Home Russian citizenship Recreational resources in foreign Europe briefly. Tourism

Recreational resources in foreign Europe briefly. Tourism

GERMANY after unification in 199 0 became the largest country in Western Europe by population (more than 80 million people). Its geographical location in the center of Europe among developed countries contributes to economic prosperity. Access to the seas compensates through trade for the relative poverty of the mineral resource base (supplies of iron ore, oil, non-ferrous metals). The feudal fragmentation of Germany in the Middle Ages predetermined the modern polycentric settlement system of the country. There are many small and medium-sized towns in Germany, which are characterized by medieval buildings in the half-timbered style (white clay walls and wooden ceilings), and a large number of feudal castles. There is no clearly defined leading city on the territory of the country. The paradox of the demographic situation is that the population is increasing at the expense of migrants (mainly immigrants from Turkey and Yugoslavia) while the indigenous population is decreasing. The Federal Republic of Germany is administratively divided into 16 federal states. Having the third-largest economic potential in the world behind the United States and Japan, Germany has highly developed metallurgy, manufacturing, organized in the form of vertically integrated concerns, as well as the automotive and chemical industries. Tourist demand in Germany is driven by business travel, educational and luxury tourism. Business people visit Germany for various purposes. Small and medium-sized entrepreneurs from Russia visit the country to purchase used cars from well-known German companies Opel, BMW, and Audi. There is close cooperation between German and Russian metallurgical plants related to the supply of modern metallurgical equipment from Germany and the exchange of specialists. For Germany, congress and exhibition tourism is promising. Germany is one of Russia's largest business partners, and therefore international exhibitions held in the country's cities always attract many businessmen and specialists from Russia and the CIS countries. “He brought fruits of learning from foggy Germany” - famous poetic lines confirming the prestige of German education. There are many foreign students studying in Germany. Thus, there is close cooperation between Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and the Humboldt University in Berlin. Elite tourism is associated with prestigious resorts in the west of the country, such as Baden-Baden. Holidays at these resorts involve treatment with thermal waters, the sources of which have been known since the times of ancient Rome. Baden-Baden's gambling houses with roulette and other games are famous. At the end of the 19th century, the GAMING HOUSE paid the city 500 thousand florins in rent and allocated the same amount for the improvement of places where the vacationing public strolled. In 1857 in the gambling house of Baden-Baden L.N. Tolstoy lost all his money - 3,000 francs. Wiesbaden is also known as a gambling center. From the middle of the 19th century. Wiesbaden became famous for its gambling house with roulette and card games. In 187 1. in the gambling house of Wiesbaden played F.M. Dostoevsky. Holidays in the Alps are of particular interest in Germany; the famous resort of Garmisch-Partenkirchen is located here. This is one of the largest climatic resorts in the Bavarian Alps, a recognized winter sports center in Germany. Back in 1936. The Winter Olympic Games were held here. In Germany, holidays on the lakes of Bavaria and river cruises along the Rhine and Elbe are popular, especially among people of the “third age”. The administrative centers of Germany are also a tourist mecca. Especially the most popular trips are to the capital of Germany, Berlin. In the center of Berlin is Alexanderplatz, a square named after the Russian Emperor Alexander II. Here, nearby, tourists walk along the central street of the city, Unter Den Linden (the street under the linden trees), which ends at the Brandenburg Gate, which once separated West and East Berlin. Berlin's tourist attractions include numerous museums, a zoo, and a television tower. The symbol of the city is a bear. Not far from Berlin is the city of Potsdam - the site of the post-war conference of the heads of government of the victorious powers in 1945. There are many other tourist attractions in Germany. It is impossible not to mention the city of Dresden, located on the Elbe River. Dresden is famous for its wonderful Zwinger palace ensemble with the building of the Dresden Art Gallery. Other cities in Germany are also of interest to tourists. Hamburg is the second largest (after Berlin) city in Germany, one of the largest seaports in Europe. The city has a large number of bridges - about 2400. Numerous churches rise in the northern Elbe quarters. The city has the “entertainment district” of Sao Pauli with restaurants, nightclubs, and bars. To the north of the Elbe, an aristocratic district is located around an artificially created lake. The historical center of Germany is Bremen. In the historical and business center of the city, administrative buildings coexist with monuments of the past: the medieval cathedral and the city hall. The picturesque cities of Lübeck and Kiel are known as long-standing centers of maritime trade. Currently, Kiel is a naval base and a major shipbuilding center. Regattas are regularly held in Kiel. Many tourists visit Cologne, which was founded by the Romans back in the 1st century. n. e. as a TRADE hub at the intersection of the Rhine and land roads. The city is dominated by the building of Cologne Cathedral, a world-famous monument of Gothic architecture. Düsseldorf is home to world-class industrial and trade fairs. It is a major financial and foreign trade center. Frankfurt am Main is known as a city of banks, insurance agencies and international fairs. Large stock and currency exchanges are located here. Stuttgart is a city in Southwestern Germany, surrounded by picturesque forests. The parks that separate the districts from each other give the city a unique identity. There are Mercedes and Porsche museums in the city. Munich is the capital of Bavaria, a federal state located in southern Germany. The city is a major resort center. Numerous publishing houses and theaters are located here. Leipzig is a city in East Germany - a major center of printing and musical life in the country. Goethe studied at the local university. In terms of tourism business, Germany is clearly divided into a more developed western part and a less developed eastern part. GREAT BRITAIN with a population of about 60 million people, it is located in the British Isles and unites four historical and geographical regions: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The island's geographical location creates favorable conditions for the development of contacts with the outside world and makes the country favorably located geopolitically. The country's modern natural and climatic resources are characterized by a humid maritime climate and a poor mineral resource base (with the exception of oil). Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy, combining parliamentary and monarchical forms of government, administratively divided into counties. The post-industrial economy of Great Britain with a developed banking, insurance, shipping and freight sector is connected by the presence of depressed (coal, textile industry, shipbuilding) and progressive (automotive, oil production, electronics) industries, as well as agriculture, focused mainly on the development of livestock products. In the UK, the most developed regions are in the southwest and southeast. The capital of Great Britain is the city of London, a historical and cultural center located on the banks of the Thames. Westminster Abbey, the Tower, Beat Ben, Trafalgar Square with Admiral Nelson's Column, Hyde Park - this is not a complete list of attractions of the capital of Great Britain. There are over 30 museums in London, including the British Museum, the National Gallery, etc. There are about 80 theaters in the city: Covent Garden, the Royal Shakespeare Theater, etc. The world-famous Madame Tussauds Wax Museum is very popular. London is a major business center. One of the world's largest non-ferrous metals exchanges, large banks and insurance companies are located here. Great Britain is the most attractive country in terms of tourism: business tourism, excursions to historical places and monuments, leisurely holidays in the British provinces, educational tourism, as well as sports entertainment are developed. Tourist centers, in addition to London, include the youth capital of England, Liverpool; university cities Oxford, Cambridge; Bournemouth is a resort center in the south of England, the Scottish cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow are centers of art and festivals; the capital of Wales, Cardiff, is a place for lovers of medieval monuments. Great Britain is also known as a center of pilgrimage. Pilgrims are attracted to the country by shrines belonging to the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches (Canterbury, Walsingham, Iona Islands, etc. ). If we talk about the climate of Great Britain, then it is appropriate to recall the words of Samuel Butler: “An Englishman travels not to see foreign lands, but to see the sun.” IRELAND, neighboring Great Britain, is also interesting as a center of educational elite and religious tourism. Here, approximately 50 thousand people annually make a pilgrimage in July to the holy Mount Crow. This mountain is located in the west of the country near the Klu Bay of the Atlantic Ocean. St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, once climbed the Crow. Here he prayed for forty days and nights without food or water. Countries BENELUX include BELGIUM, THE NETHERLANDS and LUXEMBOURG. Belgium and the Netherlands are constitutional monarchies, Luxembourg is a grand duchy. Pleasant summers and mild winters are typical weather in the Benelux countries. Distinctive feature NETHERLANDS- a sea of ​​flowers in the cities and polders reclaimed from the sea. The tourist centers of the Netherlands are Amsterdam with numerous canals and bridges, the largest port in the world in terms of cargo turnover is Rotterdam, the ancient city of The Hague is the capital of the country. North Holland is a favorite holiday destination for tourists. There are large and small resorts of different profiles here. Windmills are an integral part of the Dutch landscape. A boat trip to Kinderdijk offers the opportunity to see 19 real mills dating back to the mid-18th century. Other sights of the country are also interesting. Thus, tourists can get acquainted with the rural architecture of Holland in the unique open-air museum “Openluchtmuseum”. Here, in a small area, authentic farm houses and mills are collected. Walking through the park, you can see a real dairy farm or a collection of traditional Dutch costumes. The Netherlands has preserved fortresses and many palaces and castles. There are more than 20 historic towns and villages. Among them are Delft, Leiden, Hurn. In Amsterdam, the museums of Van Gogh, Rembrandt, and the Historical Museum are of interest. The Riksmuseum is of world importance, where canvases by outstanding masters of the brush are collected. The government and parliament of the country meet in The Hague. Representative offices of international organizations are located here. The city has many ancient monuments (the Binnenhof palace complex, a museum with a collection of paintings by Rembrandt). Utrecht is considered an ancient university city. Maastricht is one of the cities with a large number of ancient monuments. Capital BELGIUM Brussels has the status of a region with its own government and parliament and at the same time is the headquarters of the Council of Ministers of the European Community and NATO. Brussels is the economic, political and cultural center of the country. Business tourism is mainly developed here. In the city center is the famous Grand Place, recognized as one of the most beautiful squares in the world. Here is the Gothic town hall of the 15th century. and an exquisite Gothic cathedral of the 13th-15th centuries. The symbol of Brussels is the Manneken Pis. His figurine stands in the city center, not far from the medieval market square, and attracts thousands of tourists every day. There are many fish restaurants in Brussels. In terms of territorial differences, Belgium is divided into two parts: Flanders, where a dialect of the Dutch language is spoken, and Wallonia, where communities of French-speaking Walloons predominate. In the southeast of the country there are the mid-altitude Ardennes Mountains, where there are many excellent slopes for skiers. Bicycle tourism and forest hiking, as well as kayaking along 98 mountain rivers, are developed here. The North Sea coast of Belgium stretches for 67 km. The most famous resort here is Ostend. Tourists are eager to see the medieval capital of Flanders - Ghent, the small “Venice” of Belgium - Bruges - a city crossed by canals through which picturesque bridges covered with ivy are thrown. The city has preserved monuments of medieval architecture - the town hall of the 16th century, blocks of residential buildings, cathedrals of the 16th-17th centuries. The largest city in Flanders, Antwerp is the center of diamond cutting masters and the global diamond trade. There are a large number of ancient Gothic buildings here. In addition, Antwerp is a major industrial center and the city is also known as a fashion center. Duchy of LUXEMBOURG- first of all the center of business tourism. Major banks and the headquarters of a number of international organizations are located here. The city of Luxembourg was founded in 963. The modern name of the country comes from the word “Lucklinbur-hook” (in the old local dialect - “small castle”). The capital of the country consists of two parts - the Upper and Lower City. In the Upper Town there are the remains of a mighty fortress, as well as the Ducal Palace, this is the business center of the capital, an area of ​​​​new quarters, industrial enterprises and institutions. Within the city limits there is a huge viaduct - the “Adolphe Bridge”, numerous historical and cultural monuments: the Grand Duke's Palace, the parade square, the Cathedral of Our Lady, the National Library, etc. Local vineyards are located in the Mosel Valley. Famous wines, liqueurs, fruit juices are made here. Recognized centers of winemaking are the towns of Remich and Grevenmacher. The city of Esch-sur-sur is a well-known center for cloth making. Echternach is one of the oldest cities in the country, it is about 1000 years old. Echternach, along with the capital of the country, is a recognized center of tourism. To the east of Echternach lie the expanses of the so-called “Luxembourg Switzerland”. Here, at the border of Triassic limestones and Jurassic sandstones, bizarre pointed peaks and deep gorges with steep cliffs formed. Rock blocks rise above the gorges. On the border with France there is the resort of Mondorf, famous for its mineral waters, and the balneological resort of Mondor-les-Bains.

Question 18 North and Central America. Island states and territories of the Caribbean. South America. America is currently the second most popular tourist destination after Europe. The diverse tourism resources of this part of the world determine the development of many types of tourism. As you know, America was discovered by mistake. This “great geographical mistake” was made by Christopher Columbus in 149 2. Columbus sailed to India and ended up in America. As a part of the world, America consists of two subregions: North and Latin America. In turn, Latin America includes Central and South America. America also includes island states and Caribbean territories.

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(4 slide)
Tourist flows are mainly directed to recreation centers in Western and Southern Europe (France, Spain, Italy). This concentration is the result of the habit of summer beach holidays.
The UK is famous for educational tourism.
Northern Europe (Scandinavia and Ireland) specialize in eco-tourism.

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Recreational resources of Greece
Thanks to its favorable geographical location, climate and the presence of a large cultural and historical heritage, Greece seems to be created for tourism. The country as a whole is a unique collection of monuments of ancient and ancient culture in the open air. Every city has a museum or archaeological sites, ruins of circuses, theaters, religious and temple buildings. In addition, tourists are attracted by: the beautiful nature of the country; a large coastline suitable for organizing sea resorts; many active types of recreation and entertainment, souvenirs and other goods of tourist demand; delicious and varied national cuisine, as well as the traditional cordiality and hospitality of the Greeks.
Greece is historically and geographically divided into several regions, each region is rich in its own way with various tourism resources and attractive to guests.

(8 slide)
Recreational resources of Italy
Italy is a classic tourist country. For a long time it has been a stable specialized recreational region, visited mainly by Western tourists.
Italy is a country of great art, historical cities, excellent cuisine. It has a lot of charm, many places that are world famous. Italy is a performance country, and millions of tourists from all over the world come to see it.
Rome, Florence and Venice remain the most attractive for a long time, concentrating many wonderful monuments of Italian history and culture.

(10 slide)
Recreational resources of Portugal
If we evaluate Portugal from a tourist point of view, it can be characterized as follows: excellent beaches, romantic castles, charming fishing villages, excellent restaurants and wonderful folklore. Portuguese cities have perfectly preserved their past appearance and ancient architecture; soft, pleasing landscapes complement the image of the country.
The great advantage of Portugal is its wonderful climate: it is never cold here. In Lisbon in January and February, the average minimum daily temperature is +8 degrees, and the average maximum daily temperatures are +14-15 degrees. It is very important that even in summer, in the hottest months, it is never too hot: for example, in August the average maximum daily temperature does not rise above +28 degrees.
The history of Portugal is very interesting and has a lot to do with the sea.

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Recreational Resources England
Eternal fog, light drizzle, cobblestone streets, the Tower and Tower Bridge, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey... Well, in what other country, if not in England, are so many different attractions concentrated? Sorry, of course, but I won’t talk in detail about this country, I will limit myself to some interesting details, because there are already a lot of materials on the Internet dedicated to this country.
Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that England is a conservative country; the British are committed to long-established traditions and habits. This affects many aspects of the population's life. They still strive to live separately, in a separate house. Even some apartment buildings are built so that each apartment has its own entrance. Older residential buildings are often long, two-story brick structures with many doors painted different colors (to show that they belong to different owners).

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

Branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business" in Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory

Department of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism


in the discipline "Resort business with the basics of balneology"

Topic: “Resort and recreational potential of Western European countries, characteristics, comparative analysis of its use

in recreation and rehabilitation"

Student 2 courses training group 08-STE-02

Loresh Dmitry Dmitrievich

Checked by the teacher

K.M.N. Kufterin S.M.



LIST OF USED SOURCES……………………………...47

Health tourism is the most widespread and popular area of ​​medical tourism; it has existed since ancient times. Already the ancient Greeks, in order to improve their health, went to the sanctuary of the healing god Asclepius in Epidaurus - there were hotels, baths, palaestra (gymnastics schools). The ruins of structures for treatment with mineral waters from the time of the Roman Empire have been preserved in the areas of many famous European resorts. Resortology as the basis of health tourism began to actively develop in Europe, starting from the 17th century.

In the 20th century, a whole resort industry emerged in the world, covering almost all countries and continents. On the basis of traditional climatic, balneological, and mud resorts, new forms of healing have appeared - SPA, wellness, fitness. The list of services provided by modern resort and sanatorium establishments often includes check-up programs.

The most widespread and popular resorts are
offering several therapeutic and health factors, especially
SPA resorts or SPA hotels. The latter can be located not only in
resort areas, but also in large cities, and also provide services
on wellness and relaxation.

Many resorts offer wellness programs (health, anti-stress, cosmetology) that are suitable for absolutely healthy people. Hotels with thalassotherapy centers are in constant demand at seaside resorts.

Western Europe is a highly developed country where the best conditions are created for people. Urbanization, development of trade and transport, economy and industry. Formation of new social relations and directions of development in various areas. However, there is no complete disappearance of traditional culture. The life of modern cities successfully intertwines features of modern times and historically established traditions and foundations. It is this combination that gives the countries of Western Europe a unique look. This is clearly expressed in the specifics of architecture, music, and art.

Medical and health tourism remains one of the most promising areas in the tourism industry. The basis of its popularity in the 21st century is the victory of the preventive direction in modern
medicine, as well as fashion for a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Based on relevance, purpose of the study: consider,
analyze the features of the resort and recreational potential of countries
Western Europe, the possibility of organizing recreational activities at the resorts of Austria, Andorra, Belgium, the Vatican, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, San Marino , Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden.

The goal requires solving the following tasks:

1. Study geographical, linguistic and cultural studies, tourism, and periodical literature on the research problem.

2. Conduct an analysis of the rational use of the resort and recreational potential of Western European countries.

3. To study the features of the organization of resort and health events organized at resorts in Austria, Andorra, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Italy, France, Switzerland, Sweden.

Structure of the work: introduction, 3 chapters (including illustrations), conclusion, bibliography.

1.1 Recreational resources

Recreation (from lat. recreation - restoration) is
restoration of forces expended by a person in the process of labor, as well as
accumulation of a certain reserve of these forces for further activities
development of physical and intellectual potential. N.F. Reimers
adds that restoration of health and ability to work
must take place through rest outside the home, that is, through participation in;
organized or unorganized tourist trip or
vacation period in specialized recreation institutions
(sanatoriums, holiday homes, etc.). Given, apparently, such an interpretation,
I.I. Dedu considers recreation as a synonym for rest,
recovery, healing. Most widely distributed in
Currently, both in foreign and domestic practice, it has received
identification of recreation with rest, the task of which is
restoration of strength and working capacity of vacationers. At the same time, rest
divided into active, involving a change in type of activity
(sports, tourism, etc.), and passive, which is characterized by a sharp
a decrease in all activity, down to a state of relaxed rest.
In addition, taking into account the degree of organization of the rest process, it
divided into organized and unorganized. First type of holiday
is a strictly dosed, consciously controlled process
use of recreational resources, which is based on
adaptation for this purpose of natural and cultural objects, high
degree of service for vacationers. The second is characterized by the absence of specially organized recreational routes

To carry out any activity, including recreational, it is necessary to have certain resources. This category includes natural and anthropogenic objects (or part of natural and cultural resources), which, at the current level of development of production forces 1, can be used to meet the needs of society and the organization of an industry specializing in recreational services to the population. Taking into account the natural and anthropogenic components of recreational resources, they are divided into corresponding types, groups characterizing climatic, hydromineral, water, forest, mountain resources, and sea coast resources. The anthropogenic component of recreational resources includes cultural and historical monuments, cities and other settlements, and unique technical structures.

In addition, recreational resources are divided by types (tourism resources, medicinal resources, etc.) and functions (resort or medicinal, health, sports and excursion-tourist or educational) recreational activities. According to the classification of natural resources, the category of recreational-anthropo-ecological resources, along with the resources of the natural environment corresponding to the optimum of the daily living conditions of mankind, recreational resources and medicinal natural resources, also includes a group of “anti-resources”. It includes natural focal diseases and vector-borne diseases, caused in some cases by a natural physical and chemical background (for example, a lack of iodine in nature leads to goiter, an abnormal amount of fluoride leads to dental caries, etc.), which, in turn, can act as a limiting factor for the development of recreation. The presence of such factors limiting recreation worsens the ability of a natural area to provide positive physical, mental and social benefits to a person.

psychological impact, i.e. generally reduces the recreational potential of the territory. Recreation- This:

Enhanced reproduction of human physical, intellectual and emotional powers;

Any game, entertainment, etc. used to restore physical and mental strength;

The fastest growing segment of the leisure industry associated with public participation in outdoor activities, occurring primarily on weekends;

Restructuring of the body and human populations, providing the possibility of active activity under various conditions, nature and changes in the environment;

Civilized recreation provided by various types of disease prevention in inpatient settings, excursion and tourist events, as well as during physical exercise.

Recreation and tourism intersect: to recreation includes all types of activities not related to a change of residence; tourism same - this is study, business tourism, therapeutic recreation, shopping tours, political tourism. Consequently, the zone of their intersection is all types of tourism, which are aimed at restoration, recovery, relaxation, country rest, pilgrimage, ecotourism.

1.2. Recreational activities and recreational potential

The allocation of criteria for recreational activities by duration and place of spending time is a very significant procedure. Based on the duration of recreation, tourism and excursions are distinguished. The definition of the time difference between excursions and tourism is quite unambiguous - this is a daily cycle. Anything that takes less than 24 hours in recreational activity is an excursion; more than 24 hours - tourism.

The types of recreational activities are quite diverse. So, all types of recreation can be divided into two large groups: stationary and mobile. Another classification considers recreation as a long-term category (medical, health, sports and educational tourism) and a short-term category. On a seasonal basis, these recreation groups can be divided into summer, winter and types of recreation of transitional seasons. According to age indicators, the rest of preschoolers, schoolchildren, youth, middle-aged people and the rest of the elderly are distinguished. In addition, there are family, individual, mixed, organized and unorganized holidays. In international practice, congress tourism stands out (V.B. Nefedova, 2001).

A necessary condition for the development of recreation is the availability of recreational potential, which can be assessed at different scales: at the level of the world, country, region, etc.

Under recreational potential the whole set of natural, cultural, historical and socio-economic prerequisites for the organization of recreational activities in a certain area is understood (T.V. Nikolaenko, 1998).

Sometimes recreational potential called the ratio between the actual and the maximum possible number of tourists, determined on the basis of the availability of recreational resources, which, according to the authors of this work, is not a completely true statement.

Very often, under recreational potential is understood as the presence on the territory of certain unique or, at least, objects of interest not only to local residents. Although this is not a completely obligatory sign, but only a desirable option. The recreational potential of the territory is very variable and depends on the characteristics of the sociocultural formation within which it is located (T.V. Nikolaenko, 1998). The concept of recreational potential includes the concept “conditions and factors for the development of recreational activities.”

1.3. Medical and health tourism

In terms of its importance, medical and health tourism can be called the main type of tourism, since it is based on concern for human health as the main value of life. Medical tourism has a long, rich history. In each country it developed taking into account the availability of natural resources and socio-economic conditions.

All over the world, scientific and technological progress is accelerating, urbanization processes are underway, which has both positive and negative consequences for human health. There is a decrease in the functional capabilities of the human body, which is manifested in the deterioration of the activity of its most important life-supporting systems. There is both an increase in the incidence of the population and the emergence of new, dangerous diseases; Stress loads increase significantly, and physical and mental fatigue accumulates in the human body. At the same time, there is a trend in the world towards realizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Caring for health and increasing vital activity has become an integral part of the modern value system. There is a growing number of people seeking to maintain good physical fitness along with spiritual enrichment. The way employers view their employees has also changed. All this creates the prerequisites for the accelerated development of medical and health tourism throughout the world, and in particular in our city.

According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), treatment and recovery are among the most important tourist motivations. Over the past 15 years, the number of trips for treatment has increased globally by 10%. Today, medical and health tourism is acquiring a truly global scale. And we can say that the process of formation of the global medical tourism market is actively continuing. There are still debates about which types of tourism should be classified as medical tourism and which as health tourism - if the purpose of travel is used as a criterion, then we can distinguish separately medical tourism and health tourism.

Medical tourism is carried out for the purpose of improving health and involves staying in sanatorium-resort institutions. The purpose of “treatment” is distinguished separately in the classification of travelers recommended by the WTO.

Health tourism aims at health prevention and recreation. It is characterized by longer travel times, fewer cities visited, and longer stays in one place. The purpose of “leisure”, along with leisure and recreation, is present in the classification of travelers recommended by the WTO.

- h

The development of medical and health tourism in a particular region of the world is favored by certain physical and geographical factors or natural conditions. Such conditions include the presence of certain natural and recreational resources, i.e. resources that provide rest and restoration of human health and ability to work, as well as aesthetic resources - a combination of natural factors,

positively affecting the spiritual state of people.

Medical - health - tourism resources are defined in Federal Law of November 24, 199b, No. 132-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation,” last amended on February 5, 2007, as “natural, historical, socio-cultural sites that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists, to promote the restoration and development of their physical strength.”

Resorts are areas that have natural resources for treatment and recreation (favorable climate, picturesque landscape, sources of healing mineral waters, deposits of therapeutic mud, etc.), as well as institutions, structures, devices for the use of these “natural resources for therapeutic, preventive and health-improving goals.

The main types of institutions at resorts are sanatoriums, houses
recreation centers, boarding houses, resort clinics, resort hotels and
medical hotels. Resort facilities and equipment include drinking galleries, balneotechnical facilities,
mud baths, climatic pavilions, beaches, etc.

The main types of resorts are distinguished depending on what natural healing factors the resorts have and their three main types are determined: balneotherapeutic, mud and climatic. Many resorts have several natural healing factors and, being transitional, occupying an intermediate position, are respectively called balneo-mud, balneoclimatic, climatic-mud, etc. Since in their therapeutic activities they simultaneously use, for example, mineral waters and mud or climate and mineral waters, they cannot be classified into any one of the three types. Such resorts are relatively widespread in Europe and attract a growing number of tourists.

At balneological or balneotherapeutic resorts, the main natural healing factor is natural mineral waters. They are recommended for external (baths, swimming pools) and internal (drinking, inhalation, etc.) consumption. Mineral waters help cure numerous ailments. Among the patients coming to balneological resorts, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems, musculoskeletal system, etc. prevail. Conducted medical studies confirm the effectiveness of treating a number of diseases at balneological resorts. It gives results comparable to the effects of conventional medications, but it eliminates the side effects that are inevitable when taking medications, extends the period of remission, and reduces the likelihood of subsequent exacerbations and their intensity.

Another type of resort - mud - is tied to deposits
therapeutic mud (peloids), which is used as the main or
one of the main ones along with climate, natural mineral waters,
healing factor.

Mud therapy is indicated mainly for pathologies of the joints, nervous system of traumatic origin, as well as for gynecological and some other diseases. Thanks to modern methods and advanced technologies, mud therapy can achieve high medical results, which contributes to the growing popularity of mud resorts among tourists in need of medical care.

Climatic resorts are as varied as the climate itself. Forest (plain) - 11.3%, mountain - 24.2%, seaside, climato-kumys-therapeutic 4.2% in the structure of climatic resorts in the world - each of them has a unique combination of climatic and weather factors (temperature, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, etc. .), which are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The profile of the resort depends on the combination of these factors. Climatic resorts are characterized by a favorable climate and microclimate. If forest resorts with their characteristic continental climate welcome mainly people suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, asthma, and nervous system disorders, then staying in mountain resorts is recommended for initial forms of tuberculosis and anemia. The most common type of climatic resort is seaside. They make up 60.3% of the structure of climatic resorts in the world. More and more tourists are discovering the opportunity to combine seaside holidays with effective treatment. The maritime climate allows you to cope with many ailments. It has a beneficial effect on people with diseases of the blood, bone tissue, and lymph glands. After completing the course of treatment, patients feel better; they can go without medication for a long time or reduce the dose of medications they take. Another type of climatic resorts is climato-kumys-therapeutic resorts. They are located in the steppe zone and are known for their combined method of treatment, combining the healing properties of the arid steppe climate and kumis - a fermented milk drink made from mare's milk.

There are also resorts with special, unique healing factors that have no analogues.

The following requirements apply to resorts:

· The presence of natural healing factors that ensure the normal functioning of the resort;

· Necessary technical devices and buildings for the rational use of resort factors (swimming pools, mud baths, beaches, etc.);

· Specially adapted premises for treatment and housing (sanatoriums, rest homes);

· Availability of medical and preventive institutions providing medical care for patients and vacationers;

· Availability of health facilities, sports facilities and playgrounds;

· Availability of public institutions, catering establishments, trade and consumer services, cultural and educational institutions;

· Convenient entrances and connections;

· Landscaped territory, engineering and technical structures providing electricity, water supply, and sewerage.

Types of resorts

The specialization of any resort is determined by resort factors - natural healing factors used for the purposes of prevention, therapy and medical rehabilitation of patients at resorts. Main resort factors:

Landscape and climatic conditions;

Healing mud;

Mineral water.

And so all resorts can be divided into 6 types:

1. Balneological mud resort - a type of resort where mineral waters and therapeutic mud dominate as the main healing factors;

2. Balneoclimatic resort - a type of resort where, as

the main healing factors are climate and mineral waters;

3. Balneological resort - a type of resort where mineral waters are used as the main healing factors (for internal and external use);

4. Mud resort - a type of resort where the main therapeutic factors are therapeutic mud;

5. Climate-kumys-therapeutic resort - a type of resort where the steppe and forest-steppe climate and kumiss - a fermented milk drink made from mare's milk - are used as the main healing factors;

6. Climatic resort

Along with the three main types of resorts - balneological, mud and climatic - transitional types are distinguished. They use several natural healing factors at once. In recent years, spa resorts have become widespread.

2.1 Characteristics of the resort and recreational potential of France

Tourism in France represents an important aspect of the country's economy. Since the 90s, France has been ranked first on the list of the most tourist destinations in the world. Only a small part of tourists are passing through French territory (for example, vacationers and holidaymakers from Northern Europe heading to Spain); the majority come on vacation to France. To these must be added that part of the French population that prefers to spend their holidays in France.

The tourist attractiveness of France is explained by the large number of attractions for every taste, the diversity of landscapes, the wealth of historical and artistic heritage, the moderate climate and ease of transport access, as well as adequate services for tourists (hotels, amusement parks) and transport infrastructures. Thus, every French department is a tourist department - with many of its own attractions.

The main tourism structures (hotels, cafe-restaurants, campsites, travel agencies, mountain lifts, thermal resorts) employ 700,000 employees.

Eurothermes resorts offer great value holidays

In addition to the world famous Vichy and Biaritz, there are many other worthy health resorts in France. They are not much inferior to the popular European health resorts. But they offer cheaper holidays, at least 30-40% cheaper than, for example, in Karlovy Vary. We are talking about resorts that are part of the Eurothermes group.

The Eurothermes association was created in 1974. Its founder is considered to be Guy Hébrard, a dermatologist and hydrotherapy specialist. Twenty-seven years ago, he decided to unite into one group the health resorts located in five regions of France: Languedoc-Rousillon, Poitou-Charente, Auvergne, Rhone-Alpes and Midi-Pyrene. These areas are very rich in thermal springs, which have long been famous for their numerous healing properties. Local waters gushing from underground are saturated with various mineral elements.

This is a real paradise for a modern person who is tired of the frantic pace of life.

The French love these places very much. And it is they who mainly relax at these health resorts. There are very few other Europeans here, and Russians are very rare guests. So this is an ideal place for those who want to take a break not only from hard work, but also from their compatriots. At the same time, the public that comes to Eurothermes resorts is very different, for example, from the capital. As a rule, these are residents of the provinces where the resorts are located. Simple, open people. They are absolutely not characterized by snobbery and arrogance, which sometimes irritate foreigners in Parisians. Therefore, here communication with other vacationers promises to be the most pleasant.

Eurothermes resorts are attractive primarily to those who love silence and privacy. You should not count on the noisy social life that is possible in Karlovy Vary or Baden-Baden. But this does not mean that Eurothermes resorts are boring. There is everything a person needs on vacation here.

When it comes to sports entertainment, you don’t have to go far to find it. Swimming pools, tennis courts, golf courses, etc. have been built on the premises of hotels and health centers. In Ax-les-Thermes, fishing and mountaineering are also possible. Vacationers in Chatel-Guyon are not averse to flying in a hot air balloon and hang gliding, or, having descended to the ground, wander along the winding hiking trails. Capvern-les-Bains offers its guests the opportunity to go spelunking.

The mineral water of the Capvern-les-Bains resort is considered one of the most healing in Europe. Kapvern water contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, is enriched with sulfates and other substances and helps with more than ten diseases. Firstly, it has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Scientific experiments have proven that "Capvern" significantly improves the excretory function of the kidneys. Drinking this water also leads to a sharp decrease in “bad” cholesterol and the disappearance of gouty crises. Many doctors prescribe Capvern to those who suffer from obesity and diabetes. This mineral water very effectively “fights” the formation of kidney stones of various compositions and urinary infections.

Capvern-les-Bains is one of the few resorts in France that offers on-site water treatment. Every morning, mineral water is bottled and delivered to tourists where they live. In the resort's wellness center, Kapvern water is often mixed with healing mud. Mud, the temperature of which does not exceed +45 C, turns out to be very soft in this case. Applications of this mud are used in the treatment of rheumatism.

The thermal water "Chatel", for which the Chatel-Guyon resort is famous, is also unique. The local water is of volcanic origin and is very rich in magnesium and trace elements. "Chatel" helps with digestive disorders and gynecological diseases, has wound healing and antiallergic and antitoxic effects. And not only.

This mineral water regulates the functioning of the intestines: it has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane and normalizes the flora. "Chatel" also relieves spasms, stimulates the function of the gallbladder and pancreas, and improves the condition of the neurovegetative system. Many doctors prescribe "Chatel" to children who suffer from dysfunctions of the digestive system (namely, the colon). In addition, this water very successfully “fights” fatigue, has an anti-stress effect and activates the endocrine system.

The Le Sault Bonne resort also has something to boast about. The local mineral waters contain chlorides, sodium, calcium and a large number of trace elements. They have vasodilating, wound healing, antiseptic, analgesic and sedative effects.

But Le Saw-Bonne is famous not only for its healing waters. Here tourists are offered treatments using white Greek clay. It is mixed with thermal water, pasteurized and disinfected. For rheumatic patients, apply a white clay compress to the sore spot for 20 minutes. The effect is amazing! Those whose weakest point is their legs are prescribed walking on white Greek clay. It is heated to + 42 C and poured into the pool. This procedure helps even those who have already despaired of recovery.

Mineral water "Rochefort" (resort of Rochefort-sur-Mer) is slightly carbonated and the most mineralized in all of France. It contains iron, arsenic, copper, boron and aluminum. Thanks to this, the local mineral water effectively cures dermatoses, itching, psoriasis and childhood eczema. Even in babies under one year old. It is also prescribed to those who suffer from lymphatic insufficiency, phlebitis and the occurrence of varicose ulcers.

The resort of Rochefort-sur-Mer is also famous for its thermal mud, which many call peloid. Therapeutic mud is soaked in a pool of thermal water. The peloid is used to make poultices and applications and treat sore joints. Nowhere else in France is this procedure offered.

In general, we can say that each Eurotermes resort specializes in certain diseases. Rheumatism, diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract are best treated in Ax-les-Thermes, Baners-de-Bigorre, Digne-les-Bains and Les Saux-Bonnets. Those with digestive and metabolic disorders should relax in Cilaos-La Reunion. Those suffering from diseases of the urinary system are sent to Capvern-les-Bains and Chatel-Guyon. The latter resort also successfully treats obesity. In 1993, a Nutrition Center was created in Chatel-Guyon, where a weight loss program is personally developed for each vacationer. The resort of Rochefort-sur-Mer specializes in the treatment of various skin diseases. So every tourist can choose a medical resort to suit their “taste and color”.

2.2 Characteristics of the resort and recreational potential of Andorra, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland

Andorra is a paradise for winter sports lovers. The mountain slopes of Andorra are a paradise for all fans of alpine skiing and snowboarding. For them, there are 296 km of slopes of varying difficulty, united in 5 ski resorts: Pal-Arinsal, Ordino, Arcalis, Pas de la Casa-Grau-Reuch, Soldeu-El Tarter and La Rabassa, a cross-country ski field. All of them are equipped with first-class equipment, so you can forget about everything in the world except the sparkling snow, the biting wind in your face and the pleasure of flying. All trails are carefully maintained on a daily basis to make your skiing comfortable and safe. Well, in addition to skiing and boarding, in the snowy expanses of Andorra you will find snowshoeing, sledding and dog sledding, snow motorcycles and other exciting activities. And the Ice Palace in Canillo is open all year round - go ice skating in the middle of July!

In the system of tourist zoning of the world, Austria is classified as an Alpine tourist region of the Western European zone of the European region, since most of the country’s territory is covered by the Alps.

Austria is a country of traditional winter tourism. Along with Switzerland, this country is a kind of ski “Mecca” for Europeans. Today, tourism is the main source of income for Austria, covering the traditionally negative trade balance. In this industry, 70 thousand medium and small tourism enterprises (hotels, restaurants, resorts and medical institutions, swimming pools and beaches) employ 350 thousand people. In terms of the share of gross receipts from tourism in GDP (more than 6%), Austria occupies one of the leading positions in the world, and in terms of income from the tourism sector of the economies of small European countries, it firmly holds a leading position.

In Austria, a tourist service system has long been formed and streamlined. Many towns and villages such as Bad Gastein, Millstatt, Ischgl, St. Anton or Mayrhofen have become the largest European resorts, and former villagers are engaged in the hotel business. Ski tourism has changed Austria and the Austrians - today for them it is life and hope for the future.

Austria ranks first among European countries in terms of profits received annually from tourism (6.3% of GNP). Contrary to popular belief, Austria is not a purely winter sports country. There are a lot of objects of not just national, but also world heritage in Austria.

Lower Austria is the largest province of Austria by area. The city of Baden has recently become famous as a place for high-level meetings, although the famous Vienna Woods is not far from it. In addition, during the times of great popularity of mineral springs, the city was a very famous resort: the healing properties of the sulfur baths of Baden were well known throughout Europe. The land of Upper Austria is amazing. Baroque abbeys (St. Florian and Wilhering) and the incomparable valley in the upper Danube, crystal clear lakes in the Salzkammergut mountains, covered with snow in winter, green meadows and impenetrable forests. This area is for those who love hiking and beautiful natural scenery. There are also many ski resorts here.

These are perhaps all the most famous attractions in the eastern part of Austria. But in reality this is just a small part of what is there. How much is hidden in this country that is unknown to ordinary tourists! Unfortunately, tourism in Austria is mainly developed in Vienna and Salzburg (not to mention mountain tourism in the Alps), and the rest of Austria is little involved in recreational activities.

Tourism in Belgium is one of the small forms of business. The relatively easy geographical access to Belgium from almost all European countries still makes travel there a popular tourist route.

In 2005, 6.7 million people traveled to Belgium. Two thirds of all tourists came from the closest countries - France, the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The tourism industry produces 2.8% of Belgium's GDP (about $10 billion) and employs 3.3% of the working population (142,000 people). Belgium is ranked 21st in the " Travel and Tourism Competitiveness List", presented at the 2007 International Economic Forum. On the list, Belgium ranks lower than its neighboring countries.

Belgium is a very popular tourist destination in Europe. Every year, millions of visitors from all over the world come to the country. Brussels is a magnificent city, famous for its impressive market square and Mannequin Piss. Brussels also offers numerous richly decorated historical buildings to explore. One of the most famous buildings in Brussels, the Gothic City Hall and the numerous baroque Renaissance buildings surrounding it captivate many tourists.

Belgium is divided into 3 attractive landscape areas. The coastal region of Belgium is dominated by lowlands, gradually turning into hilly landscapes. Belgium is not only a tourist country, but also an irreplaceable holiday destination: castles, museums, grottoes, campsites on calm beaches, lively resorts of Wallonia and the Ardennes: shopping, lively nightlife, relaxation in a peasant estate. In Lesse and Ourthe you can prove your kayaking skills.

The campsites on the Belgian seaside stretch for 69 km to the Dutch and French borders. Many Belgians spend their summer holidays on the coast. Holidays at campsites are not subject to resort tax, here you can rent a beach cabin for protection from the wind, and the embankment is closed to car traffic. Sailing, horse riding, water skiing, fishing, golf, tennis and, of course, swimming, swimming, etc. are components of the holiday in the water resorts of Belgium. On the Belgian sea beach with fine sand, children feel good. Belgium offers its guests an extensive network of bicycle paths, allowing them to take bicycle trips along with their regular travel. If the campsite is located in the mountainous regions of Belgium, it is possible to undergo training at a mountaineering school.

Hotels in Belgium are first class equipped. In addition, hotel guests can choose a room with breakfast, half board or full board. Many hotels in Belgium have fitness facilities and a swimming pool, so holidaymakers can exercise and enjoy water treatments.

As a traditional tourism country, Switzerland holds a strong position in Europe in this area. The presence of a developed tourism infrastructure, a network of railways and roads, combined with picturesque nature and an advantageous geographical position, ensures an influx of a significant number of tourists into the country, primarily Germans, Americans, Japanese, and in recent years also Russians, Indians, and Chinese.

15% of national income comes from tourism. Perhaps the most famous resorts in Switzerland are Davos, St. Moritz, Zermatt and Interlaken.

Switzerland lies in the heart of the Alps and is home to 10 of Western Europe's greatest mountains. Switzerland is home to the largest glacier in Europe; large rivers such as the Rhine and Rhone also originate from the glaciers of the Swiss mountains.

Swiss nature is distinguished by its marvelous beauty: the snow-capped peaks of the Alps sparkling under the sun, deep gorges, waterfalls, flowering Alpine meadows, lakes as blue as the sky, emerald green mountain slopes, picturesque valleys, soft rounded hills, forests, groves, small fields, overgrown bushes filled with clear, quiet streams and stormy mountain rivers, turning large stones with a roar. Both in summer and winter, tourists, climbers, and skiers fill the country from almost all over the world. Switzerland has a whole network of mountain climatic resorts. More recently, this country decided to create a new tourist image for itself. Switzerland is about to change its travel advertising strategy for its country. Since 1992, the Swiss National Tourism Office has been promoting the country's rich cultural life and cultural heritage in advertising, as well as advertising its beautiful nature. Until now, Switzerland has been viewed as a country with natural attractions: beautiful landscapes, views, etc. Several tourism fairs are held (“Fespo Zurich” - in Zurich, “Fespo-Geneva” and “EIBTM” - in Geneva and “TTW” - in Montreux - one of the largest in Europe), where Swiss resorts are promoted throughout the world. According to the results of 1990, it retained 8th place in the world among countries receiving tourists. The success of Switzerland as a tourism country is determined by the presence of high-quality 4 and 5 star hotels, offering holidaymakers in the summer: golf courses, boating, windsurfing, horse riding; in winter: many ski slopes of varying degrees of difficulty, ski lifts, cross-country ski tracks, toboggan runs, as well as schools for beginner skiers and monoski enthusiasts; throughout the year: various walking routes, mountain climbing accompanied by experienced instructors, indoor halls with artificial ice for figure skating, as well as indoor tennis and squash courts, riding arenas, parachute and parapant jumping, air rides balloons and much more. The focus of the offer is on the appropriate segment of the tourism market and the correspondence of the offer to the price. Davos is known as a center of tourism and winter sports, and a venue for major international competitions. To the south and southwest of Davos are the mountain climatic resorts of Clavadel and Spinabad. No less famous in Switzerland is Interlaken, located in the valley of the Aare River (the left tributary of the Rhine), between lakes Punsk and Brisz, at an altitude of 566 meters. Thanks to its mild mountain climate and picturesque landscape, Interlaken gained international fame as a climatic resort and tourism center (“the pearl of the Alps”) back in the 19th century. The center of tourism in Switzerland is the climatic resort of Vevey, located at an altitude of 380 meters.

2.3. Characteristics of the resort and recreational potential of Germany, Great Britain, Italy

Wellness resorts in Great Britain are also widely known.

Hampshire. The main health resorts in Great Britain are located in Hampshire, near the coast. The southernmost county is famous for its special climate, which is formed by the Gulf Stream. Mild winters, cool summers, high humidity - all this has a beneficial effect on the health of visitors to boarding houses. But it's not just the climate. Hampshire is home to mineral springs, many of which are home to Roman baths. Most local hotels offer their guests SPA services, including hydrotherapy, thalassotherapy, aromatherapy, procedures using sea and mineral water.

Baht. The resort city of Bath received its name precisely because of its Roman baths dating back to the 1st-4th centuries AD. e. (Bath - in English - "bathroom", "bath"). The center of the balneological complex is a large outdoor swimming pool, which is constantly filled with hot water (+46.5 C) from radon springs. The surrounding area of ​​Bath is considered one of the most picturesque places in England and is conducive to long walks. The city also offers bicycle rentals and boat rides on the river and canal.

Gloucestershire Cheltenham. The healing properties of Cheltenham's mineral springs were known to local residents for a long time, but only at the end of the 18th century the city became a popular resort. Many rich and famous people came here to drink the healing salt water. The public source of "mineral water" is still located in Pittville Park. In the 1950s, Cheltenham became Sochi's sister city. The choice was made due to the fact that both cities are health resorts. One of the city's attractions is the Chapel Spa retreat - literally a spa temple. By staying at any of the hotels, you can book yourself a couple of days of relaxation at this health resort. At your service - hydrotherapy, sauna, fitness class (it is better to book in advance), a lot of cozy corners where you can relax and come to your senses, restore your energy. In the oriental therapy rooms you can expect milk baths, coconut scrubs, Indian head massage, Polynesian cleansing treatments, and so on. The spa temple also offers yoga classes and a unique four-hand synchronized massage. Cheltenham has many stunning, truly English parks where you can enjoy walks among flower-filled lawns.

Warwick Leamington. The healing properties of Cheltenham's mineral springs were known to local residents for a long time, but only at the end of the 18th century the city became a popular resort. Many rich and famous people came here to drink the healing salt water. A publicly accessible source of "mineral water" is still located in Pittville Park. In the 1950s, Cheltenham became Sochi's sister city. The choice was made due to the fact that both cities are health resorts. One of the city's attractions is the Chapel Spa retreat - literally a spa temple. By staying at any of the hotels, you can book yourself a couple of days of relaxation in this health resort. At your service - hydrotherapy, sauna, fitness class (it is better to book in advance), a lot of cozy corners where you can relax and come to your senses, restore your energy. In the oriental therapy rooms you will find milk baths, coconut scrubs, Indian head massage, Polynesian cleansing treatments, and so on. The spa temple also offers yoga classes and sessions of a unique general synchronized four-hand massage. Cheltenham has many magnificent purely English parks , where you can enjoy walks among flowering lawns.

Before 1800 Leamington was a small village. Although its mineral waters were known back in the Middle Ages, the improvement of the springs and the construction of baths around them began only in 1784. And already in 1810 it was discovered that the erected buildings simply did not accommodate everyone who wanted to cling to the healing springs. From this moment the history of the new city began, which today is famous for its healing effect on rheumatic patients and those suffering from joint problems. People also come here to be treated for the effects of paralysis and disorders of the motor system. Local waters (ferrous sulfide and sodium chloride) are widely used to treat urological problems (chronic pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis, urolithiasis, urolithiasis). During the period when Leamington was a royal resort, magnificent indoor parks were laid out here, the main requirement for which their creators considered “the beauty of the promenade.” So today even Leamington's less distinguished guests can admire the regal views.

Yorkshire Harrogate. Before 1800 Leamington was a small village. Although about him. And already in 1810 it was discovered that the erected buildings simply did not accommodate everyone who wanted to cling to the healing springs. From this moment the history of the new city began, which today is famous for its healing effect on rheumatic patients and those suffering from joint problems. People also come here to be treated for the effects of paralysis and disorders of the motor system. Local waters (ferrous sulfide and sodium chloride) are widely used to treat urological problems (chronic pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis, urolithiasis, urolithiasis). During the period when Leamington was a royal resort, magnificent indoor parks were laid out here, the main requirement for which their creators considered "the beauty of the boardwalk." So today even Leamington's less distinguished guests can admire the regal views.

The first healing spring was discovered in Harrogate in 1571.

So Harrogate is considered the first British resort town. Since the 19th century, the city has been included in a number of royal resorts. A bathhouse complex in oriental style is being created here. Among them, the luxurious Turkish Baths, recently restored and put back into use, stand out. There are separate bathhouses, separate visiting hours for men and women. Mud wraps, hydrotherapy, and eucalyptus inhalations in the sauna are practiced here.

Treatment and recovery in Italy - ideal opportunities for restoration of strength, health and good rest at the best medical resorts in Europe! More than a hundred thermal centers are scattered throughout Italy: among them are famous and world famous ones such as Abano Terme, Montecatini, Fiuggi or Ischia , or small gems like Saturnia and Bagno Vignoni. Or baths located on the seashore, such as Grado and Lignano Sabiadoro, or at the foot of the mountains, like Levico Terme or Merano. The huge number of springs and the richness of their waters turn Italy into a paradise for those who want to devote their holidays to taking care of their own health. The healing properties of mineral thermal waters, which serve to heal many diseases, are recognized by everyone. Today, the thermal baths are above all an ideal place for those who want to take care of their health, a place where we can trust experienced hands that can pamper us and make us feel better. Each thermal bath has its own secret: the old-style thermal baths, for those who rely on the healing power of mud or the warmth of sand, or the thermal baths, the result of recent discoveries, for those who use the beneficial properties of wine.
Tuscany has more thermal spas than any other province in Italy. The healing properties of Tuscan hot springs have been known since Etruscan times. But it was the Romans who were the first to use them intensively. Tuscany is a unique place where the beauty of nature is combined with the high effectiveness of healing springs.

The most famous thermal center of Tuscany is Montecatini Terme, which, thanks to its favorable location between Florence and the Tyrrhenian Sea, is also an important tourist center, with excellent hotels and a developed transport network. Not far from Montecatini is Monsummano Terme with its natural “underground” thermal hospitals - the Grotta Giusti and Grotta Parlanti caves, where respiratory disorders, rheumatism and arthritis are treated. Chianciano Terme is located among the hills south of Siena and Arezzo. This thermal center specializes in the treatment of liver diseases. Cold and thermal (up to 38.5° C) sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium waters of four mineral springs (mineralization up to 3.2 g/l) are used for baths and drinking treatment. To prepare fango, water from the Sillen spring is used. The staff speaks several foreign languages ​​and there are highly qualified doctors. In addition, around Chianciano you can visit places rich in art treasures. The ancient Romans came to the town of Casciana Terme, nestled between vineyards and olive groves near Pisa, to receive treatment for gout and rheumatism. In the Middle Ages, Matilde di Canossa often visited here. But the center received its main development in the 18th century and remains popular to this day.

3.1. Comparative characteristics of healing methods used in resorts in Western Europe

Balneotherapy is the use of natural and artificially prepared mineral waters for therapeutic and preventive purposes. The most common use of mineral waters is in the form of drinking (so-called drinking treatment) and externally (general baths, bathing).

Mineral waters are also used for rinsing the mouth, inhalations, washing the stomach and intestines, and irrigating the mucous membranes of cavities. The presence of salts, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, and rapidly decaying radioactive substances (radon) in mineral waters determines their therapeutic effect. Other factors are also important - temperature, mechanical.

Balneotherapy is an effective means of increasing the protective and restorative forces of the body, training its adaptive capabilities, and in the event of illness it helps eliminate or reduce functional disorders. Mineral baths act primarily on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, help train the heart and blood vessels, balance the processes of nervous activity, normalize metabolism, and the activity of the endocrine glands.

General and local mineral baths are used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system (joints, ligaments, muscles), nervous system, gynecological diseases, etc. Gargling and inhalation with mineral water are prescribed for diseases of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract, irrigation - for gynecological diseases, lavage and enemas - for intestinal diseases. Mineral water, taken orally, directly affects the receptors of the mucous membrane of the mouth, stomach and partly the duodenum, reflexively normalizing gastric secretion and helping to remove excess mucus. Drinking mineral waters also stimulates the formation and secretion of bile and affects metabolism.

In medical practice, ch. Thus, in non-resort conditions, bottled drinking mineral waters are widely used, as well as artificial carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon, nitrogen and other mineral waters for baths. Balneological resorts use natural carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon, nitrogen-siliceous thermal, saline (sodium chloride), iodine-bromine, sea and other waters, as well as brine from salt lakes and estuaries.

Balneotherapy is prescribed by a doctor and carried out under his supervision, often in combination with mud therapy, climatotherapy, diet therapy (see Medical nutrition) and other treatment methods. It is also widely used for the purpose of medical rehabilitation after a number of diseases and injuries.

Bad Loipersdorf Baths

Thermal center of Bad Hofgastein

Health Center at Impulshotel Tirol 4*

Thermal center "Romer-Therm"

Therapeutic bath "Gellert" at the hotel "Danubius Gellert" 4*

Therapeutic bath "Lukacs" at the hotel "Corinthia Aquincum" 5*

Therapeutic bath "Szechenyi" at the hotel "Danubius Thermal & Conference Helia" 4*

Health center at the Danubius Thermal Margitsziget 4*

Health center at the Danubius Thermal & Sport Hotel Buk 3*

Therapeutic bath "Debrecen"

Health Center Debrecen at Thermal Hotel Debrecen 4*

Therapeutic bath "Hajduszoboszlo"

Health center at the Hanguest Aqua-Sol hotel 4*

Health center at the Danubius Thermal Hotel Heviz 4*

Health center at the hotel “Natur Med Carbona” 4*

Health center at the hotel “Rogner & Spa Lotus Therme” 4*

Therapeutic bath "Sharavar"

Health Center at the Danubius Thermal Hotel Sarvar 4*



Health center at the Karavel Hotel 3*

Health center "Bederhaus" at the hotel "Domina Park Hotel Kurhaus" 4*

Thermal complex "Taunus Therme"

Caracalla - baths

Thermal Friedrichsbad

Wellness center at Alpenhotel Wellness resort

Central Hospital of Ischia

Health center at the hotel Villa Undulna 4*

Health center "Fonteverde" at the hotel "Terme de Medici & Fonteverde Spa" 5*

Terme Di Pigna Health Center

Institute of Thalassotherapy Biarritz


Health Center "Tamina Therm"

Health Center "Bürgerbad"

Autohemotherapy is the intramuscular or subcutaneous administration of a patient’s own blood taken from a vein in order to stimulate the body’s protective functions and improve metabolic processes. A method of treating indolent infectious and other diseases.

Wellness centers using this treatment method

Gastein healing tunnel

Health Center at the Intercontinental 5* Hotel

Balneological complex of the SPA hotel Grand Hotel Sauerhof 4*

Health center at the Vitalhotel Therme 4*

Wellness center at the Sport & Vitalhotel Ellmau 5*

Health center at the Mezzatorre Resort & Spa 5*

Health Center at the Capri Palace Hotel & Spa 5*

Health Center "Grotta Giusti" at the Grotta Giusti Terme & Hotel" 4*

Health Center at the Grand Hotel & La Pace 5*


Health Center at the Lausanne Palace & Spa 5*

Wine therapy is a treatment using grapevine derivatives (grape leaves, grape seeds, grape skin).

The main methods of wine therapy are: compresses and baths with the addition of crushed grape skins, grape marc and grape seed oil.

In 1994, it was proven that grape seeds contain a large amount of active substances, polyphenols, which have a unique ability to bind free radicals formed in the body under the influence of sunlight, cigarette smoke, stress, and polluted air. Free radicals are one of the causes of aging of the body and the occurrence of malignant and cardiovascular diseases.

Grape seeds are also known for a number of their medicinal properties: they strengthen blood vessels, activate blood circulation, protect elastin and collagen fibers, and resist the destruction of hyaluronic and glucuronic acids.

Wellness centers using this treatment method

Wine therapy center “Kodali Springs” at the hotel “Les Sources de Caudalie” 4*

Mud therapy is a treatment method based on the use of mud of mineral-organic origin and mud-like substances (clays, etc.). Mud baths and applications are used as procedures. Mud therapy stimulates metabolism and promotes the resorption of inflammation. By improving tissue nutrition, it causes softening of scars, accelerates the process of bone fusion after a fracture, reduces stiffness and increases range of motion in joints, and improves the functioning of the adrenal glands. Therapeutic mud has an antimicrobial effect: applied to the skin or mucous membranes, it absorbs bacteria contained on their surface; There are also substances such as antibiotics in the mud.

Mud mask - mud rich in mineral elements nourishes the skin and improves blood circulation.

Wellness centers using this treatment method

Health Center at the Arcotel Elisabethpark 4*

Thermal center of the Duke of Tassilo hotel 4*


Caracalla - baths

Health Center at the Abano Ritz Terme Hotel 5*

Health center at the Grand Hotel Abano 5*

Ancient Roman baths of Cava Skura

Health center at the hotel “Albergo Terme San Montano” 5*

Health center at the Mezzatorre Resort & Spa 5*

Central Hospital of Ischia

Chianciano Terme Health Center

Health Center "Grotta Giusti" at the Grotta Giusti Terme & Hotel" 4*

Health Center at the Grand Hotel & La Pace 5*

Health Center at the Grand Hotel Terme Di Pigna

Health Center "Les Celestins" at the hotel Les Celestins 4*

Health Center at the Alliance Pornic 3* hotel

Health Center "Mieu Vivre" at the Royal Hotel


Health center "Messegue-Phytotherm" at the Crans Ambassador 5* hotel

3.2. Comparative characteristics of the use of recreational opportunities in Western European resorts

Hotels specializing in health and wellness programs are located in the most charming corners of Austria. So, therapeutic and healing effects are achieved here not only due to thermal and mineral springs and the famous healing mud, but also thanks to the general harmonization of the lives of vacationers. Magnificent landscapes combined with classical music will infuse your soul into a sublime mood and allow natural medicines to have a more complete effect on the body.

Specialization (except for those listed) - diseases of internal organs, women's and children's diseases, cardiovascular diseases.

Bad Hull. The main treasure of Bad Hall is eleven springs, whose waters are saturated with iodine (up to 50 mg per 1 kg of water), as well as a wonderful mild climate (the city is protected by mountains from harsh winds), helping guests relax and take a deep breath of the intoxicating alpine air. In addition to iodine, bromine and a huge amount of active substances were found in the local healing water.

However, Frederick III is not the only crowned person to appreciate the delights of the resort. Until now, Theresienbad (therapeutic bath of Empress Maria Theresa) and Theresiengarten - Theresiengarden, full of amazing exotic plants, are a great success among vacationers.

In the city's gyms you can practice martial arts and fitness; on the green fields you will find golf, squash, tennis, badminton, and horse riding. Don't forget about cycling and, of course, swimming.

Baden's natural sulfur springs are a real panacea for many diseases. They are home to the city's thermal baths, which have recently turned into a huge health complex. During long baths, sulfur penetrates the body and has a healing and healing effect, improving metabolism. In principle, a pleasant “soak” in sulfur baths is enough for treatment, but recently, due to the general tendency of the population to get rid of excess weight, they are beginning to practice combining business with pleasure. Now you can relax more actively - water aerobics, underwater massage and other active procedures will help you feel in shape.

There are 14 springs in Baden, the waters of which, in addition to sulfur, also contain magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfate and chloride.

Specialization - rheumatic diseases, degenerative diseases of the spine and joints, arthrosis, rehabilitation treatment, general recovery, health training.

Bad Gastein and Bad Hofgastein. In the Gasteinertal valley there are two health resorts - Bad Gastein and Bad Hofgastein. In winter it is a paradise for skiers, in summer for fishermen and nature lovers, and all year round for those who value their health.

The thermal springs of these resorts are divided into two types: radon and saturated with Glauber's salt. Glauber's salt has the properties of a mild laxative, and also helps with obesity, gastritis and constipation. Radon improves the activity of glands and blood circulation, enhances cell regeneration and protective processes. Radon is also found in radon adits - natural caves located in the surrounding area.

On the territory of the resorts there is a clinic, thermal baths and a water complex with fresh water. Vacationers can enjoy inhalation sessions in adits (interrupted from December to January), many outdoor and indoor thermal pools (there are pools with countercurrent), saunas, steam baths, solariums, water slides, and much more.

Specialization - respiratory diseases, neuralgia, allergic and skin diseases, reduced immunity, hypertension and other blood circulation disorders, gynecology, urology, potency disorders, as well as recovery from domestic and sports injuries.

However, with regard to medical equipment and the quality of services offered, the resort cannot be classified as provincial. The well-equipped thermal complex Römerbad offers a system of outdoor and indoor swimming pools. Here you will find hydromassage, many treatment rooms and saunas. Stunning underwater massages are offered at the oldest thermal complex in Bad Kleinkirchheim - the Baths of St. Catherine.

Also at your service are traditional mud therapy, acupuncture, herbal treatment, light therapy and much more. You can swim in the outdoor mineral pools even in winter.

The water in local springs is saturated with various mineral salts and also contains a small amount of radon. In combination with the healing mountain climate, this helps to heal diseases of the joints and connective tissues. In addition, the resort specializes in increasing immunity to infectious diseases and preventing and treating circulatory disorders.

The city is located in close proximity to the famous Carinthian lakes, the water of which warms up quickly and is pleasant for swimming from June. So in the summer you can combine a visit to the thermal baths with swimming in picturesque clean reservoirs.

Varmbad mineral water contains sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It stimulates blood circulation, metabolic processes and recovery processes.

The resort specializes in rehabilitation, including sports rehabilitation. You should go here if you are in a state of stress and chronic weakness, get tired quickly and suffer from muscle atrophy after operations. Pain syndromes of muscles and joints are also treated here. Varmbad has excellent rooms for radiography, computer scanning and cardiac diagnostics. So there are quite a lot of people with limited mobility in local boarding houses.

However, guests can enjoy aristocratic falconry, golf, polo, horseback riding and hiking trails in the surrounding area, and skiing in winter.

In Baden, the waters of 14 sulfur springs with a water temperature of 30-36 ° C are used for medical purposes, which produce about four million liters of sulfur water containing calcium, sodium, magnesium, sulfate and chloride per day.

The long-tested but forgotten treatment with sulfur water is once again gaining popularity.

Fig.1. Recovery with sulfur waters

For thousands of years, this therapy has been successfully used in the treatment of all kinds of rheumatic diseases, wear and tear of the spine and diseases affecting the joints. Sulfur waters are also used in the rehabilitation therapy of patients who have suffered sports injuries or injuries in accidents, and, in addition, for the restoration of the body after orthopedic operations and for preventive purposes. Sulfur thermal waters penetrate the human body through the skin and mucous membranes. They influence various metabolic processes in the body and thus have a positive effect on the condition of the entire organism. According to a long-standing Baden tradition, patients undergo treatment in communal pools filled with sulfur thermal water, which gives them the opportunity to socialize with other patients during the treatment. Subaquatic therapy and hydromassages used in Baden have become widely popular: in water, a person’s mobility increases, due to which the effectiveness of therapeutic massages doubles. For regeneration and removal of toxins from the body, a course of treatment with grapes is recommended, which should be taken in the fall. The parks of Baden and the nearby Vienna Woods provide opportunities for mechanotherapy. In addition, vacationers can visit various sports complexes, participate in guided hikes, as well as bicycle rides, and spend time playing tennis or golf.

Medical and health resorts in Germany

The word "resort" came to us from the German language. Here is the first argument to make sure that it is no coincidence that Germany is a leader in the industry of resort recreation and wellness

Your introduction to German medicine can be made even more enjoyable by heading straight to the resort. A path of relaxation and recovery, a pleasant combination of spiritual and physical rehabilitation surrounded by European comfort and magnificent nature - you will find all this in the resorts of Germany. During the process of relaxation and recovery, consultations with any specialists in German clinics are available. The sea coast, the cleanest air, tranquil forest walks - whatever natural factor is a natural healing feature of the resort, rest assured that everything has been tested according to special German standards. Yes, in this country there are even certain standards for air and water - if the natural resources correspond to them, the resort has the right to be called “air”, “seaside”, “healing sea” and so on. The variety of mineral waters (fluoride-containing, iodide, sodium water) and natural factors (radon springs, sea water, salt springs) allows us to identify specific areas: thermal resorts, balneological resorts, thalassotherapy resorts, climatic resorts, natural inhalers, treatment in radon adits. How can German resorts be useful to you? Here they carry out comprehensive diagnostics of the body, treat diseases of the respiratory system, circulatory system, musculoskeletal system, rheumatoid diseases and metabolic disorders - the list of indications is extensive. In addition to serious treatment programs, you can take courses in anti-stress therapy, rejuvenation, therapeutic fasting, body shaping and strengthening the immune system. Outpatient programs for complete health diagnostics can be combined with a vacation at almost any resort. And this will be an unforgettable, high-quality vacation, including the improvement of the whole body, the effect of which will allow you to resist stress and stay in a great mood for a long time. A recent study of resort practices has shown that people now come to Germany for health and relaxation not only during holidays or vacations. Stable loading, in any season, confirms the correctness of your choice. Of course, to Germany, to a resort!

Baden Baden

Baden-Baden is located 180 km from Frankfurt Airport (1.5 hours). German Baden gained fame from its secular health baths, furnished with special taste and luxury. It is believed that local waters heal all diseases. Outstanding doctors from all over Europe open their offices and clinics here, offering unconventional treatment methods, complete diagnostics of the body, rejuvenation and beauty programs. While relaxing at the resort, you have the opportunity to consult with the best doctors of various specialties and carry out complete diagnostics and recovery. It was here that, back in the 18th century, the fashion for relaxing on the waters arose, which marked the beginning of the health and cultural pilgrimage of the Russian nobility represented by representatives of Russian aristocratic families - the Gagarins, Volkonskys, Vyazemskys, Menshikovs and Trubetskoys - who decorate the holiday seasons. In the 19th century, local waters and climate were destined to play a special role in Russian literature: Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky often came here while creating their best works.

The Roman-Irish SPA complex “Friedrichsbad” is a royal bathing palace in the Renaissance style. Indoor pools with thermal water, a variety of thermal, steam, pearl and air baths, underwater massage, shiatsu, fango, Roman-Irish baths (alternating exposure to hot, wet steam and dry air, followed by cooling in the pools and brush massage).

Rejuvenation, beauty and health - this is how you can describe the feeling of this complex. Multifunctional complex "Caracalla Terme" is a modern thermal complex with first-class equipment and fashionable design. An indoor pool with a therapeutic area, two outdoor pools with contrasting water grottoes with a total area of ​​900 sq. m. m. Saunas and bio-saunas, aromatic steam baths, solariums, hydromassage cascades, waterfalls, children's play areas (from 3 years old), gyms, therapeutic exercises.

Clinic of Dr. Franz Dengler – traditional and alternative medicine, rehabilitation, medical prevention.

Max Grundig Clinic – treatment of internal diseases, rehabilitation, diagnosis of diseases and their prevention

The need to strengthen the immune system with general weakness and decreased vitality

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system - inflammatory rheumatic diseases, arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of the joints and spine.

Functional circulatory disorders.

Cardiac dysfunction.

Respiratory diseases.

Diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Metabolic diseases (diabetes, gout).

Women's diseases (infertility, menopausal disorders).

Fig.2 Health and treatment procedures at the resort

Balneotherapy, swimming in thermal pools, drinking courses.

Diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, cardiology, orthopedics, rehabilitation after endoprosthetics, injuries and operations.

Treatment of metabolic disorders, diseases of the digestive system, respiratory system. Radiology and physiotherapy.

Bad Reichenhall

Ideally located on the border of Austria and Germany, Bad Reichenhall occupies a worthy place in the constellation of small resort towns in Bavaria. In the heart of an Alpine valley, surrounded by magical scenes of mountains, lagoons and dense forests, there is a resort that has absorbed the best features of expressive Central European nature. Bad Reichenhall is a balneological resort with a healing alpine climate and salt springs that have been known for over 150 years. Once one of the centers of the region's salt industry, the town still attracts visitors with its rich historical architecture, a variety of private villas and monuments in the neo-Romantic style, cathedrals and churches. The remains of an ancient fortress wall run through the old town and the Floriani quarter.

Alpine climate

Salt springs with mineral salt Bad Reichenhall Local mud

Essential extracts of mountain pine

The Gradierwerk salt fountain is an open inhalation chamber 160 m long, surrounded by a picket fence of thorn and hawthorn branches, through which up to 400,000 liters of salt spring water are sprayed daily. Opposite the Gradierwerk there is a magnificent mineral water fountain - one of Bad Reichenhall's 55 fountains.
Spa house "Fursetenbad" - a full range of spa treatments that support your beauty and health: lymphatic drainage, electrotherapy, underwater massage, therapeutic exercises, therapeutic baths, magnetic resonance therapy, aroma massages, reflex zone massage, acupuncture massage, chirogymnastics, mud baths, mud procedures. Eastern healing techniques. Cosmetology.

Fig 3. Salt fountain "Gradierwerk"

The Reha-Klinik der Barmherzigen Bruder is a rehabilitation clinic for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs, diabetes, allergies.

Medical indications for health improvement at the resort

Respiratory diseases.

Prevention and treatment of rheumatic diseases.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Dermatological diseases

Gynecological diseases

Wellness and treatment procedures at the resort

Inhalations in an open inhaler, effective for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, allergies and asthma.


Mud procedures that help relax and strengthen muscles and ligaments, normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Salt baths stimulate blood circulation and help treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Sludge applications stimulate blood circulation, normalize metabolism, and stop inflammatory processes.

Drinking courses.

Thermal treatments in the pools.

Fig.4. Heiligendamm - the first German seaside resort

Unique natural characteristics of the resort

Favorable maritime climate

Sea water, salt, mud

Medical indications for health improvement at the resort

Conditions of fatigue, stress, increased fatigue, insomnia

The need for a course of cosmetic procedures for the face and body

The need to restore emotional tone and immunity

Wellness and treatment procedures at the resort

Sea baths, algae therapy, mud treatment, massages with sea salts, various types of therapeutic massage, lymphatic drainage, oriental healing techniques - Ayurveda, Shiatsu, aromatherapy, procedures using medicinal herbs.

A wide range of cosmetic procedures for women is presented. The hotel can conduct a medical examination on the main risk factors, taking into account social and age characteristics, and consultation with a naturopathic doctor on healthy eating and lifestyle.

Bad Homburg

Unique natural characteristics of the resort

Sodium-chloride-acid and sodium-calcium-chloride-acid mineral waters, including those containing iron.

Wellness complex "Taunus Terme": thermal complex with multifunctional pools, countercurrent, waterfalls, jacuzzi, saunas, hydromassage, salt water grottoes, beach. Therapeutic gymnastics, fitness, yoga, shiatsu classes. Kaiser-Wilhelms-Bad (royal spa): salt water pool, hot stone sauna, odorium (aroma sauna), hay sauna, sand and sun bath, herbal steam sauna, caldarium, “mythical” waves. Clinic of Dr. Baumstark: rehabilitation and prevention of internal diseases, orthopedics.
Medical indications for health improvement at the resort

Gastroenterological diseases.

Metabolic diseases - diabetes, especially type II, disorders of fat and urinary metabolism (with gout), obesity.

Rheumatic diseases - arthritis, polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis.

Cardiovascular diseases.

Respiratory diseases.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including osteoporosis).

Skin diseases – psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatosis.

Rehabilitation after surgery (including joint replacement)

Wellness and treatment procedures at the resort

Drinking course of mineral water.

Dietary treatment at the Baumstark Clinic.

Mineral baths, wraps, East Asian full body massage, oriental body care ceremony "Rasul" with medical mud from Bad Homburg, soap brush massage, hot stone massage.

Western Europe is a highly developed country where the best conditions are created for people. Urbanization, development of trade and transport, economy and industry. Formation of new social relations and directions of development in various areas. However, there is no complete disappearance of traditional culture. The life of modern cities successfully intertwines features of modern times and historically established traditions and foundations. It is this combination that gives the countries of Western Europe a unique look. This is clearly expressed in the specifics of architecture, music, and art.

Located in mountain and lake regions, as well as on the Atlantic coast, European resorts are ideal for all climatic conditions - mild snowy winters, cool summers, sunny off-season months. What all resorts have in common is a favorable environmental situation and a developed infrastructure for recreational recreation.

International tourism, for many countries, has become a significant source of increased income and growth of the national economy. Such highly developed countries as Switzerland, Austria, France have built a significant share of their wealth on income from tourism.

International tourism has become an important source of foreign exchange earnings for many developed and developing countries. For example, the share of income from foreign tourism in the total amount of receipts from the export of goods and services is: in Spain - 18.3%, Austria - 11.8%, Greece - 33.6%.


1. Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”. - M., 1996.

2. Azar V.I., Tumanov S.Yu. Economics of the tourist market. – M., 1998.

3. Alexandrova A.Yu. Economics and territorial organization of international tourism. - M., 1996.

4. Alexandrova A.Yu. International tourism. – M., 2001.

5. Birzhakov M.B. Introduction to tourism. – St. Petersburg, 2001

6. Birzhakov M.B., Nikiforov V.I. Tourism industry: Transportation. – St. Petersburg, 2001.

7. Borisov K.G. International tourism and law. – M., NIMP, 1999.

8. Volkov Yu.F. Introduction to hotel and tourism business. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2003.

9. Voloshin N.I. Legal regulation of tourism activities. – M., 2004.

10. Gulyaev V.G. Organization of tourism activities. – M.: KNOWLEDGE, 2005.

11 Dvornichenko V.V. History of international and national tourism. – M.: Publishing house MESI, 2001.

12 Dolmatov G.M. Legal basis of tourism business. – M.: Publishing house MESI, 1997.

13 Zdorov A.B. Economics of tourism. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2004

14 Zorin I.V., Kvartalnov V.A. Encyclopedia of tourism. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000.

15. Karpova G.A. Economics of modern tourism. – St. Petersburg, 2001.

16. Kuskov A.S., Lysikova O.V. Resortology and health tourism. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2004.

17. Kuskov A.S., Makartseva L.V. Fundamentals of balneology: Textbook. allowance. – Saratov, 2002.

18. Nikolaenko D.V. Recreational geography. – M., 2001.

19. Senin V.S. Organization of international tourism: Textbook. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003.

20. Chudnovsky A.D., Zhukova M.A. Tourism management. - M., 2002.

21. “Switzerland is creating a new tourist image of the country” - BTI No. 3a, 1991.

22. http://www.reiseburo.ru/home/leisure/cure/

23. http://www.city-travelnn.ru

Proposed by Yu.D. Dmitrevsky’s zoning scheme is generally logical, although perhaps not sufficiently unified taxonomically. For example, in the Northern European zone, each country actually acts as a macro-region, while in the formation of other zones a slightly different approach is used. In the Southern zone, it is proposed to identify not only macro-districts, but also tourist areas in each of them, although similar areas are not allocated in other zones.

A different approach can be used as the basis for the tourist and recreational zoning of foreign Europe - with the allocation of areas and centers of coastal, mountain, lake and river tourism.

Let's start with the characteristics of coastal tourist and recreational areas as the most widespread. A significant part of the entire sea coast of the region is used for this purpose. But first of all we are talking, of course, about the Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean is the main tourist area not only in Europe, but also in the world. In terms of tourism and recreation development, it ranks first in the world, even ahead of the vast Asia-Pacific region. According to available data, in 2005 the number of foreign tourists visiting the area reached 220 million, with most of them concentrated in the European Mediterranean. Specific features of this area of ​​marine tourism: the predominance of a linear form of tourist and recreational development of the territory (along the sea coast), the large role of islands, a pronounced seasonality of tourist flows with a multiple advantage of the summer (swimming) season, the creation of predominantly large complexes with a strong concentration of tourists and vacationers. This trend only began in the 1980s. was replaced by a transition to the formation of small-sized tourist centers that are more in line with the needs of modern active tourism and better fit into the surrounding natural environment.

For a long time, France and Italy competed in Mediterranean tourism.

The main Mediterranean tourist and recreational region of France is called the French Riviera or Côte d'Azur. This is a stretch of coastline stretching 230 km from Toulon in the west to Menton on the French-Italian border. Here, on the Côte d'Azur, protected from the northern winds by the Alpes-Maritimes, the number of fine days per year reaches 300. The average annual air temperature is +20 °C, and even in winter it does not fall below +8 °C. Accordingly, the swimming season here is quite long. The “capital” of the French Riviera is the resort city of Nice, where tourism employs half of the population. Other resort towns are Cannes, famous for its annual film festivals, Antibes, Menton, and several smaller ones.

The French Riviera became a favorite seaside holiday destination back in the 19th century. Balzac, Flaubert, and Maupassant rested and worked here. Already in the 20th century. American writers Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald left vivid descriptions of the Riviera. Russians also discovered the Riviera back in the 19th century. F.I. lived and worked here. Tyutchev, N.V. Gogol, A.I. Kuprin, A.P. Chekhov, I.A. Bunin, V.V. Mayakovsky, F.I. Shalyapin, S.P. Diaghilev.

Recently, for tourism and recreational purposes, the development of the western part of the Mediterranean coast of France, located between the mouth of the Rhone and the Pyrenees (Languedoc - Roussillon), has begun.

In Italy, the main area of ​​Mediterranean tourism and recreation is the Italian Riviera, which is a continuation of the French. It was also mastered by the European aristocracy back in the 19th century. Among its resort towns, the most famous are San Remo, Rapallo, and Portofino. But in fact, the entire coastal strip of not only the Ligurian, but also the Tyrrhenian Sea, with such centers as Naples, Sorrento and many smaller ones in Calabria and Sicily, has a specialization in coastal tourism. And on the Adriatic Sea this is primarily the Venetian Riviera.

The third country of the Big Three - Spain - was much less accessible to foreign citizens during the long years of General Franco's rule. But after his death in 1975, it opened up to the rest of the world. Here, too, a tourist boom began, and one that soon brought this country to first place not only in Europe, but throughout the world for quite a long time. The unprecedented tourist boom in Spain is explained primarily by the presence of rich natural and recreational resources and historical and architectural attractions, the proximity of the Western European tourist market, the creation of a first-class material and technical base for tourism and the relative cheapness of tourist services. But we must also take into account the change in the political situation in the country after the passing of the Franco regime. The following figures speak about the importance and level of development of tourism in Spain: in terms of absolute income from tourism, Spain ranks among the first in the world; 10% of the total active population is employed in the tourism sector; There are about 10 thousand hotels in the country with almost 900 thousand beds. Only in 1992 did Spain become the venue for such mass events as EXPO 92 in Seville and the Olympic Games in Barcelona.

Let us add that, according to D.L. Lopatnikov, over time the tourist profile of Spain itself also began to change. At the first stage of the tourism boom, this country acted as one of the world's most famous centers of mass, cheap tourism, but after joining the European Union it is increasingly becoming a vacation area for wealthy Europeans. As a result, the Mediterranean coast of Spain has actually turned into a continuous chain of seaside resorts, subdividing it into the Harsh Coast, Gold Coast, Cote d'Azur, White Coast, and Sunny Coast. The Balearic Islands, located 100 km from the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, have long become a popular holiday destination. Frederic Chopin, who visited the main of these islands, Mallorca, a century and a half ago, wrote: “Life here is amazing.”

The Adriatic coast of Croatia has long become one of the most important tourist and recreational areas of the Mediterranean. Its length in a straight line is 700 km, but together with numerous islands, of which there are more than 1.2 thousand (Dalmatian type of sea coast), peninsulas, bays and straits, it increases to 6000 km. This increases the tourist and recreational capacity of the area, which until the early 1990s. hosted about 1 million people at the same time. Here are such famous seaside resorts as Dubrovnik, Opatija, Split, etc.

In Greece, on the Aegean coast, there are also many seaside resorts, especially on the islands. And on the western coast of the Black Sea, in fact, their continuation is the popular seaside resorts of Bulgaria and Romania. Large resort complexes predominate here: in Romania - Mamaia, Eforia in the vicinity of Constanta, in Bulgaria - Golden Sands (Fig. 50), Druzhba, Albena in the vicinity of Varna, Sunny Beach, Nessebar in the vicinity of Burgas. However, the holiday season here lasts only for four to five warm months.

The resorts of the Romanian and Bulgarian Black Sea coast offer vacationers a harmonious combination of warm sea, rich forest vegetation and favorable climate, and sometimes balneological springs. Among the vacationers here, representatives of Germany predominate, followed by tourists from the CIS countries, Scandinavian countries, and Great Britain. This is predominantly a family tourism area, providing accommodation for tourists in 2- to 3-star hotels, campsites and motels.

But seaside tourism in foreign Europe is not limited to the Mediterranean. Judging by Figure 48, it has become a specialization of the coastal zone of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the North and Baltic seas. Dozens of seaside resorts also operate successfully here, such as Bayonne in Spain, Saint-Malo in France, Ostend in Belgium, Brighton and Bournemouth in the UK, and Sopot in Poland. The Canary Islands, which belong to Spain, located in the Atlantic at a distance of 1,150 km from the mainland, have recently become especially popular.

Among mountain tourism regions, Alpine takes the unrivaled first place. Every year it is visited by 80 to 150 million people. Tourist development of the Alps began in the first half of the 19th century. and has expanded rapidly since then.

Hotels with lush portals

Arrogantly lined up

And, arguing with the age-old rocks,

They look into the dispassionate azure.

This is what he wrote at the beginning of the 20th century. Valery Bryusov in a cycle of poems about Switzerland. At first, the only tourist season here was the summer, but then, as mountain sports complexes were built and winter sports developed, the winter season became no less, if not more, popular.

Nowadays, the Alps are a typical area of ​​year-round tourism: at altitudes up to 500 m hiking predominates, from 1000 to 2000 m - ski tourism, and from 2000 to 3000 m - skiing and mountaineering. The development of international tourism in the Alps is also facilitated by their favorable transport and geographical location. If we conventionally consider the threshold of transport accessibility for places of mass tourism to be the distance that can be covered in 12 hours by car, then the Alps turn out to be accessible to residents of large industrial and urban agglomerations in most countries of foreign Europe.

The main receiving countries for tourists in the Alpine region were and remain Austria and Switzerland. But this category of countries also includes France, Italy, Germany, Liechtenstein, and Slovenia. Examples of the most popular mountain climatic and mountain sports centers include Chamonix in France, Davos in Switzerland, Boromio in Italy, Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Germany. However, recently, so-called rural tourism has begun to become increasingly widespread in the Alps.

The material and technical base of alpine tourism today has reached a very high level. The total number of tourist accommodation places has already exceeded 3 million. There are 12 thousand lifts and 40 thousand ski slopes. However, such a tourist boom has also led to many negative consequences. This is a general deterioration of the environmental situation, overpopulation of many mountain valleys, difficulties with transport during periods of a particularly large influx of tourists, a decrease in agricultural areas, etc. Therefore, the Alpine countries signed a long-term agreement on environmental protection over an area of ​​almost 200 thousand km 2.

The second major mountain tourism region covers the mid-altitude mountains of Central Europe, the Sudetes, the Carpathians and the Rila-Rhodope Mountains. It is known for its international-class mountain resorts - such as Oberhof and Oberwiesenthal in Germany, Zakopane in Poland, Strbske Pleso in Slovakia, Sinaia and Predeal in Romania, Borovets and Pamporovo in Bulgaria. It is also known for its healing mineral springs and mud, which gave birth to such resorts as Baden-Baden, Bad Elter in Germany, Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne in the Czech Republic, Krynica, Iwonicz, Szczawnica in Poland. The mountains of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe are also famous for their caves (Macocha, Postojna, Aggtelek, Magura). They are widely used for skiing and mountaineering. The most visited mountain region is the High Tatras, located on the border of Poland and Slovakia; At least 7-8 million tourists visit here every year.

The main areas of lake tourism in foreign Europe are the Lake District in central Finland, the Kashubian and Masurian Lake Districts in Poland, the Mecklenburg Lake District in Germany, Lake Balaton in Hungary and Lake Maggiore in Italy.

River tourism has received the greatest development on the Danube, on the rivers and canals of France and some other countries.

Western Europe has a fairly extensive navigable network of waterways. The Seine, Elbe, Danube, Rhine and other rivers flow through its territory. All of them are connected by a complex system of canals, which provides excellent opportunities for the growing popularity of river cruise travel. Germany holds first place in river cruises, followed by Great Britain, Holland, Switzerland and Austria. The most popular routes are along the Rhine and its tributaries (Moselle, Main, Neckar, Weser). In Europe, river cruises along the Danube through seven countries are in great demand.

The most popular river cruise routes among foreign tourists are primarily along the Rhine and Danube. In third place are the Russian rivers Volga, Don, their tributaries, lakes and canals. Demand for these routes fell after Chernobyl, the collapse of the USSR and due to the unstable situation in Russia and the CIS countries.

Nile cruises are usually part of larger tour or vacation programs. The same applies to the even more exotic Amazon, St. Lawrence River and Yangtze. Demand for cruises on French rivers and canals is growing.

In the West, the demand for river cruises is increasing every year. Of particular interest are short-term cruises up to five days. This is due to the fact that most tourists prefer to take weekends during their trip so as not to miss working days. During this time, tourists manage to visit many places without ever changing hotels. River cruises are especially attractive for middle-aged and elderly people: unlike sea travel, the land is visible all the time, and there is no seasickness.

Foreign Europe is the main region of international tourism. Foreign Europe has been and remains the main region of international tourism. Along with other countries, tourists and vacationers are attracted by the “old stones of Europe” - the sights of its cities. In 2000, the number of foreign tourists reached 400 million. All types of tourism have developed here, and the “tourism industry” has reached a very high level. Europe accounts for more than 2/3 of foreign tourists! Europe occupies an uncompetitive first place among the regions of the world. Serving tourists has become the main or one of the main sources of income for most of the population of specialized tourist areas. Foreign Europe has been and remains the main region of international tourism. Along with other countries, tourists and vacationers are attracted by the “old stones of Europe” - the sights of its cities. In 2000, the number of foreign tourists reached 400 million. All types of tourism have developed here, and the “tourism industry” has reached a very high level. Europe accounts for more than 2/3 of foreign tourists! Europe occupies an uncompetitive first place among the regions of the world. Serving tourists has become the main or one of the main sources of income for most of the population of specialized tourist areas.

Types of tourist areas In foreign Europe, tourist and recreational areas of two types are most widely represented - coastal and mountainous. Nowadays, sea cruise tourism areas are also becoming popular. In foreign Europe, tourism and recreational areas of two types are most widely represented - coastal and mountainous. Nowadays, sea cruise tourism areas are also becoming popular.

Cruise tourism In the areas of sea cruise tourism, various types are combined, including travel on a comfortable ship, relaxation on the beaches, excursion and educational programs, usually covering several countries. The Mediterranean is one of the main areas of cruise tourism, which is facilitated by good natural conditions. In the areas of sea cruise tourism, various types are combined, including travel on a comfortable ship, relaxation on the beaches, excursion and educational programs, usually covering several countries. The Mediterranean is one of the main areas of cruise tourism, which is facilitated by good natural conditions.

Mountain tourism There is practically only one classic large ski tourism area in the world - the Alps. On the territory of the Alpine countries (primarily Switzerland and Austria) a powerful network of well-equipped ski slopes, many ski lifts, hotels, etc. has been created. The lower zone of the mountains is used mainly for treatment and hiking, the middle for skiing, and the upper for mountaineering. The Alps are visited by 100 million people annually. All other areas cannot provide any serious competition to the Alps.

Seaside resorts The most famous and most visited are the seaside resorts. The main area of ​​coastal tourism is the Mediterranean, which is visited annually by 220 million people. Particularly popular are the coast of the Ligurian Sea, where the Côte d'Azur (Riviera) is protected from the north by the Alps with its center in Nice, the Adriatic coast in Croatia, the coast of Spain, and the Balearic Islands. The most famous and most visited are the seaside resorts. The main area of ​​coastal tourism is the Mediterranean, which is visited annually by 220 million people. Particularly popular are the coast of the Ligurian Sea, where the Côte d'Azur (Riviera) is protected from the north by the Alps with its center in Nice, the Adriatic coast in Croatia, the coast of Spain, and the Balearic Islands.

Leading countries France, Spain, and Italy invariably act as leading countries in international tourism in Europe. The most popular countries attracting tourists also include Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Portugal, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. And in such microstates as Andorra, San Marino, Monaco, there are one hundred tourists for every resident. France, Spain, and Italy invariably act as leading countries in international tourism in Europe. The most popular countries attracting tourists also include Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Portugal, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. And in such microstates as Andorra, San Marino, Monaco, there are one hundred tourists for every resident. Paris, Rome, and Madrid became a kind of “tourist Mecca”. Many tourists also visit London, Amsterdam, Vienna, Dresden, Prague, Venice, Naples and Athens. Paris, Rome, and Madrid became a kind of “tourist Mecca”. Many tourists also visit London, Amsterdam, Vienna, Dresden, Prague, Venice, Naples and Athens.

France France is one of the world leaders in the number of tourists received. France is the only country in Western Europe that has a variety of recreational resources. It can be considered Central European, Mediterranean, and Alpine. Despite the long-standing well-developed and extensive network of hotels, France lags far behind Switzerland and Austria in terms of the number of hotel beds per 1000 inhabitants (49 beds). The Alpine part of the country is dominated by winter sports centers financed from Paris. The tourism industry here is increasingly located in small or very small buildings.

Italy Italy is a classic tourism country in the center of the main international tourist flows. Despite the huge number of tourists arriving annually from abroad, the country’s hotel stock is relatively small (73 beds per 1000 inhabitants). The main flow of tourists - almost 80% - goes to coastal areas and cities with their historical and architectural monuments. Italy has the most visited cities in the world by tourists. Italy is a classic tourism country in the center of the main international tourist flows. Despite the huge number of tourists arriving annually from abroad, the country’s hotel stock is relatively small (73 beds per 1000 inhabitants). The main flow of tourists - almost 80% - goes to coastal areas and cities with their historical and architectural monuments. Italy has the most visited cities in the world by tourists. In Italy there are more than 200 ski stations (mostly in the Alps), equipped with funiculars and lifts. It is dominated by medium and small ski centers, chaotically located and consisting of cheap hotels. In Italy there are more than 200 ski stations (mostly in the Alps), equipped with funiculars and lifts. It is dominated by medium and small ski centers, chaotically located and consisting of cheap hotels.

Switzerland Switzerland, having a very advantageous geographical location, ranks one of the first places in the world in terms of tourism intensity. Thus, per 1000 residents there are 168 beds in hotels and other accommodation facilities. Switzerland, having a very advantageous geographical location, ranks one of the first places in the world in terms of tourism intensity. Thus, per 1000 residents there are 168 beds in hotels and other accommodation facilities. Health resorts, ski tourism, mountaineering, and summer recreation are widely developed here. Health resorts, ski tourism, mountaineering, and summer recreation are widely developed here. Switzerland is the birthplace of highly organized mountain tourism. It has become an important element of the national economy here. Switzerland is the birthplace of highly organized mountain tourism. It has become an important element of the national economy here. Switzerland occupies a prominent place in the world in terms of congress tourism. Switzerland occupies a prominent place in the world in terms of congress tourism.

Austria Located at the center of the intersection of the most important land and air routes, Austria has become an important transit center in Europe. This, along with very favorable natural and climatic conditions, predetermined its wide participation in the development of international tourism. Thus, there are 158 hotel beds per 1,000 residents. Approximately 75% of tourists are German citizens. More than 80% of tourists arriving here are autotourists. Being at the center of the intersection of the most important land and air routes, Austria has become an important transit center in Europe. This, along with very favorable natural and climatic conditions, predetermined its wide participation in the development of international tourism. Thus, there are 158 hotel beds per 1,000 residents. Approximately 75% of tourists are German citizens. More than 80% of tourists arriving here are autotourists. As in Switzerland, there are many vacationers here not only in summer, but also in winter (ski tourism). There is a large network of sanatorium and medical institutions. Small boarding houses and hotels predominate. There is also a chain of large hotels managed by international companies. As in Switzerland, there are many vacationers here not only in summer, but also in winter (ski tourism). There is a large network of sanatorium and medical institutions. Small boarding houses and hotels predominate. There is also a chain of large hotels managed by international companies.

Problems of recreational resources Despite the highly organized tourist recreation, there are also problems in Foreign Europe. The most environmentally vulnerable areas suffer first. In Western Europe these are mountain valleys and sea coasts. In some cases they degrade. Despite the highly organized tourist holidays, there are also problems in Foreign Europe. The most environmentally vulnerable areas suffer first. In Western Europe these are mountain valleys and sea coasts. In some cases they degrade. Particular problems are associated with the transport movement of tourists. Because Almost 2/3 of tourists travel by car; environmental pollution in these areas reaches dangerous levels. According to scientists, lead dust falling from the exhaust gases of vehicles pollutes up to 50 hectares of agriculture. lands. Particular problems are associated with the transport movement of tourists. Because Almost 2/3 of tourists travel by car; environmental pollution in these areas reaches dangerous levels. According to scientists, lead dust falling from the exhaust gases of vehicles pollutes up to 50 hectares of agriculture. lands. An important task was planning for road transport, and in some areas even stopping it. An important task was planning for road transport, and in some areas even stopping it. Exacerbation of problems related to mountain nature protection. Exacerbation of problems related to mountain nature protection. In mountain recreational areas, the most intense impact on the natural environment occurs during the construction of tourist and recreational complexes. This is due to the creation of complex engineering structures carried out in conditions of easily vulnerable natural mountain landscapes. In mountain recreational areas, the most intense impact on the natural environment occurs during the construction of tourist and recreational complexes. This is due to the creation of complex engineering structures carried out in conditions of easily vulnerable natural mountain landscapes.

… Problems are also becoming more and more frequent: unemployment during seasons of weakening tourist flows; decline in other sectors of the economy that are less profitable compared to serving tourists; costs associated with the “monoculture” of tourism; exacerbation of social problems - decline in morals of the local population, increase in crime, etc. Problems are also increasingly becoming: unemployment during seasons of weakening tourist flows; decline in other sectors of the economy that are less profitable compared to serving tourists; costs associated with the “monoculture” of tourism; exacerbation of social problems - decline in morals of the local population, increase in crime, etc. Regarding the environmental situation, significant measures have been taken to protect the environment. These measures include multiple circulation of certain types of natural resources, primarily water (Germany, France), conservation of recreational resources (Switzerland, Austria), successful land reclamation (Germany). There have been encouraging changes that show the possibility of solving complex environmental problems and really improving the state of recreational resources and the overall environmental situation in certain areas, including Western Europe. Regarding the environmental situation, significant measures have been taken to protect the environment. These measures include multiple circulation of certain types of natural resources, primarily water (Germany, France), conservation of recreational resources (Switzerland, Austria), successful land reclamation (Germany). There have been encouraging changes that show the possibility of solving complex environmental problems and really improving the state of recreational resources and the overall environmental situation in certain areas, including Western Europe.

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