Home Russian citizenship Homer's Odyssey. Homer's Odyssey (5th grade) Presentation on the theme of Homer's poem Odysseus

Homer's Odyssey. Homer's Odyssey (5th grade) Presentation on the theme of Homer's poem Odysseus

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1. Homer and his Odyssey The Odyssey is the second classical poem attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer. Probably created in the 8th century BC. It tells about the adventures of the mythical hero named Odysseus during his return to his homeland after the end of the Trojan War.

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Odyssey Odysseus's journey from the walls of Troy, captured on his advice, to the island of Ithaca takes 10 years. Based on the positions of Mercury, Venus, and the Moon in relation to the constellations, often mentioned in the poem, scientists at the US National Academy of Sciences were able to determine that Odysseus returned home on April 16, 1178 BC. Although the poem is heroic, heroic traits are not the main thing in the image of the main character. They take a back seat to such qualities as intelligence, cunning, ingenuity and prudence. The main feature of Odysseus is the irresistible desire to return home to his family.

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Odyssey Judging by both Homeric poems, Odysseus is a truly epic hero and at the same time what is called a “comprehensively developed personality”: a brave warrior and an intelligent military leader, an experienced scout, the first athlete in fist fighting and running, a brave sailor, a skilled carpenter, and a hunter. , merchant, zealous owner, storyteller. Over the course of ten years of returning home, he appears as a sailor, a robber, a shaman who summons the souls of the dead (scenes in Hades), a victim of a shipwreck, an old beggar, etc.

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Odyssey First, Odysseus and his companions end up on the island of lotus eaters (eaters of lotus flowers that deprive them of the memory of their homeland). Odysseus manages to escape and lead his comrades away.

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Odyssey Odysseus lands with his companions on the island of the Cyclopes and ends up in a cave, which turns out to be the dwelling of a giant. He discovers the aliens, takes them prisoner, locks them in a cave and devours three pairs of Odysseus’s companions. The cunning Odysseus waits until Polyphemus falls asleep, and in his sleep he gouges out the Cyclops’s only eye. The prisoners manage to leave the cave of the enraged but blind Polyphemus, hiding in a herd of sheep. Polyphemus called on his father Poseidon to take revenge on Odysseus.

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Odyssey Arrival on the island of Aeolia, where the god of the winds Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag with winds tied in it. Having almost reached his homeland, Odysseus' curious companions untied him and the ships were thrown back to the island of Aeolia.

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Odyssey Next, Odysseus and his ships sailed to the “high city” of Lamos. One of the companions sent by Odysseus for reconnaissance was swallowed by the king of the Laestrygonians (giant cannibals). Then Antiphatus called other Laestrygonians, who began to destroy the ships, throwing huge stones at them from the cliffs. They impaled people on stakes and carried them away to be eaten in the city. One ship managed to escape.

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Odyssey The last ship landed on the island of the sorceress Kirka. When some of his companions, who went to explore the island, were turned into pigs by Pickaxe, Odysseus went alone to the house of the sorceress and, with the help of a wonderful plant given to him by Hermes, defeated the spell of the goddess, who, recognizing Odysseus as a brave guest, invited him to stay with her on the island. Odysseus bowed to the goddess’s proposal, but first made her swear that she was not plotting anything bad against him, and return the human image to his companions, who had been turned into pigs. After living on the island for a year in bliss and contentment, Odysseus, at the insistence of his comrades, began to ask Kirk to let them go home.

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Odyssey On the advice of Kirka, he went to Hades to find out about his future from the soothsayer Teresius. He receives the necessary information. In addition to Teresius, he talks in Hades with his mother and some of his friends: Achilles, Agamemnon, Ajax, Patroclus.

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Odyssey On one of the islands, Odysseus’s companions killed the sacred bulls of the god Helios, and the angry Zeus sent a storm that destroyed the ship. Only Odysseus escaped.

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Odyssey Odysseus ended up on the island of the goddess Calypso, and she, having fallen in love with him, kept him on her island, hiding him from the rest of the world, for seven years. Calypso promised to grant Odysseus immortality and make him happy, but could not make him forget his homeland. Obeying the command of Zeus transmitted through Hermes, Calypso gave Odysseus the tools necessary to build the raft, and also supplied him with bread, wine and water for the journey.

Odysseus. O The name "Odysseus" probably comes from the ancient Greek - "oδύσσομαι" ("to be angry", "to be angry") and thus means "He who is angry" or "He who hates".

The beginning of the book is how it begins. O Ithaca has long been known as a beautiful island. There was everything here - cows and goats, and pigs, olives and grapes, and clean spring water. And there was plenty of everything. There were strong and courageous warriors and wise gray-haired elders. There were beautiful girls and virtuous mothers here. O The king wanted an heir. And he was born in the fall on a stormy rainy evening. Laertes was looking forward to his first child. And the queen was afraid of childbirth. There were elderly women around her all the time. Even Anticlea's father came here. Everyone was expecting the birth of a son. The soothsayer living on the other side of the island predicted that this would be a son and Fate would make him a hero and a hero. O Everyone believed. This is what they wanted! O The boy was born large, blue-eyed, loud-voiced. The whole island, from the king to the shepherd and the swineherd, rejoiced and feasted. O Anticlea, as soon as she recovered, declared to her husband: “I will feed our son myself! My milk contains divine nectar. After all, his grandfather Autolycus is the son of Hermes. My son will become godlike!” O Not every mother allowed children to her breast. It was customary for rich offspring to be fed by women who had the disposition of the Gods to do so. O Anticlea showed love and selflessness.

End of the book. O Throughout June, a huge army was gathering in Boeotia. There was no longer room in the harbor of Avled for the arriving and arriving ships. Menelaus came with sixty ships, Agamemnon brought the same number. Achilles and Patroclus brought fifty ships, Great Ajax - twelve, and Small Ajax brought a squad of archers and slingers of forty people. All of Greece gathered strength. More than a thousand ships have already arrived. O Odysseus believed and hoped that the conflict would end in negotiations. O For him and Penelope this was the first separation. They were happy together. Their son delighted them with his babbling. And then he began to get up and crawl. And now he started walking. Penelope blossomed, and her happiness illuminated others. Odysseus, despite his worries and unpleasant thoughts about the war, was also imbued with this light of happiness. But they were less and less likely to have these happy moments spent together. O At the end of May, twenty ships were supplied with provisions and weapons. The day of departure was approaching. All of Ithaca came out to see off the warriors. O Mother wept; even my father wiped away a tear. Fortunately for Odysseus, Penelope did not cry. She stood with her son in her arms and prayed to the Gods for the return of her husband. O But the war still broke out in mid-July!

Odysseus. O It was a time of myths and secrets. A time when gods lived among people, and people became heroes... O Ancient Greece. A country divided into warring kingdoms lusting for wealth, power and control. Here begins the path of the great warrior and tireless wanderer of the cunning Odysseus, king of Ithaca, without whom the outcome of the Trojan War might have been completely different. O A story of sophisticated political intrigue and brutal wars. O History of exploits and betrayals. O The story of loyalty and love, unparalleled courage and almost suicidal courage... O The story of a great man and his glorious time full of dangers!

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Homer and his Odyssey

The Odyssey is the second classical poem attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer. Probably created in the 8th century BC. It tells about the adventures of the mythical hero named Odysseus during his return to his homeland after the end of the Trojan War.

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  • Odysseus's journey from the walls of Troy, captured on his advice, to the island of Ithaca takes 10 years. Based on the positions of Mercury, Venus, and the Moon in relation to the constellations, often mentioned in the poem, scientists at the US National Academy of Sciences were able to determine that Odysseus returned home on April 16, 1178 BC.
  • Although the poem is heroic, heroic traits are not the main thing in the image of the main character. They take a back seat to such qualities as intelligence, cunning, ingenuity and prudence. The main feature of Odysseus is the irresistible desire to return home to his family.
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    • Judging by both Homeric poems, Odysseus is a truly epic hero and at the same time what is called a “comprehensively developed personality”: a brave warrior and an intelligent military leader, an experienced scout, the first athlete in fist fighting and running, a brave sailor, a skilled carpenter, a hunter, merchant, zealous owner, storyteller.
    • Over the course of ten years of returning home, he appears as a sailor, a robber, a shaman who summons the souls of the dead (scenes in Hades), a victim of a shipwreck, an old beggar, etc.
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    First, Odysseus and his companions end up on the island of lotus eaters (eaters of lotus flowers that deprive them of the memory of their homeland). Odysseus manages to escape and lead his comrades away.

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    Odysseus lands with his companions on the island of the Cyclopes and ends up in a cave, which turns out to be the dwelling of a giant. He discovers the aliens, takes them prisoner, locks them in a cave and devours three pairs of Odysseus’s companions. The cunning Odysseus waits until Polyphemus falls asleep, and in his sleep he gouges out the Cyclops’s only eye. The prisoners manage to leave the cave of the enraged but blind Polyphemus, hiding in a herd of sheep. Polyphemus called on his father Poseidon to take revenge on Odysseus.

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    Arrival on the island of Aeolia, where the god of the winds Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag with winds tied in it. Having almost reached his homeland, Odysseus' curious companions untied him and the ships were thrown back to the island of Aeolia.

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    Next, Odysseus and his ships sailed to the “high city” of Lamos. One of the companions sent by Odysseus for reconnaissance was swallowed by the king of the Laestrygonians (giant cannibals). Then Antiphatus called other Laestrygonians, who began to destroy the ships, throwing huge stones at them from the cliffs. They impaled people on stakes and carried them away to be eaten in the city. One ship managed to escape.

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    The last ship landed on the island of the sorceress Kirka. When some of his companions, who went to explore the island, were turned into pigs by Pickaxe, Odysseus went alone to the house of the sorceress and, with the help of a wonderful plant given to him by Hermes, defeated the spell of the goddess, who, recognizing Odysseus as a brave guest, invited him to stay with her on the island. Odysseus bowed to the goddess’s proposal, but first made her swear that she was not plotting anything bad against him, and return the human image to his companions, who had been turned into pigs. After living on the island for a year in bliss and contentment, Odysseus, at the insistence of his comrades, began to ask Kirk to let them go home.

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    On Kirk's advice, he went to Hades to find out about his future from the soothsayer Teresius. He receives the necessary information. In addition to Teresius, he talks in Hades with his mother and some of his friends: Achilles, Agamemnon, Ajax, Patroclus.

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    Odysseus then sails past the island of the Sirens.

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    Odysseus's ship then sails between Scylla and Charybdis.

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    On one of the islands, Odysseus's companions killed the sacred bulls of the god Helios, and an angry Zeus sent a storm that destroyed the ship. Only Odysseus escaped.

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    Odysseus ended up on the island of the goddess Calypso, and she fell in love with him and kept him on her island, hiding him from the rest of the world, for seven years. Calypso promised to grant Odysseus immortality and make him happy, but could not make him forget his homeland. Obeying the command of Zeus transmitted through Hermes, Calypso gave Odysseus the tools necessary to build the raft, and also supplied him with bread, wine and water for the journey.

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    1. Homer and his Odyssey The Odyssey is the second classical poem attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer. Probably created in the 8th century BC. It tells about the adventures of the mythical hero named Odysseus during his return to his homeland after the end of the Trojan War.

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    Odyssey Odysseus's journey from the walls of Troy, captured on his advice, to the island of Ithaca takes 10 years. Based on the positions of Mercury, Venus, and the Moon in relation to the constellations, often mentioned in the poem, scientists at the US National Academy of Sciences were able to determine that Odysseus returned home on April 16, 1178 BC. Although the poem is heroic, heroic traits are not the main thing in the image of the main character. They take a back seat to such qualities as intelligence, cunning, ingenuity and prudence. The main feature of Odysseus is the irresistible desire to return home to his family.

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    Odyssey Judging by both Homeric poems, Odysseus is a truly epic hero and at the same time what is called a “comprehensively developed personality”: a brave warrior and an intelligent military leader, an experienced scout, the first athlete in fist fighting and running, a brave sailor, a skilled carpenter, and a hunter. , merchant, zealous owner, storyteller. Over the course of ten years of returning home, he appears as a sailor, a robber, a shaman who summons the souls of the dead (scenes in Hades), a victim of a shipwreck, an old beggar, etc.

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    Odyssey First, Odysseus and his companions end up on the island of lotus eaters (eaters of lotus flowers that deprive them of the memory of their homeland). Odysseus manages to escape and lead his comrades away.

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    Odyssey Odysseus lands with his companions on the island of the Cyclopes and ends up in a cave, which turns out to be the dwelling of a giant. He discovers the aliens, takes them prisoner, locks them in a cave and devours three pairs of Odysseus’s companions. The cunning Odysseus waits until Polyphemus falls asleep, and in his sleep he gouges out the Cyclops’s only eye. The prisoners manage to leave the cave of the enraged but blind Polyphemus, hiding in a herd of sheep. Polyphemus called on his father Poseidon to take revenge on Odysseus.

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    Odyssey Arrival on the island of Aeolia, where the god of the winds Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag with winds tied in it. Having almost reached his homeland, Odysseus' curious companions untied him and the ships were thrown back to the island of Aeolia.

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    Odyssey Next, Odysseus and his ships sailed to the “high city” of Lamos. One of the companions sent by Odysseus for reconnaissance was swallowed by the king of the Laestrygonians (giant cannibals). Then Antiphatus called other Laestrygonians, who began to destroy the ships, throwing huge stones at them from the cliffs. They impaled people on stakes and carried them away to be eaten in the city. One ship managed to escape.

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    Odyssey The last ship landed on the island of the sorceress Kirka. When some of his companions, who went to explore the island, were turned into pigs by Pickaxe, Odysseus went alone to the house of the sorceress and, with the help of a wonderful plant given to him by Hermes, defeated the spell of the goddess, who, recognizing Odysseus as a brave guest, invited him to stay with her on the island. Odysseus bowed to the goddess’s proposal, but first made her swear that she was not plotting anything bad against him, and return the human image to his companions, who had been turned into pigs. After living on the island for a year in bliss and contentment, Odysseus, at the insistence of his comrades, began to ask Kirk to let them go home.

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    Odyssey On the advice of Kirka, he went to Hades to find out about his future from the soothsayer Teresius. He receives the necessary information. In addition to Teresius, he talks in Hades with his mother and some of his friends: Achilles, Agamemnon, Ajax, Patroclus.

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    Odyssey On one of the islands, Odysseus’s companions killed the sacred bulls of the god Helios, and the angry Zeus sent a storm that destroyed the ship. Only Odysseus escaped.

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    Odyssey Odysseus ended up on the island of the goddess Calypso, and she, having fallen in love with him, kept him on her island, hiding him from the rest of the world, for seven years. Calypso promised to grant Odysseus immortality and make him happy, but could not make him forget his homeland. Obeying the command of Zeus transmitted through Hermes, Calypso gave Odysseus the tools necessary to build the raft, and also supplied him with bread, wine and water for the journey.

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    Odyssey Having miraculously escaped from a storm raised by Poseidon, who was hostile to him, Odysseus swims to the shore of the island of Sharia, where happy people live - the Phaeacians, sailors with fabulously fast ships. Odysseus is warmly greeted by the king of the Phaeacians, Alcinous. Odysseus talks about his adventures and the Phaeacians take him to his homeland. Enraged by this, Poseidon turns the Phaeacian ship into a rock. And Athena temporarily turns Odysseus into an old man (so that he won’t be recognized).

    Homer's poem "Odyssey"

    MKOU "Nizhnegridinskaya secondary

    Comprehensive school"

    History teacher Alexander Polunin


    Among the horrors of the earth and the horrors of the seas

    Wandering, in poverty, I searched for my Ithaca

    God-fearing sufferer Odysseus;

    With fearless feet he descended into the darkness of Hades;

    Charybdis of the furious, underwater Scylla moan

    They did not shake the high souls.

    It seemed that cruel fate had won with patience

    And he drank the cup of sorrow to the drop;

    It seemed that the heavens were tired of punishing him

    And they quietly drove home sleepily

    To the dear homeland of long-desired rocks,

    He woke up: so what? He did not recognize his homeland.

    L. Tolstoy

    Who is the most attentive?

    Exercise 1.

    Remember which ancient Greek gods we met in the poem “Odyssey”!, and determine who owns this or that attribute.

    Task 2.

    • Read an excerpt from the poem and determine the setting:

    A) They steeled themselves from the sides - the deity, of course, put courage in them; They grabbed the stake and, with its red-hot tip, pressed it into the sleeping man’s eye; and, having lifted it from the end, I began to twirl it; The cannibal howled wildly - the cave groaned from the howl. steel with sides - the deity in them, of course

    • Taking his mighty bow, Odysseus, steadfast in trials, instantly pulled the string, and the arrow flew through the rings. Then, rushing to the threshold, he poured arrows from the quiver... In his house, he destroyed all the rowdy suitors here, taking revenge on them for all their iniquities and for all their insults.
    • Odysseus took on his form, and Penelope rejoiced. And peace reigned in Ithaca.

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