Home Russian citizenship Routes and schedule of ground transport. How are numbers assigned to public transport routes? Advantages of traveling by bus

Routes and schedule of ground transport. How are numbers assigned to public transport routes? Advantages of traveling by bus

Ask people on the street whether they prefer to travel by bus or train, and you'll be surprised at how different opinions vary. And not only because people are different and each has their own priorities. The preference for one or another method of transportation depends not only on the pros (or cons) of the vehicle, but also on the specific life situation.

When is the best time to travel by train?

When it comes to long distances, more than 60% of potential passengers prefer to travel by train. What is the reason for the choice?

  • More comfortable conditions - you can lie down fully, stretch your legs, walk around, you don’t have to wait for a stop to go to the toilet, etc.
  • Precise arrival on schedule - a bus can get stuck in a traffic jam in summer, and in drifts in winter.
  • Convenient scheduling. There are many night flights, which allow you not to waste valuable daytime time on the road, and you can also get a great night's sleep.
  • They consider this type of transport safer.

But there are situations when not only distance determines the choice of transport. Traveling by rail is preferable in the following cases.

  1. If you have too much luggage, according to the rules, you cannot take more than 2 pieces of luggage per person on the bus.
  2. The highways in the desired direction are too congested and there is a high probability of traffic jams. And it’s not safe to drive along a congested highway.
  3. The time factor is important. As a rule, railway transport is faster, especially when it comes to fast, branded or modern electric trains such as Sapsan.
  4. If you are traveling with a child. Children often get seasick on the bus; they do not like to sit still for a long time.
  5. If you are traveling with a group, a compartment is more suitable for communication than the bus interior, where there is no place to be alone.
  6. You have problems with the spine, joints - no matter how comfortable the chair is, your back gets tired in it, and your legs become numb.

Even such a harmless reason as being tall is a serious reason to choose the train. The distance between the front and back seats on a bus is usually small, and a tall person really has nowhere to put his feet.

Advantages of traveling by bus

Distances up to 200 km are optimal for traveling by bus. Let's explain why.

If your destination is 150–200 km from you, then this is an intercity route and soft, comfortable cars are “placed” on it. On the railway, such distances are served by commuter trains and electric trains. Consequently, the comfort level on the bus is likely to be higher.

They choose this type of transport for other reasons.

  1. Easier because they run more often than trains.
  2. If the route is served by modern cars with all the amenities (soft spacious chairs, climate control, dry closet and other amenities), the distance does not matter.
  3. Some people choose this type of transport because there are fewer people, there is no need to communicate with neighbors in the compartment, and no one encroaches on personal space.
  4. The cost of the ticket plays an important role. In some cases it is cheaper to travel by bus, but the opposite can also happen.

I want to eat halva, I want gingerbread...

In what cases is there no fundamental difference in how you get to your destination? When the distance is not scary, the class of service is comparable, and age and health do not interfere with travel.

In such situations, we choose a vehicle:

  • where there are free places;
  • which departs (arrives) at a convenient time;
  • less time on the way;
  • the ticket is cheaper.

The subjective factor is also present. Thus, some citizens choose the train to feel the romance of traveling under the soothing sound of wheels and to make new acquaintances. The bus is preferred by those who like silence and are not in the mood to communicate with neighbors.

Vote with rubles: comparison of fares

It is incorrect to say unequivocally which type of transport is cheaper. The cost of a ticket can vary significantly - it depends on the destination, carrier company, type of vehicle, class of service, and other factors.

You can also get there relatively inexpensively by bus - 1,100 rubles - 11.5 hours on the road; by train - 919 rubles for a seated ticket - 9.5 hours travel.

More comfortable buses will cost 1,500–1,600 rubles, the fastest of which takes 10 hours. For approximately the same amount, you can get a ticket for a reserved seat carriage of the Moscow-St. Petersburg fast train (1,559 rubles) and a compartment of the Yunost trains (1,094 rubles), Smena A. Betancourt (1,367 rubles). You will get there faster - in about 8 hours. Other trains are more expensive, starting from approximately 2,300 rubles per compartment ticket.

Search and create public transport routes that are optimal for you FROM your location to the desired street or house, as well as car, bicycle and walking routes for walking.

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Are you asking where you can get or how to get to a certain street or house in Moscow? The answer is very simple, find your optimal route around the city using the trip planner on our website. Our service will find for you up to 3 options for travel around the city of Moscow FROM your address to your destination. On the map with routes, click the more details button (the start icon) and go to a detailed description of travel options. For all routes, travel time will be shown taking into account traffic jams, numbers of buses, minibuses and other public transport.

Popular routes:

  • FROM: Moscow, Golubinskaya street, 9 - TO: Moscow, Bolotnikovskaya street, 31k1;
  • FROM: Moscow, Sumskaya street, 6k1 - TO: Moscow, Bolotnikovskaya street, 5k2;
  • FROM: Moscow, Bolshaya Akademicheskaya street, 75k1 - TO: Moscow, Bolshaya Akademicheskaya street, 5;
  • FROM: Moscow, Roman metro station - TO: Moscow, Bolshaya Andronevskaya street, 6;
  • FROM: Moscow, Novoslobodskaya street, 50/1с1 - TO: Moscow, Bolshaya armored 3;

Users of our site often ask, for example: “How to get from the bus station to the hospital?” and so on. We decided to make it easier for everyone to find the optimal route.

Driving along a pre-designed route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for directions on the road and turns.

Using the trip planning service, you just need to enter the beginning and end of the route, then click the “Show route on the map” button and you will receive several route options. Choose the most suitable one and start moving. Four modes of route planning are possible - by city public transport (including minibuses), by car, by bicycle or on foot.

For several years, a meme picture has been circulating on the Internet - the emotional, obscene impressions of a provincial from Moscow. Among them there is the phrase: “Bus 483, that’s a damn number!” The logic behind the numbering of urban transport is indeed not always obvious. The Village found out by what principle numbers are assigned to buses, trolleybuses and trams.

Press service of State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans"

All routes of urban passenger transport in the capital have single-digit, two-digit and three-digit numbers. This numbering has developed historically and does not change. On new routes, vehicles are assigned new numbers or numbers of previously canceled routes. All numbering is individual, but there are also coincidences: the routes of different modes of transport can be marked in the same way. So, tram No. 3, trolleybus No. 3 and bus No. 3 travel around the city, but they all follow different routes.

There is no need to assign four-digit numbers to new routes yet. There are, however, bus routes No. 1001, 1002 and 1004, which previously belonged to commercial carriers. In 2013, they were transferred to the management of Mosgortrans; for the convenience of passengers, the numbers were not changed.

Sometimes the specifics of a particular route are taken into account when numbering. For example, in Moscow there are several “social” directions of movement; they cover institutions of education, medicine, and social protection. The numbers of such routes begin with the letter C: C1, C2 and so on. There are also night routes of ground urban transport, these are buses No. H1, H2, H3. Letters are also used for shortened flights: they duplicate the busiest sections of the route. To make it easier for passengers to navigate, when entering such a route, the letter “k” (short) is added to the main number. There is, for example, bus route No. 709, which runs from the Orekhovo metro station to the Kashirskaya metro station, and there is No. 709k, which goes from the Orekhovo metro station to the Moskvorechye platform.

Konstantin Trofimenko

Director of the Center for Research on Transport Problems of Megacities at the Higher School of Economics

There is no special transport numbering system in Moscow - it is a wild mixture between route numbers from a hundred years ago, Stalin's, Brezhnev's and numbers from the 1990s. They all piled on top of each other.

There are also routes that are designated using letters. This may be a consequence of the fact that the transport route was once divided into two parts. It also happens that the route branches: the vehicle follows the route, and then its version, with the letter A added to its numbering, turns right. The option without such a letter continues to follow straight. All this, of course, causes confusion. City navigation is absolutely not user-friendly. If a person does not specialize in this topic, he is unlikely to know about any routes other than those that he needs.

In Soviet times, work was regularly carried out to optimize the urban transport system. They stopped doing this in the 90s, but now attempts are being resumed. Last year, not only the problem of transport numbering was raised, but also the question of the need for certain routes. It happens that they lose their relevance: for example, there was a bus that took people to the factory. The enterprise was closed and people stopped going there, but the route continues to function. Does the city need it? But, unfortunately, so far these works have not led to a positive result.

Illustration: Nastya Grigorieva

About commercial transport. Meanwhile, among other members of the editorial board, slightly different views on the situation arose. In this regard, we came up with the idea to present all points of view in one article. Which of the authors is right is up to you, dear reader, to judge.

About Us

Evgeniy Mikhailov — 20 years old, physics student. Territorially I'm torn between Moscow and the Vladimir region. Interests: theoretical astrophysics, Vladimir history, Korean studies. I believe that, at least in Moscow, municipal transport has recently become extremely inconvenient to use, in contrast to private transport, which, on the contrary, has taken a step forward.

Mikhail Maksimov — 24 years old, working, constantly using Mosgortrans. Territorially I live in the Northern Administrative Okrug. Interests: transport, work, study.

Georgy Aminev — 20 years old, student of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. Territorially I live in the north of Moscow. Interests: artistic photography, cars - both ancient and modern. I love proper tuning in cars - neon lighting, aerodynamic body kit... in short, in the automotive world there is also the concept of “beauty”.

I'm eating while sitting

Eugene: According to one version, LiAZ-677 was called a “cattle carrier” due to the fact that it had quite a few seats (25). However, if you look at the models currently operated by Mosgortrans, the typical LiAZ-5256 has even fewer seats. At the same time, it is slightly larger in size than LiAZ-677. In turn, the small GAZelle has as many as 15 seats, and if we talk about large minibuses like Bogdan or Hyundai County, then in some cases they have about the same number of seats as in large-capacity buses. It turns out that if a person travels on Mosgortrans buses, he will most likely travel standing. At the same time, it is customary to ride in minibuses while sitting (cases of standing passengers are rare).

It turns out that Mosgortrans offers, for almost the same money, a trip while standing, often in a subway station in poor condition, while Avtoline and other commercial carriers offer a trip while sitting in a comfortable chair.

Michael: Many people will probably agree with this. However, if minibuses were removed, then MGT would have a shorter service interval, and a newer subway would be purchased. It all depends on the passengers! The more people there are, the more often the bus runs.

Georgy: Mikhail, minibuses are unlikely to be removed in the near future, so we will have what we have. Personally, I don’t care whether I ride sitting or standing, and for me an almost guaranteed seat (by the way, in Evgeniy’s opinion - some models of minibuses, for example Mercedes-Benz Sprinter or IVECO Daily, which have been quite common lately, have standing places as standard) is not a reason in order to travel mainly by minibuses. MGT attracts me mainly with its discounted travel - with the price of a monthly pass being 230 rubles, the average price of a trip for me is about 3 rubles. There are no benefits on minibuses...

We'll give you the fare!

Eugene: In the case of buses, trolleybuses and trams, when boarding, you need to validate your ticket and proceed through the turnstile. This procedure is not very fast; as a result, the process of all passengers entering the cabin can take quite a long time. All this time, transport stands still, and bus and trolleybus traffic jams often form near busy stops. In the case of a minibus, everyone gets on quickly and then hands over the fare to the driver as they move. It turns out much more efficient.

Michael: Previously, before the introduction of turnstiles, I couldn’t catch the bus, but now the saving grace is that there’s always a queue for the bus at my stop and it’s quite possible to catch it. On the other hand, I certainly think that turnstiles are not needed, but the solution to this problem should be large fines. In minibuses, people pay the fare to the driver. That's why there are a lot of accidents.

Georgy: I have always considered the existing system of payment for route taxi fares to be a big drawback, which causes inconvenience both to the driver, distracting him from the road, and to all passengers, who, in turn, are forced to be distracted from their possible affairs and keep an eye on other people’s money. Therefore, I try to use minibuses only in cases of urgent need to avoid these inconveniences. I have long been accustomed to turnstiles in MGT rolling stock and do not consider them an inconvenience. And if they are removed, it will be even better.


Eugene: Many minibus passengers, including me, have noticed an interesting pattern - if you miss a bus on the same route and wait for a commercial vehicle, then the waiting time will almost certainly be compensated by greater speed, and you will arrive at your destination earlier. In Mosgortrans, it seems, in principle, it is not customary to drive faster than 30-40 km/h. In the case of minibuses, the driver is directly interested in delivering passengers faster, since his immediate income depends on this.

Michael: Well, yes, on TV we often see how quickly a “sleepy” driver delivers passengers. How many accidents, how many victims, and for what - to save 5 minutes!!!

Georgy: I rarely use minibuses, but still sometimes I do, precisely because of the higher speed, which is a determining factor in case of lack of time. But still, Evgeniy, 30-40 km/h for MGT is clearly an underestimated figure - usually buses and trolleybuses, in the absence of traffic jams, move between stops quite quickly, the main braking factor is the stops themselves. Responding to Mikhail’s opinion, I will say that when traveling by minibus, you should, if possible, choose cars from official carriers, and it is also better to avoid GAZelles - all other things being equal, they are more dangerous, and besides, the comfort in them is very questionable.

FIAT Ducato, or a hybrid of a minibus and a municipal bus

Eugene: Not long ago, state minibuses of the FIAT Ducato model appeared on the streets of Moscow. In general, I have a positive attitude towards this idea, but there are some disadvantages. Drivers have a clear schedule, release times on routes are also quite strictly defined, and it is quite difficult to quickly change this in the event of any increased traffic jams. Moreover, as far as I know, the fare system is almost the same as in regular buses, and Fiat drivers are not very interested in transporting passengers.

Michael: In Fiats, fares are normal, but more frequent checks by their inspectors are needed, since drivers often fail to issue tickets.

Georgy: Mikhail, you are wrong about the tickets. I use Fiats very often, and I have never seen a driver not give a ticket to a passenger in exchange for 28 rubles. And in general, in my opinion, I have not yet found any particularly serious shortcomings in the Fiats - there are only advantages, both over the regular Mosgortrans substation and over minibuses. The advantages over high-capacity PSs are higher speed (sometimes due to skipping stops if there are no passengers at them, and all the seats in the cabin are occupied), a guaranteed seat and (partly because of this) higher comfort. Advantages over minibuses are the absence of the sometimes annoying “location” (“Fiats”, like regular buses, stop only at stops), a good information system (voice announcements of stops and electronic route indicators), benefits and a significantly reduced effect of the “we pass on the fare” factor from -for installed validators.

What to do?

Eugene: Of course, I am not advocating a sharp reduction in the number of municipal buses. But municipal buses and private buses should coexist in approximately equal conditions, and then let the passengers decide what is best for them. In Vladimir, for example, it turned out that there are practically no state buses there, and we can say that bus transport there certainly works no worse than in Moscow. Moreover, private owners also work there on large-capacity buses (not only on “little ones”, as in Moscow). Moreover, the inconvenient LiAZs have been replaced there with German Mercedes and MANs, and buses travel at an acceptable speed.

Michael: Personally, I think it is necessary to “impose” the largest taxes on organizations like “Avtoline”. Create night schedules for Autoline so that it does not interfere with the work of public transport. Increase the cost of minibus travel. Minibus owners should focus on developing taxis and fighting private cabs, rather than duplicating buses, trolleybuses, and trams. Also, all minibuses will be required to carry “free” Mosgortrans passengers and all beneficiaries.

Georgy: Here I almost completely agree with Evgeniy. By the way, this is precisely the policy regarding urban transport that the new leadership will now try to introduce. I’ll just add that it is important to monitor what kind of rolling stock is purchased, how comfortable and convenient it is for both the passenger and the transport company employee, as well as the pricing policy, avoiding too much increase in fares.

Evgeny Mikhailov, Mikhail Maksimov, Georgy Aminev

You can also plot the route manually, armed with a map, pencil and ruler. But if you find yourself on the route planner page, then another, often more convenient option is possible - planning a route online, one of which is offered to you on our site.

There are two types of route planning: manual and automatic.

  • When laying manually, you put a number of points on the map that form an arbitrary route.
  • With automatic compilation, you need to specify the starting and ending points, and our service itself will plot the optimal route, calculating the shortest path taking into account traffic rules and the current traffic situation.

On the compiled route you will see all the roads and nearby intersections, which will be very useful for motorists and travelers. A map with a route in the city of Moscow will allow you to plan your route and prevent you from getting lost in an unfamiliar place.

To create a route on a map of the city of Moscow, enter the starting point in the first field of the form presented below and the ending point in the third field. Then indicate how you will travel to your final destination by clicking on the appropriate button - “Car”, “On Foot” or Public Transport.” After that, click on the “Show route” button.

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