Home Asian countries Holidays in Colombia, the best prices for tours to Colombia. Tours to Colombia Special requirements for entry

Holidays in Colombia, the best prices for tours to Colombia. Tours to Colombia Special requirements for entry

Another very original accommodation option, in which, by the way, Colombia is a pioneer, are “floating hotels” - luxury boats with all amenities.

Colonial houses are another accommodation alternative that is in high demand among tourists.

It should be noted that in the period from December to April, the cost of living is 20-25% higher than in the period from May to November.

Intercity transport

In addition to domestic flights, the most popular and most importantly affordable mode of transport for long-distance travel within the country is the bus service provided by various transport companies.

Usually pre-booking for bus travel in Colombia is not required, tickets can be bought directly at the ticket office of the bus station on the day of departure, but it is much more reliable to have electronic tickets that are purchased in advance.

Please note that depending on the carrier company, all buses differ in class, the higher the class, the higher the cost. Regular bus services operate between the largest cities: Santa Marta, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Bogota, Medellin and Cali.

Buses usually depart from central bus stations. Please note that some major cities, such as Medellin and Bogota, have several different terminals, so be sure to carefully read the departure terminal on your e-ticket.

Distances and travel times:

  • Bogota - Cali: 12 hours (511 km);
  • Bogota - Medellin: 9 hours (440 km);
  • Bogota - Cartagena: 23 hours (1090 km);
  • Bogotá - Barranquilla: 20 hours (985 km);
  • Bogotá - Santa Marta: 19 hours (952 km).

Moreover, the travel time is indicated only conditionally, and most flights do not have an exact arrival time, and a departure delayed by 30-40 minutes is far from uncommon, because. local drivers are not overly punctual. They are not distinguished by caution on the roads either: they like to drive around and overtake on turns, so if you are traveling around the country in a rented car, try to stay away from intercity buses.

Car rent, by the way, is a very convenient means for independent movement around the country. This requires a credit card with a minimum amount of $680 excluding local tax, which will be deducted as a deposit. The deposit will be returned after the end of the rental if all conditions are met, however, due to currency fluctuations, the amount paid may differ from that which the client will receive upon refund. American Express, MasterCard and Visa credit cards are accepted for payment (except Visa Dankort). The minimum amount is calculated from the class of the car, while there will be no need for a cash deposit, which will be required in its absence.

Embassy of Russia in Colombia

For quite a long time, tourists because of crime in the state refused to go to Colombia. Tourism in Colombia became possible only after the government took drastic measures to ensure the safety of guests during their visit to the country. The main forces of the government are aimed at the restoration of architectural monuments, the development of National Parks, a network of routes for cyclists is being created, attention is paid to the development of museums and other entertainment facilities, recreation areas and public places are being equipped.

Resorts of Colombia

The main regions where Colombian resorts, this is the coastal zone of the Caribbean Sea and the largest cities. Mountain resorts, Amazonia and Orinokia are more suitable for lovers of active and educational recreation. Ecological tourism thrives in the Pacific resorts, where there are many unexplored exotic natural areas.

Despite the presence of majestic rocky ridges with snow-white peaks, Colombian ski resorts do not exist, due, again, to a hot and humid climate throughout the year.

As such the focus of tourism health resorts in Colombia does not exist, but this does not mean at all that there are no places in the country where you can improve your health. Hydrogen sulfide springs on the slopes of volcanoes, the “lungs of the planet” in the Amazon jungle, swimming in the boundless waters of the sea and ocean. Admire the underwater life, and always a festive mood - all this successfully contributes to overall health.

The country offers tourists mountains and beaches, forests and ponds, volcanoes and waterfalls. created in such a way that every traveler finds what is important and interesting for him as much as possible. Curious guests Colombia provides educational tours to the sights of cities and surroundings.

A variety of geography, resorts, tours offers a correspondingly diverse holiday in Colombia. This is a beach holiday on white or silver sand, hiking along volcanic slopes to hydrogen sulfide springs, sea holidays with observation of the underwater world, these are adventures in the Amazon forests. You can also visit the many attractions in colombia in the largest and oldest cities, surrender to the seething flow of the carnival and watch the ancient “dance of courtship” in Cartagena.

Most Popular Colombian beaches located on the coast of the islands of San Andres Providencia and Santa Catalina, located opposite the shores of the calm and warm Caribbean Sea. The popularity for them has gained snow-white sand and amazing coral reefs. All beaches have a developed infrastructure, which guarantees an interesting and comfortable stay.

Developed infrastructure offers comfortable Colombia hotels, which are mostly concentrated on the coast of the Caribbean, the Pacific Ocean and Bogotá. The so-called "boutique hotels" are very popular, they can offer to stay in an old colonial castle surrounded by greenery, many family hotels, houses and apartments for rent.

In the city of Medellin - the only metro in the state. Basic Colombia transport- automobile. The length of roads is one hundred thousand kilometers, an international highway passes through the country, which connects Venezuela and Ecuador. Four major cities have an airport. The length of the railway lines is about four thousand kilometers.

Surely those who plan tours to Colombia, more than once faced with puzzled looks from friends and relatives. There is also a solid drug mafia and cocaine showdowns - travelers hear. Colombia, say experienced tourism experts, is similar in this sense to the moon: everyone sees only one side of the night star, but there is another. Moreover, this country has long since embarked on a course of turning to the world in exactly that other direction, and it is doing very well. Today Colombian cities are an example of a successful social policy of the state, numerous national parks - archaeological and natural - are carefully guarded by the armed forces of Colombia, and the place of the legendary cocaine barons is taken by modern artists. Suffice it to say that it is here that one of the richest and largest public libraries of recent times is open, absolutely free for the citizens of the country, and the legendary Museum of Gold in Bogotá has never been robbed even in the most difficult times.

Visa to Colombia

Citizens of Russia do not need a visa to enter Colombia if the period of stay in the country does not exceed 90 days. Citizens of the CIS receive a visa at the Consulate of Colombia in Moscow.

Colombia Tourism

For making travel to Colombia not only possible but desirable, travelers should thank a man named Alvaro Uribe Vélez, who was president of the country for eight years, from 2002 to 2010. He ran a program called "Democratic security", which included the protection of "caravans of tourists" (caravanas turіsticas) by the army, and this is in addition to a massive fight against crime and the reorganization of the law enforcement system. Now a separate ministerial unit is responsible for the development of tourism in Colombia.

Of the most interesting destinations that include tours to Colombia, one can name ecotourism in local tropical forests of the Amazon basin, excursions to archaeological parks and lost city» ancient Indian civilization chibcha, beach vacation on the Caribbean coast, Coffee National Park, Flower Fair and visits to numerous local museums.

The expositions of the latter acquaint guests with the difficult history of this country and the rich heritage left by both the indigenous people and the Spanish colonialists, starting from the 16th century. In addition, it was here that an important part of the life of such a legendary person in South America as the leader of the liberation movement Simon Bolivar (his grave is located in the Colombian city of Santa Marta) passed.

Colombian history: from antiquity to the present day

Colombia got its name in honor of the discoverer of America, Christopher Columbus. However, civilization existed on these lands long before the Europeans came here: even fifteen centuries before our era, tribes of primitive hunters lived along the Magdalena River, on which many Colombian cities and settlements now stand. Note that their distant descendants still retain their traditional way of life deep in tropical forests, although they are very small in number and avoid close contacts with civilization.

And the word "civilization" should be understood not only as modern cities with their business centers, or even the Spaniards-conquistadors and their Catholic churches. A thousand years before the arrival of the latter, the civilization of the Chibcha people flourished in these lands, comparable to the cultures of the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs in other regions of South America. Chibcha built cities, mastered the art of farming on mountain slopes and worshiped the sun in temples(one of them is today reconstructed through the efforts of archaeologists and is available for visiting). The Chibcha were divided into two peoples: the Muisca, who lived in the mountains (mainly on a plateau called Cundinamarca) and the Tayrona, who settled in the plains off the Caribbean coast.

Europeans came here in the 16th century. The first attempts at colonization, however, were unsuccessful: the Chibcha desperately resisted the conquistadors, who lost many people here, until in 1536 five hundred Spaniards under the command of Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada completely defeated the locals. Quesada founded New Granada here - the country bore this name until the beginning of the 19th century, when Simon Bolivar declared independence from Spain, creating the Republic of Great Colombia. It also included Venezuela and Ecuador, which separated later.

In the twentieth century, Colombia was plunged into the abyss of internal conflicts, to which in the 1980s. added a criminal component. Illegal coca plantations, which supplied the drug to a huge number of buyers around the world (especially in the USA), spawned an unprecedented wave of organized crime, and the most famous drug lord was the head of the Medellin Cartel, Pablo Escobar.

Escobar was named among the ten richest people in the world by Forbes journalists. He was popular among the Colombian lower classes, but in fact, involvement in cocaine trafficking turned out to be disastrous for guys from poor areas and their families. When Escobar was shot dead in a confrontation with the law, much in the country changed. As already mentioned, Alvaro Uribe Velez, who became president in 2002, set a course for the decriminalization and development of social programs in the country, as well as tourism. Now those who have already made tours to Colombia, note that there are very friendly residents, good infrastructure in cities, and, for example, the Medellin metro is recognized as one of the cleanest "subways" in the world.

Where to go in Colombia?

Located near the equator, Colombia has no seasons in our usual sense, but here grows a record number of endemics - plants that are found in only one region of the globe. Amazonian selva- the habitat of tropical animals - although dangerous, it attracts ecotourists from all over the world. Colombia has many national parks, a trip to each of which promises an incredible experience. Thanks to professional guides, you can safely plunge into the life of this part of the continent.

For example, in the reserve Serrania de la Macarena, the road to which runs through many kilometers of pristine territories, the famous Caño Cristales (“crystal stream”) flows, the water in which is so clean, without a single impurity, that fish cannot even live here. But at the bottom, endemic algae and mosses grow, which are not found anywhere else. They are mostly intense red, but there are also green, yellow, blue, black. Therefore, Caño Cristales is called the "river of five colors".

But most endemic plants are officially registered in Los Katios National Park on the border with Panama. And here you can also see a real "green monster" - a cotton tree, also called "kapok". It is covered with huge thorns throughout its considerable height (the kapok even grows its lower trunks-props!)

If you go through the forests towards the coast, you can get to Tayrona National Park, named after the branch of the ancient chibcha who lived here in antiquity. Tayrona is a wild vacation on the seashore, surrounded by exotic birds and plants, but with unobtrusive service in the form of hammocks, awnings, barbecue grills and everything that makes the life of Robinsons to a certain extent comfortable.

However, if you like a civilized beach holiday with hotels, cafes, musicians, sun loungers and dancing in the evenings, Colombia is perfect for this. You can go, for example, to the islands San Andres and Providencia located in the Caribbean Sea closer to neighboring Nicaragua. On San Andres and Providencia live the descendants of the British Puritans and their Negro slaves, mixed into a single nationality of the Raysals. They speak a pidgin, mixing Spanish and English words, and are very fond of reggae music. The capital of the archipelago - the city of San Anders - is also a duty-free zone with a lot of inexpensive shops.

And in continental Santa Marta, Colombia's second European-built city, divers will find the bays of Rodadero and Taganga, along with miles of sandy beaches. By the way, in Santa Marta, travelers on tours to Colombia can visit the villa where the Latin American national hero Simon Bolivar ended his days.

Let's not forget that Colombia is one of the world's leading coffee producers. Local beans enter the international market from the "coffee triangle" - a region in the mountains. Near one of its "tops", the city of Armenia, is located Coffee National Park with its unique museum. Themed holidays are held here and once a year the Queen of Coffee is chosen at the festival.

Finally, we must not forget that it was in Colombia that the talent of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, one of the most beloved and read South American writers in the world, the Nobel laureate who invented the magical city of Macondo, flourished. He largely copied it from the town of Aracataca, where the writer spent his childhood. The mayor of Aracataca, having visited Europe and assessed the scale of the popularity of the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude", took care of the creation of Ruta Macondo Realismo Magico - " Route of magical realism Macondo". It can be appreciated by travelers making tours to Colombia.

Colombian cities

Colombian cities mainly date back to the time of the first Spanish colonists who settled here in the 16th-17th centuries. Therefore, in many of them, travelers are greeted by a traditional center with a square and a Catholic cathedral in the middle of it, tiled roofs of old houses and colonial mansions. At the same time, large metropolitan areas (and, for example, the capital of the country, Bogotá, one of the largest cities on the continent) are famous for their skyscrapers and have the most modern vehicles. By the way, such a type of public transport as a cable car is popular here.

The Colombian capital of Bogota is one of the most populated in South America, with about seven million people living here, if you count the suburbs. Despite the fact that this is an important business center, they are very concerned about the preservation of antiquity, and homeowners who maintain buildings recognized as historical monuments at their own expense are exempt from taxes. Among other attractions in Bogotá, there is a unique Museum of Gold, which has preserved works of art of the ancient Chibcha in huge quantities.

Second after Bogota metropolis of Colombia is Medellin. Today, the city is actively getting rid of the label of "the birthplace of the Medellin cartel", positioning itself as a cultural capital. Indeed, thanks to the efforts of the famous sculptor Fernando Botero, an art park was opened here, where you can not only get acquainted with his works, but also visit art galleries, see how they work in the local workshops. Medellin also opened a huge library complex Parque España some time ago, where citizens of the country can use all services for free.

The capital of Colombian coffee - the city of Manizales - is younger than its neighbors, it was founded in the middle of the century before last. But it is from here that it is best to go on an excursion to coffee plantations, and it is in Manizales that the country's universities are concentrated, and almost a third of the population are students.

Separately, it should be said about Cartagena. This city on the Caribbean coast, to which gold was brought from all over the country to be sent to Spain, was many times subjected to pirate raids, and once Francis Drake himself robbed Cartagena. The people of Cartagena eventually built a fortress that saved them from British sailors, and today it, along with the Jesuit palace and other ancient monuments, is a place of pilgrimage for tourists, especially those who read filibuster novels as children.

And if you are fond of salsa, which has become popular lately, and dream of getting into a real salsotheca, you need to go to Cali. This business center, symbolized by the Cali Tower skyscraper, is also a salsa capital with numerous clubs and music until the morning. In addition, bullfighting is still held in Cali.

Colombian antiquities

Colombia, as we remember, was the center of the Chibcha civilization many centuries ago. More precisely, even two of its branches: the mountain Muisca and the plain Tayrona. Archaeologists have already done a lot to get to know their heritage as best as possible, including in order to reconstruct it if possible.

In particular, here you can visit the Sogamoso Park Museum, where the Temple of the Sun is recreated and contains an extensive collection of archaeological finds. And if you decide on a long hiking trip through the mountains, you can get to Ciudad Perdida - the Lost City of the Muisco-Chibcha, accidentally discovered by "black archaeologists" in the early 1970s. Ciudad Perdida recognized even more ancient than the famous Machu Picchu.

However, there are also more mysterious cultures here: if quite a lot is already known about Chibcha today, and some Spanish chronicles that made the pre-colonial period have been preserved, then who were the people who created the numerous statues of volcanic rock concentrated in San Park? -Augustin, no one really knows. These statues, which can be both small, a couple of tens of centimeters, and seven meters high, depict a variety of people, often in animal masks and outfits that are unlike anything else. Drawings similar to them are also found in the crypts of Tierradentro, another famous Colombian archaeological park open to tourists.

What should a traveler know about Colombia?

As we have already understood, Colombia has long been not the criminalized country that has been imprinted in the memory of many of us. However, every corner of the world has its own rules and nuances that you need to know and take into account when planning a trip.

For example, how to get to Colombia? Direct flights from Russia and the CIS do not fly here, however, European airlines offer a flight with a transfer. It usually takes about sixteen hours. In Colombia itself, it is also best to travel by plane. Since the geography here is complex (mountains, tropical forests), civil aviation is developed in the country, however, there is also a bus service, and even a railway.

The monetary unit is Colombian peso. The country accepts international bank cards and sometimes cash dollars. Almost all stores, banks and airports have exchangers where you can convert dollars into the national currency. It is better to do it there, because street money changers, although they offer a higher rate, can easily deceive.

In Colombia, counterfeiting US dollars is a very common scam. This is one of the features of the local modern criminal life. The other is robberies using the Borracero. These are narcotic compounds added to the victim's drink or food, so that later they can painlessly remove everything of value from the unconscious unfortunate drinking buddy. So don't drink and dine with suspicious strangers while on tour in Colombia.

In Colombia large selection of hotels to any wallet, but it is better to choose those that are members of COTELCO (National Association).

We also note the local climate as one of the important points. On the plains and the coast there is always about thirty degrees of heat, and in the mountains - eternal spring, plus twenty. Where it is hot, it is best to wear light clothes made of natural cotton and linen, and for mountain crossings, have comfortable and durable shoes. Those who, when planning tours to Colombia, are going to visit the seashore, we also advise you to take into account that the Pacific side is cooler, there is a large, up to several tens of meters, tide band, the water can be +18, and the waves are stronger. The Caribbean coast is much calmer, and the water here is never cold.

Russians and citizens of the CIS do not need to apply for a visa if they travel as tourists for up to ninety days - Colombia has opened a visa-free regime for such trips.

Recording of the webinar "Tours to Venezuela and Colombia"

What do you know about Venezuela and Colombia? Angel Falls, Mount Roraima, white sand beaches - it's all there! Listen to a unique webinar delivered by Sevinj Shukurova, South American expert!

Tourists come to Colombia for the sake of chic resorts and a huge number of natural attractions. This country is beautiful and original in its own way and delights guests with beach Cartagena - the capital that keeps the secrets of the colonial era, as well as national parks, volcanic islands.

The development of the culture of Colombia was influenced by several other cultures at once - European, Indian, and also African. Dances, songs, architecture of this interesting country are distinguished by a mixture of ethnic groups. Contemporary art is well represented in Colombia: the works of local artists are known all over the world. A special love for beauty among Colombians is also expressed in a significant number of art museums and galleries.

Cities and sights of Colombia

The capital and one of the frequently visited cities of the republic -. A river flows through its territory with the attractive name Rio San Francisco. On the main square you can see Simon Bolivar: the first Colombian president is immortalized on horseback. When planning your trip, it is worth including Candelaria in the list of sights of the capital. This is a protected area of ​​the colonial era, in which the features of Spanish architecture have been preserved. Mostly creative people live here. There are 40 museums in the city, among which the Gold Museum stands out. After visiting significant places, you can go for coffee at, where it is sold ready-made and in beans.

Recognized as the most unusual city in the country. Every stone in old houses and streets is saturated with history in it. Tourists here will be charmed not only by impressive military fortifications and rich architecture, but also by friendly locals. Walking around Cartagena, you should look into where they sell national Peruvian food at affordable prices - gastronomic delight is guaranteed. And then you can go to the Palace of the Inquisition, conquer the top of the Clock Tower, visit the fortress of San Felipe de Barajas.

Another city that stands out is. The cobbled streets in the older districts feature Spanish churches, luxurious villas and, in contrast, red-brick barracks. Connoisseurs of ancient architecture will like it here - it is worth visiting the Metropolitan Basilica, the largest brick church in South America. In the orchid capital, it is important to set aside time to visit the Joaquin Antonio Uribe Botanical Garden.

The sights of the country include the archaeological park "San Agustin" on the banks of the river. Magdalena. Stone figures were found in it, impressive in their size and depicting gods, animals and people. Some of them were created in the 6th century BC. Holidays in Colombia usually include an inspection of the Tequendama waterfall on the river. Bogota. It will surprise you with its size - the height of the water fall is 140 meters. If you have free time, you can look at South Carolina State Museum. It presents more than 70 thousand exhibits in four sections: history, science and technology, art, natural science.

When is the best time to go to Colombia?

The best time for vacation is the dry season. It is better to buy a ticket for the period from December to February or from June to August. But you need to be prepared for the fact that it also rains in the dry season, just not so plentiful and regular.

Safety information

When traveling, it is better not to cross the borders of the city, especially at night. It is not recommended to use night buses for trips. Tourists should avoid street manifestations and other crowded places.

Drugs are common everywhere, it is recommended to refuse any "gifts" from strangers. You also need to remember that sharks and poisonous sea creatures are found in the waters off the coast. You should not drink tap water, it is better to use bottled options.

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