Home Emigration Where they won't let you in. Visa contradictions: which countries “don’t like” each other

Where they won't let you in. Visa contradictions: which countries “don’t like” each other

Today we will talk about ten interesting places on the planet where you may not be allowed in very soon. Wonders of the world for tourists.

Pyramids. Giza, Egypt.

It was in the last century that tourists managed to take pictures not only at the pyramids, but also on their peaks, now this is out of the question. Giant structures have long lost their decoration, and if the Egyptians had not closed access to a large surface of their walls, then millions of tourists constantly crowding there would have razed the pyramids to the ground and taken away for souvenirs. Now you can climb a little (20 meters) only one of the pyramids, and even then only at certain hours. And around everything is hung with signs prohibiting any climbing, and as soon as you get closer to the treasured wall, a guard instantly appears and pulls you back. And from the end of this year, access to the tomb of Tutankhamen will be completely closed. The approach to the famous Sphinx is also fenced. And this is just the beginning: gradually the tourists are shown less and less, and perhaps soon we will be able to admire the pyramids only from afar.

The capital of the ancient Nabatean kingdom is now wholly owned by one of the Bedouin tribes, and the king of Jordan officially has no power there. And if a few decades ago it was a hard-to-reach attraction due to the lack of infrastructure, now it has become inaccessible for many tourists due to prices: the Bedouins constantly increased the cost of entrance tickets, now bringing it to almost 100 euros. Given that the flow of tourists is still large, they may well increase this amount several times more. They argue that the monument is being destroyed, and therefore it is worth at least limiting the number of visitors in this way.

The ancient Indian city of Agra has many interesting sights, but most tourists come there solely for the sake of the elegant tomb of the Taj Mahal. The number of travelers is so high that it has become a threat to the safety of the monument, so the Indians have already introduced strict control at the entrance: you will be checked not only for the absence of explosive devices, but also all plastic bottles and plastic bags will be taken away - garbage in the vicinity of the monument has become a serious problem. Now there is talk of completely blocking the entrance to the tomb for tourists, and then it will no longer be possible to see the most beautiful inlays of precious stones on marble, you will have to be content with those outside.

Just a few years ago, anyone could swim in one of the unusual limestone natural baths of Pamukkale, they only had to pay an entrance fee to the complex. But recently the Turks came to their senses: there were so many tourists that very soon the fragile terraces could disappear from the face of the Earth. Therefore, in 2007, Pamukkale was closed for reconstruction, and when it was completed a couple of years later, it turned out that walking is now allowed only along fenced paths, and for swimming in the most famous Cleopatra bath, you need to pay 25 Turkish lira extra. But this was not enough for the Turks: now there is talk of completely banning tourists from entering the travertines.

Eiffel Tower. Paris, France.

Whatever time you decide to visit the Eiffel Tower, there is always a huge queue, and often it encircles the supports several times and even stretches to the Trocadero. In the general chaos and confusion among thousands of foreigners and hundreds of blacks selling souvenirs and poking you in the face with iridescent turrets, you can hardly make out that you can climb to different levels - the higher, the more expensive - and the top one is often closed. But still remember that the iron madam was built only for the exhibition and after it had to be dismantled. Therefore, despite the fact that it is constantly being reconstructed, fears are regularly expressed that it is difficult for it to endure such an influx of tourists and it would be necessary to significantly limit this flow.

Big Ben, London. UK.

What is the most popular symbol of Great Britain. Perhaps nine out of ten people will remember the famous Big Ben tower, and many, having arrived in London, dream first of all of seeing this silhouette with their own eyes, without which not a single English textbook can do. However, Big Ben could not withstand the influx of tourists. The tower has already deviated by about one and a half meters and after a while it may even collapse on the English Parliament. At the moment, the British forbade foreigners from entering. And the citizens of Great Britain themselves can see the national symbol from the inside only by submitting an application via the Internet about ... a year before the intended visit. If this continues, the children of the current inhabitants of London will be completely deprived of such an opportunity.

Stonehenge. Great Britain.

The strange stone slabs continue to attract tourists even after access to them has been restricted. And now you will no longer be able to walk between the boulders, touch with your hands and (according to some) be charged with miraculous alien energy. Now you can look at the ancient monument only from afar, from a special path, a step to the left or right from which is considered a crime. But it seems that tourists will soon lose the opportunity to see Stonehenge altogether: strange slabs threaten to cover with a roof and lock them up - there are such conservation projects!

Venice is not only slowly and inevitably sinking into the water. The stones of its squares are trampled by millions of tourist feet, monuments are literally erased from billions of hands touching them, waves from huge cruise ships and even from small ships (when they number in the thousands) wash away the shores. Not surprisingly, in recent decades, city officials have been constantly puzzling over the dilemma: how to limit the number of tourists, but not lose income from guests. One of the projects that may still be implemented is to ban visitors from visiting this city on their own, introduce a certain number of special group passes and sell them at crazy prices.

The city of the Incas, located at an altitude of 2450 meters, according to most travelers, is the main thing for which it is worth going to Peru. And you need to hurry, because the government of the country is seriously discussing the issue of limiting the number of tourists from a few thousand to a few hundred a day, and then you will have to wait years for permission to enter. The thing is that the number of guests is constantly increasing and the ancient walls cannot withstand such a load. If nothing is done, sightseers will destroy the entire complex in less than a couple of decades.

Statue of Liberty. New York, USA.

It is again impossible to admire New York from the observation deck from the Statue of Liberty. Since the beginning of the new century, it has been constantly closed for various reasons. If earlier in the season at the height of summer up to 20 thousand people a day were in the womb of Freedom, now no one has such an opportunity. First, in 2001, access to the top was blocked due to the September 11 attacks. Having improved security systems, in 2004 the Americans allowed tourists to admire the city from this point, but until 2009 it was still impossible to visit the crown of a giant lady. And so, in 2010, the symbol of New York was again completely closed for general repairs. The city authorities promised that the monument would be equipped with new stairs and elevators and that tourists would be allowed back in, but who knows if the government decides to conserve the Statue until better times in order to save it from strangers and preserve it for posterity?

Israel and Arab countries

Arab countries adhere to a special access regime for those who have visited Israel. No one will ever be allowed into some countries with Israeli stamps in their passports. These countries include Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen and Sudan.

At the same time, you can enter Egypt, the UAE, Tunisia, Morocco, and Jordan with Israeli stamps.

The boycott is one-sided, so after visiting Arab countries they will still be allowed into Israel. However, a traveler with, for example, Iranian or Syrian visas will have problems at the Israeli border. According to tourists, border guards always interrogate for a long time those who have visited Arab countries, and such interrogation can take from 2 to 6 hours. After this, tourists are usually allowed to cross the border.

Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia

It is best for Russians who have visited Sukhum or Lake Ritsa not to go to Georgia. According to the law “On Occupied Territories”, foreigners face liability for visiting Abkhazia or South Ossetia by bypassing Georgian checkpoints.

Previously, liability was only criminal - up to imprisonment, but recently, in May 2013, the Georgian parliament voted to reduce the punishment.

If the amendments are adopted, then for the first such violation, Russians will face a fine of 400 lari (about $250). However, the second violation will already be punishable by punishment up to imprisonment.

Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh

The same risk applies to tourists who decide to travel to Azerbaijan after visiting the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic or, conversely, who try to enter Nagorno-Karabakh after visiting Azerbaijan.

Nagorno-Karabakh, where ethnic Armenians live, is considered by Azerbaijan to be its territory, and Armenia is an independent state. In the 1990s, there was a full-scale war over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Any mark in the passport about entry into Nagorno-Karabakh can lead to big problems on the border with Azerbaijan. You may even be denied entry into the country.

Northern Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus and Greece

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is an unrecognized state, recognized only by Türkiye. Citizens of most countries around the world do not require a visa to Northern Cyprus. However, if you are stamped to enter there in your passport, and not on a separate form, you may have problems obtaining a visa to the officially recognized state of the Republic of Cyprus in the southern part of the island, as well as to Greece.

In fact, Cyprus was divided into two different states back in the 1970s. Today, Northern Cyprus is controlled by Turkish Cypriots, and their relations with the Republic of Cyprus and the Greeks are tense.

No matter how curious a traveler you are, there are places on the planet where you simply will not be allowed. They are located in different parts of the world and are closed to the public for a variety of reasons. These places range from ominous islands to mythical underground communications, but they all share an air of mystery. Below is a list of ten places on the planet, access to which is prohibited for ordinary tourists.

Lascaux Caves

The cave complex in southwest France is famous for its Paleolithic rock art. The age of these drawings is estimated at 17,300 years. They are some of the best preserved prehistoric rock art and consist mainly of images of large animals, most of which once lived in the area.
No matter how curious a traveler you are, you will not be allowed there. The caves have been closed to the public since 1963 because in recent years they have been under threat from unexplained, and only partially controlled, fungal invasions. Any human presence in caves is considered potentially destructive.

Poveglia Island

A small island located between Venice and Lido in the Venetian Lagoon in northern Italy. For centuries it served as a refuge, a place of exile, and a dumping ground for the sick and dead.
In 1348, the bubonic plague struck Venice, and like many other small islands, Poveglia became a quarantine colony. Fearing the unbridled spread of the disease, Venice exiled many citizens with symptoms of the plague. In the center of the island, the dead and dying were burned on giant pyres. These fires started again in 1630 when the Black Death swept through the city again.
In the 20th century, the island was again used as a quarantine zone, but in 1922 the existing buildings were converted into hospitals for the mentally ill. This continued until 1968, when the hospital was closed and the island again became uninhabited. Poveglia is famous for legends about ghosts - victims of the plague, as well as about a crazy doctor in a psychiatric hospital who allegedly tortured patients.
Today the island is closed to locals and tourists. It is also included in the ranking of the creepiest places in the world.

Vatican Secret Archives

The Secret Archives, located in the Vatican, are the central repository for all actions declared by the Holy See. The archives also contain government papers, correspondence, papal ledgers and other documents that the church has accumulated over the centuries. In the 17th century, under the orders of Pope Paul V, the secret archives were separated from the Vatican Library, where scholars had very limited access, and remained completely closed to outsiders until 1881, when Pope Leo XIII opened them to researchers.
The use of the word "secret" in the title "Vatican Secret Archives" does not indicate the modern meaning of confidentiality. Its meaning is closer to the word "private", indicating that the archives are the personal property of the Pope and do not belong to any special department of the Roman Curia or the Holy See.
In other words, you can view any document you want, however, you will not be able to enter the archive. To get acquainted, you just need to apply for a document and it will be provided.
The only documents you will not have access to are those that are under 75 years of age (to protect government and diplomatic information).

Church of Mary of Zion in Axum

The Church of Mary of Zion is located in Ethiopia in the city of Axum, Tigray region. They won't let you in because the church is said to contain one of the most important biblical objects - the original Ark of the Covenant, which is believed to have come to Ethiopia with Menelik I after he visited his father King Solomon.
Due to the sanctity and relevance of the ark, only a specially chosen monk has the privilege of entering the temple, and no one else is allowed to even approach.

Jiangsu National Security Education Museum

The Jiangsu National Security Education Museum in China is home to top secret documents about the history of Chinese espionage. It contains a range of documents and devices dating from 1927 (when the spy department of the Communist Party Central Committee was founded) to 1980. There is also a collection of tiny pistols, weapons disguised as lipstick, miniature cameras, hidden listening devices and other spy paraphernalia.
If you are not a Chinese citizen, then the path to the museum is closed to you, due to the fact that the Chinese do not want information about espionage to be exposed to foreigners. But photography there is prohibited for everyone, even citizens of the republic.

Niihau Island

Niihau is the seventh largest inhabited Hawaiian island. It has no paved roads. There are no shops, no restaurants, no electricity, no running water. Niihau Island has the only school in Hawaii, and perhaps the only one in the country, that relies entirely on solar energy to convert it into electricity.
Elizabeth Sinclair purchased Niihau in 1864 from the Kingdom of Hawaii and passed it on to her descendants, the Robinson family. In 1915, Sinclair's grandson, Aubrey Robinson, closed the island to most visitors in an effort to preserve indigenous culture and wildlife. Even relatives of residents could visit Niihau only with special permission.
Today, the island is generally off-limits to everyone except relatives of the island's owners, local residents, American naval personnel, government officials and invited guests.

Pine Gap

Pine Gap is the name of the area designated for the satellite tracking station. It is located approximately 18 km southwest of Alice Springs in central Australia. It is administered by Australia and the United States.
It is a large computer complex with 14 antenna radomes and a radar station that protect the antennas. The station employs more than 800 employees.
The location is strategically significant because it controls America's spy satellites, which are located over a third of the world, including China, regions of Russia, and the oil fields of the Middle East. Of course, you won't be allowed into Pine Gap.

Negev Nuclear Research Center

The Negev Nuclear Research Center is an Israeli nuclear facility located in the Negev Desert, approximately 30 kilometers southeast of the city of Dimona, Israel.
Its construction began in 1958. The object information remains highly classified. But in 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, a former technician, fled to the United Kingdom and provided the media with some evidence of Israel's nuclear program. He explained the purpose of each building and also showed the layout of the top-secret underground structure underneath the facility.
In January 2012, media reports indicated that the Israel Atomic Energy Commission had decided, at least temporarily, to close the research center's reactor, deeming the site vulnerable. In October and November 2012, it was reported that Hamac launched missiles at the Negev, but did not damage the site.
The area around the facility is strictly guarded.


Ise-Jingu is a temple complex, the main Shinto shrine of Japan, located in the city of Ise. Consists of two main shrines, access to which is strictly limited. The only person who can enter is a priest or priestess from the Japanese imperial family. The general public is allowed to see little more than the thatched roofs of the central structures, which are hidden behind four high wooden fences.


Metro-2 is a secret underground metro system in Russia. Presumably, it was built, or at least started, during the time of Joseph Stalin. It was codenamed D-6 KGB. Hypothetically, Metro-2 is still managed by the Main Directorate of Special Programs and the Ministry of Defense.
The length of Metro 2 is rumored to exceed the length of the public metro. It supposedly has four lines that run 50–200 m underground. The metro connects the Kremlin with the main office of the FSB, the Vnukovo-2 government airport, the Ramenki district and other places of national importance.
In 1994, the leader of a city group of diggers claimed to have found the entrance to this underground system. Unfortunately, all available information is speculative and is not confirmed by videos, documents or photographs. But there are also people who say that they helped build this subway, and city speleologists claim that they “saw” Metro-2, but there is no clear evidence. Even if the underground system exists, you still won’t be allowed in there either.

There is nothing more desirable than the forbidden, and today we will show you forbidden places on our planet, where even the richest inhabitants of the Earth are not allowed to enter. Bunkers, mysterious zones, entire islands and underground laboratories - all this arouses considerable interest and is surrounded by a lot of different exciting stories.

1. Snake Island

Located in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Snake Island is very close to the shores of Brazil. This is the only place where one of the most poisonous snakes on our planet, the island botporse, lives. To save their population, the island was closed forever.

However, when imposing the ban, the authorities thought not only about the endangered species, but also about people, because visiting this place can be fraught with serious consequences - there is at least one snake per square meter.

2. World Seed Vault

A huge bunker located in Norway. Its depth reaches 140 meters, and the security equipment is simply impressive. And for good reason, because about one hundred thousand million seeds of various crops are stored inside. The storage facility was created in case of some serious disasters that would be global in nature. Each country has its own section.

3. Qin Haun Tomb

Discovered back in 1974, the tomb of Emperor Qin Huang has never been opened. There were many activists who opposed its discovery, citing the fact that during excavations, things invaluable to science and history could be destroyed or damaged.

4. Surtsey Island

It is located near Iceland and was formed due to the eruptions of several underwater volcanoes. It has existed since 1963 and has an area of ​​no more than 3 square kilometers. Its occurrence aroused considerable interest among scientists from all over the world. Surtsey Island is a clear model of how life arose on our planet, and in order not to interfere with this process, entry is closed to outsiders.

5. Area 51

Until 2013, the US government carefully denied any facts or rumors about a certain Area 51, claiming that there was nothing of the kind in their country. Now, this is the most closed and mysterious military base on the planet. It is located 135 km from Las Vegas and is an ideal place for testing both new weapons and new military developments. According to unconfirmed information, the zone was formed at the site of the crash of a spaceship of alien origin, and because of this, they tried so hard to hide it from the whole world.

6. Sentinel Island

It is located off the coast of India and is closed due to the aborigines living on it. They have not yet been touched by civilization, so the Indian government decided not to interfere in the life of the tribe. But even when a powerful tsunami occurred that covered the island and helicopters were sent from the mainland to provide assistance, the natives showered them with a hail of arrows, which only confirmed their position not to interfere in their lives in the future.

7. Lascaux Cave

A unique natural phenomenon located in France. On the walls of the cave there are unusual and unique drawings that are more than 17 thousand years old. For a long time, the Lascaux cave was an excellent place for excursions, but soon the images began to disappear. It was possible to establish that the reason for this is carbon dioxide exhaled by humans, so the cave was closed from visits.

8. Morgan Island

There is a rather dangerous place off the coast of South Carolina and it is Morgan Island. It is home to about 5 thousand monkeys of the same species. They got here through the efforts of people from Puerto Rico, and if initially some were infected with herpes, now every primate is a carrier of the disease. People are strictly prohibited from appearing on the island, as this can cause subsequent diseases.

9. Vatican Secret Archives

The Pope possesses an incalculable amount of literature, which is included in his private archive located within the walls of the Vatican. The length of the racks alone is 90 kilometers. According to information, which, unfortunately, cannot be confirmed, about half of the books and materials are collections of occult literature from all over the world.

If you think freedom to move around the world is a reality, think again. There are places in the world where you will definitely never go - neither for money nor for beautiful eyes. From secret military bases to religious sites, these places are on the list of the most closed and forbidden to visit.

RAF Menwith Hill, a military base in Harrogate, England. This unusual complex of buildings and spherical structures provides communications and intelligence support for Great Britain and the United States. The base is so huge that it is called the largest electronic monitoring station in the world. Each satellite (large round spherical objects) is believed to be part of the Echelon system, a classified network used to spy on private and commercial communications.

Bohemian Grove. Resembling the set of a cult thriller, Bohemian Grove is 2,700 acres of countryside somewhere in the Monte Rio, California area. The land is owned by a private San Francisco art club known as the Bohemian Club. Every summer the club hosts two weeks of events in the forest for the most influential people on the planet. This all looks extremely suspicious.

Secret archives of the Vatican. This is not just an old library, but a Vatican library! Only a few people have access to these treasures. But don't worry: if you want to read a book (and they all belong to the Pope), they will send you a copy by email. Very modern!

Lascaux Cave, France. This cave is located in the southwest of France, and in fact it is a complex of caves, famous throughout the world thanks to the rock paintings of the Paleolithic era, which are more than 17.5 thousand years old. At one time the caves were open to visitors, but now they had to be closed to preserve the drawings.

Pine Gap, Australia. This military base is considered the Australian equivalent of the American Area 51. It is located in Central Australia. It is run by the government and the CIA. This is the only place in the country over which aviation flights are prohibited. The base is used as a monitoring center. It is unknown what exactly they are monitoring there, but, according to some sources, several combat drone programs are managed from Pine Gap.

Moscow Metro-2. This is a secret underground transport system that operates in parallel with the regular metro in Moscow. The system was built during the reign of Stalin under the code name D-6. When asked about the existence of this system, the FSB provides neither confirmation nor refutation. According to some reports, there are four routes at a depth of 50 to 200 meters, directly connecting the Kremlin with the FSB building on Lubyanka, the government airport and the underground complex in Ramenki.

Room 39 (Bureau 39), North Korea. This is a secret organization whose only job is to find ways to obtain foreign currency for Kim Jong-un. It was founded in 1970 and was considered the main agent of the so-called “court economy”. Very little is known about Room 39, but it is believed to have over 20 accounts in Switzerland and China that are used solely for money laundering and other illegal transactions. There are also rumors that the organization is involved in drug trafficking and illegal arms trafficking. The secret organization controls more than 130 trading companies owned by Kim Jong-un. The headquarters is located in the Workers' Party building in Pyongyang.

Mezhgorye, Bashkiria. It is believed that this place is a secret nuclear missile base. Two battalions are permanently stationed here to drive away uninvited guests. The base has automatic ballistic missiles that can be launched remotely in the event of a nuclear strike, which is detected by light, pressure and seismic activity sensors.

"Club 33" in Disneyland, Florida, USA. This inconspicuous door at Disney's largest theme park is the entrance to an exclusive members-only club. How to get there? First you need to find it. It is located in the New Orleans Square area. But you can’t just walk in: the door is open only to club members, including US presidents, leaders of large companies and actors. But there is still a loophole: club members can bring friends and partners with them. All that remains is to make friends with the president.

Area 51, USA. This is perhaps the worst kept secret. Area 51 is an American military base in Nevada approximately 80 miles northwest of Las Vegas. In the center of the base is a large military airfield. According to insiders, the main purpose of the base is the research and development of experimental aircraft and weapons. The strangest thing is that the American authorities do not recognize its existence, contributing to the development of speculation, up to the version that it is used to study UFOs and aliens.

Church of Mary of Zion in Axum, Ethiopia. This church is closed to visitors: it is believed that it houses one of the most significant biblical objects - the Ark of the Covenant, which, according to legend, was brought to Ethiopia by Menelik I from his father, King Solomon.

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