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Azov-Sivash National Park. Places, news, travel Azovo Sivash National Natural Park contacts

The Azov-Sivash National Natural Park is located on a spit called Biryuchiy Island. This is the oldest environmental protection complex, founded back in 1927 in the western part of the Azov Sea.

The protected area also includes a kilometer-wide water area around the island. On the deserted island you can meet a significant number of a wide variety of animals and birds. The total area of ​​the park is about 57,400 hectares. The length of the park from south to north is 33 kilometers, from east to west - almost 100 km.

was founded in February 1993 on the basis of the hunting reserve of the same name with the aim of preserving the rich ecological system of flora and fauna of the northern Azov region.

The pristine natural conditions of the island amaze with its beauty and diversity. But, nevertheless, the island also has elements of tourist infrastructure. They have been preserved from the times when the island was a nomenklatura hunting reserve.

The waters of the bay surrounding the island are extremely salty. The average depth of the shallow lagoon does not exceed 1 m. The water level in the bay fluctuates depending on the season. Periodically, areas of the bottom are exposed, forming salt marshes.

Sivash is included in the list of the world's five extremely saline reservoirs. Similar well-known ones are the Dead Sea and the Kara-Bogaz Bay in the Caspian Sea. The more desalinated waters of the bay are spawning or feeding grounds for many valuable species of commercial fish - flounder, pike perch, turbot, ram, etc.

The sparse flora, however, is represented by valuable plant species, twelve of which are included in the Red Book of Ukraine. Some species of flora are found only in the Sivash region.

The natural park has long been a favorite nesting site for hundreds of bird species. They are attracted by the mild climate, abundance of food, and pristine nature. A large flight route passes over these places both in the latitudinal direction and from north to south.

Here nature has created ideal places for waterfowl species. There are thirty species found in the Azovo-Sivash park, of which they are in the Red Book of Ukraine. Two species - the eagle and the little bustard - are included in the Red Book of Europe. The total diversity of fauna in this natural park exceeds 5,000 species.

The opportunity for hunting also attracts people to the island. Thus, seasonal hunting is allowed for some species of waterfowl. An appropriate license is required for this. You can also obtain permission to shoot a limited number of deer and mouflons living on the island, and underwater hunting is also allowed.

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The Sea of ​​Azov is hidden in its surroundings with many cozy corners with untouched nature and unique, picturesque landscapes. One of these magical places is... These lands and water areas received protected status at the end of the 19th century and have been carefully protected since that time. Azov-Sivash National Natural Park created on February 25, 1993 by transformation Azov-Sivash Nature Reserve into a national natural park. He spread his possessions over Biryuchiy Island spit in the Northern Azov region, within Novotroitsky and Genichesk districts of Kherson region and nearby waters of the Sea of ​​Azov.

From west to east it stretches for 94 km, and from north to south – for 33 km, and its total area covers over 57,000 hectares of the Kherson region. The dry land areas assigned to the park have a total area of ​​8,469 hectares, including 7,528 hectares

in the Genichesk region (Biryuchiy Island and part of Kuyuk-Tuk Island) and 941 hectares in Novotroitsky (part of Churyuk Island with nearby small islands). The protected area is 38,970 hectares, and the economic zone is 12,473 hectares.

The park is within Prisivashsko-Priazovskaya lowland area Black Sea-Azov region dry wall province and Prisivash-Crimean lowland region of the Crimean steppe province of the dry-steppe subzone of the steppe zone of Ukraine. History of the formation of the park The issue of granting protected status to these territories and water areas was raised already at the end of the 19th century, when their active

economic development. At the end of the 20s of the last century, extensive comprehensive research began here, and already in 1923, the island was annexed to the then unified reserve in the south of Ukraine “Askania-Nova”, together with the Black Sea islands. Churyuk, located in central Sivash. In July 1927, at the Askania-Nova nature reserve a reserve was created "Over the sea braids"(in January 1933 it became an independent reserve), which included, in addition to sections of the northern Black Sea region, sections of Sivash and the coast of the Azov Sea. Later (in July 1937) two state reserves were organized on its basis: Black Sea and Azov-Sivash. After 20 years, the Azovo Nature Reserve was reorganized into the Azovo-Sivash State Reserve and Hunting Estate as part of the island. Biryuchy and four more islands of Central Sivash: Kuyuk-Tuk and Churyuk, Martynyachiy and China. The water area of ​​the kilometer-long sea strip around the island was also granted protected status. Biryuchego and partly the waters around other islands. And in the end By Decree of the President of Ukraine dated February 25, 1993 was created on the basis of a hunting reserve Azov-Sivash National Natural Park in order to preserve nesting birds, flora and fauna, unique natural complexes of the Northern Azov region and for their rational use for scientific, environmental, economic and recreational purposes. Here you can see quaint sandy valleys, sea plains and salt marsh formations. The flora of the park can hardly be called rich; it is rather unique in its diversity of relict plants. In these feather grass and wheatgrass steppes there are 12 species of plants listed in the Red Book. On the territories of the protected islands of Kuyuk-Tuk and Churyuk you can find real rarities: Sivash resin, October Scythian, trinia bristly, purple miracle, Sivash scale insect etc. In addition, it is here that rare Pleistocene species grow, found on the territory of Ukraine exclusively in Prisivash region. The climate of the park is moderate continental with hot, long, dry summers and relatively short winters with unstable snow cover 5-10 cm thick. The average temperature in July is approximately +24°C, with a maximum of +40°C. The amount of precipitation is insignificant and has the lowest rate in Ukraine. Flora in such conditions is formed by relatively poor desert steppe and saline vegetation. The diversity of the park is represented mainly by feather grass and wheatgrass steppes and psammophyte vegetation. Behind the dominant classification there are 4 swamps, 10 coastal waters, 21 salt marshes, 42 archery associations. IN

Green Book of Ukraine 7 steppe associations were assigned. Grows in the park

308 species of vascular plants. 12 are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine species, of which bryophytes and lichens– one type each, and mushrooms – 3 types. On protected islands Central Sivash – Churyuk and Kuyuk-Tuka, which were least susceptible to anthropogenic influence, the real steppe phytocenoses.

Scythian october, violet wonder, dry steppe sage, and bristly trinia grow here. Endemic and narrowly endemic species such as Kermek are widespread Churyuksky, Sivash scale worm, Sivash smolevka, Biryuchansky yarrow, as well as Pleistocene relict species, which are found on the territory of Ukraine only in the Sivash region: Ofystron unistamen, tetradiclis tender; on watershed areas - desert steppes with a significant amount of xerophytic subshrubs - wormwood - in the grass Crimean, curai modrinnogo, and

cereals – Becker's bonfire, Lavrenkov's wheatgrass, Lessing's feather grass and Ukrainian. On many spits there are Caspian-Kermek and plantain formations, and on the wet salt marshes of the littoral strip there is a fairly widespread desert- halophytic vegetation: herbaceous solonetz, prostrate sodnik, petrosimonia tristamen, semi-shrub kermek, knobby sarsazan, lutiga tatarica and others.

Coastal areas Azov and Black Seas, especially Sivash with its numerous islands and peninsulas, rich feeding grounds, a favorable, mild climate and well-protected areas - all this attracts many birds to the Azov-Sivash Park, making it a popular nesting place. A large flight route passes here. In one-
The wetlands of the park have become a habitat for many waterfowl - from rofs, cranes and golden eagles to the greater spotted eagle and falcon and steppe kestrels. Some of them (for example, little bustard and white-tailed eagle) are listed in European Red List. Over 5,000 species of various animals live in the park. Some of them are "natives" - fox, brown hare, raccoon dog, and some were acclimatized in the park - fallow deer and red deer, wild ass and mouflon, among birds - common pheasant.

Fishes of industrial importance are flounder glossa and kalkan, leopard gobies, bobtail and Knipovich, Russian sturgeon and stellate sturgeon, and also recently

acclimatized Far Eastern species of mullet - pilengas. Insects find various ecological niches in the park. For sandy soils, First of all, they are characterized by jumpers, quails, earwigs, bembidions and rove beetles. Hymenoptera dig their nests here ( pompylids, sphaecids, bees). Larvae develop in water dragonflies and dipterans. There is great diversity diving beetles, water lovers, whirling bugs, water strider bugs. Slipworms there are many in shallow waters oligochaetes and polychaetes. There are different types ciliates, sponges, crustaceans, mollusks and representatives of other groups.

Hunting (regular and underwater) is permitted here under a license.
The number of rare species of birds and animals is carefully maintained and regulated. Currently, in the Azov region, work is underway to expand the territory of the existing park, primarily due to the water areas of the wetland

international importance Central Sivash, and the creation of a new national park in the Crimean part of Sivash (“Eastern Sivash”). This will significantly contribute to the preservation of natural complexes, the restoration of desert-steppe and shallow-water ecosystems, and will be the beginning of a new page in the life of these extremely attractive territories and water areas of the south.

Park administration opening hours: daily from 08.00 to 17.00
from 12.00 to 13.00 – lunch
Saturday, Sunday - days off.

Cost of land excursion
: for an adult – 35 UAH.
for children under 14 years old – 15 UAH.
Cost of a sea excursion on a boat: for an adult – 60 UAH.
for children under 14 years old – 30 UAH.

Inspection of the natural park is only possible accompanied by a guide!

Address of Azovo-Sivash National Natural Park:
Ukraine, Kherson region, Genichesk, st. Petrovsky, 54

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Located in the Northern Azov region, within the Novotroitsky and Genichesk districts of the Kherson region and the nearby waters of the Azov Sea. From west to east it stretches for 94 km, and from north to south - 33 km. The total area of ​​the park is 57.4 thousand hectares, of which almost 49 thousand hectares are under the waters of the central Sivasha and a 1-kilometer strip of sea around the island. Biryuchiy. The dry land areas assigned to the park have a total area of ​​8469 hectares, including 7528 hectares in the Genichesk region (Biryuchiy Island and part of Kuyuk-Tuk Island) and 941 hectares in Novotroitsky (part of Churyuk Island with nearby small islands).

Entire territory reserve belongs to the park without other nature users. Protected area is 38,970 hectares, and economic - 12,473 hectares. The park is located within the Prisivash-Priazov lowland region of the Black Sea-Priazov dry-wall province and the Prisivash-Crimean lowland region of the Crimean steppe province of the dry-steppe subzone of the steppe zone of Ukraine.

The issue of granting status reserved These territories and water areas were already rising at the end of the 19th century, when their active economic development began. At the end of the 20s of the last century, extensive comprehensive research began here, and already in 1923, to a single reserve in the south of Ukraine "Askania-Nova" along with the Black Sea islands is annexed. Churyuk, located on the central Sivash. In July 1927, the Nadmorskie Kosy reserve was created at the Askania-Nova reserve (in January 1933 it became independent reserve), which included, in addition to areas of the northern Black Sea region, areas Sivasha and the coast of the Azov Sea.

Later (in July 1937) two state organizations were organized on its basis. reserve: Black Sea and Azov-Sivashsky. In 20 years Azov-Sivash Nature Reserve was reorganized into Azov-Sivashskoe state reserve and hunting area as part of the island. Biryuchy and four other islands of the Central Sivasha: Kuyuk-Tuk and Churyuk, Martynyachiy and China. Status has been granted reserved also the waters of the 1-kilometer sea strip around the island. Biryuchego and partly the waters around other islands. And, in the end, by Decree of the President of Ukraine dated February 25, 1993, a hunting reserve was created on the basis of the Azov-Sivash National Natural Park in order to preserve nesting birds, flora and fauna, unique natural complexes of the Northern Azov region and for their rational use for scientific, environmental, economic and recreational purposes.

The Sivash-Priazov region is characterized by certain types of landscapes, which within the park do not have a continuous distribution and, in addition, are of different types. Biryuchiy Island, together with the Fedotov Spit, belongs to the type of coastal landscapes and is characterized by modern coastal sandy-shell estuary-sea plains with underdeveloped turf-beam saline soils and salt marshes. A special place in the landscape structure of the island is occupied by the landscapes of sea and internal bays.

Central Sivash is a sea bay of brass type. Within its boundaries there are so-called “droughts” - areas of periodic and constant flooding, which in an anhydrous state look like hard-loamy sor solonchaks. Its islands are represented by poorly drained forest-like plains with chestnut medium- and strongly saline soils in combination with solonetzes and archery solonchaks.

The climate of the park is moderate continental with hot, long, dry summers and relatively short winters with unstable snow cover 5-10 cm thick. The average temperature in July is approximately +24°C, with a maximum of +40°C. The amount of precipitation is insignificant and has the lowest rate in Ukraine - about 260 mm per year. The region is characterized by prolonged droughts with hot winds.

In such climatic and soil conditions, relatively poor desert steppe and saline vegetation is formed. The valuable diversity of the park is represented mainly by feather grass and wheatgrass steppes and psammophyte vegetation. The dominant classification includes four marsh, 10 coastal-aquatic, 21 salt marsh, and 42 arch associations. Seven steppe associations are included in the Green Book of Ukraine. There are 308 species of vascular plants growing in the park. There are 12 species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, of which there is one species each of bryophytes and lichens, and three species of mushrooms.

On reserved Central Islands Sivasha- Churyuk and Kuyuk-Tuk, which were least susceptible to anthropogenic influence, preserved true steppe phytocenoses. Scythian october, violet wonder, dry steppe sage, and bristly trinia grow here. Such endemic and narrowly endemic species are widespread as Kermek Churyuksky, Sivash scale insect, Sivash smolyonovka, Biryuchansky yarrow, as well as Pleistocene relict species that are found on the territory of Ukraine only in the Sivash region: Ophaistron unistamen, Tetradyclis tender; in the watershed areas there are desert steppes with a significant amount of xerophytic subshrubs in the grass - Crimean wormwood, curai modrin, as well as cereals - Becker's brome, Lavrenkov's wheatgrass, Lessing's feather grass and Ukrainian. On many spits, there are Caspian-Kermek and plantain formations, and on the wet salt marshes of the littoral strip there is quite widespread desert-halophytic vegetation: herbaceous solonetz, prostrate sodweed, Petrosimonia tristamen, semi-shrub Kermek, knobby sarsazan, Lutiga tatarian and others.

Coastal areas of the Azov and Black Seas, especially Sivashey with its many islands and peninsulas, it is home to many birds, attracted by the mild climate, rich feeding grounds and well-protected nesting sites from generation to generation. Numerous birds stop here to rest and feed. It is no coincidence that they say that a large migratory route passes here.

Back in 1976, the territory Sivashey(bay Sivash) with a total area of ​​45,700 hectares, together with three others, was declared a wetland of international importance, i.e. became the subject of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as habitat for waterfowl (Ramsar, 1971). In 1995, by a decree of the Government of Ukraine, 22 wetlands of international importance were identified, including the “Central Sivash"with an area of ​​80,000 hectares (this list also includes "Eastern Sivash"with an area of ​​165,000 hectares).

The characteristics of sites that meet the criteria of the Ramsar Convention are the following:

  • if more than 1 million birds are found in seasonal concentrations throughout the year (gulls, ducks, marsh ducks, waders, mute swan, galagaz, herons and others)
  • if the rarest endangered species are registered, which are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine: sea plover, stilt, oystercatcher, warbler, black-headed gull and white-tailed eagle.

Near the steppes of the Sivash region and on the island. Biryuchiy includes bustard, little bustard, steppe and gray crane, field and steppe harrier, golden eagle, great spotted eagle, falcon, peregrine falcon, steppe kestrel. In total, the park has 30 species of birds listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. The white-tailed eagle and little bustard are also European Red List species; there may be more than 1% of the individuals of the red-headed goose and mud-headed goose populations that winter here.

At the same time, the poor ornithological complex was at one time the main basis for the creation reserved-hunting farm. Steppe forbs about. Biryuchego contributed to the formation here of numerous populations of acclimatized red deer (in 1992, its maximum number was recorded on the island - 830 heads), fallow deer (in 1991 there were 1425 heads), mouflon (987 heads in 1992) and kulan (in 1994 there were 37 goals). Work on acclimatization began in 1928. Of the game birds that are acclimatized here, the common pheasant, the number of which periodically reaches several hundred. Also on about. Biryuchiy has created excellent conditions for the existence of native species of fauna, for example, the brown hare, fox, and raccoon dog. Their numbers, especially given the tense epidemiological situation in the region, constantly have to be regulated.

In general, within the park there are over 5 thousand species of animals, including 250 vertebrates. Of the amphibians, the green toad and the lake frog are often found; among the reptiles, the sand lizard, the multi-colored lizard, the common and aquatic lizard are numerous. Among the fish of industrial importance are the flounder glossa and kalkan, leopard gobies, bobtail and Knipovich, Russian sturgeon and stellate sturgeon, as well as the recently acclimatized Far Eastern species of mullet - pilengas.

Insects find various ecological niches in the park. Sandy soils are primarily characterized by jumpers, quails, earwigs, bembidions and rove beetles. Hymenoptera (pompylids, sphaecids, bees) dig their nests here. The larvae of dragonflies and dipterans develop in the water. There is a wide variety of swimming beetles, water lovers, whirligigs, and water strider bugs. There are many oligochaetes and polychaetes from annelids in shallow waters. There are different types of ciliates, sponges, crustaceans, mollusks and representatives of other groups.

In general, the fauna of the park includes: mammals - 17 species, birds - 197, reptiles - 8, amphibians - two species, fish - 26 species, mollusks - 6, arachnids - 3 species, crustaceans - 5 species, annelids - 1 species, hydroid polyps - 2 types.

The park also protects many species of animals listed in the Red Book of Ukraine: the large jerboa, the steppe ferret, the Azov dolphin and the four-striped and yellow-bellied snakes, the copperhead, the steppe viper, as well as two types of hydroid polyps, one each of annelids and crustaceans and 5 species insects, including praying mantises (empusa sandy and iris orthoptera), hymenoptera (road wasp Cryptocholus reddish and swarming wasp striped), as well as Leucomygus snow-white from hard-winged insects.

Recently, in the Azov region, work has been carried out to expand the territory of the existing park, primarily due to the water areas of the wetland of international importance Central Sivash, and the creation of a new national park in the Crimean part Sivashey("Oriental Sivash"). This will significantly contribute to the preservation of natural complexes, the restoration of desert-steppe and shallow-water ecosystems, and will be the beginning of a new page in the life of these extremely attractive territories and water areas of southern Ukraine.

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The Azov-Sivash National Natural Park, created on the basis of the island of Biryuchiy, is called the Ukrainian Bali. Here you can feel like a real Robinson Crusoe, having moved into wild, untouched nature.

Several reserve workers permanently reside on the island. They organized their own farm, raise animals and bake homemade bread. And under the island, at a depth of more than 100 meters, there is an underground fresh lake, from which several springs of mineral water flow.

History of the creation of the Azov-Sivash Nature Reserve

One of the attractions of the Kherson region, rich in beautiful natural areas, is. In 1993, the Azov-Sivash National Park was created here.

However, this island has been known since the time of the settlement of the Scythian tribes on it, which is now reminded by several mounds and stone statues. In addition, a similar island is depicted on ancient Scythian coins. Its active settlement began in the 19th century, and in Soviet times there were already two fishing villages here. Unfortunately, they were drowned by the sea.

In the early 1960s, on the initiative of Nikita Khrushchev, who was an avid hunter, a “reserve hunting” farm was created on nearby lands and a dacha was built for the Secretary General, next to which a presidential residence appeared already during the independence of Ukraine.

What to see

Today, the Azov-Sivash National Natural Park is an area untouched by human hands. It extends 94 kilometers in length and 33 in width and occupies 57.4 thousand hectares. Thanks to the mild climate and saline soil, steppe plant species predominate here, among which there are rare ones listed in the Red Book: sage, Sivash mealybug, yarrow. Large birds also fly: golden eagle, falcon, kestrel.

However, the most “populated” on the territory of the reserve is the Biryuchiy Island spit. For this reason it is called “Noah’s Ark”. Rare species of animals and birds living on the island have become extinct or are on the verge of extinction on the mainland. There are acclimatized red deer, fallow deer, kulans, and mouflons. Such a concentration of ungulates is rare even for the African savannah.

However, until recently it was impossible to see this beauty and breathe in the salty sea air: the Azov-Sivash National Park did not receive visitors. It was opened for excursions and recreation several years ago and three excursion routes were organized - two land routes and a boat trip. In addition, the crystal clear sea, fresh air, animals and birds, which are interesting to watch in natural conditions, attract many vacationers. Here you can stay in special houses.

The largest island, Biryuchiy (its area is 6,000 hectares), lies 12 km from Genichesk. Biryuchiy is connected to the land by the Fedotova Spit, which is 100 to 300 m wide and is often eroded. A part of the island 22 km long and up to 5 km wide is protected. On the sea side, sandy kuchugurs (dunes), mostly covered with turf, are characteristic here; on the Utlyuk estuary side, there are lakes, shallow bays, and long spits. The central estate is located in Sadki - a real green oasis. There is a vineyard, alleys of slender poplars, old silver oleaster trees, branched acacias, hawthorn bushes and thorn thickets. These places attract migratory birds. During the autumn migration of long-eared owls, the trees in Sadki are literally dotted with these big-eyed birds with protruding ears. Grosbeaks, blackbirds, and greenfinches feed in blackberry and thorn thickets. The island lies on the main flight path of many ducks, waders and passerines. At this time, you can find various flycatchers, robins, warblers, warblers, and nightingales here. Of the blackbirds, the most numerous are black ones, but warblers, thrushes, whitebrows, and fieldfares also fly. At this time, the cages are ringing with incessant chanting and lively chants. Larks fly by in huge flocks. Our tiniest birds appear here - yellow-headed kinglets and nimble short-tailed wrens, remaining for the winter.

In the winter months, whooper and mute swans, mallards, wigeons, ducks, red-headed ducks and other ducks—more than 100 thousand individuals—feed on the bays. This is one of the main wintering grounds for waterfowl in our country. The bottom of the estuaries and lakes on the northern side of the island is muddy, overgrown with algae, among which there are a lot of various small mollusks, crustaceans and fish fry. They, along with aquatic vegetation, are the food supply for ducks both in winter and in the spring-autumn months. The number of nesting ducks is small. During the migration period, a huge number of coots are observed on the estuaries, which linger here until the water area freezes.

There are a lot of waders on Biryuchy. Different ones - both big and small. The largest is the curlew. It weighs from 650 to 850 g. Unlike other waders, the curlew is well adapted not only to life in water bodies, but also in dry steppes. With its long curved beak it takes out mole crickets and other large insects from the ground. The oystercatcher, a smart black and white bird, nests on the island. She does not build nests, but lays eggs directly in a hole on the sandy shore. But the oystercatcher is rare, but the grasshopper, or redshank, is the most common nesting sandpiper on Biryuchiy Island. The herbalist has a restless character. He hides his nests in thick grass, lays four pear-shaped eggs, larger than starlings, and carefully guards them. You can't approach him unnoticed. With a loud cry, the herbalist flies out towards him, notifying all neighbors of imminent danger.

The avdotka is a completely different character - a bird of the desert steppes, very little similar to waders. She has large bright yellow eyes and a short, strong beak. The avdotka lays two motley eggs directly on the sand and quietly leaves the nest when danger approaches. Only with the onset of evening can you hear the sharp cry of this silent sandpiper. The avdotka feeds on small rodents, foot-and-mouth disease, and various insects.

In April 1954, pheasants were released on Biryuchiy. The long-tailed beauties nested by the end of May and have now become full-fledged inhabitants of the island. There is a lot of food here, and the protective conditions are excellent.

However, despite the numerous birds, the main pride of Biryuchiy Island is the red deer. In 1928, several deer were brought here from Askania-Nova. They felt good in the new conditions, and by 1958 there were already 130 of them. In the warm season, food on the island is abundant, winters are short, and reed thickets provide good protection from wind and snowstorms. In addition, hay is prepared for the reindeer for the winter. But during periods of unfavorable weather conditions, deer suffer and do not tolerate harsh winters well.

In December 1953 and February 1954, with frost down to 27 degrees, accompanied by strong winds, many deer died from cold and lack of food. The spring of 1970 was also difficult for the deer, when more than half of the island was flooded, but such unfavorable years are rare.

The best time on Biryuchiy is May-June. The feather grass is turning silver, Kotov's alfalfa is blooming soft yellow, and there are thickets of fescue on the flat steppe areas. At this time there are many birds and animals on the island. Small hares of the second litter often catch your eye, and female deer with their cubs are hiding in the reeds. The baby deer is amazingly touching. Long-legged, big-eyed, trusting. Mothers carefully protect them from any danger. There are a lot of foxes here, and a red huntress can attack a helpless calf, but the adults are always nearby and ready to help.

All the other islands of the Azov-Sivash hunting reserve are located in Sivash. The depth of Sivash generally does not exceed 0.5-1 m. The deepest places are 2-2.5 m. The bottom is silted.

Kuyuk-Tuk is an island of shelducks and an amazingly beautiful flower - the Schrenk tulip. Hundreds of thousands of tulips bloom in the spring, in the Sivash steppe, and above them, in the bottomless blue of the sky, larks sing. The air is filled with the smell of thyme; trees, wormwood: The steppe seems endless, but it ends with steep banks where shelducks, bee-eaters, rollers, and jackdaws nest.

Shelducks appear in flocks in late February - early March. They fly in flocks, divided into pairs, in search of suitable places for a nest. Nests are built in old fox holes, artificial and natural depressions near the shore and very rarely on the surface in thickets and grasses. After 29-30 days of incubation, the chicks hatch, which their parents take to the water in a day or two. Here in the waters of Sivash, where there is a lot of the shelduck's favorite food - the crustaceans Artemia salina - the birds molt and remain until frost.

The islands of China and Martynyachiy are the domain of seagulls. It’s not for nothing that the latter is called Martynyachiy, because “martin” in Ukrainian means seagull. The steep and steep shores of the islands are washed by the bitterly salty waters of Sivash, there is little fish here, and herring gulls (laughing gulls) have to fly to the lands of Sivash collective and state farms for food. When they have babies, seagulls become especially voracious. They fly tens of kilometers away to fields where they catch gophers, hamsters, voles, corn dung beetles, bread beetles, beetle larvae, and locusts. In the conditions of Sivash, the laughing gull is a very useful bird, saving tons of bread. It is estimated that 5 thousand laughing beetles destroy about 600 thousand ground squirrels, more than 67 thousand voles and millions of harmful beetles over the summer. One gopher eats 16 kg of grain per year. And voles, harmful insects, hamsters!... On Sivash, the laughing duck must be protected in every possible way. In addition to gulls, isolated pairs of shelducks and gray ducks nest on China Island.

The Churyuk Peninsula is located in the western part of Sivash. The vegetation cover here is already different - there are no Schrenck tulips, no feather grass, no fescue. The vegetation is secondary wormwood steppe. Bustards and demoiselle cranes used to nest here; nests of the latter are still occasionally found today.

During the migration period, little bustards, so rare everywhere, stop on the island, but their nests are currently not recorded. Larks are common in the steppe forbs, and sometimes steppe eagles fly in, but reliable nesting is unknown. The migration of ducks is also well expressed on the peninsula, especially in autumn. Whistling teals, mallards, and codling teals linger here for a long time. There are also rare sardines, which have been nesting irregularly on Churyuk since the 1930s. During the molting period, flocks of shelducks stay together not only in the central part of Sivash and near Kuyuk-Tuk, but also in the area of ​​the Churyuk Peninsula.

The Azov-Sivash Game Reserve is a corner of the southern coastal steppe that is unique in its natural features and deserves full protection.

Evgeniy Roman talks about the uniqueness of Sivash in his article.

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