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Interesting facts about Asian countries. Interesting facts about Asia What do I know about Asia

Over the centuries, eastern countries have accumulated not only many attractions, rich culture, history, their own cuisine that is not similar to others, but also the customs of local residents, which often shock foreigners. Gastronomic customs Lunch break is sacred. In Malaysia, residents are not in a hurry, so drivers, for example, of buses, can interrupt the route for a few minutes to have a snack. And for the Malays this does not seem bad manners, because the driver is also a person, and he has the right to eat. Students in Indonesia and Malaysia do not consider it shameful to open a box of food during a lecture and eat with appetite. The most surprising thing is that this is not because of hunger, but because listening to the teacher and chewing at the same time is much more fun. Another amazing feature of Asians is something that no sane European would even think of touching. The bravest cook the deadly poisonous fugu fish. And many restaurants serve dishes made from dog and cat meat. And what about snacks and delicacies made from something that recently flew and crawled? Fried mice with sauce, live lobsters, ant eggs in banana leaves, scorpion with vegetables, fish genitals, fly larvae - this is a small part of the unusual dishes that are part of the eastern national cuisine. Eat to your health, slurp loudly and don’t be shy about belching - after all, it is a sign that the guest has eaten well and tasty.
Etiquette in Eastern culture As guests, be respectful of Asian traditions by taking off your shoes when entering their home, and avoid wearing revealing clothing in temples. When greeting each other, Asians raise their hand as a sign of friendship or nod their heads - this is enough for a polite sign of attention. When meeting someone, it is customary to say your first and last name, and then repeat the first and last name of your new acquaintance several times. This is done in order to remember difficult to pronounce oriental words and address the person correctly. Although in Thailand it is customary to address a person by his nickname, which he received in childhood, for example “Noah” or “Dang”. You need to be very careful about postures and gestures; they may be interpreted incorrectly. For example, by placing their fists on their sides, they show that they are aggressive and unfriendly. Politeness and smiles are a sign of a positive attitude towards life. It is better to smile than to make a scandal, be rude and cause inconvenience to others. Smiling is a sign of gratitude, a way to avoid conflict, a common convention, and also a way to apologize.
Decorating your home and forgetting about everything else, such as dirty streets or crooked houses, is the norm. And foreigners will be misunderstood if they try to point out such a disorder. You should apologize if, during a friendly fight with a new acquaintance, by accident or as a joke, you hit him with your foot or touched his head. This is considered very impolite and is allowed only to the closest people; the head is an inviolable part of the body. It is considered normal to ask an unmarried girl when she plans to end her relationship with her boyfriend. But such a question to a married couple is extremely inappropriate. If you want to please the Malay family, give each of its members a separate gift as a gesture of respect for the hospitality provided. Superstitions and religious traditions The most common religions in Southeast Asia are Buddhism and Islam. And traditions associated with religion are observed very strictly. You should not drink alcohol during the holy months or eat near someone who is fasting. Those who come to the temple, in addition to wearing modest clothing, are required to take off their shoes and walk around the shrine clockwise. Just like the area around the temples. Women are not allowed to touch monks. And everyone, without exception, is prohibited from taking pictures near Buddha statues in an indecent pose or hugging a statue. It is prohibited to raise your voice or shout inside shrines.
In Vietnam, it is customary to hang a mirror on the outside of the door. They firmly believe that an evil spirit or dragon, coming into the house, will be afraid of its reflection and leave. The lunar calendar introduced its own oddities into the habits of Asians. When setting the table, you are not supposed to place cutlery for only one person. During certain phases of the moon, people do not eat certain foods and do not begin important tasks. Traditions regarding appearance One of the traditions that has come down from the past is growing a long nail on the little finger. This meant belonging to the aristocracy, but now it is simply an expression of image and personal style. But this is not as wild as the tradition of one of the Thai tribes of putting brass rings around women’s necks. In a civilized society, appearance is regulated by religion. Women in many countries decorate themselves with jewelry and talismans. Men often wear a business suit. But different nationalities also have different attire, often unusual for Europeans.
Outside the hotels where foreign tourists stay en masse and where you can’t find either traditions or local customs, there is a special life that can only be seen by talking with the indigenous residents. They will tell visitors a lot of interesting things, surprising them with their oddities, oriental flavor, unusual way of life and food. If you respect the culture of the local residents of the country in which you are visiting, your memories of your vacation and communication will remain vivid and unique. Politeness and courtesy are the main guarantee of Asians' goodwill towards you.



In search of the very best, go to Italy: the gentlest sun, the most cheerful people, the most delicious food, the most fashionable shops. Italians firmly believe in the exclusivity of their country and successfully convince everyone around them.

Excellent beaches surrounded by luxurious nature, high-quality service at thermal resorts, a rich excursion program, an unprecedented variety of landscapes, ski resorts, diving, gourmet cuisine, friendly residents. Yes, Italians have every reason to consider their country exceptional.


QUESTIONS: Asian countries

The demographic situation of most Asian countries is characterized by

  1. aging of the nation
  2. demographic crisis
  3. population explosion
  4. depopulation

Which Transcaucasian country is well supplied with oil?

  1. Georgia
  2. Armenia
  3. Azerbaijan

The main crop grown on irrigated lands in Central Asia is

  1. cotton
  2. peanut

China's largest port is

  1. Shanghai
  2. Beijing
  3. Qingdao
  4. Dalian

Indicate the state in which the oil industry is not an industry of international specialization

  1. Kuwait
  2. Syria
  3. Brunei
  4. Saudi Arabia

The Taj Mahal is located in

  1. Nepal
  2. Thailand
  3. India
  4. Turkey

Plays a major role in Japanese industry

  1. center, o. Honshu
  2. north, o. Hokkaido
  3. south, o. Kyushu
  4. southeast, o. Shikoku

The national religion of China is

  1. Shintoism
  2. Confucianism and Taoism
  3. Buddhism
  4. Sikhism

Which of the following countries is part of the “Asian Tiger” group?

  1. Israel
  2. Philippines
  3. South Korea
  4. Malaysia

The most economically developed region of China is

  1. Oriental
  2. Northern
  3. West

In what part of Asia did Islam and Christianity originate?

  1. In the central
  2. In the southwestern
  3. In the south
  4. In the southeast

Sri Lanka's main export crop is

  1. vanilla
  2. dates

It may very well be that you are hearing about this for the first time.

Asia certainly has a huge influence on the Western world in many ways, but despite this, we only see a small part of what is actually happening there. Having faced the truth, we will understand that we know nothing about this amazing part of the world; it continues to remain a secret behind seven locks for us.

Here are some centuries-old traditions and modern trends from Asia that will leave you scratching your head in bewilderment.

Universal birthday.

Fact: Vietnamese New Year is everyone's birthday.

Vietnamese New Year (or Tet) is celebrated annually at the end of winter, the celebration lasts for several days. It begins on the first day of the lunar calendar.

In addition to many other traditions of this holiday, it is considered a birthday. Like the Koreans, the Vietnamese count their age by the number of lunar new years they have experienced.

This way the child will officially turn one on his first Tet, even if he was born a few days before.

2. Thailand watering festival.

Thai New Year (Songkran) is celebrated from 13 to 15 April and is the oldest festival that marks the change of year and the Thai "astrological transition".

The main ritual during the celebration is pouring a mixture of water, flour or talcum powder on each other. Initially, the celebration had a spiritual meaning: people poured water on Buddha statues, and then collected the water that flowed from the statues and poured it on their family and friends for good luck.

Nowadays, this ritual is performed with the help of water pistols, from which everyone who passes by is sprayed.

3. The largest shopping center.

In 2005, Chinese billionaire Alex Hu Guizhong began building the world's largest shopping mall in the city of Dongguan.

At seven million square feet, there was room for 2,350 stores, not to mention a full-size indoor roller coaster, a 1.3-mile water canal (complete with gondolas) and an 82-foot replica of the Arc de Triomphe.

The only problem was that no one wanted to open their own store in this center. From 2005 to today, only about 1% of the retail space has been occupied.

One of the most compelling reasons for this failure is the location of the shopping center: Dongguan County is home to only 10 million people, most of whom are poor factory workers.

4. Merry Christmas!

Fact: North Korea celebrates its own version of Christmas. North Korea does not celebrate Christmas in the traditional sense.

Instead of Christmas holidays, North Koreans celebrate the birth of Kim Jong Il's mother, who was born on December 24th.

On December 27, celebrations are held here on the occasion of Constitution Day, and on New Year's, marches are held to the tomb of Kim Il Sung, where the leader's body rests incorrupt.

5. China has only one time zone.

Although China is spread across 5 time zones, there has only been one national time zone since the Chinese Civil War in 1949.

This was done in order to give the population a sense of unity and cohesion. When the sun rises at 6 a.m. in Beijing, the western territories don't see daylight for another 2 hours, so they created their own unofficial time zone. The Chinese government does not recognize him.

6. In Japan it is illegal to be fat.

The Japanese are considered the skinniest industrialized nation in the world, and all because being fat is illegal here!

Japanese law requires that men over 40 have a waist circumference of no more than 85 cm. Women are given a little more freedom: their waist circumference should not exceed 90 cm.

According to the official version, thin people are healthier, thus the law is aimed at combating high cholesterol and hypertension.

People who break this law must undergo counseling and be prescribed a government-approved diet.

And companies that employ a large number of overweight people are required to pay fines. This money will be transferred to the health fund: for medical care for the elderly.

7. World population.

Fact: China and India make up a third of the world's population. It is well known that China has a huge population, but the actual data is simply staggering!

The population of Sichuan province alone is larger than the populations of Greece, Portugal, Holland, Guatemala, Austria, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia and Canada combined.

And Sichuan is the fourth largest province in the country! In fact, India and China make up more than a third of the total population of the Earth and number 2.5 billion people, who fit in an area slightly larger than the United States.

Throwing children is good luck.

In the holy mountains of India, newborns are subjected to a ritual that is intended to bring good luck, courage and health to the child.

Children are carried to the top of a 50-meter tower and then thrown down onto a stretched cloth held by monks.

This Muslim custom has been practiced for over 500 years and continues to this day.

While many people are horrified by the ritual, locals say no one has been harmed yet.

9. Watch your hands.

Fact: Hindus eat with their right hand and wipe with their left.

One of the most interesting customs in India is that the locals eat only with their right hand. The thing is that the toilets here don't use toilet paper, they pour some water into your left hand and use it to dry yourself.

In India, it is quite difficult to find a restroom that has toilet paper, except in hotels and restaurants catering to Western customers.

It is also considered offensive to do anything with your left hand, such as passing money or holding it out as a greeting.

10. Chinese children.

Fact: Chinese children are named after events.

In 1992, China applied to host the 2000 Olympic Games. That same year, 680 Chinese named their newborn children Aoyun (literally translated as "Olympics").

More than 4,000 people gave their children this name over the next 15 years. According to the Chinese registry, other common names are "Defending China" and "Building a Nation." Some children are called "Space Journey".

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Home Interesting facts

Interesting facts about Asian countries

Interesting facts about North Korea

The official name of North Korea is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The local population calls it “Joseon” (“Land of Morning Freshness”).

Fun facts about India

India is the "big paradise" in Asia. Exotic culture, priceless art, modern cities, national parks and friendly people make the country an excellent tourist destination with vast expanses of indescribable beauty. Until the 21st century, India managed to maintain its traditional lifestyle. The Festival of Laxmi, one of the most famous Hindu religious festivals, regularly takes place here. Laxmi is the goddess of peace and prosperity. This festival plays a significant role in the lives of many Indians. India has gone down in history as the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas K. Gandhi), whose legacy is democracy. Gandhi once said: “We ourselves must become the changes we want to see in the world.”

Interesting facts about Turkey

Turkey is a Eurasian country stretching from the Asia Minor (or Anatolia) peninsula in western Asia to Thrace (Roumelia) in the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. It is thanks to its strategic location that Türkiye is famous for its unique combination of eastern and western traditions. Turkey is surrounded by eight countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq and Syria. To the south of Turkey are the Mediterranean Sea and Cyprus, to the west is the Aegean Sea and its archipelago, and to the north is the Black Sea. Continue reading this article to get more interesting information about Turkey.

Interesting facts about the Philippines

The Philippines (officially the Republic of the Philippines) is an archipelago of 7,107 islands lying in the Pacific Ocean. This island nation in Southeast Asia is surrounded by countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Palau and the Republic of China. The Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia that does not share land borders with its neighbors.

The most interesting facts about Singapore

Singapore today is a developed city-state, a capital and a republic at the same time, but just 50 years ago this country was considered one of the poorest, and the majority of residents sympathized with the communists. Local political leader Lee Kuan Yew took power into his own hands and, with a handful of patriotic Saraniki, brought order to the country.

Interesting facts about Japan

As the 9th century Japanese poet Murasaki Shikibu said, “It is difficult to find a person who truly understands you. Usually people judge only by their own standards.” The hardest thing for us to understand is the Japanese themselves.

7 interesting facts about Laos

Let's look at 7 interesting facts about Laos.

7 interesting facts about Thailand

Thailand is an amazing and beautiful country. Therefore, our interesting facts will now be about Thailand.

7 interesting facts about Singapore

We offer seven facts about Singapore according to 7factov.ru.

Facts about India

India has it all - from sarees to spicy dishes, beautiful beaches and abundant snowfall! In this article, we will tell you interesting and surprising facts about India that will give you a better understanding of the different cultures and lifestyles of this country.

Interesting facts about Indonesia

Indonesia is considered one of the most popular destinations in the world today. The name "Indonesia" comes from the Latin word "Indus" ("India") and the Greek "nesos" ("islands"). Indonesia became popular in the 1900s.

Now this beautiful country ranks fourth among the most visited countries in the world. In this article you can read interesting information about Indonesia.

7 interesting facts about Nepal

In Nepal, goddess girls are often found. They are the living embodiment of Goddess Taleju. To become a goddess, you need to pass a competitive selection based on 32 parameters. The one who has passed the selection lives in the palace without experiencing any problems. But as soon as the girls begin menstruation, they are expelled from the palace.

Interesting facts about China

China is one of the world's oldest civilizations. This state is located in East Asia. The Republic of China was established on January 1, 1912. China has made great contributions to the development of world art, culture and science. We invite you to get acquainted with some interesting facts about this country.

7 interesting facts about Turkey

We offer seven interesting facts about Turkey.

Facts about South Korea

Are you planning to visit South Korea? If yes, then you are very lucky. This country is famous for its unique culture and rich heritage. After reading this article, you will become acquainted with interesting facts about South Korea.

Interesting facts about Taiwan

Do you like Taiwan? How much do you know about this country? Who is Ang Lee? In this article we will tell you about one of the most industrialized Asian countries.

Interesting facts about Japan

Japan is often called the “Land of the Rising Sun”. The Japanese themselves call their country “Nippon” or “Nihon”, which means “Origin of the Sun”.

Unique places in Southeast Asia

The countries of Asia always evoke special awe and still surprise us with the unsolved mysteries of ancient civilizations and the unsurpassed abilities of representatives of the modern world. The number of fascinating natural monuments, amazing architectural sights, and mystical secrets can hardly be compared with any other region. We bring to your attention a short overview of the most remarkable places in Southeast Asia. 1. The world's largest religious building is the Angkor Wat temple complex, Cambodia. The temple is dedicated to the god Cherry and, according to a recent discovery, its area is 3000 km, on which about 1.5 million ancient Khmer lived. Angkor is also one of the oldest temples not only in the region, but throughout the world. Scientists suggest that the two thousand temples and palace buildings of Angkor accurately reflect the starry sky on the brightest night (2000 stars). Angkor Wat is the only religious building whose image can be found on the national flag and coat of arms.
2. One of the largest islands in the world - Borneo. The island of Borneo (or Kalimantan) is the third largest in the world. This is the only island that belongs to three countries at once: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Borneo is home to the longest island river in the world, the Kapuas. In the jungles of Borneo there is a “walking tree” whose roots grow from the middle of the trunk and are able to move underground in search of water. The largest caves in the world and the richest ruler are in Borneo. Only here you can see the “red” tide, thanks to a special type of algae in the coastal waters.
3. The most popular temple according to tourists in Southeast Asia is Wat Pho Temple in Bangkok, Thailand. Wat Pho is also known as the Temple of the Reclining Buddha and is considered the place where Thai massage originated. This oldest temple in Bangkok is notable primarily for its huge gilded statue of a reclining Buddha: 46 meters long and 15 meters high. There is also a library with ancient manuscripts.

One of the most terrible museums in the world - Toul Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The museum testifies to the terrible events of the reign of Pol Pot, when over 3.5 years, according to various estimates, from 1 to 3 million people in the country were killed. Toul Sleng is a famous prison in Cambodia where men, women and children were tortured in the most sophisticated way, which was later converted into a museum. The exhibition halls display torture instruments, photographs of torture, and a map of skulls and bones of prisoners killed here.
5. The longest passenger cable car in the world - Nha Trang, Vietnam. Its length is more than 5000 meters, the ascent takes about 20 minutes. It connects Nha Trang with Hon Tre Island, where the country's largest entertainment complex, Vinpearl Land, is located. Another achievement of the cable car, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is the highest road above sea level.
6. The second most beautiful volcano in the world - Mayon, Philippines. This volcano is the most active in the Philippines; over the last 400 years, more than 50 eruptions have been recorded, which does not deprive it of its popularity among tourists who regularly climb it. The last eruption occurred on May 6, 2013, killing 5 people who were climbing Mayon at that time.
7. The best nightclubs in SEA – in Thailand. It's no secret that many tourists go to Thailand, choosing Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket to have a good time in the clubs. According to numerous surveys conducted by various travel services, these three destinations become priorities when choosing a holiday destination in Southeast Asia.
8. Best diving spot - Sipadan Island, Malaysia. Diving in Asia is truly diverse: it includes luxurious caves, underground rivers, a rich underwater world, rare animals that cannot be found anywhere in the world, and cemeteries of sunken ships. But the best, according to CNN experts and more than 6,000 diving enthusiasts, is the Malaysian island. Sipadan. The main attractions of the coastal waters are the turtle cemetery, where you will see sea turtles that were unable to escape from the cave and were buried at its bottom, and a huge limestone cave with numerous tunnels. Turtles, sharks, barracudas, coral reefs, lobsters, hawkfish and parrotfish - the local fauna is amazing in its diversity.
9. The most unknown attraction of Southeast Asia - Tuan Gai and Huai Kha Khaeng, Thailand. The Thai reserve is home to almost 80% of all large mammals in Southeast Asia. Tigers, rhinoceroses, leopards, Asian elephants, and several traditional tribes live in the bamboo thickets, among the swampy valleys and small hills on the border with Myanmar. The reserve is included in the UNESCO heritage list.
10. One of the largest mosques in the world - Blue Mosque, Malaysia. This is the second largest mosque in Southeast Asia. The special pride of the mosque is the second tallest minarets in the world (after the Moroccan Hassan II Mosque). The mosque can accommodate up to 16,000 people at a time, and sunlight entering through the windows paints the interior bluish.
Southeast Asia is an amazing place on the planet with stunning nature, thousand-year-old culture, tropical beaches, vibrant nightlife, advanced technology and a unique flavor that can be felt while getting acquainted with unique natural and architectural monuments.


What is Spain? Lazy relaxation on the beaches of the Mediterranean coast and romantic sunsets in the secret coves of the Atlantic, the ancient streets of Toledo full of ghosts, the frosty air of the ski resorts of Cantabria, wonderful wines and unforgettable architectural monuments, fiery flamenco, exciting man-bull fights, diving, cycling tours, excellent shopping and a huge number of festivals.


In search of the very best, go to Italy: the gentlest sun, the most cheerful people, the most delicious food, the most fashionable shops. Italians firmly believe in the exclusivity of their country and successfully convince everyone around them. Excellent beaches surrounded by luxurious nature, high-quality service at thermal resorts, a rich excursion program, an unprecedented variety of landscapes, ski resorts, diving, gourmet cuisine, friendly residents. Yes, Italians have every reason to consider their country exceptional.


Mysterious, unpredictable and invariably attractive - that’s exactly how she is, beautiful France. Have the most romantic date in your life, strolling along the Champs Elysees, or go on an exciting journey through the castles of the Loire? Smell lavender from endless blue fields or taste wine while at one of the famous vineyards? Finally, to see with our own eyes all those unique historical monuments and architectural masterpieces that are familiar to us from the films?

Asia is the largest part of the world, the birthplace of many ancient cultures and a center of attraction for tourists. There are densely populated urban centers with soaring skyscraper towers, and secluded islands with picturesque beaches. Foreign blog ITsGR9 chose 10 most interesting places in Asia that are worth visiting.

10. Boracay Island, Philippines

The beach of Boracay Island with its fine white sand is a favorite place for relaxation among locals and visitors, one of. Carefree atmosphere, exciting nightlife, beach parties, culinary delicacies, luxurious spa centers, exciting extreme sports - a tourist would make a big mistake if he missed this island.

9. Phu Quoc Islands, Vietnam

The coast of Nha Trang province is the vacation spot of most local residents; here are located. But tourists may be more interested in the Phu Quoc Islands with their elegant beaches and clear waters, in which the coral reefs surrounding the island and their colorful inhabitants are clearly visible. The 99 Peaks mountain range is replete with waterfalls, plants and rare animal species.

8. “Hare Island” (Khao Tonsey), Cambodia

The island is located close to the mainland, 20 minutes' drive from the town of Kep. The local bungalows have no TV, no Internet, no air conditioning, this has allowed the island to become one of the most beautiful in the world. The goal of the resort is to give modern people the opportunity to feel unity with nature, which modern technology can only hinder.

7. Bangkok, Thailand

One of the most, replete with gorgeous beaches and first-class restaurants. In this fast-growing capital of Thailand, ancient Buddhist temples rub shoulders with glass and steel shopping malls. There is also a huge statue of the Golden Buddha four and a half meters high, a stunning aquarium inside a multi-story shopping center and the world's largest open-air market.

6. Seoul, Korea

Most Westerners think of something futuristic when they hear the word “Seoul,” but South Koreans themselves are true to their cultural heritage. In the city center, next to towers made of concrete and steel, there are ancient witnesses to the country's past. One of them is the Gyeongbokgung Palace Complex, the oldest and largest monument of the Joseon Dynasty. However, there was also a place for entertainment; Seoul has one of the best in the world.

5. Bali, Indonesia

This island has a unique energy: a bizarre mixture of sandy beaches, crystal clear waters and volcanoes on the horizon makes tourists feel like the heroes of Around the World magazine. Here the weary traveler finds a tropical paradise where you can just lie down on a sun lounger and not worry about anything. You can visit spa centers, practice water sports, interact with macaques in the monkey forest, or visit the “land in the sea” - a temple on a steep cliff. Bali is one of the places where holidays are possible all year round!

4. Tokyo, Japan

The ranking of the most interesting places in Asia could not do without the Japanese capital. The word “Tokyo” brings to mind the latest advances in technology, manga, anime and the Harayuzuku district. Indeed, this huge, seething cauldron is where the latest trends in technology or fashion are born. Tokyo is also famous for its green areas, huge shopping centers and excellent museums.

3. Hong Kong, China

Here the tourist enjoys the luxurious parks and is in awe of the breathtaking cityscapes that open from the tops of skyscrapers. There are also great beaches, museums, and world-class restaurants.

2. Singapore

This modern metropolis and at the same time represents the perfect combination of picturesque landscapes and high technology. In Singapore there is a fountain of wealth, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest fountain in existence. Those who want to increase their capital need to make sure that the upper jets of the fountain are turned off, then circle the fountain three times clockwise, make a wish and touch the water with your palm.

1. Beijing, China

The cultural and political capital of China topped the list of the most interesting cities for tourists in Asia. Some of the most significant places are Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City palace complex. There are also secluded Lamaist monasteries located in the center of world-famous stadiums, and restaurants with amazing local cuisine.

Asia has influenced the Western world in many ways, but for all the enormous advantages we have received, we have hardly even scratched the surface of the cultural layer of the East.

Asia has influenced the Western world in many ways, but for all the great benefits we have received from the East, we have hardly even scratched the surface of the cultural layer of this diverse continent. From centuries-old traditions and modern trends, we have collected 10 unusual facts about Asia that will leave you perplexed.

Vietnamese New Year - Every Vietnamese's birthday

Vietnamese New Year, or Tet, is celebrated annually around the end of winter and lasts three weeks.

The holiday begins on the first lunar day of the first lunar month, which usually occurs in early February or late January.

Among the many traditions of Tet - New Year in Vietnam, it is also considered a birthday celebration day for all Vietnamese people.

Along with the Koreans, the Vietnamese count their age based on the number of Tet they have lived, so a child will be officially considered one year old, even if he was born a few days before the event.

Songkran - New Year in Thailand

Continuing the theme of New Year's traditions, Thai New Year is celebrated over several days according to the lunar calendar during the hottest month in Thailand - April.

The Songkran festival is a Thai “astrological transition”, the main attraction of which is pouring water from head to toe on everyone you meet and sprinkling talcum powder on passers-by is also not forbidden.

Initially, the celebration had spiritual connotations - water was poured on Buddha statues and people collected the water that flowed down to sprinkle it on their loved ones for good luck.

Now the rhythm of the holiday is more intense and provocative - there are large-scale fights with water pistols, which are sold on every corner, and people standing along the roads douse everyone who passes or drives by.

The largest shopping center in a ghost town

In 2005, Chinese billionaire Alex Hu Guirong began construction of the world's largest shopping mall in Dongguan, China.

Spread over more than 2.5 million square meters, the New South China Mall has a capacity of 2,350 stores, not to mention a full-size indoor slide, a 1.5-kilometer canal with gondolas and a replica of the Arc de Triomphe.

But there is one problem - no one wants to open their own store there.

Since 2005, 99% of the retail space has never been used - ever, it's just collecting dust under the baize of the roof, and the only people who really work are the security guards of this strange super center.

There is only one explanation for why the mall is unprofitable - the city where it is built - Dongguan has a population of only 10 million, the majority of whose residents are poor factory workers and take several hours to get to the mall.

North Korea celebrates its version of Christmas

In North Korea, citizens do not celebrate Christmas. Christmas in North Korea is still more an act of war than a holiday.

So, instead of joining in the Christmas festivities, North Koreans celebrate the birthday of Kim Jong Il's mother, who was born on December 24th.

The North Korean government maintains a tight grip on religious groups within its borders.

They continue to demonize Western influence with their patriotic Christmas cards.

In addition to Kim Jong's birthday, North Koreans celebrate Constitution Day on December 27, and on New Year's Day they hold marches in front of the Kim Il Sung Mausoleum.

Feeling of Chinese unity in the same time zone

China is approximately 5,200 km wide - a fairly wide area that can cover 5 time zones.

Despite this, China has only had one national time zone since the Chinese Civil War in 1949.

The reason for this decision is Chinese policy - after the civil war they wanted to instill a sense of unity in people.

Unfortunately, in reality it looks something like this: while Beijing residents watch the sunrise at 6 a.m., the western regions of Xinjiang will not see the sun for two hours.

This system is still relevant today, although Xinjiang has taken a stand and created its own unofficial time zone, which has a two-hour difference with China's national time.

The Chinese government does not recognize this step.

Japanese law prohibiting excess weight

Japan is currently the thinnest industrialized country in the world and there is a good reason for this - a law against being fat.

Japanese law stipulates that men over 40 cannot have a waist larger than 85 cm; women are given a little more freedom - a waist of up to 90 cm.

Why? Official reasoning is that thin people are healthier, their blood pressure and cholesterol levels are normal.

People who fall outside the legal waist measurements should undergo counseling and start a government-approved diet.

Companies that have large numbers of overweight employees will have to pay a fine, which goes toward the healthcare of older Japanese people.

India and China make up a third of the world's population

It is well known that China has a large population, but the actual number of its inhabitants is simply staggering.

The population of Sichuan Province alone is equal to that of Greece, Portugal, Holland, Guatemala, Austria, Malaysia, New Zealand, Austria and Canada combined. And this is not the largest province, but only the fourth largest.

In fact, India and China together account for more than a third of the world's population as of 2012 - 2,500,000,000 people. And all these people fit into an area slightly larger than the United States.

Indian ritual that bestows good luck, courage and health to a baby

At the Solapur mountain temple in India, newborns are put through a ritual that is supposed to make the baby happy, strong and healthy.

Apart from hotels or restaurants that cater to Western visitors, in fact, in the whole of India it is difficult to find a bathroom that will have a roll of toilet paper - why use paper when you have a good left hand, right?

And not only eating, but also doing anything with the left hand is considered offensive, for example, passing money with the left hand or shaking hands with each other as a sign of greeting.

Chinese children are named after an important event

Russians will not be surprised by this fact; in our history and literature there is the “Heart of a Dog” and the names Vilor or Vladlen. In the 100 years since the revolution, admiration for the leaders has faded and everything has fallen into place. It is in Russia.

In 1992, China applied to host the 2000 Olympic Games. That same year, 680 Chinese named their children Aoyun, which literally translates to "Olympic Games". More than 4,000 people continued to give this name to their children over the next 15 years.

Another surge occurred when it was announced that China would host the Games in 2008.

It is not too strange for the Chinese to name their children after political events or movements. These are just a couple of ways to choose a baby name, but there are many others.

For example, according to the Chinese registry, common names are "Defend China" or "Build the Nation".

Some children are simply called: "Space Travel", with the name "Civilization" almost 300,000 Chinese now live in the country. For comparison, this is if the Russians named their daughter “Russian Federation” or “International Space Station”.

Asia has a great influence on the Western world. Amazing discoveries, innovative ideas, philosophy and much more, all of this has a number of advantages for the West. However, with all this influence we are only barely able to touch the slightest surface of the Asian cultural layer. We have selected a dozen unusual facts about Asia, some of which may be puzzling.

The Vietnamese celebrate the New Year according to the lunar calendar, otherwise called Tet. The duration of the holiday is three whole weeks. Interestingly, in addition to the New Year itself, these numbers of the lunar calendar are the birthday of all Vietnamese. The Vietnamese count the number of Tet, that is, if a baby was born one week before the New Year, then he will already be 1 year old. It is curious that the Vietnamese documents still record the date, month, and year of birth.

Shopping center in a ghost town

- a billionaire from China planned in 2005 to build a huge shopping mall, the likes of which cannot be found in all of Asia. The city of Dongguan was chosen as the location for the development, and as it turned out, this was not the best choice.

A huge amount of money was spent on construction New Soth China Mall, which can accommodate 2,350 stores. A copy of the Arc de Triomphe is installed in the center, and a half-kilometer canal with boats is made. Amazingly, 97% of the shopping center territory has never been rented. Now the only workers in this place are security guards.

Why did this happen? Dongguan city has a population of 10 million people, but the vast majority of residents are peasants and factory workers. They simply do not have the money to not only buy goods in the shopping center, but even to get to it, because it is located some distance from the residential areas of the city and closer to industrial zones. This is how the unfortunate choice of location played a cruel joke on the Chinese billionaire.

North Koreans don't celebrate Christmas like the rest of the world. As you know, December 24 is the date of Catholic Christmas and it is celebrated in many parts of the world. Many Asian countries do not disdain this, even those where Buddhism is considered the official religion.

The North Korean authorities have strict control over the population, and the emergence of religious groups is immediately cut down in the bud. By the way, the last such group of Christians was discredited in the 80s. But December 24th is still a date, and Koreans have their own Christmas here. They are celebrating the birthday of Kim Jong Il's mother, who coincidentally was born on December 24th.

Japan is considered the slimmer country in the world and this is no coincidence. In the Land of the Rising Sun, there is a law according to which citizens cannot be overweight. There are certain regulations - men cannot have a waist larger than 85 centimeters, women - 90 cm. The Japanese say that slender people are healthier.

Those who are unable to control their weight undergo consultations with psychologists and nutritionists. They undertake to undergo a state diet, which is agreed upon by the best doctors in the country. Sanctions are also imposed on companies with a large number of overweight employees. Companies pay large fines, which then go towards healthcare for elderly Japanese.

A third of the world's population

2.5 billion people live in China and India - this is a third of the inhabitants of the entire globe. Amazingly, the numbers continue to grow. For example, Russia, the largest country in the world, has a population of 143 million people. The province of Sichuan alone, in China, has a larger population than Greece or Canada.

In words, countries say they are struggling with such demographics, but in reality they are timid attempts to stop the growing population.

Indian ritual

In the mountain temple Solapur, in India, they perform an unusual ritual. He assumes that a baby who has undergone this action is doomed to a happy life.

So, according to tradition, you need to climb with the baby to a 15-meter height, then push him from there. But of course not on earth, what happiness will there be there? Downstairs they stretch out white sheets and wait for the child to land. Despite the claims of various organizations, the Hindus of this land continue to perform the ritual. According to the locals, not a single injury has been recorded in 500 years.

It is curious that the Chinese like to name their children in honor of some significant events. For example, the Olympic Games were recently held in China, and 4,000 names were recorded in the country.” Ayun", which in translation means - " Olympic Games" This practice is normal in China, and choosing a name only provides a few options due to events in the country.

It's funny, but the more popular names are " Defend your homeland», « Nation building" Yes, yes, this is how the Chinese choose names. 400,000 people now live in China with the name " Civilization", of course this is in our language. “Conquest of space”, “Sputnik launch”, “Space travel” are the norm. Just imagine if in Russia they gave the names “Space Station” or “Constitution Day”.

One time for everyone

The length of China is more than five thousand kilometers, which covers as many as five time zones. However, time flows the same for every province in China. The fact is that in 1949 the authorities decided to unite and unite the nation. A time zone was included in this plan, and the authorities made the time uniform for all provinces. It’s interesting that when the sun rises in Beijing, residents of the western provinces wait another two hours for it, although the hands on the clock show 6:00. They even tried to resist the will of the party and created their own internal time, but the authorities do not approve of this step, but they do not interfere much either.

Malaysia loves to eat

Food is sacred to the Malays. The meal break must be respected and respected by the whole country. For example, a bus driver can interrupt his route and go to a cafe to have a snack, and this is treated very respectfully, and many go to the cafe with the driver. Imagine if this happens in the Moscow metro.

This is just an isolated case; there is also a very interesting example of the Malays’ love for food. At universities it is not only allowed, but even approved, to eat during lectures. That is, while the teacher explains another example from mathematical analysis on the blackboard, the Malays calmly listen to him and gobble up lunch. It is difficult for people from the Western world to understand such traditions; for them it is wild to stop work in broad daylight, while affecting the time of others. Although in Britain there is time for lunch, and in Spain there is siesta.

Many people believe that the Vietnamese are Buddhists. However, this is a misconception. In fact, only 9% of the country’s population is Buddhist; most of them have their own religion. A kind of cult of ancestral customs, based on a philosophical understanding of nature and the environment. This is very interesting, because throughout its history, Vietnam has more than once been subjected to the arrival of strangers with their own foundations and rules, but it has retained its religion.

Many people in Vietnam hang a mirror on the front door from the street side, as the Vietnamese assure that the evil spirit, seeing itself in the mirror, immediately leaves. Also, if you look closely, you can see many interesting figures in the courtyards, on window sills, and at doors.

The official name of North Korea is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The local population calls it “Joseon” (“Land of Morning Freshness”).

Fun facts about India

India is the "big paradise" in Asia. Exotic culture, priceless art, modern cities, national parks and friendly people make the country an excellent tourist destination with vast expanses of indescribable beauty. Until the 21st century, India managed to maintain its traditional lifestyle. The Festival of Laxmi, one of the most famous Hindu religious festivals, regularly takes place here. Laxmi is the goddess of peace and prosperity. This festival plays a significant role in the lives of many Indians. India has gone down in history as the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas K. Gandhi), whose legacy is democracy. Gandhi once said: “We ourselves must become the changes we want to see in the world.”

Turkey is a Eurasian country stretching from the Asia Minor (or Anatolia) peninsula in western Asia to Thrace (Roumelia) in the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. It is thanks to its strategic location that Türkiye is famous for its unique combination of eastern and western traditions. Turkey is surrounded by eight countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq and Syria. To the south of Turkey are the Mediterranean Sea and Cyprus, to the west - the Aegean Sea and its archipelago, and to the north - the Black Sea. Continue reading this article to get more interesting information about Turkey.

The Philippines (officially the Republic of the Philippines) is an archipelago of 7,107 islands lying in the Pacific Ocean. This island nation in Southeast Asia is surrounded by countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Palau and the Republic of China. The Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia that does not share land borders with its neighbors.

Singapore today is a developed city-state, a capital and a republic at the same time, but just 50 years ago this country was considered one of the poorest, and the majority of residents sympathized with the communists. Local political leader Lee Kuan Yew took power into his own hands and, with a handful of patriotic Saraniki, brought order to the country.

As the 9th century Japanese poet Murasaki Shikibu said, “It is difficult to find a person who truly understands you. Usually people judge only by their own standards.” The hardest thing for us to understand is the Japanese themselves.

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We offer seven facts about Singapore according to 7factov.ru.

Facts about India

India has it all - from sarees to spicy dishes, beautiful beaches and abundant snowfalls! In this article, we will tell you interesting and surprising facts about India that will give you a better understanding of the different cultures and lifestyles of this country.

Indonesia is considered one of the most popular destinations in the world today. The name "Indonesia" comes from the Latin word "Indus" ("India") and the Greek "nesos" ("islands"). Indonesia became popular in the 1900s. Now this beautiful country ranks fourth among the most visited countries in the world. In this article you can read interesting information about Indonesia.

In Nepal, goddess girls are often found. They are the living embodiment of Goddess Taleju. To become a goddess, you need to pass a competitive selection based on 32 parameters. The one who has passed the selection lives in the palace without experiencing any problems. But as soon as the girls begin menstruation, they are expelled from the palace.

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