Home Where to relax The creepiest places on earth (39 photos). The creepiest places on earth (39 photos) Top 10 scary places

The creepiest places on earth (39 photos). The creepiest places on earth (39 photos) Top 10 scary places

Many people often get tired of their usual quiet life and begin to crave thrills. Therefore, they engage in extreme sports or go on trips to some dangerous places.

"Disgusting" ten

First of all, abandoned places that were abandoned as a result of any natural or man-made disasters are considered terrible. In addition, old prisons, hospitals, cemeteries - objects associated with suffering and death - have such a reputation. Simply unfinished or abandoned buildings, as well as places where some kind of religious rituals were held, can also be considered terrible. All this attracts the attention of people who want to get their portion of adrenaline.

Latest top 10 scariest places on Earth:

  • Mutter Museum of the History of Medicine (Philadelphia, USA).
  • Truk Lagoon (Micronesia Islands).
  • Sonora Witch Market (Mexico City, Mexico).
  • Abbey of Thelema (Sicily).
  • Ghost town Pripyat (Ukraine).
  • Winchester House (San Jose, California).
  • Easter Island (Chile).
  • Catacombs (Paris, France).
  • Manchac Swamp (Louisiana, USA).
  • Mary King's Dead End (Edinburgh, Scotland).

Each of them is visited by a fairly large number of tourists every year. But more about everything!

Mütter Museum

The museum is a cabinet of curiosities - various medical pathologies are exhibited there. It was opened in 1750, but has been fully operational only since 1858. At first it was a laboratory for the study of anomalies and deformities. Later it was turned into a museum, which is recommended to be visited only by people with a strong nervous system.

The most memorable exhibits:

  • collection of human skulls;
  • the corpse of a woman, which turned into soap in the grave due to the characteristics of the earth in this place;
  • abnormally long human intestine – 12.5 m;
  • the body of Harry Eastlack, a man who began to grow extra bone at the site of every bruise or wound (he voluntarily bequeathed himself to the museum after his death);
  • Siamese twins (some with a common liver, some with fused heads);
  • skeleton of a child with 2 heads;
  • image of a man with a huge tumor on his cheek.

In general, the entire exhibition consists of similar deformities and anomalies. There are both preserved bodies and organs, as well as wax models and photographs, and various instruments are also widely represented. The Museum of Medicine will be of interest not only to those who like to tickle their nerves, but also to those who are truly interested in this field of science, and especially physiological anomalies.

It is located southwest of the Hawaiian archipelago. It is a kind of “lake” in the Pacific Ocean - a space surrounded by corals that protect it from waves. Therefore, the lagoon is always calm.

During World War II, the Japanese army established a powerful military fort here. In 1944, American troops completely bombed it, destroying a large number of fighter planes and warships. Since then, Truk has become a graveyard for military equipment. Since the 70s, it has gained popularity among historians, as well as those who are interested in war or just want to tickle their nerves.

Many ships and planes remained intact. There are tanks and cars on the decks (most of them do not even have broken windshields and headlights), and military equipment can be found inside. Almost everything was covered with algae, and the equipment had grown into the corals. In addition to cars, there are also human remains. This post-apocalyptic picture attracts everyone who is bored with everyday life.

The scariest places on Earth are primarily associated with the supernatural, and the market in Sonora is no exception. It consists of many booths and shops where sorcerers and witches predict fate, “remove” and “cast” damage, “treat” with spells and potions, etc. Here you can also buy various components for making magic remedies, magic manuals, cards and other attributes for fortune telling, and medicinal plants. Mexicans believe in magic, so this market is not just a tourist spot for them.

Thelema Abbey

It was founded in the 20s in Sicily by Aleister Crowley for orgies and was named after the utopia in the book by F. Rabelais “Gargantua and Pantagruel”. In an ordinary, at first glance, farmhouse, followers of a famous occultist gathered and organized black magic rituals, mysteries and orgies.

The main one was the “Room of Nightmares”, where newcomers were initiated: after taking the drug, they had to look at the frescoes of heaven and hell and focus on their sensations. After the death of a famous London dandy from drugs, a scandal arose, and the authorities finally banned the gatherings. Now this terrible house lies in ruins, but some creepy frescoes have been preserved in it. There are no official excursions here.


This Ukrainian city suffered from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. The background radiation, which was almost lethal to humans, necessitated the evacuation of all residents. Years later, when it decreased, official excursions began to be held in Pripyat and other settlements of the Exclusion Zone.

Tourists are attracted by the romance of an abandoned city: empty, crumbling houses, schools and other institutions in which many things remain; courtyards overgrown with grass and trees that have practically turned into a forest; rusty rides in the park and swings in the yards. Pripyat, like other ghost towns, is a clear example of what the Earth will look like if humanity disappears.

House of Winchester

The house is located in the Californian city of San Jose and is among the 10 most creepy and scary places in the world because a curse hangs over it. It was built by Sarah Winchester, daughter-in-law of the inventor of the famous rifle. After the sudden death of her daughter and husband, she attended a seance where the spirit of her husband told her that the deaths were the revenge of those killed with a gun. To be saved, you need to build a new house, but as soon as the construction is completed, Sarah will die...

Following this advice, the woman purchased an old mansion and over the course of many years rebuilt it, making it more and more like a labyrinth. Construction lasted from 1884 to 1922. As a result, a huge number of rooms (160), kitchens (6), windows, including in the floor (10,000), and doors (2000) were made in the house. Sarah Winchester died a natural death, but after that, abnormal phenomena began in the house: doors slammed, windows swung open and closed, and the lights went out.

Even if among the tourists there are those who do not believe in ghosts, the house is still dangerous for them: it is large, it is easy to get lost in it, and besides, there are many stairs leading to the ceiling, doors behind which are not rooms, but walls, etc. .d. Even without anomalous phenomena, this design is awe-inspiring.

Known for its huge stone idols, the origin of which is not known for certain. There are suggestions that they were created by an alien, and not an earthly civilization, because... the Polynesians who inhabited the island did not possess such advanced technology as to carve such statues.

Archaeologist Thor Heyerdahl describes a technique for installing statues that he learned from the natives, but how they were made is not fully understood. The island, like other mysterious places on Earth, is very popular among tourists.

Catacombs of Paris

It is a long and winding network of underground tunnels. At first they were used as quarries, where limestone was mined for construction, but they were abandoned in the Middle Ages. In the 18th century the remains of those who died from the plague, who had previously rested in the cemetery of the Innocents within the city, began to be taken there. They were disinfected and stacked on top of each other.

Now the catacombs are corridors where skulls and bones are neatly laid along the walls, there is also an altar, wall paintings, and monuments. Only part of the tunnels is open to tourists.

Manchac Swamp

Also called "ghost swamps". There is a legend that in 1915, a voodoo queen cursed this place, resulting in a hurricane that destroyed nearby villages. To this day, the corpses of the dead periodically float up in the swamp.

They tried to drain the swamps, but no one succeeded; many died doing this. According to legend, werewolves and ghosts are found here, but the main danger is still represented by swamps and alligators that hunt extreme sports enthusiasts swimming through the swamps.

Dead End Mary King

Dead end - several streets near Edinburgh. In the Middle Ages, it was one of the city quarters, which was located in a lowland and was separated from others. He got his name thanks to the owner of the houses on one of the streets.

In the 17th century There was a plague epidemic in the city. To stop it, the sick began to be taken to die in this separate quarter and fenced it off with a wall. In the end, everyone died there. 100 years later, a new one was built over the destroyed quarter.

Subsequently, thrill-seekers began to visit the dungeon, and since 2003 the dead end has been officially open for excursions. Now it is a tunnel with moldy walls, boarded up windows and doors. Here they see ghosts, hear their moans and feel the blow of the icy wind. Sometimes you even manage to capture a ghost in a photo.

These are not all the scariest places in the world, but there are enough of them to both get scared and think about the frailty of life.

There are a huge number of beautiful places that every person would like to visit, but along with them there are also very creepy and scary places that are also very popular among tourists. We present to your attention 10 scariest places in the world.


Chernobyl in Ukraine opens the top ten the scariest places on the planet. Today tourists can go to the abandoned city of Pripyat and see the exclusion zone. Thousands of people fled their homes after the Chernobyl reactor disaster. Toys abandoned in kindergartens and newspapers left on dinner tables come into view. The disaster area is now officially permitted for visits - the level of radiation is no longer dangerous. Bus tours begin in Kyiv, then tourists visit the nuclear reactor, see the sarcophagus and head to the abandoned city of Pripyat.


Aleister Crowley is probably the most famous occultist in the world. This terrible place, replete with dark pagan frescoes, was intended to be the world capital of satanic orgies. Crowley appeared on the cover of the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club. He founded the Abbey of Thelema, which became a free love community. Director Kenneth Unger, a follower of Crowley, made a film about the abbey, but the film later mysteriously disappeared. Now the abbey is almost completely destroyed.


The medieval Old Town of Edinburgh has several streets with a sordid and dark past. This eerie place, where plague victims were supposed to die in the seventeenth century, became famous thanks to poltergeists. Tourists visiting this supernatural place claim that something invisible touches their hands and feet. Local residents say that this is the soul of the girl Annie, whom her parents left here in 1645. A hundred years later, a large building was built in the cul-de-sac. The dead end was opened for tourists in 2003.


There are many myths and prejudices surrounding this colossal structure. One day, a fortune teller predicted that gun factory heiress Sarah Winchester would be haunted by ghosts all her life, so she must leave Connecticut and go west to begin building a huge house that would last her entire life. Construction began in 1884 and did not end until Sarah's death in 1938. Now the house is inhabited by the ghosts of her madness: stairs resting on the ceiling, doors at the height of the middle of the wall, chandeliers and hooks. And even those who do not believe in ghosts claim that they saw or heard something inexplicable in this house. This house ranks seventh in our ranking of the top 10 most terrible places on the planet.


The Parisian catacombs are ranked sixth on our list scary places on earth. All the walls of the long corridor of the catacombs are tiled with bones and skulls. Very dry air protects them from even a hint of decay. Entering these catacombs near Paris, you begin to understand why Anne Rice and Victor Hugo wrote their famous novels about these dungeons. Their length is about 187 kilometers along the entire city, and only a small part of them is accessible to the public. It is alleged that the legendary underground police keep order in the catacombs, although legions of vampires and zombies would be more suitable for this place.


This scary place is also known as the swamp of ghosts. It is located near New Orleans. Legend has it that it was cursed by a Voodoo queen while she was imprisoned there in the 1920s. Three small villages nearby were razed to the ground in 1915.


Perhaps this place is one of the most mysterious places in the world. This island has gained worldwide fame thanks to the giant stone sculptures looking into the sky, as if begging for mercy. And only the stone of these statues knows who their creators were. No one on the island is familiar with the art of sculpture. No one can imagine how it was possible to make statues twenty meters high and weighing ninety tons. Among other things, the statues had to be delivered twenty kilometers from the quarry where the ancient sculptors worked.


The black magic bazaar in Sonora opens the top three most creepy places on earth. Lots of witches sit in tiny booths and offer to rid you of poverty and adultery for just ten dollars. Every day, many Mexican and foreign tourists flock to this market, wanting to learn something about their future. There you can buy mysterious potions, snake blood and dried hummingbirds to tame luck.


The bulk of the Japanese navy now rests at the bottom of this lagoon, southeast of the Hawaiian Islands. The entire bottom of this lagoon, explored by Jacques Cousteau in 1971, is strewn with fragments of warships sunk in 1944. This is a scary place attracts many divers, although many are wary of ship crews who remain forever at their combat posts. Fighter ships and aircraft carriers became coral reefs, and many divers who went down to explore these reefs never returned from their underwater journeys.


The Mütter Museum of the History of Medicine ranks first in our ranking of the most terrible places on the planet. This museum was founded to educate future doctors about human anatomy and the anomalies of the human body. It features various pathologies, ancient medical instruments and biological oddities. The museum is primarily known for its extensive collection of skulls. It also contains unique exhibits, such as the body of a dead woman, which was turned into soap in the grave. Also there you can see Siamese twins sharing one liver, the skeleton of a two-headed boy and other terrible things.

Scary places, shrouded in secrets, exist all over the world. These objects may be created by humans or unexplained natural phenomena. People strive to get vivid impressions and travel great distances to see something unusual. Below are ten of the most terrifying places in the world.

The most terrible places created by people

  • Dr. Mutter Museum of the History of Medicine in Philadelphia. It contains all the worst things that happen to the human body. The most disgusting exhibits are the body of a woman, which turned into soap after death, and a huge vile human intestine. There are rumors that something strange and scary happens in the museum at night.
  • Catacombs of the Capuchins in Italy. In ancient times, monks buried their dead brothers here. But the environment turned the corpses into mummies. It’s creepy to see dead people frozen in different poses at every step. The museum also contains embalmed children, and the last burial took place in the 90s.
  • Beria's house. It now houses the Tunisian embassy. According to witnesses, strange sounds are heard near the house twice a month at three o'clock in the morning. It’s as if a car drives up, a man gets out, slams the door, says something, then the car drives off.

The scariest places with ghosts

Mysterious phenomena constantly occur in these houses and researchers cannot understand them. Let's start the tour of haunted houses:

  • Luxurious Winchester mansion in California. The widow of William Winchester, the inventor of the famous rifle, lived there. According to legend, Sarah was haunted by something terrible in her life. She was advised to build a shelter to hide from the ghosts of people killed by bullets from her husband's rifle. The widow built a large labyrinth with doors without rooms and with stairs leading to a dead end. Tourists talk about fear when visiting the mansion. Museum employees say that ghosts live in the house.

  • House of Myrtles. It was built in the 18th century by slave owner Myrt. It is now a hotel in Louisiana. The comfort of living is disturbed by murders in the hotel, which the police cannot solve. According to legend, a slave owner had a slave who poisoned people who were disliked by the owner. Psychics are sure that the house contains the ghosts of a slave and the people who died at her hands.
  • Belmez House in Spain. Clear silhouettes of human faces periodically appear on the floors of the mansion’s rooms. Then the mysterious contours disappear as unusually as they appeared. Researchers cannot explain the phenomenon.

The most terrible places in nature

  • Manchac Swamp in Louisiana. Gloomy trees terrify a person who finds himself in these parts. The swamps are infested with alligators. At night, strange flickering lights appear, which locals call the souls of those drowned in the swamp. Sometimes the bodies of the dead float up. There are rumors of a strange creature that howls horribly at night. There is a legend about a curse that a witch cast on the swamp.
  • Gates of hell in Turkmenistan. This hole in the ground is almost a hundred meters wide. In the early 70s, there was an accident at a drilling station. It caused a fault and the leakage of dangerous gases. Experts burned off the gases, but the hole is still burning to this day and the reflections of the fire can be seen from a great distance. It's very dangerous and creepy here.

Visiting scary places guarantees a thrill and tests your nerves to the limit. Many travel companies offer tours to creepy places, but it is better not for a person with a weak nervous system to go there.

Thrill-seekers today have plenty of opportunities to get the blood flowing through their veins. The easiest and most accessible way is skydiving. However, for those who are not very fond of sports, travel agencies offer excursions to scary places on our planet. Daredevils go voluntarily to those places where ordinary people try not to go, wanting to feel the adrenaline rush. So, let's look at the ten most terrible places on Earth, entangled in legends, myths and eyewitness accounts of the events taking place there.

1. Manchac Swamp in Louisiana

In the US state of Louisiana, near the city of New Orleans, there are the impassable Manchac Swamps, also known as the “Ghost Swamps”. According to legends, this place was cursed by a black Voodoo witch when she was captured in these places in the 20th century. In the middle of the swamps there are centuries-old trees with spreading branches, sometimes going down to the water itself, while the roots of trees stick out from the water, crawling out like snakes. The idea to drain the swamps and cut down the trees was not successful - several small villages were carried away by a hurricane, hundreds of people died in the swamp, their corpses still continue to emerge, although more than 1750-0_bgblur_00 years have passed. Currently, the Manchac swamps attract lovers of the occult and mysteries, and excursions are organized for those interested.

2. Mutter Museum of Medical History in Philadelphia

The Mütter Museum of Medical History contains all kinds of pathologies, biological exhibits, and ancient medical instruments. The museum is located in North America, in a medical training center. The main part of the exhibition consists of skulls and skeletons, although there are also a huge number of other unique exhibits, for example, a human intestine 12.5 cm long; a person who during life suffers from fibrodysplasia ossificans (with this disease, bone formation occurs at the site of wounds and bruises); Siamese twins; a baby with two heads, various growths, curvatures and other deformities.

3. Chernobyl in Ukraine

Arriving in Pripyat, you find yourself in the exclusion zone. Before that terrible 1986, about 12.5 thousand people lived here, who were urgently forced to leave their homes forever. There are still unread newspapers on the tables in the houses; swings sway creakingly and creakingly in the courtyards with every gust of dead wind. Toys are scattered in kindergartens, and ivy, which has grown during this time, climbs along the walls. Now that the radiation level has dropped significantly, tourists come here to walk through the nuclear power plant, see the Sarcophagus, visit the parking lot of contaminated equipment and wander through the deserted streets of this ghost town.

4. Kostnice (Museum-ossuary) in the Czech Republic

The history of the creation of the Ossuary began when Abbot Jindrich brought a handful of holy earth from Golgotha ​​in 1278 and scattered it at the local cemetery, which has since become very popular, because everyone wanted to rest in the holy land. Many burials date back to the 14th century, when more than 30 thousand people were buried here during the plague epidemic. Then there were waves and popular unrest, as a result of which the cemetery grew to enormous proportions. As a result, they decided to take out old bones for new burials and put them in the church. When the Schwanzerbergs became the owners of the land, they hired a woodcarver to somehow immortalize the remains. As a result, the Ossuary was created, in which all objects are made from thousands of human bones.

5. Dracula's Castle in Trasylvania

Bran Castle (the real name of Dracula's castle) was built in the Middle Ages on one of the cliffs in the Carpathian Mountains. The castle was made in the Gothic style: stone stairs, narrow passages, cramped rooms - all this has a depressing effect on the psyche of a normal person. The castle still looks the way it was described in the famous novel "Dracula". The castle chimney makes howling sounds in a strong wind - quite in the spirit of horror films. In one of the many rooms of the castle there is a huge bed, on which the owner of the castle allegedly sucked the blood from his victims.

6. Sonora Witch Market in Mexico City

Any tourist in Mexico City can visit the local witchcraft market, which offers a wide selection of accessories for witchcraft (candles, herbs, Voodoo dolls, amulets, black salt, “water of St. Ignatius”, gold sand, love potions, lotions and much more ), figurines of witches, wigs, bunches of garlic and other witch attributes. If you really want, you can even buy the blood of a rattlesnake or dried hummingbird to attract good luck. Here, for just $10, local witches, sitting in cramped rooms, will save you from adultery and poverty. The Mexicans themselves believe in their witchcraft and, before turning to doctors, first try magic potions.

7. Truk Lagoon in Micronesia

There was once a Japanese military base based in the lagoon of Truk Island, and it was considered one of the most formidable, which is why the base’s management relaxed a little, despite the approach of the US Army, which carried out an attack in February 1944, taking the Japanese military by surprise. The outcome of this battle was the sinking of all available military equipment in the waters of the lagoon. Now Truk Lagoon is one of the best places for scuba diving, because here the types of old military equipment are combined with dozens of types of corals and the diversity of the underwater world. However, not everyone decides to inspect the equipment, because there is an opportunity to meet their crew, who are still at their combat posts.

8. Torture Museum in Malta

There are enough museums in Europe that store all kinds of instruments of torture such as the “Spanish boot”, guillotines and other terrible attributes, but the Maltese museum has the strongest impact on visitors. The museum is located in the capital of ancient Malta, the city of Mdina. The Museum of Torture is located in one of the basements of the town; it displays both real instruments of torture, such as tweezers for pulling out nails, a rack, a vice for squeezing the skull, and their “victims” made of wax - people with severed heads, hanged men. Scenes of these very tortures are also presented here - here is the executor pouring boiling oil into his victim’s mouth with already bulging eyes; and here is the inquisitor pulling out the tongue of her victim. The brave excursionists are followed by a hunchbacked caretaker.

9. Winchester House in California

This huge mystical mansion is visited by tourists from all over the world, because a huge number of legends and mysteries are associated with it. Once upon a time, a fortune teller told the heiress of a weapons company, Sarah Winchester, that she would be haunted by the ghosts of people killed with Winchesters, and this could only be avoided by building a house, which would be impossible to complete during her lifetime. Construction of the house continued throughout the 38 years that Sarah lived after this prediction. Now in the 160 rooms of this huge house live the ghosts of her madness - doors that open in the middle of the wall; stairs leading to the ceiling; hooks, candelabra, spider motifs. People in the house often hear slamming doors, the sound of footsteps at night, moving lights and other frightening phenomena.

10. Occult Thelema Abbey in Sicily

At the beginning of the 20th century, Aleister Crowley was considered the most vile occultist in the world. And his stone house, filled with pagan frescoes, was the center of satanic orgies. Crowley's fame came from his appearance on the cover of one of the Beatles' albums. Crowley became the founder of the Abbey of Thelema, which had the motto “Do what thou wilt.” Free love flourished here. Newcomers underwent a kind of initiation rite in the "Nightmare Room", where, under the influence of drugs, they had to spend the night among the frescoes of earth, hell and heaven. After the death of a popular English dandy within the walls of the abbey, the office was closed. Currently, the abbey is overgrown with grass and almost destroyed, however, several frescoes have been preserved and lovers of esotericism can visit it to tickle their nerves.

The village of Blair once stood on the site of the city. Do I need to explain that it was there that the cult horror film “The Blair Witch Project” was filmed, filmed like a video of friends wandering in a scary forest. Rewatch the video, re-read the legend about the vengeful witch and the place will seem really scary to you.

9. Louisiana, near New Orleans

Famous for its Voodoo sorcerers and their dark rituals, there is a truly creepy place. Nature itself took care of making it the most terrible in the area. It has everything - classic green swamps, mystical mists, twisted trees and mass graves. Alligators will be an unpleasant bonus. In such a place, behind every trunk, sorcerers and ghosts appear.

8. Cane Hill

Photos of the scary place at No. 8 are quite popular on the Internet and are creepy. Of course, Cane Hill is an abandoned psychiatric hospital. It was closed in the 90s and from the photo it seems that the patients got out of bed one day and left the terrible hospital forever. Medical equipment and abandoned beds remained there. The gloomy atmosphere excites the imagination.

7. Bangar.

An abandoned city in India can also be called one of the most terrible places on the planet. Bangar was built in 1573 in honor of the military exploits of an Indian prince. It was densely populated and existed until the end of the 18th century. There is a legend about a terrible curse imposed on the ancient city. It was because of him that residents fled the city. As if the legend is confirmed, access to the city is closed after sunset. The eerie place is believed to be infested with ghosts.

6. Hellish failure in Turkmenistan

This is not a natural phenomenon. Soviet drilling stations contributed to the birth of the fiery gates of hell. A terrible mistake led to the appearance of this terrible place. The dangerous gas leak worried scientists and the best solution was to burn the gases. The rift still burns to this day. No one knows when the fire will subside. On the edge of the fiery pit, people seem very small. The fault can be seen from afar. Scary place.

And now photos of the 5 most terrible places in the world.

5. Tunisian sanctuary of Tophet

This is a huge burial place for children with stone tombstones. There are several versions of the appearance of a mass Carthaginian burial. According to one of them, children were sacrificed to the bloody gods. According to another, even more terrible, children were not only sacrificed, but also eaten to the bone during times of famine. In general, the place is very scary, not one of those where it’s pleasant to walk.

4. Mayan remains in Belize

The scary place is called Aktun Tunichil Muknal. It was discovered by accident and is located in a cave. It is filled with bones and various things that tell a lot about the gloomy Mayan culture. As you know, sacrifices were a common thing for them. What makes the place terrible is its one “resident” - the skeleton of a young murdered girl. Her bones shine like crystal in the light. Over the centuries spent in the special conditions of the cave, the bones became calcified.

3. Forest in Japan

Aokigahara is not a magical forest for walking, otherwise it would hardly be in the top 10 scariest places on earth. It is located near the famous Mount Fuji. “A sea of ​​trees” - they say about this forest. And also, and this is not just talk, cleanups are carried out in the forest every year to clear it of bones. The fact is that Aokigahara is a favorite place for suicides, creepy and scary.

2. Kutna Hora

Kutná Hora is a Czech town with an eerie attraction. A terrible chapel - called the Ossuary. And the name says a lot. In 1278, the Holy Land was brought to the chapel from Jerusalem, which immediately attracted masses of pilgrims who wanted not only to pray, but also to be buried there. During the outbreak of the plague in the 14th century, about 30 thousand people came to the monastery. The bones of old burials were dug up and stored in basements to make room for new graves. In the 18th century the monastery closed and the bones were removed to give the monastery its Gothic beauty. The chandelier made of skulls and shoulder blades looks especially impressive, as well as frightening.

1. Creepy catacombs

The most terrible place on earth and also associated with death can be called a crypt in Italy. The terrible catacombs served to bury the Capuchins. It was later discovered that the special environment of the dungeon mummified the dead. This creepy place is located in the city of Palermo on the island of Sicily.

The last person to die found peace here in the 90s. Now the catacombs are open to tourists. The mummified dead do not lie, but stand along the stone walls, and seem to be looking at tourists. A very creepy place.

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