Home Help for tourists El nicho cuba. Cuba

El nicho cuba. Cuba

Sightseeing tour of Cienfuegos
Cienfuegos was founded by the French in the 19th century and stands in stark contrast to other colonial cities in Cuba. This is a city of incomparable architecture, purity and legends. We will walk through the central square, Marti Square, where the most important attractions are located, and the Malecon promenade. You will see the longest - the main street and the famous Palacio de Vaye palace from 1917, an outstanding building of particular architectural value in the province.

El Nicho Falls and homemade Cuban cuisine
40 km from Cienfuegos there is an amazingly beautiful place that many tourists vacationing in Cuba dream of visiting. This is a magnificent green area with a variety of swimming pools at different heights of a multi-stage waterfall and an observation deck at an altitude of 700 m with panoramic views of the mountains overgrown with rich tropical vegetation. The road to the waterfall is a fairly steep serpentine road; the climb to the waterfall itself is usually not very difficult for a person with an average degree of physical fitness. Near the falls there are excellent private paladar ranches where you can enjoy typical Cuban country cuisine in the open air and interact with the locals. The food here is very simple, but tasty and satisfying!


Transport not included included in the cost of the excursion. The type of transport is negotiated separately when booking an excursion.

  • convertible – up to 50€ per hour
  • retro car per day, up to 4 people – 200/250€, per hour – 20/25€
  • modern car per day, up to 3 people – 250/350€, per hour – 25/30€
  • minibus per day, from 5-10 people – 380/500€, per hour – 30/35€

Organizational details

  • Hotel/private pick-up/drop-off at 8:30 am in Varadero and 7:00 am in Havana.
  • Take with you: towels, hats, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, disposable raincoats, water, coral slippers.
  • Not included: entrance fees to nature reserves, food and drinks. Lunch/dinner from 10 CUC per person.


Book a tour on any of the available days on the calendar

  • This is a private tour in Russian, the guide will conduct it for you and your company.
  • Start of the excursion From your hotel. We will send you the exact meeting point and contact details of the guide immediately after booking.
  • On the site you pay 20% of the cost, and the rest of the money goes to the guide on the spot. You can

We present to you a fascinating excursion in Cuba, during which you will see the El Nicho Natural Park with stunning waterfalls and the city of Trinidad frozen in time.

El Nicho

El Nicho Natural Park is a dense tropical forest located in the picturesque mountains Escambray offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys. There are many impressive waterfalls surrounded by colorful flowers, palm trees and pristine caves. This is also where coffee plantations extend. Walking around the reserve, you can’t help but wonder how Cubans manage to collect coffee beans in such inaccessible places?

At the foot of the waterfalls lie crystal clear lakes with cool water. By the way, when going on this trip, don’t forget to take swimsuits with you, because you will undoubtedly want to swim in these bodies of water and feel like the heroes of the movie “The Blue Lagoon”.

The park's main waterfall, El Nicho, is about 30 meters high. This is truly a majestic sight. By the way, you can also take a refreshing “shower” in it. Afterwards you will climb the wooden bridges to the observation deck - from here you can see in all its glory Mountain Lake Hanabanilla.

After climbing to the waterfall, you can relax at a local cafe before heading to the city of Trinidad.

Isolated fairy tale. Trinidad

Trinidad was founded by Diego Velazquez in 1514, almost at the same time that the island of Cuba itself was discovered. It was he who gave the settlement this name - the city of the Holy Trinity. And in 1519, Cortez’s conquest in Mexico began from here.

Trinidad's heyday came from the 17th to the 19th centuries - the colonial architecture (residential and public buildings, churches, cobbled streets) of that time is today the main attraction of the city. Since the 19th century, Trinidad has been isolated from the rest of the country for almost 100 years. This is what gives it its unique “preserved” atmosphere.

Catholic churches, openwork benches, palaces made with elegant taste, colorful buildings, retro lanterns, marble sculptures, snow-white fences. All these simple elements of the city’s decoration create a feeling of complete immersion in the past. It seems that the Slave Izaura herself or the arrogant slave owner are about to come out from around the corner.

El Nicho is located in the mountains of the province of Cienfuegos. The city of the same name is located on the Caribbean coast. The Guamuaya mountain range itself is also called the Escambray mountain range. The untouched landscape of the Escambray ridge attracts tourists with its incredibly pristine landscapes.

Here is the kingdom of deciduous trees, ferns, pines, tropical and subtropical plants. They all get along well in the El Nicho Nature Reserve.

The fabulous topography of the park is decorated with: waterfalls, natural pools, lagoons, rivers, streams. The protected area of ​​the reserve has great scientific value for Cuban botanists, zoologists, and ecologists.

Few tourists were able to see the natural wonder of the island of Cuba. After all, the mountain road here is quite difficult. Perhaps that is why the natural one has retained all its beauty. In the El Nicho Mountains you can follow the most winding paths through caves, enjoying rare exotic species of flora and fauna.

Here you can observe the national bird, the Cuban Trogon or Tocororo. Why national? Yes, everything is very simple... The color of the feathers of this beautiful bird matches the colors of the Cuban flag: red, white and blue.

The national flower of Cuba, the Mariposa or butterfly lily, also grows here.

The main attraction of these places are dozens of cascades and. Thanks to them, El Nicho is called one of the most beautiful places in Cuba.

The most visited by tourists is the Caburni waterfall, its transparent streams fall from a height of 60 meters. You can swim in the formed natural pool.

To travel through the mountains of El Nicho Park, you can rent a jeep in Cienfuegos or Santa Clara. Organized groups of tourists are brought here in special trucks. Along the route, they offer to visit plantations of plants that are actually exported to the CIS countries, namely citrus fruits, mangoes, bananas and of course coffee.

It is difficult to describe the beauty of the paradise of the largest island in the Caribbean. The entire landscape is reminiscent of scenes from the movie Jurassic Park. You can climb along log bridges to a high observation deck.

It is from there that you can see a wonderful view of the real natural wonder of the island of Cuba, El Nicho Park. And if your plans include a voyage to Liberty Island, do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying the beauty of the amazing reserve.

The city's central park was renamed José Martí Park in 1906, in honor of the famous poet, publicist and revolutionary. Cubans call him "Apostol" - "Apostle of Cuban Freedom", "Apostle of Independence". The park is not only the center of the city, but also the focal point of the urban architecture of Cienfuegos. Here is the Arc de Triomphe, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the Government House, and in the center of the park is the statue of Marty, one of the best sculptural images of the poet. In the center, in a large open space, there is a marker that says “kilometer zero.”

El Nicho National Park

The name of El Nicho National Park translates as "The Niche". This is also the name of the waterfall around which the park was formed. El Nicho is located at an altitude of 500 m above sea level. This is both a popular tourist destination and a corner of untouched nature where you can relax alone. Here you can swim in the large lake or find some secluded place by the water.

Picturesque nature, jungle, rich world of fauna - all this allows you to believe that you are actually somewhere on the Edge of the World in a paradise. The only difficulty tourists face when traveling is the heat, but this can also be overcome with the help of the cold waters of the waterfall. Swimming areas are equipped with changing rooms. Afterwards, you can visit a local cafe that serves Cuban cuisine and where local musicians often perform.

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Journey to the waterfalls.

We decided to see the waterfalls on our own, without a tour from a tour operator. If you have the means and are not an adventurous person, then, of course, take a helicopter tour to Trinidad, and from there on ZILs equipped with seats to and further a walking route through the jungle, or a little further to El Nicho waterfall. This is at the discretion of the tour operator.

El Nicho Falls

These are the miracle machines that deliver tourists to Guanayara National Park

// dominicana-sol.livejournal.com

Reliable, but inconvenient. Firstly, it shakes very strongly, secondly, the benches are wooden and you beat your butt off during the first kilometers of the route, and thirdly, if you didn’t have time to take a seat and ended up on the sunny side, then you’re unlikely to get good pictures.

In principle, our route differed only in the method of transportation. We rented a car and went to Trinidad. Generally get from Varadero you can get there by at least two roads: from Trinidad to Topes de Coyantes, and then follow the signs to the Park " Guanayara". Be careful with the signs and remember the road, there is a possibility of taking a wrong turn and then wandering among the mountains for a long time Sierra Escambray)) - this path is the easiest.

The second one is the road not from the south, but from the north, if you are driving on the motorway to Santa Clara, and from there across the entire mountain range to Trinidad. It's a long drive along serpentine roads, so the speed is minimal. BUT The beauty of this route is in the amazing landscapes. Having traveled most of the way to Hibacoa you can turn aside El Nicho or continue towards Trinidad and Topes de Coyantes and visit the National Park "Guanayara".

View from the observation deck

// dominicana-sol.livejournal.com

// dominicana-sol.livejournal.com

Yes, another warning for those traveling on their own. The road from the main asphalt road to the park is very difficult: a large slope and different road surfaces (asphalt, then dirt road, concrete, and in some places just clay).

// dominicana-sol.livejournal.com

It’s no wonder they drive there in ZILs. It is believed (among the locals) that a passenger car will not get through there. They carry out excursions either in ZILs or individual ones in SUVs. We drove a Hyundai Accent. It’s no wonder why all the cars in rentacar in Cuba are in such a ruined state. The car is 2008 with 96,000 km mileage. And this despite the fact that the maximum length of the island from west to east is 1200 km!!! On such a car, you risk breaking the suspension when you drive off concrete slabs onto a dirt road, or, like us, getting stuck in clay.

// dominicana-sol.livejournal.com

It had rained the night before, the clay was sticky, and there were also huge ruts rolled out by ZILs, but this did not stop us, especially since the reserve was not so close that we could abandon the car and continue on foot. We pleased the tourists passing by, then a group of jeeps helped us move forward and we continued our journey. On the way back we managed on our own)) The only losses were the flip flops buried in the clay.

// dominicana-sol.livejournal.com

Now about the park itself. The 5 km long walking route takes 3 hours. It runs along a mountain river, very tiny, almost a stream. On one side the paths are simpler, but longer, bypassing, so to speak, on the other there are steeper climbs, but faster.

// dominicana-sol.livejournal.com

We walked at a leisurely pace, chatting and taking pictures of everything. The richness of the greenery makes you dizzy. Remembered the movie "Romancing the Stone", the moment where the main characters were caught in a tropical downpour and a landslide, everyone was flying in the mud among the mountains. Back then, not yet imagining how close it is to reality)) But more on that a little later.

// dominicana-sol.livejournal.com

// dominicana-sol.livejournal.com

// dominicana-sol.livejournal.com

The monotony began to tire us and we rushed to the waterfall. Having reached the site, we sat admiring the beauty of the falling water, I climbed higher along the edge of the waterfall, Sashka climbed under the flow of falling water and with a sense of accomplishment we went to a smaller waterfall, where there is a swimming pool and you can swim.

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