Home Emigration What is Ponton? Entering the sea from a pontoon - what is it? What are pontoons?

What is Ponton? Entering the sea from a pontoon - what is it? What are pontoons?

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl

Ponton, French one of the light, collapsible boats (leather, canvas, etc.), serving in the army for quickly setting up bridges. Pontoon bridge. Pontoon companies. Pontoner serving on pontoons. Pontoner, pontooner, pontoon, in general, related. to this matter. Pontoner, pontooner.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Pontoon, -a, m. I. A flat-bottomed, non-self-propelled vessel that serves as the support of a temporary bridge, temporary structures for some. works on water. Dock on pontoons.

Floating bridge. Point across the river. || adj. pontoon, -aya, -oh.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov

PONTON, pontoon, m. (French ponton).

A flat-bottomed composite boat (see semi-pontoon), serving as a support for temporary bridges, as well as for crossing rivers (special).

Floating bridge. Set up the pontoon.

Hollow box or cylinder, used. when lifting something from the water. sunken (special).

A disarmed military ship that served as a military prison (obsolete).

In recent years, vacationing in has become very popular among our fellow citizens. Egypt attracts tourists with its luxurious resorts on the Red Sea, hot weather, sandy beaches and warm sea.

But not all Egyptian beaches always have direct access to the sea from sandy beaches, since the coastline is replete with coral colonies that can injure a person. Therefore, entry into the sea is often carried out from so-called pontoons. And if in Hurghada a lot of beaches have a sandy entrance to the sea, then in Sharm el-Sheikh this is very rare.

So what does it mean if in the hotel description you find that the entrance to the sea is from a pontoon? Pontoon- This is essentially a floating bridge through which you can enter the sea immediately to depth, passing a line of corals, stones or other obstacles. This is something similar to a pier, but without piles.

But in this situation you need to be able to swim, because the depth at the end of the pontoon, where the entrance to the sea, can be several or even tens of meters. So, someone who cannot swim or is afraid of depth may not like this option, but do not worry too much, because the water in the Red Sea is very salty. The salt content in the Red Sea is several times higher than in the Mediterranean or Black Sea, and you can float on the water only by moving your arms and legs slightly.

Entering from a pontoon has other advantages. Walking along the pontoon, you can observe the colorful underwater world, fish, and corals. But at the same time, you should follow the safety rules and not touch them with your hands, because beautiful fish and corals can be unsafe, so it’s best to just watch them.

Yes, and if you still decide to enter the sea from the beach, and not from the pontoon, you must wear special shoes on your feet - the so-called coral slippers, which will help you protect your feet from injury.

Have a pleasant holiday and bright impressions!

Pontoon- non-self-propelled craft. Typical pontoons consist of a deck and modules that keep the structure afloat: barrels, plastic pipes, reinforced concrete structures. Often several pontoons are used at once by connecting them. Modularity allows for a wide range of applications for these floating craft.

Design Features

As mentioned above, the design of a pontoon is very simple, but there are different types of pontoons that are slightly different from the original design.

Plastic pontoon

Perhaps the cheapest type, besides homemade ones. Such pontoons do not have a deck, instead the surface of plastic blocks fastened together. Even a child can install a pier from such pontoons.

Inflatable pontoons

Instead of solid containers, inflatable oblong cells are used on the deck or around the perimeter. These are often used in construction on water or laying pipelines. Their huge advantage is the ease of moving from reservoir to reservoir.

Parachute type pontoons

Such flotation devices are teardrop-shaped inflatable bags. When using several of these bags, a load is suspended from them. Such pontoons are used for rigging work at great depths.

Scope of application

To establish crossings.

Due to the lightness of their design, as well as their modularity, pontoons are used for establishing pontoon crossings. Depending on the length of the reservoir, the required number of sections is selected. During ice drift, the sections can be removed ashore. Pontoons are also used in the army due to their simplicity, versatility and low cost. The engineering troops are armed with a pontoon-bridge park, PMP. They are capable of making crossings weighing 170 tons in a few tens of minutes, depending on the length!

For the construction of berths.

The same advantages can be considered when constructing a berthing line for ships. Thanks to the same modularity, it is possible to ensure safe mooring of ships in the shallow and high water seasons.

As a vehicle

In river navigation conditions, pontoons can also be used as a means of transport. Of course, it is much more convenient to use a barge, but in the absence of barges, pontoons are often used for the same purposes. This is not always convenient and safe, but it still performs its functionality. In addition to cargo, pontoons are also used for tourism. Thanks to the simple design, a pontoon can be built without specific skills and knowledge. And if you attach a boat motor, you will get a makeshift vessel for 3-4 people for tourism.

Legal part

According to the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2005 No. 500, non-self-propelled vessels are subject to registration with the GIMS. But is a pontoon a ship? According to the Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation dated March 7, 2001 No. 42-FZ: Vessel - a self-propelled or non-self-propelled floating structure used for navigation purposes, including a mixed vessel, river - sea, navigation, ferry, dredging and bottom cleaning equipment, floating crane and other technical structures of this kind. So whether a pontoon needs to be registered depends on the application.

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Meaning of the word pontoon

pontoon in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


French one of the light, collapsible boats (leather, canvas, etc.), serving in the army for quickly setting up bridges. Pontoon bridge. Pontoon companies. Pontoner serving on pontoons. Pontoner, pontooner, pontoon, in general, related. to this matter. Pontoner, pontooner.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


pontoon, m. (French ponton).

    A flat-bottomed composite boat (see semi-pontoon), serving as a support for temporary bridges, as well as for crossing rivers (special).

    Floating bridge. Set up the pontoon.

    Hollow box or cylinder, used. when lifting something from the water. sunken (special).

    A disarmed military ship that served as a military prison (obsolete).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    A flat-bottomed, non-self-propelled vessel that serves as a support for a temporary bridge, temporary structures for some kind of purpose. works on water. Dock on pontoons.

    Floating bridge. Point across the river.

    adj. pontoon, -aya, -oe.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    A vessel that serves to support heavy objects on the water (cranes, piledrivers, etc.) or serves as a support for floating bridges.

    Floating bridge.

    A device used to lift sunken ships.

    outdated A disarmed deck ship that served as a place of detention and a means of transporting prisoners of war.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


PONTON (French ponton, from Latin pons - bridge) a flat-bottomed, non-self-propelled vessel with or without a deck. There are metal, inflatable, reinforced concrete, etc., used for lifting sunken ships, as floating supports for floating bridges, components of pontoon bridges, berths, ferries, etc.


(French ponton, from Latin ponto ≈ flat-bottomed vessel, bridge on boats, from pons ≈ bridge), the simplest non-self-propelled vessel, usually with steep sides and a flat bottom, with or without a deck. To reduce resistance to water flow, the boat may have bow or stern contours. Ribbon bridges (see Military bridges) or floating supports for floating bridges and transport ferries are formed from bridges by connecting them to each other using coupling devices. P. are the main elements of ferry-bridge structures of pontoon parks. Floating berths are also assembled from P., on which cranes are installed. P. is used for raising sunken ships (see Ship lifting) and guiding deep-seated ships through shallow water channels. P. began to be used for the first time at the beginning of the 17th century. in the Dutch army, and then in other armies. Modern inflatables are made of metal (steel or light alloys), inflatable made of rubberized materials, and reinforced concrete.


Pontoon (watercraft)

Pontoon- a watercraft that serves to support heavy weights on the water or serves as a support for floating bridges. The pontoon is designed to form a berthing line at mooring bases. Since the pontoon is structurally a non-self-propelled craft with positive buoyancy, it can be used as a floating base for a variety of floating structures in the sea or river industry, for example, a floating dock, a floating crane, a mooring structure, a floating restaurant, a floating hotel, etc. In the 17th-19th centuries, a pontoon was considered as a floating structure for formation of crossings, and the employee at the pontoons was called pontoon boat. A typical version of the simplest pontoon is two interconnected hollow, sealed barrels.

The term was also used by German tankers to refer to tanks with attached armored screens of a characteristic shape, and then was successively transferred to cars of the 40s and 50s with rounded wings.

Pontoon (in tank building)

Pontoon- sealed internal floating roof for vertical tanks in order to reduce losses of petroleum products from evaporation, improve environmental and fire safety.

Pontoon (in automotive industry)

Pontoon (from German Ponton)- a design element characteristic of many cars of the forties and fifties and formed by fused front and rear wings with a single top line.

Sometimes (especially in the unofficial name of a number of passenger Mercedes models produced in 1953-62, made in this style - Mercedes-Benz in the bodies W120, W121, W105, W128, W180 “Ponton”, see. rice. 1) - the car body itself with fused front and rear wings.

This name comes from the German language. It may have been caused by the external resemblance of such vehicles to German tanks from the Second World War with armored screens hung on the sides of the hull, which were nicknamed “Ponton” by tankers, as they vaguely resembled real pontoons.

Pontoon line- the top line of the wings on such cars.

In the 1950s, the pontoon line was often combined with a belt line, for example, on the same Mercedes-Benz “Ponton”.

In North America, the meaning of this term in an automotive context is completely different from the generally accepted one, and "Pontoon Fenders" there usually refers to the individual fenders of some pre-war cars, the rear of which was not adjacent to the body, as usual, but was made in a pointed teardrop shape or in the form of a symmetrical rounded body .

Examples of the use of the word pontoon in literature.

Aleshin's shells raised water near pontoons, something vague and long slantingly rose into the air and fell into the smoke.

Boxes with bricks, coal, bags of potatoes, heavy parts of windmills were transferred from the holds to pontoon, the boat was dragging pontoon to the shore among the ice floes, then dumping the cargo onto tractor sleds, dragging the cargo to the coastal slope.

A huge number of transportation means and pontoons was in full readiness.

That is why such traps are placed along the river for single swimmers: the logs are firmly linked together in a chain and form a kind of semicircular pen, into which the lonely swimmers are sent, forming pontoons.

“We won’t think,” Gilchevsky responded to this, “but we’ll just check with our neighbors - once, we’ll check with the corps headquarters about pontoons, - two, and finally we will open fire tomorrow morning to break through passages, - three, - that’s all.

Taking advantage of the fact that the superstitious old Breton man began to wrap a rope thrown from a river bus around a wooden stand, Juve disappeared with pontoon, finding it pointless to continue the conversation with a man who, apparently, had peculiar views on police methods of investigation.

The guns in the left-bank thickets still continued to fire, and the vanguard assault detachments of machine gunners of the 45th Infantry Division were already crossing the Bug in rubber boats and pontoons and broke into the Western and Southern islands of the Brest Fortress.

According to the developed plan, it was first planned to raise the boat to a depth of 48 m, by blowing out its ballast and fuel tanks, as well as ship lifting tanks. pontoons, and then tow it to the shore until it touches the bottom, after which repeat the entire operation to a depth of 30 m and only then finally raise the boat to the surface.

With this arrangement pontoons it was possible to lift the boat 25 m above the ground, and then tow it to the shore until it touched the bottom.

In their intelligence data, they had long informed the command of the 4th Army that the Germans had concentrated a large number pontoons on the Tigoda River, which flows into the Volkhov River in the Gruzino region.

At a time when the Germans were already shelling and cordoning off this bank of the Donets and people from this bank, distraught, fled along pontoons to the other side and fought at the descent to pontoons and in dozens and hundreds they swam to the other shore - Valko, cutting the waves with his strong hands, swam to this shore.

While construction was underway at the port pontoons, divers began sealing the engine room of the boat, sealing doors in the bulkheads, hatches and valves of pipelines and exhaust pipes.

And when pontoon, having stood on its edge and dropped the cannon into the water like an earring from an ear, it nevertheless capsized and covered the human mess with already wrinkled, empty rubber. Erofey and Rodion were happy: they were not blinded, they did not grab onto this ruinous floating carcass.

And left rear pontoon, like a huge metal leg, kicked the light inflatable boat like a soccer ball.

But at that moment two chains broke and pontoons had to be sunk to relieve the load on the remaining chains and allow the divers to reattach the two that had broken.

Pontoon (French ponton, from Latin ponto - flat-bottomed vessel, bridge on boats, from pons - bridge)

the simplest non-self-propelled vessel, usually with steep sides and a flat bottom, with or without a deck. To reduce resistance to water flow, the boat may have bow or stern contours. Ribbon bridges (see Military bridges) or floating supports for floating bridges and transport ferries are formed from bridges by connecting them to each other using coupling devices. Pontoons are the main elements of ferry-bridge structures of pontoon parks (See Pontoon park). Floating berths are also assembled from P., on which cranes are installed. P. is used for raising sunken ships (see Ship lifting) , guiding deep-sea ships through shallow waterways. P. began to be used for the first time at the beginning of the 17th century. in the Dutch army, and then in other armies. Modern inflatables are made of metal (steel or light alloys), inflatable made of rubberized materials, and reinforced concrete.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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