Home Schengen Information leaflet for tourist travel package. Information leaflet for the tourist package of the gastronomic tour “Classics of National Dish” Information leaflet includes

Information leaflet for tourist travel package. Information leaflet for the tourist package of the gastronomic tour “Classics of National Dish” Information leaflet includes

Document section: Sample documents, Miscellaneous


to the tourist travel package


(name of trip)

Mandatory information

1. Indication of the type and type of tourist travel, the main content of the travel service program, the length and duration of the entire route and its hiking part, and the category of hikes.

2. Description of the travel route - points of stay, duration of stay and conditions of accommodation at each service point (type of building, number of seats in the room, its sanitary and hygienic equipment).

3. Brief description of the travel area (sights, terrain features, etc.), service programs at each travel point (in accordance with the technological map of the tourist trip).

4. List of services provided for an additional fee.

5. Availability and brief description of sports facilities and playgrounds, parking lots, passenger cable cars, reservoirs, beaches, attractions, children's playgrounds (rooms), libraries, cinema halls, etc.

6. Address of the tourist enterprise where the tourist trip begins, and directions to it.

Sample list of additional information

1. Information about age restrictions, reception of parents with children, family.

2. Special information for tourist trips with a hike.

Note. It is advisable to note that “persons in need of treatment and constant medical supervision are not recommended to travel on tourist routes.”

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Appendix 17. Tourist Memo 12

(information leaflet for tourist package) 13

Before your departure, make copies of your air ticket, general and international passport. It is advisable to store them separately from originals and money.

If while traveling a document has been lost:

a) obtain a certificate about the incident from the local police;
b) with a certificate and copies of documents, contact the Russian Consulate to obtain a Certificate of Return to the Russian Federation.

Important Note. The standard tariff of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for issuing a Certificate of Return to the Russian Federation is $50 per person (may increase due to local reasons). If the country does not have a consulate, contact the consulate of the neighboring country.

In case of lost luggage, please contact the Baggage Tracing Service (counter at the airport). You should keep the baggage receipt and the baggage declaration, if the latter has been completed.

Note. It is advisable to have sales receipts for new photo and video equipment or make a note about their presence in the declaration upon entry.

In case of loss of a trip (voucher) contact your host travel agency.

When making a trip, request: a list of addresses and telephone numbers of Russian embassies, consular offices, Aeroflot agencies, a representative office of VAO Intourist (if there is one in a given country), as well as police and ambulance telephone numbers. Please also read the information about customs regulations in the Russian Federation.

If your group is accompanied by an employee of VAO Intourist, you will receive all the information listed above from him.

Just in case. Hotels in some cities require a deposit ($50-100) upon check-in. This amount is taken into account when paying for orders in a restaurant, telephone calls from the hotel, etc. The unspent amount is returned to the owner.

If your international flight arrived in Moscow with a delay and you are late for the flight from Moscow to your place of residence, you need to make a note on the air ticket or receive an appropriate certificate indicating the time of delay. Otherwise, your domestic flight ticket may not be reinstated. They will tell you where to go in this case, as well as in case of any misunderstandings at the Sheremetyevo-2 airport to the Meeting and Seeing Group.

For citizens traveling to countries affected by particularly dangerous infections (plague, cholera, yellow fever, HIV infection), a memo should be drawn up on the basis of regulatory documents of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation and its Center in Moscow, as well as the Anti-Plague Center Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for 1997-1998.

General restrictive measures during stay in a foreign country

Accommodation in hotels with centralized water supply and sewerage. If there are mosquitoes, fleas, or rodents in places where you live, notify the administration so that urgent measures can be taken to eliminate them.

Meals are served only in restaurants and cafes where guaranteed industrial food products are used. It is prohibited to use non-traditional products of national cuisine for food that have not undergone guaranteed technological processing or have expired expiration dates, as well as purchased in street trading places.

To wash fruits and vegetables, use only boiled or bottled water. Drinks and juices can only be consumed from industrial production. It is prohibited to buy ice to cool drinks from street vendors.

It is prohibited to visit places not designated in the official program and to swim in bodies of water that are not permitted for this purpose.

To repel and destroy insects, use aerosols, ointments, and electric fumigators.

Remember the rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet.

Preventive measures against plague, cholera, yellow fever, AIDS, malaria


Risk factors: bubonic plague - bites of infected fleas on rodents and other animals. The pneumonic form of plague is contact with patients with this disease and penetration of infection by airborne droplets.

Signs. In the bubonic form, there is enlargement of the lymph nodes.

In the pulmonary form - high fever, chills, severe headache, severe depressive condition, difficulty breathing, coughing up blood. The latent period ranges from several hours to 6 days.

Actions. Contact your doctor immediately. Compliance with restrictive measures determined by each country where there are outbreaks of plague.


Risk factors: drinking raw water from a water supply, wells, washing vegetables and fruits with unboiled water, swallowing water when swimming in reservoirs, eating foods that have not been cooked, eating from trays and in uncertified restaurants, cafes, using contaminated household items.

Signs. Nausea, vomiting, loose stools, headache, dizziness. The latent period ranges from several hours to 5 days.

Actions. Contact your doctor immediately.

Note. The World Health Organization does not recommend mass chemoprophylaxis to combat cholera and does not require tourists to be vaccinated against cholera.

Yellow fever

Risk factors: mosquito bites in tropical and subtropical areas.

Signs. Headache, high fever, hemorrhagic rash, subsequent damage to the kidneys, liver with the development of jaundice and acute renal failure. The latent period is from 3 to 6 days.

Actions. Mandatory vaccination against yellow fever no later than 10 days before departure to the countries of the South American and African continents that are unaffected by this infection (a list of these is available from the travel agent or at the vaccination point of medical institutions in large cities of Russia). To get vaccinated, you must have a medical certificate confirming that there are no contraindications to this vaccination. After vaccination, you should obtain an International Certificate of Vaccination against Yellow Fever, without which travel to the above countries is prohibited. The vaccination is valid for 10 years.

HIV infection (AIDS)

Risk factors: sexual contact without condoms, infection through blood transfusion, injections with a non-sterile syringe, use of non-sterile dental instruments, etc. (not transmitted through household contacts, insects, animals).

Signs. Sudden weight loss, chronic diarrhea, constant cough, swollen lymph nodes, fungal diseases.

Actions. Precautions for the above risk factors. A number of countries require upon entry to present a certificate of HIV testing: Iraq, China, North Korea, Libya, Mexico, Pakistan, USA, Philippines, France (Iraq, China - regardless of the duration of the trip, and the rest - if the duration of the trip is 3 months and moreover, USA - only for permanent residence). Examination and obtaining consultations in an anonymous examination room in large cities of Russia.

After returning to the Russian Federation from countries that are not free from these infections, the tourist is required, at the request of the aircraft crew, to fill out a special questionnaire.

If signs of the diseases described in the leaflet occur, immediately contact your local clinic for a medical examination and blood test.


Malaria is a severe infectious disease that is widespread in countries with tropical and subtropical climates.

Risk factors. Malaria mosquito bites.

Signs. Fever, chills, subsequent fever, severe sweating, headache, weakness. The latent period is from 7 days to 1 month for tropical malaria and up to 3 years for other forms of malaria.

Actions. Prophylactic use of antimalarial drugs should be started 1 week before departure to tropical or subtropical countries. Continuation of admission - the entire period of stay in this country and 1 month after return. The choice of drug and dose depends on the country of residence and the individual recommendations of the doctor. Antimalarial drugs are usually used, which are listed in the list of disadvantaged countries available to the travel agent.

While staying in the above countries, you need to protect yourself from mosquito bites. To protect against mosquitoes, it is recommended to use repellants and electric fumigators. When sleeping, it is necessary to use curtains. Windows and doors must be equipped with screens.

If signs of malaria appear, you should consult a doctor immediately.

After returning to your home country for 3 years, any increase in temperature should also immediately consult a doctor and report your stay in the tropics.

12 Compiled by VAO Intourist.
13 Corresponds to GOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Design of tourist services."

Present and analyze the information leaflet for the tourist trip package.

When analyzing the information sheet for a tourist travel package, it is necessary to take into account the relevance and completeness of the information.

It is important to take into account that the information sheet must contain the following data:
indication of the type and type of tourist travel, the main content of the travel service program, the length and duration of the entire route, its hiking part, the category of hikes and other specifics;
description of the travel route - points of stay, duration of stay and conditions of accommodation at each service point (type of building, number of seats in the room, its sanitary equipment);
a brief description of the travel area (sights, terrain features, etc.), service programs at each point of the tour;
list of services provided for an additional fee;
the presence and brief description of sports facilities and playgrounds, parking lots, passenger cable cars, ponds, attractions, children's playgrounds (rooms), libraries, cinema halls, etc.;
the address of the tourist enterprise where the tourist trip begins, and the route to it.

The list of additional information includes information depending on the specifics of the tour:
information about age restrictions, admission of parents with children, married couples;
special information for tourist trips with a hike;
other information and recommendations arising from the features and specifics of a particular tour or destination.

4. Agreement with clients - travel agents (in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”).

Present and analyze contracts with clients.

The results of the contract analysis must be presented in the form of a table.

Table 4.

Contract analysis parameters Comments Characteristics of the contract by parameter
Information about the tour operator (seller). Availability in the contract of data on the license for the right to carry out tourism activities, the legal address of the enterprise and bank details;
Information about the tourist (buyer) Are these data provided in sufficient quantities necessary for the sale of the tourism product?
Information about the tour operator at the reception (seller's partner). Availability of reliable information about the tour operator with whom the travel agency has entered into an agreement to provide specific services to tourists at the holiday destination. Does the information include information about license, legal address, bank details and contact numbers;
Information about the consumer properties of a tourist product. Availability and reliability of information about: - program of stay and travel route; - start and end times of the trip and its duration. (As a rule, only the dates of the tour are indicated. At the same time, in most, for example, European hotels, the check-out time is 12 o'clock local time. And although the client pays for the tour for the whole day, due to the unspecified conditions of the tourist's stay, after the check-out time, departure, if it takes place after 12 o’clock, the tourist will have to wait outside the hotel); - actions of the travel agency in the event of a prolonged delay of the tourist to the place of his paid vacation due to delays in transport vehicles. - tourist safety conditions (on the availability of licenses and certificates for services subject to mandatory certification).
The procedure for meeting, seeing off and accompanying tourists. - Availability of information on the procedure for meeting, seeing off and accompanying tourists (explanation of the term “transfer” - when, at what time and who should accompany a tourist to and from the airport in Russia and whether there should be such escort at all, what measures the travel agency takes in the event of a flight delay from Russia, who and how accompanies them at a holiday destination abroad. - Availability of information about the work schedule, responsibilities and nature of the activities of the guide-interpreter, the time he spends daily accompanying tourists, etc.
Retail price of a tourist product and the procedure for its payment. Reflection in the contract of the retail price of the tourist product and the procedure for its payment (Prices are often quoted in so-called conventional units, foreign currency. However, actual payments are made in rubles at unspecified rates that significantly exceed those established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or the currency exchange).
Minimum number of tourists in a group. Availability of this information
Rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties. - Clarity of regulation of responsibilities to clients. (The rights and obligations of the parties established by contracts are so incomparable that the inequality of rights between the tourist and the company in favor of the company and the obvious infringement of consumer rights can be very noticeable. By establishing a strict regime of penalties only for tourists, travel agencies often provide themselves with fairly free conditions in relations with clients on case of failure to fulfill one’s own obligations stipulated by the contract and Russian legislation) - Accuracy of the interpretation of so-called force majeure circumstances in the contract. (In fact, contrary to paragraph 3 of Article 401 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, firms include cancellation, change or non-compliance with the schedule of aircraft and other types of transport. This is a gross violation of consumer sovereignty and unfair use by the company of its rights, since, as a rule, in the exception performers are more interested in their responsibility than customers)
The deadline for informing the tourist that the trip will not take place due to a shortage of the group. Availability of information
The procedure and deadlines for submitting claims by tourists. The accuracy of the wording in contracts of the terms and procedure for filing claims and resolving arising disputes. -Does the contract provide for other conditions for the fulfillment of obligations (by agreement of the parties). This may especially apply to the regulation of the relationship between the parties in cases of obtaining visas, purchasing air or train tickets and transporting tourists, as well as other issues that seem unclear to the tourist during negotiations.

5. Reminder for tourists.

Provide the text of a guide for tourists on the analyzed tourism product.

Conduct an analysis of the memo, present the results of the analysis in the form of a table.

Table 5.

Results of the analysis of the tourist guide

It is also necessary to give recommendations for changing the structure of the memo (supplement the memo with sections that are missing, in the student’s opinion, and provide the text of the improved memo). If the enterprise for the analyzed tour does not have a reminder for tourists, it is necessary to develop one.

Requirements for the content of the “Conclusions” section

This section provides conclusions about the results of the internship:

· what tasks were implemented and what goals were achieved as a result;

· what advantages and disadvantages in the organization of the enterprise’s activities were identified and what was proposed to eliminate them;

· what development prospects does the analyzed enterprise have?

The volume of this section is 2 pages.

Requirements for the content of the “Bibliography” section

The bibliography should contain 3-5 textbooks or teaching aids, 3-5 specialized professional publications (magazines, including electronic ones), electronic resources, including the website of the analyzed enterprise.

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