Home Russian citizenship What to use to catch crayfish in a crayfish trap - the best bait. How to catch crayfish in October: crayfish and fishing rod What is the best way to catch crayfish in a crayfish trap?

What to use to catch crayfish in a crayfish trap - the best bait. How to catch crayfish in October: crayfish and fishing rod What is the best way to catch crayfish in a crayfish trap?

Cancers are hermits by way of life. During daylight hours, this arthropod hides in a shelter, quickly retreating deeper into the hole at the slightest danger. Crayfish go out in search of food at dusk, and in cloudy weather - in the afternoon.

They usually move in the water at night, extending their claws forward and holding their tail straight, but if they are startled, they quickly swim back, using their tail to help themselves. It is believed that crayfish stay in one place, but this is not true: they travel several hundred meters in a week.

Everyone has tried crayfish, unique in their taste, with beer at least once in their life. Catching them is exciting, rewarding and accessible even for children. This type of fishing does not require special gear or equipment. The only thing needed is a few traps and crayfish bait. These arthropods live in clean rivers and channels, sometimes in lakes. During the day, they are mainly in their burrows dug under shady steep banks, under stones or snags, and at night they move along the bottom, looking for prey. In winter they go deep.

In our country, catching using crayfish traps has become widespread, especially since Russian rules do not limit such fishing.

The advantages of this type of fishing are the compactness of the trap, ease of portability, ease of installation and testing. The shells do not require frequent checking. Another advantage of this gear is its low price.

You can get a pretty good catch if you know exactly what bait to fish with. Crayfish are attracted to fresh fish, shellfish and similar living creatures characteristic of a given reservoir, cake. This arthropod perfectly eats fish such as bream, roach, and silver bream, but is reluctant to take perch or pike.

An interesting bait for crayfish is garlic. Experienced crayfish fishermen use a loaf of bread, preferably black, for this purpose, passing it together with garlic through a meat grinder. Then the resulting mass is rolled into balls, placed in gauze and loaded with trap bags. One such portion, like one fish, is enough for the whole night.

In addition to fishing with the help of crayfish, these arthropods are caught in the same way as fish - with a fishing rod. At the same time, unlike “silent hunting” for a hook, this method is not so reliable: the crayfish can break off at any moment. And the gear is somewhat different: they are sticks one and a half or two meters long with fishing lines tied to them. The pointed ends are stuck into the bottom of the reservoir, and the crayfish bait is placed nearby.

Fishing rods are installed at a distance of at least five meters from each other. They need to be checked every three to four hours. They are carefully lifted from the bottom and almost at the surface the crayfish are caught with a net. Before consumption, the prey is stored in cages and transported without water, in a spacious box.

The most primitive and oldest method is with bare hands, and in this case no crayfish bait is needed. Of course, this method is not suitable for those who cannot swim or are afraid of getting hurt.

But someone who really wants to drink beer with crayfish, but does not have any available gear at hand, can, by illuminating the bottom of the reservoir with a torch or flashlight, score a fairly good catch.

In the old days, there was a good supply of crayfish: a fire was lit on the shore, and the arthropods crawled to the shore in the dark. They say that in this case, up to several hundred of them can be caught on the rocky shore.

Catching crayfish is a pleasure, especially since there are a lot of fishing methods. The most common and effective method is fishing with crayfish. Although, you can catch crayfish simply with your hands, which is what many fishermen do.

The shell consists of a frame made of strong wire, reliable rope and metal mesh. As a rule, the upper part is narrower than the lower part. This is necessary so that the crayfish cannot leave the crayfish trap once they get inside it. You can make such a device yourself or purchase it at a retail outlet or market. Before purchasing, you need to think carefully, since a crayfish catcher may be considered non-sports equipment.

The principle of its operation is as follows. The cancer climbs into it to try the bait located inside the trap, but it will not be able to get back out due to the design features. Therefore, you can catch quite a lot of crayfish at one time. In this regard, it is believed that the crayfish trap is a very effective means of catching crayfish.

As a rule, crayfish prefers reservoirs with clean water, therefore, it does not live in muddy reservoirs. It is mainly found in ponds, lakes and rivers where there is no strong current. Most of all, crayfish are attracted to the rocky bottom, where they can safely hide from danger.

Cancer, to a greater extent, feeds on food of animal origin, or rather, it picks up everything that has died in the reservoir. Therefore, he is most attracted to the smell of carrion. At the same time, one should not think that he can eat already decomposed parts of fish or animals. He will always find a fresher product.

To interest the crayfish, it is enough to cut the carcass so that the appropriate aroma spreads. Sometimes Borodino bread with garlic is added to the bait. Garlic, oddly enough, attracts crayfish.

The basis of the bait placed in the crayfish trap is: fish meat, animal or poultry meat, frogs, grasshoppers, etc. These are those food objects that are either found in a body of water or fall into it. And here, the opinions of some crayfish lovers differ.

Some argue that products that have a rotten smell are more effective, while others believe that products should be fresh, but not alive. In this case, everything depends on the presence of such food objects in the reservoir. If there is a lot of food, then the crayfish will look for fresher food, and if the crayfish have difficulties in feeding, then they do not particularly pick at food and eat everything.

As bait, crayfish can be offered mollusks that live in a given reservoir.

Bait for crayfish in spring

In the spring, cancer may prefer fish meat, or rather fillet, as well as small fish, cut so that it emits the desired smell. Ordinary crucian carp, gobies or other small fish will be used as bait. You can either catch the bait yourself or purchase it frozen. Before use, it is advisable to dry the fish to such a state, after which a peculiar smell will appear.

Lure for crayfish in summer

In the summer, when there is enough food for crayfish, it is very difficult to interest them in anything. Therefore, in summer, it is better to use animal or poultry meat as bait, as well as offal or parts of animals, such as ears, liver, stomach, etc. All these little things can be bought separately on the market. Like fish, it is better to keep animal parts in the sun for a while.

Bait for crayfish in autumn and winter

With the onset of autumn, and even more so winter, the level of food supplies decreases sharply, which leads to a certain lack of food for everyone living in the reservoir, including crayfish. Moreover, with the arrival of autumn, crayfish try to eat more in order to stock up on fat. Therefore, during this period, crayfish can be interested in ordinary bread with garlic, wrapped in gauze. If this is not done, the bread will very quickly become soggy and cease to serve as bait. In addition, during this period you can attract crayfish with non-fresh fish or meat.

Features of baits for catching crayfish

A common bait is fish. This is due to the fact that you can either catch it or buy it without any problems. In addition, fish is included in the diet of crayfish. The bait should be elastic and have a strong odor. In order for the smell to be clearly expressed, the fish carcass is cut, and part of the skin is also torn off. You don't have to use a lot of fish to catch a lot of crayfish. It is enough to provide conditions so that the crayfish cannot eat the bait prematurely.

In addition to dead bait, you can also use live bait. All you have to do is find a snail or shell and place it in a shell trap. In addition to them, a small frog will also go, which may interest the crayfish. Despite this, many crayfish anglers do not use live bait, and such fishing is questionable.

Garlic bread works well. The pungent smell of garlic attracts crayfish, and the bread serves as a kind of filling.

DIY bait

It is very important not only to choose the type of bait, but also to prepare it correctly so that it performs its functions. In the case of fish, it should be cut and the giblets removed along with the air bubble. The fish must be cut and, if necessary, removed from scales. In this case, fishing may be more productive.

If you use meat from an offal set, then there is no need to cut it: it already creates a peculiar smell. To prevent crayfish from eating the bait ahead of time, it is better to place it in gauze. The same applies to bread with garlic.

Rakolovki are divided into two main types:

  • Open type shells. These are the simplest equipment to design and manufacture for catching crayfish. Any fisherman can make such a crayfish catch if he has the desire and a little free time. It consists of a round or square frame with a metal mesh attached to it. The diameter of the crayfish can be in the range of 50-70 cm. In appearance, this tackle resembles a colander. A reliable rope is attached to the structure from above, which serves to lower and raise the shell.
  • Closed shells. Such traps are more effective than previous designs, but more difficult to manufacture. Despite this, they can be designed to fold. In this case, it will be convenient to transport it.

Lure attachment

The bait, which serves as an object for attracting crayfish, is attached to the bottom of the trap in any available way:

  • A special pocket made of gauze or nylon is attached to the bottom of the shell. Subsequently, bait is placed in it.
  • The bait can be secured with an elastic band.
  • It is possible to use other fastening options, for example, using wire.

In the midst of winter, which is January or February, crayfish are in burrows. Therefore, there is no point in catching them during this period.

With the arrival of spring, somewhere in March and April, you should also not count on a serious catch, since the crayfish are just beginning to awaken from hibernation. In May and June, crayfish are also not particularly caught, since they molt, shedding their old shells and separating their eggs.

From July to December you can count on good catches. After the cancer sheds its old shell, it becomes quite active and feeds just as actively. It actively migrates through the reservoir and looks for food.

With the arrival of autumn, crayfish begin to gain weight, and females begin to produce eggs. During this period, they need to stock up on nutrients for the winter. With the arrival of November and December, the crayfish becomes well-fed, and the females complete the process of laying eggs under a new shell. Even in December you can count on a certain catch.

At the same time, it is worth noting that all terms are quite conditional. Everything is connected with the action of external natural factors, such as ambient temperature, water level in the reservoir, early periods of cold weather, the period when the first ice appears, etc.

The shells can be installed directly near the shore, if nothing interferes, or with the help of a boat, if available. Since the depth can be significant, the places where the crayfish are installed are marked. To do this, tie a piece of foam plastic or an empty plastic bottle to a rope. In our time, such “good” is in abundance. If the trap is set from the shore, then the rope should be tied on the shore to a stick stuck in the ground.

If several traps are installed, then they are installed at a distance of at least 10 meters from one another. After just three hours, the crayfish can be checked.


Maybe not everyone knows, but crayfish are natural indicators of the cleanliness of water bodies. If there are crayfish in a pond, then this reservoir is environmentally friendly. If there are no crayfish, then you need to sound the alarm and investigate the reasons for the disappearance of the crayfish. Although crayfish are found only in reservoirs with clean water.

Unfortunately, recently, the number of cancers has been decreasing at a tremendous rate. This is due not only to the environment, but also to the lack of control over their fishing. Oddly enough, crayfish are also involved in this. Therefore, before you go fishing for crayfish, you need to think again. It is quite possible that you can live without catching crayfish, especially since you don’t really get enough of them.

The gastronomic properties of crayfish meat are truly excellent: it has a unique taste and tenderness, does not contain cholesterol, and is excellent for dietary nutrition. Even people who can’t stand fish and seafood, including children, rarely refuse it. However, this delicacy costs a lot of money, so it is advisable to learn how to catch crayfish yourself.

Today we will get acquainted with the secrets of hunting crayfish. Our focus will be on his favorite “delicacies” and the most productive fishing methods. We will tell you where and when you should look for and catch these tasty representatives of freshwater fauna, so that the hunt is successful and does not bring you complications in the form of a hefty fine.

Where and when is the best time to hunt for crayfish?

Cancer is very picky about its living conditions. It is very sensitive to the quality of water and the amount of oxygen dissolved in it. In this regard, its population is constantly declining, because there are fewer and fewer clean reservoirs with crystal water, and man himself is to blame for this.

The object of our hunt today prefers clean, clear water with a high concentration of oxygen, therefore, its colonies are located mainly on rivers, reservoirs, and flowing lakes. It does not live in ponds and lakes with silted bottoms and does not favor thickets. Crayfish prefer hard bottom soil: sand, shell rock, pebbles.

Catching crayfish far from the shore is usually unproductive. Colonies are located mainly along steep, steep banks; the hollows between tree roots are ideal. A refuge for crayfish can be all kinds of hydraulic structures, snags, stones, and so on - anything that can provide them with a reliable shelter. The optimal depth is from half a meter to two or three.

In summer, cancer tends to be nocturnal: twilight and darkness are the most productive. However, on a full moon, in windy, rainy weather and in thunderstorms, you cannot expect a good catch even in the most promising places.

In autumn, daily temperature fluctuations become more noticeable. This has little effect on the behavior of crayfish, especially if the days are clear and sunny, but the hunter who catches them can seriously suffer from prolonged exposure to cold water. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the time of “water procedures” and switch from manual methods of extraction to crayfish traps. But you shouldn’t give up hunting completely - crayfish meat becomes especially tasty and aromatic in the fall.

Manual fishing methods

The oldest method of catching crayfish is by hand. The idea is simple: walk through the water with a flashlight, examine the places of possible habitat, turning over stones, and when found, take the crayfish by the back with your hand and put it in a basket. You can search the holes under the roots, but this option is unsafe: firstly, the claws have great tenacity and can give a not at all pleasant “handshake”, and secondly, there may be something worse lurking there. In short, you definitely shouldn’t climb there without protective gloves.

A variation of the manual method is the use of a spear or special pincers: we see the prey, press it to the bottom with a spear, then remove it by the shell with our hands. This requires a fair amount of skill: in the water, crayfish show enviable agility.

Crayfish are also caught quite successfully using a net. We walk on the water, looking out for prey, as in previous cases. If you see a crayfish, place a net behind it and illuminate it in front with a flashlight. The armored fish will begin to back away, trying to hide from the light, and will fall into the net without contact with its hands.

This old-fashioned method can be improved by using a mask and a breathing tube.

Effective baits

All other fishing methods require bait in accordance with the gastronomic preferences of the intended prey. Contrary to popular belief, these arthropods do not like rotten meat: it is only when there is a lack of food supply that they are forced to devour everything they come across, and under normal conditions they prefer fresh food. By the way, they also enjoy consuming “delicacies” of plant origin.

On cold water Crayfish, like fish, are caught mainly using bait of animal origin. As a “treat” for arthropods can be used:

  • pieces of meat and fish fillet;
  • offal;
  • worms and larvae;
  • canned fish and meat, smoked meats;
  • a skinned or burned frog;
  • freshly caught small fish (it is advisable to cut it along the back and let it lie in the air for a while).

What’s interesting is that crayfish prefers fish from peaceful carp species, and the aroma of pike or perch can even scare it away. By the way, with a wide choice, he will ignore the flesh of the mollusk.

On warm water, that is, in the summer, baits of plant origin are effective. Crayfish are very fond of peas, bread, canned corn, and fresh corn. Sometimes they can be attracted by fragments of aquatic flora: water lily, elodea, arrowhead. But sometimes arthropods also show originality, reacting sensitively to the aroma of dill and garlic. Moreover, artificial fish attractants like “Garlic” will not attract them; give them everything natural!

Catching crayfish with bread and garlic is considered very effective. The recipe for making bait is extremely simple:

  • take rye bread and garlic;
  • crumble the bread, chop the garlic (you can use a knife or blender);
  • Place the mass in a cloth or several layers of gauze.

Tackle with fishing line

The main rule for using tackle with a fishing line: the bait should lie on the bottom - the panzerfish is not a fish, it crawls, not swims.

Crayfish can be caught by chance using equipment designed for fish. The arthropod “pecks” in an interesting way: it moves the float to the side, gradually sinking it. Naturally, it does not swallow the bait, but captures the prey with its claws, therefore it is not worth hooking it suddenly: we gradually lift the prey above the water and insure it with a landing net.

You can equip a fishing rod specifically for crayfish: in this case, it is better to use large treble hooks and a very large bait. You can get by with the most primitive equipment, like a stand-alone one. To do this, it is enough to cut decent strong rods from hazel and tie either fishing line or twine to them. It is not necessary to use a hook: the bait can simply be tied to the free end. It is effective to install several such gear along the shore (possibly on land or in water) at a distance of 3-4 meters from each other.

You can also catch crayfish using floating girders, “circles” or any similar equipment with a float. They are equipped not with live bait, but with any of the above-mentioned bait, and they are not cast in sinks, but are installed along the shore, preferably at anchors.

Rakolovki, meshes and similar gear

The most productive and productive gear among those permitted by law is the crayfish catcher (rachnitsa, rachevnya). Previously, these tackles were made exclusively by hand from wire, wooden planks and mesh; now they can be freely purchased in a specialized store at a very affordable price. However, modern craftsmen manage to make gear even from empty five-liter water cylinders, which reduces costs to absolute zero.

The general principle of fishing with mesh gear: The trap is equipped with bait (usually it is tied to a net or gear frame) and is installed at the location of the arthropods. Attracted by the aroma of the bait, the crayfish slide onto the net or penetrate through the holes in it, and the tackle is removed from the water with the swarming prey.

In fact, the simplest open basin is the same fishing top, working on the “straining” principle: when rising, the water is decanted, the prey remains in the net. For ease of fishing, the tackle is usually suspended on a wooden pole. More complex gear is typologically classified as hedging and is a closed-type structure on a rigid frame.

Let's consider the design features of the most common industrial mesh gear:

  • "Cot". Universal tackle for all-season fishing for crayfish. It is a folding structure made of two rings of different sizes and a mesh stretched over them. It sinks to the bottom, unfolds, and then rises up - the prey ends up in an improvised bag.
  • "Inkwell". The design implements the principle of a non-spill inkwell: the above-mentioned “clamshell” is supplemented with another ring in the upper part, even smaller in diameter. Crayfish crawl into the gear, but it’s difficult for them to get out of there.
  • "Spider". The tackle is made according to the principle of a fishing “spider”, often used for fishing. However, in its improved form, suitable for hunting arthropods, it is more complex. The same umbrella principle is implemented: a mesh is stretched over a folding frame made of galvanized steel. It has entrance holes for production.
  • "Accordion" or "stocking". The most expensive, bulky, but also the most productive closed-type crayfish trap. Using similar larger gear, crayfish are caught on a commercial scale. Its length is usually about three meters. It consists of several sections with holes where the bait is placed. The “accordion” is thrown from the shore and then brought into working condition by simply pulling the cord. When removed from the water, the cord loosens and the prey spills out of the trap.
  • Spring top. Before us is a folding structure made of steel rings, covered with mesh. The inlet holes on small-diameter rings are located at the ends of the gear. The crayfish, attracted by the bait, falls into a mesh funnel, and then into the main chamber, from which it cannot escape. The top unfolds automatically in the water thanks to spacers and springs.
  • Krylena. This is a type of top or hem with mesh “wings” that are secured to the bottom. They seem to direct the prey into a trap.

Features of winter crayfish fishing

These arthropods are active all year round, and winter is a particularly good time to harvest well-fed specimens ready for reproduction. Winter fishing tactics are not much different from summer ones, although with the inevitable adjustment for ice. In open water, some fans even catch crayfish with their hands, despite the cold and risk! Sometimes primitive fishing rods and supplies are used, but these tackles are not distinguished by their championship catchability.

Theoretically, in winter you can use crayfish traps of all the above types, except, perhaps, the unnecessarily bulky ones. However, it makes the most sense to choose open folding options that do not require drilling large holes. Homemade gear made from large plastic bottles also performs well.

By the way, our great-grandfathers caught crayfish in the winter using the so-called “twisting”. For this, a long pole with a hook at the end was used. It was lowered into the hole and rotated around its axis. As a result, algae with crayfish stuck in it were wound onto the hook. If your soul requires something exotic, why not try this option? True, we must not forget about the prohibitions that limit the catch of crayfish in winter in most regions of Russia.

A little about prohibitions

In our reservoirs there are two types of crayfish: broad-fingered and narrow-fingered (long-fingered). The former belong to the “Red Book” species, and their fishing is prohibited at the legislative level. In general, if you come across an individual with a smooth shell and wide claws, you will be obliged to let it go.

But it is not always possible to catch narrow-clawed crayfish. The prohibition periods do not coincide with the “fish” periods and are individual for each region. The most common prohibition period is winter and spring, and in some areas, crayfish fishing is only allowed in summer. In certain regions, for example in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in Mordovia, it is generally forbidden to catch crayfish at any time and with any gear. Almost everywhere the catch of individuals under 9-10 cm in length is limited.

Remember that crayfish sold in specialized stores are usually permitted gear, but fishing for fish and crustaceans using nets is definitely poaching.

At the end of our article, let me give you Some practical recommendations:

  • Arthropods are most active after sunset and at night, so it is better to catch them at this time.
  • Even the most ingenious gear should not be left all night: the crayfish will get enough and find a way to get out of the trap.
  • Arthropods display remarkable agility in their usual environment, so they need to be collected with dexterity.
  • Catching crayfish becomes even more effective when using a firefly stick: it can attract arthropods and add attractiveness to the main bait.
  • When removing a shellfish from the water, you should not shine a flashlight directly on it: if there are escape routes, the frightened shellfish will immediately run away.

By tradition, we wish you rich catches. Let delicious boiled crayfish adorn your table not only without fish!

In addition to classic fishing for pike, perch, crucian carp, carp or any other fish, many people enjoy an equally interesting activity - catching crayfish. It is no secret that these animals are found in freshwater bodies of water with clean water and appropriate conditions for creating burrows. If you know how and where to catch crayfish, then your next trip to the pond will give you a good catch.

Habitat and life cycle

Crayfish are particularly demanding when it comes to choosing their habitat. They are not interested in dirty, salty or cloudy water. These animals require the same supply of oxygen as representatives of the salmon family, and their full life cycle is possible only with oxygen levels of 5 mg/l for the warm period.

Regular river species breed freely in light and dark water, provided that its acidity is neutral and does not exceed pH 6.5. If the reservoir is depleted of lime, the development of the crustacean organism will slow down significantly. Animals react with particular sensitivity to water pollution. Despite the ability to survive in various conditions, a significant part of the population is found in clean rivers.

When choosing a place of residence, crayfish give preference to areas with a hard and clean bottom, where there is no silt. These animals are not interested in areas with a muddy bottom or near rocky or sandy shores. They “like” shelters with a rocky bottom, where they can build a suitable home.

Crayfish burrows are so cramped that an adult can hardly fit in them. Such sizes allow crayfish to displace larger representatives of the species, and also protect them from potential danger.

Cancer spends a significant part of its life at a depth of 50 centimeters to three meters. The most convenient points are often captured by adults with an impressive body size. Young animals occupy coastal areas with shallow depth, creating shelters near the coastline.

Considering the animal’s lifestyle, it can be called a real hermit. A family lifestyle is unusual for them, so each representative of the species tries to create their own shelter, not allowing close relatives there. During the day, the crayfish does not leave its shelter, preventing other individuals from entering its hole and closing it with its claws. It goes out to feed late at night or at dusk. Moreover, if the weather is cloudy, leaving your home may shift to noon.

Fishing methods

Since ancient times, crayfish have been caught in a variety of ways. By the way, there are historical facts that confirm the catching of these animals in ancient times. Until the Middle Ages, they were of great value and were used for medicinal purposes. It is known that they were burned, and the resulting ashes were used to treat wounds from the bites of a rabid dog, snakes or scorpions. Boiled animals were also eaten, for example, to combat exhaustion.

There is evidence in the historical literature that in Sweden, at the royal court, already in the 16th century, crayfish were considered a special find for culinary purposes. The taste of the meat was highly appreciated by nobles from Finland and other European countries. Representatives of the rural population did not eat the “shell beast” for food, but sold it for a minimal fee to noble townspeople.

Currently, residents of Finland fish for crayfish from July 21 until the end of October. Already in mid-autumn, the chances of catching trophy specimens are sharply reduced, and in late autumn they are completely absent. In addition, according to local laws, the fishing ban begins in October.

In turn, the beginning of the season is a good opportunity to get decent crayfish from the depths of the water. Moreover, the success of such an activity directly depends on the temperature conditions and the methods used. For example, if the end of May and the beginning of summer are accompanied by warm weather, the water warms up to a comfortable temperature, and the food supply becomes extensive, animals may become especially active. Also at this time, many males and females are already finishing their molt, which increases the chances of a good catch.

The likelihood of catching crayfish in the cold summer is reduced, since insufficient temperature slows down the natural molting process.

Using a clamshell

Over the centuries, several basic methods have been used to catch crayfish. Among them:

  1. Hand catching.
  2. Fishing with bottom gear.
  3. Fishing with crayfish.

The last method is considered the most popular, because it is distinguished by a minimum of effort on the part of the catcher and good results regardless of the time of year or weather conditions.

The design of such gear is very simple: it includes a strong frame made of wire covered with a metal mesh, to which a reliable rope is tied. In the basic configuration, the upper part is slightly narrower than the lower part, and as a result, the crayfish cannot escape from the trap and remain there until a person arrives. It’s not difficult to make a good crayfish catcher with your own hands, although most people prefer to buy store-bought items.

As for the principle of operation, it is also very simple and understandable even to a beginner. The animal climbs inside the trap, trying to taste the bait that is there. Once in such a structure, he can no longer get out. If there is a large population of crayfish in the chosen reservoir, then the chances of a decent catch will increase significantly. Based on these features, a crayfish trap can become a very promising tool for catching “shell creatures.”

The right time to "hunt"

During the cold season from mid-autumn until the end of winter, these animals do not leave their burrows and remain passive. It is not advisable to go out to catch crayfish on crayfish traps at this time.

You shouldn’t expect a serious catch in March or April either, since the animals are just beginning their seasonal awakening from hibernation. In May and June, fishing does not bring good results, because the “shelled” creatures begin to molt and get rid of the old shell, as well as spawn.

In July, a full-fledged fishing season begins, when the results can be very good. After shedding the old shell, the cancer remains active for a long time. Now his main task is to find a source of food, so with the right approach to choosing bait, the fishing result can exceed all expectations.

Baits and lures

The biological description of the animal mentions its predilection for clean, flowing bodies of water with an abundance of places for arranging shelters. To understand where to catch crayfish, you need to pay attention to the main features of their behavior and life cycle. Currently an animal Widely distributed in the following places:

  1. Ponds.
  2. Clean lakes.
  3. Calm rivers.

When setting up shelters, crayfish prefer areas with a rocky bottom, where they can reliably hide from possible dangers. The main share of the crayfish diet is occupied by food of animal origin, or rather, dead carrion. The smell of such prey attracts him in a special way. At the same time, the opinion that cancer feeds on decomposed fish or animals is erroneous. He will try to find fresher food.

But in order to arouse the animal’s interest in the bait and provoke it to swim into the crayfish trap, it is necessary to slightly cut the fish carcass and rub it on the walls of the metal structure. As a result, this will give the latter a special smell and attract crayfish from a great distance. Often the bait is flavored with Borodino bread and garlic. The last ingredient is of incredible interest to the creatures.

The bait that will be placed in the trap can be used:

  1. Fish meat.
  2. Animal meat.
  3. A frog.
  4. Insects.

When it comes to the freshness of bait, many people have differing opinions on this issue. Some argue that rotten-smelling foods attract crayfish better than fresh ones, while others take a completely opposite position.

In any case, there is no definite answer, because everything depends on the preferences of prey in a particular reservoir at a certain time of the year. If the food supply of crayfish is extensive, then they are unlikely to react to rotten meat. If the diet is limited, then the animals will not be particularly picky.

A good bait can be a mollusk that lives in a local reservoir.

Seasonal characteristics of luring

Depending on the time of year, the baits used should differ from each other. For example, in the spring, fish meat is good, or rather, fresh fillet or small fish, which is cut in several places and emits a special smell. An excellent bait would be ordinary crucian carp, gobies or other small fish. You can catch it yourself or buy it frozen. Before using the bait, it must be brought to the appropriate state until the aroma appears.

In summer it is difficult to attract crayfish with anything, because during this period the range of food is so diverse that the animals begin to fatten. To increase the chances of a decent catch, it is necessary to use animal or poultry meat, offal and any other ingredients with an intense odor as bait. The purchased product is pre-aged for some time under the scorching sun.

To catch a large number of crayfish, it is not necessary to place a lot of fish in the crayfish trap. 1-2 small individuals will be enough, because the goal is not to feed the crayfish, but to lure them to the smell of food.

In this case, in addition to carrion, any living creature living in the reservoir is also used. These can be snails, small frogs and other creatures.

After choosing a suitable bait, it needs to be properly prepared and presented. Otherwise, the expected effect will remain in dreams. If the option in the form of cut dead fry is used, then it must also be cleaned of offal with an air bubble and scales. Such actions significantly increase the chances of productive crayfish fishing.

When using meat products from an offal set, there is no need to cut them, because the specific smell is present initially. To avoid premature consumption of the ingredients used, it is better to wrap them with gauze or a rag.

As for the suitable type of clamshell, you can choose any of two types:

  1. Open. They are considered the simplest designs that can be easily made from available materials. Even a beginner can create an open crayfish trap without spending a lot of time on it. It consists of a round or square frame and a metal mesh, reminiscent of a colander.
  2. Closed. Such traps are effective in a wide variety of conditions, but the manufacturing process takes much longer than in the previous case.

Catching crayfish with crayfish is really interesting. But the process will bring the expected success only if important subtleties, rules and recommendations are taken into account before entering the reservoir.

The crayfish just won’t get into the bait. He needs to be interested in some kind of bait. If this is successful, then you can collect several dozen crayfish in the trap. Despite the fact that you can catch crayfish with a fishing rod, this is not a very serious activity that can get on the nerves of any fisherman. The fact is that it is very difficult to catch a crayfish with a fishing rod, since it is difficult to produce an effective bite.

Crayfish are omnivores and will not refuse any bait, especially spoiled meat or fish. This means that their favorite food will be the most effective. Crayfish are also caught well on canned peas. You can use the bait in the following way: take a piece of gauze and pour a can of canned peas onto it, then tie the gauze so that the peas do not spill out and secure it in this form in the trap. If there are crayfish in a pond or lake, they will sense the bait very quickly. This method is also available for winter catching crayfish.

Many fishermen advise using makukha or black bread as bait. At the same time, being in different conditions, cancer reacts differently to different types of bait. And yet, baits of animal origin that are not fresh, such as dried frogs and fish, work best. Alternatively, you can use various food waste, as well as the insides of domestic animals or the head and intestines of a herring. If you buy spoiled canned food in a store and make several holes in the can, then this bait may turn out to be the most effective.

You can always find spoiled fish near the shore, which is ideal for catching crayfish. If you really want to catch them, since the fishing was not entirely successful, then not far from the shore, directly into the water, you need to throw out rotten food waste. Some time will pass and several crayfish will gather in this area. To make them easy to catch with your hands, waste should be thrown away in a shallow place. Having discovered that the crayfish have gathered and begun to sample the waste, you can begin to catch them. Moreover, this needs to be done quickly, since they are not as slow in the water as they might seem. It's better if you do it together.

You can use caught fish as bait. To do this, the fish is left in the sun. After a while it will wilt a little and can be used as bait. If you want, you can build something like a fishing rod. Take a wooden stick and tie a rope to it, and a dried fish to the rope. After this, this primitive, primitive tackle is lowered into the water along with the bait. You don't have to have a hook to catch crayfish. The crayfish grabs the fish with its claws, after which it is carefully pulled out of the water. You should not make sudden movements, otherwise the crayfish will throw the bait.

Catching crayfish is a very interesting activity. If you need a few crayfish, for example, for dinner or lunch, then you can catch them by hand if you have an idea about their location in the reservoir.

Video “A good option where you can use bait for crayfish”

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