Home Asian countries Holidays in Sveti Stefan in Montenegro: hotels, beach, prices. Sveti Stefan, Montenegro: description, attractions and interesting facts From a fishing village to an elite resort

Holidays in Sveti Stefan in Montenegro: hotels, beach, prices. Sveti Stefan, Montenegro: description, attractions and interesting facts From a fishing village to an elite resort

In this post we will go along the most popular tourist route from Budva to the island of Sveti Stefan. It's no secret that people come to Montenegro for the sea and beach holidays. It is a beach holiday that brings our compatriots to the Budva coast. I suggest taking a walk along the entire Budva coast and choosing the best place for a beach holiday.

  • total length of the route (one way): approximately 9 kilometers;
  • time to complete the route: from 3 hours;
  • comfort level: good (there are several sections where you will have to walk along the highway).

Almost along the entire route, you walk along the sea, there is one section (from Kamenevo beach to the Przno resort) where you have to walk along a busy highway (about 500 meters). But it is on this section of the road that you will find the best fish restaurant in the entire Budva Riviera - this is Konoba “Kusta”.

There are many similar routes on the Internet, one of the best is described in Mila Demenkova’s blog, so I did not discover America, but I significantly changed the existing routes and supplemented them with useful information.

You'll probably like this route so much that you'll walk it regularly, and that's what I did. What you should know before hiking this route, here is a short list of my recommendations.

  • do not try to walk the entire route in one day - you will get tired and will not get any pleasure from the walk, it is better to stretch the pleasure over several walks;
  • don’t torture yourself - there is no need to walk the entire route, mix it with trips by bus or taxi;
  • take care of yourself - most of the route goes along the sea, a hat, good sunscreen and a bottle of water are mandatory on this walk;
  • do not walk in the heat - I recommend going along this route either early in the morning or in the evening; I do not recommend wandering along the coast at the very peak of the day’s heat;
  • make frequent stops - along the entire route there are cafes and restaurants, or just cozy benches, allow yourself to relax there.

To visit Sveti Stefan, you don’t have to walk; you can use public transport (all the details about Montenegrin buses), or rent a car. About my Montenegrin automotive experience, read the link.

The entire route along the Budva Riviera fits into this google map, you just need to turn off unnecessary layers and the map will become more understandable. The same map also shows branches of the route (old Oliva in Becici, monastery path on Mount Celobrdo). The map will help you plan your hiking trip in advance.

Budva embankment

I propose to start our walking tour along the beaches of the Budva Riviera, in one of the cafes on the embankment. There are many pleasant cafes and restaurants near the walls of Old Budva.

During the day it is usually crowded, but in the morning there are free tables, there is no fuss, but there is excellent coffee and a view of the Old Town and the Budva port.

Having passed the entire Slavic beach (for all the details about the main beach of Budva, follow the link), we come to its southern end. This part of the embankment is much calmer, and the prices in the cafes are slightly lower. For lovers of a calm, relaxed atmosphere and enhanced service, I recommend checking out the Dokley cafe, it is located at the entrance to the tunnel in Becici. The view and service are excellent, but the prices and quality of coffee are not so great.

What to see in Budva

Budva is the tourist capital of Montenegro, and there are much more options for entertainment and attractions in this seaside city than in neighboring towns.

Of the obligatory ones, I would note the following: a visit to the Old Town, a visit to the Budva market, dinner at a high-rise restaurant (in the Tre Canne building), a visit to the Vidikovac observation deck. For other attractions of Budva, read the link.

Tunnel from Budva to Becici

The Budva embankment rests on the sheer cliff of the Zavala peninsula; a tunnel has been cut through the rock, it connects Budva and Becici.

Montenegrins are great at decorating tunnels; instead of a sad and boring tunnel through a rock, they made a gallery tunnel. There is a lot of interesting stuff inside, and here is a drawing of the place where we are going.

It is possible to get to Becici bypassing the tunnel. To do this, you should climb the stairs and walk part of the way along the top (along the highway). The view from the highway is beautiful, all of Budva is at your fingertips, but noise and car exhaust negate all the advantages of this option.

Embankment in Becici

Coming out of the tunnel, you find yourself in the hotel backyard of Becici. To get to the embankment, you should follow the “secret” paths between the hotels. When exiting the tunnel, turn left, then straight and at the first intersection turn right, then go all the way. Look at the map, I marked this path there.

The embankment in Becici looks in the style of Egyptian-Turkish resorts, it is wide, evenly laid out with paving slabs, on one side there is a beach, on the other there are hotels. Walking along it is convenient, but very boring.

We go towards the Rafailovichi resort, on the embankment, in addition to beach cafes and restaurants, there are these little stalls, they have the most affordable prices (a hot dog or a slice of pizza from 1.5 Euros), the food is delicious and very fast.

What to see in Becici

I recommend you visit the following places: Old Oliva above the city of Becici (in the village of Ivanovichi), observation deck on the way to the olive tree, Church of St. Thomas the Apostle (next to the beach).

If you decide to visit Staraya Oliva, then to do this you should leave the embankment, cross the highway in the area of ​​the Splendid Hotel and go up to the mountains along any road. I will write a separate post about old Oliva above Becici.

From Becici to Rafailovici along the embankment

It takes 20 minutes to walk from Becici to the Rafailovici resort, the entire route runs along the embankment, the road is simple, it’s impossible to get lost. About halfway along the route there will be the Church of St. Thomas the Apostle; you can go up to it and rest a little in the shade of centuries-old trees.

Resort Rafailovichi

Rafailovichi is a tiny tourist town in a cozy bay. The whole life of this seaside town is concentrated on the embankment, vacationers sit in small restaurants, all other tourist attractions are also located on the embankment.

What to see in Rafailovici

This is a really difficult question, since I didn’t notice any special attractions in this town. Although you can sit in the famous Three Ribars restaurant, it is the most popular in Rafailovici. The serving of food and the quality of service in this restaurant are at a normal level, but the prices are clearly inflated.

You can gaze at the “emerald beach”; some of the pebbles on it are emerald in color, but the attraction is “far-fetched”. There is an opportunity to swim in a rocky bay (next to the tunnel in Kamenevo); textured rocks “grow” along the edges of the bay.

Tunnel from Rafailovichi to Kamenevo

We walk along the embankment through the town of Rafailovichi, turn the corner and here civilization ends a little. Instead of cafes and restaurants, you are greeted by textured rocks. Perhaps this is an ideal place for photo shoots.

The tunnel was built to imitate a cave, and the warm light of gas-discharge lamps complements the overall picture of the dungeon. Montenegrins are great!

Kamenevo Beach

We leave the cave, and right from the cliff we can see the Kamenevo beach, hidden from prying eyes. In clear weather, the beach looks fabulous; many tourists who live in Rafailovichi go for a swim at Kamenevo Beach.

  • Kamenevo beach is sand and pebble (small pebbles), which is rare for Montenegrin beaches;
  • the entrance to the water is gentle - great for vacationers with children;
  • the beach is remote from tourist villages - none of the coastal villages access the sea in this part of the coastline.

What to see in Kamenevo

There are no attractions in Kamenevo, except for the beach itself. There is a dilapidated boarding house nearby, but not everyone likes such sights. The boarding house is located in a semi-abandoned olive grove, you can take a walk in it.

If you go to the very end of the beach, cross the shaky bridge across the river, and then turn towards the sea, you will find a cafe lost in time and space (I recommend visiting it).

At the far end of the beach (if you go towards Pržno), you can find a massage therapist (at least I saw him there many times). A man sits under a palm tree and immediately provides massage services. That's probably all the attractions of Kamenevo.

But next to the Kamenevo beach there is the world famous konoba (restaurant) Cousteau, it is considered that this is the best fish restaurant on the entire Budva seaside. Read on to find out how to find it.

If you climb the hill, which is located above the beach, then this is where the “Monastery Trail” is located on Mount Chelobrdo (4 monasteries). Follow the link for all the details about the hiking trip to all the monasteries on the mountain.

Road from Kamenevo to Przno

This is the only inconvenient section on the way from Budva to Sveti Stefan, but its duration is no more than 500 meters, which must be walked along the highway (Jadranski path). There are no pedestrian sidewalks; in some places there are not even curbs. Be very careful.

We go to the very end of the beach, here all civilization ends and devastation begins. The embankment comes to a dead end, we turn left, enter a dense grove and immediately turn right.

In front of you is a small bridge over a dry stream. We cross the stream and see two paths, down and to the right (towards the sea) - there is a tiny cafe, up and to the left (towards the highway) - there will be a concrete staircase.

The staircase leads up to a brand new hotel (until recently, there was a vacant lot here). The hotel is brand new, but they didn’t think of building a new comfortable staircase.

But they installed such a masterpiece of a sign. Dear tourists, the restaurant “Kusta”, the island of Sveti Stefan is in this direction. It’s good that there are 50 meters left to the highway.

We go out onto the Jadran Path highway and on the right hand there will be a convoy “Kusta”, in the same direction there is a road towards Pržno. If you decide to take the “Monastery Path”, then you should cross the road and you will see a sign at the bus stop.

Przno Beach

The resort of Przno reminded me of a sleepy fishing village, the views here are of course surprisingly pretty. However, from the point of view of a tourist, Przno is a completely inconvenient place, I already wrote about this in a post about Budva beaches.

The town is located on a hill, the streets are narrow and winding. To be precise, there is only one street, which ends at a tiny embankment.

The beach is divided into two unequal parts, the larger part belongs to the Maestral hotel (entrance fee - 50 Euros), and on a small section of the municipal beach, people relax like sardines in a barrel (sunbeds for 20 Euros per couple). In addition to people relaxing on sun loungers and towels, there are fishing boats on the beach, such is the rest.

What to see in Przno

In Przno there is a huge Maestral hotel complex with a casino and other tourist attractions. If you like such activities, then you can go there for entertainment.

Nearby there is a good gardening area of ​​Milocer Park, which is considered one of the most beautiful in Montenegro. If you like peace and hiking, then this is the place for you, or head towards the “Monastery Path”.

From Przno you can go to Sveti Stefan beach every day, it is located very close, but it will also be crowded.

Road from Przno to Milocer beach

When we go from Przno towards Milocer, the main thing is to choose the right path. We leave the embankment and walk along a small street. From the embankment you should go as close to the sea as possible (see photo, I indicated in the caption where to go). There are several routes from Przno to Milocer, not all of them are equal.

Along the way you will see this map, which means you are going the right way. The map has been translated into Russian and makes it clear in which places you are not welcome.

The trail goes through Milocer Park. Soon, on the right hand there will be a hotel complex with a closed area and the Queen's Beach, which was once called Kraljičina Plaža (4 stars). I don’t know what it’s called today, it’s probably part of the luxury hotel Villa Milocer; the hotel may belong to the international hotel chain AMAN.

You can look at the hotel area through the fence.

You can only view Queen's Beach from the water; it looks amazing and deserted.

Milocer Beach

We walk through Milocer Park, leave behind a mysterious hotel with a closed area, and after 200 meters the path leads us to the magnificent Royal Beach in the village of Milocer.

Outside the tourist season, anyone can enter the beach, and with the arrival of the high season, a beach holiday on this section of the Montenegrin Riviera costs 120 Euros. 120 Euro for the opportunity to go to the beach and swim in clear water overlooking the island of Sveti Stefan. There are not many people interested, this was the main calculation of the organizers of the entrance fee. The beach belongs to the Villa Milocer hotel.

What to see on Milocer beach

The entire area around Milocer beach is one large and well-kept park. It is believed that this park was the residence of the Karađorđević royal family. Be sure to take a walk along the shady alleys, feel the aroma of sea air with subtle notes of pine needles and relax in the shade of olive trees. Milocer Park is the main attraction and is accessible completely free of charge.

The famous island-hotel Sveti Stefan is located 300 meters from Milocer; this is another attraction that you can and should go see.

Road from Milocer beach to Sveti Stefan island

During the restoration, the external walls of the buildings were left unchanged, but everything inside was rebuilt to the highest standards, now this is the most expensive tourist accommodation in Montenegro (rooms from 1,000 Euros per night, must be booked in advance).

There are only 80 houses on the island. Of these, only 50 are intended exclusively for tourists; they have rooms of varying comfort. On the territory of Sveti Stefan there are restaurants, three churches, a tennis court, an art gallery, swimming pools and other tourist buildings.

What to see in the resort of Sveti Stefan

The first thing that deserves your attention is the island of Sveti Stefan itself, but tourists are not allowed on it. How to be? If you have a strong desire to wander the narrow streets of this island hotel, then there are several budget options.

  • booking a table in a restaurant is the easiest way, you should remember about the prices (light breakfast from 100 Euros) and reserving a table in advance;
  • booking an excursion is the most budget-friendly way to see the island, the excursion costs 20 Euros and is available by appointment;
  • If 20 Euros for an hour-long excursion is too expensive for you, and paragliding is scary, then you can look at Sveti Stefan from the free beach.

    Take a walk in Milocer Park, this is another completely free entertainment that tourists can afford.

    Go up to the observation deck and take some photos of the island. However, the photo session can be combined with the return trip to Budva, since the best observation deck is located right on the Jadran Path highway.

    The road from the resort of Sveti Stefan to Budva

    After this excursion, you can return to Budva on foot, but I assume that you are tired and for this reason I will tell you how and where you can find transport to Budva.

    Public buses run from Budva to the resort of Sveti Stefan (price to Budva 1.5 Euro). You can board the bus both in the village itself and at the stop on the Jadran Route. There is a timetable at the bus stop, although during the tourist season buses run every 15 minutes.

    You can take a taxi, prices can be completely different, I don’t recommend paying more than 10 Euros.

    During the peak tourist season, it is possible to get to Budva by sea. I saw schedules and prices on boats, but I never used this method myself.

    The easiest and fastest option is to go out onto the Jadran route and wait for the bus there, there are several reasons for this. The fact is that not all buses going to Budva call at the village of Sveti Stefan itself, so you can wait a long time in the village. While at the stop (on the Jadran route) you will be picked up by any bus going to Budva (from Bar, from Petrovac, from Podgorica, etc.).

    There is a high probability that while waiting for the bus you will receive offers from taxi drivers who are going to Budva. In order not to go empty, they can offer a good price. I had the experience of driving a silver Mercedes from Sveti Stefan to Budva for 2 Euros, the price is purely symbolic.

    Enjoy your walk and have a great experience!

Hello friends!

Today I offer you a walk and overview of one of the most famous places in Montenegro - the island of Sveti Stefan and Milocer Park.

Sveti Stefan island in Montenegro

In the article I will show you many photos + videos of this place and tell you how to get from Budva to Sveti Stefan faster and easier without a car.

Without many words. Admiring)

Perhaps this island can be called the calling card of the country.

The island of Sveti Stefan in Montenegro can be seen on most postcards and calendars. This is not surprising, because... The place is beautiful, interesting and unusual.

Business card of Montenegro

The distance from Budva to the village is only 9 kilometers. Accordingly, there are several ways to get to Sveti Stefan. By car, taxi, bus or on foot from Budva.
Personally, we traveled by taxi, by bus, and even walked with our children.

Traveling from Budva to Sveti Stefan by bus takes about 15 minutes and costs 1.5 euros per person. Buses run every 15 minutes along one of the central streets of Budva (Jadranski put)

Bus Budva - Sveti Stefan runs on schedule every 15-20 minutes

Traveling along the same route by taxi will cost you from 4 euros per car to the size of the driver’s impudence. In April, we were charged as much as 7 euros, although the normal price is no more than 5. But apparently the taxi driver had the meter adjusted.

Car rent in Budva in the low season it will cost you from 25 euros per day plus gasoline.

Well, the option of walking is also very interesting. Google map or maps.me can help you. The road goes almost all the time along the sea with gorgeous views. The only time you will have to climb onto the road and walk part of the way along the highway is the section after the village of Przno.

A walk with stunning views

Map of the village of Sveti Stefan and Milocer park

We walked there as two families with three children and strollers without any problems. Along the way we made stops for photos and rest. The path, although not close, is so beautiful that it is very easy to walk.

Rare family shots. But in such a cool place)

Got a little lost in Milocer Park

The island of Sveti Stefan itself is closed to ordinary tourists. You can only get there by staying at the Aman Sveti Stefan hotel. We didn’t live there, so we just admired the beauty from the outside. Believe me, there is definitely something to admire.

Entrance to the island is for photos only)

And the island itself and the beaches near it and, especially, Milocer Park. The beauty is incredible, the landscapes are stunning, the air is clean.

Walking with children in Milocer Park

We have been to these places twice already. In April and May.

Both in April and May the weather in Montenegro turned out to be changeable, so at Sveti Stefan we found rain, wind, and sun. This place is beautiful in any weather, so it’s worth going no matter the forecast.

Empty village of Sveti Stefan in April

Here, almost at the entrance to the island, there is a very good playground and restaurant. Expanse for children, meditation for parents 😉

Children's playground in Sveti Stefan

Swings with this look are especially good)

Walking area near the beach of Sveti Stefan

There are two beaches near the island of the same name. If you stand facing the entrance, the beach on the right is for hotel guests, and on the left is free for ordinary people. The beaches, as in almost all of Montenegro, are pebbly with gorgeous views. I love these very much.

Left beach near Sveti Stefan for mere mortals

Right beach for hotel guests

Species beds)

In my opinion, living in the village of Sveti Stefan is ideal for those who like a very quiet, secluded holiday. There are no large supermarkets or long promenades here, but there is the most gorgeous Milocer park, which I personally fell in love with at first sight.

Walking trails in Milocer Park

Glancing at the water while walking through the park

If you walk from the island towards Budva through the park, you will get to the so-called Queen's Beach. A beautiful bay, surrounded by a beautiful park and very free out of season. In April and May, walking here is a pleasure.

Gorgeous royal beach

In the hot summer months, there will already be guards on the Queen's beach and you will hardly be able to just walk and lie freely. Renting sunbeds on the royal beach will cost you about 70 euros.

Queen's Beach in May. When he's yours)

A very beautiful building of the SPA complex of the Milocher hotel


The island of Sveti Stefan itself and the places next to it were like straight out of a picture for me. Very picturesque. Living in Budva, you can come here for walks with your children in the park or just for a change of scenery.

I'm ready to admire this view for hours)

And for dessert, a short video from our first trip here in April 2017. Enjoy watching and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so as not to miss new interesting videos.

Transport links in the area of ​​the Budva Riviera are quite well developed. Therefore, after returning the rented car, our trips along the coast did not end, and one day we took a local minibus to one of the most expensive and beautiful resort places in Montenegro - Sveti Stefan.

The minibus runs to St. Stephen every half hour and costs 1.5 euros per adult one way. A private owner can deliver the whole family to St. Stephen for 5 euros, which for our family would be almost the same.
We got off in the area of ​​the Royal Park and soon walked along a shady path to Milocer beach. From here you can already see the island of St. Stephen.

The beach is very picturesque and very paid. The sign reads: “The use of beach equipment is compulsory, the cost is 75 euros per day.”

As we understand, the beach is used free of charge by vacationers from a small hotel located on the shore. He looks absolutely lifeless. We didn’t see a single soul nearby, except for the same tourists who obviously came here for a walk, like us. And there were about 2.5 people on the beach.

The Royal Park is really very picturesque: paths, palm trees, stone structures and no civilization, except for a lonely small hotel surrounded by olive trees.

The only thing that spoils the picture of a respectable resort is that even in such a park we found a lot of garbage. Unfortunately, this is typical for Montenegro.
We move along beautiful paths and alleys along Milocer beach towards Sveti Stefan.

Milocer beach is behind you.

We climb a little uphill under the arches of the forest and continue to click frames, because... Each new view seems more picturesque than the previous one.

From here begins the most pleasant part of the walk - along the cliff along the sea in the shade of pine trees.

Ahead is our goal - the island of St. Stephen.

Here he is right ahead.

I must say that a few days before visiting St. Stephen, we took a boat trip along the coast of the Budva Riviera and even sailed to St. Stephen.
This is what the most picturesque island of Montenegro looks like from the sea.

Tourists who do not live there in expensive hotels and do not sit in its equally high-priced restaurants can only explore the sights of the island from the water.

Now we have approached the island along the ground almost closely “from the front side”.
We approached and found ourselves next to another very paid beach.
But it is still cheaper than Milocher. 50 euros for mandatory use of beach equipment per day. There are also few people who want to lie alone on the “golden” sun loungers.

Moreover, on the other side of the isthmus, the beach is absolutely free for our brother-tourist with his own towels and mats. And the views, in my opinion, are no worse. Here we fell for a couple of hours of swimming. They even found sparse trees under the mountain so that we could sit under them in at least some shade.

The entrance to the island is strictly guarded by brave young men with a walkie-talkie. How are they, poor fellows, sitting under the scorching Montenegrin sun? St. Stephen's Island is private, so you can only get to it if you have a reservation at his expensive hotel or have a reservation at his restaurant. The cost of lunch/dinner there is high + you need to pay for the reservation. Moreover, it is not at all clear what is the point of sitting in such a restaurant, since the views from there will not open to St. Stefan, but to a village with standard apartments? It’s better to dine at a regular restaurant on the mountain overlooking the island. Or do you pay to realize your own coolness by having lunch on a luxurious island?! They say that the main vacationers on the island are rich Russians.

Although, of course, I would like to stroll along its stone streets, especially since from the shore it was clear that there were several churches there. Fragment of the island with an approach. This is how we examined it through the camera lens.

But we swam with such views and absolutely free.

Leaving Sveti Stefan turned out to be more difficult than coming here, since the village itself opposite the island, where tourists like us mostly rent apartments, is located on a mountain and, accordingly, the bus stop is too. And high on the mountain. It was this fact, by the way, along with other reasons, that stopped us from choosing a place of residence not in favor of St. Stephen. My husband and I went on a reconnaissance mission to find out whether our part of the family, who is less athletic due to age, could handle the high climb before stopping.
St. Stephen remains below.

We were tired and wet from the heat already halfway up the mountain. We found a stop, but we wouldn’t want to make this climb a second time. Therefore, it was decided to return the same way to Milocer beach and take a minibus there going to Sveti Stefan and take it (it turns around there) to go to Budva. Moreover, we didn’t mind walking along such a picturesque path again.

Returning, we thought it was good that we did not stop to rest in St. Stephen. It’s better to just take a minibus here to walk around the park and take photos, that’s enough. Moreover, you will obviously have to live here on a mountain, and judging by the lack of entertainment infrastructure near the beach, it will be a bit boring here in the evenings. But it’s definitely worth a trip here!

The Adriatic coast of Montenegro is famous for its picturesque landscapes, crystal clear sea and prestigious resorts. The island of Sveti Stefan, or Sveti Stefan, is rightfully considered a real pearl and one of the main ones - a fashionable island-hotel that has preserved a unique medieval flavor. Sveti Stefan is located on the Budva Riviera, about half a kilometer from the coast. The island is connected to land by a naturally formed isthmus of gravel. In this cozy resort corner there are several dozen old stone houses, inside of which there are comfortable apartments with a modern interior. All the charm of a holiday in one of the most expensive resorts in Montenegro has already been appreciated by many Hollywood stars, world-famous athletes and members of royal families.

From fishing village to luxury resort

The island of Sveti Stefan turned into a prestigious resort in the second half of the 20th century, and before that, for several centuries, there was an ordinary village inhabited by fishermen and artisans. The island received its name in honor of the fortress of St. Stephen, which was built by local residents to protect against attacks from the sea.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the village began to gradually decline. When no more than twenty inhabitants remained on the island, representatives of local authorities decided to organize a resort village here, while preserving its attractive medieval appearance. I must say, this was a good decision - the narrow winding streets, ancient churches and original houses made of gray stone with red tiled roofs immediately appealed to the taste of the European elite.

The inside of the houses was completely reconstructed, after which they turned into premium apartments, decorated in a sophisticated modern style and decorated with natural materials. The apartments have cozy terraces with superb views of the sea and mountains.

In addition to comfortable accommodation, guests of Sveti Stefan will be pleased with numerous restaurants and bars with a rich assortment of food and drinks, a sports ground, beauty salons and even a shopping center. Art lovers will be interested in visiting the art gallery, which is also located on the island. You can enjoy the clearest sea and gentle sun on one of the secluded beaches with sand of a pleasant pearl pink hue. Here you can go diving or take an exciting boat trip on a yacht. And, of course, visitors can enjoy a wide range of excursions to the most interesting places in Montenegro, Croatia, Albania and Italy.

Luxury fit for kings

The island of St. Stephen is very popular among world celebrities and very wealthy tourists. Prices for accommodation at this elite resort are incredibly high - for one night stay in a luxury hotel apartment on the island of Sveti Stefan you need to pay an average of 2 - 3 thousand euros. Many regular guests of Sveti Stefan are ready to part with such a huge sum for the sake of the amazing nature of Montenegro, the highest level of service and a quiet, secluded holiday.

By the way, about privacy. Despite the fact that the island of Sveti Stefan can be easily reached via the isthmus, the resort is closed and accessible only to the lucky ones directly living in the apartments. For ordinary curious tourists who want to get to the island of Sveti Stefan, there is the opportunity to do this only as part of an excursion or by booking a table in a restaurant on the island.

Among the famous guests of the island of Sveti Stefan are the “Queen of Hollywood” Elizabeth Taylor, Italian actress Sophia Loren, American actor Kirk Douglas, German supermodel Claudia Schiffer, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and other rich and successful people who want to feel the unique flavor of the medieval town and plunge into the atmosphere luxury and comfort.

Photos of Sveti Stefan Island

The main feature of the Sveti Stefan resort in Montenegro is that not everyone can get there. Only hotel guests have the opportunity to relax on its territory. Actually, the entrance to the island is only through the Sveti Stefan - Aman hotel.

An interesting fact is that this resort appeared on the site of an ordinary fishing village, from which the local population was simply evicted in 1950. Seven years later, a luxurious resort grew on this territory, which is still popular today.

Many stars vacation in hotels in Sveti Stefan. Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Elizabeth II, Claudia Schiffer, Sylvester Stallone came here. It should be noted that all the celebrities lived in the Aman Sveti Stefan 5* hotel, in room 118, where all famous people are accommodated.

Vacationers in the resort of Sveti Stefan can easily get to the nearby city of Budva by bus, which stops near the entrance to the recreation area. There is a lot of entertainment in Budva. In particular, these are clubs, a large water park, museums, natural parks, as well as restaurants serving Mediterranean cuisine. The cost of the trip will cost about 2-3 euros per person, which is quite a bit.


There are several hotels on the island where guests stay. They are divided into different categories.

The most expensive place to stay is considered to be the Aman Sveti Stefan 5* hotel, which is located in an ancient fishing village. It is part of the famous Aman Resorts chain. On the territory of this hotel, everything is done while preserving the ancient style of architecture, as well as the atmosphere of that time. Everything in the rooms is arranged as comfortably as possible: air conditioning, expensive and high-quality furniture are installed, guests can use a minibar and access to the Internet.

Hotels belonging to the 4* class also offer very good living conditions. Among them are hotels such as Adrovic 4* and Azimut 4*. Guests living in them have a clean and well-equipped beach, as well as main infrastructure facilities, within walking distance.

As for 3* hotels, guests living in them have access to the minimum conditions necessary for relaxation. However, according to many vacationers, they are more than enough. Recreation places of this class are called Adrovic Small Hotel 3* and Alessandra App 3*.


As for the beach of Sveti Stefan, it is conditionally divided into two parts, between which there is an isthmus leading to the island. One half of the beach is intended for guests of the most expensive hotel on the island - Aman Sveti Stefan 5*. Its territory is equipped with various amenities: sun loungers, umbrellas, towels. There are also equipped changing cabins, toilets and showers. There are several bars on the beach where guests can enjoy refreshing drinks and cocktails.

On the other side of the isthmus there is a beach where all tourists visiting the island of Sveti Stefan can relax. It is also ennobled in the same way as described above. An interesting fact is that all the beaches of the resort have a total coastline length of 2 km.

Entertainment on the island

All vacationers in Sveti Stefan hotels in Montenegro have the opportunity to have fun, and in different ways. There are clubs here where vacationers can dance to the fiery hits of famous DJs. The island often organizes excursions to explore local attractions. On the beach, everyone who prefers an active holiday can ride a “tablet” or “banana”, go surfing or rent a yacht for a while.

In the nearest city, Budva, there is a large water park, which everyone can go to - the trip will cost about 2 euros. As for local attractions, tourists go to see local natural parks and beautiful gardens. There is an art gallery here, displaying works by local talented artists.

Each building on the peninsula is a historical piece of architecture characteristic of a particular era. Therefore, many resort guests go on excursions around the territory of Sveti Stefan with interest.


Tourists vacationing on Sveti Stefan can eat both in hotels and in establishments that can be found everywhere on the island. There are restaurants, cafes, and bars here.

From restaurants, tourists can visit Famelja Kentera, Drago, More, The Piazza, Konoba Langust. They serve Mediterranean cuisine as well as fish. Prices in establishments are somewhat high, especially when compared with those indicated on the menu of establishments in neighboring cities.

Vacation with children

As for a family holiday on Sveti Stefan, according to tourists’ reviews, it is not entirely convenient. First of all, this is due to the location of the resort - it is located in a mountainous area, which is not very comfortable for moving with a stroller to the sea coast. There is, of course, a workaround that runs along the highway, but in this case the pedestrian will have to walk an additional kilometer.

The island's public beach is covered with pebbles, which is not very convenient for adults, but children feel quite comfortable here. In addition, the entrance to the sea is flat, which allows children to enter the sea with greater safety.

For children on the island there are many conditions that make their stay at the resort more fun and comfortable. There are a large number of children's playgrounds here; in several places there are slides where children can frolic to their hearts' content. One of the large children's areas, located on the embankment, has simple carousels.

How to get to the island

Sveti Stefan can be reached from the international airport, which is located in the village of Tivat. The distance from it to the resort is 30 km. If you check into any of the hotels on the island, the best option would be to order a transfer service. Then the guest will be delivered to the room quickly and comfortably.

Also, tourists can always use the services of a taxi, which can be taken from any nearby city or from the airport. The cost of a taxi ride from Tivat airport will be about 25-35 euros. You can also use a cheaper way - to get there by public transport.


The cost of living on the island is somewhat high when compared to other resorts. For example, in the main hotel of the island, Aman Sveti Stefan 5*, you can rent a villa for 5,000 euros per day. The minimum cost of apartments in this hotel is 1100 euros.

If a guest comes to the beach, he will have to pay 100 euros for his stay. This price includes two sun loungers and a beach umbrella.

Why is it worth going to Sveti Stefan?

The question arises: where to go on vacation? Sveti Stefan can outperform several competing resorts in several respects. In particular, these include the cleanliness of the sea. It should be noted that the beach here is also very clean and uncrowded, which tourists will really like. Anyone who wants to see the sea coast can do so from their room - hotels are generally designed in such a way that guests can admire the beautiful scenery from their windows. Also from here you can observe the island of Sveti Stefan, which is located near the resort.

The resort of Sveti Stefan has a developed infrastructure. On its territory there are several shops, restaurants, clubs and cafes where tourists can have fun.

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