Home Russian citizenship Blue yellow what flag. Flag of Romania

Blue yellow what flag. Flag of Romania

Symbols of the state - 1.
What do the banners call for? Flag colors

Text: "Political propaganda", 11.07. 2014

As soon as the symbols associated with the DPR and Novorossiya appeared - flags and coats of arms - their design seriously hurt my eyes. It seemed that they contained no meaning, but a complete scam, and here’s why.
Firstly, they were launched outside of some more or less formulated ideology, concept or philosophy, but only as a sign of imitation of modern Russia and the orientation of political processes towards modern Moscow. Which is not yet seeking to overthrow oligarchs such as Akhmetov and Yanukovych locally, that is, in the DPR. For some reason, they come to an agreement with the oligarchs, they are pampered and cherished, although they also did a lot of damage to the Donbass during their “reign” both in the economy and in the political sphere.
Secondly. this heraldry with paraphernalia was pulled out of whatever caches you win, put together somehow and rather arrogantly, by some forces, was proposed as a state one. Although under it it is proposed not only to live and fight, but also to die for present and future militia fighters.
So I propose, first, to consider what the colors on the banners mean, which are so actively imposed on the Donetsk People's Republic and Novorossiya.

I'll start with DPR flag. It is clear that the three-color background of this banner should refer to the “tricolor” of the flag of the Russian Federation, with only one color replaced - white by black. Everything seems to be clear, but let’s define where it “came from” and what the “white-blue-red” Russian flag means.

About the meaning of flowers

Now let's go through the colors and immediately start with white. Explanations on the Internet regarding the use of this color can be found in a variety of ways. I won’t philosophize too much and let’s see what Wikipedia offers regarding white. "The white clergy in Orthodoxy is a non-monastic clergy. The color of surrender and truce, the color of purity or mourning." What can come first in the flag of the Russian Federation? The power of white people is unlikely, since in Russia there are neither “blue” nor “red” peoples or races. Or is it the power of the white and blue “Dynamo” over the red and blue “CSKA”? Sometimes you can find an interpretation on the Internet that this is the color of faith, God (whose, really, is unknown?), etc. And someone claims that white is the color of White Rus', which became part of the Russian Empire - and even this far-fetched explanation requires mention.

Blue: color of the sea, royal color (in Europe), spirituality (Christianity), color of the Virgin Mary and the feminine. "Blue natural dyes are among the rarest, so they were especially highly valued." You can also recall the definition of “blue blood”, which was usually used in relation to aristocratic circles and. It turns out that the introduction of blue into the Russian naval flag, and then the state flag, was initially caused by imitation of the maritime monarchies of Europe: Holland, Great Britain, France, etc.? Another version, which associates the color white with Belarus, defines this color as the color of Little Russia, although it is not at all clear why.

Red: the color of blood (due to the content of hemoglobin), passion, war, courage (as opposed to the femininity of blue), courage, attention, love. In the Russian language, this color is also associated with emphasizing beauty and importance - Red Square, red line, red maiden, etc. If we continue the opposition along the line of the warm and cold part of the spectrum, then, comparing red with blue, in addition to the opposition “Yang-Yin” ( red is masculine and blue is feminine), we can add that since blue is the color of the sea, red can indicate the color of land. Thus, it turns out that red is the color of tellurocracy, i.e. a type of civilization that develops predominantly continental spaces, in contrast to thalassocracy, which develops sea and coastal zones. Now let us remember the current description by some would-be patriots of the Russian tricolor as a unification of the three parts of Rus'. So the color red is attributed to Great Russia.

White-blue-red combination

Now I will begin to put forward version after version of what could mean a combination of white, blue and red colors, arranged in exactly the same order as on the modern Russian state flag.

1. Imitation of the ensign of the Dutch navy, when the colors were borrowed for the first Russian warship "Eagle", built in 1668. The Dutch merchant Johann van Sweden, who participated in organizing the construction of the ship, submitted to the Tsar “A painting of what else is needed for the ship’s structure, in addition to what has now been bought overseas,” in which he asked to release kindyaki (fabric) for the manufacture of flags, while specifying that « and all those kindies like the Great Sovereign will indicate with flowers, only on ships"Which state the ship is, that state has the banner." Those. the flag is stupidly alien and borrowed for some unknown reason, the main versions of which may be the lack of imagination or the Dutch lobby under the Russian monarch.

2. The primacy of the church (white monasticism) over human principles, and the feminine dominates over the masculine. That is. the passive principle dominates the active one, “Yang” submits to “Yin”. Roughly speaking, the flag programs the population for behavior in which women rule over men and at the same time regularly run to church.

3. From a geopolitical point of view, the red color ranked at the bottom may mean that relationships and expansion along the sea are more important than expansion towards mainland spaces. Those. We are friends with the Hanseatic cities, Europe, the Americas, and leave our people for later.

4. The version of the trinity of Belarus, Little Russia and Great Russia - it seems like the first two are not part of the Russian Federation, but it turns out that Russia not only remembers them, but also puts these two territories on its own head? It's some kind of bullshit, honestly.

5. Well, if you delve into the interpretations formulated by the Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher in 1923 in his color test, you get a rather interesting layout that will require quite a lengthy citation. So, red color is an expression of vitality and the height of vegetative excitation... It is an impulse, a vital will to conquer and potency, ranging from sexual instincts to revolutionary transformations... This is "impact willpower" as opposed to green as "exertion of willpower." In time, the red color corresponds to the present time, symbolically full of the strength of masculinity, directed upward, to phallic forms and fire as a spiritual flame, for example, the flame of the holy spirit of the Trinity. Red seeks to penetrate, transform and conquer.
“Blue” attachment becomes painful, masochistic and is accompanied by painful feelings due to failures in love. The dark blue color represents peace free from irritation.
In the case of a combination of these two colors, red - as sexual desire, and blue - as tender satisfaction, complement each other and create erotic harmony.(Wow! So, such a combination offers relaxation and pleasure? For example, from borrowing other people's colors and symbols).
The combination of blue and red also expresses a conflicting combination of multidirectional tendencies - high motivation to avoid failure and motivation to achieve. A pronounced tendency towards immediate self-realization collides with an equally high tendency to avoid conflicts and increased control over one’s feelings and behavior. Balancing each other, these tendencies create an outwardly harmonious behavioral pattern, which is fraught with physiological disorders.

Of course, it is unlikely that the flag of an entire state can characterize the psychological state of the entire people; rather, it paints a psychological portrait of the person who selected the colors for this flag. But anyway!)))
And further. If the tricolor from the 17th century was an imitation of the Dutch naval ensigns, and was used the vast majority of the time as the banner of the merchant fleet of the Russian Empire, then what can it today symbolize as the state flag of the Russian Federation, if not securing the highest priority in the state for trading?

Donetsk tricolor - what is it about?

So, on the Donetsk cloth, instead of white, there is black. Very solemn and sad, damn it. Either the flag is trolling feminists, demonstrating mourning for the predominance of the feminine over the masculine. Either he denies the presence of all of Belarus in a single union with Russia, since the lands of the Pinsk principality - the south of modern Belarus - were called Black Russia. Either the flag demonstrates an anarchic beginning followed by regular orgasm. In general, you can’t figure it out without half a liter. The official interpretation of the DPR flag on Wikipedia is as follows: “The black color symbolizes the fertile land of Little Russia and the coal of Donbass. The blue color symbolizes the spirit of the people and the waters of the Azov Sea. The color red symbolizes the blood shed for the freedom of the people.” If anyone has been to the Sea of ​​Azov, especially in the Mariupol area, he can confirm that it is quite difficult to see blue water there. Non-believers abandon the image search and, among the abundance of grey-green, yellow-green and gray waters, count on their fingers natural and non-Photoshopped images with the blue color of the water surface.

Flag of the Don Army Region: on top - “blue” Cossacks, in the middle - “yellow” Kalmyks, below - “red” Russians (downtrodden peasants, or what?). It turns out that Cossacks and Kalmyks can “lie” at the basis of the Ukrainian nationalist flag, the “zhovtobljaka”?

One could assume that the DPR tricolor is also based on the history of the neighboring Don Army Region. On May 4, 1918, at a meeting of the “Circle for the Rescue of the Don”, chaired by Ataman P.N. Krasnov, the Basic Laws of the All-Great Don Army were considered. The laws also stipulated the symbolism of the Don:
“Article 48. Three nationalities have lived on the Don land since ancient times and constitute the indigenous citizens of the Don region - Don Cossacks, Kalmyks and Russian peasants. Their national colors were: among the Don Cossacks - blue, cornflower blue, among the Kalmyks - yellow and among the Russians - scarlet. The Don flag consists of three longitudinal stripes of equal width: blue, yellow and scarlet.” Please note that Russians are associated in this scenario with a red stripe, but the question now is different: which blacks not only replaced the Kalmyks in the DPR tricolor, but also “sat” on the head of the Cossacks? Or is it the color of miners coming out of the mine after their shift on the way to the bathhouse?

The black stripe in the DPR flag is generally perceived rather ambiguously. You can also quote Max Lüscher's manual: “Black is the darkest color. In black the concentric direction of dark colors is completed until the final point. Black is the absolute border where life ends. Therefore, the color black expresses the idea of ​​"nothing". Black is negation in relation to affirmation, which reaches its highest point in white as absolute freedom (hence impeccability). The banners of the anarchists and nihilistic unions were black."

Now a little about history of the creation of the DPR tricolor. This flag was first invented for the public organization "Donetsk Republic", which, with a certain assumption, can be called the heir of the Donbass Intermovement - an anti-nationalist organization that existed in Donetsk in the 1990s. Some would-be patriots believe that the black-blue-red tricolor repeats the flag of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic. However, historian Vladimir Kornilov, who (like his brother Dmitry Kornilov) devoted more than one article to the history of the DKR and even published a book dedicated to the history of the creation of the disgraced republic, states:

The DPR flag hung upside down on the barricades repeats the flag of the Donbass Intermovement. The colors are easy to read - at the top there is a red and blue stripe, taken from the flag of the Ukrainian SSR, and at the bottom (as it should be, underground) there is a black color, symbolizing coal.

“One of the myths associated with the DKR is its flag. With the help of the public organization “Donetsk Republic”, created in the wake of the “orange” events of 2004, a legend began to actively develop on the Internet that the DKR allegedly had a black-blue-red flag. Then “authoritative experts” were found who stated that they knew for certain that in 1918 a red-blue-black banner was used. And in many Internet sources this flag is cited in all seriousness as the flag of the DKR. In fact, this tricolor was the flag of that very “Intermovement of Donbass” in the late 80s - early 90s. This banner, in fact, during the heated debate around what flag an independent Ukraine would have - blue-yellow or red-blue - was proposed as the flag of Donbass. The logic was simple: the red and blue flag of Ukraine and a black stripe symbolizing Donetsk coal. Then someone turned this flag over - and this “historical banner of the DKR” appeared.
The Donetsk Republic in 1918, of course, could not have had any other flag other than the banner of Soviet Russia. As we will see below, the founding fathers of the DKR never thought about separating from the Russian Federation and planned to become its autonomous subject. That is why the flag was used exclusively red (however, at that time the red flag was common to almost all social democratic organizations; it was used in 1917 at Ukrainian rallies, along with yellow and blue). Not a single document has survived that indicates that the leaders of the DKR even debated the issue of symbolism - this did not cause any controversy among anyone.”

Is a bad example contagious?
The adoption of the tricolor as the state flag of the DPR broke the dam of creativity of would-be designers. According to the principle “the first to stand up, the slippers”, a vector was set for the “fantasy” of artists and heraldists. It must be said that the vector turned out to be limited, and the fantasies did not shine in breadth and scope. As if from a cornucopia, similar striped “mattress” banners fell out for the new republics - former regions of Ukraine.

Even for the Kyiv Republic, a banner with a gray color at the top was invented, which, apparently, symbolizes the color of “firefighter pants” and denotes the bulk of the population.
The flag of the Nikolaev Republic is also quite specific, because its background is stolen from Estonia, and turned upside down so that no one would guess. The Kherson Republic decided not to make a flag, because the residents of Kherson don’t give a damn whether they have a flag or not. And in general, they are still sleeping, if anyone doesn’t understand.)))
But the Dnepropetrovsk Republic, at least by a third, tried to push the majestic purple color. Apparently, the “royal” dynasties (from Brezhnev to Kolomoisky) are still sprouting there.
Lugansk People's Republic, announcing contest for the flag of the Republic, received a bunch of options in which oblique and straight crosses were played out, and a littered “Y” a la the South African flag, but only one resembled the flag of Soviet times - a red cloth with a blue stripe like the flag of the USSR, but without sickle, hammer and star. Are you afraid, citizens, or are you ashamed to draw strength from the past?

"Flag of Novorossiya"

A misunderstanding called the “flag of Novorossiya” is now actively spreading across the Internet. The flag of a certain Mikhail Pavliv, a “Donetsk-Kiev political scientist” with the Carpathian form of the Russian surname “Pavlov”, is all filled with Masonic symbols and borrowings from the flag of the USA and other powers of the “developed West”. Omitting for now the details of the “coat of arms” of Novorossiya and the tsatseks with which the local double-headed eagle is hung (for we will consider coats of arms in the continuation of the material), I will dwell for now on the color combination of the background. As you can see, the red banner is actually torn or crossed out with an oblique St. Andrew's cross, which, apparently, the author considered a very cool move. In history you can find several analogues of such coloring of panels.

The first that comes to mind is the banner of the slave-owning South of the United States, which was actively used by the Confederate States of America during the Civil War of 1861-1865. Today it is widely used by bikers, for whom the meaning of life lies in sex, drugs, rock and roll and motorcycles.

Then you can remember the flag of the Military Operations Department of Centrobalt. Approved by order of the Supreme Maritime Collegium No. 1 dated December 5, 1917. Canceled March 4, 1918.

Stern war flag of the Far Eastern Republic. Approved by a decree of the government of the Far Eastern Republic dated August 1, 1921. Canceled by a resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee dated August 29, 1924.

There will also be a mention of the jack and the serf flag of the USSR Navy. Established by a resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated August 29, 1924. Canceled by a resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated July 7, 1932.

The next similar flag is the flag and fortress flag of the Russian Navy, which has been put into circulation since 2001 and is still in use today.

In general, in Okontsovo, the union of the newly proclaimed lands, striving to secede from Ukraine, ended up with the flag of the Confederate States of New Russia, fortresses and bikers of the South of Russia? Another question: the blue cross crossing out the red background - does the feminine cross out the masculine or where? Then it turns out that the flag depicts yin, yang and crap. More precisely, how yin screws up yang. Or are they proposing to put all of Novorossia under the thumb of the Russian Navy with the St. George Cross (which is straight white) taken away? It turns out that there is simply no justification for this colorful “Novorossiysk” ensign with an oblique cross.
Here is the critical analysis one of the picky Internet users gave to the flag of Novorossiya:
As for me, it completely sucks. Firstly, there are too many references to the USA (the Confederate flag, only without stars, although the eagle is two-headed, there are the same lightning bolts in its paw. In combination with the Confederate flag, the associations only intensify). Secondly, it is overloaded. The hammer and anchor don’t look right next to the paws at all, the eagle gets lost against the general background, there are a lot of elements and inscriptions. Which side of the Cossack is on the shield? Haven't you come up with anything simpler? Some kind of kitsch. It needs to be more concise. And these bells and whistles are not from a great mind. I can imagine what they would do to the coat of arms if they did this to the flag. Vanguyu - will not be popular...

Red banner

So, it turns out that historically the flag of the Donetsk Republic is more than characterized by red, which was the main color of both the flag of the RSFSR and the flag of the Soviet Union. Let's see that there is red on the Soviet banner. According to the Regulations on the State Flag of the USSR dated August 19, 1955 state lag “... is a symbol of the state sovereignty of the USSR and the unbreakable alliance of workers and peasants in the struggle to build a communist society.”

If anyone has forgotten what the Soviet flag should look like, transfer the dimensions onto fabric and paint it yourself!)))

The red color of the flag is a symbol of the heroic struggle of the Soviet people, led by the CPSU, to build socialism and communism, sickle and hammer mean the unshakable alliance of the working class and the collective farm peasantry. The red five-pointed star on the flag of the USSR is a symbol of the final triumph of the ideas of communism on the five continents of the globe."

Of course, spiteful critics can immediately begin to argue that the red color for the red banner was offered to the Soviet government almost by the Rothschild dynasty, which also treacherously allegedly imposed the color of its family coat of arms-shield on poor communist China. Home-grown monarcho-patriots may also be deluded by the fact that red is the color of the sacrificial blood shed by Jesus Iosifovich on the cross for sins; they may also remember the love of the Nazis of the Third Reich for this color. However, such experts can be safely sent on a walking journey to places not so distant, because otherwise all the scarlet banners of the Russian princes must be recognized as Nazi-Antichrist symbols.

In short, the Soviet red flag, compared to the tricolor and crossed flags of the DPR and Novorossiya, is simple, understandable, and historically justified. It is under this flag that we can begin not only transformations in society, but also mark a movement in unpacking cultural and historical experience in carrying out socio-economic transformations and full-fledged state building. In which there will be no place for either oligarchs or nouveau riche with all sorts of financial pyramids like MMM. And there will be a consolidation of the people. There will be a difficult present, but there will also be a cosmic, and not a slave-consumer future.

(To be continued)

Description of flags of countries of the world

Flag of the Republic of Abkhazia is a panel with four green and three white stripes, as well as a red rectangle in the upper left corner. It contains an open hand, personifying Abkhaz statehood (symbol of Abkhazia, known since the times of the Abkhazian kingdom). The seven stars above it symbolize the seven Abkhaz regions (seven historical regions, seven modern districts and seven cities). Seven is a sacred number for Abkhazians. The seven green and white stripes represent tolerance, allowing Christianity and Islam to coexist in Abkhazia.

Flag of the Commonwealth of Australia- one of the state symbols of the country, which is a rectangular blue panel with an aspect ratio of 1:2. The British flag is depicted in the upper left quarter. In addition, the Australian flag contains an image of six white stars: five stars in the form of the Southern Cross constellation on the right side of the flag and one large star in the center of the lower left quarter.

Flag of Austria adopted in 1919. Abolished in 1938. Restored as the state flag in 1945. The national flag of Austria is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 2:3, consisting of three equal horizontal stripes - top red, middle white and bottom red. Along with the flag of Denmark, it is considered one of the oldest flags in Europe.

Aspect Ratio Azerbaijan flag- 1:2. The flag is a tricolor panel (tricolor). Stripes (blue, red and green colors) located horizontally. In the center of the flag on the red stripe there is an eight-pointed star and a crescent. Both images are white. The blue color on the flag is a symbol of Turkic national culture, red - modern European democracy and green - Islamic civilization.

Modern Azores flag similar to the flag of Portugal (1830-1911). The only difference is that the Portuguese coat of arms was moved from the central part of the flag to its upper left edge, and a hawk, a symbol of the archipelago, was placed in the center. The name of the Azores comes from the Portuguese “açor” in translation - goshawk. The discoverers of the archipelago noticed a huge concentration of birds, which in appearance resembled one of the varieties of hawks. White and blue are the traditional colors of Portugal. The nine stars on the flag represent the nine islands of the archipelago.

Flag of Åland Islands has been the official symbol of the autonomous province of Finland since 1954. The flag of Aland is similar to the Swedish one, that is, it is a rectangular blue panel with a yellow Scandinavian cross. However, the yellow cross on the Åland flag is wider and a red Scandinavian cross is inserted into it. From 1922 to 1954, a blue-yellow-blue flag was used. It is now also used unofficially.

National flag of the Republic of Albania is a red rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 5:7 with a black double-headed eagle from the coat of arms of Albania in the center. The red color of the flag is a symbol of the blood of Albanian patriots, shed by them in the centuries-old struggle against the enslavers (primarily Turkish). The red banner with a black double-headed eagle was the banner of George Kastriot, known as Skanderbeg, the hero of the struggle against the Turks and the founder of an independent state in 1443. It is possible that the eagle on the banner was chosen by him, as a sign of the tradition according to which Albanians are descendants of the eagle. According to another version, the eagle was borrowed from the coat of arms of the Byzantine Empire.

National flag of Algeria consists of two vertical stripes of equal width, green and white. There is a red star and crescent in the center. The flag was adopted on July 3, 1962. It resembles the flag of the Algerian National Liberation Front and, according to some sources, was used by Abdel Kadir in the 19th century. White color symbolizes purity, green color is the color of Islam. The crescent moon is also an Islamic symbol.

Flag of American Samoa It is a rectangular panel divided into three triangles. The base of the white isosceles triangle coincides with the right side of the flag. The hypotenuses of two blue right triangles, framed by a red border, coincide with the sides of an isosceles triangle. An isosceles triangle contains an image of a bald eagle (national symbol of the USA, present on the Great Seal) holding a fouet with its paws (fly swatter), symbolizing the wisdom of traditional Samoan leaders, and the uatogi (war club), symbolizing the power of the state. Together, the fue and watogi symbolize peace and order under US control. Red, white and blue are the traditional colors of Samoa and the United States.

National flag of Anguilla represents blue (English) stern flag with the coat of arms of Anguilla in the free part. The three dolphins depicted on the coat of arms and flag symbolize friendship, wisdom and strength.

National flag of Angola consists of two colors in two horizontal belts. The upper belt is bright red and the lower one is black. Bright red - the blood shed by the Angolans during colonial oppression, in the liberation struggle and in defense of the Fatherland, black - the African continent. In the center is a composition consisting of a gear segment symbolizing workers and industrial production, a machete symbolizing peasants, agricultural production and armed struggle, and a star symbolizing international solidarity and progress. The gear, machete and star are yellow, symbolizing the wealth of the country.

Flag of Andorra is a rectangular panel consisting of three vertical unequal stripes of blue, yellow and red. In the center of the middle yellow stripe is the coat of arms of Andorra. This tricolor has been the flag of Andorra since the 19th century. Blue and red are the colors of France, and yellow and red are the colors of Spain: together they reflect the Franco-Spanish patronage of Andorra. In the center of the flag is a shield depicting the miter and crozier of the Bishop of Urgell and two bulls, symbolizing the joint government of France and Spain; red stripes on a yellow background are the colors of Catalonia. Motto on the shield: “Unity makes you strong” (lat. Virtvs Vnita Fortior). The flag was adopted in 1866.

Symbolism Antigua and Barbuda flag ambiguous. The rising sun represents in symbolic form the dawn of a new era. The black color indicates the African roots of the inhabitants. The red color symbolizes the energy of the people. Sequential coloring - yellow, blue and white (down from the sun)- sun, sea, and sand. The color blue is a symbol of hope and also symbolizes the Caribbean Sea. V-shape - symbol of victory (from English victory - victory).

Flag of Macau consists of a light green background with a lotus flower, stylized as the Governor Nombre de Carvalho Bridge, water depicted in white lines, above an arc of five golden five-pointed stars: one large in the center of the arc and four small ones. The lotus was chosen as the floral emblem of Macau. The Governor Nombre de Carvalho Bridge links the Macau Peninsula and Taipa Island. The bridge is one of the few recognizable landmarks in Macau. The water below the lotus and bridge symbolizes the position and importance of Macau as a port and its role in the territory and history. The five five-pointed stars follow the design of the PRC flag, symbolizing the relationship that binds Macau and the PRC.

Modern Argentina flag became state-owned in 1812. The flag design was proposed by Manuel Belgrano. It consisted of three horizontal stripes of equal width - the outer ones were painted light blue, the central one was white. In 1818, a yellow “May Sun” was placed in the center of the flag. (Spanish Sol de Mayo), symbolizing the Incan sun god and named after the May Revolution.

Flag of Armenia- state symbol of the Republic of Armenia. The flag is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top is red, the middle is blue and the bottom is orange. These colors have been associated with the Armenian nation for centuries. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1:2.

Flag of Aruba is a light blue field (called the "UN color" due to its similarity to the color of the UN flag field), along which there are two narrow parallel horizontal yellow stripes at the bottom of the flag, and a four-pointed red star in the upper left field of the flag. The star is bordered by a thin white stripe.

A model for the current Afghanistan flag served as the flag of 1930-1973. State authorities use a flag with a black coat of arms in the middle, but along with it there are flags with a coat of arms in white and yellow. The flag has three vertical stripes, where black is the color of historical and religious banners, red is the color of the supreme power of the king and a symbol of the struggle for freedom, and green is the color of hope and success in business. In the center of the coat of arms there is a mosque with a mihrab and a minbar, above which the shahada is written (“There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet”).

Symbolism flag of the Bahamas: The black equilateral triangle symbolizes the unity and determination of the Bahamians. Three horizontal stripes of equal width symbolize the natural resources of the islands: two aquamarine stripes (at the edges)- sea, golden stripe (in the center)- land.

Flag of Bangladesh is the official symbol of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. The current flag was adopted on January 17, 1972. The flag is a red disk on a green field. The disk is located almost in the center of the flag. The proportion of the flag is 3:5. The green color symbolizes Islam, the red circle symbolizes the rising sun as a symbol of independence.

Flag of Barbados is a rectangular panel (length to width ratio 2:3), vertically divided into three equal parts of blue, yellow and blue again. A trident is depicted in the center of the yellow part of the flag.

Flag of Bahrain- the official symbol of the state of Bahrain. The current flag was approved on February 17, 2002. The flag is a red panel with a white vertical stripe at the hoist, bounded by a zigzag on the right side. Proportion 3:5. Initially, the flag of Bahrain was red, as a reminder of the colors of the Kharijite Muslim sect. In 1820, when an agreement was reached with Great Britain, the flag received a white vertical stripe at the base, symbolizing the truce. In 1933, in order to distinguish the flag from similar flags of the region, a white stripe delimited by a zigzag was introduced. On land it is used as a state, civil and military flag, at sea - as a civil and military flag. Since 2002, the flag began to be depicted with five white triangles, which symbolize the five pillars of Islam.

Flag of Belarus- the official state symbol of the Republic of Belarus, one of the national symbols of Belarusians. It was adopted on June 7, 1995 based on the results of a referendum. It replaced the white-red-white flag used since 1991. Belarus is the only country of the former USSR that has restored the Soviet flag (with minor changes). The modern flag follows the pattern of the flag of the Byelorussian SSR, from which the Soviet symbols of the hammer, sickle and star have been removed, and the ornament is depicted in red on a white background (on the flag of the Byelorussian SSR the ornament was white on a red background).

National flag of Belize- adopted September 21, 1981. The flag of Belize in the previous version is called the flag of British Honduras (name of Belize during the colonial period). The flag of British Honduras was adopted on January 28, 1907, and this version of the flag was in use until 1919. In 1919, a new flag was adopted, which was the state symbol until 1981, when the independence of Belize was declared.

National flag of Belgium is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 13:15, consisting of three equal vertical stripes - black, yellow and red. These colors were traditionally the colors of the Duchy of Brabant. The shape is based on that of the flag of France, although the origin of the proportions is unknown.

National flag of Benin- originally adopted in 1958. It was changed in 1975 after the Marxists came to power, but after the restoration of the old regime it was re-adopted on August 1, 1991. The colors of the flag are traditional Pan-African colors: green, symbolizing hope, yellow, symbolizing prosperity, and red, symbolizing courage.

National flag of Bermuda differs from the flags of other overseas territories, which are characterized by the use of a blue English stern ensign. The flag of Bermuda is a red English maritime merchant ensign with the coat of arms of Bermuda at the lower right. The lion holds a shield depicting the wreck of the Virginia Company frigate Sea Fortune (eng. Sea Venture), which sank in 1609 off the coast of Bermuda. All of its passengers escaped, establishing the first settlement on the islands.

Flag of Bulgaria- one of the state symbols of the country, is a rectangular panel consisting of three horizontal equal stripes: the top - white, the middle - green and the bottom - red. Previously, the Bulgarian flag featured the coat of arms of Bulgaria in the upper left corner, but it was removed from the flag in 1991, in accordance with the new constitution of the country. The proportion of the flag was also changed from 2:3 to 3:5. Flag without coat of arms (in proportion 2:3) used as the trade flag of the People's Republic of Bulgaria. The flag consists of three horizontal stripes of equal size: white on top, green in the middle, red below. The first of them represents freedom and peace, the second - forests and agriculture, the third - the blood shed in the struggle for state independence.

Red color Bolivia flag symbolizes the blood of national heroes, sacrifice and love, yellow mineral resources and the Incas who were the first to use them, green eternal hope, development and progress. The flag of Bolivia has a coat of arms that depicts the symbols of dignity and independence - the condor, freedom - the sun and the republic - the Phrygian cap. The animal kingdom is represented by the alpaca llama, the mineral kingdom by Potosi Mountain, and the plant kingdom by breadfruit. The sheaf represents agriculture, the ten stars represent the ten departments of Bolivia plus one captured by Chile. Flags and weapons symbolize the will to prosper the country.

Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina approved on February 4, 1998. This flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of three presented to the parliament appointed by the UN High Representative. All flags used the same colors: blue is the color of the United Nations, but it was replaced by a darker one. The stars symbolize Europe. The triangle symbolizes the three main population groups of the country (Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs) and the outlines of the country on the map. After the declaration of independence in 1992, the approved flag of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was a white panel with the coat of arms of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina placed in the center - a blue shield with six golden lilies and a diagonal white stripe. During the Bosnian War, this flag was used by Bosnian Muslims and the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina in controlled areas. Currently the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina (popularly known as “flag with lilies”) used by Muslim national organizations, football fans of Bosnian nationality, as well as among Bosnian nationalists.

Blue color on flag of Botswana symbolizes the sky and hope for water, black and white - the majority of the people and national minorities.

Flag of Brazil It is a rectangular green panel with a yellow horizontal diamond in the center. Inside the diamond is a dark blue circle with 27 white five-pointed stars of five sizes, grouped into nine constellations. The circle is crossed by a white ribbon curved upward in the form of an arch with the national motto of Brazil written in green letters - "Ordem e Progresso" (port. “Order and Progress”). The constellations are shown on the flag as if they were seen in the sky over the city of Rio de Janeiro by an observer located outside the celestial sphere at 8:30 a.m. (12 hours sidereal time) November 15, 1889 - the day Brazil was declared a republic. Each of the 26 states and the federal district has its own star.

Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory- is a symbol of the British Indian Ocean Territory. The flag was adopted on November 8, 1990, however, it is still semi-official. The aspect ratio of the flag is 1:2. The crown and flag of Great Britain symbolize belonging to the United Kingdom, the winding blue lines represent the waves of the Indian Ocean, and the coconut palm symbolizes the main vegetation of the islands.

Flag of Brunei adopted September 29, 1959. The yellow color on the Brunei flag is traditional. The mast, bird wings, umbrella and pennant are symbols of power. The hands represent concern for the welfare of the people. The Arabic inscription on the crescent reads: “Eternal service to Allah.” At the bottom of the ribbon is another inscription: “Brunei is the abode of peace,” which is the motto of the small sultanate, which is included in the official name of the country: Brunei Darussalam.

National flag of Burkina Faso adopted on August 4, 1984, after a military coup (called revolution), who brought Captain Thomas Sankara to power (the latter also renamed the country Burkina Faso from Upper Volta and wrote the national anthem). The adoption of the flag was one of the episodes in the Sankara government's course towards a revolutionary break with the colonial past. The flag consists of two horizontal stripes, red at the top and green at the bottom, with a yellow five-pointed star in the middle. The red color symbolizes the revolution, the green color symbolizes the country's rich natural resources, and the yellow star is the leading light of the revolution. (later interpretation - mineral wealth). Additionally, green, yellow and red are also Pan-African colors.

Colors flag of Burundi symbolize the struggle for independence (red), hope (green) and peace (white). The three stars represent the national motto: “Unity. Job. Progress.".

At the national flag of Bhutan a friend is depicted (White Dragon) on a yellow and orange background. The flag is divided diagonally from the bottom of the staff, forming two triangles. The upper triangle is yellow, the lower triangle is orange. The dragon is located in the center and faces away from the shaft. This flag, with minor modifications, has been used since the 19th century. It acquired its current form in 1969 and was officially adopted in 1972. The dragon depicted on the flag symbolizes the local Tibetan name of Bhutan - the Land of the Dragon. He holds precious stones in his claws, symbolizing wealth. The yellow field symbolizes the theocratic monarchy, and the orange field symbolizes the Buddhist religion.

National flag of Vanuatu- adopted on February 18, 1980. The colors of the party flag of the Vanuaku party, which led the country to independence in 1980, were chosen as the basis of the national flag - red, green, black and yellow. The final version was chosen by a parliamentary committee from several proposals from local artists. The green color symbolizes the wealth of the islands, red - the color of the blood of people and pigs, black - the local inhabitants of Vanuatu. At the suggestion of the Prime Minister of Vanuatu, yellow and black dividing stripes were included. The yellow Y-shape symbolizes the light of the Gospel illuminating the Pacific Islands (in Vanuatu about 90% are Christians). A yellow emblem on a black background - a boar's tusk - a symbol of well-being, worn on the islands as a talisman, and two leaves of the local namele fern. The leaves are a symbol of peace, and their 39 leaves represent the 39 members of the Vanuatu legislature (at the time of adoption of the flag, the Vanuatu parliament consisted of 39 people).

Flag of the Vatican adopted on June 7, 1929 by Pope Pius XI in the year of the signing of the Lateran Agreements and the creation of the independent state of the Holy See. The flag was modeled after the flag of the Papal States (model 1808) and is a square panel consisting of two equal vertical stripes - yellow and white. In the center of the white stripe is the coat of arms of the Vatican (two crossed keys under the papal tiara).

Flag of the Great Britain- one of the state symbols of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is a blue rectangular panel with an image of a red straight cross in a white border, superimposed on white and red oblique crosses. The ratio of the width to length of the flag has not been officially established, but usually government agencies use flags with a width to length ratio of 1:2, and the army and navy use flags with a width to length ratio of 3:5.

Flag of the Hungarian Republic- one of the state symbols of Hungary. It is a rectangular panel consisting of three equal horizontal stripes: the top - red, the middle - white and the bottom - green. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3. Derived from armorial (livery) colors of the coat of arms of Hungary. The red color symbolizes the blood of Hungarian patriots shed in the struggle for Hungarian independence. White color is a symbol of moral purity and nobility of the ideals of the Hungarian people. Green color is a symbol of hope for a better future for the country.

Flag of Venezuela- this is a rectangular panel divided by three equal colored stripes (yellow, blue and red) with 8 stars in the center. The creation of the flag and the meaning of all its elements are closely related to the national liberation movement of the people of Venezuela from Spanish rule.

Flag of the British Virgin Islands- was adopted on November 15, 1960. This is a blue ensign with the Union Jack and the coat of arms of the British Virgin Islands with St. Ursula and 11 burning lamps. The civil flag is a red flag with the coat of arms of the British Virgin Islands. The red flag was mainly on the sides of ships. The Governor of the British Virgin Islands has a separate flag. This is a British flag with the coat of arms of the British Virgin Islands. This design is similar to the flags of other British Overseas Territory administrations.

Flag of the US Virgin Islands- adopted May 17, 1921. Consists of a simplified image of the Great Seal of the United States between the letters V and I (representing the Virgin Islands). The eagle holds a laurel branch in one paw and three arrows in the other, representing the three main islands of St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix. The colors of the flag symbolize the various natural features of the Virgin Islands - yellow (flowers), green (hills), white (clouds) and blue (water). The flag was created by artist Percival Sparks at the request of the American governor of the islands, Eli Kitel.

Flag of East Timor officially approved in 2002, but has existed unofficially since 1975, when the independence of East Timor was not yet recognized. At midnight on May 20, 2002, the UN flag was lowered and the flag of independent East Timor was raised in its place. According to the constitution of the Republic of Timor-Leste, the yellow triangle signifies traces of colonialism in the country's history. The black triangle means difficulties that need to be overcome. The color red means the fight for freedom. The star is a guiding light, the white color of the star is the world. The ratio of width to length is 1:2.

Vietnam flag introduced on November 30, 1955 as the flag of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, which then occupied the northern part of the country (Northern Vietnam). It depicts a yellow five-pointed star on a red background. The aspect ratio of the flag is 2:3. In 1945-1955, the outline of the star on the flag was slightly different. The star represents the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the color red signifies the success of the revolution, and the five points of the star are sometimes stated as workers, peasants, soldiers, intellectuals and youth. Since 1976, when South Vietnam officially united with North Vietnam - the flag of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

National flag of Gabon, adopted on August 9, 1960, is a rectangular panel divided into three equal horizontal stripes of green, yellow and blue. The design of the flag reflects the geographical location of Gabon. Green field (forests) and blue (Atlantic) separated by a yellow stripe - a symbol of the equator and the Sun.

Flag of Hawaii is a rectangular panel divided horizontally into eight stripes of the same size, symbolizing the eight main islands of the archipelago: Hawaii, Kauai, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Niihau, Oahu. Stripe colors(top down) : white, red, blue, white, red, blue, white, red. The flag of Great Britain is depicted on the top of the flag.

National flag of Haiti adopted on February 25, 1986. It is a two-color panel consisting of two equal horizontal stripes. The blue stripe is located at the top, the red stripe at the bottom. In the center of the flag is the coat of arms of Haiti on a white square: a palm tree covered with a cap of freedom, under the palm tree are battle trophies and the motto: “There is strength in unity.” The red and blue colors of the flag's stripes are derived from the colors of the stripes on the French flag. In this case, they act as a symbolic embodiment of the union of mulattoes and blacks. The Phrygian cap, placed on the top of a palm tree, is interpreted as a symbol of freedom.

On a green field(symbolizes nature and agriculture Guyana) red triangle(perseverance and dynamic character of the people in building an independent state) with black edging(resilience of the country's people in the face of difficulties) at the base of the flag, inscribed in a yellow triangle(wealth of mineral resources) with white edging(rivers and water resources of the country) , symbolizing an arrow.

National flag of Gambia was adopted on February 18, 1965. It is a panel with three horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is edged with two narrow stripes. The original idea for the flag came from Gambian artists, but the design was developed by the London Stamp Board, L. Tomasi. The top stripe is red, the middle stripe is blue. The bottom one is green. The blue stripe is narrower than the other stripes due to the white edging, which symbolizes the unity of the people, peace and prosperity. The red color represents the sun in the sky, the blue color symbolizes the Gambia River, and the green color represents the land of the country. According to another version: Gambia River(Blue colour) flowing between the equatorial jungle(green color) and red savannah soils(Red color) . The proportions of the width of the stripes are 6:1:4:1:6. The ratio of the flag's width to length is 2:3.

National flag of Ghana consists of Pan-African colors - red, yellow and green. Ghana, as the first state to gain independence after the Second World War, was the founder of these colors. Many other African countries that later gained independence saw Ghana's flag as an example and chose similar flags to express the Pan-African idea. Back in the 19th century, these colors were used in Ethiopia, the first independent African country, although at that time they were not yet Pan-African symbols. The flag was designed by the Ghanaian Theodosia Salome Oko and symbolizes the following: the color red is reminiscent of the blood shed in the struggle for freedom; yellow symbolizes the wealth of the country(the former name of the kingdom of the Gold Coast already indicated this) ; green symbolizes the forests and fields of the country. The black five-pointed star in the middle of the flag serves as a beacon of African freedom. It is often depicted incorrectly: the star must touch both the top and bottom stripes. The flag of Ghana was officially adopted on March 6, 1957. On January 1, 1964, the yellow stripe was replaced by a white one, and on February 28, 1966, the flag was restored to its original form.

Flag of Guadeloupe, as an overseas territory of France, is a white canvas with a stylized image of the sun and a bird on a blue and green background with the inscription REGION GUADELOUPE, underlined in a yellow line.

Flag of Guatemala- the official symbol of the Republic of Guatemala. The flag consists of three equal vertical stripes of white and blue. The country's coat of arms is placed on the white stripe. The white color of the flag stripes symbolizes honesty and purity, blue - legality and justice. Crossed rifles mean readiness to defend freedom, sabers are symbols of justice and independence. Laurel branches symbolize victory and glory. The quetzal bird is a symbol of freedom and sovereignty.

National flag of the Republic of Guinea- adopted on November 10, 1958 and is a rectangular panel consisting of three vertical equal-sized stripes: red at the pole edge, yellow in the middle, and green at the free edge of the panel. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3. The basis of the flag, like the flags of a number of other former possessions of France, was the composition of three equal vertical stripes on the flag of France, the colors of which were replaced by pan-African colors - red, yellow and green, as on the flags of neighboring Ghana, Mali and some other African countries. states The red color of the flag symbolizes the blood shed in the struggle for freedom, yellow - the color of Guinean gold and sun, green - African nature. In addition, each color corresponds to three words of Guinea's motto: red - "Labor", yellow - "Justice", green - "Solidarity".

Description flag of Guinea-Bissau: in the middle of the red stripe there is a black five-pointed star as a symbol of the African continent and its black people, freedom and peace. The color red symbolized the labor and blood shed for freedom. Yellow symbolized the desire for decent wages and agricultural harvests, ensuring the well-being of the population. Green reflected the plant wealth of nature and hope for a happy future. Under the star, the abbreviation of the party name is often depicted - PAIGC, but images of the PAIGC flag are known both without the abbreviation and with the abbreviation PAIGC in large letters on the yellow stripe. The PAIGC flag without an abbreviation was adopted as the national flag of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau. The width of the red stripe is equal to 1/3 of the length of the flag, the ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1:2.

Flag of Germany consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width, black on top, red in the middle, and golden at the bottom. The ratio of the height of the flag to its length is 3 to 5.” On December 8, 1951, it was established that all commercial ships in Germany must fly the federal flag. The federal flag was confirmed without changes by the new decree on German flags of November 13, 1996, which also established the possibility of using the federal flag in the form of a vertical banner(banner) , which consists of three vertical stripes of equal width: on the left - black, in the middle - red, on the right - gold.

Flag of Guernsey- flag of the crown possession of the British Crown of Guernsey. The flag was adopted in 1985. It represents the flag of England, with the yellow cross of William the Conqueror inside the red cross.

Flag of Gibraltar based on the image of the coat of arms of Gibraltar, and is a panel of white and red colors. A red stripe, twice the size of a white one, is located at the bottom; in the center of the white stripe there is an image of a red three-tower castle. Each of the towers has a window and a door, with a yellow key hanging from the central door onto the red field. Aspect ratio - 1 to 2.

National flag of Honduras approved January 9, 1866. It is a three-stripe blue-white-blue cloth. In the center of the flag on a white stripe there are five five-pointed blue stars. The blue stripes symbolize the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean that surround Honduras. The five blue stars represent the five countries that were part of the Central American Federation. Five stars on this flag meant hope for its revival.

Flag of Hong Kong adopted February 16, 1990. On August 10, 1996, it was approved by the PRC Committee on the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong from Great Britain to the PRC. It was first officially raised on July 1, 1997, at the ceremony of this transfer. The rules for the use of the flag are regulated according to laws adopted at the 58th Executive Meeting of the State Council in Beijing. The flag's description is enshrined in the Basic Law of Hong Kong, the area's constitutional document. The production, acceptable use and inadmissibility of desecration of the flag are also regulated in the provisions on the Regional Flag and the Regional Coat of Arms.

Description flag of Grenada: yellow color symbolizes the sun over Grenada and the friendliness of its citizens, green - agriculture, red - harmony, unity and courage. The seven stars represent the seven administrative divisions of Grenada. The flag features nutmeg, the cultivation of which is the basis of Grenada's economy. In addition, Grenada itself is one of the world's leading producers of nutmeg.

Flag of Greenland- adopted June 21, 1985. It is a rectangular panel with two horizontal stripes. There is a white stripe at the top and a red stripe at the bottom. On top of the stripes is a red and white circle. The upper part of the circle is red, the lower part is white. The white stripe symbolizes the icy mountain peaks of Greenland, the red stripe symbolizes the ocean. The white part of the circle means icebergs and pack ice, the red part means fjords. Other interpretations interpret the circle on the flag as a symbol of the setting and rising sun. The color scheme follows the colors of the flag of Denmark, which owns Greenland. The first attempts to create a flag of Greenland date back to 1973. Several projects were created privately. In 1980, the government announced an official competition to create the flag, where more than 500 projects were considered. As a result, this option won.

Flag of Greece is a rectangular panel consisting of nine equal-sized horizontal alternating stripes of blue and white. Inside the blue square in the upper left corner is a white straight cross. First adopted March 27, 1822. In colloquial Greek, due to its color scheme, it is often called "κυανόλευκη", meaning "blue and white". Some believe the stripes mean blue sky and/or sea(5 blue stripes according to the number of oceans) associated with white clouds and/or waves. Others believe that they symbolize the 9 syllables of the phrase “Ελευθερία ή θάνατος”(“Freedom or Death”, E-lef-te-ri-ya and Ta-na-tos) , as folk legends say. There is also a version that the stripes symbolize 9 muses, goddesses of art and sciences.

Modern flag of Georgia It is a rectangular white panel with five red crosses, one central St. George and four equilateral Bolnisi-Katskh crosses in four quadrants. Depicted on the state flag of Georgia is one rectangular cross and four small crosses at the corners on a silver(white) background are a common Christian symbol, personifying Jesus Christ the Savior and the four evangelists. Silver(white) the color in heraldry indicates innocence, purity, purity, wisdom, and red - courage, courage, justice and love.

Flag of Guam It is a blue cloth with a red border on all sides. In the center of the flag is an image of the coat of arms of Guam. The coat of arms depicts a proa boat in the bay of the city of Hagatna, the capital of Guam, a shore with a coconut tree, a river and the inscription in red letters “GUAM”. In the distance is the local rock “Puntan Dos Amantes”. The shape of the coat of arms resembles that of basalt/coral stone, which was used by local residents in hunting and war. The flag was designed by Helen L. Paul, the wife of a naval officer who served in Guam. The Proa boat personifies the courage of the indigenous people of the island, with which its representatives surfed the waves of the ocean during sea voyages, covering vast distances. The river flowing into the ocean symbolizes the willingness of the local people to share the earth's resources with others. The beach demonstrates the Chamorro's devotion to their homeland and the environment. The rock represents the island's people's commitment to passing on their heritage, culture and language to future generations. The coconut tree, growing on the infertile sand, symbolizes the resilience and determination of the people of Guam, and its curved trunk symbolizes the trials they endured. The blue color symbolizes the unity of Guam with the sea and sky. The red border of the flag symbolizes the blood shed during the Japanese occupation of the island during World War II and the Spanish occupation.

Flag of Denmark- a red rectangular panel with an image of a white Scandinavian cross - a straight cross, the vertical cross of which is shifted to the pole edge of the panel. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 28:37.

Jersey flag- flag of the crown possession of the British Crown of Jersey. Until 1981, the flag of St. Patrick was officially used(Red St. Andrew's cross on a white background) with an aspect ratio of 3:5. However, on June 12, 1979, the Jersey Parliament adopted it, on December 10, 1980, it was approved by the Queen, and on April 7, 1981, a new flag was officially introduced, reminiscent of the old one, but with a coat of arms and a crown.

National flag of the Republic of Djibouti- adopted June 27, 1977. The colors of the flag represent the sea and sky(blue) , earth(green) and peace(white) . Green and blue are also the colors of the two main population groups - the Afar and Pesa (tribes of Djibouti). The red star is a memory of the struggle for independence and a symbol of unity.

Green background color Dominica flag symbolizes tropical nature, the red color in the center of the flag is a symbol of freedom, 10 green five-pointed stars - 10 parishes of the country. The Holy Trinity is symbolized by a cross of three stripes: white - Caucasians, gold - mulattoes, black - blacks. The Sisseru parrot in the center of the flag is endemic to the island and one of its symbols. In 1978-1990, minor changes were made to the flag three times. The modern version is the fourth since the declaration of independence, adopted in 1990. Until 1978, variants of the blue stern ensign with the coat of arms on the right side were used.

National flag of the Dominican Republic- adopted September 14, 1863. Blue stands for freedom, white stands for faith and salvation, and red stands for blood and independence.

National flag of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Aspect ratio 2:3. It is a tricolor with horizontally placed equal stripes of red, white and black. In the center of the flag on the white stripe is the so-called. "Eagle of Saladin" Adopted in 1984. Used on land as a civil and state flag and at sea as a civil flag. Red symbolizes the fight against the colonial regime, white symbolizes the “bloodless” revolution of 1952, black symbolizes the end of the oppression of the British colonial regime. Golden eagle - symbol of Saladin(Salah ad-Din) , the Egyptian sultan who led the fight against the crusaders in the 12th century. Egypt's first national flag was approved by royal decree in 1923, after Egypt gained independence from Great Britain.(March 16, 1922) . On the green field of this flag there was a crescent and three stars. In 1958, the President of Egypt adopted a different flag - a red-white-black tricolor with horizontal stripes. There were two green stars on the white stripe. In 1972, the stars on the flag were replaced by a golden falcon. In 1984, the golden falcon was replaced by the golden eagle.("Eagle of Saladin") . This is how the flag took on its modern appearance.

Primary colors of the state Zambia flag: green, red, black, orange. The flag is a green panel, in the lower right corner of which there is a flag of three vertical stripes of red, black, orange, and in the upper right corner there is an image of a screaming eagle with open wings. Green color symbolizes natural resources. The color red symbolizes the blood shed for Zambia's independence. The color black represents the people of Zambia. The color orange symbolizes the country's wealth of mineral resources.(primarily copper) . The screaming eagle represents the rise of the Zambian people above the problems of the state.

Flag of Zimbabwe is a panel with seven horizontal stripes in the following order: green, yellow, red, black, red, yellow, green stripes. On the left side of the flag there is a white equilateral triangle, one of the sides of which coincides with the left side of the flag. Two of the sides are framed in black. In the triangle there is an image of the golden “bird of Zimbabwe”(carved soapstone figurine found in the ruins of Great Zimbabwe) , in the background of which there is a five-pointed red star. The main colors of the national flag of Zimbabwe: green, yellow, red, black, white. The color green symbolizes agriculture and rural areas of Zimbabwe. The color yellow symbolizes wealth in minerals. The color red represents the blood shed during the Revolutionary War. The color black represents the heritage and ethnicity of the indigenous African people of Zimbabwe. White color symbolizes peace. The bird symbolizes the history of Zimbabwe, the red star symbolizes the revolutionary struggle for freedom and peace. Wikipedia

Assault flag of the 150th Order of Kutuzov, II degree, Idritsa Rifle Division ... Wikipedia

Contents: Geography. General history. History of relations between Kazakhstan and Europe. Language and Literature. Chinese music. The great empire of eastern and central Asia is known among its inhabitants under names that have nothing in common with European ones (China, China, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron- Check the information. It is necessary to check the accuracy of the facts and reliability of the information presented in this article. There should be an explanation on the talk page... Wikipedia

I MAP OF THE JAPANESE EMPIRE. Contents: I. Physical essay. 1. Composition, space, coastline. 2. Orography. 3. Hydrography. 4. Climate. 5. Vegetation. 6. Fauna. II. Population. 1. Statistics. 2. Anthropology. III. Economic essay. 1 … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Ears of Unity

For more than 300 years, Venezuela was under Spanish rule. In 1797, an anti-Spanish conspiracy of independence supporters arose led by Manuel Gual and Jose Maria España under a flag of white, blue, red and yellow horizontal stripes, symbolizing whites, blacks, mulattoes and Indians. Although the independence supporters failed, the colors of the flag (with the exception of white) were used in the future flags of the liberation movement.

The creator of the flag, on the basis of which the flags of three states—Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador—later arose, was the outstanding leader of the South American liberation movement Francisco Miranda. This flag of yellow, blue and red horizontal stripes was first flown in 1806 on the ship Leander, on which a group of volunteers led by Miranda sailed from New York to South America. The yellow stripe symbolized the American continent, rich in gold and other minerals, the red stripe symbolized the bloody dominion of Spain, and the blue stripe symbolized the Atlantic Ocean that separated them. This meant that golden, rich and prosperous Latin America would be free and separated from bloody Spain by an ocean. Under this flag, an attempt was made to declare independence in 1810, and the first and second Venezuelan republics were proclaimed in 1811 1812 and 1813 1814. Under the same flag, the army of Simon Bolivar in 1816 1822 liberated Venezuela from the Spaniards, and it finally gained independence. Since 1817, 7 stars have appeared on the blue stripe of the flag, symbolizing the 7 provinces of the country: Caracas, Barinas, Barcelona, ​​Cumana, Margarita, Merida and Trujillo. The arrangement of the stars varied over time, but until the beginning of the 20th century they were most often arranged in a circle with one star in the center.

In 1821 and 1829, Venezuela, along with Colombia and Ecuador, was part of Gran Colombia and under its flag, and in 1830 it restored its independence under the previous three-stripe flag without any images. Since 1859 (according to other sources since 1863), 7 stars reappeared on the blue stripe, and the state emblem in the upper left corner. Since 1905, the stars on the flag have been depicted in the form of a semicircle. In its modern form, the flag was officially approved in 1954 (after the last change in the motto on the coat of arms). There is also a national flag without a coat of arms.

Since 1830, the country's coat of arms has been a circle with the image of a lictor's beam surrounded by two cornucopias, and since 1836 it has acquired a look similar to the modern one. Since 1864, after the introduction of the federal system, the sheaf in the first field of the coat of arms began to be depicted not as a continuous sheaf, but as consisting of twenty ears of grain, according to the number of states of the country. In 1905 1930, the coat of arms differed from the current one in that the sheaf was white on a yellow field and consisted of seven ears of corn according to the number of the original provinces, the second field of the coat of arms was red, not yellow, there were two flags, not three, and The flags and sabers were positioned differently, and in the third field the horse galloped on white rather than green grass. In 1930, the coat of arms was restored to its original form, and some of its minor stylistic details were clarified later.

The colors of the fields of the coat of arms correspond to the colors of the flag stripes. The sheaf of wheat symbolizes the country's agriculture, the fertility of its soil, the wealth of the people and the national unity of Venezuela, and its 20 ears correspond to the number of states included in it. Three national flags and two sabers, connected by a laurel wreath, recall the glorious victories in the liberation struggle and the achievement of independence. A white horse galloping across endless expanses (according to one version it is a wild horse, according to another it is Bolivar’s personal horse) personifies freedom. Located above the shield, two cornucopias with various fruits and flowers, reminiscent of the coat of arms of 1830, represent the natural wealth of Venezuela and its prosperity. The shield is surrounded by laurel and palm branches.

The ribbon connecting them has the colors of the flag. The Spanish inscription on it means: “April 19, 1810 Independence. Republic of Venezuela. February 20, 1859 Federation.” The first date is the date of the beginning of the national liberation struggle (the uprising in Caracas and the creation of a revolutionary junta), the second is the date of the beginning of the four-year civil war, which ended with the establishment of the federal state structure of the country. Republic of Venezuela official name of the state. The inscription has changed several times. In 1905 1930 it read: “Independence. Freedom. July 5, 1811 March 24, 1854 God and the Federation.” The first date is the day when independence was first declared, the second is the date of the abolition of slavery. "God and the Federation" is the country's former motto. In 1930 and 1954, the inscription differed from the modern one only in the official name of the state, which was called “United States of Venezuela”. All states of Venezuela have their own coats of arms, and some have flags.

Under the signs of the zodiac and the wings of the condor

The country, located on the equator and owing its name to it, was for almost three centuries a Spanish possession called the "Region of Quito". During the liberation uprising of 1820 in the province of Guano, patriots declared independence under a flag of blue and white stripes with white stars, and chose the wreathed star of freedom as their emblem. However, after the final liberation from the Spaniards in 1822, Ecuador became part of Gran Colombia. After becoming independent in 1830, it initially retained the yellow, blue and red flag of Gran Colombia.

The emblems of Ecuador changed frequently. On them there are images of the sun surrounded by stars and signs of the Zodiac, above the mountains on which condors sit, the lictorial emblem surrounded by cornucopias, etc. In 1843, the coat of arms took the form of a shield depicting a horse, a volcano, a sailboat and a stone with inscriptions, as well as the sun accompanied by the signs of the Zodiac. The coat of arms was crowned by a condor and surrounded by a wreath.

The entire political life of Ecuador in the 19th century took place under the sign of the struggle between the liberal and conservative parties. The liberals represented the interests of commercial and industrial circles in the economically most developed province of Guano, and the conservatives represented the landowners and clergy of the more backward interior regions. In 1845, the Liberals overthrew the Conservatives and adopted a new flag and coat of arms. The flag consisted of white, blue and white vertical stripes (reminiscent of the colors of the rebel flag of 1820), with the blue stripe depicting 7 white stars according to the number of provinces and the new coat of arms.

This coat of arms, with the exception of some details, was the prototype of the modern coat of arms. He included many of the previous emblems: the mountain, the condor, the sun, the lictorial bun, the signs of the Zodiac (now there were four of them, indicating only those months in which the victorious uprising of the liberals took place), but the composition was fundamentally new.

In 1859, the Conservatives again seized power. The next year, they restored the previous flag of 1830, and removed the signs of the Zodiac from the coat of arms and replaced the flags framing the shield with new ones. The Conservative dictatorship was overthrown in 1875, and three years later the Liberals restored the coat of arms and (with minor changes) the 1845 flag. There were now only stars on the blue stripe of the flag, and there was no coat of arms. Although the conservatives were again in power in 1884, at that time they sought reconciliation with moderate liberals and did not change the coat of arms and flag.

In 1895, the liberals came to power again. During that period, they began to advocate for the re-establishment of Gran Colombia and therefore, in 1900, they adopted a flag in Colombian colors, which has not changed since then. The flag of Ecuador is longer than the flag of Colombia (proportions 1:2 and 2:3, respectively) and the national flag of Ecuador depicts a coat of arms (national flag without a coat of arms), while in Colombia the flag without a coat of arms is both state and national. The yellow color on the Ecuadorian flag symbolizes sunshine, the fertility of the earth, natural resources, fields of wheat and corn, and the well-being of the country; blue color sky, rivers and Pacific Ocean; red blood of patriots shed in the struggle for freedom. In Ecuador, unlike other countries, there is a special municipal flag hung on official local institutions. This is a simplified version of the national flag, in which the coat of arms is replaced by a circle of white stars, the number of which corresponds to the number of provinces.

The modern coat of arms of Ecuador basically repeats the coat of arms of 1845. The last time minor changes were made to its details was in 1930. The central part of the coat of arms is occupied by the landscape of Ecuador with its highest snow-capped peak and an extinct volcano

Chimborazo (6267 m). Patriots took refuge on the slopes of Chimborazo during the anti-Spanish war of liberation. The river flowing from the mountains is the largest river in Ecuador, Guayas. It flows into the huge bay of the Pacific Ocean of the same name. An ancient steamship in the ocean under the Ecuadorian flag not only symbolizes trade (this is indicated by the caduceus installed in the middle of the ship - the rod of the god of trade Mercury. On one of the coats of arms of the 19th century, the caduceus was placed at the bottom of the coat of arms next to the lictor's tuft), but also reminds that it was in Ecuador that The first steamship was built on the Pacific coast of South America. By the way, the largest city and port of the country, Guayaquil, is located on the coast of Guayas Bay.

The sun symbolizes freedom, and the spring-summer signs of the Zodiac Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer recall the events of the spring-summer of 1845, when the victorious uprising of liberals against conservatives took place. Although the Liberals have long been only one of many political parties in Ecuador, this emblem is retained on the coat of arms to commemorate the abolition of slavery, Indian feudalism and the death penalty between 1845 and 1859, as well as the implementation of a number of important political, economic and cultural reforms. In addition to two pairs of national flags, the coat of arms is surrounded by palm and laurel branches - symbols of glory and peace. The lictor's bun depicted under the shield symbolizes the republican system of government and justice. The shield is crowned with an Andean condor - the personification of strength. In the area of ​​the Chimborazo volcano, this giant bird is found even at an altitude of more than 6 thousand meters. Each of the provinces of Ecuador has a special flag and coat of arms, and each of the cantons into which the provinces are divided has a coat of arms.

The Galapagos Islands located in the Pacific Ocean have a special status, flag and coat of arms. This is a province of Ecuador with the status of a national park, called the Colon Archipelago. The green, white and blue stripes of its flag recall the unique nature of the protected province and its location in the ocean. The blue and yellow colors of the border of the coat of arms, combined with the red vertical line cutting through the shield, repeating the colors of the Ecuadorian flag, remind us that the archipelago belongs to Ecuador. Thirteen stars on the blue border correspond to the number of the largest islands, representing their scattering among the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. The sailboat in the first quarter of the shield emphasizes the importance of navigation in the discovery and life of the islands. The volcano erupting in the second quarter of the shield is the highest volcano in the Wolfe archipelago (1707 m) on Isabela Island. The colors of the third quarter of the shield correspond to the colors of the island flag. The cornucopia in the fourth quarter of the shield is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In the center of the shield is the famous Galapagos elephant tortoise, which made the islands famous and is now protected. Its shell reaches 110 cm, weight up to 400 kg, and life expectancy more than 100 years. A flaming torch and a laurel wreath above the shield are symbols of the triumph of human reason and nature conservation. The date “1832” is the time when Ecuador’s sovereignty was established over the Galapagos, which is now one of the country’s provinces.

Flora and fauna of the “land of waters”

When the country was called the colony of British Guiana, the badge of its colonial flag from the 19th century depicted a clipper flying in the ocean in full sail under the English flag. The emblem was surrounded by a garter from the British coat of arms with the Latin motto "We yield and achieve alternately." The motto reflected the history of the colonial takeover of the country, which the British unsuccessfully tried to conquer from their Dutch rivals in 1685, 1781 and 1796, but finally captured only at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1954, after the granting of self-government, British Guiana received its own coat of arms, on the shield which had the same design as on the badge.

The modern coat of arms and flag were adopted in 1966, when the country achieved independence and became known as Guyana. The predominant color of the flag, green, symbolizes the tropical forests that cover 83 percent of the country's territory, its fields and plantations, agriculture and forestry - the basis of the Guyanese economy. White color represents rivers and reservoirs. Yellow color represents minerals that the country’s interior is rich in. The arrow-shaped yellow field expresses hope for rapid progress and a bright future, which must be achieved primarily through the efficient use of mineral resources. The red triangle symbolizes the energy and enthusiasm of the people towards building a prosperous life, and the black border symbolizes the will and perseverance in achieving this goal. Additionally, the colors of the flag are believed to symbolize the major ethnic groups of the population (and occupy an area roughly proportional to their numbers); green Indians, yellow Negroes, red mulattoes and mestizos, white Portuguese and other persons of European descent, black Indians.

The blue waves on the white shield of the coat of arms, as well as the corresponding colors of the wreath and mantle above the helmet, are the abundant inland waters of the country, which gave it its name (in the language of the local Indians, Guyana means “land of waters”). The Three Waves are the three main rivers of the country: Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo, which gave their name to the original European colonies, as a result of which the current country arose. The giant aquatic plant Victoria regia (or Victoria Amazonica) depicted on the shield symbolizes the rich tropical vegetation of Guyana. The round floating leaves of Victoria reach a diameter of two meters and can withstand a load of up to 50 kg. Almost half a meter flowers bloom only for two nights, gradually changing their color and closing for the day (on the coat of arms, the left flower has already opened fully, and the right one partially).

The fauna of Guyana is represented on the coat of arms by the hoatzin - a rare bird that lives in the jungle, similar to a pheasant and remarkable in that its chicks have clawed fingers on their wings, as well as two jaguars. The pickaxe held by one of the jaguars symbolizes industry (mainly mining), while the stalks of sugar cane and rice (the main crops of the country) in the paws of the other jaguar symbolize agriculture. The knight's helmet is traditional for the heraldry of the former British possessions. The crowning headdress of an Indian chief made of motley feathers recalls the historical past of Guyana, whose first inhabitants were the Indians (now they make up less than 5 percent of the population), and the diamonds on the sides represent the country's natural resources. The motto in English means: “One people. One nation. One destiny" and expresses the desire for the unity of all national and racial groups of the country's population. l

Yuri Kurasov | Artist Yuri Semenov

Coats of arms and badges:

1. Shield of the coat of arms of Venezuela 1905-1930.
2. State emblem of the Republic of Venezuela.
3. Coat of arms of Ecuador 1830.

4. State emblem of the Republic of Ecuador.
5. Provincial coat of arms of the Galapagos Islands.
6. Colonial badge of British Guiana.
7. State emblem of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.


1. Flag of the Venezuelan conspiracy of 1797.
2. Flag of Venezuela 1817-1821 and 1830-1859.
3. National flag of the Republic of Venezuela.

4. Rebel flag of the Ecuadorian province of Guayas 1820-1822.
5. Flag of Ecuador 1878-1900.
6. National flag of the Republic of Ecuador.

7. Provincial flag of the Galapagos Islands.
8. National flag of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

What does the tricolor flag of the Don Cossacks mean – yellow-blue-red.

The flag of the All-Great Don Army is a rectangular panel with equal horizontal stripes: the top stripe is blue, the middle stripe is yellow and the bottom stripe is red.

On May 4, 1918, at a meeting of the “Circle for the Rescue of the Don,” chaired by Ataman P. N. Krasnov, the Basic Laws of the All-Great Don Army were considered. The laws also stipulated the symbolism of the Don:

“Article 48. Three nationalities have lived on the Don land since ancient times and constitute the indigenous citizens of the Don region - Don Cossacks, Kalmyks and Russian peasants. Their national colors were: among the Don Cossacks - blue, cornflower blue, among the Kalmyks - yellow and among the Russians - scarlet. The Don flag consists of three longitudinal stripes of equal width: blue, yellow and scarlet.”

The Don Cossack flag was first raised over Novocherkassk in May 1918. Before that, the Don Cossacks had only military banners granted by the Russian tsars. The 1918 flag was a symbol of the independent state of the All-Great Don Army. It lasted only two years, giving the Cossacks (“Basic Laws of the All-Great Don Army”), two atamans - Krasnov and Bogaevsky, and a tricolor national flag, blue-yellow-red. If the flag of the Russian state (under which the White Guards fought) symbolized the unity of the three Slavic peoples: Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, then the flag of the Don symbolizes the unity of the Cossacks, Kalmyks and Russians living in the region. Blue - Cossacks. Yellow - Kalmyks, also included in the Cossack class. And red color - all non-residents (Ukrainians, Russians, Armenians)

On March 18, 1614, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich granted the Don Cossacks their first official banner. The banner was woven from red damask with an azure edge. In the center of it was a double-headed eagle, in the border there was the inscription:

“By the command of the Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Duke Mikhail Feodorovich of All Rus', the Autocrat and under His Sovereign’s son, under the Righteous Tsarevich and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, this banner was written on the Don by the Don Ataman and Cossack in the summer of 7152, August on the 27th day.”

In November 1990, a congress of Don Cossacks took place in Rostov-on-Don. As a result, it was decided to form the Union of Cossacks of the Don Army Region. At the congress, the traditional symbols of the Don Army were restored: the Don flag of the established pattern, as well as the Don coat of arms and the anthem of the Cossacks. The delegates of the “Big Circle” (congress) approved the Program and Charter of the Union of Cossacks of the Don Army Region. M. M. Sholokhov was elected the first ataman of the Don Cossack Union.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev in 2010, the banner of the military Cossack society “The Great Don Army” was officially established

The flag of the All-Great Don Army formed the basis of the flag of the Rostov Region lasty

The modern flag of Romania is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 2:3. The colors used in the flag are blue, yellow, and red (from the flagpole). The stripes are located vertically.

The first mentions of blue, yellow and red colors are usually attributed to the 16th century

Initially, the blue-yellow-red banner was used as a symbol of national unity during the revolution.

The official adoption of the flag took place in 1848, when the revolution took place. The stripe arrangement was borrowed from the flag of France, although some vexillologists reject French influence on Romanian flag usage.

There have been repeated attempts to return the coat of arms to the flag, so in 2013 the question of returning the coat of arms to the flag was raised.


  • The color blue represents freedom and also the sky
  • The color yellow symbolizes justice and wheat fields.
  • The color red stands for brotherhood, the blood of patriots.

Historical flags of Romania

Flag of the united principality of Moldavia and Wallachia from 1859 to 1866

Flag of Romania 1848

In 1848, two types of flags were actively used. One of them had horizontal stripes, the other had vertical stripes. The second flag became the prototype for subsequent flags of the country.

The flags were written in Romanian: “justice, brotherhood.”

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