Home Russian citizenship The most famous canyons in the world. The most picturesque canyons on earth

The most famous canyons in the world. The most picturesque canyons on earth

There are many places in the world that leave unforgettable impressions after visiting them. And some of the most amazing natural phenomena that have been created, day after day for a long time, are natural canyons. These are exactly what we will talk about in our article.

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Today we get to meet the best representatives of these unusual natural phenomena, learn interesting facts about them, and, quite possibly, fall in love with their unusual landscape.

A canyon should be understood as natural formations that arise under the influence of natural forces. The bulk of canyons are formed in places where rivers flow, that is, in river valleys that are surrounded by a number of high cliffs. Looking ahead, I note that the largest number of canyons are located in the territory of the modern United States, and the Arizona one is considered the most impressive. But this does not mean at all that other canyons that are scattered around the globe are not at all worthy of attention from tourists. Rather, on the contrary.

The Charyn Canyon, which is also called the local “miracle”, is considered a unique natural monument of its kind. The age of the sedimentary rocks that underlie the canyon rocks reaches 12 million years. Since the Kazakh Charyn looks very much like the American Grand Canyon, locals jokingly call it that.

Without any exaggeration, such a miracle of Nature cannot be found anywhere else. The canyon is part of a national park, the area of ​​which can be the envy of some European countries. It is in the territory of the huge park that archaeologists still continue to find the remains of ancient representatives of the animal world, including the remains of the famous mastodons.

The easiest way to get to Charyn Canyon is from the capital of Kazakhstan. The distance of 200 km can be covered quietly on comfortable buses or private cars. Ease of access and unique nature have made this place one of the most popular among tourists.

The size of the canyon is impressive. The approximate length is 150 km, and the depth in some places exceeds 300 meters! But the main attraction of the canyon is its unique flora. Many plants (such as ash) even managed to survive the Ice Age!

All this and much more attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world like a magnet. And everyone should see the magnificent beauty of the canyon!

Waimea Canyon

Our next destination will be the Hawaiian Islands. As it turned out, they can boast not only unique beaches and round-the-clock parties, but also a real canyon, which is called Waimea. Unlike many of its “colleagues”, the canyon was not formed as a result of soil erosion. The history of its origin is inextricably linked with the volcano, which provoked the formation of a huge failure. Although the flowing river of the same name also contributed to the formation of the crack.

The length of this “scar on the face of the Earth” is 16 km, and the depth of the failure in some places is a record 900 meters. This canyon is also often compared to the Grand Canyon of Arizona. A natural park has been founded around the canyon, which is considered one of the most favorite places for hiking on the planet. Thousands of tourists come here every year to make multi-day or short-term forays into the island's jungle.

The park is under guard, and when going deeper into the island, you should take care of a good map, provisions and a supply of equipment for all occasions.

An equally grandiose natural phenomenon is the Colca Canyon, which is located in Peru. It is rightfully considered the deepest in the world. Its depth in some places reaches 3400 meters. The formation of the canyon was preceded by many years of activity of two volcanoes at once - Hualca and Sabancaya. The latter is still active today.

If you consider yourself an avid rafting, hiking and mountain biking enthusiast, you should definitely take the time and opportunity to spend at least a little time in the company of the magnificent Colca Canyon.

In addition to the dizzying heights, beautiful nature and unique wildlife, something else awaits all visitors to the canyon. Just imagine, right on the steep slopes there are entire villages with terraces for farming, which are still used today. Well, how can we ignore the king of modern birds of prey – the Andean condor? The wingspan of this giant bird sometimes reaches 3.3 meters!

Now let's go to the southern part of the African continent. It is on the territory of modern South Africa that another striking representative of the world of canyons is located - the Blyde River Canyon. It is part of the Drakensberg Mountains and is included in the list of natural objects that are definitely worth seeing with your own eyes while traveling across the African continent.

In addition to its phenomenal size, the Blyde River Canyon boasts the densest vegetation, which has elevated it to first place in the ranking of “the greenest canyons in the world.” The red sandstone, which in some places emerges through the dense thickets, only reminds of the origin of the grand canyon. And at this time, somewhere below the river of the same name flows, drawing the eyes of rare travelers along with it into unprecedented distances.

The approximate length of the canyon is 26 km, and the depth in some places exceeds 1400 meters. And this despite the fact that some of the mountain peaks that frame the canyon along the entire perimeter are located at an altitude of more than 2 km above sea level!

Well, so that all visitors can boast of unique photographs upon returning home, full-fledged observation platforms are equipped along the entire length of the canyon, in the most picturesque places.

Arizona's Glen Canyon looks no less impressive. It is here that Americans come from all over the country, emphasizing how popular this place is. The red-orange sandstone that underlies the canyon gives this grandiose place a special charm. There is everything here: rocky ledges, deep caves, and hills, some of which are hidden under water.

More than 4 thousand square kilometers were allocated for recreation areas alone. That is why every visitor to the canyon will be able to fill every minute of their vacation with active activities and other entertainment. Vacationers can enjoy water skiing, jet skis, and excellent fishing, the catch of which will delight even those who are far from using fishing rods and spinning rods. Hiking and various excursions are especially popular among vacationers. And for those who want to leisurely appreciate all the beauty of the canyon, a comfortable ferry is ready to offer its services, which makes daily boat trips.

Another prominent representative of the “family” of canyons is, which is also located in Arizona. This canyon has the right to claim the title of the most unusual and colorful on the planet. Crevices of bizarre shapes, an unusual color scheme of rocky ledges, which somewhat resembles the skin of a noble antelope - all this made the canyon a unique and unique place, interesting for every tourist.

When you enter this grandiose place, you get the impression that you are in some kind of fairy tale, the author of which is Nature itself. Despite this, Antelope Canyon is not classified as a national park, although you cannot visit it for free. It turns out that representatives of the Indian tribe who own the rights to this land will have to pay the fee.

Note that light does not penetrate well into the canyon, so you will have to use all your photography skills to get really good photos. The best time for photography is the middle of the day.



a narrow and deep river valley with steep or stepped rocky sides, the bottom is entirely occupied by the bed of a river or temporary watercourse. Canyons are formed as a result of intense deep erosion and erosion of the slopes by the river. Characteristic of areas composed of horizontally lying rocks (limestone, sandstone, etc.). They are found on plateaus and in the mountains, especially in countries with a hot, dry climate. The largest - Grand Canyon in the USA, dug by the river. Colorado (length 446 km, depth up to 1600 m). On the underwater continental slope, underwater canyons are formed - narrow and deep, usually straight grooves that arise as a result of rapid turbulent runoff and underwater turbidity avalanches.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .


a deep river valley with steep vertical or stepped slopes. The term comes from the Spanish cañón (pipe, gorge). Canyons are similar to gorges, but larger in size. They are formed as a result of active erosive activity of rivers, mainly in semiarid regions, where surface erosion and landslides do not destroy the vertical walls of the valley. The most famous and one of the largest in the world is the Grand Canyon of Colorado (Arizona, USA), up to 1800 m deep. Its walls are a series of ledges in which multi-colored rocks are exposed. There are also underwater canyons, often rivaling canyons on land in depth. Underwater canyons are confined to shelves and often serve as continuations of the land valleys of large rivers, for example the Hudson River (New York) in the USA and the Congo River (Zaire) in Africa.

Encyclopedia Around the World. 2008 .

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    Canyon- Zion (Zion) in Utah Canyon (Spanish cañón “pipe, gorge”) is a deep river valley with a very… Wikipedia

    CANYON- [Spanish canon lit. pipe] geogr. a deep river valley with very steep, often stepped slopes and a relatively narrow bottom, usually completely occupied by the river bed. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. canyon (Spanish salop letters, pipe)… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    canyon- gorge, valley, gorge Dictionary of Russian synonyms. canyon see gorge Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Synonym dictionary

    CANYON- (Spanish canon) a deep river valley with very steep slopes and a relatively narrow bottom, usually occupied by the river bed (for example, B. Canyon of the Colorado River in the USA) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    CANYON- CANYON, a deep, narrow gap in the earth's crust. Terrestrial canyons arise from water erosion where rivers of relatively recent origin flow through arid terrain. Underwater canyons in the seas can form when the bed... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    CANYON- CANYON, canyon, husband. (Spanish cañon) (geographical). A deep narrow valley eroded by a river. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    CANYON- [nyo], ah, husband. A deep narrow valley with very steep slopes, washed away by a river flowing along its bottom. | adj. Canyon, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    CANYON- [Spanish canon pipe] gorge, a deep narrow valley with sheer or steep slopes, often stepped. Characteristic of plateaus composed of horizontally lying areas or lava covers, especially in arid regions. Typical K. on the river. Colorado deep... ... Geological encyclopedia

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Canyons are a prime example of the powerful corrosive power of water. For millions of years, water flows cut their way through the earth and rocks, slowly creating an unprecedented miracle of nature - a “bottomless” river valley with a narrow bottom and steep vertical slopes. The deepest canyon in the world, Yarlung Tsangpo, is located in Tibet. It is about him and his 9 “brothers” that we will talk in today’s article.

The deepest canyon on the planet is located in the Tibetan Himalayas. The fog-shrouded gorge is called the last geographical mystery of the Earth. Its greatest depth is 6009 meters, length is about 500 km. It was thoroughly examined only in 1994. Everything that was known about it before sounded too fantastic.

The canyon has an unusual horseshoe-shaped outline. It is surrounded by the highest mountains with snow-white peaks that merge with the azure sky, becoming almost invisible. They often attract beginner climbers, but only professionals can conquer them.

The path of the Tsangpo River follows the canyon. Its smallest width is 80 meters, but from the height of the mountain peaks it looks like a barely visible thread. Rafting on the river is considered quite difficult, but this does not prevent it from being popular among rafters.

The canyon is distinguished by a special ecosystem, where snow-capped peaks coexist with flowering vegetation. The diversity of flora and fauna species is due to the presence of several habitats:

  • Warm air dominates below, comfortable for many representatives of the plant world;
  • Higher up, in difficult mountain conditions, there are completely different living creatures and vegetation, adapted to the lack of oxygen and low temperatures.

Kali Gandaki takes 2nd place in the ranking of the deepest canyons in the world. It is located in Nepal. Depth – 6 thousand meters. The name of the gorge comes from the name of the Hindu goddess Kali, who personifies the power of natural forces. Local residents consider the canyon sacred. Every year it is visited by a lot of pilgrims who are attracted here by sanctuaries and miraculous wonders of nature: for example, burning stones.

The canyon is surrounded by huge mountains rising 8 thousand meters. The difference in heights creates varied landscapes. At a level of 3 km, among the lifeless mountain slopes, you can find small villages, whose residents harvest from local oases twice a year. Shrines and hard-to-reach villages located on mountain slopes give this place a touch of antiquity and mystery.

The canyon, a little more than 3.5 km deep, is located far from civilized places, between a pair of rock systems: Coropuna and Solimana (Peru). It is very popular among travelers.

A lot of hot underground springs are concentrated on its territory. There are also several waterfalls here: for example, Sipia, rising 250 meters. On the territory of the gorge there are several villages, whose residents create unique items from alpaca wool.

The canyon is equipped with a convenient viewing platform, allowing you to enjoy a breathtaking panorama of the surrounding area. People here also engage in active recreation: paragliding, boating, conquering mountain slopes and peaks.

Located in Peru. It is considered one of the most visited places in the state. Depth – 3.4 km. The first people to inhabit Colca were representatives of the original tribes of the pre-Inca era. Here they managed to create an intricate system of agricultural plots with an area of ​​more than 10 thousand hectares. The name of the gorge translates as “grain barn.”

Formed from the activity of the Hualca and Sabancaya volcanoes. Hundreds of tourists flock to the canyon, attracted by:

  • Unique views from unprecedented heights;
  • Incredible nature;
  • Colorful settlements.

At one of the highest points of Colca, the observation platform “Cruz del Condor” has been formed. It allows you to see from the closest possible distance the “masters of the Andes”, the largest birds on the planet – condors.

The canyon is famous for its comfortable hotels near hot springs. After a hard walk, tourists can expect impeccable service and a relaxing holiday in a swimming pool with natural water.

One of the most attractive and deepest canyons on the planet is formed by 2 mountain clusters in the southwest of the Celestial Empire. Its depth is 3 thousand meters. It owes its name to the myth of a powerful tiger who, hiding from his pursuers, crossed the seething river of the canyon in just 2 huge leaps.

For a long time the gorge was completely impassable. All research attempts ended tragically. It was only in 1986 that luck favored another scientific group, and in 1993 the gorge was officially opened to foreign tourists. Today the canyon is famous among hikers and rafting fans.

Canyon Sulaksky

6th place in the list of the deepest canyons is occupied by the Dagestan Sulak Gorge, surrounded by the Salatau and Gimrinsky mountain ranges. Depth – 1.92 km. It is considered one of the most attractive local attractions.

Climbing onto the plateau, you can admire the amazing panorama of the Sulak River and the many hydroelectric power stations installed on it. It is worth remembering that the gorge is not equipped with railings, viewing platforms or fences, so being at the very top is very dangerous.

Copper Canyon

This is the name given to the system of six gorges located in the state park of the same name in Mexico. The greatest depth is 1.87 km, the smallest is 1 km. It was named by Spanish discoverers who confused the moss-covered rocks with copper ore.

Travelers experience very strong feelings when they find themselves in the area of ​​dangerous deep gorges, located in the middle of a hot wasteland and connected by 6 picturesque rivers. One of the railway lines runs here, and trains make a scheduled stop to take in the scenery.

The slopes of the canyon are strewn with small caves and huts inhabited by 60 thousand Indians. Their life is not much different from the life of their ancestors. Just like before they:

  • They conduct subsistence farming;
  • Grow vegetables;
  • They wear traditional clothes;
  • Perform ritual dances;
  • They use messengers to communicate with neighboring tribes.

Tourists can buy souvenirs and household items from the Indians, live in their camp and join the ancient traditions of the tribes.

Located in the US district of Colorado, in the park of the same name. Depth – 1.6 km. One of the most unique and beautiful areas on the planet. Valued for the proportional combination of depth, size and layering of rock formations created over billions of years of weathering and decomposition of rocks.

The Grand Canyon is a unique structure representing 4 geological zones. Its bottom is lined with ancient granite rocks, which decay much more slowly than newly formed rocks.

Brownish-red river waters rushing through the canyon at an impressive speed, rolling huge boulders, small stones, sand and clay. The state park that contains the Grand Canyon includes several forest and wilderness areas. Fauna and flora consist of:

  • 1.5 thousand types of vegetation;
  • 355 species of birds;
  • 89 mammals;
  • 47 species of reptiles;
  • Several species of fish and amphibians.

The climate depends on the altitude: at the top it is about 15 0 C, at the bottom, surrounded by scalding stones, the temperature reaches 40 0 ​​C.

Located in southern Africa. Depth - 1372 meters. It is one of the most amazing and majestic gorges in South Africa. The steep slopes of the River Blyde are not lifeless, they are covered with a mass of lush subtropical plants.

Among the most majestic sections of the canyon are:

  • “Bourke's Potholes of Fortune” - huge cylindrical deepened ones, carved into the soil by whirlpools and waterfalls;
  • Three Rondavels - sandy round rocks reminiscent of traditional Aboriginal dwellings;
  • “The Eye of God” is a spectacular place, known from one of the feature films.

Tenth place in the list of the deepest canyons in the world is occupied by the Tara River Canyon with a depth of 1.3 km. Located in Montenegro. It is famous for its amazing nature, interesting excursion tours, and historical monuments.

One of the local attractions is the Djurdzhevich Bridge over the Tara, the cleanest river in Europe. In summer, the canyon attracts many rafters, and in winter – ski lovers.

Is there anyone who doesn't know what the Grand Canyon looks like in the USA? This natural creation enchants with its scale and attracts extreme sports hunters to commit the next madness. Tourists come in their millions to the limestone highlands to feel the spirit of this ancient place and take beautiful photos.

General information about the Grand Canyon in the USA

The Grand Canyon is one of the deepest in the world. It is located in Arizona on the Colorado Plateau, stretching over a distance of 446 kilometers. In fact, it is part of the national park of the same name. The canyon is eroded by the Colorado River, and in some places its width reaches 29 kilometers. Generally, slopes widen as elevation increases. The depth of the Grand Canyon is 1800 meters.

From a geological point of view, the Grand Canyon is of considerable interest, which is why scientists are still studying it. It is interesting that the rocky terrain, like an open book, can tell about the four geological eras of our planet. The rocks are so diverse that it would take a lot of time to classify them into groups. In addition, this is the place where there are a huge number of caves. From an archaeological point of view, the canyon is very interesting, because such an ancient plateau can hide real treasures.

Due to the high altitude of the rocks, climatic zones change in accordance with the depth, and their boundaries are very blurred. However, you can see the difference in temperature and humidity, and also get acquainted with the inhabitants of the canyon, descending lower and lower along its steep slopes. The flora of the Grand Canyon in the USA is very diverse. Tall trees such as fir, yellow pine and spruce are found here. These forests are home to a unique species of squirrels. True, there are also large animals, for example, black-tailed deer. There are many bats and rodents in the forests.

History of the formation of a natural masterpiece

Many people are interested in how the Grand Canyon was formed, because it takes not even thousands, but millions of years to create such a natural masterpiece. It is assumed that since the appearance of land, the Colorado River flowed across the plain, but the movement of plates provoked the rise of the plateau. As a result, the angle of the river bed changed, the flow speed increased, and rocks began to be washed out faster.

The top layer consisted of limestones that were washed away first. Deeper there were sandstones and shales, but they could not resist the turbulent current that washed the plateau for many millions of years. Thus, approximately five million years ago, the Grand Canyon took on approximately the same appearance as it can be seen today. However, soil erosion continues to this day, so after another few million years this natural attraction may change significantly.

Exploration of the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon was inhabited by Indians long before Europeans arrived. This is evidenced by numerous rock paintings that appeared thousands of years ago. Despite the topography of this area, indigenous people still live on the plateau. The reservations of several Indian tribes are located here.

Spanish soldiers first encountered the Grand Canyon in 1540. They traveled across the mainland in the hope of finding gold, which is why they decided to go down to the bottom of the canyon. True, it was not possible to cope with this task, since they were not prepared accordingly. After them, no one set a goal to go down. Only in 1869 did a scientific expedition to the Grand Canyon in the USA take place, during which it was possible to describe its features. These merits belong to Professor John Weasley Powell.

Interesting and incredible things about the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is a unique place, so many events of historical significance are associated with it. For its exclusivity, it was added to the UNESCO list in 1979, but there are more interesting facts associated with the natural attraction.

In the past, many airliners, when flying over the Grand Canyon, made several circles above it so that passengers could appreciate the beauty and scale of the plateau. The spectacle, of course, is impressive, but such actions were inherently dangerous due to the fact that the planes could collide when gliding over the rocks. This is what happened in 1956, resulting in the death of 128 people. The country's government immediately reacted and banned visual flights of civil aircraft on air routes.

30 years later, another plane crash occurred over the Grand Canyon as a result of a collision between a sightseeing plane and a helicopter. Then 25 people on both ships died. The cause of the collision was never determined.

In 2013, a risky action took place in the Grand Canyon, which deservedly entered the Guinness Book of Records. Famous tightrope walker Nicholas Wallenda crossed the gap between the rocks of the canyon without safety belts. This event became the sixth on the list of his most extraordinary achievements and deserved worldwide recognition.

Many tourists are interested in how to get to the Grand Canyon in the USA, because it extends over quite a long distance. Today, special tours are organized here; observation platforms are equipped on the rocks. It is difficult to name their exact address, but with the help of a map and signs you can quickly find your way around. River rafting and mule rides are very popular among visiting guests.

10. Canyon of the Tara River

The Tara River Canyon in Montenegro is one of the most majestic creations of nature. Its depth is 1300 meters. The gorge stretching along the Tara River is one of the main attractions of the country. Part of the canyon is part of the national park of the Durmitor National Park. The canyon attracts many tourists with its beauty. In the vicinity of the deepest gorge in Europe there is the Djurdjevic Tara Bridge - another interesting attraction of Montenegro. The canyon is a favorite place for rafters. By the way, the Tara is one of the cleanest rivers in Europe. In winter, the gorge attracts skiers with many slopes and good snow cover.

9. Blyde River Canyon

The Blyde River Canyon, located in South Africa, ranks 9th on the list of the deepest canyons in the world. Its special feature is that the banks of the River Blyde are covered with lush vegetation. This makes the canyon the largest green gorges existing on Earth. The maximum depth of the canyon is 1372 meters. The majestic gorge is one of the most amazing attractions in South Africa. Tourists enjoy visiting the canyon, where you can admire fantastic African landscapes.

8. Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous and largest canyons. Its depth is 1600 meters. It is located in the state of Colorado, USA, on the territory of the national park of the same name. There are also reservations of three Indian tribes here. The canyon is formed by the Colorado River. The Grand Canyon is one of the most unusual and amazingly beautiful places. Due to its unusual nature, the Grand Canyon has been thoroughly studied. It is one of the most visited places by tourists - about 4 million people come to see the Grand Canyon every year.

7. Copper Canyon

Among the deepest canyons in the world is a complex of 6 gorges called the Copper Canyon. It is located in Mexico, in the national park of the same name. The maximum depth of the canyon is 1879 meters. The canyon got its name from the Spaniards, who mistook the rocks covered with moss and lichen for copper ore. The gorges complex represents a unique ecosystem. It is home to many rare species of animals and more than 290 species of birds.

6. Sulak Canyon

The Sulak Canyon ranks 6th on the list of the deepest canyons in the world. Its depth is 1920 meters. It is located in Dagestan, between the Salatau and Gimrinsky mountain ranges. The Sulak Canyon is one of the most beautiful places in Dagestan, which is visited by many tourists every year. From the plateau there is a fantastic panorama of the Sulak River with a cascade of hydroelectric power stations located on it. The Sulak Canyon is not only one of the most beautiful sights of Dagestan. Due to the lack of an observation deck, barriers and railings, the canyon at the very top is extremely dangerous.

5. Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tiger Leaping Gorge in China is one of the deepest canyons on Earth. The canyon owes its unusual name to a local legend, according to which a tiger fleeing from hunters jumped over a stormy river at its narrowest point. The depth of the canyon is 3000 meters. Obtaining more accurate data about the canyon is hampered by its inaccessibility.

4. Kolka

The fourth deepest canyon in the world is Kolka. It, like the Cotausi Canyon, is located in Peru. Its depth is 3400 meters. It is believed that the name of the canyon translates as “grain barn.” In ancient times, the Inca tribe grew crops in this area - this is evidenced by the terraces that exist here to this day. The canyon was formed as a result of the activity of two volcanoes: Sabancaya and Hualca. The canyon attracts not only tourists, but also rafters and lovers of cycling in the mountains. Colca Canyon is interesting not only for the beauty of the environment, but also because you can watch condors here.

3. Kotausi

One of the deepest canyons on Earth is the Kotausi Canyon. Its depth reaches 3535 meters. It is located in Peru between two mountain ranges: Solimana and Coropuna, and is formed by the Cotausi River. Seeing the canyon is not so easy - it is located in places remote from civilization. Despite its inaccessibility, the canyon is very popular among tourists. In the vicinity of Kotausi there are underground hot springs and waterfalls. One of the largest waterfalls, Sipia, is 250 meters high. In the vicinity of the canyon there are several mountain villages, whose residents are engaged in traditional crafts, such as making carpets and clothing from alpaca wool. Having visited the Kotausi Canyon, you can not only admire the wonderful view from the observation deck, but also engage in active recreation: kayaking, paragliding, mountaineering.

2. Kali Gandaki

In 2nd place among the deepest canyons on Earth is the Kali Gandaki Canyon. It is located in Nepal. In ancient times, the Kali Gandak River, flowing through a grand gorge, was a route for transporting goods between Tibet and India. Nowadays, the canyon is one of the attractions of Tibet. The exact depth of the canyon remains a matter of debate. If we count its depth from the highest mountain peaks, it will be at least 6 kilometers.

1. Yarlung Tsangpo

The deepest canyon on Earth is in Tibet, high in the Himalayas. The greatest depth of the Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon is 6009 meters. The Tsangpo River, flowing in a grandiose gorge, looks like a small stream from the height of the canyon. The river is popular among rafters, although rafting on it is considered extreme. The ecosystem of the canyon is unique - lush vegetation here coexists with snow-capped mountain peaks. These places are difficult to access, so the flora and fauna have been preserved in their original form.

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