March 2017, charters of the carrier Pegas Fly have been flying from Moscow (Sheremetyevo Airport). Consequently, passengers can check in for their flight here and go through all the necessary steps. This is an alternative method of electronic registration, which is used by many Pegasus Fly clients.

All procedures are carried out at special counters, from where the aircraft takes off. For domestic flights, the time reserve should be from 2 hours or more, and for international flights - from 3 hours. The disadvantage of this method is the need to arrive at the airport in advance and stand in line to undergo the necessary procedures.

To check in for a flight to Sheremetyevo, you need to find terminal “D” and go to one of the counters (93 or 99). Please note that only local time is indicated during the checkout process.

Conditions for online registration on the official website of Pegasus Fly

People who are accustomed to saving time and using every minute profitably prefer another option - registering on the official website of the Pegasus Fly airline online.

The following conditions must be met:

  • Availability of a travel document issued via the Internet. Online registration takes place using an electronic ticket.
  • The passenger travels in one of the directions indicated in the table. It can be a regular or charter flight (it doesn’t matter). When making transit flights, you will not be able to check in online at an “intermediate” airport.

  • The passenger travels without animals and does not belong to a special category of clients (unaccompanied children, disabled people and others).

Checking in for an Icarus (Pegasus Fly) flight: benefits

Peges Fly customers should be aware of the benefits they receive when choosing online check-in with an e-ticket. The following bonuses are worth highlighting:

  • No connection to the airport. All activities are carried out via a computer connected to the global network. This is very convenient and saves time.
  • begins one day (24 hours) and ends an hour before the aircraft departs.
  • Unlike the classic procedure, when you have to put up with an automatically selected location, here you can do this work yourself. There is a chance to choose a comfortable seat in a suitable part of the aircraft cabin.
  • The ability to print the ticket immediately after online registration on the official website of the Pegas Fly carrier, and then use the document at the airport.

When is it not possible to register online?

Ikar Airlines imposes a number of restrictions that do not allow you to check in online. So, if you have luggage or carry-on luggage on hand, you will have to go to the check-in counter to check out the items you have on hand. It is also worth highlighting a number of other restrictions:

  • Transportation of a group of people (10 people or more).
  • Need for a cradle (when flying with a baby under 2 years old).
  • When accompanied by a passenger (disabled person, child).
  • Providing a seat for a person traveling with a child under 2 years old.

At the gate, the airline customer must present a ticket. If, after registering on the official website of the Pegasus Fly airline, you were unable to print your boarding pass, you should contact the carrier’s employee at the counter and ask him to do this work. Please note here that check-in closes 40 minutes before the ship's departure. When checking in luggage, it is worth studying in advance the standards set by the carrier.

What else needs to be considered?

During the online registration process on the Icarus (Pegasus Fly) website, a number of points must be taken into account:

  • If desired, the passenger has the right to change the seat that was previously selected. To do this, you need to go to the aircraft diagram, select a different seat and save the changes.
  • Please note that you will have to go through security control at the airport, so it is advisable to arrive early.
  • The seat chosen during electronic check-in is retained by the passenger, but the airline reserves the right to adjust it if there is an urgent need.

  • To exchange or return a ticket, it is recommended to contact the place where you purchased your boarding pass.
  • Before going through all the procedures, you should study the baggage allowance and rules of behavior on board.
  • If you don’t have your ticket number at hand, you won’t be able to check in online for Pegasus Fly.
  • Please note that the boarding document number contains 13 digits. When entering a number, enter before the main character set. “000” - for charters (four digits in the number), “216” - regular flights (the number starts with an eight), “770” - also for regular flights (three digits in the number).

Pegas Fly (legal name Ikar Airlines LLC) is a Russian airline based at Emelyanovo Airport in Krasnoyarsk and providing regular mainline passenger transportation. The airline has a Khabarovsk branch. The airline was founded in 1992 in Magadan. In 2013, the airline was purchased from previous owners and transferred to Krasnoyarsk.On April 16, 2013, an admission to international flights was obtained, new types of aircraft were introduced and the airline began to operate charter passenger flights.Since April 2015, the airline has been operating regular flights from ten cities in Russia. provided a program of regular flights from six Russian cities in winter to Sochi and Simferopol.The airline operates regular flights Moscow - St. Petersburg, Moscow-Kazan, Moscow - Krasnoyarsk, Moscow - Magadan, Moscow - Khabarovsk, Moscow - Blagoveshchensk, Sochi - Simferopol, St. Petersburg - Simferopol. Since April 2016, the airline has been operating regular flights from fourteen Russian cities to Simferopol and thirteen to Sochi. Carries out charter flights on request to Bangkok, Barcelona, ​​Burgas, Cam Ranh, Krabi, Larnaca, Heraklion, Palma de Mallorca , Phuket, Phu Quoc, Tenerife South, Ho Chi Minh City, Monastir, Djerba and other cities. The airline's fleet also included four Boeing 757-200s, three Boeing 767-300s, four Boeing 767-300s painted in the airline's corporate livery.

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