Home Asian countries Route documentation for carrying out a sports and tourist trip. Categories of difficulty of tourist routes

Route documentation for carrying out a sports and tourist trip. Categories of difficulty of tourist routes

Before you go on a hike, you need to be well prepared for it.

This preparation begins with the formation of the group. The most important thing - the choice of the hike route - depends on who will be in its composition, what is the physical training and tourist experience of the hike participants, what tasks they set, what time and funds they have.

It’s natural to want to discover something new, to go through something that hasn’t been done yet. Our country is so vast, it has so many wonderful corners that there will be enough interesting routes and discoveries for a lifetime.

The route is easier to follow when it is well thought out and studied. Then you will have more time and energy to get acquainted with interesting places and, of course, the safety of the hike will increase and the likelihood of changing or not completing the route will be minimized. Groups of novice tourists and those traveling to a particular area for the first time should use one of the reference routes. These routes are the most logical and interesting, introduce you to the sights and include obstacles characteristic of the area. Advice on the route can be obtained at the tourist club or at the ICC. There you should also read the reports on the trips of other tourist groups.

When developing a route, you need to collect all the necessary information about the hiking area, using maps and diagrams, descriptions of difficult obstacles, information about weather conditions, transport capabilities, the condition of roads and crossings, etc.

All preparatory work must be carried out in an organized and systematic manner. To do this, a plan is drawn up and responsibilities are distributed among group members.

Based on the duration and complexity of the route, the composition of the participants in the hike and the intended tasks, general and special equipment, repair and medical kits are prepared. The group's caretaker draws up lists of products, outlines where it is best to purchase them, and decides on packaging issues. The obtained data on the route, equipment and food allow us to determine the total weight of the cargo, the weight of backpacks on approaches and on the main route, and to draw up cost estimates.

It is necessary that all participants in the hike have not only similar skills and knowledge, similar interests, but also approximately the same physical training. To do this, 2-3 months before the trip, joint training sessions should be organized, during which tourists improve physically and master technical skills and techniques for overcoming obstacles. Weekend hikes, tourist rallies and competitions should be used for these purposes.

During joint weekend hikes, methods of movement, overcoming natural obstacles planned on the route, methods of collective belay and self-insurance are practiced, equipment is checked and modified. Specially created heavy loads in these hikes make it possible to identify and compare the physical condition and training of individual participants.

Joint training and organizing overnight stays contribute to the psychological “breaking in” of group members. We must strive to ensure that already in the process of preparation the group becomes a single, well-coordinated team, ready to successfully solve the assigned tasks through joint efforts.

Technical competitions for different types of tourism help to practice techniques and test equipment. It is useful to participate in them, but, of course, you should not get carried away only by them, forgetting about the most important thing in tourism - travel. Competitions invented by tourists. At first they were held as part of tourist rallies, they were very simple. Their program included: setting up a tent, lighting a fire, crossing a log across a river or ravine, etc. With the growth of technical equipment in most types of tourism, competitions began to be held independently. And there would be nothing wrong with this if these competitions were not put on the same level with tourist trips, or even replace them. This was especially noticeable among water and mountain tourists. We should not forget that such competitions are of a testing nature and serve to determine the technical readiness of tourists for upcoming hikes. They compare the achievements of athletes not comprehensively, but according to individual indicators, but technical readiness alone is not enough to complete a difficult hike.

If a group is engaged in the tourist section of the physical education team of an enterprise, institution, educational institution, DFSO, then these organizations must create conditions for the physical, technical and theoretical training of tourists, and provide them with the necessary equipment if possible.

All members of the group must undergo a medical examination no earlier than a month before the start of the hike and obtain a doctor’s permission to participate in hikes of categories I-III of difficulty, and for participation in hikes of categories IV-VI of difficulty - a conclusion from a medical and physical education clinic or a physical education doctor.

As already mentioned, any trip begins with a check in the IWC. But don't let that scare the travel enthusiasts. By filling out hiking documents, defending the route in front of IWC members - experienced tourists - you receive new information and recommendations about the hiking area, advice on selecting equipment and products, and on actions in difficult situations. If the trip has been prepared thoroughly, if everything has been thought out, studied, collected in advance (and this is the only way it should be), there will be no difficulties with preparing route documents.

A document giving the right to conduct sports tourist hikes of I-VI categories of difficulty, as well as non-category hikes that include elements of hikes of II-VI categories of difficulty, is a route book of the established form. The route book can be obtained from the route qualification commission at your place of residence or work. Two copies of the book should be filled out correctly, accompanied by certificates about the tourist experience of group members, medical certificates, cartographic material, descriptions and possible photographs of difficult sections of the route, lists of special equipment and means of providing first aid. Everything should be collected in advance in preparation for the trip.

With the documents you need to contact the same ICC. If she does not have the authority to consider a hike of this category of complexity, the application documents with her preliminary conclusion are sent by the organization for which she works to the higher ICC.

The ICC gives an opinion on the possibility of the group completing the declared trip. Special instructions and recommendations for the group are entered into the route book, the place of its registration before going on the route at the relevant CBS and KSO, and the established control dates are recorded.

Based on the positive conclusion of the ICC, the group leader is given a numbered route book and a completed message form to the KSS, certified by the signature and stamp of the ICC. But the contacts between the IWC and the group do not end there.

The most important measure to provide assistance to the group if necessary is to organize control over its completion of the route within the established time frame. This control is carried out not only by the KSS located in the hiking area, but also by the ICC. The deadline is considered violated if the telegram is not sent by the group within the control day. After that, the search work begins. Therefore, too strict deadlines are equally bad, which force the group to shorten the route, move in the evening or even at night, neglect insurance in difficult areas, and too extended deadlines, which can lead to the fact that the group that suffered an accident will not be able to receive timely help.

In accordance with the Rules, a written message to the KSS in the established form must be sent no later than 10 days before the group leaves for the starting point of the route. Even this one circumstance, in addition to others (elimination of comments, if necessary, checking the group on the ground, etc.), requires the submission of application documents to the ICC 1-1.5 months before the start of the trip. However, if a group with well-prepared documents came to the authorized ICC, for example, two weeks in advance, its application should be considered and everything should be formalized. ICCs are called upon to work quickly, and republican, regional, regional and especially zonal ones, moreover, should not close for holidays.

If, just before leaving for a hike, there is a need to make changes to the route or composition of the group, this must be agreed upon with the ICC and notified to the KSS.

Tourist groups planning to conduct a hike in the territory of a reserve or border zone must obtain permission in advance in accordance with the established procedure. But checking the availability of such permission should not be the responsibility of the ICC. The IWC must warn the group that part or all of its route passes through these restricted areas.

All of the listed issues related to preparing the group for the hike and preparing itinerary documents are primarily the responsibility of the hike leader.

Many people have heard that there are such things as “Certificates for a hike.” They were born in the USSR, as an integral part of the sport “Sports tourism”. Whether it is a sport or not (personally, I think not, since I don’t see people competing with anyone in this activity) is not important for the purposes of this article. The fact that your hike has become “sporty” does not mean at all that you should now run under a backpack with a stopwatch. This is just a hike organized and carried out according to certain rules. Such certificates are issued by the public organization Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia (FSTR) through the Route Qualification Commissions (hereinafter referred to as “ICC”) authorized by it (note that the Russian Federation itself does not participate in this in any way - this is for those who like the phrases “officially released on the route” “official certificates” and so on). Despite the long names, there is nothing scary.

Why are certificates needed?

A trip certificate is a document about your tourist experience. What’s important is that it was issued by an independent party, people who looked at the hike you were on, unbiasedly, and assessed it according to some unified system that allows you to compare the difficulty of your hike with others. I organize a lot of hikes, and perhaps the most important question I ask a stranger who wants to backpack with me is: “What is your hiking experience?” As a rule, you have to talk to a person for a long time to understand what exactly he managed to go through. Different people evaluate and describe their experiences in different ways. For some, one-day trekking in Krasnaya Polyana is already a mega-super-adventure, and a 3-day hike in the Crimea is a mountain hike, and someone describes their hike like this: “there were cute little goats and such beautiful valleys, I walked and was happy,” although in fact they had some pretty bouncy passes there. And if a person simply says: “I have a certificate for walking a unit,” then this greatly simplifies the conversation. I will already understand what approximately the person has experienced, and this experience is not fictitious and is not the fruit of his subjective assessment of himself.

There may be a situation where the trek leader knows you well, has walked with you a lot, or you were able to convince him of your experience. But the leader is going to lead a hike from the 2nd category and above, wants to register it with the ICC (to get certificates for it), but according to the rules you can go there when the participants already have a certificate (“ formal experience“, as it is called) for a hike in the category below. But you don't have it. Convincing ICC members that you have experience without a certificate is almost impossible. As a leader, they will not go to training sessions with you and drink beer, they will simply look at documents.

Maybe you also want to apply for a sports category in Sports Tourism. This in itself is useless, but funny. Certificates from your previous trips will also be useful for this.

Procedure for obtaining certificates

In general, the algorithm is as follows:

Are you planning a hike?

You're planning normally. In addition to reasonable criteria, if you want your trip to be considered a categorical trip, you need to plan it so that it meets certain requirements of the FSTR for your type of tourism (a certain set of kilometers of path and various obstacles). In sports tourism, there are as many as 10 of these types of tourism (Attention: there is no classification criterion and logic of division, accept it):

  • walking (wherever you can walk);
  • skiing (no one has heard of snowshoes, and no one knows where to take them);
  • mountain (only if your hike is in the Caucasus, Altai or Fanakh-Pamir. The Khibiny Mountains, the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes in Kamchatka, the Urals, the Andes and the Cordillera are not mountains :) There you will have a hiking route);
  • water;
  • bicycle;
  • auto-moto;
  • equestrian;
  • sailing (but not on yachts! If you are sailing on a ship that your crew cannot carry, then.. you are apparently not a sports tourist :) So why the hell will you register your crossing of the Atlantic);
  • speleo (how did it get here?!);
  • combined.

Specific requirements for each type of tourism can be easily found on the Internet.

If you are reading this article, then most likely you are going on your first category hike, the simplest one - a first category hike.If your route is, for example, mountainous, then you need to pave a path of 100 km through at least two passes 1A, if there are fewer, then this is a non-category route, if there is at least one pass 1B, then this is already a “route of the first category with elements of the second” - Most likely, the IWC will not allow a group of beginners to go on such a route.

Fill out the route book

Here is a link to the printable file, which is also a sample filling. (Print with double-sided printing sheets 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, and 7 separately - this is the cover. As a result, you should get an A5 booklet, staple it. You don’t need to squeeze the map/hiking diagram into point 4 halfway A4 sheet of paper, but printing out a normal map and putting it in a book will only make everyone happy.) You should already have all the information that needs to be entered in the route book if you prepared the trip normally. Personally, I just copy data from my favorite Google spreadsheets into this weird printable form. And I put the tracks of different route options on one map using nakarte.me and print them. In paragraph 2, where the list of participants is, indicate their full names and contacts of relatives. This is necessary because only relatives in the hospital can be told what happened to the person, and only they can be given a corpse. You will have a second copy of the route book with you on the route - another backup of contact information with phone numbers will not hurt. If you don’t know how to fill it out, leave it blank. The MCC will tell you, if anything, fill it out by hand on the spot. As is clear from the text above, we print the book in two copies, sign it wherever we can and take it to the ICC.

Application for a trip to the ICC

There is a route-qualification commission in almost every region of the Russian Federation; Moscow has its own MCCs in large tourist clubs at universities. The Moscow City MCC is located at 17 Solzhenitsina Street (enter the courtyard and go up to the second floor, they don’t even have money for a sign), and it meets on Wednesday evenings (you can catch someone from 19.00). If you live in Moscow and are not a member of one of the large tourist clubs, go straight there. The ICC is a party of fellow tourists, the sand from which does not flow, as a rule, because it has turned to stone. They work there completely voluntarily and for free. Therefore, they don’t owe you anything. In the Moscow MCC, the main action takes place in an auditorium reminiscent of a school class, where during recess people are divided into groups based on interests. One of these groups is the members of the subcommittee for your type of tourism. If you have not found their contacts before and have not contacted them, ask and they will tell you who to go to.

First of all, they are interested in the type of tourism (suddenly you came to the wrong place), the category of the trip (suddenly you need to call more experienced colleagues) and the region of the trip (suddenly there are no experts at the table in the region where you are going). Tell them right away, “I want to claim a single boat in the Amazon.” And hand them your minibuses with maps. It is difficult to perceive information by ear, so they will read what you wrote in the route book. All sorts of questions will be asked. Of course, the watchman (signer) syndrome is fully present, and you will definitely be told that the route is too short/long, difficult/simple, etc. They will definitely write something in the “ICC comments” column. Sometimes, when everything was absolutely flawless, they wrote to me: “The route book is drawn up carelessly” or about the mountain unit with passes 1A - “Pass the passes in the morning hours.” In short, they are obliged to write at least something, take it calmly. Maybe they won’t like everything at all, and they will tell you to redo the route/reprint the minibus. Therefore, preliminary contact by email with people from the ICC for the purpose of consultation (showing them your plans) can reduce the number of trips to the organization.

When they are satisfied with the semantic part of your plan, they will most likely ask you the question: “Are you going to participate in the championship?” This does not mean your personal participation in the championship, but the participation in it of your report on the campaign. If you want to get a sports rank, then you need to take part in this championship, and, therefore, write a report (about it below). If you don’t care about ranks, then just say: “No, we just need certificates.” Then the members of the IWC, perhaps, if you are going to a unit that is not interesting to them in a long-trodden and well-described area, will write to you in the minibus that the protection of the trip will not be carried out in the form of a written report, but by showing photographs and a GPS track. Writing a report usually takes a lot of time and effort, and also requires collecting information during the trip. So if you don't need ranks, then avoiding writing a report is an important task.

After collecting three signatures of the ICC members (you will be told who to sign from), put a stamp on the secretary of the tourist club, leave one copy with him and go home to shake the dust off your backpack.

Let's go hiking

When you signed the route book and stamped it at the ICC, you were told who from the tourist club should report on the group’s progress on the route. In short, it contains the number of the person to whom the SMS should be sent: “Ivanov’s group set out on the route in full force “route book number”.” And the same SMS about the end of the route. There are many groups, so the name of the leader and the minibus number is welcome. If you do not signal the completion of the route for a long time, this person will begin to worry, call relatives (their contacts are in the route book) and rescuers.

During the hike, you will have to take photographs at all sorts of key points along the route - passes, mountains, and elsewhere with the whole group at once. The task is to prove that you were all really here. Also take photographs of technically difficult areas (crossings, slopes, rapids, etc.) and how your group overcomes them. The task is to prove that you really had obstacles of a certain complexity that make this hike categorical. It is better for the manager to take photos for the report using a separate camera, otherwise that deFachka photographer with a camera that weighs more than her will post photos six months later, after she has “processed” everything, and you have to write a report.

If you want to write a good report, then appoint a chronicler who will write down the times of stops, transitions, weather, etc. in a notebook. It's easy to write a report from a good chronicler's notebook.

Writing a report

Find an example of a good report. For example here. Most of the reports are collected on tlib.ru And write according to the sample about your trip. Be careful and do not post photos that demonstrate a clear violation of safety regulations. The leadership of the trip may not be counted, or the report may not take a high place at the championship. In general, the initial meaning of the report is not to obtain information, but to describe the trip with a maximum of technical, rather than lyrical, details for those who want to repeat your hike or walk part of your route. So write a report as an instruction for a tourist like you who wants to get all the information about the planned trip.

You print the report, staple it and take it to the MCC. As with the application, it is highly recommended to send an electronic version to the ICC members in advance to eliminate shortcomings.

If protection was assigned to you by showing a photo and a track, then simply merge it all into a folder on your laptop and go with it to the MCC.

We protect the report and receive certificates

Defending a campaign is about the same thing as an application. They also ask questions and if everything is OK, they write on the minibus that the hike is counted in such and such a category. This is usually the same category as stated. If you cut somewhere, the category may become smaller. If it was, for example, a hiking trip, and the crossings were deeper than expected, the category may increase relative to the declared one.

ICCs have difficulty raising money to pay for the rent of the premises where they meet, so certificates for each participant must be printed out themselves. Here is the help form. If someone did not participate in some part of the route (for example, did not go radial skiing in the mountains), then such participants may be counted in a lower category. Please note that the reverse side records the local obstacles passed by the participant, indicating the category of obstacles - this is important information for assessing the participant’s experience. The certificates are affixed with the signature of the ICC member, the route book number and a seal.

Legalization. How to trick your ears and get certificates without declaring a trip

Often the situation arises that people already have some kind of hiking experience, and they want to get certificates for it, but they don’t want to go to the unit again and spend their vacation on it.

Then you are allowed to have fun once in your life. You just go on a hike that actually corresponds to the category, but is not declared (there is no route book). Then write a report and bring it to the ICC. Also look for a subcommittee for your type of tourism, but start communicating with them with the words “I want to legalize the trip.” If your report is normal, then the certificates will be signed for you and stamped, but instead of a number they will have “b/n”.

Something like this. The main thing is to remember that the main thing is safe and joyful travel, not pieces of paper :)

I organize many hikes, including category ones, which I post in my group on VKontakte.

In this article we will talk in detail about non-category hikes, that is, weekend hikes. Contrary to the name, such a hike can last from one day to several years. Weekend hikes are any tours that do not fall under any sports category. The “Unknown World” club has been organizing just such, non-category, hikes for more than ten years, and therefore we consider it necessary to talk in more detail about this phenomenon in the field of tourism.

Category and non-category hikes

Category hikes are sports hikes, the registration of which is handled by a special commission at the Ministry of Tourism. She reviews requests for the route, talks with the group leader and studies the trip report, which is compiled by the group members after the end of the trip. we talked about it in an article of the same name on the Club’s website. If your route is not so long in terms of the number of days or has fewer kilometers, it is automatically assigned the status of “weekend hike”, no matter how many kilometers you walk and no matter what passes you conquer.

In addition, if you traveled one hundred and fifty kilometers by bicycle, and then went hiking in the mountains, after which you rented a kayak at a tourist base and went down the mountain river - all this will be considered a non-category hike, no matter how difficult it may be for you . Alas, the system of category hikes was inherited from us as a legacy of the USSR and has not been revised in our days, although a significant breakthrough has occurred in the field of tourism since then.

Weekend hikes

In the opinion of the author of the article and the entire team of the “Unknown World” Club, weekend hikes are better than category hikes. Yes, if you complete a non-category route, you will not receive a mark on your tourist ID and will not be able to be proud of your sporting achievements. In addition, there are a number of instructors who will not take you on a difficult category hike without a mark of completion of simpler ones. There is no doubt, if you see tourism as a sport for yourself, then at least at first you should adhere to the classification of category trips until you learn tourism techniques and find the necessary connections in the tourist environment.

But if hiking is just an active recreation for you, then there is no point in all this fuss. It is much easier to create a route for a non-category hike, and you are not tied to a certain mileage or number of days of an autonomous hike, which allows you to make routes creative and varied, turning them into a real vacation for the soul. Many people discover active tourism when they are already old, and are very sad that category hikes are a closed door for them, but you can enjoy your stay in the mountains without participating in sports tourism. All you need to do for this is to decide to go on a weekend hike.

Documents for a tourist trip

Documents for conducting tours:

An itinerary sheet is a travel document for a group going on a weekend hike or a non-category travel route. The itinerary sheet of the established form is filled out by the head of the tourist group, signed by the chairman of the board of the tourist club (or organization conducting the trip) and certified with a seal.

The itinerary book for a tourist sports trip (form No. 5 - Tour) is a travel document for a group going on a trip of 1 and higher difficulty categories (hereinafter referred to as c.s.).

The book contains a list of the group with passport details of all participants, a detailed calendar plan for the trip by days of travel, checkpoints and communication times from the route. The book is issued to the group leader after the ICC has checked the correctness of the developed route and the preparedness of tourists for it.

The route book (in two copies) is filled out by the leader of the tourist group and submitted to the ICC, which must check the development of the route and schedule for the main and alternate options, the knowledge of the leader and participants of the route of travel conditions and natural obstacles, the correctness of the measures planned by the group in case of an unforeseen retreat from the route and schedule, measures to ensure travel safety.

If the ICC has a positive conclusion, the leader of the tourist group is given a numbered, registered and certified by the ICC stamp (the second copy is stored in the ICC).

A message to the head of the KSS about the upcoming trip must be completed and sent by the group leader. Upon arrival at the starting point of the route, the tourist group must register at the appropriate KSS. While passing the route, the group leader must note in the route book and inform the MCC and KSS that registered this group about the passage of checkpoints and the end of the route.

Certificate of travel credit - certified by the ICC and issued to the participants and the leader of the tourist group after reviewing the travel report. Based on the issued certificates of completion of the route, tourists can be assigned one or another sports category.

Route sheet


Number of people


Kind of transport

Amount for the whole group


Team leader


Group commander

Group caretaker


Safety on a camping trip

Knowledge of regulatory documents and instructions is one of the most important conditions for conducting a safe tourist trip. Today we are introduced to them by the director of the Federal Center for Youth Tourism and Local History, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Honored Traveler of Russia Yuri KONSTANTINOV.

The main task when holding tourist events (as, indeed, any other event involving children) is ensuring their safety. The activity of specialized institutions of additional education for children is aimed at this - stations for young tourists (SUTour), centers for youth tourism (TsDYuTour), departments of tourism and local history of houses and palaces of children's creativity. Their task is to provide comprehensive assistance to educational institutions, teachers in the organization of tourism and local history activities with students.

The state system of children's and youth tourism has existed for 90 years. All these years, the forms and methods of working with children have been improved, its content has been determined, as well as ways to improve the safety of activities with children. This work was carried out in parallel with the development of adult sports and recreational, amateur tourism, since the safety of hiking is an equally important task for both children and youth tourism and for adults. At the same time, the basis for ensuring safety is, first of all, considered to be teaching newcomers - both children and adults - the basics of tourism as the first factor in ensuring safety.

The second area of ​​activity is assisting teachers in preparing the trip and monitoring its implementation. These issues are dealt with by route and qualification commissions (public organizations) and search and rescue services (SRS) of the system of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief. PSS have largely lost the functions of bodies monitoring the passage of routes by groups and their compliance with deadlines for reporting their passage, and most often respond to requests only when receiving reports of accidents.

Preparation and conduct of trips must be carried out in strict accordance with the Instructions for organizing and conducting tourist trips, expeditions and excursions (travels) with pupils, pupils and students of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated July 13, 1992 No. 293 ( Appendix No. 1). The instructions should not be perceived as a purely formal document. This is not its first edition: the instruction was constantly improved by experienced tourist teachers in order to assist group leaders, streamline the conduct of hikes, and increase safety.

This document clearly defines the rights and obligations of the institution conducting the trip, the leader and members of the group, the procedure for preparing, registering and conducting the trip. The instruction gives a complete picture of the actions of the group leader from the beginning of the preparation of the campaign to its completion and summing up. Its observance is mandatory for all groups of students, regardless of which institution (organization) is the organizer of the event. For violation of the instructions, the head of the group and his deputy bear disciplinary responsibility, unless these violations entail other liability provided for by law.

For any tourism event it is necessary to prepare documents. First of all, the administration of the institution organizing the trip issues an order in which it appoints the head and his deputy. In addition, the said order determines the numerical composition of the group, the timing of the trip, and its route. The same order places responsibility on the head and his deputy for the life and health of children and the safety of the event, for the implementation of its plan, the content of recreational, educational and educational work, compliance with fire safety rules, nature protection, historical and cultural monuments. When conducting a weekend hike or excursion, the group leader is given a route sheet of the established form, certified by the leader’s signature and the seal of the institution.

When entering a category route, as well as hikes of I-III degrees of difficulty in the off-season, the group leader submits application documents to the route qualification commission (RQC), authorized to consider the route of this difficulty category. The IWC is an expert public body that is created to provide qualified assistance to the leaders of tourist groups in preparing trips. ICC members are experienced hikers who know hiking areas well. They check the leader’s knowledge of the hiking area, the route and its dangerous sections, methods of overcoming them, emergency exit options in case of unforeseen circumstances, and evaluate the compliance of the declared equipment with the degree of difficulty of the route. If necessary, ICC members give advice to managers on route planning, actions on any difficult sections, logistics of the group, etc.

Based on the results of the interview with the group leader, the ICC members either give a positive opinion and recommendations aimed at more thorough preparation of the event, or speak out against going on the declared route. The group may be assigned a readiness review in order to ensure on the ground that all participants are sufficiently prepared to complete this route. At the same time, tourists are invited to complete tasks similar to those they will have to complete on the route (often without the participation of the group leader).

The second effective way to check the readiness of the group to enter the route is its participation in tourist rallies and competitions. All this is organized with one goal - to maximize the safety of the trip: after all, no one will advise the leader on the route.

In case of a positive conclusion of the ICC, the group is registered and receives a route book, in which all information about the group and its route is entered.

In the case of financing a trip by an institution, the head is obliged to follow the requirements of the Instruction on the procedure for accounting for funds and reporting on tourist multi-day trips, excursions, expeditions and tourist camps of students, approved by the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated June 10, 1997 No. 21-54-33 IN ( Appendix No. 2).

When developing a camping menu, one should be guided by the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 11, 1993 No. 9 / 32-F ( Appendix No. 3).

The development of tourism in the education system is also facilitated by the presence of a Model list of equipment and equipment for a field tourist camp and a Model list of tourist equipment of an educational institution, ( Applications No. 4 And 5 ).

It should be noted that all the above normative documents have been developed by practitioners and have shown their necessity. They operate at the present time, contributing to the development of tourism and local history activities of students.

Director of the Federal Center
children's and youth tourism and local history,



Instructions for organizing and conducting tourist trips, expeditions and excursions (travels) with students, pupils and students of the Russian Federation

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Instruction defines the procedure for conducting tourist trips, expeditions and excursions (travels) with students of general education schools and vocational schools, pupils of orphanages and boarding schools, students of pedagogical schools of the Russian Federation.

1.2. Hiking trips, expeditions, excursions (travels) are an important form of humanistic, patriotic, international education, expansion of knowledge, health improvement and physical development of children and youth.

While traveling, young tourists study their native land, the country - the Russian Federation; work to protect nature, historical and cultural monuments; carry out tasks of educational institutions, scientific and other institutions and organizations.

2. Responsibilities of the institution conducting a tourist trip, expedition, excursion (travel)

2.1. The administration of the institution conducting the trip is obliged to assist group leaders in organizing and conducting the trip and issue relevant documents certified by the seal of the institution conducting the trip.

Financing of tourist trips, expeditions, excursions (travels) is carried out in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and other organizations conducting these activities in accordance with approved plans.

2.2. The administration of the institution conducting the trip, as well as members of the route qualification commissions (ICC), who gave a positive conclusion about the possibility of the group completing the declared trip, are not responsible for incidents that were the result of incorrect actions of the leaders and participants of the trip.

2.3. To conduct multi-day hikes, long-distance excursions with an overnight stay in a populated area, a mandatory condition must be the written consent of the institution, organization hosting the group, or a voucher from the excursion organization.

2.4. Participants of tourist trips with completed itinerary documents enjoy the right to accommodation and service in tourist hotels, bases and campsites, subject to availability. Having permission from the relevant organizations, they enjoy the right to visit nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and other areas with limited access.

2.5. If a group on the route violates the notification deadlines, the administration of the institution conducting the trip is obliged to immediately contact the territorial educational authorities, the control and rescue service (CSS) or detachment (CSR), tourist organizations to find out the whereabouts of the group and provide it with the necessary assistance.

3. Requirements for the leader, deputy (assistant) leader and participants of a tourist trip, expedition and excursion (travel)

3.1. Groups for hiking, expeditions, excursions (travels) are formed from pupils, pupils and students (hereinafter referred to as students), united on a voluntary basis by common interests based on joint study, classes in clubs and sections, work activity, place of residence, having the necessary experience and those who carried out the preparation of the planned trip, expedition, excursion (trip).

3.2. Basic requirements for participants, leader, deputy (assistant) leader of non-category hikes, expeditions, multi-day long-distance (beyond one’s city, region) excursions:

3.2.1. The leader, deputy leader and participants of expeditions with an active mode of transportation are subject to the same requirements as the leader, deputy leader and participants of tourist trips in accordance with the degree (category) of difficulty of the active sections of the route.

3.2.2. At the discretion of the administration of the institution conducting the trip, with the consent of the leader of the group (squad), based on the quantitative composition of the group (squad), ensuring the safety of the participants, instead of the deputy leader, an assistant leader may be appointed from among students who have experience in participating in similar trips and excursions ( travel).

3.3. Basic requirements for participants, leader and deputy leader of tourist and sports trips:

3.3.1. To participate in hiking trips, 1st class. Persons at least 12 years old are admitted, II Class. - 14 years old, III class. - 15 years.

For students who have received theoretical and practical training for at least one year of study in tourism and local history circles, sections, clubs, the age limit for participation in degree and I-III classes. If you have medical clearance, travel in your native land may be reduced by one year.

3.3.2. During the campaigns of the III-IV class. one third of the group members can be tourists with experience in participation in hikes of 2 categories lower, in hikes of I and II grades. - with experience of participating in non-category hikes.

3.3.3. On hiking trips, one third of the group members can be tourists with experience in mountain and ski trips one category of difficulty below the planned trip.

3.3.4. On ski trips, one third of the group members can be tourists with experience in hiking and mountain hiking that is at least one category lower and higher than the difficulty category of the planned trip.

3.3.5. On mountain hikes, one third of the group members can be tourists with experience in hiking and skiing hikes of at least the same difficulty category as the planned hike.

Table 1


1. The quantitative composition of the excursion group can be determined by the tourist and excursion organization conducting planned excursion routes and the number of seats on the bus.

2. The age of participants in an excursion outside their locality is determined by the administration of the institution conducting the trip, based on pedagogical expediency.

table 2



Required experience in participation and leadership in trips for this type of tourism (c.s.)

Minimum age

Quantitative composition of the group


deputy head





head, deputy



Participants in hikes that involve crossing classified passes must have experience in passing (leader - experience in leading the passage) of two passes one half-category lower than the maximum for this hike. The leader, in addition, must have experience in passing two passes of the same semi-category of difficulty.

One third of the group members on hikes that involve passing through passes may be tourists without experience in passing passes.

Participants in hikes that involve the first ascent of classified passes must have experience in passing (leader - experience in guiding the passage) passes of the same category of difficulty.

Participants and leaders of hikes that include other sections of the first ascent must have experience participating in hikes of a category of difficulty equivalent to that expected on these sections of the route. One third of the participants in such hikes may have experience of hikes one category lower in difficulty.

One third of the group members on mountain hikes I-III class. can be climbers with III sports category, in trips of IV class. - climbers with II sports category, as well as experience in expeditionary mountaineering events or experience in participating in a non-category tourist trip.

3.4. Leaders of water trips must have experience participating in and leading water trips on the same types of vessels.

3.5. Participants of water trips I-III class. must have relevant experience of sailing on any type of vessel, and starting from IV class. - on the same type of vessels or kayaks.

3.6. Participants and leaders of a combined trek, including sections of the route for various types of tourism, must have relevant experience in passing such sections.

3.7. Participants and leaders of non-category hikes, including elements of hikes II-IV class, as well as non-category hikes, including elements of hikes of higher categories of complexity, must meet the requirements for participants and leaders of hikes of the same categories of complexity, the elements of which are included in this hike.

3.8. Participants and leaders of hikes carried out in the off-season must have relevant experience in participating (leading) in hikes made in the off-season, or in hikes of the same category of difficulty, made under normal conditions.

3.9. To participate in horizontal, non-watered caves on speleological trips of the 1st class. Persons over 14 years old are allowed; in vertical caves - from 15 years; in horizontal caves II class. - from 15 years old; in vertical caves II class. - from 16 years old; in horizontal caves III class. - from 16 years old.

Walking with students into caves that require the use of autonomous breathing equipment is prohibited.

Temporary division of a tourist group making a caving trip of any complexity into subgroups is allowed only when working in one cave; in this case, each subgroup must have a leader, a life support kit designed for an unforeseen situation in the cave for at least two days.

When passing through vertical caves II class. and horizontal caves III class. the group must have at least one leader for every four participants.

Participants in caving trips must have experience in passing (leader - experience in leading the passage) of caves one category lower than the maximum for this trip. The leader, in addition, must have experience in passing caves of the same category of difficulty.

One third of the group members on caving trips involving passage of III class caves can be tourists with experience in passing I class caves, and II class caves. - no experience in passing caves.

4. Responsibilities and rights of the leader and deputy leader of a trip, expedition, excursion (travel)

4.1. The leader and deputy leader of a trip, expedition, excursion (trip) are appointed by the administration of the institution conducting the trip.

The head and deputy head can be persons who meet the requirements of these Instructions and who, with their consent, are entrusted by the administration of the institution conducting the trip to lead a group (detachment) of students.

If three or more tourist groups with a number of participants of at least 30 students participate in a tourist trip (for a hike II-IV class - at least 20) and their routes and schedules basically coincide, then the general management of these groups can be entrusted to a specially appointed senior manager. In this case, all managers can be credited with leadership.

4.2. The leader and his deputy, as well as the senior leader, are responsible for the life, health of children and the safety of the hike, expedition, excursion (travel), for the implementation of the action plan, the content of recreational, educational and educational work, fire safety rules, nature conservation, historical monuments and culture.

4.3. For violation of these Instructions, the group leader and his deputy, as well as the senior leader, bear disciplinary liability, unless these violations entail other liability provided for by current legislation.

4.4. Before the start of a hike, expedition, excursion (trip), the leader is obliged to:

Ensure that the group is staffed taking into account the interests, tourist qualifications, physical and technical preparedness of students;
- organize comprehensive training for participants in a hike, expedition, excursion (trip), check the availability of the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure safety, swimming ability, and provide pre-medical care;
- organize the preparation and selection of necessary equipment and food products, identify the possibility of replenishing food supplies along the route; draw up a cost estimate; prepare route documents (route book or route sheet, certificate) and an order for a hike, expedition, excursion (trip);

together with the participants:

Get acquainted with the area of ​​the hike, expedition, excursion (travel), according to the reports of other groups, get advice at the station (center) of young tourists, at the route-qualification commission, from experienced tourists and local historians;
- prepare cartographic material, develop a route and schedule for a hike, expedition, excursion (trip), a plan for local history socially useful work and other events carried out along the route; set milestones and deadlines;
- become familiar with the weather conditions in the area of ​​the upcoming hike, expedition, excursion (trip); study difficult sections of the route and outline ways to overcome them;

on a hike, expedition, excursion (travel):

Strictly follow the approved route;
- take the necessary measures aimed at ensuring the safety of participants, up to changing the route or terminating a hike, expedition, excursion (travel) in connection with the occurrence of dangerous natural phenomena and other circumstances, as well as if it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim;
- take urgent measures to deliver injured or sick participants to the nearest medical facility;
- report the accident to the nearest: search and rescue service (SRS) or search and rescue squad (SRT), the institution conducting the trip, and the route qualification commission (RQC), which sent the group on the route, local educational authorities;
- in case of temporary division of a group in an emergency situation for the purpose of reconnaissance, delivery of food, equipment, carrying out local history tasks, etc., but no more than 8 hours, in each subgroup (in water voyages - on each vessel) deputies (assistants) from the most prepared participants. The subgroup must consist of at least four people, including one adult;
- organize, if necessary, prompt assistance to another tourist group located in the area;
- inform hydrometeorological stations encountered along the route, local authorities about avalanches, mudflows, glacier movements and other dangerous natural phenomena observed along the group’s route;
- make notes in the route book about the route.

4.5. When organizing tourist and sports trips:

Submit to the route qualification commission (RQC), which has the authority to review a hike of this category of difficulty, no later than 30 days before the start of the hike, application documents for the hike (route book and its copy, certificates of experience of participants, leader and deputy leader, cartographic material, medical certificates) and other documents necessary for consideration of the declared trip.

Application documents of groups of trekking participants are considered by route and qualification commissions under educational authorities, and if they do not have the appropriate powers, by the ICC of tourism federations (tourist clubs).

If the ICC has a positive conclusion about the possibility of the group completing the declared trip, the leader is given a registered route book. If necessary, special instructions and recommendations to the group are recorded in the route book, and the appropriate search and rescue service (SRS) or detachment (PSO) is determined for registration before setting out on the route.

4.6. No later than 10 days before departure to the starting point of the hike, inform the PSS or PSO in the prescribed form the route of the hike, checkpoints and the timing of their passage, the composition of the group. If the active part of the trip begins at the deployment point of the PSS or PSO, personal appearance at them is required.

If it is necessary to change the route, the composition of the group and the entries in the route book before leaving for the hike, coordinate these changes with the ICC, which gave a positive conclusion on the hike, and also inform the PSS or PSO that registered the group about this.

If it is necessary to change the timing of the trip, the composition of the group after leaving for the trip, inform about this by telegram to the MCC, which gave a positive conclusion on the trip, to the PSS or PSO that registered the group, and to the institution conducting the trip.

Notify by telegram to the MCC, which gave a positive conclusion on the hike, the PSS or PSO that registered the group, and the agency conducting the trip, about the group’s passage of checkpoints and the end of the hike.

Submit a report to the ICC, and after reviewing the report and scoring the trip, issue certificates to the group members about the completed trip.

5. Responsibilities and rights of participants in a hike, expedition, excursion (travel)

5.1. The participant is obliged:

Actively participate in the preparation, conduct of a tourist trip, expedition, excursion (travel) and preparation of a report;
- strictly observe discipline, as well as carry out the assignments assigned to him by the group meeting;
- carry out the instructions of the manager and his deputy (assistant) in a timely and efficient manner;
- during the period of preparation for category hikes, undergo a medical examination at a medical dispensary or other medical institutions, or with a doctor at an educational institution;
- know and strictly follow fire safety rules, safety rules when hiking, including on water, handling explosive objects, methods of preventing injuries and providing first aid;
- treat nature, historical and cultural monuments with care;
- promptly inform the leader of a trip, expedition, excursion (trip) or his deputy (assistant) about deterioration in health or injury.

5.2. A participant in a hike, expedition, excursion (travel) has the right:

Use tourist equipment and sports facilities of the institution conducting the trip; - participate in the selection and development of the route; - after the end of the tourist trip, expedition, excursion (trip), discuss at a group meeting the actions of any of the participants, contact the institution conducting the trip and tourist organizations.

6. Responsibility of the leader, deputy director and participants in tourist and sports trips

6.1. For violations of these Instructions that do not entail liability established by current legislation, the agency conducting the trip may submit materials to tourist organizations for the following measures to be taken:

Leadership and participation in a completed hike shall not be counted towards fulfilling the standards of sports categories;
- cancel the credit of all or a certain number of previously completed trips;
- partially or completely disqualify - deprive of sports categories and titles;
- prohibit participation or leading hikes of a certain category (degree) of difficulty for a specified period;
- withdraw from public tourism bodies.


Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
Letter dated April 15, 1997 No. 3-E2-8

on the procedure for accounting for funds and reporting on multi-day tourist trips, excursions, expeditions and tourist camps for students

1. When organizing multi-day tourist events, the group leader draws up an estimate, which is approved by the head of the institution. This estimate reflects expense items, determines the share of funding by the institution and parental funds. The number of participants in the event is also indicated.

2. If necessary, parental funds can be collected by the group leader using a statement with a receipt from parents (students) for payment of the fee. In this case, the parental funds are handed over on time by the group leader to the cash desk of the institution or centralized accounting department with their subsequent delivery to the bank.

3. At the request of the group leader, part of the funds is transferred to the organization to pay expenses associated with holding a multi-day tourist event, and the remaining amount is given to the group leader for reporting for the preparation and conduct of the event.

4. The amount issued for reporting to the group leader is not included in his total income.

5. At the end of a multi-day tourist event, the group leader promptly submits to the institution’s accounting department an advance report on the expenditure of the amount received for the report within three days. The balance of unspent funds must be returned to the cash desk at the place where the advance was received.

6. The supporting document for the purchase for cash and non-cash payments and consumption of food products during a multi-day tourist event is a statement of purchased and consumed products ( Annex 1).

7. For intra-route transfers in the absence of travel documents, a route sheet is drawn up ( Appendix 2).

If travel documents are available, they are pasted onto sheets of paper for reporting.

8. For cultural and business expenses incurred, the group leader reports to the accounting department with invoices, receipts or tickets. If it is not possible to obtain them, then a statement is drawn up in the form ( Appendix 3).

9. Attached to the advance report for a multi-day tourist event are travel certificates of the head and his deputy and a route sheet with check marks along the way.

Annex 1

Statement of purchased and consumed food products

TOTAL: _________________________________

Signatures: Team leader

Group commander

Group caretaker

Appendix 2

Route sheet


Signatures: Team leader

Group commander

Group caretaker

Appendix 3

Statement of purchases and services rendered


Signatures: Team leader

Group commander

Group caretaker


About the norms of expenses for food in tourist activities

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation explains that when carrying out tourist events (hiking, traveling, rallies, competitions, etc.), one should be guided by the “Approximate list of food products recommended when compiling the daily diet of a young tourist on hiking and traveling” (attached). In case of unavailability of some products, it is allowed to replace them with products of other names, increasing their quantity accordingly.

Monetary norms for food expenses in tourist events are established by the heads of institutions and organizations conducting these events, based on natural norms, at actual prices prevailing in the region where they are held, within the limits of available funds.

Deputy Minister S.A. BADMAEV

An approximate list of food products recommended when compiling the daily diet of a young tourist on hikes and trips

(Appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 1993 No. 9/32-F)

No. p / p

Product Name

Weight in grams

Bread black and white

Rusks, cookies, crispbreads, flour

Soup concentrates in bags

Butter, ghee, vegetable

Stewed meat, minced meat, pate, liver pate

Sublimated meat

Candies, chocolate, halva, honey

Raw smoked sausage, brisket, loin

Lard, ham, canned sausages

Fish products,

Fresh vegetables

Dry vegetables, freeze-dried

Powdered milk, powdered cream

Condensed milk

Egg powder

Cheese, processed cheese, feta cheese, freeze-dried cottage cheese

Fresh fruits

Various dried fruits, concentrated jelly

Nuts, dry berry juice

Cocoa powder

Spices: pepper, mustard, bay leaf

Tomato (paste, sauce), onion, garlic, citric acid, starch, gelatin

Vitamins, glucose


Standard list of gear and equipment for a field tourist camp (based on 50 people)

(Appendix 3 to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 1995 No. 223)

No. p / p


Tent with awning

depending on their capacity

Utility tent

Set of tourist furniture

Thermal insulation mat

Sleeping bag

Utility awning

Main rope (40 m)

Auxiliary rope (40 m)

Tourist buckets (set)

Primus tourist "Bumblebee"

Liquid compass

Storm suit

Portable radios


Repair kit

Portable gas stove

Portable gas cylinder


Electric lantern

Metal measuring tape

Canister (10 l)

Large ax

Soccer ball



Table tennis

Sports, physical, administrative cards

Tourist atlases, diagrams

For camps by type of tourism (water, mountain, cycling, etc.), the corresponding equipment is added to this list: watercraft, climbing equipment, etc.


Standard list of tourist equipment for an educational institution

(Appendix 4 to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 1995 No. 223)

No. p / p

Name of equipment and supplies


Sleeping bag

Double tent

Tourist buckets (set)

Large ax

Liquid compass

Campfire equipment

sapper shovel

Primus tourist "Bumblebee"

Storm suit

Cards sports, physical,

Administrative, tourist atlases, diagrams

Thermal insulation mat

Joining the hike is easy. Mainyour wish!

If you haven't been hiking before: to participate in most programs, no special training or experience is required, so you shouldn’t worry that you won’t be able to do it, the main thing is desire, everything else will follow. Instructors have the necessary experience in organizing a tourist trip and will share it with the participants during the trip.

All the instructors you can see on our website are professional travelers who, on their own initiative, constantly go hiking and go on a variety of trips. So great to be able to join them!

If you've never pitched a tent or cooked food over a fire, now's the time to try it, it's all a lot of fun! :) Even the seemingly difficult climb to the top of Elbrus is actually not so difficult. If you think that such a pleasure is still not for you, just choose one of the active programs available on our website with accommodation and meals at a camp site or in a hotel.

And of course, no matter what trip you choose, you will definitely make new interesting acquaintances while hiking!

Organization of tourist trips

Organizing and conducting tourist trips is the specialty of professional travelers (instructors), whom you can find on our website. We invite everyone to participate in hikes in winter and summer! All you need is:

1. Decide where you want to go(at least preliminary) and Send an application - click on the orange button in the table with the dates of the trip. The coordinator will contact you after submitting your application, and you can ask him all your questions. Thus, we We will fully orient you and give you the necessary information. From now on, you are a potential participant in the hike you have chosen.

Each route has a coordinator, his name and contacts are indicated on the route page. Before submitting your application, you can call or write to the coordinator (if you don’t know who your coordinator is for the route you are interested in, call the toll-free number from anywhere in Russia 8-800-200-70-23) and ask all your questions. We will be happy to help you choose a hike or active tour!

2. Get information by email or in person and conclude an agreement. If you live in St. Petersburg or Moscow, you can come to our office (addresses below on this page). For participants from other cities, we will answer all questions by correspondence or by phone.

3. Make an advance payment(25% of the cost of the trip) to reserve a place in the group. Prepayment is possible in cash at the office or by bank transfer to the bank account of our organization. The coordinator will send the details.

4. Buy tickets(usually not required for weekend trips). The cost of tickets is not included in the cost of the trip. We will provide you with information for purchasing a ticket yourself: the time by which you must arrive at the group meeting point, the date. The time after which you can leave the end point of the route, date. We will inform you about the numbers of convenient flights or trains, and the numbers of cars in which other participants are already traveling. You can meet on the road! And after the end of the hike, you can stay at a resort or in an interesting city and extend your vacation for any period of time; the instructor will help you find inexpensive housing! It is not necessary to leave on the day the route ends.

5. Pack your backpack and go hiking! Or pack your suitcase if you are going on a tour without backpacks :) The cost of hikes indicated on the website includes all expenses on the route (food, vehicles, excursions, general group equipment, including tents, etc.). For rafting we provide catamarans or kayaks, life jackets, and waterproof bags. If you don’t have personal equipment (backpack, sleeping bag, foam mat, seat foam, trekking poles, crampons, ice axe), you can also rent this from us.

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