Home Emigration Bathing in hot springs in Bali. Batur and abang volcanoes, lake and hot springs

Bathing in hot springs in Bali. Batur and abang volcanoes, lake and hot springs

This is a very interesting place in the world, where you should definitely go. There are two volcanoes here - Batur and Abang (Gunung Batur and Gunung Abang), each 1717 and 3142 meters high. Near Mount Batur there is a lake of the same name, which was formed as a result of one of the volcanic eruptions and is the largest in Bali. But the volcano is still active and sometimes tremors occur here. It will take approximately 1.5 hours to climb to the highest point of the volcano.

In addition to the lake, there are hot springs here. Now I will tell you what it all is.

From Ubud it takes about 50 minutes to get to these volcanoes. The road is very good by Bali standards - there is little traffic and no traffic jams. Halfway through the journey, it started to rain, and we waited for exactly an hour in a souvenir shop near the school.

I was surprised how businesslike the schoolchildren here are, all with bikes. For example, a girl is carrying two other girls!

The same souvenir shop where we waited out the rain.


As we approached the volcanoes, a guy waved to us. He said that there are police on that road, and if you don’t have a Balinese driver’s license, they charge you a big fine. But if you take a different road, then it’s fine. And he offered to follow him. If a Filipino did this, then there would be no doubt that he just wants to help. But if this is a Balinese, then it’s immediately clear that this is some kind of scam. As a result, along the way he tried to take us to some restaurant, and in a very intrusive manner. Then he took us to the hot springs, where entry costs 150,000 rupees per person (481 rubles). And for hot springs this is simply an inadequate price! This is because part of the money goes to the person who brings tourists here. And a hot spring is some kind of nonsense, not a spring... ordinary (the most ordinary!) pools, only with warm water. Moreover, it feels like they just heated ordinary water, because... it doesn't even smell like a natural spring. And the price is so high, because the water still needs to be heated: D We have never seen such shameful hot springs! Here they are, visible behind the trees.

And this is the entrance where payment is made.

But this impudent guy. Oh, he got really angry when he realized that we weren’t falling for his divorce!

By the way, the road to the springs is some kind of jackfruit paradise. There were so many of them there, an infinite number! Useless to anyone, so huge...

The area around.

We went down to Lake Batur. It certainly looked beautiful from above. Up close it's not the same.

Fishermen live on the shore here.

Then we stopped at grandma's for a snack of pineapples. This is the first time we try Balinese pineapples.

The price of pineapples is 7,000 rupees per piece (22 rubles).

Granny's fruit stand.

The pineapples were terrible. Not at all sweet, but even sour and pungent.

It turned out that almost all local residents here have their own hot springs. Granny took us to her daughter’s resort, where hot springs cost 50,000 rupees per person (160 rubles). Eh, it’s still not the same! Lying in some very ordinary pools under the scorching sun at a resort... I didn’t want this at all, but about the same thing that was in the Philippines.

So we moved on, enjoying the mountains and stunning nature in these places, so different from the nature in other parts of Bali.

Riding a scooter here is a great pleasure! The whole road to these volcanoes is amazing! A sight to behold!

It was here that we ate our fill of tomatoes and took them with us, which I wrote about yesterday.

And they saw a rainbow. And not just a rainbow, but its beginning!

Very good places. And the onion grows here.

And what a road! I already want to go there again! Once we finish eating the tomatoes, we will repeat the trip.

Here we came across a man selling paintings. At first he said the price was 200,000 rupees (640 rubles), but then agreed to 50,000 rupees (160 rubles).

Bali's hot springs are underground waters that come to the surface under the influence of seismic processes in the depths of volcanoes. There are several dozen such springs on the island, the bulk of which are concentrated in the east, north and northwest.

This article is devoted to a general description of sources. Here I will tell you about the features of this natural phenomenon, the types of sources, their sacred significance for the Balinese. You can learn more about each of them by going to the corresponding page from the list of attractions below.

The island has many beautiful corners, beaches, historical sites, cultural monuments and religious shrines. To view them, use the “Places by category” block. There all the attractions are collected in several sections. You are currently reading the "Hot Springs" category. To go to another section, just click on the title you are interested in. You can view all objects in the “All places” category.

Hot springs at the Batur Natural Hot Spring in Bali are a whole complex of reservoirs. The water in them heats up to 50 degrees, contains many minerals and sulfur, and has healing properties. Thermal pools are located in the east of the island, near the village of Toya Bung Kah, on the shores of Lake Batur.

In northern Bali, the Banjar hot springs (Ai r Panas Banjar, or Air Panas Banjar) are the most famous thermal complex. Local residents have known about these pools for several hundred years, but the infrastructure began to be built only in the 40s of the last century. Then the healing effect of water rich in sulfur compounds was discovered. Now the place is popular both among tourists and among the Balinese themselves.

Description of hot springs

The hot springs of Bali have been known since ancient times. Many local legends are associated with them, and the Balinese consider their waters sacred. In addition, it is a popular place among tourists. Many holidaymakers visit the thermal pools every day to swim in the warm water and relax.

Conventionally, all sources can be characterized by the following criteria:

  1. water color
  2. Types of sources
  3. Surrounding landscape
  4. Infrastructure and prices

Mineral composition and healing properties

The temperature in the hot springs ranges from 3 7 to 50 degrees. Its very action is beneficial for the body. Warm water improves blood circulation and metabolism; high temperatures have a beneficial effect on joints and relieve inflammation.

Another healing factor of the springs is mineral salts. Under the influence of hot water, they penetrate better into skin pores and capillaries. Vapors saturated with minerals have a positive effect on the respiratory tract.

Local sources contain the following chemical elements and compounds:

  • Sulfur and its salts (sulfates)
  • Calcium and carbonates
  • Bromine, iodine, magnesium, sodium and other trace elements
  • Radon

Due to the high sulfur content, there is a strong smell of hydrogen sulfide near many springs. This element is useful in the treatment of skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis), it relieves joint pain, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and has antiseptic properties. Sodium and calcium salts have a positive effect on the respiratory tract, skin, and blood circulation.

Another valuable element of hot springs is r adon. It enters the water from volcanic rock, which lies deep in the depths. Radon is radioactive, but its content is so low that the radiation doses are microscopic and cannot harm. On the contrary, they have a positive effect on the body.

Under the influence of radon, joint inflammation, nervous fatigue and stress are relieved, and blood flow improves. Radon can cure urological and gynecological diseases, alleviate bronchial asthma, and relieve allergies.

The mineral composition affects the healing properties of water. If you really want to improve your health, you should find out about it first. It is important to understand that after one bath the effect is almost invisible or very unstable. Some people note a decrease in pain, a slight improvement in skin condition, and a surge of strength. But to get rid of the disease or alleviate its course, you need to take a course of 5-10 baths.

water color

Pool water can be:

  • Almost transparent. This indicates a low level of trace elements; the smell of sulfur is almost not felt here. Such sources are more suitable for relaxation than for treatment.
  • Yellow-green. Hue characteristic of sources rich in sulfur
  • Milky cloudy, with a yellow or green tint. Such hot springs not only contain a lot of sulfur, but also contain large amounts of calcium.

After swimming in some springs, yellow-green or white stains from settled salts may remain on your clothes. Stains are difficult to wash off, so it is better to take old swimsuits with you.

Types of sources

Depending on the location where the sources are located, they can be divided into the following types:

  • Temple baths
  • Thermal spas
  • Private pools in villas and hotels
  • Private swimming pools near villages

Hundreds of years ago, temples began to be built around the springs. It was in these places that the first swimming pools and even water supply systems were built. Believers came here to be healed, gain strength, wash themselves in sacred waters from sins and receive blessings from the gods. Bathing in hot water is still part of the religious ritual.

There are always a lot of local residents near the temple springs, especially during major Hindu holidays. The pools in these places are decorated very beautifully, in the traditional Balinese style, some were built more than a hundred years ago. In some places, tourists are not allowed at all, or entry is limited during temple ceremonies. I advise those who are looking not only for physical pleasure or the healing effect of bathing in a thermal spring to come here, but also for spiritual cleansing.

With the development of tourism, thermal resorts began to appear on the island, which have nothing to do with religion. They are modern complexes with developed infrastructure. Some are accessible to everyone, others are located in villas, hotels, and are accessible only to guests. There are also small private springs where you can swim alone or in a small group. They are located near villages.

Surrounding landscape

Sources can be located in completely different places. But most often they have the following environment:

  • Tropical gardens
  • Rice terraces
  • Foothills of mountains and volcanoes
  • Shores of lakes or rivers

Any of these places is very beautiful. And near the temple springs you can also admire ancient architecture and mystical Balinese sculptures.

Infrastructure and prices

Entrance to most hot springs is paid. Prices depend on their type:

  • Thermal resorts - 100,000-15,000 rupees (the price includes the use of changing rooms, showers, towels, sun loungers, sometimes the price includes drinks at the bar or lunch)
  • Temple springs - 1,000-20,000 rupees or voluntary donations
  • Small private springs near villages - Rs 10,000-15,000
  • Private sources in hotels - the price is included in the price of accommodation

The level of services near thermal springs is also different.

Conventionally, they can be divided as follows:

  • Developed infrastructure. There are well-equipped swimming pools, a modern water purification system, shower, toilet, locker room, cafe or restaurant, slides, playgrounds, rental of towels, sun loungers and other accessories.

    The island of Bali has a large number of attractions. One of the most memorable and enjoyable trips is visiting the geothermal springs and Batur volcano. Often a tourist does not have enough vacation to visit all the interesting corners of the island, so express tours have been specially developed that allow you to get a lot of impressions in a short time. So, what can you see in Bali?

    Thermal springs in Bali

    Geothermal springs are hot underground waters coming to the surface. This natural phenomenon most often occurs at the foot of active volcanoes. The water is heated by hot tectonic rocks and, under the influence of pressure, comes to the surface. Its temperature ranges from 37 to 50°C. The water of hot springs is saturated with minerals, salts and gases.

    Natural hot mineral water baths in Bali have been used since Japanese colonization. If previously the pools were used to treat the highest military ranks of the Japanese army, now they have become public knowledge. The baths, which are already 100 years old, are decorated with stone carvings of dragons and other mythical creatures.

    On the map of Bali you can see three large geothermal springs, but there are many more small ones on the island. Many of them are located on the territory of temples in the impenetrable jungle, so most tourists do not even know about their existence. Temple baths are a shrine - Buddhist monks bathe in them.

    Water composition

    The color of the water depends on the mineral composition. There are pools with almost clear water with a low salt content. It does not smell, is more pleasant to look at, but its healing properties are minimal. It may seem that the water in some baths is cloudy and dirty, which puts off spoiled tourists. In fact, the water in good resorts is ozonized, so the likelihood of catching an infection here is minimal.

    A yellow-green color indicates a high content of sulfur compounds. Milky-cloudy with various shades indicates a high content of sulfur and calcium. This water is most beneficial for the body, although it may leave stains on clothes. To avoid ruining good clothes, it is better to wear old swimsuits to the pools.

    Many tourists expect miraculous healing after bathing. But after one bath, the effect will be unstable and unnoticeable. To really see positive changes in your body, you need to go to the baths regularly. A slight relief of the disease and a decrease in pain can be observed after at least 5-10 procedures.

    The water of Balinese springs is saturated with radon, a radioactive gas released from the bowels of the earth. For a long time, medicine could not establish its benefits for the body, considering it harmful. However, in microdoses, radon procedures cure diseases and strengthen the immune system. Radon water is used for inhalation, bathing and drinking. Radon springs in Bali are made possible by volcanic activity and the occurrence of uranium ore and radium.

    What are the sources?

    1. Temples - were built near religious buildings hundreds of years ago. Believers used the pools for sacred bathing - it supposedly washed away sins and also healed the body. Nowadays, bathing in temple waters is still part of the religious ritual. During the holidays, many people gather in the local baths.
    2. Resorts - appeared at a time when the island was first opened to international tourism. Such geothermal sources have nothing to do with religion and are equipped with the latest technology.
    3. At hotels - accessible to guests only.
    4. In villages, they are usually small and little-known. There is no infrastructure here, but there are also no crowds of tourists.

    Popular hot springs in Bali

  • Batur - located near the lake of the same name. Consists of several outdoor swimming pools. In the immediate vicinity of the baths there are changing rooms and a cafe serving chicken and rice, fried plantains and other Indonesian dishes.
  • Air Panas are the best on the island. Located in the northern region of Lovina. Consist of three public swimming pools and one private. Each of them has a different temperature and depth. The average water temperature is 37°C, it is rich in sulfur compounds. The water in the pools looks greenish-gray and smells of hydrogen sulfide. The water from this source helps in the treatment of rheumatism. In the vicinity of the resort there is wild nature, there is the village of Banyar Tega. Those interested can order a massage with aroma oils, milk baths, treatments with herbs and mud. There are restaurants serving Balinese cuisine and serving Indonesian wine. The resort is well maintained and suitable for families with children.
  • Arlinas is the golden mean for those who care about price, but want to relax comfortably at geothermal springs. In 2017, the entrance fee is IDR 75,000 per person. There are not as many people here as on other sources. There are two pools with warm water, one with cold water and one with very hot water.
  • Air Sanih is a garden resort with many hot springs. Located 6 km from Kubutambahan. Tourists can stay in bungalows; there are changing cabins and restaurants near the pools.

Indoor hot springs

Peshterny has its own geothermal spring, inaccessible to tourists. Only local residents and monks can bathe with sacred water. Balinese people come here to heal physically and spiritually. In the outer temple courtyard there are pools lined with red bricks. They are divided into men's, women's and for monks. Modern Balinese prefer not to take a dip, but to wash themselves with sacred water. Views of this temple are often placed on advertising brochures telling about holidays in Bali.

Entrance prices

Most thermal baths have a fee. The cost of visiting depends on their type:

  • Private sources at hotels - the price is included in the cost of living.
  • Small springs near villages - from 10,000 to 15,000 rupees. Here you will find practically nothing except the baths themselves.
  • Sources at temples - from 10,000 to 20,000 rupees, sometimes voluntary donations. These baths have basic services, but no cafes, restaurants or entertainment.
  • Full geothermal resorts - from 100,000 to 150,000 rupees. The service package includes the use of a shower, changing room, toilet, towels, sun loungers, and sometimes lunch and drinks at the bar.

Why choose a one-day tour to Bali?

A visit to the Balinese hot springs is included in the Bali day tour. This trip is convenient for those who have little time, but want to see the main attractions of the island. This is a small journey that involves only you and your loved ones. Such an express tour has many advantages:

  • You do not depend on others, you do not need to wait for anyone.
  • You can stop and take photos at any time.
  • The tourist himself chooses one of the proposed routes.
  • You don't need to make a route, look for transport and cafes.
  • The price of the excursion includes tickets to parks and temples.
  • The tour is conducted in Russian, the guide will answer all your questions.
  • A tour of Bali costs from $30 to $78, which is inexpensive for such a rich program.

The cost of the tour depends on the package of services provided and the places chosen to visit, meals and transfers, so check it in advance. The tour must be paid in Indonesian Rupiah or via PayPal. The payment method is agreed upon with the manager after processing the application. To book a tour, fill out the online form on the website.

There are hot springs in Bali in several places on the island. We heard about 2 such places - the hot springs at the foot of the Batur volcano and the hot springs in Singaraja Air Panas in the north of the island. On our first visit to the island, we never got to the volcano, so we never visited those springs, but we did on our second visit. But on our first visit, after our visit, we had a great desire to go further through the center of the island; we were very impressed by the stunning nature in the center of Bali - serpentine roads in the mountains, when you can touch the clouds with your hands - we were absolutely delighted. Therefore, we remembered that we had read about hot springs not far from Lake Bratan, and since we were already here, we decided not to miss such a wonderful opportunity - we found a place on the map, got on a bike and rushed off!

  • On your own by car or moped

In Bali it is very convenient to get everywhere on your own, the roads on the island are good, renting a moped is inexpensive. That's why we rented a bike and went to the hot springs on our own. Singaraja is located in the north of the island and is washed by the Pacific Ocean. The road is not close; we spent about 4 hours on the road from our hotel in Kuta, Bliss Surfer Hotel.

  • As part of an excursion or by renting a car with a personal driver

Excursions here are not often, but just like renting a moped in Bali, renting a car with a personal driver is common. In this case, it is best to find a couple more people to make the trip around the island cheaper. Typically, you rent a car with a driver for the whole day, stopping at many attractions along the way. For example, hot springs in Singaraja can be combined with a trip to, visit, climb trees in the park and take a walk in the botanical garden.

Our visit to the hot springs at Singaraja. My impressions and review.

As soon as we left, the weather turned from sunny and clear to rainy. And rain in the mountains is not at all the same as rain on the coast, I tell you. In the mountains, even in sunny weather, it is much cooler, probably 22-24 degrees, and the higher you go up the mountains along the serpentine road, the colder it becomes. At the same time, don’t forget about the speed of the bike - that’s the only way the wind blows! We were also hit with rain; we were lucky that it wasn’t torrential, but it soaked almost all of our clothes, and thanks to the wind, we drove with our teeth chattering. Locals were driving around us - attention, in down jackets! At first we laughed at them, and then we wouldn’t refuse the jackets ourselves. But all these inconveniences were brightened up by the wonderful nature - for the first time in our lives, we were riding a bike on our own high in the mountains, right in the clouds! The clouds were already below us, we saw how high we were going, it was definitely breathtaking! After about 40 minutes of such a refreshing drive, we began to slowly descend along the serpentine road again to the coast - there was warm air and yes, the Pacific Ocean! Although the maps say that the Bali Sea is located here, it is open and opens into the ocean. The Pacific Ocean turned out to be much calmer here than the Indian Ocean. But we never saw a single beach where we could swim in the Pacific Ocean. We passed a place called Lovina - here you can see dolphins at dawn. There was not much time left before sunset, only about four hours, and we still had to go back across the entire island to Kuta. And now we approach our destination and see the hot springs in Bali in Singaraja.

The entrance cost 3 thousand rupees per person - this is very cheap compared to the hot springs at Batur - where the entrance costs 150 thousand rupees per person. It’s just a less touristy place, but no less beautiful. And there weren't many people here either. To be honest, I had a hard time imagining how we would still swim in hot springs in this heat? It was so hot outside, the weather was sunny again without a single cloud in the sky. So, as it turned out, the hot springs in Singaraja have 3 levels - that is, 3 different levels of water temperature. We, like all normal people, started from the first level - small pools with water that smelled strongly of hydrogen sulfide and had a greenish tint. The first pool was small, you could only sit or stand in it under the running water.

Then we smoothly moved to the second pool. It was so hot that it was impossible to walk barefoot from pool to pool - your feet burned, just so you understand :) The second pool was the largest in area, in some places the depth reached 1.70 m, and here you could safely swim, which is what we did. The water turned out to be not hot at all, but very pleasant to the body.

Well, in conclusion, we went to the third and last pool with the hottest water - it also turned out to be small, the most you could do in it was sit or walk. We stood under the streams of water, sat in the pool and imagine, after leaving the pool on the street, it seemed to me that it was cool outside! Although it was just as hot! Just like that :)

After visiting the hot springs, you can go to the shower - it is located on the street in full view of everyone - so, only in a swimsuit, friends! Everyone was staring at us and constantly wanted to take pictures.

In the photo to my left you can see the first level of the hot springs, behind me is the second level and a little higher is the third level.

We had a great time here, got ready and went back. There were a couple of hours left before sunset and we realized that we would most likely have to drive along the serpentine roads in the mountains in the dark and cold. And since our clothes were wet—I had a spare one, but my husband didn’t—on the way back from Singaraja we stopped at the local Hardys supermarket—there are several of them on the island—and bought my husband an Olympic sweater. We had a little snack and rode our bike back. This jacket came in handy for my husband and saved him at least a little from the cold, we drove through the serpentine road and then it was already warmer, and somewhere around the mountain serpentine road we also managed to stop by the Git-Git waterfall! As always, decisions were made on the road and quickly - we decided, let’s go! What is the problem! We really liked the waterfall, the only thing is that we did not swim in it, since it was getting dark and the coolness was already felt, but I will write about this in the next article.

Helpful information

  1. Entrance to the hot springs costs 3000 rupees per person

Hotel deals in Kuta

Hot springs in Bali "Air Panas" in Singaraja on the map

Read other articles on the island of Bali:

Hot springs at the Batur Natural Hot Spring in Bali are a whole complex of reservoirs. The water in them heats up to 50 degrees, contains many minerals and sulfur, and has healing properties. Thermal pools are located in the east of the island, near the village of Toya Bung Kah, on the shores of Lake Batur.

On this page you will find a detailed description and photo of the mountain springs near Lake Batur, find out how to get to them from the southern resorts, and what to see nearby. I will also give some useful tips for visiting this attraction.

Due to its close location to the Batur volcano, the water in the pools is rich in sulfur and minerals; it has a good effect on the skin, relaxes muscles, treats nervous diseases and even infertility. The high temperature of the springs helps reduce joint pain.

Thermal springs are popular not only among tourists. People from the surrounding villages have long come here to be healed. When the island began to turn into a popular resort, the springs were equipped with a modern plumbing system.

This is the main attraction of Kintamani. In general, the entire area is a huge caldera, which was formed tens of thousands of years ago as a result of the collapse of a huge volcano. Today Batur is one of the most popular places in Bali. Thousands of tourists climb here. The route to the top is not difficult; even an unprepared person can overcome it. As a rule, the ascent begins late at night in order to be at the crater by dawn. From the top of Batur there is a stunning view of the surrounding area.

This is the largest lake on the island. It also appeared after the collapse of the volcano. For local residents, the lake is a source of fresh water and fish. It attracts tourists with its beauty and the opportunity to ride on boats, canoes and kayaks. It is noteworthy that the water level in Batur never changes. The Balinese believe that the goddess Dewi Danu protects it, so even in severe drought it remains full of water.

On the opposite bank from the springs there is a settlement of one of the most ancient peoples of the island - Bali-Aga. They avoid contact with other people and still worship pagan gods. You can only get to the village by water, since there are no roads to it. Tourists are attracted by this inaccessibility and the mystical spirit of the attraction. Another interesting feature of the villagers is that they do not bury their dead ancestors, but leave their bodies near the sacred tree. Surprisingly, even several months after death, corpses do not emit an unpleasant odor.

Opening hours: 07:00-18:00

Ticket price:

  • For an adult 15 0 thousand rupees
  • For a child – 75,000 rupees
  • For an adult with lunch – 200 thousand rupees
  • For a child with lunch – 120 thousand rupees

Near the entrance there is a small room with lockers where you can leave things. After the pool, you can take a shower - outdoors or indoors.

Local residents, especially women, prefer to plunge into the water in T-shirts and shorts. Most tourists swim in swimming trunks, closed or open swimsuits. You can dress as you feel comfortable. The only thing is that I would advise not to take the newest swimsuit. Water leaves white and yellow stains that are difficult to remove.

You can get a towel from the staff of the complex, but if you are not sure about its cleanliness, you can bring your own. Soap and shampoo will also be provided for you. It is prohibited to use them in the pool - they are intended for showering.

So, you need to have with you:

  • Swimsuit
  • Comfortable shoes (rubber slippers, flip flops)
  • Towel (optional)
  • Soap and shampoo (also optional)
  • Sunscreen (the sun when swimming can burn your face).

It is best to come to the mountain springs early in the morning. After ten o'clock there are a lot of people here, especially on weekends when locals flock to the pools. During peak times, it is difficult to get to the pools; you will have to wait in line for at least 5-10 minutes for a massage under running water or a shower.

As for the season, the best time to visit is spring. The garden around the springs awakens, the air is filled with the aromas of tropical flowers. During the rainy season, Bali can be cold, especially in the mountains where the springs are located. In the mornings it is foggy and damp; not everyone likes to swim in such weather. Although the feeling of the temperature contrast is quite interesting. Taking a dip in a hot spring after freezing on the way is very pleasant.

It is better to plan the trip for the whole day, because the road from the southern part of the island alone will take you at least two hours. Even better, it’s difficult to come here for a couple of days and rent a hotel room near the springs. Moreover, in addition to the thermal complex, there are other attractions here.

Hot springs near Batur will appeal to those who like to soak in a warm bath and relax. Water will help relieve stress from acclimatization at the very beginning of your vacation on the island. Even 1-2 visits relieve joint pain, make the skin soft and smooth. People with very sensitive skin should not go there. People with heart disease are not advised to take a dip in the hottest pool. Thermal springs may not appeal to you if you are wary of public baths.

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