Home Russian citizenship Cambodia: fragments of the great Khmer empire on the ocean. Vibrant and amazing Cambodia Private guides in Cambodia

Cambodia: fragments of the great Khmer empire on the ocean. Vibrant and amazing Cambodia Private guides in Cambodia

Cambodia, recently overshadowed by its Asian neighbors, is beginning to firmly establish itself in global tourism. The Kingdom of the Indochina Peninsula has won the hearts of millions of vacationers from different parts of the planet. There are several main features that made a holiday in Cambodia attractive and memorable.

Original cultural values

A country with a great history has preserved the identity and centuries-old traditions of the Khmer Empire. The heyday of the ancient Asian state is reflected in the outstanding and unique temples of Angkor. The grandiose complex of historical buildings is the main attraction and real cultural heritage of Cambodia.

Liberal prices

Affordable prices are characteristic of many countries in Southeast Asia, but even among them, Cambodia surprises with its liberality. The country has not yet caught up with the tourism boom from neighboring Thailand, Vietnam and India, so you can successfully count on a holiday in Cambodia at very reasonable prices.

Great beach holiday

Velvet beaches are considered the hallmark of Cambodia. An unforgettable holiday awaits tourists on the sandy shores of Sihanoukville province, surrounded by palm groves and lush bushes. The islands of Cambodia offer equally luxurious beach areas with clear azure water. The Gulf of Thailand washing the coast welcomes tourists with calm soft waves and delicate white sand.

Hospitality and cordiality

Local Khmers are distinguished by their cordiality and hospitality towards foreign guests. It is difficult to notice aggression or unfriendliness addressed to you here; Cambodian residents greet tourists with a smile and friendliness. Despite the rather low standard of living, the Khmers are happy and satisfied with living in their poor, but very cozy country.

Peace and privacy

Cambodia is just in the process of developing its tourism potential, so the country manages to avoid a massive influx of tourists even during the hottest season. Untouched exotic nature, secluded islands, quiet uncrowded beaches - there is everything for a relaxing holiday away from civilization.

Extraordinary underwater world

For scuba diving enthusiasts, Cambodia offers excellent diving and snorkeling opportunities. The depths of the sea promise divers encounters with the unique fauna and flora of the Gulf of Thailand: colorful coral reefs, colorful tropical fish, rare turtles and octopuses. The best dive sites are located near the islands of Koh Rong and Koh Tan near the resort of Sihanoukville.

High security

The low crime rate makes holidays in Cambodia safe and relaxing. Traveling even to the most remote and remote places does not pose any threat, and the Khmers warmly welcome tourists in the best Asian traditions.

The kingdom is loved by tourists for its rich culture, exotic nature, picturesque beaches and amazing recreational opportunities. Cambodia will give you an unforgettable experience visiting this diverse and beautiful country.

We have always been lovers of traveling around the countries of Southeast Asia, and in recent years we have chosen the kingdom of Cambodia. Cambodia is located just a few degrees north of the equator and borders Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. It is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Thailand. The climate of Cambodia is humid tropical and, like in most countries of Southeast Asia, it is never cold here. We will tell you to make your trip as comfortable as possible.

Seasons in Cambodia

The weather in Cambodia can be divided into two seasons: dry - from November to April and wet - from May to October. During dry season in Cambodia there is almost no rain. Air temperature 29-32, water about 30 degrees. The sea is very calm, without waves. Humidity at this time is very low for the tropics.

We, like many other tourists, have noticed that the air in Cambodia is not as humid as in neighboring Thailand. And the sea is undoubtedly the warmest and calmest, compared to Vietnam and Thailand. It goes without saying that during this time - from November to May best place to go on holiday in cambodia. Last season we lived in Sihanoukville from October to May and during this time there was practically no rain. Usually, from the beginning of April, the wet season slowly begins. But last season was too dry and we got a bit tired of daily cloudless skies and bright sun. But they could not get enough of the guaranteed calm and very warm, almost hot sea! The water temperature from March to May was more than 35 degrees - this is an indescribable bliss.

Otres beach October 2016

Air temperature Cambodia during the rainy season 28-30 degrees, water 27-28 degrees. The sea remains calm and comfortable for swimming.

September - early October

At this time, the weather is relatively cool and humid. In September, the temperature stays around 30 degrees and gradually decreases over the following months. September-October is the peak rainy season in cambodia. It rains heavily and almost every day. By the end of October, the amount of precipitation gradually decreases.

November - February

During these months (November to February) high tourist season, When is the best time to go on holiday to Cambodia?. At this time, the weather is most comfortable: the air temperature is 28-30, the water temperature is about 30 degrees. This is the best time for beach lovers.

March - May

From March to mid-April, the weather in Cambodia is hot and dry. Daytime air and water temperatures are consistently above 30 degrees.

From mid-April, the rains gradually begin and the wet season begins in May. April and May are the hottest months of the year in Cambodia.

We can say from our own experience that these months are too hot. The air is hot from the very early morning and does not cool down until sunset. Nighttime temperatures differ very little from daytime ones. Russian residents of Sihanoukville have told us that even in the summer months, the air temperature becomes more comfortable due to the constant rain and few sunny days.

June August

The weather during these months is hot and humid, but the rains cool the air a little to 30-32 degrees. On the sea coast, the intensity of precipitation is higher than in the interior of the country.

When to go on holiday to Cambodia

Summing up all of the above, it becomes clear that the ideal season for beach holidays in Cambodia is the time from November to February. The weather during these months is the most comfortable, the most sunny days, and the sea is gently warm and calm.

For the excursion program, in principle, any time of the year is suitable. But we would still recommend to refrain from visiting the country in the summer. Firstly, because of the abundance of rains and even more because of the greater likelihood of infectious diseases. Besides, in rainy season in cambodia insects and snakes are activated.

Read also our article Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia.

For many decades, Cambodia was closed to tourism, so only the most intrepid travelers dared to visit it. Today, the country in Southeast Asia is considered a popular destination among tourists of various categories. Some go on vacation to Cambodia to wander through the mysterious jungle, others prefer to alternate lazy lying on the beach with a relaxing massage, and still others cannot imagine life without educational excursions to ancient temples.

When is the best time to go

The climate of Cambodia is clearly divided into two seasons: dry and wet. The rainy season lasts from May to October. In addition to the risk of getting wet, rainy times cause a number of other inconveniences: washed-out roads make it difficult to move along the streets, the countryside suffers from floods, and many non-essential bridges are closed. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the incredible beauty of landscapes surrounded by lush greenery, a significant reduction in prices in Cambodia for accommodation and a minimum of crowds at attractions.

From November to March there is a dry season, which is characterized by heat, dust and a huge flow of tourists. Experienced holidaymakers flock to the country's resorts en masse from late autumn to mid-winter, trying to take advantage of the relatively cool days and lack of precipitation. As spring approaches, the thermometer confidently creeps up, gradually replacing comfortable weather with hellish heat.

Main cities

Phnom Penh. The name alone creates an image of an exotic destination in your head. The shimmering spiers of the Royal Palace, the precious metal floor of the Silver Pagoda and its prime location on the banks of the mighty Mekong River represent a legacy of fabulous Asia. Although today's noisy, dirty capital is unlikely to win the tourist award, it would be a grave mistake to ignore the city literally reborn from the ashes.

Siem Reap. The main destination for those wishing to visit the ancient temple complex of Angkor. In addition, the city is interesting from the point of view of gastronomic tourism or extreme entertainment.

Sihanoukville. The most popular ticket to a heavenly trip to Cambodia. A small, very young town cannot boast of stunning architecture or hosting worthwhile festivals. The destination attracts with luxurious relaxation on the white sandy coast of the South China Sea, the proximity of uninhabited islands, and vibrant nightlife.

Popular attractions

Angkor. A superstructure of antiquity, the Hindu temple complex is considered one of the most amazing architectural projects in the world. Temple City is the national symbol and pride of Cambodia. He combined creative ambitions and spiritual devotion. Angkor Wat is a unique structure over 1000 years old, which covers an area of ​​200 hectares. It often takes 3 days to inspect the entire territory. When purchasing a trip to Cambodia, you can arrange an excursion in advance.

Royal Palace. Classic Khmer roofs and dazzling gilding catch the eye of visitors to the capital. This striking architectural ensemble, located near the embankment, bears a striking resemblance to its counterpart from Thailand. Since the palace is the official residence of King Sihamoni, many of its halls are hidden from the public eye. However, those to which access is permitted are quite capable of satisfying the curiosity of foreigners.


Due to the unstable political situation, tourists are advised to avoid getting into disputes about Cambodian rulers and stay away from rallies and demonstrations. As in many resort regions, cases of petty theft and robbery are often recorded here. Leave valuables and documents in the hotel safe. It is advisable to carry a minimum of things with you. In public transport and crowded places, beware of pickpockets.

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