Home Asian countries Cities of Tatarstan: list and interesting facts. Tatarstan: population and cities of the Chistopol Republic

Cities of Tatarstan: list and interesting facts. Tatarstan: population and cities of the Chistopol Republic

All cities of Tatarstan have unique features, and at the same time, there is a connecting link that unites them. First of all, they are united by the fact that they are settlements of a single republic with a distinctive culture. But what are the cities of the Republic of Tatarstan like? The list and population size in these settlements, as well as other features, will be the subject of our study.

General information about the Republic of Tatarstan

Before we start studying individual cities of Tatarstan, let's find out some brief information about this republic in general.

Tatarstan is located in the middle Volga region, and is part of the Volga Federal District. In the south it borders with the Ulyanovsk, Samara and Orenburg regions, in the southeast with Bashkiria, in the northeast with the Republic of Udmurtia, in the north with the Kirov region, in the west and northwest with the Republics of Mari El and Chuvashia.

The republic is located in a temperate climate zone with a temperate continental climate. The total area of ​​Tatarstan is 67.8 thousand square meters. km, and the population is 3868.7 thousand people. In terms of population, this republic ranks seventh among all federal subjects. The population density is 57.0 people/sq. km.

The capital of the Republic of Tatarstan is the city of Kazan.

For a long time, the territory of modern Tatarstan was inhabited by Finno-Ugric tribes. In the 7th century, the Turkic tribes of the Bulgars came here and founded their own state, which was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars in the 13th century. After this, the lands of Tatarstan were included in the Golden Horde, and as a result of the mixing of the Bulgars with the alien Turkic peoples, modern Tatars were formed. After the collapse of the Golden Horde, the independent Kazan Khanate was formed here, which was included in the Russian kingdom under Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century. Since then, ethnic Russians began to actively populate the region. The Kazan province was formed here. In 1917, the province was transformed into the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Republic of Tatarstan was formed in 1992.

List of cities in Tatarstan

Now let's list the cities of the Republic of Tatarstan. A list by population is provided below.

  • Kazan - 1217.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Naberezhnye Chelny - 526.8 thousand inhabitants.
  • Almetyevsk - 152.6 thousand inhabitants.
  • Zelenodolsk - 98.8 thousand inhabitants.
  • Bugulma - 86.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Elabuga - 73.3 thousand inhabitants.
  • Leninogorsk - 63.3 thousand inhabitants.
  • Chistopol - 60.9 thousand inhabitants.
  • Zainsk - 40.9 thousand inhabitants.
  • Nizhnekamsk - 36.2 thousand inhabitants.
  • Nurlat - 33.1 thousand inhabitants.
  • Mendeleevsk - 22.1 thousand inhabitants.
  • Bavly - 22.2 thousand inhabitants.
  • Buinsk - 20.9 thousand inhabitants.
  • Arsk - 20.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Agryz - 19.7 thousand inhabitants.
  • Menzelinsk - 17.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Mamadysh - 15.6 thousand inhabitants.
  • Tetyushi - 11.4 thousand inhabitants.

We have listed all the cities of Tatarstan by population. Now we will talk about the largest of them in more detail.

Kazan is the capital of the republic

The cities of Tatarstan should begin to be represented from its capital - Kazan. Presumably this city was founded around the year 1000, during the existence of the Bulgarian kingdom. But the city reached its real prosperity during the Golden Horde. And, especially after the separation of the lands of the middle Volga region into a separate khanate, the capital of which was Kazan. This state was called the Kazan Khanate. But even after these territories were annexed to the Russian kingdom, the city did not lose its significance, remaining one of the largest centers of Russia. After the formation of the USSR, it became the capital of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and after its collapse it became the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, which is a subject of the Russian Federation.

The city is located on an area of ​​425.3 square meters. km and has a population of 1.217 million inhabitants, the density of which is 1915 people/1 sq. km. Since 2002, the dynamics of changes in the number of people living in Kazan has had a constant upward trend. Among the ethnic groups, Russians and Tatars predominate, accounting for 48.6% and 47.6% of the total population, respectively. There are much fewer representatives of other nationalities, among which the Chuvash, Ukrainians and Mari should be highlighted. Their share in the total population does not even reach 1%.

Among the religions, Sunni Islam and Orthodox Christianity are the most widespread.

The basis of the city's economy is the petrochemical and engineering industries, but, as in any large center, many other manufacturing sectors, as well as trade and services, are developed.

Kazan is the largest city in Tatarstan. A photo of this important center in the European part of Russia is located above. As you can see, this settlement has a modern appearance.

Naberezhnye Chelny - mechanical engineering center

Speaking about other cities of Tatarstan, one cannot fail to mention Naberezhnye Chelny. The first settlement here was founded by Russians in 1626. Its original name was Chalninsky Pochinok, but then the village was renamed Mysovye Chelny. In 1930, a new renaming took place, as the city began to be called Krasnye Chelny, which had ideological overtones. In addition, nearby was the village of Berezhnye Chelny, which received city status in the same 1930. From the merger of these two settlements Naberezhnye Chelny was formed.

The city developed most intensively in the 1960-1970s, during the Brezhnev era. It was then that the city-forming enterprise for the production of KamAZ trucks was built. From a small town, Naberezhnye Chelny turned into the second largest settlement in the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic after Kazan. After the death of the General Secretary of the CPSU, in 1982, the city was renamed Brezhnev in his honor. But in 1988, Naberezhnye Chelny was returned to its previous name.

Naberezhnye Chelny is the second settlement in terms of population and area in the region. It covers an area of ​​171 square meters. km, which accommodates a population of 526.8 thousand people. Its density is 3080.4 people/1 sq. km. Since 2009, the population in the city has been constantly growing.

This is also where the majority of Tatars and Russians live - 47.4% and 44.9%, respectively. More than 1% of the total number are Chuvash, Ukrainians and Bashkirs. There are slightly fewer Udmurts, Maris and Mordovians.

Nizhnekamsk is the youngest city of Tatarstan

Nizhnekamsk has the title of the youngest city in the republic. The regions of Tatarstan cannot boast of a city that was founded later than it. The construction of Nizhnekamsk was planned in 1958. The beginning of the construction itself dates back to 1960.

Currently in Nizhnekamsk, located on an area of ​​63.5 square meters. km, home to 236.2 thousand people, which makes it the third most populous city in the region, after Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny. The density is 3719.6 people/1 sq. km.

Tatars and Russians have approximately equal numbers and make up 46.5% and 46.1%, respectively. There are 3% Chuvash in the city, 1% each of Bashkirs and Ukrainians.

The basis of the city's economy is the petrochemical industry.

Almetyevsk is one of the oldest cities in Tatarstan

But the first settlement on the territory of modern Almetyevsk, on the contrary, was founded relatively long ago. It was originally called Almetyevo, and its foundation dates back to the 18th century. But it received city status only in 1953.

The population of Almetyevo is 152.6 thousand people. It is located on a territorial area of ​​115 square meters. km and has a density of 1327 people/1 sq. km.

The absolute majority are Tatars - 55.2%. There are slightly fewer Russians - 37.1%. Next in number are the Chuvash and Mordovians.

Zelenodolsk - a city on the Volga

The foundation of Zelenodolsk differs from the emergence of most other cities of Tatarstan in that it was founded not by Russians or Tatars, but by the Mari. Its original name was Porat, then it was replaced by Kabachishchi and Paratsk. In 1928 it received the name Zeleny Dol, and in 1932, in connection with its transformation into a city, Zelenodolsk.

The population of the city is 98.8 thousand people. with an area of ​​37.7 sq. km, and density - 2617.6 people/1 sq. km. Among the nationalities, Russians (67%) and Tatars (29.1%) predominate.

Bugulma - regional center

The regional center of the Bugulma district is the city of Bugulma. The settlement in this place was founded in 1736, and it received city status in 1781.

The population in Bugulma is 86.1 thousand people. The territory of the city is 27.87 square meters. km. Density - 3088.8 people/1 sq. km. Russians and Tatars predominate in the national composition of the population.

General characteristics of the cities of Tatarstan

We have studied in detail the largest cities of the Republic of Tatarstan. The largest of them is the capital of the republic, Kazan, with a population of 1.217 million inhabitants. This is the only millionaire city in the republic. Three more settlements in the region have a population exceeding 100 thousand people.

The majority of the population of the cities of Tatarstan are Russians and Tatars. Among other peoples there are relatively many Ukrainians, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurts and Bashkirs. The predominant religions are Orthodox Christianity and Islam. In addition, several other religions are common.

Today, the Republic of Tatarstan is an actively developing Russian region. Therefore, many are interested in how the cities of Tatarstan are developing; a list of them is given in this article. It is this republic that many today consider as a place to move and look for work in the near future.

How many cities are there in the republic?

The largest cities, not counting urban-type settlements, are Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk and Almetyevsk.

The other cities of Tatarstan are not so numerous. The alphabetical list is as follows: Agryz, Aznakaevo, Arsk, Bavly, Bolgar, Bugulma, Buinsk, Elabuga, Zainsk, Zelenodolsk, Innopolis, Kukmor, Laishevo, Leninogorsk, Mamadysh, Mendeleevsk, Menzelinsk, Nurlat, Tetyushi, Chistopol. There are 24 cities in the republic.

Population of Tatarstan cities

The capital of Tatarstan - Kazan - is a city with a population of over a million. At the time of the last census, 1,231,878 people lived in it.

In three more settlements the number of residents exceeds 100,000 people. So, in general, the cities in the Republic of Tatarstan are very populated. A list by population can be compiled as follows:

  • Naberezhnye Chelny (almost 530,000 inhabitants).
  • Nizhnekamsk (236,000 or so).
  • Almetyevsk (slightly more than 150,000).

List of cities in Tatarstan by population, with more than 50,000 people living in them:

  • Zelenodolsk (98,000).
  • Bugulma (86,000).
  • Yelabuga (73,000).
  • Leninogorsk (63,000).
  • Chistopol (60,000).

It is worth noting that almost 4 million people live in the republic. The cities of Tatarstan, a list of which can be found in this article, were assessed by the number of residents at the beginning of 2016, when the population census was carried out.


The best place to start getting to know this region is the capital. If the cities of the Republic of Tatarstan, the list of which you just learned, were unfamiliar to you, then you simply could not help but hear about Kazan. Large financial flows have been directed to the republican center in the last year. Many sports arenas and infrastructure facilities are being built. An interesting fact is that Kazan became the capital of the Universiade in 2013.

The city itself was founded in 1005. This opinion is shared by modern historians. Thanks to this conclusion, in 2005 the capital of Tatarstan celebrated its millennium. On such a milestone date, considerable federal budget funding was allocated, which helped the city become one of the most developed in Russia.

It is worth noting that the basis for considering Kazan to have been founded so long ago was the excavations carried out on the territory of the local Kremlin. Experts found a Czech coin that was minted around 930, as well as stonework, remains of a wooden city wall and many other artifacts.

Scientists from 22 countries were involved in studying the finds. Despite this, many historians today believe that the existence of Kazan before the 14th century is just a bluff.

In the 90s, Kazan was a city that was famous, first of all, for its unprecedented rampant crime. In criminology, a special term “Kazan phenomenon” even appeared. It meant youth criminal groups that arose on a territorial basis. Now the situation has been corrected. More than 90% of murders are solved without delay.

It is noteworthy that in recent years Kazan has become one of the sports capitals of Russia. The city has professional teams competing in elite divisions in all popular team sports. "Rubin" - in football, "Ak Bars" - in hockey, "Zenith" - in volleyball, "Unics" - in basketball. Moreover, all these teams have become national champions in recent years.

Naberezhnye Chelny

Studying the cities of Tatarstan, the list of which is in this article, Naberezhnye Chelny can be recommended next to visit. This settlement is located on the banks of the Kama River.

Judging by archaeological excavations, the first settlements on this site appeared in the third millennium BC. The founding of the city is considered to be 1626, when peasants from neighboring Yelabuga founded the Chalninsky Pochinok. This is a village located on the territory of the modern Bumazhnikov microdistrict.

This is a large industrial center on the Kama. There is a cardboard and paper mill, an automobile plant, and the electric power, mechanical engineering, construction and food industries are developing here. One of the main organizations is the KAMAZ truck production company.

An interesting fact is that Naberezhnye Chelny is perhaps the only city in the country where regular competitions on the duration of non-stop flight of pigeons are held. These competitions have been held every year since 1986.


The cities of Tatarstan, the list of which everyone who plans to visit this republic should know, are not completely listed. Nizhnekamsk is one of the youngest cities in Tatarstan, which appeared in 1961. Nizhnekamsk was founded on the occasion of the massive development of factories and enterprises on the coast of the Kama River. It was a kind of platform on which original development plans and city planning were implemented.

This settlement is home to one of the country's largest centers for the development of the oil industry. In particular, the petrochemical, refining and energy generating industries are developing. About 25% of all industrial products of Tatarstan are produced here.


The fourth city in terms of population and importance in the republic is Almetyevsk. Like Nizhnekamsk, it appeared in the middle of the 20th century, in 1953.

At the moment, the city is known primarily for the fact that the headquarters of the Tatneft company is located here. It provides the city with the majority of budget injections. There are also several small oil companies located here and the production of oil and gas pipes is based here.


Innopolis is one of the most unusual cities in Tatarstan. Officially, only 96 people live there.

This city, founded in 2012, became one of the first IT village projects in Russia. An innovation center was created in the suburbs of Kazan. This is a populated area with residential buildings and office buildings. It will ultimately house approximately 20,000 IT professionals. The official partner of this project was the Skolkovo Center, which was actively supported by the President and later Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.

Today, Innopolis is one of the most sparsely populated cities in Russia. In addition to official residents, there are currently about two and a half thousand people who rent housing. A university, campus, sports stadium, football field, and residential areas have been built in the city. This is one of the most attractive cities for residents of Russia.

All cities of Tatarstan have unique features, and at the same time, there is a connecting link that unites them. First of all, they are united by the fact that they are settlements of a single republic with a distinctive culture. But what are the cities of the Republic of Tatarstan like? The list and population size in these settlements, as well as other features, will be the subject of our study.

General information about the Republic of Tatarstan

Before we start studying individual cities of Tatarstan, let's find out some brief information about this republic in general.

Tatarstan is located in the middle Volga region, and is part of the Volga Federal District. In the south it borders with the Ulyanovsk, Samara and Orenburg regions, in the southeast with Bashkiria, in the northeast with the Republic of Udmurtia, in the north with the Kirov region, in the west and northwest with the Republics of Mari El and Chuvashia.

The republic is located in a temperate climate zone with a temperate continental climate. The total area of ​​Tatarstan is 67.8 thousand square meters. km, and the population is 3868.7 thousand people. In terms of population, this republic ranks seventh among all federal subjects. The population density is 57.0 people/sq. km.

Tatarstan is the city of Kazan.

For a long time, the territory of modern Tatarstan was inhabited by Finno-Ugric tribes. In the 7th century, the Turkic tribes of the Bulgars came here and founded their own state, which was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars in the 13th century. After this, the lands of Tatarstan were included in the Golden Horde, and as a result of the mixing of the Bulgars with the alien Turkic peoples, modern Tatars were formed. After the collapse of the Golden Horde, an independent one was formed here, which was included in the Russian kingdom under Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century. Since then, ethnic Russians began to actively populate the region. The Kazan province was formed here. In 1917, the province was transformed into the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Republic of Tatarstan was formed in 1992.

List of cities in Tatarstan

Now let's list the cities of the Republic of Tatarstan. A list by population is provided below.

  • Kazan - 1217.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Naberezhnye Chelny - 526.8 thousand inhabitants.
  • Almetyevsk - 152.6 thousand inhabitants.
  • Zelenodolsk - 98.8 thousand inhabitants.
  • Bugulma - 86.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Elabuga - 73.3 thousand inhabitants.
  • Leninogorsk - 63.3 thousand inhabitants.
  • Chistopol - 60.9 thousand inhabitants.
  • Zainsk - 40.9 thousand inhabitants.
  • Nizhnekamsk - 36.2 thousand inhabitants.
  • Nurlat - 33.1 thousand inhabitants.
  • Mendeleevsk - 22.1 thousand inhabitants.
  • Bavly - 22.2 thousand inhabitants.
  • Buinsk - 20.9 thousand inhabitants.
  • Arsk - 20.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Agryz - 19.7 thousand inhabitants.
  • Menzelinsk - 17.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Mamadysh - 15.6 thousand inhabitants.
  • Tetyushi - 11.4 thousand inhabitants.

We have listed all the cities of Tatarstan by population. Now we will talk about the largest of them in more detail.

Kazan is the capital of the republic

The cities of Tatarstan should begin to be represented from its capital - Kazan. Presumably this city was founded around the year 1000, during the existence of the Bulgarian kingdom. But the city reached its real prosperity during the Golden Horde. And, especially after the separation of the lands of the middle Volga region into a separate khanate, the capital of which was Kazan. This state was called the Kazan Khanate. But even after these territories were annexed to the Russian kingdom, the city did not lose its significance, remaining one of the largest centers of Russia. After the formation of the USSR, it became the capital and after its collapse it became the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, which is a subject of the Russian Federation.

The city is located on an area of ​​425.3 square meters. km and has a population of 1.217 million inhabitants, the density of which is 1915 people/1 sq. km. Since 2002, the dynamics of changes in the number of people living in Kazan has had a constant upward trend. Among the ethnic groups, Russians and Tatars predominate, accounting for 48.6% and 47.6% of the total population, respectively. There are much fewer representatives of other nationalities, among which the Chuvash, Ukrainians and Mari should be highlighted. Their share in the total population does not even reach 1%.

Among the religions, Sunni Islam and Orthodox Christianity are the most widespread.

The basis of the city's economy is the petrochemical and engineering industries, but, as in any large center, many other manufacturing sectors, as well as trade and services, are developed.

Kazan is the largest city in Tatarstan. A photo of this important center in the European part of Russia is located above. As you can see, this settlement has a modern appearance.

Naberezhnye Chelny - mechanical engineering center

Speaking about other cities of Tatarstan, one cannot fail to mention Naberezhnye Chelny. The first settlement here was founded by Russians in 1626. Its original name was Chalninsky Pochinok, but then the village was renamed Mysovye Chelny. In 1930, a new renaming took place, as the city began to be called Krasnye Chelny, which had ideological overtones. In addition, nearby was the village of Berezhnye Chelny, which received city status in the same 1930. From the merger of these two settlements Naberezhnye Chelny was formed.

The city developed most intensively in the 1960-1970s, during the Brezhnev era. It was then that KamAZ trucks were built to produce. From a small town, Naberezhnye Chelny turned into the second largest settlement in the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic after Kazan. After the death of the General Secretary of the CPSU, in 1982, the city was renamed Brezhnev in his honor. But in 1988, Naberezhnye Chelny was returned to its previous name.

Naberezhnye Chelny is the second settlement in terms of population and area in the region. It covers an area of ​​171 square meters. km, which accommodates a population of 526.8 thousand people. Its density is 3080.4 people/1 sq. km. Since 2009, the population in the city has been constantly growing.

This is also where the majority of Tatars and Russians live - 47.4% and 44.9%, respectively. More than 1% of the total number are Chuvash, Ukrainians and Bashkirs. There are slightly fewer Udmurts, Maris and Mordovians.

Nizhnekamsk is the youngest city of Tatarstan

Nizhnekamsk has the title of the youngest city in the republic. The regions of Tatarstan cannot boast of a city that was founded later than it. The construction of Nizhnekamsk was planned in 1958. The beginning of the construction itself dates back to 1960.

Currently in Nizhnekamsk, located on an area of ​​63.5 square meters. km, home to 236.2 thousand people, which makes it the third most populous city in the region, after Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny. The density is 3719.6 people/1 sq. km.

Tatars and Russians have approximately equal numbers and make up 46.5% and 46.1%, respectively. There are 3% Chuvash in the city, 1% each of Bashkirs and Ukrainians.

The basis of the city's economy is the petrochemical industry.

Almetyevsk is one of the oldest cities in Tatarstan

But the first settlement on the territory of modern Almetyevsk, on the contrary, was founded relatively long ago. It was originally called Almetyevo, and its foundation dates back to the 18th century. But it received city status only in 1953.

The population of Almetyevo is 152.6 thousand people. It is located on a territorial area of ​​115 square meters. km and has a density of 1327 people/1 sq. km.

The absolute majority are Tatars - 55.2%. There are slightly fewer Russians - 37.1%. Next in number are the Chuvash and Mordovians.

Zelenodolsk - a city on the Volga

The foundation of Zelenodolsk differs from the emergence of most other cities of Tatarstan in that it was founded not by Russians or Tatars, but by the Mari. Its original name was Porat, then it was replaced by Kabachishchi and Paratsk. In 1928 it received the name Zeleny Dol, and in 1932, in connection with its transformation into a city, Zelenodolsk.

The population of the city is 98.8 thousand people. with an area of ​​37.7 sq. km, and density - 2617.6 people/1 sq. km. Among the nationalities, Russians (67%) and Tatars (29.1%) predominate.

Bugulma - regional center

The regional center of the Bugulma district is the city of Bugulma. The settlement in this place was founded in 1736, and it received city status in 1781.

The population in Bugulma is 86.1 thousand people. The territory of the city is 27.87 square meters. km. Density - 3088.8 people/1 sq. km. Russians and Tatars predominate in the national composition of the population.

General characteristics of the cities of Tatarstan

We have studied in detail the largest cities of the Republic of Tatarstan. The largest of them is the capital of the republic, Kazan, with a population of 1.217 million inhabitants. This is the only millionaire city in the republic. Three more settlements in the region have a population exceeding 100 thousand people.

The majority of the population of the cities of Tatarstan are Russians and Tatars. Among other peoples there are relatively many Ukrainians, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurts and Bashkirs. The predominant religions are Orthodox Christianity and Islam. In addition, several other religions are common.

NABEREZHNYE CHELNY(in 1982-1988 Brezhnev), a city in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tatarstan, is located in the Kama region, 225 km east of Kazan. A pier on the left bank of the Kama, 17 km from the Krugloye Pole railway station on the Agryz - Akbash line. Airport. District center. Population 513.5 thousand people (2001). Founded in 1626. City since 1930.

Main industrial enterprises: OJSC KamAZ (trucks and cars). Nizhnekamsk hydroelectric power station. Mechanical repair plant; PA "Tatelektromash" Production of building materials. Food enterprises (meat processing plant, bakery plant, brewery, municipal food processing plant, as well as a meat processing plant and dairy plant in the village of Sidorovka), woodworking (furniture factory) and light industry.
The first Russian settlers organized the repair of Cape Chelny in 1626 on land previously abandoned by the population, which was empty and overgrown with forest. Previously, a semi-nomadic population lived here, but left these lands, this probably happened in the period after the conquest of the Kazan Khanate. In the title, the word “chelny” is a reinterpretation of the Turkic “challa” (mountain, slope, bare hill) into the Russian “chelny” (boat). In 1982-88. the city was called Brezhnev after the name of the Soviet party and statesman L. I. Brezhnev (1906-82). The rapid development of urban construction began in 1969 in connection with the construction of the KamAZ plant.

Naberezhnye Chelny. Boulevard of Enthusiasts.

Educational and cultural institutions: Kama Polytechnic Institute, Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical Institute, Non-state Religious and Philosophical Institute, Maharishi Vedic University, branch of the Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture. Puppet Theatre.

On the outskirts of the city there is the climatic resort area of ​​Tarlovka.

ZELENODOLSK, a city in Tataria, a regional center, located on the left bank of the Volga, 38 km west of Kazan. Pier, Zeleny Dol railway junction. Population 99.6 thousand inhabitants (2001). The village of Zeleny Dol was founded in 1865, the city since 1932.

Main industrial enterprises: “Sergo Plant” (machine-building), Gorky shipbuilding plant, plywood and furniture plant, clothing and furniture factory. There is a branch of Kazan State University in the city. Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery is located 21 km from Zelenodolsk. Near the city are the Raifsky section of the Volga-Kama Nature Reserve and the Vasilyevsky climatic resort.

NIZHNEKAMSK, a city in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tatarstan, is located in the Kama region, on the left bank of the river. Kama, 35 km from the Krugloye Pole railway station, 237 km east of Kazan. River port. District center. Population 224.4 thousand people (2001). Founded in the early 1960s. City since 1966.

Nizhnekamsk. City Cathedral Mosque.

Main industrial enterprises: OJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim (ethylene glycol, rubber, diesel fuel, gasoline for the chemical industry), Nizhnekamskshina; food and light industry enterprises.

It emerged as a village during the construction of the Nizhnekamsk plant.

Educational institutions: Nizhnekamsk Chemical-Technological Institute of Kazan State Technological University, branch of the Kazan Institute of Business and Management, branch of the Moscow Humanitarian-Economic Institute.

ALMETYEVSK, a city in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tatarstan, is located in the Kama region, on the slopes of the Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland, on the left bank of the river. Zai (tributary of the Kama River), 16 km northwest of the Almetyevskaya railway station, 279 km southeast of Kazan. Population 140.7 thousand people (2001). Founded in 1950. City since 1953.

The coat of arms of Almetyevsk was adopted on October 9, 1987.

Almetyevsk- the largest center of the oil industry of Tatarstan. Main industries: oil and gas production (Romashkinskoye oil and gas field); production of machinery and equipment for the oil industry (factories: submersible electric pumps, auto-tractor repair, pipe, gas processing, Neftemash, tire repair); production of building materials (factories: brick, reinforced concrete products, clay powder). Hosiery factory. Food enterprises. Almetyevsk is the starting point of the Druzhba main oil pipeline, oil pipelines to Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Samara, etc.

From the 17th century settlements existed on the site of the modern city. Founded as a working village of Almetyevo in connection with the discovery and development of oil fields. Educational and cultural institutions: Academy of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin, branch of the Kazan Institute of Business and Management. Drama Theater. Art Gallery.

CHISTOPOL, a city (since 1781) in the Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, located on the left bank of the river. Kama (Kuibyshev Reservoir), 125 km from the Nurlat railway station, 144 km southeast of Kazan. Road junction. Airport. District center. Population 66.2 thousand people (2001).

Main industrial enterprises: factories - "Vostok" (hourly), repair, "Automotive special equipment", auto repair, distillery. Factories: sewing, knitting, shoe, furniture, confectionery. Combines: meat, dairy and others. Deposits of marls and glass sands have been discovered in the Chistopol region.

Initially at the beginning of the 18th century. The village of Chistoe Pole was founded. A city since 1781, the center of the Chistopol district, the name gradually transformed into Chistopol. At the end of the 19th century. Chistopol is a major grain trading center. Until 1917 - the second most important city in the Kazan province (after Kazan).

Chistopol is the birthplace of the chemist A. M. Butlerov and the composer S. A. Gubaidulina.
Scientific, educational and cultural institutions: design and technology bureau "Vector"; Faculty of Kazan State Technical University.

Museum of Local Lore (Museum of the county town). Literary Museum of B. L. Pasternak, Museum of the History of the Watch Factory.

Chistopol. St. Nicholas Cathedral.

Architectural monuments: St. Nicholas Cathedral (1838). In the Chistopol region, the remains of the Golden Horde city of Dzhuke-Tau (10-15 centuries) have been preserved.

BUGULMA, a city in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tatarstan, is located in the Kama region, on the slopes of the Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland, at the confluence of the river. Bugulminka in the river. Zai (Volga River basin). Railroad station. Airport. District center. Population 93.1 thousand people (2001). Founded in 1736 as a settlement. Received city status in 1781.

Main industry: oil production (PA Tatneftegeofizika, Nefteavtomatika). Factories: mechanical, brick, reinforced concrete products, electrical equipment, mechanical repair, porcelain. Food industry (meat, dairy plants), production of building materials. Cattle are raised in the area, cage fur farming (mink, nutria, fox, fur mink) and beekeeping are developed. Deposits of bitumen, construction sand, clay, limestone, and dolomite have been discovered.

Since the 1950s in connection with the discovery of oil fields - the center of the oil-producing region of Tatarstan.

The city is home to the Oil Research and Design Institute.

Museums: local history, Czech writer J. Hasek.

Architectural monuments: 18th century church. in the village of Spasskoye; Michael the Archangel Church (1898-1902) and Peter and Paul Church (1841) in the village of Klyuchi; water mill (late 19th century) in the village of Petrovka. Elias Church (1827) in the village of Soldatskaya Pismyanka, Epiphany Church (1806) in the village of Sula, Dionysian Church in the village of Chirkovo.

ELABUGA, a city in the Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, located on the river. Kama, at the confluence of the river. Toima, 79 km from the Kizner railway station, 215 km east of Kazan. District center. Population 67.2 thousand people (2001). Founded in the second half of the 16th century. City since 1780.

The most important industries: oil, light, food. Plants: automobile (ElAZ) and valves.

It originated as the Tatar village of Alabuga. With the increase in the share of the Russian population in the village, an Orthodox church is erected and a particularly revered icon of the Three Hierarchs (Basily the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom) appears, according to legend, donated to the church by Tsar Ivan the Terrible. From that time on, the village became a village with the name Trekhsvyatskoe; Additionally, the Tatar name is also used in a distorted form, Elabuga. From the end of the 17th century. Trekhsvyatskoye was known as a palace village. Since 1780 - the county town of Elabuga. For some time the city was part of the Vyatka governorate. Due to its convenient geographical location, in the 18th - 19th centuries. Elabuga was actively developing as a shopping center.

Elabuga is the birthplace of the artist I. I. Shishkin.

Educational and cultural institutions: Yelabuga State Pedagogical Institute. Museums: im. M. I. Tsvetaeva (died and buried in Yelabuga), historical, architectural and art museum-reserve, museum of local lore (exhibition includes objects of Ananino culture (8-3 centuries BC), fragments of ceramics of the Bulgar period (12 -14th centuries), weapons of the Peasant War of 1773-74, clothing and national jewelry of the Tatars, Russians, Udmurts, Mari).

Elabuga. Damn town. In the background on the left is the Spassky Cathedral.

Among the architectural monuments of Yelabuga - Elabuga (Devil's) settlement on the site of an ancient Bulgarian city, preserving the remains of three lines of fortifications; Kazan-Bogoroditsky Monastery (1868), Great Spassky Cathedral, Nikolskaya, Pokrovskaya and Trinity Church (first third of the 19th century). The building of the Diocesan School, built in 1898-1903, is a monument of civil architecture.

Not far from Yelabuga there is the Ananyinsky burial ground, which gave the name to a whole stage in the history of the Finno-Ugric peoples of the Early Iron Age (7-3 centuries BC).


Tetyushi, a regional center in Tataria, 180 km south of Kazan. Located on the Volga, on the banks of the Kuibyshev Reservoir (pier), 45 km east of the Bua railway station on the Kazan - Ulyanovsk line. Population 10.9 thousand people (1992; 4.8 thousand in 1897; 4.8 thousand in 1926; 10.4 thousand in 1979).
Founded in 1574-78 (according to other sources, in 1555-57) as the Tetyushskaya outpost. In 1781 it was appointed a district town of the Kazan governorship (from 1796 - a province). At the end of the 19th century. in T. there were 4 churches and a mosque, a district school, a women's school, a Tatar school for boys, a Tatar women's madrasah, a zemstvo hospital, an almshouse, and an orphanage were opened. The main occupations of the residents were trading bread, fishing, and maintaining the pier. 2 fairs were held annually. In modern T.: factories - dairy, meat, bakery products; factories - fishery, brewing, feed milling, mechanical (branch of Kazan Helicopter Plant); woodworking industry enterprises (furniture factory, etc.); brick factory, etc. Museum of Local Lore. Among the ancient buildings of T., the Cathedral of the Kazan Mother of God (formerly Trinity Cathedral; 1773) has been preserved.
The artist M.V. Kupriyanov, one of the leaders of the Kukryniksy creative community, was born in T.

NURLAT, a regional center in Tataria, 268 km southeast of Kazan. Located on the river. Kondurcha (Volga basin). Railway station on the line Ulyanovsk - Chelyabinsk. Airport. Population 25.0 thousand people (1992; 18.3 thousand in 1979).
The city has been around since 1961. Nizhny Novgorod is the center of an agricultural region with industry focused on processing local raw materials. Sugar, feed mills, mechanical repair plants; meat and dairy plants.


Menzelinsk, a regional center in Tataria, 292 km east of Kazan. Located in the Kama region, on the low bank of the river. Menzel, 65 km east of the Krugloye Pole railway station on the Agryz - Akbash line. Airport. Population 15.2 thousand people (1992; 7.5 thousand in 1897; 7.5 thousand in 1926; 17.4 thousand in 1979).
Founded 1584-86. In 1781 it received the status of a district town of the Ufa province. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. there were 6 churches, a mosque, a convent, a zemstvo hospital, a women's gymnasium, a city school, etc., there were a brewery, an alcohol purification plant, a treacle plant, a match plant, a candle factory, and brick factories. The Menzelin Fair was known far beyond the borders of the province. Modern Moscow is the center of an agricultural region with enterprises for processing local raw materials. Exploration Drilling Department. Drama Theater.
M. is the birthplace of the surgeon academician V.N. Shamov. The Tatar poet Musa Jalil studied in Moscow.

MENDELEEVSK, a regional center in Tataria, 238 km east of Kazan. Located in the Kama region, 4 km from the Tikhie Gory pier (on the Kama), 70 km south of the Mozhga railway station on the Kazan - Agryz line, 15 km from the Tikhonovo railway station on the Agryz - Bugulma line. Population 20.1 thousand people (1992; 13.8 thousand in 1979).
M. grew up near a chemical plant founded in the mid-19th century. and reconstructed during the years of Soviet power; until 1967 - Bondyuzhsky village. Renamed in honor of D.I. Mendeleev, who worked here at a chemical plant. In modern Moscow there is a chemical plant and a plant for the production of mineral fertilizers.
Near M. - oil production.


Mamadysh, a regional center in Tataria, 167 km east of Kazan. Located in the Kama region, on the right bank of the river. Vyatka (tributary of the Kama), 80 km southeast of the Kukmor railway station on the Kazan - Yekaterinburg line. Population 12.7 thousand people (1992).
According to legend, the city received its name after the first settler - a Volga Tatar, who moved here from the city of Bulgar, devastated by Tamerlane. Under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, Russian settlers appeared in M., calling M. Troitsky village. In 1781 it received the status of a county town. In modern Moscow: a cotton factory, shoe production and other enterprises.

LENINOGORSK, in Tataria, republican subordination, regional center, 322 km southeast of Kazan. Located on the slopes of the Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland. Railway station (Pismyanka) on the Akbash - Naberezhnye Chelny line. Population 64.1 thousand people (1992; 53.1 thousand in 1979).
The emergence of a workers' settlement on the site of the village of Novaya Pismyanka is associated with the discovery in 1948 and development of the Romashkinskoye oil field. The city of Latvia - since 1955. Modern Latvia is one of the centers of oil and gas production. Factories: "Automotive special equipment", automation. Production of building materials. Faculty of the State Academy of Oil and Gas. Museum of the History of Tatar Oil. Showroom.


LAISHEVO, an urban-type settlement, a regional center in Tataria, 62 km southeast of Kazan. Located on the shore of the Kuibyshev Reservoir. Population 6.9 thousand people (1989; 3.7 thousand in 1897; 3.8 thousand in 1926; 6.5 thousand in 1979).
In 1781 the district town of Laishev of the Kazan governorship was formed. Since 1926 - a rural settlement, since 1950 - an urban-type settlement.

ZAINSK, in Tataria, republican subordination, regional center, 287 km east of Kazan. Located in the Kama region, on the river. Stepnoy Zai (a tributary of the Kama), near the railway station of the same name on the Agryz - Bugulma line, on the Almetyevsk - Naberezhnye Chelny highway, 55 km southwest of the Naberezhnye Chelny pier. Population 38.5 thousand people (1992; 30.0 thousand in 1979).
Founded in 1652-56 as a border fortress on the Zakamskaya line - a military line from the Volga to the mouth of the river. Ik. Until 1978 - the village of Novy Zay, then the city of Z. In modern Z.: the KamAZ automobile assembly plant, a plant of reinforced concrete structures, a plant of experimental modular metal structures; construction plant; food enterprises (sugar factory, etc.). GRES. Lespromkhoz.


Bulgar, Bolgar, regional center in Tataria, 140 km south of Kazan. Located in the Volga region, on the shore of the Kuibyshev reservoir (pier), 100 km north of the Cherdakly railway station on the Ulyanovsk - Ufa line. Airport. Population 8.4 thousand people (1992; 2.8 thousand in 1897; 3.5 thousand in 1926; 8.2 thousand in 1979).
Formed in 1781 on the Volga under the name Spassk - from the village of Spassk (Chertykovo). It served as a transshipment point for agricultural goods (mainly rye, rye flour, buckwheat, oats) for neighboring cities. At the end of the 19th century. In Spassk there was a church, a hospital, an almshouse, 3 schools, and a bank. In 1926-35 - Spassk-Tatarsky, in 1935-91 - Kuibyshev. Modern Bulgaria is the center of an agricultural region, dominated by food industry enterprises (meat processing plants, etc.).
To the south of modern Bulgaria is the settlement of Bolgar (Bulgar), the ancient capital of Volga-Kama Bulgaria (X-XIV centuries). Stone and brick structures of the 12th-14th centuries have been preserved, including a multi-columned cathedral mosque, the so-called Black Chamber (a cubic domed building of the 14th century), mausoleums, the White and Red Chambers (public baths), and a Christian temple of the Armenian colony. Architectural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve.

BUINSK, a regional center in Tataria, 137 km southwest of Kazan. Located in the Volga region, on the left bank of the river. Karla (left tributary of the Sviyaga river). Railway station (Bua) on the Ulyanovsk - Sviyazhsk line. Road junction (Kazan - Ulyanovsk, etc.). Population 17.2 thousand people (1992; 4.2 thousand in 1897; 4.7 thousand in 1926; 15.5 thousand in 1979).
The first chronicle mention dates back to 1691. In 1780 it received the status of a district town of the Simbirsk governorship. Since 1830, autumn and winter fairs have been held annually. By the end of the 19th century. in B. - a stone cathedral and a stone chapel, a wooden mosque, a Tatar madrasah; a district school was opened; There were 2 tanneries, 5 brick factories, a pottery and other factories, and 6 flour mills. Since 1922, a leather factory, a steam mill, and a forging and metalworking workshop were put into operation.
In modern B.: electromechanical plant; ribbon weaving and cotton factories; enterprises of the food-flavoring industry (meat-processing plant, butter-cheese-making plant, yeast and sugar factories, shag factory). The Trinity Church and mosque are still in operation (after restoration).


Arsk, an urban-type settlement, a regional center in Tataria, 65 km northeast of Kazan. Located on the river. Kazanka (tributary of the Volga). Railway station on the Kazan - Izhevsk line. Road junction. Population 13.7 thousand people (1989; 1.2 thousand in 1897; 2.6 thousand in 1926; 11.5 thousand in 1979). Founded according to legend by Batu Khan in the 13th century. In 1552, by decree of Ivan the Terrible, a governor with archers was sent to A., and in 1606 A. became a fortress.
In 1781 the district town of A. was formed, and in 1775 it was left to the state. Since 1926 - a rural settlement, since 1938 - an urban-type settlement.

AZNAKAEVO, in Tatarstan, republican subordination, regional center, 376 km from Kazan. Located in the Kama region, on the slopes of the Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland, 34 km north of the Yutaza railway station on the Ulyanovsk - Ufa line. Population 34.3 thousand people (1992; 25.8 thousand in 1979).
City - since 1987. In A. - enterprises of construction materials and food industry, an automobile repair plant.
Near A. - oil and gas production.

AGRYZ, a regional center in Tataria, 304 km east of Kazan. Located at the foot of the Sarapul Upland, on the banks of the river. Agryzka (Volga basin). A large transport hub of railway lines to Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk. Airport. Population 19.4 thousand people (1992; 20.3 thousand in 1959; 18.9 thousand in 1979).
It was founded as a village in connection with the construction of the Kazan-Ekaterinburg railway. The city has been since 1938. A. is the center of an agricultural region. Railway transport enterprises, brick factory.

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