Home Russian citizenship What countries does the United States of America border with? What countries borders the USA? Languages ​​and religion

What countries does the United States of America border with? What countries borders the USA? Languages ​​and religion

The United States of America is a country that contains areas that do not have common borders with the main part of the state. The United States is located on the North American continent. Thanks to its large area, America has neighbors both at sea and on land.

US land borders

The total length of American borders is 32,141 km. By land, America neighbors the following countries:

  • Canada (north);
  • Mexico (south).

The area of ​​the United States is approximately 9,518,900 sq. km. In terms of area, this country ranks 4th in the world.

The state of Hawaii does not have a single border line with the United States, but is the territory of the country. The geographical position of Alaska is also isolated, but the lands of the peninsula are part of the United States.

Part of the US border with Mexico stretches along the bed of the Rio Grande River. This border stretches for 3326 km. The borders with Canada are recognized as non-militarized, and are practically not protected in many areas. Their length is estimated at 8893 km.

US maritime boundaries

The Bering Strait connects the United States with the Russian Federation through shared maritime territory. The length of this line is 49 km. In addition to the Bering Strait, America is washed by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as the Gulf of Mexico.

In addition to the above waters, the United States is also washed by the Arctic Ocean.

It's worth knowing that some US milestones are astronomical. This implies the coincidence of the natural boundaries of the state with the parallels and meridians of the Earth. This is considered the border between the United States and Canada.

The United States guards some of its borders, for example, the border areas with Mexico, very carefully; the state does not seem to pay any attention to others, because the United States and Canada are at approximately the same level of development and also have friendly relations.

Which countries does the USA border on the map?

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The USA on the world map is not only the most powerful superpower of our time, the economic, political and cultural leader of the modern world, but also one of the most interesting countries in the world in terms of tourism.

USA on the world map in Russian

Huge and diverse territories, a large population, large and developed cities, a vibrant, albeit young, history make up big picture a place where you can travel endlessly, marveling at the diversity of natural landscapes, the richness of different cultures and modern achievements of science and economics.

And even though the USA does not have such an ancient and rich culture as in the countries of Europe or Asia, modern achievements mitigate this relative disadvantage and allow the United States to attract more than 70 million tourists annually.

This number of tourists allows the United States to take second place in terms of tourism potential, second only to.

The total area of ​​the United States is 9.5 million km², which allows the United States of America to share with China the 3rd and 4th largest territories among all countries in the world.

Where is?

The United States of America is located in the Western Hemisphere on the continent North America. From the west, the mainland of the United States of America is limited by the Pacific Ocean, from the east - by the Atlantic. The country also includes Alaska, partially washed by the Arctic Ocean. Alaska is separated from the main American states by Canada.

Administrative division

The administrative divisions of the United States are quite complex. The country is divided into:

  • 48 so-called continental states, connected by land borders;
  • 2 states separated from the main territory (Alaska and Hawaii);
  • District of Columbia with the capital of the country, Washington;
  • overseas territories with different legal status (Puerto Rico, Guam, Palmyra Atoll and others).

Despite the officially equivalent status of the states, their role in domestic politics and economics varies greatly, since the states themselves are extremely heterogeneous. For example, the state of Alaska is 430 times larger than the state of Rhode Island, and the population of California is 80 times larger than the population of Wyoming.

Largest states Countries by territory are:

  1. Alaska(more than 1.7 million km²);
  2. Texas(almost 700 thousand km²);
  3. California(more than 420 thousand km²).

The population is unevenly distributed throughout the country. The most populated areas are the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the Great Lakes region, and the Gulf Coast. The states of the northwest have the smallest number of residents - Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming, North Dakota. Most populous states USA are:

  • California(40 million people);
  • Texas(27 million inhabitants);
  • Florida(more than 20 million people);
  • state NY(almost 20 million inhabitants);
  • Illinois(almost 13 million people);
  • Pennsylvania(12.7 million people).

Largest settlements

When listing the largest cities in the United States by population, you should consider your preferred type of settlement in this country. In the United States, living in suburbs outside the administrative boundaries of cities is extremely common, so the number of largest cities is not amazing.

America's metropolitan areas, created by merging cities, towns and settlements, are among the largest in the world.

By population Within administrative boundaries, the largest American cities are:

  1. NY, population 8.5 million people;
  2. Los Angeles, population 3.8 million;
  3. Chicago- 2.7 million inhabitants;
  4. Houston, population 2.3 million people;
  5. Philadelphia And Phoenix each have 1.5 million inhabitants.

The list of urban agglomerations shows a completely different number of residents involved in labor migration sintering core:

  • New York agglomeration - more than 21 million people;
  • Los Angeles agglomeration - 15 million people;
  • agglomeration Chicago- more than 9 million inhabitants;
  • agglomeration Boston- 7.2 million people;
  • agglomerations Dallas And San Francisco have a population of 6.5 million people.

It is interesting that the capital of the country Washington is not listed on the list of the largest cities and metropolitan areas in the United States.

How to get to the United States of America?

You can only get to the USA by air transport, except for such an exotic and expensive mode of transport in our time as sea.

How many time zones?

The continental United States, consisting of 48 mainland states, has the following Time Zones:

  1. UTC-4- North American Eastern Time;
  2. UTC-5- Central American time;
  3. UTC-6- Mountain time;
  4. UTC-7- North American Pacific Time.

The state of Alaska uses Alaskan Standard Time - UTC-9. The Hawaiian Islands are on Hawaiian-Aleutian Standard Time. UTC-10.

The maximum time difference in the United States is observed between the Atlantic coast and Hawaii and is 6 hours.

Due to the enormous size of the United States and Russia and the abundance of time zones in these countries difference in time can range from relatively small sizes (6 hours between Kaliningrad and the East Coast in summer) to almost a daily difference near the border Chukotka and Alaska (the difference in summer is 20 hours).

Thus, when it is noon in Kamchatka or Chukotka, in Alaska the time is 16 hours, and in Hawaii it is 14 hours, but the previous day.

Difference between capitals countries Moscow and Washington is 7 hours in summer and 8 in winter.

How to fly from Russia?

Due to the fact that Russia and the United States do not have a land border, practically the only way to get into this country is to use air transport. Air traffic between the Russian capital and the largest cities of the USA is developed good enough. From Moscow you can fly on Russian or US airlines to the following cities in the United States:

  • NY;
  • Washington;
  • Los Angeles;
  • Chicago;
  • Boston;
  • Dallas.

Travel time ranges from 9 hours when flying to the East Coast of the USA and from 12 hours when flying to the West Coast.

You can also fly to the United States using connecting flights at European airports.

You can find a plane ticket to the States using this search form. Specify cities of departure and arrival, date And number of passengers.

From Petersburg Flights to, Washington and Los Angeles are available, but you will have to make a transfer in Moscow. Travel time when flying from St. Petersburg to New York with a connection in the Russian capital will be 14 hours. In order to get to the USA from other Russian cities, you will have to use a transfer in Moscow or at European airports.

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The United States of America is one of the greatest powers in the world, located in the continent of North America. Administratively, the country is divided into 50 states and one federal district, in which the capital of the state is located - Washington. Of the 50 states that make up the state, 2 do not have a common border with the rest - Alaska and Hawaii.

Who does the USA border with?

The United States is washed by the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The fourth largest country in the world has a very good location in the central part of the continent. Canada and Mexico are the only countries bordering the United States.


The country's territory is divided into a number of large physiographic regions. From the east and framed by the Appalachian Mountains and the high mountain ranges of the Cordillera. It is also worth mentioning the American Great Plains, which are located in the middle of the mountain complex.

The United States has a large amount of fresh water reserves. Therefore, Americans pay great attention to exploring the many lakes and rivers of their country. Most of the territory of this state is located in a subtropical climate, which means that even residents of neighboring countries can envy the favorable climatic conditions.

However, it does not happen without natural disasters. The United States is on the list of countries where various natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tornadoes occur quite often.

Languages ​​and religion

The United States of America is one of the most urbanized countries today. In addition, it is no secret that the country has become a haven for most religions. The Protestant movement had a great impact on the further history of the state, since the first settlers were European Protestants.

The official language in the States is English, but you can often hear Spanish spoken on the streets of many cities. And this is not surprising, since Mexico borders the United States.

Neighboring countries

Let's also take a closer look at those countries with which the United States borders. Many school students are often confused, and sometimes even do not know, the neighbors of the United States of America. Nearby countries are Canada and Mexico. Canada borders the United States in the north of the continent, while Mexico borders the south. Since these are two completely different countries, which even speak different languages, it is necessary to become more familiar with each of them. In addition, Russia also has a border with the United States, but not by land, but by sea. For this reason, when talking about the states with which the United States borders, our country can also be considered as a distant neighbor.


It is the second largest country after Russia. It is characterized by a developed economy and a high standard of living. It is in the vastness of this state that the famous Niagara Falls is located and which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In Canada they speak French and English.

The geography of this country is very diverse. Canada occupies almost the entire northern part of the continent. On both sides (in the east and west) the state is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, respectively, and in the north by the Arctic Ocean.

The nature in Canada is quite harsh, unlike its neighbor - the United States. There is a rocky coastline, a continental climate and a huge number of rivers. The weather is very changeable; while in the south the climatic conditions are similar to those found in the United States, in the north of the country a polar climate predominates.

About 70% of the forested territory is occupied by taiga, and tundra stretches in the northern part of Canada.


This is an amazing country located in the southern part of North America. The favorable location had a very strong influence on the local climate. In most of its territory, the tropical climate is gradually replaced by a temperate one. The official language is Spanish, and the country's currency is the peso.

The state is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean from the west, and in the east its shores are washed by the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. This Latin American country has only one neighbor to the north, the United States, and two to the south, Guatemala and Belize. The highest point on the territory of the state is the Orizaba stratovolcano, whose height is 5675 meters.

The nature of Mexico is very unique. On the one hand, active volcanoes and the Cote d'Azur are concentrated here, and on the other, the most beautiful waterfalls and dangerous jungles. Mexico is a country that has a great Indian heritage. By the way, in the state, about 4% of the population still speaks indigenous languages.


As you know, the United States is famous for its multinationality. Therefore, a separate feature of this country can be considered the predominance of completely different traditions, brought over time by numerous emigrants. In large cities there are always entire “China towns” with traditional Chinese cuisine, as well as many pizzerias, French and Italian restaurants.


Most of Alaska, which is part of the United States, has mountain ranges running from west to east. In addition, the state of Alaska is the largest in the United States. It is located in the northwest of the continent and is separated from the Chukotka Peninsula, which belongs to Russia. The state capital is Juneau.

For the first time, G.V. Steller set foot on the land of Alaska, at least this is what is commonly believed in the West, then, in 1732, members of the crew of the Russian ship “St. Gabriel” landed on the “cold land”. For some time, Alaska was under the control of the Russian-American Company. However, in 1867, the Russian Empire was forced to sell part of its territory for political reasons.


The United States of America is a great country with its own unique history, culture and diversity. There is wonderful nature and climate here. Now you know who the United States borders with, what waters it is washed by, and also have a brief but clear idea of ​​the neighboring states and the state of Alaska, which is part of this country.

The territory of the United States of America, with an area of ​​9,518,900 km², is the fourth largest in the world by area. The entire water composition of rivers and lakes in percentage terms occupies only 2.23% of the land area.

The United States includes three sovereign territories:

  • The first and largest is located on the mainland of the American continent, with an area of ​​4662 x 4583 km².
  • The second is Alaska, with an area of ​​1.53 million km², in the northwestern part of the continent.
  • The third is the Hawaiian Islands, numbering 24 islands with an area of ​​16 thousand 800 km².

The American state includes 48 states in the mainland zone. They are connected by common boundaries. 2 states, Alaska and Hawaii, are not connected by common borders with the rest. Other US possessions include Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Eastern Samoa, Guam and the District of Columbia.


The hydrographic, or maritime, boundaries include: the southeastern part of the US border with Mexico, running along the bed of the Rio Grande River, the maritime border along the east coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the western - Pacific Ocean, as well as the border with Canada in the Great Lakes region - the Arctic Ocean . America shares land borders in the north with Canada. A smooth demarcation strip separates America from Mexico in the south.

The most extensive are the land border zones with Canada and Mexico. It should be noted that the Canadian-American borders are drawn in accordance with the natural curves of the terrain and amount to 8893 km. The section in the south of the country, bordering Mexico, is marked out with a clear geometric line, so its length is determined to be 3326 km. A border of 19,924 km runs along the shores of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The total length of the borders is 32,141 kilometers.


The relief of the United States is represented by mountainous and low-lying areas. In the west and east, the country is surrounded by mountain ranges. On the east coast along the Atlantic Ocean is the Appalachian Mountain Range. The western part, bordering the Pacific Ocean, goes around the Cordillera. Plain zones occupy the entire western and southern part of the continent, forming endless valleys and green prairie zones, as well as plateaus called the Great Plains.

The highest point above sea level is Mount McKinley - 6193 m, located in Alaska. The lowest point is usually called the canyon in Death Valley - minus 86 m above sea level, located in California, Inyo County.

The Appalachian mountain ranges are 1,900 km long, stretching from northern Maine to central Alabama. The width of the Apalachinskaya ridge stretches for a distance of 190 to 600 km in some areas. The highest point is Mount Mitchell - two kilometers thirty-seven meters. Average heights range from 1300 to 1600 meters. The Hudson River divides the Appalachians into two disproportionate systems. The northern portion of the Appalachian Mountains includes the Taconic and Berkshire ranges, as well as the White and Green Mountains. The southern ridge consists of the Adirondack, Catskill, and Blue Ridge mountains, and also includes the Cumberland Mountain Plateau and the Appalachian Plateau itself.

The low-lying regions of America are represented by:

  • the Atlantic lowlands,
  • Mexican Lowland,
  • Central plains.

The Atlantic lowland is located at an altitude of 100 meters above sea level. This zone is located from the Chesapeake Bay to the Florida Peninsula. There is a line of waterfalls here.

The western part from Florida to the Rio Grande River is occupied by the Mississippi Plain, which has a width of 80 to 160 km, and is part of the Mexican Lowland.

The central plains are higher than their “brothers” - from 200 to 500 meters. They consist of hills and plateaus - Ozarks, Springfield and Salem. Also in this area are the low mountains Boston and Ouachita (700 and 860 m).

The Great Plains is a steppe zone that occupies the space between the Central Plains and the western foothills. The altitude above sea level ranges from 500 to 1600 meters. The north is occupied by “bad lands” - the Badlands; in the south, in the state of Nebraska, there are the Sand Hills Mountains. This area is unsuitable for agriculture. In Kansas there are highlands, the Smoky Hills and the Flint Hills. The southern zone is represented by karst and semi-desert soils of the Llano Estacado and Edwards plateaus.

Alaska is predominantly a mountain range stretching from west to east. Includes the peninsula, the Aleutian Islands, a narrow coastal zone and the islands of the Alexander Archipelago. The center of the state is occupied by the Yukon Plateau. The Yukon River flows through the plateau. The northern part is occupied by tundra, in the south there are forests. The entire perimeter of the territory is washed by the Arctic and Pacific oceans. The highest mountain here is McKinley. There are also volcanoes on the territory, including active ones.

Hydrography of America

America's entire water system can be divided into five zones:

  • Pacific Ocean Basin,
  • Atlantic basin,
  • Arctic Ocean basin (least numerous),
  • gulf basin,
  • Large basin (formed by endorheic lakes).

These zones include rivers and lakes.

The Pacific Ocean basin consists of the following rivers: the Columbia with its tributaries the Snake (in the northwest) and the Willamette (in the south), the Colorado River (in the west), the Yukon and Kuskowim.

Atlantic basin: Hudson, Potomac, James, Roanoke, Great Pee Dee, Savannah, Altamahoe rivers.

Arctic Ocean basin: Noatak and Colville rivers.

The Gulf of Mexico is formed by the following rivers: the Mississippi with tributaries of the Missouri, Arkansas, Ohio, Rio Grande, Colorado, Brazos, and Trinity.

The large basin is represented by the endorheic Humboldt River.

There are eight sewage lakes in the United States of America, from which rivers originate. They are concentrated mainly in the northern part, on the border with Canada. Of these, five are large: Upper, Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontari. Three smaller ones: St. Mary's, St. Clair, Nipigon. In addition to these lakes, there are also salty drainage lakes in the territory: the Great Salt Lake, Utah, Sevier in the east of the American mainland and Honi, Pyramid, Winnemucca, Tahoe, Walker, Monet and Owens in the west.

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