Home Asian countries Approaches and assessment of tourism infrastructure. Tourist infrastructure

Approaches and assessment of tourism infrastructure. Tourist infrastructure

Tourism infrastructure is understood as a complex of structures

engineering and communication networks, including telecommunications

tion communications, roads, related tourism industry enterprises,

ensuring normal access of tourists to tourist resources and their

proper use for tourism, livelihoods

activity of tourism industry enterprises and tourists themselves.

These are roads and railways, stations and terminals,

systems for regulating road, air, river and sea traffic, heat supply systems, electrical and telephone networks

you and more. The development of tourism infrastructure is an important stage of planning

development of the process of development and use of tourism resources.

No matter how attractive a tourist resource may be, its attractiveness

efficiency and effectiveness largely depend on the ability

free access to it for the consumer - tourist. If to natural

resource does not have a road or trail, then a mass visit to the site becomes

seems difficult or often impossible. Therefore the waterfall

Angel in Venezuela, the highest in the world (water fall height

1014 m), visited by tourists relatively rarely, because it

no roads, no landing area for planes. Before this unique

natural site of tourist interest can be reached with great

labor on a boat on the stormy Corona River.

In addition, there is simply little access; the mass tourist requires and

exactly comfortable conditions of your stay at the place of visit. On the-

example, a generally accepted standard in the hospitality system provides

offers accommodation for tourists in a double room with private facilities (tourist

aleth, shower/bath, hot water).

Tourist resources– a set of natural and man-made (economic, financial, cultural-historical, labor, social, production) objects and phenomena that, given existing technical and material capabilities, can be used to organize tourism activities.

The hotel industry and the (public) food system

Accommodation is the most important element of tourism. No accommodation –

no tourism. This is an immutable and strict requirement of the economy of any

th tourist region or center hungry for solid

and large incomes from receiving tourists and operating their tourist

what resources.

The hotel industry is a hospitality system. She started

comes from the most ancient traditions inherent in almost any society

venous formation in the history of human civilization - respect

guest, the celebration of his reception and service. to the guest always and at everyone's

childbirth is provided with all the best. The concept of hospitality historically

purely invariably and necessarily include shelter and food, i.e. accommodation service

food and nutrition.

Accommodation facilities and systems – fixed assets – buildings designed

personal types and species, adapted specifically for receiving and or-

organizing overnight stays for temporary visitors with different levels of ser-

The number of beds in the hotel industry is the most important indicator,

used to assess the potential of a tourist center or region

to receive tourists. The number of beds in hotels clearly determines

capacity of accommodation facilities and the real possibility of receiving tourists

com in this tourist center. Load intensity indicator

the number of rooms in a destination adequately determines the efficiency

activities of local administration and tourism organizers. Nera-

due to confusion, even those who paid for the night in advance will remain

on the street, which often happens. This is a serious disadvantage in work


Today, the hospitality industry is a powerful ho-

economy of the region or tourist center and an important income component -

economics of the destination. The hospitality industry in terms of size

places: hotels, inns, boarding houses, alcazars, paradors, motels, mo-

youth hostels and dormitories (dormidoria), apartments, tourist

farmsteads, dachas, rural houses, as well as the private sector, actively

involved in the accommodation of tourists.


1.1. Classification of tourist accommodation facilities

Tourist accommodation facilities are any facilities that provide tourists occasionally or regularly with a place to stay overnight (usually indoors). The following are accepted as additional conditions:

a) the total number of overnight accommodations exceeds a certain minimum,

b) the accommodation facility has management,

c) management of the facility is based on a commercial basis.

Collective tourist accommodation facilities include hotels and similar establishments, specialized establishments, and other collective tourist accommodation facilities.

Of the main features of hotels, the first thing to note is the availability of rooms. Depending on the management features, hotels can be separate enterprises or form hotel chains. Examples of developed hotel purposes are the Accor (France), Holiday Inn (USA), Forte (Great Britain), Sheraton (USA) hotels. Hotels provide a list of mandatory services: room cleaning, daily making of beds and cleaning of the sanitary facilities, as well as a wide range of additional services.

Table 1.

Standard classification of tourist accommodation facilities Recommendations for tourism statistics / UN. World Tourism Organization. - New York, 1994

Categories Rank Groups
1.Collective tourist accommodation facilities 1.1 Hotels and similar accommodation facilities for tourists

1.1.1. Hotels

1.1.2. Similar establishments
1.2. Specialized establishments 1.2.1. Health facilities 1.2.2. Labor and recreation camps 1.2.3. Public means of transport 1.2.4. Congress centers
1.3. Other collective institutions 1.3.1. Dwellings intended for recreation 1.3.2. Camping sites 1.3.3. Other collective institutions
2.Individual accommodation facilities for tourists 2.1. Individual accommodation facilities 2.1.1. Own dwellings 2.1.2. Rented rooms in family houses 2.1.3. Dwellings rented from private individuals or agencies 2.1.4. Accommodation provided free of charge by relatives or friends 2.1.5. Other accommodation on an individual basis

Depending on the specific equipment and features of the services provided, hotels include general hotels, apartment hotels, motels, roadside hotels, resort hotels, residential clubs, etc.

A group of establishments similar to hotels has a number of rooms and provides a list of mandatory services. These include boarding houses, furnished rooms, tourist hostels, etc.

Specialized establishments (with a single management) are also designed to serve tourists. They don't have numbers. Here the initial unit can be a dwelling, a collective bedroom, or a playground. In addition to providing overnight accommodation for tourists, the establishment can carry out other activities. Examples of such specialized institutions are health institutions (health resorts, sanatoriums, health “farms”, etc.), camps, accommodation facilities in public modes of transport (trains, ships), and in congress centers.

The function of providing overnight accommodation in health resorts, sanatoriums, and resorts is not the main one. First of all, it is necessary to treat and prevent illness among visitors using natural factors (climate, sea, mineral water, etc.). Material and spiritual influences on the human body include the elimination of the usual conditions of work and rest, and the enrichment of visitors with new impressions. Along with treatment, meals, recreation, sports, everyday life and, of course, overnight accommodation for residents are organized.

Other collective accommodation facilities include, first of all, dwellings intended for recreation. Examples of this group of accommodation facilities are apartment-type hotels, house complexes or bungalows. These premises have a single management, are rented out for a fee, for rent, or free of charge by any person (persons) or organization. The Irish Tourist Board, for example, envisages the following organization of a complex of holiday homes. The complex includes no less than nine buildings, one of which houses an office. The buildings are long-term structures, with separate entrances, and in good operating condition. Each house has a room for sleeping, dining, resting, a warehouse, a bathroom and toilets with appropriate equipment. Provision is made for the use of space outside the home. Each accommodation facility is prepared and cleaned for each new resident. Routine cleaning of beds and premises is not provided to the client. Other collective accommodation facilities include facilities (with unified management) on camping sites and in bays for small vessels. The client is provided with an overnight stay and a number of services such as information, shopping, leisure...

Tourist hostels, youth hotels, school and student dormitories, holiday homes for the elderly and similar objects of social significance should also be considered other collective accommodation facilities.

Individual accommodation facilities are provided for a fee, for rent, or free of charge. This includes dwellings (apartments, cottages, mansions), which are rented alternately by members of the household (time sharing).

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin"

Faculty of Natural Geography

Department of Social and Economic Geography and Tourism

Course work

"Tourist infrastructure of Southeast Asia"

Work completed:

Sorokina Ekaterina Viktorovna

Scientific adviser:

Mishnina Elena Ivanovna

Ryazan 2012


Chapter 1. Approaches to assessing tourism infrastructure

1 The concept of tourism infrastructure

2 Elements and functions of tourism infrastructure

Chapter 2. Transport infrastructure of Southeast Asia

1 Ground transport

2 Water transport

3 Air transport

Chapter 3. Accommodation and catering infrastructure for tourists in Southeast Asia

1 Accommodation facilities

2 Public catering

3 Leisure infrastructure



The availability of tourist resources is an important, but not the only component of the tourism industry. The second necessary component is developed infrastructure. It consists of the available accommodation and service facilities for tourists in the region - hotels, tourist centers, boarding houses and dispensaries, as well as specialized travel companies that provide information and reference support and services to tourists. Thanks to the emerging infrastructure, tourism resources are being developed, their attractiveness and accessibility for tourists are increasing, the tourist capacity of the territory is increasing (without damage to the environment), and the adverse effects of the natural and climatic conditions of the region are being compensated.

Based on the relevance, we set a goal - to study the tourism infrastructure of Southeast Asia. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

1.The concept of tourism infrastructure and classification of tourist infrastructure facilities in Southeast Asia.

2.Study of transport infrastructure.

.Accommodation facilities, catering and leisure infrastructure.

The object of study is Southeast Asia.

The subject is to identify conditions that contribute to the development of tourism infrastructure.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the collected material can be used by tourism enterprises to organize tourist recreation.

The work is based on the use of statistical methods, comparative analysis and description.

The information base is represented by works that are theoretical and practical in nature. Among them, the works of such authors as M.B. are especially important. Birzhakov, V.G. Gulyaev, I.Yu. Lyapina

The work consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion and a list of references of 10 titles on 34 pages of text, 9 drawings.

Chapter 1. Approaches and assessment of tourism infrastructure

1 The concept of tourism infrastructure

Tourist infrastructure is a complex of existing structures and networks for industrial, social and recreational purposes, designed for the functioning of the tourism sector, ensuring normal access of tourists to tourism resources and their proper use for tourism purposes, as well as ensuring the livelihoods of enterprises in the tourism industry. Tourist resources are a set of natural and anthropogenic (economic, financial, cultural-historical, labor, social production) objects and phenomena that, given existing technical and material capabilities, can be used to organize tourism activities. The tourism industry is a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, public catering facilities, entertainment facilities and means, educational, business, recreational, sports and other facilities, organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as organizations providing excursion services and services of guides and translators. Tourism infrastructure is an integral part of the tourism industry, which consists of two elements. The first element is the hospitality industry, which includes enterprises providing accommodation and food services. The second element of the tourism industry is the infrastructure component, which is a three-level system. The first level of tourism infrastructure is represented by production infrastructure - a complex of existing structures, buildings, transport networks, systems not directly related to the production of tourism products (unlike the structures of the next two levels), but necessary for the provision of tourist services - transport, communications, energy, utilities economy, finance, insurance, security. The second and third levels of tourism infrastructure are formed by enterprises and organizations directly involved in tourism activities and the formation of tourism products. The second level includes those structures that can exist without tourists, but whose activities expand when they are in places where tourists stay. As part of the region's infrastructure complex, tourism infrastructure performs a number of important functions. These include supporting, integration and regulatory functions. The supporting function of tourism infrastructure is to create the necessary conditions for organizing services for tourists. Integration - organizing and maintaining connections between industry enterprises, forming territorial tourist and recreational complexes. The most important is the regulatory function of tourism infrastructure in the economy: creating new jobs, influencing consumer demand, developing industries that produce consumer goods, promoting the growth of tax revenues to budgets at various levels. Tourism infrastructure has a direct and indirect impact on the economy. The direct impact is the attraction of funds from services to tourism enterprises, material support for tourism workers and the creation of new jobs, and an increase in tax revenues. The indirect influence lies in the multiplicative effect of intersectoral interaction. The greater the proportion of income spent within a given region, the greater the multiplier effect.

Figure 1. Tourism infrastructure as part of the tourism industry

The tourism industry, like no other sector of the economy, is interested in preserving nature, culture, the appearance of historical cities, and a favorable environmental situation. After all, caring for nature and the environment is one of the attractive elements of tourism and travel. Tourist hotels, campsites, resorts, which are located among untouched nature and where due attention is paid to environmental issues, preservation of the natural landscape and cultural heritage, are becoming increasingly popular and attracting new, environmentally conscious and prepared tourists. Ecological tours have high environmental significance. According to the WTO, ecotourism accounts for 7 to 10% of the annual income of the entire tourism industry. The social significance of this type of tourism lies, first of all, in its educational and recreational value. For example, the tour program, along with visits to ecologically clean areas, includes excursions to places of environmental disasters. Seeing the consequences of modern civilization encourages people to take care of nature and rational use of the environment.

1.2 Elements and functions of tourism infrastructure

Tourist infrastructure acts as an obligatory component of the socio-economic system "tourism". To ensure timely, high-quality and complete satisfaction of the population's tourism needs, advanced technologies and effective infrastructure management, focused on high end results, are required. Elements of tourism infrastructure can be classified according to various criteria:

· According to the criterion of spatial belonging, international, national, regional, and city tourism infrastructure are distinguished.

· according to the criterion of the field of activity - technological, managerial and social tourism infrastructure.

· According to the criterion of the time factor (in comparison with the receipt of a tourist product), synchronous, advanced, and lagging tourism infrastructure are distinguished.

The availability of tourist resources and the comfort of a tourist’s stay at the place of visit are ensured by a developed infrastructure. The functioning and development of the tourism industry, in turn, act as an essential element of the country’s socio-economic system, requiring major investments and generating considerable income for the state and entrepreneurs. According to its functional purpose, tourism infrastructure is divided into industrial (transport, communications, construction industry, water supply, energy supply) and social (trade, catering, consumer services, cultural, children's and medical institutions, etc.). Separately, it is worth highlighting infrastructure facilities related to the protection of the environment and recreational resources. The communication network is of great importance for the development of the tourism industry. Communication routes are an integral component of the tourist and recreational complex. It consists of; railways, highways, sea, river, aviation modes of transport. The development of the transport network includes a variety of modes of transport, length, density of roads, their quality and congestion. The transport network of communications is a subsystem of the territorial infrastructure system. The most important feature of transport infrastructure is that it can be combined into a single territorial system. The following main types of tourism infrastructure are distinguished:

1.Social infrastructure is a combination of existing structures, buildings, networks that are not directly related to the production of a tourist product, but are necessary to ensure the daily life of the local population and tourists (health care, cultural, educational, consumer services enterprises);

2.Production infrastructure is a complex of existing structures, buildings, networks, systems not directly related to the production of a tourist product (roads, warehouses, ports, service systems).

Industrial infrastructure enterprises:

accommodation, catering and transport enterprises; - insurance companies; - commercial enterprises and the banking system.

Figure 2. Industrial infrastructure enterprises

To satisfy the diverse needs of tourists, goods and services from a large number of enterprises and industries that are not technologically interconnected are needed. Some serve mainly tourists, others serve tourists and the local population, and others ensure the functioning of the first and second. As part of the tourism industry, tourism infrastructure performs a number of important functions. These include the following functions:

· supporting function of tourism infrastructure - creating the necessary conditions for organizing services for tourists;

· integration - organizing and maintaining connections between industry enterprises, forming territorial tourist and recreational complexes;

· regulatory function of tourism infrastructure: creation of new jobs, influence on consumer demand, development of industries producing consumer goods, promoting the growth of tax revenues to budgets of various levels.

Thus, tourism infrastructure is of particular importance in the production of tourism services. The main task of developing tourism infrastructure is to bring its qualitative and quantitative characteristics to the level of world standards. Elements of tourism infrastructure can be classified according to various criteria. As part of the tourism industry, tourism infrastructure performs a number of important functions. These include supporting, integration and regulatory functions.

Chapter 2. Transport infrastructure of Southeast Asia

1 Ground transport

Transport services for tourists are one of the components of the tourism industry. Transport infrastructure of tourism - transport organizations engaged in tourist transportation. The transportation system, excluding the walking movement of tourists, is determined by the level of technological progress and is steadily formed based on the use of:

ground mechanical means of transportation - bicycle, car, bus, railway;

air vehicles;

water - boats, rafts, river and sea surface and underwater vessels.

Carriers are divided into main and auxiliary, according to the stages of work and their place in the tourism product. The stages of work can be distinguished:

transfer, most often a bus, delivery of tourists to the main carrier at the point of departure, delivery of tourists to the hotel from the airport terminal, train station and similar operations on the way tourists return to their homeland;

transportation of tourists over long distances to their destination;

transportation on bus or train tours along a route where the transportation stage is an integral and main element of the tour, and the means of transportation is most often an overnight stay, this should also include cruise routes;

transportation on excursion routes (around the city, in theme parks, etc.);

freight transportation.

Figure 4. Types of transportation

The development of tourism is largely connected with the development of transport, with the advent of more comfortable, faster and safer means of transportation. In Vietnam, car rental is not in great demand because the roads are not of the best quality. Intercity bus passenger service in Vietnam is carried out on the so-called “Big Bus” - buses with air conditioning and a seat indicated on the ticket, and “Mini Bus” - without air conditioning, without a seat. The least developed mode of transport in Vietnam is rail. Trains run throughout Vietnam, mainly between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Trains from Hanoi run to the mountain resort of Sapa, the port city of Haiphong, and the coastal resort town of Ha Long. In addition to regular trains, Vietnam has luxury trains from Hanoi to Sa Pu and Ha Long, as well as from Ho Chi Minh City to Nha Trang and Qui Non.

In terms of area, Bangkok is one of the largest cities not only in Asia, but also in the world, and given the intricate network of roads, streets and alleys, moving around it becomes very difficult. The busiest mode of transport in Bangkok is the bus. The city has about three hundred routes along which 11 thousand buses travel. The bus line diagram is presented in all TAT (Thai Tourism Authority) travel agencies. All Bangkok buses are divided into three types:

· without air conditioning (red with white stripe and white);

· with air conditioning (blue, as well as Eurobuses, which, in turn, are blue, orange (cream) and white);

· red minibuses.

The Sky Train (BTS) system, which criss-crosses all of Bangkok through the city centre, is the fastest, most convenient and safest way to travel around Bangkok. 2 lines of this elevated metro were opened in 1999, and all technical equipment was supplied by the Siemens concern. In the summer of 2004, Bangkok's first underground metro (officially called MRT) was launched. The line ran through the eastern part of the city and connected the northern Bang Su railway station with the Hua Lam Phong railway station located near the city center. The line consists of 18 stations, along which 19 Siemens trains travel. Thailand has a fairly modern and extensive network of railways that connect Bangkok with other provinces. The main railway station of the capital, called Hua Lamphong, is located on RAMA IV ROAD. Railways to the south also allow travel to Malaysia and Singapore. As a rule, fast trains have first, second and third class carriages, while regular passenger trains have only third class (with seats). Public transport in cities and resorts in Thailand is very well developed. There are a lot of city bus routes. Intercity bus service is also a fairly fast and inexpensive means of transportation around Thailand. Regular buses run between almost all cities of the country, are used, including by local residents, are cheaper and depart from bus stations. Some of the regular buses are owned by private companies, but mostly they are government buses. It is believed that regular buses are more reliable and safe. In order to board a passing bus, you must purchase a ticket at the bus station and obtain information about the location and time of the bus stop. This is often used by tourists traveling from/to Pattaya, since many buses pass by without entering the city. Sometimes travel agencies supplement the purchased ticket with a transfer from the hotel to the bus station.

Thus, ground transport, along with all types of transport infrastructure, is the most common. It includes transfer, freight, bus and train services and is in great demand among tourists.

2 Water transport

In cities located on the shores of navigable bodies of water - oceans, seas, lakes and rivers - water transport devices - sea and river ports - are of significant and sometimes leading importance in the overall structure of the city plan. Waterways are divided into external (sea and ocean) and internal.

Inland waterways are divided into natural - rivers and lakes in their natural state, and artificial, which include locked rivers, shipping canals and artificial reservoirs.

Main features of water transport:

  • the presence of a mostly natural waterway; variety of parameters of waterways and, as a consequence of this, variety of rolling stock in terms of their dimensions, carrying capacity and speed;
  • extremely large opportunities in terms of the carrying capacity of rolling stock, especially maritime transport (supertankers with a carrying capacity of up to 400 thousand tons);
  • the special dependence of the main specific resistance to the movement of conventional rolling stock of water transport on the speed of movement;
  • seasonality of operation.

Figure 6. Main features of water transport (compiled by the author based on the source)

Water transport plays a huge role in transport transportation - 5,149 km. navigable rivers and canals, over 3 thousand km. The sea coast and extensive lake network are served by thousands of coasters, private boats and boats. In most cases, the cost of the trip must be agreed directly with the captain or owner of the vessel. Many ships in Halong Bay, motorized passenger boats and catamarans on the Fragrant River and Me Long. The main ports are Ho Chi Minh City, Danang, Hong Gai, Nha Trang, Haiphong and Vung Tau. In Bangkok, one convenient option to avoid traffic jams, especially for those who live near the river and canals, is a river taxi. In addition, traveling by water is an excellent opportunity to explore the city and look at Bangkok from a different perspective. There are several companies providing boat services in the city. Numerous boats, boats, and ferries ply along the canals of Bangkok and the Chao Phraya River. The cost depends on the route. River taxi is one of the most popular types of river transport, especially among tourists who love fast driving on water, and in this case, along the rivers and canals of Bangkok. Boats ply along the most important tourist routes. The fee is negotiable and depends on the distance. Boats can also be rented for special routes.

Thus, water transport is essential in the overall transport infrastructure. It has such features as seasonality of operation, carrying capacity, the presence of a natural waterway and dependence on the speed of movement.

3 Air transport

Air transport has become one of the main means of mass transportation of passengers in the world. Air transportation is carried out by civil aviation, which has a wider application than just transport. The peculiarities of air transport are quite clearly manifested, in particular, in some of its shortcomings. The most significant of them can be considered the following:

The safety of air traffic is not always high enough;

sometimes, due to difficult weather conditions, the regularity of flights and, consequently, the aircraft schedule are disrupted;

adverse impact on the environment;

relatively high cost of air transport services.

Figure 7. Disadvantages of air transport (compiled by the author from the source)

Air transport has a harmful impact on the environment. The undesirable impact of aviation on the natural environment comes down mainly to two factors: the emission of harmful substances contained in exhaust gases into the atmosphere by operating engines, and the noise created by the operation of power plants. In principle, this is not much different from the impact on the natural environment of other transport vehicles, for example cars, the engines of which also burn hydrocarbon fuel. Improving the economic efficiency of air transport is a constant concern for all airlines around the world. Unfortunately, due to objective conditions, civil aviation transport services consistently remain the most expensive compared to the services of any other types of land or water transport. The main reason for the high cost of civil aviation services is the need for aviation science to spend complex research and development work on the design and construction of new types of aircraft, as well as to carry out complex and varied test flights and labor-intensive development work. Bangkok Airport - Don Mueang, one of the largest airports in Asia and the main point for flights from Europe to other countries in Southeast Asia and Australia. In addition, Phuket and Chiang Mai are officially recognized as international airports.

Thus, international air transportation of tourists is developing at a fairly rapid pace. Air transport has firmly taken a leading position in the world in passenger transportation.

Chapter 3. Accommodation and catering infrastructure for tourists in Southeast Asia

1 Accommodation facilities in Southeast Asia

The most important component of the tourism industry is the hotel industry. Tourism is impossible in the absence of tourist accommodation facilities. This is an immutable and strict requirement of the economy of any tourist region or center, expecting large incomes from receiving tourists and exploiting its tourist resources - natural, historical and socio-cultural objects, including tourist attractions, as well as other objects that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists, promote restoration and development of their physical strength. The hotel industry is the basis of the hospitality system. It comes from the most ancient traditions inherent in almost any social formation and the history of mankind - respect for the guest, the triumph of his reception and service. The hospitality industry consists of various means of collective and individual accommodation. Collective tourist accommodation facilities include hotels and similar establishments, specialized establishments, and other collective tourist accommodation facilities. Hotels are the main classic type of tourist accommodation enterprises. One of the main features of hotels should be noted, first of all, the availability of rooms. Hotels provide a list of mandatory services: room cleaning, daily making of beds and cleaning of the sanitary facilities, as well as a wide range of additional services. Depending on the management features, hotels can be separate enterprises or form hotel chains. A chain refers to a group of enterprises engaged in collective business and under the direct control of the chain’s management. Depending on the specific equipment and features of the services provided, hotels include general hotels, apartment-type hotels, motels, roadside hotels, resort hotels, residential clubs, etc. Similar hotels and accommodation facilities include boarding houses, furnished rooms, tourist hostels, etc. .p., which have a number of rooms and provide a list of mandatory services. Specialized establishments are also designed to serve tourists. They don't have numbers. Here the initial unit can be a dwelling, a collective bedroom, or a playground. Specialized establishments provide places to stay overnight, but the function of accommodating tourists is not their main function. Examples of such institutions are health institutions (sanatoriums, rehabilitation centers), labor and recreation camps, public means of transport equipped with sleeping quarters (trains, ships), as well as institutions such as congress centers, on the basis of which symposiums, conferences and other specialized events are held. and accommodation of their participants is carried out. Other collective accommodation facilities include dwellings intended for recreational purposes. Examples of this group of accommodation facilities are apartment-type hotels, house complexes or bungalows. The client is provided with an overnight stay and a number of services (information, shopping, leisure). Tourist hostels, youth hotels, school and student dormitories, holiday homes for the elderly and similar objects of social significance should also be considered other collective accommodation facilities. Individual accommodation facilities are provided for a fee, for rent, or free of charge. These include own homes, rented rooms in family houses, homes rented from individuals or agencies, accommodation provided free of charge by relatives or friends, as well as homes (apartments, cottages, mansions) that are rented alternately by members of the household (time-sharing system). cher - joint ownership, long-term rental of club accommodation facilities with the right to use them for a certain time. There are no problems with accommodation in a tourist country like Thailand. You can always stay here in accordance with your needs and capabilities - these are hotels of various categories, villas, hostels and guesthouses Featuring luxurious rooms and numerous pools set among landscaped gardens, Siem Kempinski Hotel is steps away from Siam Paragon Shopping Centre, offering free Wi-Fi, gourmet cuisine and a world-class spa. The Golden Peel Resedence Hotel offers studios and suites with free wireless internet access. The hotel features free parking and a rooftop pool with jacuzzi. The hotel's restaurant serves international cuisine.Rooms at the hotel include a large flat-screen TV, safe and fully equipped kitchenette. Hotels in Malaysia are located in large and small cities, in almost all resort areas with developed infrastructure. Hotels vary in star rating - from 2 to 5 stars. Malaysian hotels are inexpensive and offer comfortable conditions and excellent service. Most hotels offer services that meet generally accepted international standards. The hotel complex usually includes several restaurants and bars, cafes, discos, shops, gyms, swimming pools and spa centers. Most resort hotels are equipped with everything necessary for a quality active holiday on the coast, many are equipped with golf courses. Depending on the region, Malaysian hotels have certain features. For example: the hotel bases of Langkawi and Penang are not too different from each other, except that there are practically no bungalow-type hotels in Penang. There are fewer hotels in Borneo, but “five-star” hotels predominate there.

Thus, accommodation facilities and systems - the main facilities - are buildings of various types and types (from a hut or bungalow to a super-giant hotel), adapted specifically for receiving and organizing overnight stays for temporary visitors with different levels of service. The number of beds in the hotel industry is the most important indicator used to assess the potential of a tourist center or region to receive tourists. The number of beds in a hotel clearly determines the capacity of accommodation facilities and the real possibility of receiving tourists in a given tourist center. And the occupancy rate of the room stock adequately determines the efficiency of the local administration and tourism organizers. Today, the hospitality industry is the most powerful economic system of a region or tourist center and an important component of the tourism economy.

2 Catering in Southeast Asia

The most important component of tourism infrastructure is the catering sector. Food is an integral part of any tour. Restaurants form an important part of the tourism infrastructure; many restaurants with varied cuisine and low prices are one of the most important criteria for choosing a holiday destination. The activities of the hotel industry are inextricably linked with catering enterprises. A catering establishment is a hospitality industry enterprise that specializes in preparing food and beverages, serving and providing food to guests. The purpose of food service establishments is to satisfy human needs for food. The classification of food establishments is carried out according to many criteria. Depending on the assortment, enterprises are distinguished as complex, universal, and specialized. Depending on the population served, enterprises can work with a permanent contingent (catering establishment at a hotel, sanatorium, etc.) and with a variable contingent (city restaurant). Depending on the method of service, there are enterprises in which consumers are served by waiters; self-service establishments; mixed service enterprises. The public catering system is formed by restaurants of various classes, bars, cafes and canteens, fast food and self-service points that satisfy the needs of visitors to a tourist center or region.

Figure 9. Classification of food establishments

The type of food is always indicated as part of the tourist services: breakfast, half board, full board. Half board (two meals) may include breakfast and lunch or dinner. Boarding - three meals a day. Expensive service options may include food and drinks (including alcohol) all day and even night at any time in any quantity. The gradation of density (by quantity) and often the calorie content of the food provided and the types of service are also determined. The “A la carte” system involves the client’s free choice of dishes from the menu offered by the restaurant, “table d’hôte” - service according to a single menu for all clients without the right to choose dishes, “buffet” - free choice of dishes placed on a common table and self-service. This form of service allows you to choose food according to your taste and in the desired quantity. There are accommodation locations that do not provide food facilities. In this case, tourists are advised to eat at a nearby restaurant. At the same time, the cost of accommodation services is sharply reduced. Catering must take into account medical aspects. Poor nutrition and poorly prepared food can lead to poisoning. Drinking water and hand-held food on the street from small traders, as well as in low-quality restaurants, are especially dangerous. It is also necessary to take into account generally accepted restrictions for certain groups of tourists on religious grounds (do not eat pork, fast), special requirements of vegetarians, and baby food. Tourists must indicate these features when purchasing a tour. The idea of ​​the food industry will be incomplete if we ignore an important area of ​​its work, such as organizing cultural leisure for tourists. A catering establishment not only performs its direct function of preparing food and drinks and serving visitors, but also provides an opportunity to have fun and get a vivid and unforgettable experience. Particularly popular among tourists are drinking and gastronomic tours that introduce the national cuisine of different countries. During such trips, tourists become familiar with local customs and often become participants in various folklore festivals. Ethnographic restaurants and cafes also do not go unnoticed. In them, the national is manifested in the interior, and in the clothes of the waiters, and in the repertoire of the orchestra, and in the range of dishes and drinks offered. Most hotels in Thailand offer half board, which means an American Breakfast (ABF) is usually included in the price of your stay. Breakfasts in 4*-5* hotels are much more varied than in 2*-3* hotels: guests are offered a variety of European and national Thai cuisine. In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner can be ordered at the hotel for an additional fee. But even outside the hotel in Thailand, there are no problems with food, since catering here is very well developed.

Thus, food is a tourist service associated not only with satisfying a person’s biological need for food, but also with satisfying the need for entertainment, knowledge of local culture and pleasure.

3 Leisure infrastructure

One of the purposes of people's travel is leisure. Having received an overnight stay and food, the tourist longs to relax and have fun. Entertainment is not only fun and pleasure, but also a global industry. Entertainment is one of the main motives of tourism; not a single trip can do without it. People hit the road for new experiences, positive emotions and thrills. Entertainment, active and passive, is an indispensable element of the tour and depends on the direction and type of travel. The list of types of entertainment also depends on the nationality of the tourist, his traditions and his usual way of life. There are also general types of entertainment that are easily accepted by any group of tourists. Most often, entertainment is based on organizing excursions to objects of tourist interest - museums, historical monuments, sightseeing tours of the city or area, observing natural phenomena or beautiful landscapes, and other educational or entertainment activities. At resorts and good hotels, special groups of animators are hired to actively entertain tourists. Theme parks play a special role in the entertainment system. A fascinating theme forms the basis of the park's work. It develops in attractions and performances, and all auxiliary park services are subordinate to it. The theme park is a center for family recreation and entertainment. In order to unite people of different ages and attract the adult population, the topic should be not only entertaining, but also informational and educational. Among the main secrets of the success of theme parks is the use of high technology. Thanks to the systematic updating of attractions and entertainment programs, theme parks form a permanent clientele and maintain large tourist flows. The entertainment industry includes enterprises whose main activities are related to satisfying human needs for entertainment: circuses, zoos, game arcades, attractions, recreation parks, etc. A variety of entertainment enterprises, including stationary and traveling theaters, cinemas, concert organizations and groups also provide entertainment. Entertainment is inherent in physical education (in artificial water pools, in gyms and clubs, arenas, etc.), as well as visits to sports and entertainment enterprises. By having fun, a person satisfies his spiritual needs and evaluates his own personality. Thais love to relax. In the parks and gardens of Bangkok you can relax from the heat and noise of the city. Lumphini Park (the largest and most famous park in Bangkok) is located at the northern end of Silom Road. It is popular with sports enthusiasts and families, especially during the morning and afternoon hours when the park is still cool. The park has a pond where you can go boating, and the area is a comfortable place for picnics. The park also houses two restaurants. Major theater events in Thailand include traditional Thai dance and puppet shows, English and Thai language dramas, musical performances, concerts and performances by international artists. The main venues for theatrical performances include the National Theater of Thailand, located next to the Bangkok National Museum on Sanam Luang. Concerts and classical Thai performances are held here. Classical Thai dance performances are sometimes held on weekends. In Indonesia, you can combine active and beach holidays, ethnological and historical excursions, wildlife observations and hikes of the highest difficulty category. Sumatra is the fifth largest island in the world with hundreds of kilometers of dark sand beaches, dozens of pristine mountain lakes and the ruins of ancient temple complexes. Famous attractions include the volcanic Lake Toba, the royal tombs and palace on Samosir Island, the Istana Palace, the Mesjid Raya Mosque and the Bukit Barisan War Museum in Medan. In northern Sumatra, the country's largest reserve, Gunung Leser, is home to rare Sumatran rhinoceroses, tigers, wild bulls and orangutans. The island's trekking areas are located around the Gunung Sinabung and Gunung Sibayak volcanoes. Borneo is not only the home of the Dayak tribe, the famous “headhunters,” but also an amazing “reserve of time”: both nature and way of life remained exactly as they were hundreds of years ago.

Thus, the entertainment industry plays a significant role in the tourism industry, since its goal is to create entertainment conditions to satisfy human needs for relaxation and pleasure. In addition, the entertainment industry solves the problems of education, the formation of an optimistic mood, education, the development of human culture, forming and developing personality.

Asia tourism infrastructure


Having examined the tourism infrastructure of Southeast Asia, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Tourism infrastructure is of particular importance in the production of tourism services. The main task of developing tourism infrastructure is to bring its qualitative and quantitative characteristics to the level of world standards. Elements of tourism infrastructure can be classified according to various criteria. As part of the tourism industry, tourism infrastructure performs a number of important functions. These include supporting, integration and regulatory functions.

Ground transport, along with all types of transport infrastructure, is the most common. It includes transfer, freight, bus and train services and is in great demand among tourists. Water transport is essential in the overall transport infrastructure. It has such features as seasonality of operation, carrying capacity, the presence of a natural waterway and dependence on the speed of movement. International air transportation of tourists is developing at a fairly rapid pace. Air transport has firmly taken a leading position in the world in passenger transportation.

Accommodation facilities and systems - fixed assets - buildings of various types and types, adapted specifically for receiving and organizing overnight stays for temporary visitors with different levels of service. The number of beds in the hotel industry is the most important indicator used to assess the potential of a tourist center or region to receive tourists. The number of beds in a hotel clearly determines the capacity of accommodation facilities and the real possibility of receiving tourists in a given tourist center. And the occupancy rate of the room stock adequately determines the efficiency of the local administration and tourism organizers. Today, the hospitality industry is the most powerful economic system of a region or tourist center and an important component of the tourism economy. Food is a tourist service associated not only with satisfying a person’s biological need for food, but also with satisfying the need for entertainment, knowledge of local culture and pleasure. The entertainment industry plays a significant role in the tourism industry, since its goal is to create entertainment conditions to satisfy human needs for relaxation and pleasure. In addition, the entertainment industry solves the problems of education, the formation of an optimistic mood, education, the development of human culture, forming and developing personality.

The tourism infrastructure has a unique structure. It is characterized by the presence of a number of individual elements, including various service sectors:

Being one of the most profitable and rapidly developing industries, it has important social and economic significance. Namely: increases local income, creates new jobs, develops all industries related to the production of tourism services, develops social and industrial infrastructure in tourist centers, activates the activities of folk craft centers and cultural development, ensures an increase in the standard of living of the local population, increases foreign exchange earnings .

Along with the positive consequences of the development of the tourism industry, we should not forget about the negative impact of the industry. The disadvantages of tourism development are manifested in the fact that tourism: affects the rise in prices for local goods and services, land and other natural resources and real estate; promotes the outflow of money abroad during tourist imports; causes environmental and social problems; may harm the development of other industries.

Thus, the tourism industry is an intersectoral complex, including:

) passenger transport with its extensive network of technical services;

) various specialized tourism enterprises and enterprises in industries that do not have a pronounced tourist character;

) a wide range of services used by tourists.

All segments of the tourism industry are interconnected and dependent on each other, therefore the complete and comprehensive satisfaction of tourism needs requires the coordinated work of the entire set of funds, facilities and organizations of the tourism industry. The tourism industry is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the economy, entailing not only positive but also negative consequences of its development.

List of sources used

1. Birzhakov M.B., Nikifirov V.I. Analytic note. The state and problems of tourism in the Russian Federation // Ed. Birzhakov M.B., Nikifirova V.I - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Fund, - 2004.-82p.

2. Birzhakov M.B. Introduction to tourism: Textbook - Moscow-St. Petersburg. Gerda Publishing House - 2006.

Gulyaev V.G. Tourism: economics and social development. - M.: Finance and Statistics, - 2003.-304 p.: ill.

Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/05/2007 No. 12-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation".

Zdorov A.B. Economics of tourism: Textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, - 2005. - 272 p.: ill.

Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism: Textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, - 2003.

Lyapina I.Yu. Organization and technology of hotel services. M.: ProfObrIzdat, - 2004. - 187 p.

Medlik S. Hotel business / S. Medlik. - M.: Unity, - 2007.

Chudnovsky A.D., Zhukova M.A. Management of the tourism industry in modern conditions: a textbook. - M.: KNORUS, - 2007.-416 p.

11. Yurlina N.A. Introduction to the specialty socio-cultural service and tourism. M.: GINFO, 2001.

Tourism is an area that most people associate with new experiences, relaxation and pleasure. It has firmly entered the life of a modern person who strives to explore unexplored lands, monuments of culture, history, nature, as well as the traditions and customs of different peoples.

Today tourism is a powerful industry. It includes a variety of components. One of them is tourism infrastructure and its components.

Basic concept

Tourist infrastructure is a set of hotels, vehicles, catering and leisure, business, educational, sports, recreational and other purposes. But these businesses are not the only ones that serve travelers. This category includes organizations engaged in travel agency and tour operator activities. One of the elements of this area are companies offering excursion services, as well as the services of guides and translators.

The infrastructure of tourist sites also includes those organizations whose activities do not directly relate to the area under consideration. However, in those places where a large number of travelers want to go, they offer their services to them as well. This list includes fleets that provide transport for excursion services, enterprises offering car rental services, as well as cafes and restaurants, museums and theaters, sports clubs and cinemas, zoos and casinos.

Composition of tourism infrastructure

Of all the facilities whose work is related to the traveler service sector, two elements can be distinguished. The first element of tourism infrastructure is the hospitality industry. This includes enterprises that provide accommodation and food services for vacationers.

The second element of the tourist infrastructure is represented by a three-level system. Let's take a closer look at it.

At the first level of this system is the production infrastructure. It includes existing buildings and structures, transport networks and systems that are not directly related to the product of this area, but at the same time their presence is necessary to provide services to travelers. These are communications and transport, utilities and energy, security, insurance and finance.

At the second and third levels of tourism infrastructure there are organizations and enterprises whose activities directly affect the formation of the final tourism product. What are they?

The second level includes businesses that produce products typical for travelers. The result of their activities are recreational goods and means of transportation, souvenirs and excursion services, leisure activities, issuing visas, etc.

At the third level there are enterprises that produce atypical products, as well as services for this area. These are clothing for tourism and recreation, cosmetics, photographic products, and medicines. Services include medical, hairdressing, cultural and educational.

Thus, at the first level of the tourism industry infrastructure there is a group of enterprises with primary tourism products. On the second and third - secondary.

Main components

The elements of the tourism market infrastructure include:

  1. Material resources owned by specialized business entities. These include travel agents and operators, excursion bureaus and manufacturers producing goods for this area.
  2. A system of government bodies that create the legal framework for tourism, as well as control and regulate this area in a particular region. This includes government organizations, enterprises and institutions.
  3. A system of commercial and non-commercial business entities, the functioning of which is carried out to develop and support tourism in the region. This list includes a variety of exhibitions, fairs, exchanges, etc.

Main functions

When considering the concept of tourism infrastructure, it becomes obvious that it represents one part of the infrastructure of the entire region. Being part of this vast complex, it is called upon to perform a number of specific functions.

Among them are providing, integrating and regulating. What is characteristic of each of them?

  1. The supporting function of the infrastructure of tourist facilities is to create the necessary conditions that facilitate the organization of services for vacationers.
  2. Integration serves to create and further maintain connections between enterprises in this field, as well as to form tourist complexes in the region.
  3. The regulatory function for tourism infrastructure is the most important. With its help, new jobs are created, consumer demand is influenced, industries that produce consumer goods are developed, and the growth of financial revenues to the budget in the form of taxes is also promoted.

As part of these functions, tourism infrastructure contributes to the following:

  • streamlines and accelerates trade turnover, reacting sharply to the slightest market fluctuations;
  • provides mutual connections between sellers and buyers of goods, as well as both with financial companies - owners of monetary capital;
  • using a system of contracts allows you to form business relationships on an organizational and legal basis;
  • provides state regulation with simultaneous support for the organized movement of tourism products;
  • exercises legal and financial control over the movement of financial and commodity flows;
  • provides auditing, consulting, innovation, marketing and information services, using various institutions of the tourism market infrastructure.

Impact on the economy

The creation and development of tourism infrastructure is beneficial for any state, because this area has a direct impact on the country’s economy, including direct and indirect. The first of them is the attraction of funds by tourism enterprises for the services they provide, as well as material support for people employed in this area, expansion of the labor market, and growth in tax revenues to the budget.

The indirect impact of tourism infrastructure on the economy of the country and region lies in its multiplier effect in the field of intersectoral interaction. The level of this indicator depends on the share of income that will be spent within a certain region.

Hotel industry

When creating tourism infrastructure, it is impossible to avoid the issue of accommodating travelers. Without this, the provision of services in this area becomes simply impossible.

This is the basis of the hospitality system. It includes a variety of options for both individual and collective accommodation of vacationers. Let's look at their varieties in more detail.


These enterprises are classic representatives of the tourism infrastructure. Their difference from other facilities for temporary accommodation of people lies in the rooms provided to visitors. In addition, hotels are enterprises that provide such mandatory services as daily making of beds, cleaning of living quarters and sanitary facilities, etc.

When forming a tourist infrastructure, the need for such institutions is taken into account, on the basis of which both separate enterprises and entire hotel chains controlled by one management and carrying out collective business can be created.

Specialized establishments

In addition to hotels, the tourism infrastructure also includes other accommodation facilities for travelers. These include furnished rooms and boarding houses, as well as other facilities that have rooms and provide certain mandatory services.

There are also specialized establishments for serving vacationers that do not have rooms. The starting unit for them is the collective bedroom or home. Such establishments provide accommodation for the night, but the function of accommodating tourists is not their main function. These are health institutions (rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums), public transport with sleeping accommodations (ships, trains), as well as congress centers that host conferences, symposiums and other events with accommodation for participants.

The list of other collective tourist infrastructure facilities includes house complexes, apartment-type hotels, and bungalows. In addition to an overnight stay, the client is provided with a minimum list of services.

Food industry

This area is one of the most important components of tourism infrastructure. After all, food is an integral part of any tour.

Depending on customer service, such enterprises are divided into:

  • working with a permanent contingent (at hotels, sanatoriums, etc.);
  • serving a variable contingent (restaurants in the locality).

The public catering system of the tourist infrastructure includes restaurants of various classes, bars, cafes, canteens, self-service and fast food outlets. All of them are designed to meet the needs of travelers arriving in this region.

Types of food

When drawing up an agreement for the provision of tourist services, it must indicate the availability of breakfast or half board, as well as full board (three meals a day). Some expensive service options provide the ability to provide meals in any quantity and at any time.

Leisure organization

Catering establishments included in the tourism infrastructure are called upon to perform not only their direct function related to the preparation of dishes. They should also provide opportunities for visitors to have fun while providing an unforgettable experience.

Thanks to this, many tourists prefer to go on gastronomic and drinking tours, during which they get acquainted with the national cuisines of different countries.

Tour operators

In the tourism business, there are companies that organize the movements of travelers. These are tour operators and travel agents.

The first of them are legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, whose activities are related to the formation, promotion and sale of the final product in this area. They form tours, creating an orderly and interconnected sequence of services and works, consistent in terms of quality and cost. At the same time, contracts are concluded for the reservation of places, their reservation and provision. Tour operators play an important role in tourism, because their task is to package various services.

Travel agents

These tourism infrastructure objects are legal entities or individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the promotion and sale of the final product of the sector in question. Such a company acquires the developed products and sells them to the consumer.

In this case, the cost of travel from the place where the group will be formed to the first hotel or other accommodation point, as well as from the last point of the route back, is added to the offered product.

Transport infrastructure

The objects included in it are one of the constituent elements of the tourism industry. Transport tourism infrastructure is a set of transport organizations that transport travelers.

The existing system in each country is formed using the following:

  • animals - dogs, donkeys, horses, camels, elephants;
  • mechanical ground vehicles - bicycles, cars, buses, trains;
  • air vehicles;
  • water transport - boats, rafts, sea and river surface vessels.

Based on the stages of work performed, the following are distinguished:

  • transfer, which is the delivery of tourists to the hotel from the train station or airport terminal and similarly back at the end of the tour;
  • transportation to a destination over long distances;
  • transportation during train and bus tours;
  • cargo transportation for shopping tours.

It is worth noting that the development of tourism directly depends on the development of transport. It occurs, as a rule, with the advent of faster, more comfortable and safer means of transportation.

Tourist infrastructure is a set of enterprises, institutions and establishments whose activities are aimed at meeting the needs of people involved in health or recreation, as well as communications and transport and tourist accommodation facilities that provide conditions for stable functioning. We consider it an integral system, which consists of two subsystems: social and production, which are interconnected and interdependent with respect to the serving entity. In turn, infrastructure to a certain extent shapes tourist regions, promotes tourism specialization and business profile, because thanks to the presence of infrastructural connections between individual objects, they determine the quality of service in a particular territory.

The infrastructure of a separate territorial-tourist combination is considered by researchers M. Rutinsky and A. Stetsyuk in the following combination of services:

On the movement of tourists (both within the region visited and in transit through its territory) by various modes of transport;

Gastronomic (providing tourists with food);

Excursion services (services of guides, translators, accompanying groups);

Satisfying educational, entertaining and everyday interests;

Trading enterprises;

Legal, banking and insurance institutions;

Control and administrative authorities (border, customs, police services, OVIR, etc.).

The development of social infrastructure must meet high standards of service, because a tourist, remote from his permanent place of residence and maximally freed from everyday worries, requires effective service in his free time. An important place here belongs to tourist accommodation establishments, catering, and consumer services. They are the ones who can create quality parameters for a person’s personal consumption.

The public catering system is formed through restaurants of various classes, bars, cafes and canteens, fast food preparation and self-service stations.

Tourist accommodation facilities occupy an important place in the provision of services. The main such establishments include hotels and similar establishments, commercial and social accommodation establishments and specialized accommodation establishments.

Tourist accommodation establishments are any facilities where tourists are offered a place to stay overnight. In fact, tourist accommodation is considered the most important segment of tourism. After all, the comfort of such facilities affects the quality of service. The main tourist accommodation establishments are hotels, motels, camp sites, and all others are additional. Hotels are the most common type of tourist accommodation. Tourist flows directly depend on their level of development and the quality of services they provide. The quality of accommodation and services depends primarily on the staff, as well as the material and technical base and the services offered.

In addition to collective accommodation facilities, which include hotels and similar establishments, as well as specialized institutions, individual accommodation facilities may also be offered on tourist routes - apartments, cottages, mansions, where a tourist can stay on a rental basis or even for free (with relatives).

The hotel business is an independent economic phenomenon. It has occupied its rightful place in the development of tourism since the 90s of the 19th century, when hotels began to be built to accommodate vacationers. At first, like the holidays themselves, they were seasonal. But when transport began to develop, the standard of living became higher, and resort and tourist places became year-round, hotels also began to operate permanently. This caused certain difficulties in filling such facilities, so administrations began to use their premises for conferences, conventions, various meetings, etc. For the convenience of the hotel business, hotel chains were created - integrated chains of homogeneous hotels and hotel consortiums uniting independent hotels. Integrated hotel chains sell homogeneous services. All hotel chains have corresponding names and signs. More integrated chains are located in the USA, and in Europe - in France.

In modern conditions, thanks to the use of telecommunication technologies and electronics, computer reservation systems have been created. Qualitative changes have occurred in the system of purchasing tourism products: the consumer can create a tour package himself, book tickets and a hotel room, and travel along a personally drawn up route.

In the tourism infrastructure, a significant segment is considered to be the transport system, formed from the road network, vehicles, and devices. The road transport network in tourist regions is predominantly complex, because there are multi-purpose connections - production, labor, tourism, created on the basis of railways, roads, waterways, and airways.

An important component of the tourism infrastructure is railway transport, which is convenient for transporting any categories of tourists, from single tourists to specially organized tourist and excursion trains for local and long-distance communications. The railway has been involved in the development of tourism and the formation of tourist passenger flows for more than a century and a half.

At the present stage, railways operate in more than 140 countries around the world. The largest of them are the Trans-Siberian (Moscow - Vladivostok) - 9332 km, the Trans-Asian (Istanbul - Tehran - Delhi - Dhaka - Sittachong) - over 7 thousand km; Trans-Canada (Prince - Edmonton - Quebec) - 4.9 thousand km; Trans-American (Sao Paulo - La Paz - Antofagasta) - more than 3 thousand km, etc.

Further development of railway transport in order to enhance its importance in the formation of tourist passenger flows should develop in the following areas:

Laying high-speed highways;

Increasing the comfort of carriage spaces to hotel levels;

Organization of special tourist trains on railway transport.

The introduction of Superfast trains with increased comfort is an extremely necessary measure in order to be able to withstand the competition for the modern demanding tourist traveler. The first such train - Shinksansen (ball train) was built in Japan (1964).

At short distances, as well as on excursion routes, road transport seriously competes with rail transport. The role of vehicles transporting tourists without routes, but on good roads, is very significant. It is especially convenient for transporting tourists over short distances.

Road transport gained particular popularity among tourists around the world during the period between the two world wars. This was facilitated not only by an increase in the number of cars, but also by the opening of a network of gas stations, repair shops, and organized parking lots. We carried out the reconstruction of old roads and the construction of new ones. In 1937, there were 40 million cars in the world. Over the past 70 years, their number has increased almost 20 times. The length of highways has reached about 30 million km, and the length of highways specially built for high-speed communication is also constantly growing. For example, in the USA, with a total length of highways of 6370 thousand km, highways account for 73.1 thousand km, in Japan - 1153 and 53.3 thousand km of highways, in France - 974.0, including 7.9 thousand highways . . km, Germany-656, 0, including 11.1 thousand km of motorways,

Bus tourism, particularly international tourism, is relatively new. It was founded in the 70s of the XX century. After increased competition between railway and bus companies, an association of bus carriers was created - the Eurolines Council, which united 33 European countries. After the signing of the Schengen Agreement, the average annual growth of bus transportation was 1.5% bv. International weekend tours to European cities have become especially popular. Bus tours continue throughout the year as its development is less affected by climatic conditions.

Bus transportation is carried out on the own buses of travel companies, as well as on rented buses from independent transport companies.

Car rental is very popular, in particular in cultural and health centers where car rental offices operate. Car rental may even be included in the package.

Experts consider water transport to be one of the cheapest ways to transport tourist passengers, which is carried out using steamships, ferries, and boats. Cruise holidays are very popular among tourists, the demand for which is constantly growing. The geography of passenger transportation by sea is determined not by the network of routes, as is typical for road and rail transport, but by the location of ports and sea channels involved in cruise routes. The most important canals in the world are the Suez (161 km long), Panama (82 km) and Kiel (99 km). There are 2 thousand sea ports in the world. The Atlantic Ocean basin accounts for more than 3/5 of the total number of ports; the ports of the Pacific Ocean basin also differ.

The duration of cruise trips varies: from 7 to 14 days or more.

The popularity of air transport is growing. Thanks to it, travel times are reduced and short-term tours over long distances are growing. There are now more than 1,300 airlines in the world. On average, 150,000,000 people are transported on air flights every year. More than 1 thousand airports participate in servicing international air services. The most popular airlines among international tourist passengers are the American Delta Airlines, Pan American, United, the French Air France, the German Lufthansa, the British British Airways, etc.

Forms of interaction between travel companies and airlines occur through:

Reservation of seats and purchase of air tickets through airline agencies, reservation of seats and purchase of air tickets through reservation systems;

Agreements with airlines for a quota of seats on regular airlines;

Concluding agency agreements and operating an agency to sell air tickets for its tourists;

Organization of charter flights for tourist transportation.

Tourism infrastructure is understood as a complex of structures, engineering and communication networks, including telecommunications, roads, related tourism industry enterprises, ensuring normal access of tourists to tourism resources and their proper use for tourism purposes, ensuring the livelihoods of tourism industry enterprises and tourists themselves.

These are roads and railways, train stations and terminals, road, air, river and sea traffic control systems, heat supply systems, electrical and telephone networks, and more.

Tourist infrastructure is a complex of existing structures and networks for industrial, social and recreational purposes, designed for the functioning of the tourism sector, ensuring normal access of tourists to tourism resources and their proper use for tourism purposes, as well as ensuring the livelihoods of enterprises in the tourism industry.

Tourist resources are a set of natural and man-made (economic, financial, cultural-historical, labor, social production) objects and phenomena that, given existing technical and material capabilities, can be used to organize tourism activities.

The tourism industry is a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, public catering facilities, entertainment facilities and means, educational, business, recreational, sports and other facilities, organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as organizations providing excursion services and services of guide-translators.

In addition to these enterprises, those organizations that can exist without tourists, but whose activities expand when they are in tourist destinations, are also engaged in serving tourists. These are rental car companies that rent cars; motor transport companies providing buses for excursion services for tourists; taxi companies; restaurants; cafe; entertainment industry - sports clubs, museums, theaters and cinemas, zoos, casinos, exhibition and congress halls, etc.

Tourism infrastructure is an integral part of the tourism industry, which consists of two elements.

The first element is the hospitality industry, which includes enterprises providing accommodation and food services.

The second element of the tourism industry is the infrastructure component, which is a three-level system.

The first level of tourism infrastructure is represented by production infrastructure - a complex of existing structures, buildings, transport networks, systems not directly related to the production of tourism products (unlike the structures of the next two levels), but necessary for the provision of tourist services - transport, communications, energy, utilities economy, finance, insurance, security.

The second and third levels of tourism infrastructure are formed by enterprises and organizations directly involved in tourism activities and the formation of tourism products.

The second level includes those structures that can exist without tourists, but whose activities expand when they are in places where tourists stay. These are car rental companies, taxi companies; cafes and restaurants; sports clubs, museums, theaters and cinemas, exhibition halls, circuses, zoos, casinos, etc. .

As part of the region's infrastructure complex, tourism infrastructure performs a number of important functions. These include supporting, integration and regulatory functions.

The supporting function of tourism infrastructure is to create the necessary conditions for organizing services for tourists.

Integration - organizing and maintaining connections between industry enterprises, forming territorial tourist and recreational complexes.

The most important is the regulatory function of tourism infrastructure in the economy: creating new jobs, influencing consumer demand, developing industries that produce consumer goods, promoting the growth of tax revenues to budgets at various levels.

The tourism industry is an interconnected system of enterprises and entrepreneurs that provide tourists with all the tourist services, works and goods necessary for consumption in the tourism process and sufficient for the implementation of the tourism process itself. The rapid development of mass tourism in the world has caused an adequate development of the tourism industry and related sectors of the economy, science and culture, and the education system.

Intermediation services of tour operators and travel agencies,

Transportation services, such as transfers, excursion services, and long-distance transportation by all types of vehicles,

Hospitality industry services (collective and individual accommodation and catering facilities),

Attraction services, including tourist excursions and other leisure and entertainment services,

Services of tourist information and guest centers,

Other special services.

Based on these premises, the tourism industry is a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, public catering facilities, entertainment facilities and means, educational, medical, health, sports, religious, religious, business and other purposes, organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, organizations providing tourist and excursion services and guide-translator services. This definition is given in Art. 1 of the federal law “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation” (as amended in 1996).

At the present stage of development, regardless of the government structure of the country or the territory of the tourist center, there are several different types of enterprises engaged in tourism activities in the field of tourism, namely tourism organizers (tour operators and travel agencies), carriers, hotels and other enterprises of the accommodation system, public enterprises food, entertainment attractions, as well as providers of other typical and atypical tourist and related services. These include enterprises in the banking sector, insurance services, security, information and others. For special types of tourism, medical and health institutions, educational institutions, sports, etc. are involved. It is important that all these organizations harmoniously complement each other, carry out and provide all the services necessary for the consumer and sufficient in terms of quantitative, qualitative and assortment indicators.

tourist infrastructure Kuzbass

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